BILL ANALYSIS C.S.H.B. 1270 By: Bosse May 4, 1995 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND Chapter 76, Acts of the 50th Legislature, 1947, creates a special fund known as the Police Officer's Pension Fund in each Texas city with a population of 1.2 million or more. Current law limits both the contribution and retirement benefits of any member of the Police Pension System based on the salary level of the second highest classified position in the police department personnel classification schedule. In some instances, those who are fifth highest in rank are appointed to the second highest ranking position, thereby skipping 2 levels. In these cases, the member appointed to the second highest ranking position stands to receive a windfall upon retirement, placing a financial strain on the pension fund to the detriment of other contributors. Critics charge that such a system is inequitable. PURPOSE H.B. 1270 would create a more equitable system for determining maximum contributions to and benefits from police officer retirement systems by basing the maximum contribution to the police pension fund on the base salary of the highest rank the member has obtained by civil service examination within the salary schedule of the police department. Since police captain is the highest position obtainable by civil service examination, contributions to the police pension fund for police captains are based on the salary of the second highest classification within that salary schedule. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1: Amends Section 6(b), Chapter 76, Acts of the 50th Legislature, 1947, Article 6243g-1, V.T.C.S., to limit the maximum contribution a member may make to and receive benefits from the Police Officer's Pension Fund based on the base salary of the highest rank the member has obtained by civil service examination, unless the member is a police captain, in which case the contribution is based on the salary level of the second highest classified position in the police department personnel classified schedule. SECTION 2: Amends Section 11(b), Chapter 76, Acts of the 50th Legislature, 1947, Article 6243g-1, V.T.C.S., to limit the maximum contribution to and benefits received from the police officer's pension fund by a member promoted or appointed to any classified position above a classified position obtainable by civil service examination based on the base salary of the highest rank the person has obtained by civil service examination, unless the member is a police captain, in which case the contribution is based on the salary level of the second highest classified position in the police department personnel classified schedule. SECTION 3: Amends Section 28(b), Article 6243g-3, Revised Statutes, to limit both the contributions and retirement benefits of members of the Police Officer's Pension Fund, including those of the highest classified position in the police department, to the salary level of the highest rank the member obtains by civil service examination, unless the member is a police captain, in which case the contribution is based on the salary level of the second highest classified position in the police department personnel classified schedule. If the member has not held the same classified position for three years prior to the retirement date, the retirement pension is based on the average monthly base salary of the member during those three years. SECTION 4: Effective date SECTION 5: Emergency clause COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL TO SUBSTITUTE Under C.S.H.B. 1270, the maximum contribution to the police pension fund for members of the fund will be based on the salary of the highest rank the member has obtained by civil service examination within the salary schedule of the police department, unless the member is a police captain, in which case the contribution is based on the salary level of the second highest classified position in the police department personnel classified schedule. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION HB 1270 was considered by the committee in a public hearing on April 3, 1995. Carvel McNeil, Jr. representing the Houston Police Patrolmen's Union testified for the bill. Lt. John Silva representing the Houston Police Dept./City of Houston testified against the bill. The bill was referred to a subcommittee consisting of Representatives Haggerty, Averitt & Johnson. HB 1270 was recalled from subcommittee on May 3, 1995. The committee considered a complete committee substitute for the bill. The substitute was adopted without objection. The bill was reported favorably as substituted with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 5 ayes, 0 nay, 0 pnv & 4 absent.