H.B. 1486
                                                By: Counts (Sims)
                                      Intergovernmental Relations
                              Senate Committee Report (Unamended)

The Mitchell, Nolan, and Fisher County Juvenile Board was created
by the legislature to provide adequate juvenile service to the
three counties.  The commissioners court, city council, and board
of trustees agreed to each provide one-third of the funds to
operate the system.  The law in providing for the makeup of the
board gave appointment to those involved in the process of juvenile
justice, and to those who were paying the cost of operations.  The
present board is now composed of 16 members, making it difficult to
convene a quorum at any given meeting.  Changing the composition of
the board will reduce the numbers to no less than seven and no more
than nine, depending on the funding entities.  The reduction in
number will provide a better working situation for the board with
adequate representation from each entity involved.


As proposed, H.B. 1486 amends provisions relating to the juvenile
board of Mitchell, Nolan, and Fisher County.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Section 152.1741, Human Resources Code, by
amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding Subsections (f)
and (g), as follows:

     (a)  Provides that the juvenile board of Fisher, Mitchell, and
     Nolan counties (counties), is composed of:
     (1)  a county judge from either of the counties elected by
       a majority vote of the county judges from those counties;
       (2)  the 32nd Judicial District judge or the judge of the
       county court at law in Nolan County who is selected by
       agreement between those two judges;
       (3)  one person appointed by the Nolan County Commissioners
       (4)  the city manager of Sweetwater or another person
       appointed by the Sweetwater City Commission, subject to
       Subsection (f);
       (5)  the superintendent of the Sweetwater Independent School
       District (SISD) or another person appointed by the board of
       trustees of SISD, subject to Subsection (g);
       (6)  one person appointed by the Mitchell County
       Commissioners Court;
       (7)  one person appointed by the Fisher County Commissioners
       (8)  the county attorney of the either of the counties
       selected by majority vote of the county judges of those
       counties; and
       (9)  one person selected by majority vote of the county
       judges of the counties, subject to confirmation by a vote of
       the commissioners courts of each of those counties.
          (b)  Provides that the chairman of the board is the county
     judge appointed under Subsection (a)(1).
     (c)  Provides that each appointed member serves a two-year
     (f)  Authorizes the board member appointed by the Sweetwater
     City Commission to be appointed only if the City of Sweetwater
     agrees to provide funds for the salaries of the personnel
     assigned to Nolan County and other expenses the board chairman
     certifies as necessary to provide adequate juvenile services
     to Nolan County as provided by Section 152.1831(d).
     (g)  Authorizes the board member appointed by SISD only if the
     school district agrees to provide funds for the salaries of
     the personnel assigned to Nolan County and other expenses the
     board chairman certifies as necessary to provide adequate
     juvenile services to Nolan County as provided by Section
SECTION 2. Effective date:  September 1, 1995.  Provides that the
terms of the members of the Juvenile Board of Mitchell County who
are serving immediately before the effective date of this Act
expire on that date.  Requires members of the Juvenile Board of
Mitchell County to be appointed in accordance with Section
152.1741, Human Resources Code, as soon as possible after the
effective date of this Act.

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.