H.B. 1486
By: Counts
Committee Report (Unamended)


The Mitchell, Nolan, and Fisher County Juvenile Board was created
by the Legislature to provide adequate juvenile service to the
three counties.  The commissioner court, city council and board of
trustees agreed to each provide one-third of the funds to operate
the system.   The law in providing for the make up of the board
gave appointment to those involved in the process of juvenile
justice, and to those who were paying the cost of operations.  As
a result of the way the law was written the present board is now
composed of (16) sixteen members, making it almost impossible to
have a quorum at any given meeting.  Changing the composition of
the board will reduce the numbers to no less than (7) seven and no
more than (9) nine, depending on the funding entities.  The
reduction in number will provide a better working situation for the
board with adequate representation from each entity involved.
There is on file a record of County Commissioners Court for each of
the three counties their approval of this change and a Resolution
from the Board asking for this change.


Purpose of this bill is to reduce the number of people serving on
the Juvenile Board for the Counties of Mitchell, Nolan, and Fisher. 
The County Commissioners and Board members agree that they would
have a more workable configuration with the smaller board.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly
grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer,
department, agency or institution.


SECTION 1.   Section 152.1741, Human Resources Code, is amended by
amending Subsections (a),  (b),  and  (c) and adding Subsections
(f)  and  (g)  as follows:

     (a)  Names the three counties involved in makeup of juvenile

           (1)  Provides for a county judge to be elected to the
board from one of the three                       counties in the

           (2)  Either the 32nd Judicial District Judge or the
judge of the county court at            law in Nolan County  will
serve on the board.

           (3)  Nolan County Commissioners Court to appoint one

           (4)  If funds are provided for the salaries of
personnel, City Manager of  
                   Sweetwater may appoint one person to the board.

           (5)  The Superintendent of Sweetwater Independent School
District may 
                   appoint one person to the board, if the School
District has
                   provided for the salaries of personnel assigned
to Nolan County.

           (6)  Mitchell County Commissioners Court to appoint one

           (7)  Fisher County Commissioners Court to appoint one

           (8)  The county attorney of either Fisher, Nolan, or
Mitchell County will
                   will serve on the board.

           (9)  One county judge from either Fisher, Nolan, or
Mitchell County
                   will serve on the board.

     (b)  Describes who will serve as chairman of the board.

     (c)  Terms of board members, serve without pay.

     (f)  Defines conditions for Sweetwater City Manager to appoint
member to the board.
          board by providing for expenses of local personnel.

     (g)  Defines conditions for Sweetwater Independent School
District to appoint a member
          to the board by providing for expenses of local

SECTION 2.  Effective date of this Act.  Explains terms of present
members as this Act
becomes effective.  Provides for appointment of new members.

SECTION 3.  Suspends the rules as to required reading of this bill.


H.B. 1486 was considered by the Committee in a public hearing on 22
March 1995.

No one testified for, neutrally, or against the bill.  

The bill was reported favorably without amendment, with the
recommendation that it do pass and be printed  and be sent to the
Committee on Local and Consent Calendars, by a record vote of 7
ayes, 0 nays, 0 pnv and 2 absent.