H.B. 158
                                                 By: Kamel (Cain)
                                                    State Affairs
                              Senate Committee Report (Unamended)

The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a nationwide organization that
provides emergency services resources and a national network of
radio communications.  The CAP assists in lost aircraft incidents,
natural disasters, hazardous materials spills, radiological
accidents, missing persons, and any non-law enforcement situation
that can benefit from experienced airborne assets.  In addition,
CAP has been heavily utilized in recent years to help patrol the
Texas-Mexico border to locate clandestine landing strips, marijuana
patches and drug labs.

Federal agencies reimburse CAP and its members for "out-of-pocket"
expenses when a mission is requested by them.  Most assistance at
the local level is funded from CAP members or local donors.  In
Texas, there are some 2,500 trained members and 26 specially
equipped search and rescue aircraft supplemented by dozens of
member-owned or rented planes.

The CAP capabilities are vital in that they provide air and ground
assistance at a fraction of the cost of state helicopters or fixed-wing planes, are strategically located in all areas of the state,
and free state resources for other tasks for which they are more

In recent years, the costs of aircraft maintenance, training
flights, and operating expenses have exceeded CAP's ability to fund
them.  In 1991, 40 other states chose to provide limited
assistance.  The Texas Wing has not received any similar state


As proposed, H.B. 158 authorizes the Division of Emergency
Management to provide assistance to the Texas Wing of the Civil Air


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 418C, Government Code, by adding Section
418.0461, as follows:

     Sec. 418.0461.  ASSISTANCE TO CIVIL AIR PATROL.  Authorizes
     the Division of Emergency Management to provide financial
     assistance to the Civil Air Patrol, Texas Wing, to support the
     wing's disaster-related activities that assist the state and
     state agencies and the wing's training and exercises
     associated with those activities.
     SECTION 2.     Emergency clause.
           Effective date: upon passage.