H.B. 1090
                                  By: Brimer, et al. (Armbrister)
                                                    State Affairs
                              Senate Committee Report (Unamended)

The Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund (fund) is
responsible for serving as an issuer of last resort; establishing
workers' compensation insurance (insurance) rates; administering
insurance claims and paying benefits to injured workers; educating
policyholders, agents, and the general public regarding workers'
compensation issues; instituting policies designed to combat fraud
and increase health and safety in the work place.  The fund carries
out its programs and functions through underwriting, account
services and marketing, benefit and loss prevention, research and
development, report and analysis, finance and administration,
legal, and internal audit services.  The fund had a budget of $145
million and 1,264 employees in 1994 to carry out its duties.


As proposed, H.B. 1090 amends the functions of the Texas Workers'
Compensation Insurance Fund and its board of directors.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Section 1(4), Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, to
make a nonsubstantive change.

SECTION 2. Amends Section 2, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, as

     Sec.  2.  CREATION; OPERATION.  (a) Makes no change.
     (b) Subjects the Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund
       (fund), except as otherwise provided by this subsection, to
       the open meetings law, Chapter 551, Government Code, and the
       open records law, Chapter 552, Government Code.
       (c) Makes no change.
       (d) Subjects a decision of the board of directors of the
       fund (board) under this section, rather than subsection, to
       review by the commissioner of insurance.  Provides that the
       commissioner's review of a decision by the board does not
       suspend the operation of any act, ruling, decision, or order
       of the fund unless the commissioner specifically orders on
       a showing by an aggrieved party of immediate loss or damage
       and probable success on the merits.
       (e) Makes a conforming change.
       (f) Provides that the fund is abolished September 1, 2007,
       unless continued by the Texas Sunset Act.
       (g) Redesignates existing Subsection (e).
       (h) Requires the fund to annually prepare a written report
       accounting for all funds received and disbursed by the fund
       during the preceding fiscal year.  Requires the annual
       report to meet the reporting requirements applicable to
       financial reporting provided by the General Appropriations
     SECTION 3.     Amends Section 3, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, as

     Sec.  3.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)-(c) Make no changes.
     (d) Requires appointments to the board to be made regardless
       of race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national
       origin of appointees.
       (e) Deletes Subdivision (6) prohibiting a person, someone
       related to a person, or the living partner of a person who
       is registered as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government
       Code, from serving as a member of the board.
       (f) Sets forth grounds for removal from the board.
       (g) Provides that the validity of an action of the board is
       not affected even if it is taken when a potential ground for
       removal of a board member exists.
       (h) Requires the president of the board to notify the
       chairman of the board of any potential ground for removal. 
       Requires the chairman to notify the governor and the
       attorney general of the potential ground for removal. 
       Requires the president to notify the next highest officer
       who is required to notify the governor and the attorney
       general if a potential ground for removal involves the
       chairman of the board.
       (i)-(k) Redesignate existing Subsections (f)-(h).
       (l) Requires the governor to designate a member of the board
       as a chairman of the board.  Requires the members of the
       board to elect a vice-chairman from their number.
       (m)-(p) Redesignate existing Subsections (j)-(m).
       (q) Prohibits a person from serving as a member of the board
       or general counsel to the board if that person is required
       to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government
       Code, because of the person's activities for compensation on
       behalf of any person or entity other than the fund.
       (r) Requires the board to develop and implement policies
       that separate the policymaking responsibilities of the board
       and the management responsibilities of the president and
       staff of the fund.
       SECTION 4.   Amends Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, by adding Section
3A, as follows:

     a board member to complete the training program of this
     section before assuming any duties.
     (b) Sets forth information the training program must
       SECTION 5.   Amends Section 4, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, by
adding Subsections (c)-(e), as follows:

     (c) Requires the board to appoint an internal auditor in
     compliance with Chapter 2102, Government Code.
     (d) Requires the attorney general to annually review the use
     of outside counsel by the fund, if one is used, to ensure that
     there was no conflict of interest and that the person used as
     outside counsel complied with all state and federal policies
     regarding the treatment of persons who are members of minority
     (e) Requires the board to provide requested information to
     appropriate legislative committees in a manner requested by
     the committees.
     SECTION 6.     Amends Section 6, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, by
adding Subsections (f)-(l), as follows:

     (f) Requires the president to develop a career ladder program
     that shows opportunities for advancement for employees in the
     fund.  Requires the program to require internal posting of all
     positions concurrently with any public posting.
     (g) Requires the president to develop a system of annual
     performance evaluations based on documented performance. 
     Requires all merit pay for fund employees to be based on the
     performance evaluation system.
     (h) Requires the president to prepare and maintain a written
     policy statement to assure implementation of a program of
     equal employment opportunity under which all employment
     transactions are made without regard to personal
     characteristics.  Sets forth information the policy statement
     must include.
     (i) Requires the policy statement to cover an annual period,
     be updated annually, be reviewed annually by the Commission on
     Human Rights, and be filed in the governor's office.
     (j) Requires the governor's office to deliver a biennial
     report to the legislature based on information from Subsection
     (i).  Authorizes the report to be made separately or as a part
     of a larger biennial report.
     (k) Requires the president to provide to the members of the
     board and to fund employees information regarding their
     qualification for office or employment and their
     responsibilities relating to standards of conduct for board
     members and employees.
     (l) Requires the president to ensure that the fund complies
     with minority hiring practices guidelines adopted for state
     agencies and institutions by the General Appropriations Act.
     SECTION 7.     Amends Section 7, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, by
adding Subsections (f) and (g), as follows:

     (f) Provides that the fund is not required to appoint a local
     recording agent to act as the agent of the fund,
     notwithstanding any other provision of this code or another
     insurance law of this state.  Provides that an agent
     transacting business of the fund does so as an agent for the
     applicant, not as an agent of the fund.
     (g) Prohibits the fund from using information that is the work
     of a licensed agent submitted to the fund by an agent on
     behalf of an employer, including a policy expiration date, for
     any marketing or direct sales activity.  Prohibits the fund
     from providing information obtained from a licensed agent to
     any other licensed agent.  Provides that this subsection does
     not prevent an employer from designating another licensed
     agent or the fund as agent of record and does not prevent the
     fund from using the information submitted to the fund under
     this subsection for the purpose of underwriting or fraud
     investigation.  Requires the fund to adopt reasonable
     guidelines in the plan of operation to implement this
     SECTION 8.     Amends Sections 10(k) and (l), Article 5.76-3, Insurance
Code, as follows:

     (k) Requires the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission to
     charge the policyholder for reasonable cost of services
     provided under Subsections (e), (f), and (h).
     (l) Makes a nonsubstantive change.
     SECTION 9.     Amends Sections 11(a) and (b), Article 5.76-3, Insurance
Code, as follows:

     (a) Requires the fund to develop and implement a program to
     identify and investigate fraud and violations of workers'
     compensation insurance by, among others, a health care
     provider, or other person.  Makes a nonsubstantive change.
     (b) Authorizes the fund to conduct investigations of suspected
     cases of fraud and violations of this code.  Requires the fund
     to handle cases in a certain manner.
     SECTION 10.    Amends Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, by adding
Section 11A, as follows:

     that information maintained in the investigation files of the
     fund is confidential.  Prohibits disclosure of the information
     except under certain conditions.
     (b) Provides that fund investigation files are not open for
       purposes of the open records law, Chapter 552, Government
       (c) Provides that information in an investigation file that
       is information in or derived from a claim file, employer
       injury report, or occupational disease report is governed by
       the confidentiality provisions relating to that information.
       (d) Defines "investigation file."
SECTION 11.    Amends Section 16, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code,
to make a conforming change.

SECTION 12.    Amends Section 17(a), Article 5.76-3, Insurance
Code, to require the board to publish a report by March 1 of each
subsequent year which shows the fund's activities during the
preceding fiscal year and requires the report to be filed with the
Texas Department of Insurance.  Makes a conforming change.

SECTION 13.    Amends Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, by adding
Section 17A, as follows:

     REPORT.  (a) Requires the state auditor to periodically
     identify issues related to the operational efficiency,
     effectiveness, and statutory compliance of the fund.  Requires
     the fund to include these issues in the fund's annual
     independent and internal audit plans.
     (b) Requires each person who does an independent or internal
       audit to send a copy of the audit report to the office of
       the state auditor.  Requires the state auditor to prepare a
       summary of all the audit reports in an annual memorandum to
       the Legislative Audit Committee.
       (c) Requires an internal auditor to submit the internal
       audit report directly to the board and to provide a summary
       to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the
       house of representatives.  Requires the summary report to
       include an analysis of the use by the fund of historically
       underutilized businesses.  Defines "historically
       underutilized business."
       SECTION 14.  Amends Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code , by adding
Sections 19A and 19B, as follows:

     the fund to prepare information of the public interest
     describing functions of the fund and procedures by which
     complaints are filed and resolved by the fund.  Requires the
     fund to make the information accessible to the public and
     appropriate state agencies.
     (b) Requires the board to establish methods by which
       consumers of the fund may direct complaints to the fund. 
       Authorizes the board to provide this notification by a
       supplement to a written policy, a sign displayed in the
       business place of each regional office of the fund, or in a
       service bill.
       (c) Requires the fund to comply with federal and state laws
       related to program and facility accessibility.  Requires the
       president to prepare and maintain a written plan explaining
       how non-English speaking persons can be provided access to
       the fund's programs and services.
       (d) Requires the board to develop and implement policies
       that provide the public with an opportunity to appear before
       the board to speak on an issue under the jurisdiction of the
       Sec.  19B.  COMPLAINT RESOLUTION.  (a) Requires the fund to
     keep certain information about each written complaint
     submitted to the fund.
     (b) Requires the fund to provide its policies and procedures
       pertaining to complaint investigation and resolution to the
       person filing the compliant and to the person or entity
       about which was complained.  Requires the fund to notify, at
       least quarterly, each party to the complaint of the status
       of the complaint unless the notice would jeopardize an
       undercover investigation.
       SECTION 15.  Amends Section 21(a), Article 5.76-3, Insurance
Code, to make a conforming change.

SECTION 16.    Amends Article 5.76-4, Insurance Code, by adding
Subsections (g) and (h), as follows:

     (g) Authorizes the fund to require the applicant for workers'
     compensation insurance coverage who is considered a high risk
     under Subsection (b) to insure all business entities that are
     commonly owned or controlled by the applicant if the fund
     suspects fraud.
     (h) Requires the fund to report statistical and other
     information developed under Subsection (c) on request of the
     Texas Workers' Compensation Research Center and the
     legislative oversight committee on workers' compensation or to
     any successor entity for research and oversight of the
     workers' compensation system.
     SECTION 17.    (a) Provides that the training program applies only
to a board member appointed on or after September 1, 1995.

     (b) Requires the president of the fund to adopt personnel
     policies by January 1, 1996.
     (c) Provides that the change in law made to Section 10(k),
     Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, applies only to a fee for a
     follow-up inspection on or after the effective date of this
     (d) Provides that the change made to Section 11A, Article
     5.76-3, Insurance Code, applies to information maintained in
     the investigation files of the fund without regard to the date
     the information was collected.
     (e) Requires the board of the fund to adopt a public
     information system by January 1, 1996.
     SECTION 15.    Effective date: September 1, 1995.

SECTION 16.    Emergency clause.