H.B. 1543
                                          By: Marchant (Montford)
                                             Economic Development
                                Senate Committee Report (Amended)

In 1993, the Texas Banking Commissioner, the Independent Bankers
Association of Texas, and the Texas Bankers Association, formed the
Texas Banking Code Revision Task Force.

The task force was charged with four main guidelines:  (1)  to
promote the dual banking system by ensuring that the proposed Texas
Banking Act possesses attributes that make being a state-chartered
bank in Texas at least as if not more attractive than a national
bank charter, (2) to preserve and enhance the competitive parity
between state banks and other forms of financial institutions in
Texas, (3)  to reduce the regulatory burden on state banks to the
extent possible consistent with safety and sounding, and (4)  to
provide the flexibility in the proposed Texas Banking Act that is
necessary to permit adaptability in the future in response to the
continuing evolution of federal law and modern banking practice.

The Texas Banking Code has been reorganized into the Texas Banking
Act with an emphasis on clarity, adaptability, convenience, and


As proposed, H.B. 1543 creates the Texas Banking Act which
regulates banking and entities under the jurisdiction of state
banking regulatory officials; providing administrative and criminal


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted
to the Presiding Officer of the Finance Commission in SECTION 1
(Sections 1.010(1)) and SECTIONS 14 and 18 (Sections 5 and 22,
Article 350, V.T.C.S.) and to the Finance Commission in SECTIONS 1
and 2(j) (Sections 1.002(c), 1.012(a), 1.013(a) and (b), 1.014,
2.009(b), 3.007(b), 3.010(e), 3.201(b) and (c), 3.203, 5.101(i),
5.201(b), and 9.002(b)) of this Act.


SECTION 1. Enacts the Texas Banking Act, as follows:



     Sec. 1.001.  SHORT TITLE: Texas Banking Act.
     Sec. 1.002.  DEFINITIONS. (a)  Defines "affiliate," "bank,"
     "bank holding company," "banking," "banking association,"
     "banking commissioner," "board," "branch," "capital,"
     "certified surplus," "company," "conservator," "control,"
     "department," "deposit," "depository institution," "discount,"
     "drive-in facility," "electronic terminal," "equity capital,"
     "equity security," "federal savings association," "federal
     savings bank," "finance commission," "financial institution,"
     "foreign bank agency," "foreign bank corporation," "full
     liability participant," "hazardous condition," "home office,"
     "insolvent," "investment security," "limited banking
     association," "loans and extensions of credit," "manager,"
     "managing participant," "national bank," "officer," "operating
     subsidiary," "participant," "participant-transferee,"
     "participation agreement," "participation shares," "person,"
     "principal shareholder," "regulatory accounting principles,"
     "savings association," "savings bank," "shareholder,"
     "shares," "state bank," "state savings bank," "subsidiary,"
     "supervisor," "surplus," "unauthorized activity," "undivided
     profits," "voting security."
     (b)  Requires the definitions to be liberally construed to
       accomplish the purposes of this act.
       (c)  Authorizes the finance commission, by rule, to adopt
       other definitions to accomplish the purposes of this act.
     Sec. 1.003.  FINANCE COMMISSION.  (a)  Provides that the
     Finance Commission of Texas (commission) is composed of nine
     members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent
     of the senate.
     (b)  Sets forth the tenure of the members of the commission
       (c)  Requires an appointment to the commission to be made
       without regard to certain personal characteristics.
       (d)  Requires the members to take an oath of office.
     Sec. 1.004.  QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS.  (a)  Requires a
     member to be a resident and registered voter of this state. 
     Provides that not more than two members may be residents of
     the same state senatorial district.
     (b)  Requires two members of the commission to be banking
       executives and two members of the commission to be savings
       (c)  Requires the other five members to be selected by the
       governor on the basis of recognized business ability. 
       Prohibits the members from holding certain executive banking
       offices.  Requires at least one member to be a certified
       public accountant.
       (d)  Sets forth certain business relationships in which
       members are prohibited from engaging.
       (e)  Defines "banking executive" and "savings executive."
       (f)  Establishes the experience requirements for Subsection
     Sec. 1.005.  REMOVAL OF MEMBERS; VACANCIES.  (a)  Establishes
     criteria which are grounds for removal from the commission.
     (b)  Requires the governor to appoint a qualified person to
       fill a vacancy on the commission.
       (c)  Requires the executive director of the commission to
       notify the presiding officer of the commission of a ground
       for removal if the director has knowledge that a potential
       ground exists.  Requires the officer to notify the governor
       of the potential ground.
       (d)  Provides that the validity of an action of the
       commission is not affected by the fact that it was taken
       when a ground for removal of a member existed.
     that a member is entitled to reimbursement for reasonable and
     necessary expenses incidental to travel incurred in connection
     with the performance of official duties and per diem as set by
     legislative appropriation for each day that the member engages
     in the business of the commission.
     Sec. 1.007.  DISQUALIFICATION OF MEMBERS.  Prohibits a member
     from acting or participating in the portion of a commission
     meeting during which the matter under consideration
     specifically relates to an entity of which the member or
     member's spouse is an officer, director, stockholder,
     shareholder, manager, participant, participant-transferee,
     owner, or otherwise financially interested.
     Sec. 1.008.  MEETINGS.  (a)  Requires the commission to hold
     at least six regular public meetings during each calendar year
     on dates set by the commission.  Authorizes the presiding
     officer or three members of the commission to call special
     public meetings of the commission.  Provides that a majority
     of the members constitutes a quorum for the purpose of
     transacting any business coming before the commission.
     (b)  Authorizes the commission to hold an open or closed
       meeting by telephone conference call under certain
     Provides that the commission is subject to Chapters 551 and
     2001, Government Code.
     (b)  Provides that the commission is not required to conduct
       an open meeting to deliberate a matter made confidential by
     Sec. 1.010.  PRESIDING OFFICER.  Requires the governor to
     appoint a member of the commission as presiding officer. 
     Provides that the presiding officer serves at the will of the
     governor.  Requires the presiding officer to preside at all
     public meetings of the commission and provide for the keeping
     of minutes of the proceedings of those meetings and is
     entitled to vote on all matters.  Establishes the powers and
     rulemaking authority granted to the presiding officer.
     Authorizes the commission to designate the banking
     commissioner (commissioner), the savings and loan commissioner
     (S&L commissioner), the consumer credit commissioner (CC
     commissioner), or another person to serve full- or part-time
     as executive director of the commission to facilitate its
     oversight of the departments.  Provides that the executive
     director serves at the pleasure of the commission, is
     responsible for staff supervision, support, and coordination,
     and may be separately compensated for those duties.  Sets
     forth the required duties of the executive director.
     (b)  Authorizes the commission to employ a hearings officer
       and an internal auditor to provide services to and
       facilitate commission oversight and control over the
       departments.  Provides that a hearings officer employed
       under this section is considered to be an employee of each
       agency for which hearing services are provided and whose
       only duty is to preside over matters related to contested
       cases before the agency.
       (c)  Provides that the executive director, the hearings
       officer, the internal auditor, and any other staff employed
       under this section are not subject to direction by the
       (d)  Requires the commission to reduce administrative costs
       through the sharing of support staff, equipment, and
       facilities among the departments to the extent that the
       sharing contributes to cost efficiency without detracting
       from the staff expertise needed for individual areas of
       agency responsibility.  Authorizes the commission to employ
       staff and purchase equipment and facilities to meet these
       objectives and fund its activities through appropriations or
       as provided by Chapter 771, Government Code.
       (e)  Requires an interagency agreement regarding shared
       staff to provide that the fully allocated cost of each
       member of shared staff other than the executive director
       will be charged to the departments in proportion to the
       amount of time devoted to each agency's business.  Requires
       the cost of the executive director and the unallocated cost
       of operation of the finance commission to be shared by the
       departments in proportion to the amount of cash receipts of
       each of those agencies.
     Sec. 1.012.  BANKING RULES.  (a)  Authorizes the commission to
     adopt rules to accomplish the purposes of this Act.
     (b)  Requires the commission to make certain considerations
       in adopting the rules.
       (c)  Provides that the presence or absence in this Act of a
       specific reference to rules regarding a particular subject
       does not enlarge or diminish the rulemaking authority
       conferred by this section.
     REGULATIONS.  (a)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules
     applicable to state savings associations or to savings banks
     and to authorize state savings associations and savings banks
     to invest their funds in any manner permitted for a federal
     savings association or federal savings bank domiciled in the
     state.  Prohibits authority to be construed to confer
     authority to abridge, diminish, or limit a right or power
     specifically given to savings associations or savings banks by
     state law.
     (b)  Sets forth subjects on which the commission is
       authorized to adopt rules.
       (c)  Prohibits information regarding the financial condition
       of a state savings association or savings bank obtained
       through examination or otherwise from being disclosed to a
       member of the commission, except that the S&L commissioner
       may disclose to the commission a file or record pertinent to
       a hearing or matter pending before the commission.
     Authorizes the commission to adopt rules necessary for
     supervising the consumer credit commissioner and for ensuring
     compliance with Title 79, Article 5069-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S.
     Sec. 1.015.  SUNSET PROVISION.  Provides that the commission
     is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code.  Provides that
     unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the
     commission is abolished September 1, 2001.
     Sec. 1.101.  SAVINGS AND LOAN COMMISSIONER.  Requires the
     commission to appoint an S&L commissioner, who serves at the
     pleasure of the commission, as an employee of the commission,
     and subject to its orders and direction.  Provides that the
     S&L commissioner is the chief executive officer of the S&L
     department.  Requires the S&L commissioner to have not less
     than seven years' experience in the executive management of a
     savings association or savings bank or in savings association
     or savings bank supervision.  Requires the commission to set
     the compensation of the S&L commissioner which shall be paid
     from funds of the S&L department.
     Sec. 1.102.  DEPUTY COMMISSIONERS.  Requires the S&L
     commissioner to appoint one or more deputy S&L commissioners. 
     Requires one deputy S&L commissioner to have the
     qualifications required of the S&L commissioner.   Requires
     the deputy S&L commissioner to perform the duties of the S&L
     commissioner during the absence or inability of the S&L
     commissioner.  Requires the S&L commissioner to appoint
     savings association and savings bank examiners.
     Requires the compensation fixed by the commission for each
     officer and employee of the S&L department to be paid from the
     funds of the S&L department.
     (b)  Provides that Chapter 654, Government Code, applies to
       a position of the S&L department only if it is classified in
       salary groups 1-10 under the General Appropriations Act. 
       Authorizes the legislature to determine the total amount
       appropriated to the S&L department, but may not determine
       the number or salaries of employees other than the positions
       specifically subject to Chapter 654, Government Code, as
       provided by this section.  Requires the commission to
       otherwise determine the number of employees of the S&L
       department and the salaries of those employees.  Authorizes
       the S&L department to use funds appropriated to it for any
       purpose to pay the salaries determined by the commission.
       Sec. 1.104.  OATH OF OFFICE.  Requires the S&L commissioner,
     each deputy S&L commissioner, examiner, assistant examiner,
     conservator, supervisor, and special agent, and each other
     officer or employee specified by the S&L commissioner to take
     an oath of office.
     Sec. 1.105.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER.  Sets forth
     the required duties of the S&L commissioner.
     Sec. 1.106.  FEES, REVENUES, AND EXPENSES; AUDIT.  (a) 
     Requires the S&L commissioner and the commission to establish
     reasonable and necessary fees for the administration of
     Article 852a, V.T.C.S. (Texas Savings and Loan Act), and
     Article 489e, V.T.C.S. (Texas Savings Bank Act) and for the
     support of the commission as provided by Section 1.011 of this
     (b)  Requires the S&L commissioner to collect all fees,
       charges, and revenues required to be paid by state and to
       submit to the commissioner a full and complete report of the
       receipts and expenditures of the S&L department.
       (c)  Requires the financial transactions of the S&L
       department and the actual costs of any audit to be paid to
       the state auditor from the funds of the S&L department.
       (d)  Requires all money paid to the S&L department to be
       deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the S&L
       department expense fund, which may be used only for the
       expenses incurred by the S&L department and the commission. 
       Requires all expenses incurred by the S&L department to be
       paid only from the fund.
     Sec. 1.107.  CONFLICTS OF LAW.  Provides that if this chapter
     conflicts with the Texas Savings and Loan Act or the Texas
     Savings Bank Act, this subchapter controls.
     Sec. 1.108.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.  (a)  Prohibits an officer
     or employee of the S&L department from being an officer,
     employee, or paid consultant of a trade association in the
     savings association industry or the savings bank industry.
     (b)  Prohibits an officer or employee of the S&L department
       from being related within the second degree by affinity or
       consanguinity to a person who is an officer, employee, or
       paid consultant of a trade association in the savings
       association industry or the savings bank industry.
       (c)  Sets forth the required actions of a new employee with
       the S&L department prior to employment.
     Requires the S&L commissioner to prepare information of
     consumer interest describing the regulatory functions of the
     S&L department and describing the procedures by which consumer
     complaints are filed with and resolved by the S&L department. 
     Requires the information to be made available to the general
     public and appropriate state agencies.
     (b)  Requires the S&L department to keep an information file
       about each complaint relating to a state savings association
       or savings bank.
       (c)  Requires the S&L department to notify the parties to
       the complaint of the status of the complaint unless the
       notice would jeopardize an undercover investigation if a
       written complaint is filed.
     Sec. 1.110.  SUNSET PROVISION.  Subjects the office of the S&L
     commissioner and the S&L department to Chapter 325, Government
     Code, and unless continued in existence as provided by that
     chapter, the office and the department are abolished September
     1, 2001.
     Sec. 2.001.  BANKING COMMISSIONER.  Requires the commission to
     appoint a commissioner, who serves at the pleasure of the
     commission, as an employee of the commission, and subject to
     its orders and direction.  Requires the commissioner to have
     not less than seven years' experience in banking or bank
     supervision and provides that the commissioner is the chief
     executive officer of the Texas Department of Banking
     (department).  Requires the commission to set the compensation
     of the S&L commissioner which shall be paid from funds of the
     S&L department.
     that Chapter 654, Government Code, applies to a position of
     the department only if it is classified in salary groups 1-10
     under the General Appropriations Act.  Authorizes the
     legislature to determine the total amount appropriated to the
     department, but may not determine the number or salaries of
     employees other than the positions specifically subject to
     Chapter 654, Government Code, as provided by this section. 
     Requires the commission to otherwise determine the number of
     employees of the department and the salaries of those
     employees.  Authorizes the department to use funds
     appropriated to it for any purpose to pay the salaries
     determined by the commission.
     Sec. 2.003.  DEPUTY BANKING COMMISSIONER.  Requires the
     commissioner to appoint a deputy commissioner who must have
     the qualifications required of the commissioner.  Requires the
     deputy commissioner to perform the duties of the commissioner
     during the absence or inability of the commissioner.
     Requires the commissioner, the deputy commissioner, examiner,
     assistant examiner, conservator, supervisor, and special
     agent, and each other officer or employee specified by the
     commissioner to take an oath of office.
     Sec. 2.005.  DUTIES OF BANKING COMMISSIONER.  Sets forth the
     required duties of the commissioner.
     Sec. 2.006.  AUDITS; FEES AND REVENUES.  (a)  Requires the
     actual costs of an audit of the department to be paid to the
     state auditor from the funds of the department.
     (b)  Requires the commission to establish reasonable and
       necessary fees for the administration of this Act.
       (c)  Requires all money paid to the department to be
       deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the
       department expense fund and may be used only for the
       administration of the statutory duties of the department and
       the commission under this Act.  Requires the expenses
       incurred by the department in administering this Act to be
       paid only from the fund.
     Authorizes the commissioner to issue interpretive statements
     containing matters of general policy for the guidance of state
     banks.  Requires the commissioner to file the statements for
     publication in the Texas Register.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to amend or repeal a published interpretive
     statement by issuing an amended statement or notice of repeal
     of a statement and filing the statement or notice for
     publication in the Texas Register.  Requires the secretary of
     state to publish the filed statements and notices in the Texas
     Register and in a designated chapter of Texas Administrative
     (b)  Authorizes the commission to issue opinions in response
       to specific requests from members of the public or the
       banking industry directly or through the deputy commissioner
       or the department's attorneys.  Establishes the procedures
       for distribution of the opinions.
       (c)  Provides that an interpretive statement or opinion
       issued under this section does not have the force of law and
       is not a rule for the purposes of Chapter 2001, Government
       Code, unless adopted by the commission.  Provides that an
       interpretive statement or opinion is an administrative
       construction of this Act entitled to great weight if the
       construction is reasonable and does not conflict with this
       Sec. 2.008.  EXAMINATION.  (a)  Requires the commissioner to
     examine each state bank annually or more often as the
     commissioner considers necessary to safeguard the interests of
     depositors, creditors, shareholders, participants, and
     participant-transferees and to enforce this Act.  Authorizes
     the commissioner to defer an examination for not more than six
     months if the commissioner considers the deferment necessary
     for the efficient enforcement of this Act.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to accept examinations of a state bank by a
     federal or other governmental agency in lieu of an examination
     under this section or to conduct examinations of state bank
     jointly with a federal or other governmental agency.
     (b)  Requires each state bank to pay the cost of
       examination, the equitable or proportionate cost of
       maintenance and operation of the department, and the cost of
       enforcement of this Act through the imposition and
       collection of fees established by the commission under
       Section 1.012(a)(4) of this Act.
       (c)  Provides that the performance of data processing,
       electronic fund transfers, or other bank services on behalf
       of a state bank by a third-party contractor, other than a
       national bank, and the activities of a state bank affiliate
       are subject to regulation and examination by the
       commissioner to the same extent as if the services or
       activities were performed by that state bank on its own
       premises.  Authorizes the commissioner to collect a fee from
       an examined contractor or affiliate in connection with each
       examination to cover the cost of the examination or to
       collect that fee from the state banks using the third-party
       contractor.  Provides that a state bank affiliate does not
       include a company in which ownership or membership is
       limited to individuals and conditioned by law on the
       existence and maintenance of professional licensing.
       (d)  Authorizes the commissioner to administer oaths and
       examine persons under oath on any subject that the
       commissioner considers pertinent to the financial condition
       or safety and soundness of the activities of a state bank.
       Sec. 2.009.  CALL REPORTS.  (a)  Requires each state bank to
     periodically file with the banking commissioner a copy of its
     call report stating the bank's financial condition and results
     of operation.
     (b)  Establishes the rules the commission is authorized to
       (c)  Provides that a state bank that fails to timely file
       its call report as required by this section is subject to a
       penalty not exceeding $500 a day to be collected by suit by
       the attorney general on behalf of the commissioner.
     Sec.  2.010.  LIABILITIES.  (a)  Provides that the
     commissioner, each member of the commission, the deputy
     commissioner, or an examiner, assistant examiner, supervisor,
     conservator, agent, or other officer or employee of the
     department is not personally liable for damages arising from
     the person's official act or omission, unless the act or
     omission is corrupt or malicious.
     (b)  Requires the attorney general to defend an action
       brought against a person because of an official act or
       omission under Subsection (a) of this section, regardless of
       whether the defendant has terminated service with the
       department before the action commences.
       Sec. 2.011.  OFFENSES.  (a)  Sets forth the criteria which
     constitute commission of an offense by the commissioner or an
     officer or employee of the department.
     (b)  Provides that an offense under this section is a Class
       A misdemeanor.
       (c)  Establishes the criteria which provide an exception to
       Subsection (a)(2).
       (d)  Requires the commissioner to adopt a policy requiring
       each employee of the department to notify the commissioner
       in writing of an employment relationship described by
       Subsection (c)  of this section, and to be recused from all
       matters affecting the employing bank until the employment
       relationship is terminated or the spouse or related person
       no longer owns equity securities issued by the bank. 
       Requires the spouse or related person to divest ownership of
       equity securities issued by the bank within one year after
       the date the employment relationship ends.
     Sec. 2.012.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST.  (a)  Prohibits an officer
     or employee of the department from being an officer, employee,
     or paid consultant of a trade association in an industry
     regulated by the department.
     (b)  Prohibits an officer or employee of the department from
       being related within the second degree by affinity or
       consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government
       Code, to a person who is an officer, employee, or paid
       consultant of a trade association in an industry regulated
       by the department.
       (c)  Requires an employee to read the conflict of interest
       statutes applicable to employees of the department and sign
       a notarized affidavit stating that the employee has read
       those statutes.
     Requires the commissioner to prepare information of consumer
     interest describing the regulatory functions of the department
     and describing the department's procedures by which consumer
     complaints are filed with and resolved by the department. 
     Requires the commissioner to make the information available to
     the general public and appropriate state agencies.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to keep an information file
       about each complaint filed with the commissioner relating to
       any entity regulated by the department.
       (c)  Requires the commissioner to notify the parties to a
       complaint of the status of the complaint unless the notice
       would jeopardize an undercover investigation at least as
       frequently as quarterly and until final disposition of the
     Sec. 2.014.  SUNSET PROVISION.  Makes conforming changes.
     Prohibits information obtained directly or indirectly by the
     department relative to the financial condition or business
     affairs of an institution, a shareholder, affiliate of the
     institution, or other portions of call reports and profit and
     loss statements and all related files and records of the
     department from being disclosed by the commissioner or
     employee of the department except as expressly provided
     otherwise by this Act or rules adopted under this Act, and the
     above information is considered confidential.
     (b)  Prohibits information obtained by the department which
       is considered confidential from being disclosed except as
       provided by federal or state law.
     Sec. 2.102.  DISCLOSURE TO FINANCE COMMISSION.  Prohibits
     confidential information from being disclosed to a member of
     the commission, and a member of the commission is prohibited
     from being given access to the files and records of the
     department except that the commissioner may disclose to the
     commission information, files, and records pertinent to a
     hearing or matter pending before the commission.
     Sec. 2.103.  DISCLOSURE TO OTHER AGENCIES.  (a)  Authorizes
     the commissioner to disclose to a federal banking regulatory
     agency confidential information relative to a financial
     institution within the agency's jurisdiction, or an affiliate
     or service provider of the financial institution, and may
     permit the agency access to files and records or reports
     relating to relating to the financial institution or its
     affiliate or service provider.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to disclose or authorize
       the release of confidential information to another
       department of this state, another state, the United States,
       a foreign sovereign state, or any related agency or
     Sec.2.104.  OTHER DISCLOSURE PROHIBITED.  Prohibits
     confidential information released by the department from being
     rereleased and doing so is a violation of Section 37.10, Penal
     Sec. 2.105.  CIVIL DISCOVERY.  Requires discovery of
     confidential information from a person subject to this
     subchapter pursuant to subpoena or other legal process to
     comply with rules adopted under this Act and other applicable
     law.  Authorizes the rules to restrict release of confidential
     information to solely that portion directly relevant to the
     legal dispute at issue and to require that a protective order,
     in form and under circumstances specified by the rules, be
     issued by a court of competent jurisdiction before release of
     the confidential information.
     Sec. 2.106.  INVESTIGATIVE INFORMATION.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to refuse to release information or records in
     the custody of the department, if, in the opinion of the
     commissioner, release of the information or records might
     jeopardize an ongoing investigation of potentially unlawful
     Sec. 2.107.  EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION.  Authorizes a person to
     provide employment information to a financial institution or
     to a person providing employment information to a financial
     institution concerning the known or suspected involvement of
     a present or former employee, officer, or director in a
     violation of any state or federal law, rule, or regulation
     that has been reported to appropriate state or federal
     authorities.  Prohibits the person from being held liable for
     providing that information unless the information provided is
     false and the person provided the information with disregard
     for the truth.
     Sec. 2.108.  SHAREHOLDER INSPECTION RIGHTS.  (a)  Sets forth
     certain documents a shareholder is prohibited from examining.
     Authorizes one or more persons to organize a state bank as a
     banking association or a limited banking association. 
     Establishes actions which a state bank is authorized to
     (b)  Authorizes a state bank to exercise the powers of a
       Texas business corporation reasonably necessary to enable
       exercise of its specific powers under this Act.
       (c)  Authorizes a state bank to contribute to community or
       charitable funds amounts that its board considers expedient
       and in the interests of the bank.
       (d)  Authorizes a state bank to be organized or reorganized
       as a community development financial institution, as defined
       by the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory
       Improvement Act of 1994.
     the articles of association to be signed and to contain
     certain information.
     Requires an application for a state bank charter to be made
     under oath and in the form required by the commissioner, who
     shall inquire fully into the identity and character of each
     proposed director, manager, officer, managing participant, and
     principal shareholder or participant.  Requires the
     application to be accompanied by all charter fees and deposits
     required by law or regulation.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to grant a state bank charter
       only if the commissioner determines that certain criteria
       have been met.
     (a)  Requires the commissioner to notify the organizers when
     the application is complete and accepted for filing and all
     required fees and deposits have been paid.  Requires the
     organizers to publish notice of the application and solicit
     comments and protests, in a newspaper of general circulation
     in the county where the proposed state bank is to be located
     promptly after notification.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to thoroughly investigate the
       application at the expense of the organizers.  Requires the
       commissioner to prepare a written report of the
       investigation, and any person, other than a person
       protesting under Section 3.005 of this Act, may request a
       copy of the nonconfidential portions of the application and
       written report.  Authorizes rules under this Act to specify
       the confidential or nonconfidential character of information
       obtained by the department under this chapter.  Provides
       that the financial statement of a proposed officer,
       director, manager, or managing participant is confidential
       and not subject to public disclosure.
     Authorizes any person to file a protest to an application.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to immediately determine
       whether the necessary conditions set forth in Section
       3.003(b) of this Act have been established, based on the
       application and investigation.  Requires the commissioner to
       approve the application for charter or set the charter
       application for hearing.
       (c)  Requires the commissioner to conduct a public hearing
       and one or more prehearing conferences and opportunities for
       discovery as the commissioner considers advisable and
       consistent with the application statutes and rules. 
       Provides that a person protesting the application is
       entitled to the confidential portion of the application,
       subject to a protective order that restricts the use of
       confidential information to the charter proceedings.
       (d)  Requires the commissioner to determine whether the
       application meets the requirements of this Act and to enter
       an order granting or denying the charter.
       (e)  Authorizes the commissioner to make approval of an
       application conditional.  Requires the commissioner to
       include any conditions in the order approving the
       (f)  Provides that Chapter 2001, Government Code, does not
       apply to a charter application filed for the purpose of
       assuming the assets and liabilities of a financial
       institution considered by the commissioner to be in
       hazardous condition.
     Prohibits a state bank from engaging in the business of
     banking until it receives a certificate of authority
     (certificate) from the commissioner.  Prohibits the
     commissioner from delivering the certificate until the bank
     has met certain criteria.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to forfeit the charter or
       cancel the conditional approval of application for charter
       without judicial action if the state bank does not open and
       engage in the business of banking within six months after
       the date of the granting of its charter.
     CORPORATIONS.  (a)  Provides that Article 1302-1.01, V.T.C.S.
     (Texas Business Corporation Act (TBCA) and the Texas
     Miscellaneous Corporation Laws Act) apply to a state bank to
     the extent not inconsistent with this Act or the proper
     business of a state bank, except that a reference in those
     Acts to the secretary of state means the commissioner unless
     the context requires otherwise; and the right of shareholders
     or participants to cumulative voting in the election of
     directors or managers exists only if granted by the state
     bank's articles of association.
     (b)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules to limit or
       refine the applicability of Subsection (a) of this section
       to a state bank or to alter or supplement the procedures and
       requirements of the TBCA applicable to an action taken under
       this chapter.
       (c)  Prohibits a state bank from taking an action authorized
       by the TBCA regarding its corporate status, capital
       structure, or a matter of corporate governance, of the type
       for which the TBCA would require a filing with the secretary
       of state if the bank was a business corporation, without
       submitting the filing to the commissioner and obtaining the
       commissioner's prior written approval of the action.
     Sec. 3.008.  BANKING COMMISSIONER HEARINGS.  (a)  Provides
     that this section does not grant a right to hearing to a
     person that is not otherwise granted by governing law.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to convene a hearing to
       receive evidence and argument regarding any matter before
       the commissioner for decision or review under this Act. 
       Requires a hearing to be conducted under Chapter 2001,
       Government Code.
       (c)  Authorizes a hearing before the commissioner to be held
       by a hearing officer on behalf of the commissioner. 
       Requires a matter made confidential by law to be considered
       by the commissioner in a closed hearing.
     Authorizes a decision or order of the commissioner made under
     this Act after hearing to be appealed directly to the District
     Court of Travis County, or, at the option of the appellant, to
     the commission for review.
     (b)  Requires the commission to consider the questions
       raised by the application for review and the commission may
       also consider additional matters pertinent to the appeal. 
       Provides that an order of the commissioner continues in
       effect pending review unless the order is stayed by the
       commission.  Authorizes the commission to impose any
       condition before granting a stay of the appealed order. 
       Prohibits the commission from being required to accept
       additional evidence or hold an evidentiary hearing if a
       hearing was held and record made before the commissioner. 
       Requires the commission to remand the proceeding to the
       commissioner for the purpose of receiving any additional
       evidence the commission chooses to consider.  Authorizes a
       hearing before the commission that is required or authorized
       by law to be conducted by a hearing officer on behalf of the
       commission.  Requires a matter made confidential by law to
       be considered by the commission in a closed hearing.
       (c)  Authorizes a person affected by a final order of the
       commissioner that elects to appeal directly to district
       court, or a person affected by a final order of the
       commission under this section, to appeal the final order by
       filing a petition for judicial review under the substantial
       evidence rule in the District Court of Travis County as
       provided by Chapter 2001, Government Code.  Provides that a
       petition for appeal filed in the district court does not
       stay or vacate the appealed order unless the court, after
       notice and hearing, expressly stays or vacates the order.
     Sets forth the findings of the legislature regarding Article
     XVI, Texas Constitution, pertaining to state banks.
     (b)  Requires a state bank that intends to exercise a right
       or privilege granted to national banks that is not
       authorized for state banks under the statutes and rules of
       this state to submit a letter to the commissioner describing
       in detail the activity in which the state bank intents to
       engage and the ground for claiming the authority to perform
       the action.  Authorizes the bank to perform the proposed
       activity after the 30th day after the date the commissioner
       specifies an earlier or later date or prohibits the
       activity.  Sets forth the findings the commissioner must
       make in order to prohibit the state bank from performing the
       requested activity.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to extend the 30-day period
       under Subsection (b) if the commissioner determines that the
       bank's letter raises issues requiring additional information
       or additional time for analysis.  Authorizes the bank to
       perform the proposed activity only on prior written approval
       by the commissioner, except that the commissioner must
       approve or prohibit the proposed activity only on prior
       written approval by the commissioner, except that the
       commissioner must approve or prohibit the proposed activity
       or convene a hearing under Section 3.008 of this Act not
       later than the 60th day after the date the commissioner
       receives the bank's letter.  Requires the commissioner to
       approve or prohibit the proposed activity not later than the
       30th day after the date the hearing is completed.
       (d)  Authorizes a state bank that is denied the requested
       right or privilege to engage in an activity by the
       commissioner to appeal as provided by Section 3.009 of this
       Act or to resubmit a letter under this subsection with
       additional information or authority relevant to the
       commissioner's determination.  Provides that a denial is
       immediately final for purposes of appeal.
       (e)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules implementing
       the method or manner in which a state bank exercises
       specific rights and privileges granted pursuant to Section
       16(c), Article XVI, Texas Constitution, including rules
       regarding the exercise of rights and privileges that would
       be prohibited to state banks but for Section 16(c). 
       Prohibits the commission from adopting rules under this
       subsection unless it considers the factors listed in Section
       1.012(b) of this Act and finds that national banks domiciled
       in this state possess the rights or privileges to perform
       activities the rule would permit state banks to perform; and
       the rules contain adequate safeguards and controls,
       consistent with safety and soundness, to address the concern
       of the legislature evidenced by the state law the rules
       would impact.
       (f)  Provides that the exercise of rights and privileges by
       a state bank in compliance with and in the manner authorized
       by this section is not a violation of any statute of this
     OF ASSOCIATION.  (a)  Authorizes a state bank that has been
     granted a certificate of authority to amend or restate its
     articles of association for any lawful purpose, including the
     creation of authorized but unissued shares or participation
     shares (shares) in one or more classes or series.
     (b)  Sets forth the contents of an amendment authorizing the
       issuance of shares or shares in series.
       (c)  Prohibits a limited banking association from amending
       its articles of association to extend its period of
       existence for a perpetual period or for any period of years,
       unless the period of existence is expressly contingent on
       those events resulting in dissolution of the limited banking
       association under Section 4.207 of this Act.
       (d)  Requires an amendment or restatement of the articles of
       association of a state bank and approval of the board and
       shareholders or participants to be made or obtained in
       accordance with provisions of the TBCA for the amendment or
       restatement of articles of incorporation except as otherwise
       provided by this Act or rules adopted under this Act.  Sets
       forth the procedures for acceptance or rejection of the
       amendments or restatement of the articles of association. 
       Requires the commissioner to endorse the face of the
       original and copy of the amendment or restatement, file the
       original, and deliver a certified copy to the state bank if
       the commissioner finds that the amendment or restatement
       conforms to law and any conditions imposed by the
       commissioner, and any required filing fee has been paid.
       (e)  Provides that an amendment or restatement takes effect
       on the date of approval, unless a different effective date
       is provided.
     SHARES.  (a)  Provides that if the articles of association
     expressly give the board authority to establish series and
     determine the preferences, limitations, and relative rights of
     each series, the board may do so only on compliance with this
     section and any rules adopted under this Act.
     (b)  Authorizes the shares to be established in the manner
       provided by the TBCA as if the state bank were a domestic
       corporation, but the shares may not be issued and sold
       without the prior written approval of the commissioner. 
       Requires the state bank to file the original and one copy of
       the statement of action required by the TBCA with the
       commissioner.  Sets forth the actions of the commissioner
       regarding approval or rejection of a proposed series of
     Prohibits a state bank from reducing or increasing its
     outstanding capital and surplus through dividend, redemption,
     issuance of shares without prior written approval of the
     commissioner, except as permitted by this section or rules
     adopted under this Act.
     (b)  Provides that prior written approval is not required
       for an increase in capital and surplus accomplished through
       issuance of shares of common stock or their equivalent in
       participation shares for cash, declaration and payment of
       pro rata share dividends as defined in the TBCA, or adoption
       by the board of a resolution directing that all or part of
       undivided profits be transferred to capital or surplus.
       (c)  Provides that prior approval is not required for a
       decrease in capital or surplus caused by losses in excess of
       undivided profits.
     Sec. 3.104.  CAPITAL NOTES OR DEBENTURES.  (a)  Authorizes a
     state bank, with the approval of the commissioner, to issue
     and sell its capital notes or debentures (notes), which must
     be subordinate to the claims of depositors and may be
     subordinate to other claims including the claims of other
     creditors or the shareholders or participants.
     (b)  Authorizes notes to be convertible into shares of any
       class or series.  Provides that the issuance and sale of
       convertible notes are subject to satisfaction of preemptive
       rights to the extent provided by law.
       (c)  Prohibits interest due or principal repayable on
       outstanding notes, without the written approval of the
       commissioner, from being paid by a state bank at a time when
       the bank is in hazardous condition or is insolvent, or to
       the extent that payment will cause the bank to be in
       hazardous condition or insolvent, as determined by the
       (d)  Authorizes the amount of any outstanding notes that
       meet the requirements of this section and that are
       subordinated to unsecured creditors of the bank to be
       included in equity capital of the bank for purposes of
       determining hazardous condition or insolvency and for other
       purposes provided by rules adopted under this Act.
                 SUBCHAPTER C.  BANK OFFICES
     Authorizes a state bank to engage in the banking business at
     its home office, at an approved branch office location, and
     through electronic terminals.  Requires a drive-in facility to
     be approved as a branch if it is more than 2,000 feet from the
     nearest wall of the bank's home office or another approved
     branch office.
     (b)  Authorizes a function of a state bank that does not
       involve banking contact with the public to be conducted at
       any location without prior written approval of the
       commissioner.  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules
       further defining functions of a state bank that are not
       required to be conducted at an approved location.
       (c)  Authorizes the commission, by rule, to authorize a new
       form of banking facility.  Authorizes the commissioner to
       approve a new form of banking facility other than as
       provided in this subchapter if the commissioner does not
       have a significant supervisory or regulatory concern
       regarding the proposed facility.
       Sec. 3.202.  HOME OFFICE.  (a)  Requires each state bank to
     have and continuously maintain in this state a home office,
     which must be a location at which the bank does business with
     the public and keeps its corporate books and records. 
     Requires at least one officer of the bank to maintain an
     office at the home office and each officer at the home office
     is an agent for service of process for the bank.
     (b)  Authorizes a state bank to change its home office to
       one of its previously established branch locations within
       this state, if the location that is the home office before
       the change is to remain as a branch of the bank, by filing
       a written notice with the commissioner setting forth the
       name of the state bank, the street address of its home
       office before the change, the street address of the location
       to which the home office is to be changed, and a copy of the
       resolution adopted by the board authorizing the change. 
       Provides that the change of home office takes effect on the
       31st day after the date the commissioner receives the notice
       unless the commissioner consents to a different effective
       (c)  Authorizes a state bank to change its home office to
       any location within this state, on prior written approval of
       the commission.  Requires the commissioner to grant an
       application under this subsection if the commissioner does
       not have a significant supervisory or regulatory concern
       regarding the proposed banking facility, the applicant, or
       an affiliate of the applicant.  Provides that any standard
       by the commissioner or commission regarding the
       establishment of a branch under Section 3.203 of this Act
       applies to an application for a change of home office that
       is subject to this subsection, except as otherwise provided
       by rules adopted under this Act.
       (d)  Provides that if the proposed relocation of the bank's
       home office would effect an abandonment of all or part of
       the community served by the bank, the bank must also
       establish to the satisfaction of the commissioner that the
       abandonment is consistent with the original determination of
       public necessity for the establish of a bank at that
     Sec. 3.203.  BRANCH OFFICES.  Authorizes a state bank to
     establish and maintain branch offices at any location on prior
     written approval of the commissioner.  Requires the
     commissioner to approval an application if the commissioner
     does not have a significant supervisory or regulatory concern
     regarding the proposed branch, the applicant, or an affiliate. 
     Authorizes the commission to adopt rules establishing
     additional standards for the approval of branch offices.
     Sec. 3.204.  ELECTRONIC TERMINALS.  (a)  Authorizes a person
     or group of persons to install, maintain, and operate one or
     more electronic terminals at any location within this state.
     (b)  Authorizes the depository institutions to agree in
       writing to share in the use of an electronic terminal on a
       reasonable, nondiscriminatory basis on the condition that a
       depository institution using one or more electronic
       terminals and may be required to meet necessary and
       reasonable technical standards and to pay charges for the
       use of the electronic terminal.  Requires the standards or
       charges to be reasonable, fair, equitable, and
       nondiscriminatory among the depository institutions.  Sets
       forth requirements for charges to be imposed.
       (c)  Provides that this section does not apply to an
       electronic terminal located at the domicile or home office
       or a branch of a depository institution or the use by a
       person of an electronic terminal regardless of location,
       solely to withdraw cash, make account balance inquiries, or
       make transfers among the person's accounts within the same
       depository institution.
     Sec. 3.205.  LOAN PRODUCTION OFFICES.  (a)  Authorizes a state
     bank to establish one or more loan production offices solely
     for the purpose of soliciting loans, accepting loan
     applications, and performing ministerial duties related to
     consummating a granted loan such as execution of loan
     documents and dispensing of loan proceeds.  Requires a credit
     decision, commitment to make a loan, and preparation of a
     check or draft to occur at the bank's home office or a branch
     office and may not occur at a loan production office.
     (b)  Requires the bank to notify the commissioner in writing
       before the 31st day preceding the date of establishment of
       a loan production office, except that the commissioner may
       waive or shorten the period if the commissioner does not
       have a significant supervisory or regulatory concern
       regarding the bank or its planned loan production office.
                    SUBCHAPTER D.  MERGER
     Sec. 3.301.  MERGER AUTHORITY.  (a)  Authorizes two or more
     financial institutions, corporations, or other entities with
     all requisite legal authority to participate in a merger, at
     least one of which is a state bank, to adopt and implement a
     plan of merger in accordance with this section.  Prohibits the
     merger from being made without the prior written approval of
     the commissioner if any surviving, new, or acquiring entity
     that is a party to the merger or created by the terms of the
     merger is a state bank or is not a financial institution.
     (b)  Requires implementation of the merger by the parties
       and approval of the board, shareholders, participants, or
       owners of the parties to be made or obtained in accordance
       with the TBCA as if the state bank were a domestic
       corporation and all other parties to the merger were foreign
       corporations and other entities, except as may be otherwise
       provided by applicable rules.
       (c)  Provides that a consummated merger has the effect
       provided by the TBCA.  Provides that a separate application
       is not required to relocate the home office of a surviving
       state bank or to grant authority to a surviving bank to
       operate new branch offices that previously existed as part
       of a merging financial institution if the intent of the
       surviving bank is clearly stated as part of the plan of
       (d)  Provides that a merger under this subchapter does not
       confer additional powers on a state bank beyond the powers
       conferred by other provisions of this Act.
     Sec. 3.302.  APPROVAL OF BANKING COMMISSIONER.  (a)  Requires
     the original articles of merger and a number of copies of the
     articles equal to the number of surviving, new, and acquiring
     entities to be filed with the commissioner.  Requires the
     commissioner to investigate the condition of the merging
     parties.  Authorizes the commissioner to require the
     submission of additional information the commissioner
     determines necessary to an informed decision to approve or
     reject a merger under this subchapter.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to approve the merger only
       under certain circumstances.
       (c)  Sets forth the required actions of the commissioner if
       the commissioner approves the merger and finds that all
       required filing fees and investigative costs have been paid.
       (d)  Provides that an approved merger takes effect on the
       date of approval, unless the merger agreement provides for
       a different effective date.
     Sec. 3.303.  RIGHTS OF DISSENTERS TO MERGER.  Authorizes a
     shareholder, participant, or participant-transferee to dissent
     from the merger to the extent and by following the procedure
     provided by the TBCA or any rules adopted under this Act.
     INSTITUTION.  Authorizes a state bank with the prior written
     approval of the commissioner to purchase all or substantially
     all of the assets of the selling institution.  Provides that
     the purchase of all or part of the assets of the selling
     institution does not make the purchasing bank responsible for
     any liability or obligation of the selling institution that
     the purchasing bank does not expressly assume.  Provides that
     this subchapter does not govern or prohibit the purchase by a
     state bank of all or part of the assets of a corporation or
     other entity that is not a financial institution.
     Sec. 3.402.  AUTHORITY TO ACT AS DISBURSING AGENT.  Authorizes
     the purchasing bank to hold the purchase price and any
     additional funds delivered to it by the selling institution in
     trust for, or as a deposit to the credit of, the selling
     institution and to act as agent of the selling institution in
     disbursing those funds in trust or on deposit by paying the
     depositors and creditors of the selling institution.  Provides
     that if the purchasing bank acts under written contract of
     agency approved by the commissioner that specifically names
     each depositor and creditor and the amount to be paid to each,
     and if the agency is limited to the purely ministerial act of
     paying those depositors and creditors the amounts due them as
     determined by the selling institution and reflected in the
     contract of agency and does not involve discretionary duties
     or authority other than the identification of the depositors
     and creditors named, the purchasing bank may rely on the
     contract of agency and the instructions included in it; and is
     not responsible for any error made by the selling institution
     in determining its liabilities, the depositors and creditors
     to whom the liabilities are due, or the amounts due the
     depositors and creditors; or any preference that results from
     the payments made under the contract of agency and the
     instructions included in it.
     Sec. 3.403.  LIQUIDATION OF SELLING INSTITUTION.  Requires the
     purchasing bank to pay to the receiver of the selling
     institution the balance of the funds held by it in trust or on
     deposit for the selling institution and not yet paid to the
     depositors and creditors of the selling institution, if the
     selling institution is at any time after the sale of assets
     voluntarily or involuntarily closed for liquidation by a state
     or federal regulatory agency.  Provides that the purchasing
     bank is discharged of all responsibilities.
     Sec. 3.404.  PAYMENT TO DEPOSITORS AND CREDITORS.  Authorizes
     payment to a depositor or creditor of the selling institution
     of the amount to be paid the person under the terms of the
     contract of agency to be made by the purchasing bank by
     opening an account in the name of the depositor or creditor,
     crediting the account with the amount to be paid the depositor
     or creditor under the terms of the agency contract, and
     mailing or personally delivering a duplicate deposit ticket
     evidencing the credit to the depositor or creditor at the
     person's address shown in the records of the selling
     institution.  Provides that the relationship between the
     purchasing bank and the depositor or creditor is that of
     debtor to creditor only to the extent of the credit reflected
     by the deposit ticket.
     Sec. 3.405.  SALE OF ASSETS.  (a)  Authorizes the board of a
     state bank, with approval of the commissioner to cause a bank
     to sell all or substantially all of its assets without
     shareholder or participant approval under certain
     (b)  Requires a sale under this section to include an
       assumption and promise by the buyer to pay or otherwise
       discharge certain liabilities and obligations.
       (c)  Provides that this section does not affect the
       commissioner's right to take action under another law. 
       Provides that the sale by a state bank of all or
       substantially all of its assets with shareholder or
       participant approval is considered a voluntary dissolution
       and liquidation and is governed by Chapter 7B of this Act.
     ASSOCIATION.  (a)  Authorizes a state bank to act as necessary
     under the laws of the United States or this state to merge,
     reorganize, or convert into a national bank, state or federal
     savings bank, or state or federal savings association.
     (b)  Requires the merger, reorganization, or conversion by
       the state bank to be made and approval of its board,
       shareholders, or participants to be obtained in accordance
       with the TBCA as if the state bank were a domestic
       corporation and all other parties to the transaction were
       foreign corporations and other entities.  Provides that a
       conversion is considered a merger into the successor form of
       financial institution.
       (c)  Establishes the criteria in which a state bank ceases
       to be a state bank subject to the supervision of the
     BANK.  (a)  Authorizes an institution to apply to the
     commissioner for conversion into a state bank on a form
     prescribed by the commissioner accompanied by any required
     fee, if the institution follows the proper procedures
     governing the exit of the institution for the purpose of
     conversion into a state bank from the regulatory system
     applicable before the conversion.  Authorizes a banking
     association or limited banking association to convert its
     organizational form under this section.
     (b)  Authorizes an institution applying to convert into a
       state bank to receive a certificate of authority to do
       business as a state bank if the commissioner makes certain
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to request additional or
       supplemental information considered necessary to an informed
       decision, perform an examination of the converting
       institution at the expense of the converting institution,
       and require that examination fees be paid before a
       certificate of authority is issued.
       (d)  Requires the converting institution to submit a
       statement of the law governing the exit of the institution
       from the regulatory system applicable before the conversion
       and the terms of the transition into a state bank.  Requires
       the financial institution to demonstrate that all applicable
       law has been fully satisfied.
                   INTERESTS IN STATE BANK
     Sec. 4.001.  ACQUISITION OF CONTROL.  (a)  Prohibits a person
     from directly or indirectly acquiring a legal or beneficial
     interest in voting securities of a state bank or a corporation
     or other entity owning voting securities of a state bank if,
     after the acquisition, the person would control the state
     bank.  Provides that the principal shareholder or principal
     participant of a state bank that directly or indirectly owns
     or has the power to vote a greater percentage of voting
     securities of the bank than any other shareholder or
     participant is considered to control the state bank.
     (b)  Provides that this subchapter does not prohibit a
       person from negotiating to acquire, but not acquiring,
       control of a state bank or a person that controls a state
     (a)  Requires an application for approval to acquire control
     of a state bank or a person that controls a state bank to be
     filed under oath by the proposed transferee on a form
     prescribed by the commissioner and accompanied by any filing
     fee required by statute or rule.  Requires the application to
     contain all information required by rules adopted under this
     Act or that the commissioner requires in a particular
     application as necessary to an informed decision to approve or
     reject the proposed acquisition.
     (b)  Provides that if a person or proposed transferee
       proposing to acquire voting securities subject to this
       section includes any group of individuals or entities acting
       in concert, the information required by the commissioner may
       be required of each member of the group.
       (c)  Provides that information obtained by the commissioner
       is confidential and may not be disclosed except as provided
       by Chapter 2B of this Act.
       (d)  Requires applicants to publish notice of the
       application, its date of filing, and the identity of each
       applicant, in the form specified by the commissioner, in a
       newspaper of general circulation in the county where the
       bank's home office is located, promptly after the applicants
       are notified by the commissioner that the application is
       complete and accepted for filing.  Authorizes publication of
       notice of an application filed in contemplation of a public
       tender offer subject to the requirements of 15 U.S.C.
       Section 78n(d)(1) to be deferred for not more than 34 days
       after the date the application is filed under certain
       (e)  Authorizes the commissioner to waive the requirement
       that a notice be published or permit delayed publication on
       a determination that waiver or delay is in the public
       interest.  Provides that if publication of notice is waived,
       the information that would be contained in a published
       notice becomes public information on the 35th day after the
       date the application is filed.
     (a)  Requires the commissioner to approve the application or
     set the application for hearing.  Requires the department to
     participate as the opposing party and the commissioner to
     conduct a hearing and one or more prehearing conferences and
     opportunities for discovery as the commissioner considers
     advisable and consistent with governing statutes and rules. 
     Provides that a hearing held under this section is
     confidential and closed to the public.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to issue an order denying
       an application under certain circumstances.
       (c)  Provides that if an application filed under this
       section is approved by the commissioner, the transaction may
       be consummated.  Provides that any written commitment from
       the proposed transferee offered to and accepted by the
       commissioner as a condition that the application will be
       approved is enforceable against the bank and the transferee
       and is considered for all purposes an agreement under this
     Sec. 4.004.  APPEAL FROM ADVERSE DECISION.  (a)  Authorizes
     the proposed transferee to appeal the final order by filing a
     petition for judicial review under the substantial evidence
     rule in the District Court of Travis County if a hearing has
     been held and the commissioner has entered an order denying
     the application.
     (b)  Provides that the filing of an appeal under this
       section does not stay the order of the commissioner.
       Sec. 4.005.  EXEMPTIONS.  Sets forth a list of acquisitions
     which are exempt from Section 4.001 of this Act.
     Sec. 4.006.  OBJECTION TO OTHER TRANSFER.  Prohibits this
     subchapter from being construed to prevent the commissioner
     from investigating, commenting on, or seeking to enjoin or set
     aside a transfer of voting securities that evidence a direct
     or indirect interest in a state bank, regardless of whether
     the transfer is included within this subchapter, if the
     commissioner considers the transfer to be against the public
     Authorizes the attorney general, on behalf of the
     commissioner, to apply to the District Court of Travis County
     for an order enjoining the violation and for other equitable
     relief the nature of the case requires if the commissioner
     believes that a person has committed or is about to commit a
     violation of this subchapter or a rule or order of the
     commissioner pertaining to this subchapter.
     (b)  Provides that a person who knowingly fails or refuses
       to file the application required by Section 4.002 of this
       Act commits a Class A misdemeanor.
     Sec. 4.101.  VOTING SECURITIES HELD BY BANK.  Prohibits voting
     securities of a state bank held by the state bank in a
     fiduciary capacity under a will or trust, whether registered
     in its own name or in the name of its nominee from being voted
     in the election of directors or managers or on a matter
     affecting the compensation of directors, managers, officers,
     or employees of the bank in that capacity unless certain terms
     or conditions apply.
     (b)  Provides that voting securities of a state bank that
       cannot be voted under this section are considered to be
       authorized but unissued for purposes of determining the
       procedures for and results of the affected vote.
     Sec. 4.102.  BYLAWS.  (a)  Requires each state bank to adopt
     bylaws and may amend its bylaws from time to time for the
     purposes and in accordance with the procedures set forth in
     the TBCA.
     (b)  Provides that a limited banking association in which
       management is retained by the participants is not required
       to adopt bylaws if provisions required by law to be
       contained in the bylaws are contained in the articles of
       association or the participation agreement.
     PARTICIPANTS.  (a)  Requires the board of a state bank to
     consist of not fewer than five or more than 25 directors,
     managers, or managing participants, the majority of whom must
     be residents of this state.  Provides that the principal
     executive officer of the bank is a member of the board. 
     Provides that the principal executive officer acting in the
     capacity of board member is the board's presiding officer
     unless the board elects a different presiding officer to
     perform the duties as designed by the board.
     (b)  Sets forth the conditions which prohibit a person from
       serving as a director, manager, or managing participant of
       a state bank.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to appoint a conservator to
       operate the bank and elect a board, as appropriate, if a
       state bank other than a limited banking association operated
       by managing participants does not elect a board before the
       61st day after the date of its regular annual meeting. 
       Authorizes the commissioner to close the bank for
       liquidation if the conservator is unable to locate or elect
       persons willing to serve as a board.
       (d)  Requires a vacancy which reduces the number of a board
       to fewer than five to be filled not later than the 30th day
       after the date the vacancy occurs.  Requires the managing
       participants to add one or more new participants or elect a
       board of managers of not fewer than five persons to resolve
       the vacancy.  Authorizes the commissioner to appoint a
       conservator to operate the bank and elect a board of not
       fewer than five persons to resolve the vacancy after 30
       days.  Authorizes the commissioner to close the bank for
       liquidation if the conservator is unable to locate or elect
       five persons willing to serve as a board.
       (e)  Sets forth the contents of an affidavit a person is
       required to submit before each term, or annually as
       applicable, as a board of a state bank.
       (f)  Sets forth the conditions in which an advisory director
       or manager is not considered a director.
     Sec. 4.104.  REQUIRED MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS.  (a)  Requires
     the board of a state bank to hold at least one regular meeting
     each month.  Requires the board to review and approve the
     minutes of the prior meeting and review the operations,
     activities, and financial condition of the bank.  Authorizes
     the board to designate committees from among its members to
     perform these duties and approve or disapprove the committees'
     reports at each regular meeting.  Requires all actions of the
     board to be recorded in its minutes.
     (b)  Authorizes the board to periodically vote to designate
       and record the amount of certified surplus in its minutes. 
       Prohibits certified surplus from being reduced without the
       prior written approval of the commissioner.
     Sec. 4.105.  OFFICERS.  (a)  Requires the board to annually
     appoint the officers of the bank, who serve at the pleasure of
     the board.  Requires the bank to have a principal executive
     officer primarily responsible for the execution of board
     policies and operation of the bank and an officer responsible
     for the maintenance and storage of all corporate books and
     records of the bank and for required attestation of
     signatures.  Prohibits these positions from being held by the
     same person.  Authorizes the board to appoint other officers
     of the bank as the board considers necessary.
     (b)  Prohibits an officer or employee from creating or
       disposing of a bank asset or creating or incurring a
       liability on behalf of the bank unless expressly authorized
       by a resolution of the board recorded in its minutes.
     Sec. 4.106.  CERTAIN CRIMINAL OFFENSES.  (a)  Establishes
     actions which constitute an offense if committed knowingly by
     an officer, board, employee, shareholder or participant of a
     state bank.
     (b)  Establishes actions which constitute an offense if
       committed by an officer, board, employee, shareholder or
       participant of a state bank.
       (c)  Provides that an offense under this section is a third
       degree felony.
     Sets forth actions which a state bank is prohibited from
     directly or indirectly engaging in without prior approval of
     a disinterested majority of the board recorded in the minutes.
     (b)  Prohibits a lease transaction involving real property
       from being consummated, renewed, or extended without the
       prior written approval of the commissioner.  Provides that
       an affiliate of the bank does not include a subsidiary of
       the bank.
       (c)  Provides that an officer, director, manager, or
       managing participant of the bank who knowingly commits an
       offense under this section commits a third degree felony.
     Requires a limited banking association to file with the
     commissioner a copy of any participation agreement by which a
     participant of the limited banking association agrees to
     become a full liability participant and the name and address
     of each full liability participant.  Provides that the filed
     copy is a public record.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to require a complete copy
       of the participation agreement to be filed with the
       department regardless of whether the state bank has a full
       liability participant, except that the provisions of the
       participation agreement other than those by which a
       participant of the limited banking association agrees to
       become a full liability participant are confidential and
       subject to release only as prescribed by Chapter 2B, of this
     Prohibits the participants, participant-transferees, and
     managers of a limited banking association from being held
     liable for a debt, obligation, or liability of the limited
     banking association, including a debt, obligation, or
     liability under a judgment, decree, or order of the court. 
     Provides that a participant, other than a full liability
     participant, or a manager of a limited banking association is
     not a proper party to proceedings by or against a limited
     banking association, unless the object of the proceeding is to
     enforce a participant's or manager's right against or
     liability to a limited banking association.
     (b)  Provides that a full liability participant of a limited
       banking association is liable under a judgment, decree, or
       order of court for a debt, obligation, or liability of the
       limited banking association that accrued during the
       participation of the full liability participant in the
       limited banking association and before the full liability
       participant or a successor in interest files a notice of
       withdrawal as a full liability participant from the limited
       banking association with the commissioner.  Provides that
       the filed notice of withdrawal is a public record.
     Sec. 4.203.  CONTRACTING DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS.  Authorizes
     debts, liabilities, and other obligations to be contracted for
     or incurred on behalf of a limited banking association by a
     majority of the managers, managing participants, or an officer
     or other agent vested with actual or apparent authority to
     contract for or incur the debt, liability, or obligation.
     Provides that management of a limited banking association is
     vested in the participants in proportion to each participant's
     contribution to capital, as adjusted periodically to properly
     reflect any additional contribution.  Provides that the
     articles of association may provide that management of a
     limited banking association is vested in a board of managers
     to be elected annually by the participants as prescribed by
     the bylaws.
     (b)  Sets forth the conditions which prohibit participants
       of a limited banking association from retaining management
       and require the participants to elect a board of managers.
       (c)  Authorizes the articles of association, bylaws, and
       participation agreement of a limited banking association to
       use the terms "director," and "board," instead of "manager"
       and "board of managers," respectively.
     CONTRIBUTION TO CAPITAL.  (a)  Prohibits a participant from
     receiving any part of the participant's contribution to
     capital from a limited banking association until certain
     criteria are met.
     (b)  Authorizes a participant to demand the return of the
       participant's contribution to capital on the dissolution of
       the association and the failure by the full liability
       participants to exercise the right for the business of the
       limited banking association to be carried on by the
       remaining participants as provided by Section 4.207 of this
       (c)  Authorizes a participant to demand the return of the
       participant's contribution to capital only in cash, unless
       allowed by the articles of association or by the unanimous
       consent of all participants.
     TRANSFERABILITY OF INTEREST.  (a)  Provides that the interest
     of a participant or transferee in a limited banking
     association is the personal estate of the person and may be
     transferred as provided by the bylaws or the participation
     agreement.  Provides that a transferee of a participant's
     interest has the status of a participant-transferee and does
     not by the transfer become a participant or obtain a right to
     participate in the management of the limited banking
     association.  Provides that a participant-transferee is
     entitled to receive only a share of profits, return of
     contribution, or other distributive benefit in respect to the
     interest transferred to which the participant who transferred
     the interest would have been entitled.  Provides that a
     transferee may become a participant only as provided by the
     bylaws or the participation agreement.
     (b)  Authorizes a limited banking association to add
       additional participants in the same manner as transferees
       after payment in full of the capital contribution to the
       limited banking association payable for the issuance of
       additional participation interests.
     Sec. 4.207.  DISSOLUTION.  Sets forth the conditions in which
     a limited banking association is considered dissolved.
     (b)  Provides that a dissolution under this section is
       considered to be the initiation of a voluntary liquidation
       under Chapter 7B of this Act.
       (c)  Provides that a dissolution does not cancel or revoke
       a contract to which the bank is a party, including a trust
       indenture or agreement or voluntary dissolution until the
       period for the remaining participants to continue the
       business of the bank has expired without the remaining
       participants having completed the necessary action to
       continue the business of the bank.
     Sec. 4.208.  ALLOCATION OF PROFITS AND LOSSES.  Authorizes the
     profits and losses of a limited banking association to be
     allocated among the participants and among classes of
     participants as provided by the participation agreement. 
     Requires the profits and losses to be allocated based on
     interests of the participants as reflected in the articles of
     association and related documents filed with and approved by
     the commissioner.
     Sec. 4.209.  DISTRIBUTIONS.  Authorizes distributions of cash
     or other assets of a limited banking association to be made to
     the participants as provided by the participation agreement. 
     Requires distributions to be made to the participants based on
     the relative interests of the participants as reflected in the
     articles of association and related documents filed with and
     approved by the commissioner.
     ASSOCIATIONS.  Provides that for the purposes of this Act
     other than this subchapter, as the context requires, a manager
     and the board of managers are considered to be a director and
     the board of directors, respectively; if there is not a board
     of managers, a participant is considered to be a director and
     all of the participants are considered to the board of
     directors; a participant or transferee is considered to be a
     shareholder; a participation share is considered to be a share
     of stock; and a distribution is considered to be a dividend.


     Sec. 5.001.  INVESTMENT IN BANK FACILITIES.  (a)  Defines
     "bank facility."
     (b)  Prohibits a state bank from directly or indirectly
       investing an amount in excess of its capital and certified
       surplus in bank facilities, furniture, fixtures, and
       equipment.  Establishes the procedures for computing the
       limitation of a state bank.
       (c)  Provides that real estate acquired under Subsection
       (a)(3) of this section and not improved and occupied by the
       bank ceases to be a bank facility on the third anniversary
       of the date of its acquisition, unless the commissioner on
       application grants written approval to further delay in the
       improvement and occupation of the property by the bank.
       (d)  Requires a bank to comply with regulatory accounting
       principles in accounting for its investment in and
       depreciation of bank facilities, furniture, fixtures, and
     Sec. 5.002.  OTHER REAL ESTATE.  Prohibits a state bank from
     acquiring real estate except: as permitted by Section 5.001 of
     this Act or as otherwise provided by this Act, including rules
     adopted under this Act; with the prior written approval of the
     commissioner; or if necessary to avoid or minimize a loss on
     a loan or investment previously made in good faith.
     (b)  Authorizes a state bank to exchange real estate for
       other real estate or personal property, invest additional
       funds in or improve real estate acquired under this
       subsection or Subsection (a) of this section, or acquire
       additional real estate to avoid or minimize loss on real
       estate acquired as permitted by Subsection (a) of this
       (c)  Sets forth the period within which a state bank is
       required to dispose of any real estate subject to this
       (d)  Authorizes the commissioner on application to grant one
       or more extensions of time for disposing of real estate if
       the commissioner makes certain determinations.
       Sec. 5.101.  SECURITIES.  (a)  Authorizes a state bank to
     purchase and sell equity and investment securities without
     recourse, solely on the order and for the account of a
     customer, and the bank may not underwrite an issue of
     securities except as otherwise provided by this Act or rules
     adopted under this Act.
     (b)  Prohibits a state bank form investing its funds in
       equity securities except as necessary to avoid or minimize
       a loss on a loan or investment previously made in good
       (c)  Authorizes a state bank to purchase investment
       securities for its own account under limitations and
       restrictions prescribed by rules adopted under this Act. 
       Prohibits the total amount of the investment securities of
       any one obligor or maker, held by the bank for its own
       account, from exceeding an amount equal to 15 percent of the
       bank's capital and certified surplus.
       (d)  Establishes the securities a state bank is authorized
       to deal in, underwrite or purchase for its own account.
       (e)  Sets forth the obligations to which Subsection (a) does
       not apply.
       (f)  Provides that Subsection (c) of this section applies to
       investments in small business related securities as defined
       by 15 U.S.C. Section 78c(a).
       (g)  Prohibits a state bank from investing more than an
       amount equal to 25 percent of its capital and certified
       surplus in investment grade adjustable rate preferred stock
       and money market preferred stock.
       (h)  Authorizes a state bank to deposit funds in a federally
       insured financial institution, a federal reserve bank, or a
       federal home loan bank without limitation.
       (i)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules to administer
       and carry out this section, including rules to define or
       further define terms used by this section, establish limits,
       requirements, or exemptions other than those specified by
       this section for particular classes or categories of
       investment securities, or limit or expand investment
       authority for state banks for particular classes or
       categories of investment securities.
     SHARES.  (a)  Prohibits a state bank from acquiring a lien by
     pledge or otherwise on its own shares or otherwise purchase or
     acquire title to its own shares, except as necessary to avoid
     or minimize a loss on a loan or investment previously made in
     good faith.
     (b)  Authorizes a state bank to acquire title to its own
       shares and hold those shares as treasury stock.  Provides
       that treasury stock acquired under this subsection is not
       considered an equity investment.
       (c)  Prohibits a lien from extending for more than two years
       by its original terms if a state bank acquires a lien on or
       title to its own shares under this section.  Prohibits the
       bank from holding title to its own shares for more than one
       (d)  Provides that equity securities in a bank holding
       company that are not publicly held and traded on a national
       securities exchange or automated quotation system are
       considered to be shares of each bank holding company's
       subsidiary state banks.
     Sec. 5.103.  BANK SUBSIDIARIES.  (a)  Authorizes a state bank
     to conduct any activity or investment through an operating
     subsidiary that a state bank or a bank holding company is
     authorized to conduct under the laws of this state, if the
     operating subsidiary is adequately empowered and appropriately
     licensed to conduct its business.
     (b)  Prohibits a state bank from investing more than 10
       percent of its capital and certified surplus in a single
       subsidiary and from investing more than the amount of its
       equity capital in all subsidiaries without prior written
       approval of the commissioner.  Provides that the amount of
       a state bank's investment in a subsidiary is the total
       amount of the bank's investment in equity or investment
       securities issued by its subsidiary and any loans and
       extensions of credit from the bank to its subsidiary.
       (c)  Authorizes a state bank to establish or acquire a
       subsidiary as provided by 12 C.F.R. Section 337.4 to conduct
       securities activities that the bank is prohibited from
       conducting directly.
       (d)  Authorizes a state bank to make a minority investment
       indirectly through an operating subsidiary in equity
       securities of another bank, a company that engages solely in
       an activity that is permissible for a bank service
       corporation or a bank holding company subsidiary, or a
       company that engages solely in activities as agent or
       trustee or in a brokerage, custodial, advisory, or
       administrative capacity.
       (e)  Requires a state bank that intends to acquire,
       establish, or perform new activities through a subsidiary to
       submit a letter to the commissioner describing in detail the
       proposed activities of the subsidiary.
       (f)  Establishes the terms in which a bank is authorized to
       acquire or establish a subsidiary or perform new activities
       in an existing subsidiary.
       (g)  Provides that a subsidiary of a state bank is subject
       to regulation by the commissioner to the extent provided by
       this Act or rules adopted under this Act.  Authorizes the
       commissioner to regulate a subsidiary as if it were a state
     Sec. 5.104.  MUTUAL FUNDS.  (a)  Authorizes a state bank to
     invest for its own account in equity securities of an
     investment company registered under 15 U.S.C. Section 80a-1
     (Investment Company Act of 1940) and 15 U.S.C. Section 77a
     (Securities Act of 1933) if the portfolio of the investment
     company consists wholly of investments in which the bank could
     invest directly for its own account.
     (b)  Authorizes the bank to invest in an investment company
       without limitation if the portfolio of the investment
       company described by Subsection (a) of this section consists
       wholly of investments in which the bank could invest
       directly without limitation under Section 5.101(d) of this
       (c)  Authorizes the bank to invest in the investment company
       not more than an amount equal to 15 percent of the bank's
       capital and certified surplus, if the investment company's
       portfolio contains an investment or obligation that is
       subject to certain limits.
       (d)  Requires a state bank to periodically determine that
       its pro rata share of any security in the portfolio of the
       investment company is not in excess of applicable investment
       and lending limits by reason of being combined with the
       bank's pro rata share of that security held by all other
       investment companies in which the bank has invested and with
       the bank's own direct investment and loan holdings.
     Sec. 5.105.  OTHER DIRECT EQUITY INVESTMENTS.  (a)  Sets forth
     the classes of equity securities issued by certain
     organizations a state bank is authorized to purchase for its
     own account.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to authorize investments in
       excess of the limitations of Subsection (a) in response to
       a written application if the commissioner concludes excess
       investment is not precluded by other applicable law, the
       safety and soundness of the requesting bank would not be
       adversely affected.
       (c)  Defines "agricultural credit corporation," "banker's
       bank," "bank service corporation," and "housing
     Sec. 5.106.  INVESTMENTS FOR PUBLIC WELFARE.  (a)  Authorizes
     a state bank to make investments of a predominantly civic,
     community, or public nature, designed primarily to promote the
     public welfare.  Authorizes the state bank to make the
     investments directly or by purchasing equity securities in an
     entity primarily engaged in making those investments. 
     Prohibits the state bank from making the investment if it
     would expose the bank to unlimited liability.  Authorizes a
     bank to serve as a community partner and make investments in
     a community partnership, as those terms are defined by the
     Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act.
     (b)  Prohibits a bank's aggregate investments under this
       section from exceeding an amount equal to 10 percent of the
       bank's capital and certified surplus.  Authorizes the
       commissioner to authorize investments in excess of this
       limitation in response to a written application if the
       commissioner concludes the excess investment is not
       precluded by other applicable law and the safety and
       soundness of the requesting bank would not be adversely
     Sec. 5.107.  ENGAGING IN COMMERCE PROHIBITED.  Prohibits a
     state bank from investing its funds in trade or commerce by
     buying, selling, or otherwise dealing in goods or by owning or
     operating a business not part of the business of banking,
     except as necessary to avoid or minimize on a loan or
     investment previously made in good faith.
                    SUBCHAPTER C.  LOANS
     Sec. 5.201.  LENDING LIMITS.  (a)  Prohibits the total loans
     and extensions of credit by a state bank to a person
     outstanding at one time from exceeding an amount equal to 25
     percent of the bank's capital and certified surplus.  Sets
     forth the circumstances to which this limitation does not
     (b)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules to administer
       and carry out this section.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to determine whether a loan
       or extension of credit putatively made to a person will be
       attributed to another person for purposes of this section.
       (d)  Provides that an officer, board, or employee of a state
       bank who approves or participates in the approval of a loan
       with actual knowledge that the loan violates this section is
       jointly and severally liable to the bank for the lesser of
       the amount by which the loan exceeded applicable lending
       limits or the bank's actual loss, and remains liable for
       that amount until the loan and all prior indebtedness of the
       borrower to the bank have been fully repaid.  Authorizes the
       bank to initiate a proceeding to collect an amount due under
       this subsection at any time before four years after the date
       the borrower defaults on the subject loan or any prior
       indebtedness.  Provides that a person that is liable for and
       pays amounts to the bank under this subsection is entitled
       to an assignment of the bank's claim against the borrower to
       the extent of the payments.  Provides that an officer, board
       member, or employee of a state bank is presumed to know the
       amount of the bank's lending limit and the amount of the
       borrower's aggregate outstanding indebtedness to the bank
       immediately before a new loan or extension of credit to that
     Sec. 5.202.  LOAN EXPENSES AND FEES.  (a)  Authorizes a bank
     to require a borrower to pay all reasonable expenses and fees
     incurred in connection with the making, closing, disbursing,
     extending, readjusting, or renewing of a loan, regardless of
     whether those expenses or fees are paid to third parties. 
     Prohibits a fee charged by the bank under this section from
     exceeding the cost the bank reasonably expects to incur in
     connection with the transaction to which the fee relates. 
     Authorizes payment for these expenses to be collected by the
     bank from the borrower and retained by the bank or paid to a
     person rendering services for which a charge has been made, or
     the payments may be paid directly by the borrower to a third
     party to whom they are payable.  Provides that this section
     does not authorize the bank to charge its borrower for payment
     of fees and expenses to the board, or officer of the bank for
     services rendered in the person's executive capacity.
     (b)  Authorizes a bank to charge a penalty for prepayment or
       late payment.  Authorizes only one penalty to be charged by
       the bank on each past due payment.  Requires the payment of
       the principal to be applied on the final installment of the
       note or other obligation until that installment is fully
       paid, and further prepayments must be applied on
       installments in the inverse order of their maturity.
       (c)  Provides that fees and expenses charged and collected
       as provided by this section are not considered a part of the
       interest or compensation charged by the bank for the use,
       forbearance, or detention of money.
       (d)  Provides that to the extent of any conflict between
       this section and a provision of Title 79(2), Article 5069-2.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., or Chapter 15, Article 5069-15.01 et
       seq., V.T.C.S., the provision of Title 79, V.T.C.S.,
       Sec. 5.203.  LEASE FINANCING TRANSACTIONS.  (a)  Authorizes a
     state bank to purchase or construct a building or other
     facility on the specific request and for the use of a customer
     and, as holder of legal title, lease the builder or other
     facility to a customer having sufficient resources to pay all
     rentals as they become due.  Requires a lease to provide that
     legal title to the property transfers to the lessee on
     consummation and expiration of the lease.
     (b)  Authorizes a state bank to become the owner and lessor
       of tangible personal property for lease financing
       transactions on a net lease basis on the specific request
       and for the use of a customer.  Prohibits the bank from
       holding the property more than six months after the date of
       expiration of the original or any extended or renewed lease
       period agreed to by the customer for whom the property was
       acquired or by a subsequent lessee.
       (c)  Provides that rental payments received by the bank in
       a lease financing transaction under this section are
       considered to be rent and not interest or compensation for
       the use, forbearance, or detention of money.  Provides that
       a lease financing transaction is considered to be a loan or
       extension of credit for purposes of Section 5.201.
                     SUBCHAPTER D.  DEPOSITS

     Sec. 5.301.  NATURE OF DEPOSIT CONTRACT.  (a)  Provides that
     a deposit contract between a bank and an account holder is
     considered a contract in writing for all purposes and may be
     evidenced by one or more agreements, deposit tickets,
     signature cards, or notices as provided by Section 5.302 of
     this Act, or by other documentation as provided by law.
     (b)  Provides that a cause of action for denial of deposit
       liability on a deposit contract without a maturity date does
       not accrue until the bank has denied liability and given
       notice of the denial to the account holder.  Provides that
       a bank that provides an account statement or passbook to the
       account holder is considered to have denied liability and
       given the notice as to any amount not shown on the statement
       or passbook.
     Sec. 5.302.  AMENDMENTS TO DEPOSIT CONTRACT.  (a)  Authorizes
     a bank and its account holder to amend the deposit contract as
     permitted by agreement, or as otherwise permitted by law.
     (b)  Authorizes a bank to amend a deposit contract by
       mailing a written notice of the amendment to the account
       holder, separately or as an enclosure with or part of the
       account holder's statement of account or passbook.  Requires
       the notice to include the text and effective date of the
       amendment.  Provides that the bank is required to deliver
       the notice to only one of the account holders of a deposit
       account that has more than one account holder.  Sets forth
       the method of determination for the effective date.
       (c)  Sets forth the conditions to which a notice of
       amendment is not required under Subsection (b) before
       renewal of an account, except for a disclosure required to
       be made under Section 5.303 of this Act or 12 U.S.C. Section
       4301 (Truth in Savings Act) or other federal law.
       (d)  Authorizes an amendment under Subsection (b) of this
       section to reduce the rate of interest or eliminate interest
       on an account without a maturity date.
       (e)  Provides that amendment of a deposit contract made in
       compliance with this section is not a violation of Section
       17.41 et seq., Business & Commerce Code (Deceptive Trade
       Practices-Consumer Protection Act).
     Sec. 5.303.  FEES; DISCLOSURES.  (a)  Authorizes a bank to
     charge an account holder a fee, service charge, or penalty
     relating to service or activity of a deposit account,
     including a fee for an overdraft, insufficient fund (NSF)
     check, or stop payment order.
     (b)  Requires a bank to disclose the amount of each fee,
       charge, or penalty (charge) related to an account, or if the
       amount of the charge cannot be stated, the method of
       computing the charge by written notice delivered or mailed
       to each customer opening an account not later than the 10th
       business day after the account is opened.  Requires a bank
       that increases or adds a new charge to give notice of the
       change to each affected account holder in the manner
       provided by Section 5.302(b) of this Act for notice of an
       amendment of a deposit contract.
     Sec. 5.304.  SECURING DEPOSITS.  (a)  Prohibits a state bank
     from pledging or creating a lien on its assets or securing the
     repayment of a deposit except as authorized or required by
     this section, rules adopted under this Act, or other law.
     (b)  Authorizes a state bank to pledge its assets to secure
       a deposit of this state, an agency or political subdivision
       of this state, the United States, or an instrumentality of
       the U.S.
       (c)  Provides that this section does not prohibit the pledge
       of assets to secure the repayment of money borrowed or the
       purchase of excess deposit insurance from a private
       insurance company.  Provides that an act, deed, conveyance,
       pledge, or contract in violation of this section is void.
     Sec. 5.305.  DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS OF MINORS.  (a)  Authorizes a
     bank lawfully doing business in this state to enter a deposit
     account with a minor as the sole and absolute owner of the
     account and to pay checks and withdrawals and otherwise act
     with respect to the account on the order of the minor. 
     Provides that a payment or delivery of rights to a minor who
     holds a deposit account evidenced by a receipt or acquittance
     signed by the minor discharges the bank to the extent of the
     payment made or rights delivered.
     (b)  Provides that the disabilities of minority are removed
       for the limited purpose of enabling the minor to enter into
       a depository contract with the bank; and the bank to enforce
       the contract against the minor if the minor is the sole and
       absolute owner of the deposit account.
       (c)  Authorizes a parent or legal guardian of a minor to
       deny the minor's authority to control, transfer, draft on,
       or make withdrawals from the minor's deposit account by
       notifying the bank in writing.  Prohibits the minor from
       controlling the account in any way during minority except
       with the joinder of a parent or legal guardian of the minor.
       (d)  Provides that if a minor with a deposit account dies,
       the receipt or acquittance of the minor's parent or legal
       guardian discharges the liability of the bank to the extent
       of the receipt or acquittance, except that the aggregate
       discharges under this subsection may not exceed $3,000.
       (e)  Provides that Subsection (a) of this section does not
       authorize a loan to the minor by the bank, whether on pledge
       of the minor's savings account or otherwise, or bind the
       minor to repay a loan made except as provided by Subsection
       (b) of this section or other law or unless the depository
       institution has obtained the express consent and joinder of
       a parent or legal guardian of the minor.  Provides that this
       subsection does not apply to an inadvertent extension of
       credit because of an overdraft from NSF, returned checks or
       deposits, or other shortages in a depository account
       resulting from normal banking operations.
     Authorizes a bank to accept and administer the account if a
     deposit account is opened with a bank by one or more persons
     expressly as a trustee for one or more other named persons and
     further notice of the existence and terms of a legal and valid
     trust is not given in writing to the bank.
     (b)  Authorizes a trustee to provide the bank with a
       certificate of trust to evidence the trust relationship if
       a deposit account is opened with a bank by one or more
       persons expressly as a trustee for one or more other named
       persons pursuant to or purporting to be pursuant to a
       written trust agreement.  Requires the certificate to be an
       affidavit of the trustee and to include the effective date
       of the trust and certain specific information required by
       the bank, and indemnification of the bank.  Authorizes the
       bank to accept and administer the account in accordance with
       the certificate of trust without requiring a copy of the
       trust agreement.  Provides that the bank is not liable for
       administering the account as provided by the certificate of
       trust, even if the certificate of trust, is contrary to the
       terms of the trust agreement, unless the bank has actual
       knowledge of the terms of the trust agreement.
       (c)  Authorizes the bank, on the death of the trustee or the
       survivor of two or more trustees, to pay all or part of the
       withdrawal value of the account with interest as provided by
       the certificate of trust.  Provides that if the trustee did
       not deliver a certificate of trust, the bank's right to
       treat the account as owned by a trustee ceases on the death
       of the trustee.  Requires the bank to pay the withdrawal
       value of the account with interest in equal shares to the
       persons who survived the trustee, are named as beneficiaries
       in the certificate, and can be located by the bank from its
       own records.  Requires payment of the withdrawal value and
       interest to be made as provided by Chapter XI, Probate Code,
       if there is no certificate of trust.  Provides that any
       payment made under this section discharges the bank from any
       liability to the extent of the payment.  Authorizes the bank
       to pay all or part of the withdrawal value and interest in
       the manner provided by this section, regardless of whether
       it has knowledge of a competing claim, unless the bank
       receives actual knowledge that payment has been restrained
       by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
       (d)  Provides that this section does not obligate a bank to
       accept a deposit account from a trustee who does not furnish
       a copy of the trust agreement or to search beyond its own
       records for the location of a named beneficiary.
       (e)  Provides that this section does not affect a
       contractual provision to the contrary that otherwise
       complies with the laws of this state.
     Sec. 5.307.  RIGHT OF SET-OFF.  (a)  Provides that the bank
     has a right of set-off, without further agreement or action,
     against all accounts owned by a depositor to whom or on whose
     behalf the bank has made an advance of money by loan,
     overdraft, or otherwise, if the bank has previously disclosed
     this right to the depositor.  Authorizes the bank to set off
     or cancel on its books all or part of the accounts owned by
     the depositor and apply the value of the accounts in payment
     of and to the extent of the obligation.
     (b)  Provides that a default occurs when an obligor has
       failed to make a payment as provided by the terms of the
       loan or other credit obligation and a grace period provided
       for by the agreement or law has expired.  Provides that an
       obligation is not required to be accelerated or matured for
       a default to authorize set-off of the depositor's obligation
       against the defaulted payment.
       (c)  Prohibits a bank from exercising its right of set-off
       under this section against an account unless the account is
       due and owing to the depositor in the same capacity as the
       defaulted credit obligation.  Provides that a trust account
       for which a depositor is trustee, including a trustee under
       a certificate of trust, is not subject to the right of set-off under this section unless the trust relationship is
       solely evidenced by the account card as provided by Chapter
       XI, Probate Code.
       (d)  Provides that this section does not limit or prohibit
       the exercise of another right of set-off, including a right
       under contract or common law.


     Sec. 6.001.  DETERMINATION LETTER.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to notify the bank in writing of a determination,
     the requirements the bank must satisfy to abate the
     determination, and the time in which the requirements must be
     satisfied to avert further administrative action if the
     commissioner determines from examination or other credible
     evidence that a state bank is in a condition that may warrant
     the issuance of an enforcement.
     (b)  Authorizes a the determination letter to be issued in
       connection with the issuance of a cease and desist, removal,
       or prohibition order under this subchapter or an order of
       supervision or conservatorship under Subchapter B of this
     Sec. 6.002.  CEASE AND DESIST ORDER.  (a)  Sets forth the
     conditions to which the commissioner has grounds to issue a
     cease and desist order to an officer, board, or employee of a
     state bank, or the bank itself acting through an authorized
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to serve a proposed cease
       and desist order on the bank and each person who committed
       or participated in a violation if the order appears to be
       necessary and in the best interest of the bank and its
       consumers.  Establishes the grounds and provisions of the
       Sec. 6.003.  REMOVAL OR PROHIBITION ORDER.  (a)  Establishes
     the necessary evidence in which the commissioner has grounds
     to remove a present or former officer, board, or employee of
     a state bank from office or employment, or participating in
     the affairs of a state bank, trust company, or entity
     chartered or licensed by the commissioner.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to serve a proposed removal
       or prohibition order on an officer, board, controlling
       shareholder or participant, or other person alleged to have
       committed or participated in a violation if the order
       appears to be necessary and in the best interest of the bank
       and its consumers.  Establishes the language and provisions
       of the order.
     Sec. 6.004.  HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDER.  (a)  Requires a
     hearing on a proposed order to be held not later than the 30th
     day after the date the first request for a hearing on the
     order was received by the department unless the parties agree
     to a later hearing date.  Requires each party to be given
     written notice by personal delivery or by registered or
     certified mail, return receipt requested, of the date set by
     the commissioner for the hearing not later than the 11th day
     before that date.  Requires the hearing to be conducted as
     provided by Chapter 2001, Government Code.  Provides that the
     department has the burden of proof and each person against
     whom the proposed order is directed may cross-examine and
     present evidence to show why the proposed order should not be
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to issue or decline to issue
       the proposed order.  Authorizes the proposed order to be
       modified as necessary to conform to the findings at the
       hearing and to require the board to take necessary
       affirmative action to correct the conditions cited in the
       (c)  Provides that an order issued under this section is
       immediately final for the purpose of enforcement and appeal. 
       Authorizes the order to be appealed.
     Sec. 6.005.  EMERGENCY ORDERS.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to issue one or more cease and desist, removal,
     or prohibition orders as emergency orders to become effective
     immediately on service without prior notice or hearing if the
     commissioner believes that immediate action is needed to
     prevent immediate and irreparable harm to the bank and its
     consumers.  Establishes the method by which the order must be
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to notify the bank and any
       person against whom the emergency order is directed of the
       specific conduct, activity, or omission requiring the order,
       the citation of each statute or rule alleged to have been
       violated, the immediate and irreparable harm alleged to be
       threatened, and the right to a hearing.  Authorizes a
       hearing on the order to be requested in writing not later
       than the 10th day after the date that the order is served. 
       Provides that unless a person against whom the emergency
       order is directed requests a hearing in writing before the
       11th day after the date it is served on the person, the
       emergency order is final and nonappealable as to that
       (c)  Requires a hearing on an emergency order to be given
       priority over all other matters pending before the
       commissioner and must be held not later than the 20th day
       after the date that it is requested unless the parties agree
       to a later hearing date.
       (d)  Provides that until the hearing, an emergency order
       continues in effect unless the order is stayed by the
       commissioner.  Authorizes the commissioner to impose any
       condition before granting a stay of the emergency order.
       (e)  Authorizes the commissioner to affirm, modify, or set
       aside in whole or part the emergency order.  Provides that
       an order affirming or modifying the emergency order is
       immediately final for purposes of enforcement and appeal. 
       Authorizes the order to be appealed.
     Requires a copy of any determination letter, proposed order,
     emergency order, or final order issued by the commissioner to
     be immediately brought to the attention of the board of the
     affected bank, regardless of whether the bank is a party, and
     filed in the minutes of the board.  Requires each board to
     immediately certify to the commissioner in writing that the
     certifying person has read and understood the determination
     letter, proposed order, emergency order, or final order. 
     Prohibits the required certification from being considered an
     admission of a person in a subsequent legal or administrative
     (a)  Establishes the activities in which a person subject to
     a final and enforceable removal or prohibition order is
     prohibited from engaging without the prior written approval of
     the commissioner.
     (b)  Provides that if voting securities of an entity
       identified in Subsection (a)(1) of this section cannot be
       voted under this section, the securities are considered to
       be authorized but unissued for purposes of determining the
       procedures for and results of the affected vote.
       (c)  Requires participants of a limited banking association
       in which a participant has been finally removed or
       prohibited from participation in the bank's affairs to elect
       a board of managers.
       (d)  Provides that this section and Section 6.008 of this
       Act do not prohibit a removal or prohibition order that has
       indefinite duration or that by its terms is perpetual.
       Sec. 6.008.  LIMITATION ON ACTION.  Prohibits the commissioner
     from initiating an enforcement action under this subchapter
     later than the fifth anniversary of the date the conduct or
     acts involved were discovered or reasonably should have been
     discovered by the commissioner.
     Sec. 6.009.  ENFORCEMENT OF FINAL ORDER.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to initiate administrative penalty proceedings
     against the bank, refer the matter to the attorney general for
     enforcement by injunction or other available remedy, or pursue
     any other action the commissioner considers appropriate if the
     commissioner reasonably believes that a bank or person has
     violated a final and enforceable order.
     (b)  Provides that if the attorney general prevails in an
       action brought under Subsection (a)(2) of this section, the
       attorney general is entitled to recover reasonable
       attorney's fees from the bank or person violating the order.
       Sec. 6.010.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to initiate a proceeding for an administrative
     penalty against a bank by serving on the bank notice of the
     time and place of a hearing on the penalty.  Prohibits the
     hearing from being held earlier than the 20th day after the
     date the notice is served and shall be conducted under Chapter
     2001, Government Code.  Requires the notice to contain a
     statement of the acts or conduct alleged to be in violation of
     the order.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to consider the maintenance
       of procedures reasonably adopted to ensure compliance with
       the order.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to impose an administrative
       penalty against the bank in an amount not to exceed $500 for
       each day the bank is in violation of the final order.
     (a)  Requires the bank to pay the penalty or appeal by filing
     a petition for judicial review under the substantial evidence
     rule in the district court of Travis County when a penalty
     becomes final.
     (b)  Provides that the petition for judicial review stays
       the penalty order during the period preceding the decision
       of the court.  Requires the court to order the bank to pay
       the full amount of the penalty or a lower amount determined
       by the court.  Provides that if the court does not sustain
       the order, a penalty is not owed.  Provides that if the
       final judgment of the court requires payment of a penalty,
       interest accrues on the penalty, at the rate charged on
       loans to depository institutions by the New York Federal
       Reserve Bank, beginning on the date the judgment is final
       and ending on the date the penalty and interest are paid.
       (c)  Requires the commissioner to refer the matter to the
       attorney general for enforcement if a bank does not pay a
       final and nonappealable penalty order.  Provides that the
       attorney general is entitled to recover reasonable
       attorney's fees from the bank if the attorney general
       prevails in judicial action necessary for collection of the
       (d)  Requires a penalty collected under this section to be
       remitted to the comptroller for deposit to the credit of the
       general revenue fund.
     Sec. 6.012.  CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS.  Provides that a copy
     of any document in the records of the department relating to
     an order issued under this subchapter is confidential and may
     be released only as provided by Chapter 2B of this Act, except
     that the commissioner shall publish all final removal and
     prohibition orders on a periodic basis.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to publish a final cease and desist order or
     information regarding the existence of the order to the public
     if the commissioner concludes that effective enforcement of
     the order would be enhanced by the release.
     Sec. 6.013.  COLLECTION OF FEES.  Authorizes the department to
     sue to enforce the collection of a fee owed to department
     under a law administered by the department.  Provides that in
     the suit a certificate by the commissioner showing the
     delinquency is prima facie evidence of the levy of the fee or
     the delinquency of the stated fee amount and compliance by the
     department with the law relating to the computation and levy
     of the fee.

     Sec. 6.101.  ORDER OF SUPERVISION.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to issue an order appointing a supervisor over a
     bank if the commissioner determines that a state bank is in
     hazardous condition.  Provides that the supervisor serves
     until the earlier of the expiration of the period or the date
     the commissioner determines that the requirements for
     abatement of the order have been satisfied.
     Sec. 6.102.  ORDER OF CONSERVATORSHIP.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to issue an order appointing a conservator at any
     time before, during, or after the period of supervision if the
     commissioner determines from examination or other credible
     evidence that a state bank is in hazardous condition and
     immediate and irreparable harm is threatened to the bank or
     its consumer.
     Sec. 6.103.  HEARING.  (a)  Requires an order issued under
     Section 6.101 or 6.102 of this Act to contain or be
     accompanied by a notice that a hearing before the commissioner
     will be held at the request of the bank at which the bank may
     cross-examine and present evidence to contest the order or
     show that it has satisfied all requirements for abatement of
     the order.  Provides that the department has the burden of
     proof for any continuation of the order or the issuance of a
     new order.
     (b)  Requires a bank that seeks to contest or modify an
       order or demonstrate that it has satisfied all requirements
       for abatement of the order to submit a written request for
       a hearing to the commissioner.  Requires the request  to
       state the grounds for the request.  Requires the
       commissioner to serve notice by delivery or mail within 10
       days of receipt of the request for a hearing.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to delay a decision for a
       prompt examination of the bank and to reopen the record as
       necessary to allow presentation of the results of the
       examination and appropriate opportunity for cross-examination and presentation of other relevant evidence.
     Sec. 6.104.  POST-HEARING ORDER.  (a)  Requires the
     commissioner to release the bank from the order if the
     commissioner finds that the bank has been rehabilitated, its
     hazardous condition has been remedied, irreparable harm is no
     longer threatened, or the bank should be released from the
     (b)  Sets forth the required actions of the commissioner, by
       order, if the commissioner finds that the bank has failed to
       comply with the lawful requirements of the commissioner, has
       not been rehabilitated, is insolvent, or otherwise continues
       in hazardous condition.
       (c)  Provides that an order issued Subsection (b) of this
       section is immediately final for purposes of appeal. 
       Authorizes the order to be appealed as provided by Section
       3.009 of this Act.
       (d)  Provides that this subchapter does not prevent release
       of the bank from supervision or conservatorship before a
       hearing if the banking commissioner is satisfied that
       requirements for abatement have been adequately satisfied.
     Sec. 6.105.  CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS.  Provides that an
     order issued under this subject and any related documents of
     the department are confidential and may be released only as
     provided by Chapter 2B of this Act, except that the
     commissioner may release an order or information regarding the
     existence of an order to the public if the commissioner
     concludes that the effective enforcement of the order would be
     enhanced by the release.
     Sec. 6.106.  DUTIES OF BANK UNDER SUPERVISION.  Prohibits the
     bank, without prior approval of the commissioner or the
     supervisor, from engaging in certain banking activities.
     Sec. 6.107.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF CONSERVATOR.  (a)  Requires
     a conservator to immediately take charge of the bank and all
     of its property, books, records, and affairs on behalf and at
     the direction and control of the commissioner.
     (b)  Requires the board, the officers, and the shareholders
       or participants of the bank to conduct the business of the
       bank and take all steps the conservator considers
       appropriate to remove the cause and conditions that required
       the appointment of a conservator.  Prohibits the board from
       directing or participating in the affairs of the bank during
       the conservatorship.
       (c)  Provides that except as otherwise provided by this
       subchapter, rules adopted under this Act, or Section 2.010
       of this Act, the conservator has the rights, privileges and
       is subject to the duties, restrictions, penalties,
       conditions, and limitations of the directors, officers, and
       employees of state banks.
     Sec. 6.108.  QUALIFICATIONS OF APPOINTEE.  Authorizes the
     commissioner to appoint any person as a supervisor or
     conservator who in the sole judgment of the commissioner is
     qualified to serve.  Authorizes the commissioner to serve or
     appoint an employee of the department to serve as supervisor
     or conservator.
     Sec. 6.109.  EXPENSES.  (a)  Requires the commissioner to
     determine and approve the reasonable expenses attributable to
     the service of a supervisor or conservator, including costs
     incurred by the department and the compensation and expenses
     of the supervisor or conservator and any professional employee
     appointed to represent or assist the supervisor or
     conservator.  Prohibits the commissioner or employee of the
     department from receiving compensation in addition to salary
     for serving as supervisor or conservator, but the department
     may receive reimbursement for the fully allocated personnel
     cost associated with service of the commissioner or an
     employee as supervisor or conservator.
     (b)  Requires all approved expenses to be paid by the bank
       as the commissioner determines.  Provides that the
       commissioner has a lien against the assets and funds of the
       bank to secure payment of approved expenses.  Provides that
       the lien has a higher priority than any other lien against
       the bank.
       (c)  Authorizes the bank to employ an attorney and other
       persons the bank selects to assist the bank in contesting or
       satisfying the requirements of an order of supervision or
       conservatorship.  Requires the commissioner to authorize
       payment of reasonable fees and expenses from the bank for
       the attorney or other persons as expenses of the supervision
       or conservatorship.
       (d)  Authorizes the commissioner to defer collection of
       assessment and examination fees by the department from the
       bank during a period of supervision or conservatorship, if
       deferral would appear to aid prospects for rehabilitation. 
       Authorizes the commissioner to require the rehabilitated
       bank to pay or develop a reasonable plan for payment of
       deferred fees.  
     (a)  Authorizes a majority of the bank's board to request in
     writing that the commissioner review an action taken or
     proposed by the supervisor or conservator.  Requires the
     request to specify why the action would not be in the best
     interest of the bank.  Requires the commissioner to
     investigate to the extent necessary and make a prompt written
     ruling on the request.  Authorizes the commissioner to stay
     the action on request pending review.
     (b)  Authorizes a majority of the bank's board to request a
       hearing before the commissioner within 10 days after the
       bank is notified of a ruling if the majority objects to the
       (c)  Requires the commissioner to give the board notice of
       the time and place of the hearing by personal delivery or by
       registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. 
       Prohibits the hearing from being held later than the 10th
       day after the date the commissioner receives the request for
       a hearing unless the parties agree to a later hearing date. 
       Provides that at the hearing the board has the burden of
       proof to demonstrate that the action is not in the best
       interest of the bank.
       (d)  Authorizes the commissioner to affirm, modify, or set
       aside in whole or part the prior ruling after the hearing. 
       Provides that an order supporting the action contested by
       the board is immediately final for purposes of appeal. 
       Authorizes the order to be appealed.  Authorizes the
       commission to affirm, terminate, or modify the order,
       continue or end supervision or conservatorship, and order
       further relief as justice, equity, and protection of
       depositors, creditors, and the public require, if the order
       is appealed.
     Sec. 6.111.  VENUE.  Establishes the venue of a suit filed
     against a bank.
     Sec. 6.112.  DURATION.  Requires a supervisor or conservator
     to serve for the period necessary to accomplish the purposes
     of the supervision or conservatorship as intended by this
     subchapter.  Requires a rehabilitated bank to be returned to
     its former or new management under conditions reasonable and
     necessary to prevent recurrence of the conditions causing the
     supervision or conservatorship.
     the commissioner to take any action authorized under Chapter
     7 of this Act regardless of the existence of supervision or
     conservatorship if the commissioner determines that a bank
     should be closed.  Provides that a period of supervision or
     conservatorship is not required before a bank is closed for
     liquidation or other remedial action is taken.

     Sets forth the actions the commissioner may take if the
     commissioner has reason to believe that a person has engaged,
     is engaging, or is likely to engage in an unauthorized
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to furnish any materials,
       documents, reports, complaints, or other evidence the
       commissioner has compiled in connection with the
       unauthorized activity to a law enforcement agency on written
       request and may assist the law enforcement agency or other
       regulatory agency as requested.
       (c)  Provides that a person acting without malice,
       fraudulent intent, or bad faith is not subject to liability,
       including liability for libel, slander, or other relevant
       tort.  Provides that the person is entitled to attorney's
       fees and court costs if the person prevails in an action for
       libel, slander, or any other relevant tort based on the
       report or other information the person furnished.  Provides
       that this chapter does not affect or modify a common law or
       statutory privilege or immunity, preempt the authority or
       relieve the duty of a law enforcement agency or other
       regulatory agency with appropriate jurisdiction to
       investigate and prosecute suspected criminal acts, prohibits
       a person from voluntarily disclosing information to a law
       enforcement agency, or limit a power or duty granted to the
       commissioner under this Act or other law.
       (d)  Provides that this subchapter does not apply to a state
       or national bank, a state or federal savings bank, a state
       or federal savings association, or a state or federal credit
     Sec. 6.202.  SUBPOENA AUTHORITY.  (a)  Provides that this
     section applies only to an investigation of an unauthorized
     activity as provided by Section 6.201 of this Act, and does
     not affect the conduct of a contested case under Chapter 2001,
     Government Code.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to issue a subpoena to
       compel the attendance and testimony of a witness and the
       production of a book, account, record, paper, or
       correspondence relating to a matter that the commissioner
       has authority to consider or investigate at the department's
       offices in Austin or at another place the commissioner
       (c)  Requires the commissioner or deputy commissioner to
       sign and issue the subpoena.
       (d)  Sets forth the fees and reimbursements a person is
       entitled to receive if a person is required by subpoena to
       attend a proceeding before the commissioner.
       (e)  Authorizes the commissioner to serve the subpoena or
       have it served by an authorized agent of the commissioner,
       a sheriff, or a constable.  Requires the sheriff's or
       constable's fee for serving the subpoena to be the same as
       a fee paid the sheriff or constable for similar services.
       (f)  Sets forth the authorized actions of the commissioner
       if a person possesses materials located outside this state
       that are requested by the commissioner.
       (g)  Provides that a subpoena issued under this section to
       a financial institution is not subject to Section 30.007,
       Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
       (h)  Provides that the authority granted under this section
       is in addition to other law authorizing the commissioner to
       obtain or require information.
     Sec. 6.203.  ENFORCEMENT OF SUBPOENA.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to apply to the district court of Travis County
     or of the county in which the subpoena was served for
     enforcement of the subpoena and the court may issue an order
     compelling compliance.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner or the attorney general to
       recover reasonable court costs, attorney's fees, and
       investigative costs incurred in a proceeding if the court
       orders compliance with the subpoena or finds the person in
       contempt for failure to obey an order.
     Provides that any subpoenaed document produced under this
     section is confidential and remains privileged or confidential
     unless admitted into evidence at an administrative hearing in
     court.  Authorizes the commissioner to issue an order
     protecting the confidentiality or privilege of the document
     and restricting its use or distribution by any person or in
     any proceeding, other than a proceeding before the
     (b)  Provides that information or material acquired under
       this section under a subpoena is not a public record for the
       period the commissioner considers reasonably necessary to
       complete the investigation, protect the person being
       investigated from unwarranted injury, or serve the public
       interest.  Provides that the information or material is not
       subject to a subpoena, except from a valid grand jury, until
       released by the commissioner or a district court determines
       that a public interest and any investigation by the
       commissioner would not be jeopardized by obeying the
       subpoena.  Establishes the documents to which a district
       court order is prohibited from applying.
     Sec. 6.205.  EVIDENCE.  (a)  Provides that, on certification
     by the commissioner, a book, record, paper, or document
     produced or testimony taken and held by the department is
     admissible in any case without prior proof of its correctness
     and without other proof.  Provides that the certified document
     is prima facie evidence of the facts it contains.
     (b)  Provides that this section does not limit another
       provision of this Act or a law that provides for the
       admission of evidence or its evidentiary value.
     ACTIVITY.  (a)  Makes conforming changes.
     (b)  Sets forth the provisions of a hearing on a proposed
       (c)  Requires the commissioner to issue or decline to issue
       a cease and desist order after the hearing.  Authorizes the
       proposed order to be modified as necessary to conform to the
       findings at the hearing.  Provides that an order issued
       under this section is immediately final for purposes of
       enforcement and appeal must require the person to
       immediately cease and desist from the unauthorized activity.
     UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITY.  (a)  Authorizes the commissioner to
     issue an emergency cease and desist order if the commissioner
     reasonably believes a person is engaging in a continuing
     unauthorized activity that is fraudulent or threatens
     immediate and irreparable public harm.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to serve on each person
       affected by an emergency cease and desist order to the
       person's last known address an order that states the
       specific charges and requires the person immediately to
       cease and desist from the unauthorized activity.  Requires
       the order to contain a notice that a request for hearing may
       be filed under this section.
       (c)  Authorizes a person affected by an emergency cease and
       desist order to request a hearing before the commissioner. 
       Sets forth the provisions of the hearing.
       (d)  Makes conforming changes.
       (e)  Provides that an emergency cease and desist order
       continues in effect unless the order is stayed by the
       commissioner until the hearing.  Authorizes the commissioner
       to impose any condition before granting a stay of the order.
       (f)  Requires the commissioner to affirm, modify, or set
       aside in whole or part the emergency cease and desist order. 
       Provides that an order affirming or modifying the emergency
       cease and desist order is immediately final for purposes of
       enforcement and appeal.
     UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITY.  (a)  Authorizes a person affected by
     a cease and desist order to file a petition for judicial
     review in the district court of Travis County under the
     substantial evidence rule as provided by Chapter 2001,
     Government Code.
     (b)  Provides that a filed petition for judicial review does
       not stay or vacate the order unless the court, after
       hearing, specifically stays or vacates the order.
     commissioner to initiate administrative penalty proceedings
     under Section 6.210 of this Act, refer the matter to the
     attorney general for enforcement by injunction and any other
     available remedy, or pursue any other action the commissioner
     considers appropriate under applicable law if the commissioner
     reasonably believes that a person has violated a final and
     enforceable cease and desist order.
     (b)  Provides that if the attorney general prevails in an
       action brought under Subsection (a)(2) of this section, the
       attorney general is entitled to reasonable attorney's fees.
     Authorizes the commissioner to initiate an action for an
     administrative penalty against a person under Section
     6.209(a)(1) of this Act by serving on the person, by personal
     delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
     person's last known address, notice of the time and place of
     a hearing on the penalty.  Prohibits the hearing from being
     held earlier than the 20th day after the date the notice is
     served and shall be conducted under Chapter 2001, Government
     Code.  Requires the notice to contain a statement of the facts
     or conduct alleged to be in violation of the cease and desist
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to consider the maintenance
       of procedures reasonably adopted to ensure compliance with
       the order.
       (c)  Sets forth the penalties the commissioner is authorized
       to impose upon a person who has violated a cease and desist
       (d)  Sets forth the considerations the commissioner is
       required to make in determining the amount of the penalty
       and whether to impose restitution.
       Sec. 6.211.  PAYMENT AND APPEAL OF PENALTY ORDER.  (a)  Sets
     forth the required actions of a person affected by an order
     within the time permitted by law for appeal after the order
     becomes final.
     (b)  Sets forth the authorized actions of a person who acts
       under Subsection (a)(3) within the time permitted by law for
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to file with the court a
       contest to the affidavit.  Requires the court to hold a
       hearing on the facts alleged in the affidavit as soon as
       practicable and to stay the enforcement of the penalty on
       finding that the alleged facts are true.  Provides that the
       person who files an affidavit has the burden of proving that
       the person is financially unable to pay the amount of the
       penalty and to give a supersedeas bond.
       (d)  Authorizes the commissioner, if a person does not pay
       the amount of the penalty and the enforcement of the penalty
       is not stayed, to refer the matter to the attorney general
       for collection of the amount of the penalty.
     Sec. 6.212.  JUDICIAL REVIEW OF PENALTY ORDER.  (a)  Provides
     that judicial review of a penalty order of the commissioner is
     instituted by filing a petition and is under the substantial
     evidence rule.
     (b)  Requires the court to order the person to pay the full
       amount of the penalty or a lower amount determined by the
       court.  Provides that if the court does not sustain the
       order, the penalty is not owed.
       (c)  Requires the court to order that the appropriate amount
       plus accrued interest be remitted to the department when the
       judgment of the court becomes final.  Sets forth the
       provisions regarding the interest payment due.  Requires the
       court to order the release of the bond if the person gave a
       supersedeas bond and if the amount of the penalty is not
       upheld by the court.  Requires the court to order the
       release of the bond after the person pays the amount if the
       person gave a supersedeas bond and if the amount of the
       penalty is reduced.
       (d)  Provides that if the judgment of the court requires
       payment of a penalty that has not previously been paid, the
       court shall order 10 percent interest to be paid in addition
       to the penalty.
     Sec. 6.213.  DEPOSIT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND.  Requires a
     penalty collected under this subchapter to be remitted to the
     comptroller for deposit to the credit of the general revenue


     Sec. 7.001.  DEFINITION.  Defines "administrative expense."
     Sec. 7.002.  REMEDIES EXCLUSIVE.  (a)  Prohibits a court from
     ordering the closing or suspension of operation of any state
     bank or appointing for a state bank a receiver, supervisor,
     conservator, or liquidator, or other manager or overseer with
     similar responsibility unless the commissioner requests such
     (b)  Prohibits a person from being designated receiver,
       supervisor, conservator, or liquidator without the voluntary
       approval and concurrence of the commissioner.
       (c)  Provides that this chapter prevails over any other
       conflicting law of this state.
     LIQUIDATOR.  Authorizes the commissioner without court action
     to tender a state bank that has been closed for liquidation to
     the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or its
     successor as receiver and liquidating agent if the deposits of
     the bank were insured by the FDIC or its successor on the date
     of closing.  Requires the FDIC or its successor to perform the
     acts and duties as receiver of the bank that it considers
     necessary or desirable and that are permitted or required by
     federal law or this chapter.  Requires the commissioner to act
     as receiver if the FDIC or its successor refuses to accept
     tender of the bank.
     Authorizes the court to appoint an independent receiver and to
     require a suitable bond of the independent receiver on request
     of the commissioner.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to remain a party to the
       liquidation proceeding with the standing to initiate or
       contest any motion if an independent receiver is appointed. 
       Provides that the views of the commissioner are entitled to
       deference if not contrary to the plain meaning of this
       Sec. 7.005.  SUCCESSION OF TRUST POWERS.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to authorize the sale of the bank's
     administration of fiduciary accounts to a successor entity
     with fiduciary powers if any state bank in the process of
     voluntary or involuntary dissolution and liquidation is acting
     as trustee, guardian, executor, administrator, or escrow
     agent, or in another fiduciary or custodial capacity.
     (b)  Requires the successor entity to continue the office,
       trust, or fiduciary relationship and to perform all the
       duties and exercise all the powers connected with or
       incidental to the fiduciary relationship in the same manner
       as if the successor entity had been originally designated as
       the fiduciary.
       (c)  Provides that this section applies to all fiduciary
       relationships, including a trust establishment for the
       benefit of a minor by court order.  Provides that this
       section does not affect any right of a court or party to the
       instrument governing the fiduciary relationship to
       subsequently designate another trustee as the successor
     (a)  Authorizes a state bank to initiate voluntary dissolution
     and surrender its charter as provided by the subchapter with
     the approval of the commissioner, after complying with the
     provisions of the TBCA regarding board and shareholder
     approval for voluntary dissolution, and by filing the notice
     of dissolution as provided by Section 7.102(a) of this Act.
       (b)  Requires the home office and all branch offices of the
       bank to remain open for business during normal business
       hours until the last date specified in published notices for
       presentation of claims, withdrawal of accounts, and
       redemption of property.
       (c)  Requires the shareholders or participants of a state
       bank initiating voluntary dissolution to by resolution
       appoint one or more persons to act as liquidating agent or
       committee who shall conduct the liquidation as provided by
       law and under the supervision of the board.  Requires the
       board to require the liquidating agent or committee to give
       suitable bond.
       Sec. 7.102.  NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION.  (a)  Requires
     a majority of the board to verify and file duplicate certified
     copies of certain documents with the commissioner after
     resolutions to dissolve and liquidate the bank have been
     adopted by the board and shareholders or participants.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to review the submitted
       documentation and conduct any necessary investigation or
       examination.  Requires the commissioner to consent to
       dissolution and direct the bank to publish notice of its
       pending dissolution if the proceedings appear to have been
       properly conducted and the bond to be given by the
       liquidating agent or committee is adequate for its purposes.
       (c)  Requires the bank to publish notice in a newspaper of
       general circulation in each community where its home office
       or a branch is located at least once each week for eight
       consecutive weeks or at other times specified by the
       commissioner or rules adopted under this Act.  Requires the
       notice to state that the bank is liquidating, that
       depositors and creditors must present their claims for
       payment on or before a specified date, and that all safe
       deposit box holders and bailors of property left with the
       bank should remove their property on or before a specified
       date.  Establishes the procedures for notification and
       repayment of claims for a liquidation.
       (d)  Requires the bank to mail to each of the bank's known
       depositors, creditors, safe deposit box holders, and bailors
       of property left with the bank, at the mailing address shown
       on the bank's records, an individual notice containing the
       information required in a notice under Subsection (c) of
       this section and specific information pertinent to the
       account or property of the addressee.
       (e)  Requires a notice under this section to be in the form
       and include the information required by the commissioner.
     Sec. 7.103.  SAFE DEPOSITS AND OTHER BAILMENTS.  (a)  Provides
     that a contract between the bank and a person for bailment, or
     of deposit for hire, or for the lease of a safe, vault, or
     box, ceases on the date specified as the date for removal of
     property in the notices or a later date approved by the
     commissioner.  Provides that a person who has paid rental or
     storage charges for a period extending beyond the date
     designated for removal of property has an unsecured claim
     against the bank for a refund of any unearned amount paid.
     (b)  Requires an officer of the bank to inventory the
       property and may open a safe, vault, or box or any package,
       parcel, or receptacle, in the custody or possession of the
       bank, to make the inventory.  Requires the property to be
       marked to identify its owner or the person who left it with
       the bank.  Requires the a master list certified by the bank
       officer and the notary public to be furnished to the
       commissioner after all property belonging to others that is
       in the bank's custody and control has been inventoried. 
       Requires the master list to be kept in a place and dealt
       with in a manner the commissioner specifies pending delivery
       of the property to its owner or to the state treasurer as
       unclaimed property.
     Sec. 7.104.  FIDUCIARY ACTIVITIES.  (a)  Requires the bank to
     terminate all fiduciary positions it holds, surrender all
     property held by it as a fiduciary, and settle its fiduciary
     (b)  Requires the bank to mail individual notices to each
       trustor and beneficiary of any remaining trust, escrow
       arrangement, or other fiduciary relationship advising the
       person of an office location open during normal business
       hours and a telephone number at that location where
       administration of the remaining fiduciary accounts will
       continue until settled or transferred.
     Sec. 7.105.  FINAL LIQUIDATION.  (a)  Requires the bank to
     make a list from its books of the names of each depositor,
     creditor, owner of personal property in the bank's possession
     or custody, or lessee of any safe, vault, or box, who has not
     claimed or has not received a deposit, debt, dividend,
     interest, balance, or other amount or property due to the
     person after the bank has taken all of the necessary actions
     and has paid all its debts and obligations and transferred all
     property for which a legal claimant has been found.
     (b)  Requires the list to be filed with the commissioner. 
       Requires the bank to pay any unclaimed funds and deliver any
       unclaimed property to the state treasurer as provided by
       Chapter 74, Property Code, and certify to the commissioner
       that the unclaimed funds and property have been paid or
       (c)  Requires the commissioner to allow the bank to
       distribute the bank's remaining assets among its
       shareholders, participants, or participant-transferees as
       their ownership interests appear.
       (d)  Requires the bank to file and tender certain documents
       with the department after distribution of all remaining
       (e)  Requires the commissioner to issue a certificate
       cancelling the charter of the bank after verifying the
       submitted information and documents.
     (a)  Requires the bank to furnish reports required by the
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to authorize a deviation
       from the procedures for voluntary dissolution in this
       subchapter if the commissioner determines that the interests
       of claimants are not jeopardized by the deviation.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to close the bank for
       involuntary dissolution and liquidation if the commissioner
       determines that the voluntary liquidation is being conducted
       in an improper or illegal manner or is not in the best
       interests of the bank's depositors and creditors or that the
       bank is insolvent or imminently insolvent.
       (d)  Prohibits the bank from resuming business or reopening
       except on application for and approval of a new charter
       after a charter has been voluntarily surrendered and

     Sec. 7.201.  ACTION TO CLOSE STATE BANK.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to close and liquidate a state bank upon certain
     (b)  Authorizes a majority of the bank's board to
       voluntarily close the bank and place it with the
       commissioner for liquidation.
     Sec. 7.202.  INVOLUNTARY CLOSING.  (a)  Sets forth the
     required actions of the commissioner after the closing of a
     bank.  Prohibits a correspondent of the closed bank from
     paying an item drawn on the account of the closed bank that is
     presented for payment after the correspondent has received
     actual notice of closing unless it previously certified the
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to tender the bank to the
       FDIC as provided by Section 7.003 of this Act or initiate a
       receivership proceeding by filing a copy of the notice
       contained on the sign in a district court in the county
       where the bank's home office is located.   Sets forth the
       required language regarding the docket which the court must
       file.  Provides that as soon as the notice is filed, the
       court has constructive custody of all the bank's assets and
       any action to affect the bank assets is considered
     Prohibits the court from requiring a bond from the
     commissioner as receiver.  Provides that any reference to the
     receiver in this chapter is a reference to the commissioner as
     receiver and any successors in office, the FDIC, or an
     independent receiver appointed at the request of the
     commissioner.  Provides that the receiver and all employees
     and agents acting on behalf of the receiver are acting in an
     official capacity and subject to the protection of Section
     2.010 of this Act.  Prohibits the acts of the non-liable
     receiver and acts of the bank in liquidation and this state
     and its political subdivisions from being held accountable for
     any debt or obligation of the state bank in receivership.
     (b)  Provides that the receiver has all the powers of the
       board, officers, and shareholders or participants of the
       bank as necessary to support an action taken on behalf of
       the bank.
       (c)  Provides that Section 64.072, Civil Practice and
       Remedies Code, applies to the receivership of a bank except
       as provided by this subsection.  Requires a receivership to
       be administered continuously for the length of time
       necessary to complete its purposes, and a period prescribed
       by other law limiting the time for the administration of
       receiverships or of corporate affairs generally does not
       Sec. 7.204.  CONTEST OF LIQUIDATION.  (a)  Authorizes a state
     bank, acting through a majority of its board to intervene in
     the action filed by the commissioner to challenge the
     commissioner's closing of the bank and to enjoin the
     commissioner or other receiver from liquidating its assets. 
     Requires the intervenors to file the intervention not later
     than the second business day after the closing of the bank. 
     Authorizes the court to issue an ex parte order restraining
     the receiver from liquidating bank assets pending a hearing on
     the injunction.  Requires the receiver to comply with the
     restraining order but may petition the court for permission to
     liquidate an asset as necessary to prevent its loss or
     diminution pending the outcome of the injunction.
     (b)  Requires the court to hear this action as quickly as
       possible and to give it priority over other business.
       (c)  Authorizes the bank or receiver to appeal the court's
       judgment as in other civil cases, except that the receiver
       shall retain all bank assets pending a final appellate court
       order even if the commissioner does not prevail in the trial
       court.  Authorizes the liquidation of the bank to proceed
       unless the trial court or appellate court orders otherwise. 
       Provides that if liquidation is enjoined or stayed pending
       appeal, the trial court retains jurisdiction to permit
       liquidation of an asset as necessary to prevent its loss or
       diminution pending the outcome of the appeal.
     Sec. 7.205.  NOTICE OF BANK CLOSING.  (a)  Sets forth the
     requirements of a notice of a bank closing for liquidation.
     (b)  Requires the receiver to mail to each of the bank's
       known depositors, creditors, safe deposit box holders, and
       bailors of property left with the bank an individual notice
       and specific information pertinent to the account or
       property of the addressee.
       (c)  Authorizes the receiver to determine the form and
       content notices under this section.
     Sec. 7.206.  INVENTORY.  Requires the receiver to prepare a
     comprehensive inventory of the bank's assets for filing with
     the court.  Requires the inventory to be open to inspection.
     Sec. 7.207.  TITLE IN RECEIVER.  (a) Provides that the
     receiver has the title to all the bank's property, contracts,
     and rights of action, wherever located, beginning on the date
     the bank is closed for liquidation.
     (b)  Provides that the rights of the receiver have priority
       over a contractual lien or statutory landlord's lien,
       judgment lien, attachment lien, or voluntary lien that
       arises after the date of the closing of the bank for
       (c)  Provided that the filing or recording of a receivership
       order in a record office of this state gives the same notice
       that would be given by a deed, bill of sale, or other
       evidence of title duly filed or recorded by the bank in
       liquidation.  Requires the recording clerk to index a
       recorded receivership order in the records to which the
       order relates.
     Sec. 7.208.  RIGHTS FIXED.  Provides that the rights and
     liabilities of the bank in liquidation and of anyone
     associated or interested in the bank's estate are fixed on the
     date of closing of the bank for liquidation except as
     otherwise directed by the court or as expressly provided
     otherwise by this chapter.
     Sec. 7.209.  DEPOSITORIES.  (a)  Sets forth the authorized
     deposits a receiver may make from funds collected on behalf of
     the bank estate.
     (b)  Requires the receiver to require the excess deposit to
       be adequately secured through pledge of securities or
       otherwise, without approval of the court.  Authorizes the
       depository bank to secure the deposits of the bank in
       liquidation on behalf of the receiver, notwithstanding any
       other provision of this Act.
       Sec. 7.210.  PENDING LAWSUITS.  (a)  Provides that a judgment
     or order of a court in an action pending by or against the
     bank, rendered after the date the bank was closed for
     liquidation, is not binding after the date the bank was closed
     for liquidation, is not binding on the receiver unless the
     receiver was made a party to the suit.
     (b)  Prohibits the receiver from being required to plead to
       any suit pending against the bank in a court in this state
       on the date the bank was closed for liquidation and in which
       the receiver is a proper plaintiff or defendant.
       (c)  Provides that Sections 64.052, 64.053, and 64.056,
       Civil Practice and Remedies Code, do not apply to a bank
       estate being administered under this chapter.
     Sec. 7.211.  NEW LAWSUITS.  (a)  Provides that the court in
     which the receivership proceeding is pending under this
     subchapter has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine
     all actions or proceedings instituted by or against the bank
     or receiver after the receivership proceeding starts.
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to file in any jurisdiction an
       ancillary suit that may be helpful to obtain jurisdiction or
       venue over a person or property.
       (c)  Sets forth the exclusive venue of an action or
       proceeding instituted against the receiver or the receiver's
     Sec. 7.212.  RECORDS WITH THIRD PARTIES.  (a)  Requires anyone
     associated with a bank to immediately deliver to the receiver
     any information regarding the bank or that relates to the
     business of the bank without cost to the receiver.
     (b)  Requires a copy of any book, record, account, or
       document which can be copied to be delivered to the
       receiver, and the original to be retained by the owner until
       notification by the receiver that it is no longer required
       in the administration of the bank's estate or at another
       time the court, after notice, and hearing directs.  Provides
       that a copy is considered to be a record of the bank in
       liquidation under Section 7.226 of this Act.
       Sec. 7.213.  INJUNCTION IN AID OF LIQUIDATION.  (a) 
     Establishes the injunctions a court may issue with or without
     (b)  Establishes the subsequent injunctions a court may
       issue during a proceeding.
       Sec. 7.214.  SUBPOENA.  (a)  Authorizes the receiver to
     request the court ex parte to issue a subpoena to compel the
     attendance and testimony of a witness before the receiver and
     the production of a book, account, record, paper, or
     correspondence or other record relating to the receivership
     estate in addition to the authority granted by law to the
     receiver relating to the taking of a deposition of a witness. 
     Authorizes the receiver or the receiver's designated
     representative to administer an oath or affirmation, examine
     a witness, or receive evidence.  Authorizes the court to
     compel attendance and production of a record before the
     receiver at the bank, the office of the receiver, or another
     (b)  Authorizes a person served with a subpoena to file a
       motion with the court for a protective order.  Authorizes
       the receiver to request and the court may issue an order
       requiring the person subpoenaed to obey the subpoena, give
       evidence, or produce a book, account, record, paper, or
       correspondence or other record relating to the matter in
       (c)  Sets forth the reimbursements a witness who is required
       to appear before the receiver is entitled to receive.
       (d)  Provides that all disbursements made in the payment of
       fees under Subsection (c) of this section are administrative
       expenses of liquidation.
       (e)  Authorizes the receiver to serve the subpoena or have
       it served by the receiver's authorized agent, a sheriff, or
       a constable.  Requires the sheriff's or constable's fee for
       serving a subpoena to be the same as the fee paid the
       sheriff or constable for similar services.
       (f)  Provides that a subpoena issued under this section to
       a financial institution is not subject to Section 30.007,
       Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
       (g)  Provides that on certification by the receiver under
       official seal, any document or testimony taken by the
       receiver is admissible in evidence in any case without proof
       of its correctness and without other proof except the
       certificate of the receiver that the document or testimony
       was received from the person producing the material or
       testifying.  Provides that the document is prima facie
       evidence of the facts it contains.  Provides that this
       section does not limit another provision of this subchapter,
       Subchapter D of this chapter, or another law that provides
       for the admission of evidence or its evidentiary value.
     Authorizes the receiver to terminate any executory contract to
     which the bank is a party or any obligation of the bank as a
     lessee within six months after the date the receivership
     proceeding begins.  Provides that a lessor who receives notice
     of the receiver's election to terminate the lease is not
     entitled to rent or damages for termination, other than rent
     accrued to the date of termination.
     (b)  Sets forth the criteria in which an agreement that
       tends to diminish or defeat the interest of the estate in a
       bank asset is valid against the receiver.
     Sec. 7.216.  PREFERENCES.  (a)  Sets forth the circumstances
     in which any transfer of or lien on the property or assets of
     a state bank is voidable by the receiver.
     (b)  Provides that any person acting on behalf of the bank,
       who has participated in implementing a voidable transfer or
       lien, and each person receiving property or the benefit of
       property of the bank as a result of the voidable transfer or
       lien, is personally liable for the property or benefit
       received and shall account to the receiver for a benefit of
       the depositors and creditors of the bank.
       (c)  Authorizes the receiver to avoid a transfer of or lien
       on the property or assets of a bank that a depositor,
       creditor, shareholder, participant, or transferee of the
       bank could have avoided and to recover the property
       transferred or its value from the person who has received
       it, unless the transferee or recipient was a bona fide
       holder for value before the date the bank was closed for
     EXPENSES.  Authorizes the receiver to employ any personnel the
     receiver considers necessary to assist  in the performance of
     the receiver's duties.  Authorizes the receiver to use
     personnel of the department if the receiver considers the use
     to be advantageous or desirable.  Provides that the expense of
     employing these persons is an administrative expense of
     Authorizes the receiver on order of the court entered with or
     without hearing to sell all or part of the real and personal
     property of the bank, borrow money and pledge all or part of
     the assets of the bank to secure the debt created, except that
     the receiver may not be held personally liable to repay the
     funds, compromise or compound a doubtful or uncollectible debt
     or claim owed by or owing to the bank, and enter another
     agreement on behalf of the bank that the receiver considers
     necessary or proper to the management, conservation, or
     liquidation of its assets.
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to compromise or compound the
       debt or claim or sell the property on terms the receiver
       considers to be in the best interests of the bank estate
       without obtaining the approval of the court if the amount of
       a debt or claim owed by  or owing to the bank or the value
       of an item of property of the bank does not exceed $20,000,
       excluding interest.
       (c)  Authorizes the receiver to sell or offer to sell an
       asset of the bank, other than fiduciary assets, to a
       depositor or creditor of the bank.  Authorizes payment to be
       in whole or in part out of distributions payable to the
       purchasing creditor or depositor on account of an approved
       claim against the bank's estate.  Authorizes the court to
       designate one or more representatives to act for certain
       depositors or creditors as a class under this section, and
       the receiver may with the approval of the court advance the
       expenses of the appointed representative against the
       security of the claims of the class.
     Sec. 7.219.  DISCRETION OF THE COURT.  Requires the court to
     fix the time and place of the hearing and prescribe whether
     the notice is to be given by the service on specific parties,
     by publication, or by a combination of these methods. 
     Prohibits the court from entering an order requested by a
     person other than the receiver without notice to the receiver
     and opportunity for the receiver to be heard.
     Sec. 7.220.  FILING REPORTS; EXPENSES.  (a)  Requires the
     receiver to file quarterly reports with the court showing the
     operation, receipts, expenditures, and general condition of
     the bank in liquidation.  Requires the receiver to file a
     final report regarding a liquidated bank showing all receipts
     and expenditures and giving a full explanation and a statement
     of the deposition of all assets of the bank.
     (b)  Requires the receiver to pay all administrative
       expenses out of funds or assets of the bank.  Requires the
       receiver to submit an itemized report of those expenses,
       sworn to by the receiver.  Requires the court to approve the
       report unless an objection is filed before the 11th day
       after the date of submission of the account.  Authorizes an
       objection to be made only by a party in interest and must
       specify each item objected to and the ground for the
       objection.  Requires the court to set the objection for
       hearing and notify the parties of this action.  Provides
       that the objecting party has the burden of proof to show
       that the item objected to is improper, unnecessary, or
       (c)  Authorizes the court to prescribe whether the notice of
       the receiver's report is to be given by service on specific
       parties, by publication, or by combination of these methods.
     Sec. 7.221.  COURT-ORDERED AUDIT.  Authorizes the court in
     which the receivership proceeding is pending to order an audit
     of the books and records of the receiver that relate to the
     receivership.  Requires a report of an audit ordered under
     this section to be filed with the court.  Requires the
     receiver to make the books and records relating to the
     receivership available to the auditor as required by the court
     order.  Requires the receiver to pay the expenses of an audit
     ordered under this section as an administrative expense.
     Sec. 7.222.  SAFE DEPOSITS AND OTHER BAILMENTS.  (a)  Provides
     that a contract between the bank and another person for
     bailment, of deposit for hire, or for the lease of a safe,
     vault, or box ceases on the date specified for removal of
     property in the notices that were published and mailed or a
     later date approved by the receiver or the court.  Requires a
     person who has paid rental or storage charges for a period
     extending beyond the date designated as the date for removal
     of property to have a claim against the bank estate for a
     refund of any unearned amount paid.
     (b)  Requires the receiver to inventory the property and may
       open a safe, vault, or box, or any package in the custody or
       possession of the receiver, to make inventory.  Requires the
       property to be marked to identify, to the extent possible,
       its owner or the person who left it with the bank.  Requires
       the receiver to compile a master list that is divided for
       each office of the bank that received property that remains
       unclaimed.  Sets forth contents and provisions of a notice
       of the list the receiver is required to publish.
     Sec. 7.223.  FIDUCIARY ACTIVITIES.  (a)  Requires the receiver
     to terminate all fiduciary positions it holds, surrender all
     property held by it as a fiduciary, and settle the bank's
     fiduciary accounts.  Requires the receiver to release all
     segregated and identifiable fiduciary property held by the
     bank to successor fiduciaries.
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to sell the administration of
       all or substantially all remaining fiduciary accounts to one
       or more successor fiduciaries on terms that appear to be in
       the best interests of the bank's estate and the persons
       interested in the best interests of the bank's estate and
       the person interested in the fiduciary accounts.
       (c)  Requires the receiver to distribute commingled funds
       pro rata to all fiduciary claimants of commingled funds
       based on their proportionate interests after payment of
       administrative expenses related solely to the fiduciary
       claims.  Provides that the fictional tracing rule does not
       apply.  Provides that to the extent of any unsatisfied
       fiduciary claim to commingled funds, claimants to commingled
       trust funds are entitled to the same priority as depositors
       of the bank.
       (d)  Provides that subject to Subsection (c) of this
       section, if the bank has lost fiduciary funds or property
       through misappropriation or otherwise, claimants to missing
       fiduciary funds or property are entitled to the same
       priority as depositors of the bank.
       (e)  Authorizes the receiver to require certain fiduciary
       claimants to file proofs of claim if the records of the bank
       are insufficient to identify their respective interests.
     Authorizes the receiver to require certain fiduciary claimants
     to file proofs of claim if the records of the bank are
     insufficient to identify their respective interests.
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to devise a method for the
       effective, efficient, and economical maintenance of the
       records of the bank and of the receiver's office, including
       maintaining those records on any medium approved by the
       records management division of the Texas State Library.
       (c)  Authorizes the receiver to reserve assets of an estate,
       deposit them in an account, and use them for maintenance,
       storage, and disposal of records in closed receivership
       (d)  Requires records of a liquidated bank to be preserved
       and disposed of as if they were records of the department. 
       Provides that the records are confidential.
     Sec. 7.225.  RECORDS ADMITTED.  (a)  Requires a certified copy
     of a record under the official seal of the receiver to be
     received from the custody of the bank or found among its
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to certify the correctness of
       a paper, document, or record of the receiver's office, and
       to certify any fact contained in the paper, document or
       record.  Requires the document to be received in evidence in
       all cases in which the original would be evidence.
       (c)  Provides that the original document or a certified copy
       of such a document is prima facie evidence of the facts it
       (d)  Provides that a copy of an original record or another
       that is maintained on a medium approved by the records
       management division of the Texas State Library, within the
       scope of this section, and produced by the receiver or the
       receiver's authorized representative under this section has
       the same force and effect as the original record and may be
       used the same as the original record in a judicial or
       administrative proceeding in this state.
     Sec. 7.226.  RESUMPTION OF BUSINESS.  (a)  Prohibits a state
     bank from being reopened without the approval of the
     commissioner unless a contest of liquidation is finally
     resolved adversely to the commissioner and the court
     authorizes its reopening.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to place temporary limits
       on the right of withdrawals by or payments to, individual
       depositors and creditors.  Sets forth the provisions of the
       limits under this section.
       (c)  Authorizes a depositor or creditor of this state to
       agree to temporary limits that the commissioner places on
       payments or withdrawals.
     Sec. 7.227.  AFTER-DISCOVERED ASSETS.  (a)  Requires the
     commissioner to report a discovery to the court if the
     commissioner discovers assets that have value and were
     abandoned as worthless or unknown during receivership. 
     Authorizes the court to reopen the receivership proceeding for
     continued liquidation if the value of the after-discovered
     assets justifies the reopening.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to notify appropriate civil
       and criminal authorities to determine what penalties, if
       any, may be available if the commissioner suspects that the
       information may have been intentionally or fraudulently

     Sec. 7.301.  FILING CLAIMS.  (a)  Authorizes a person other
     than a shareholder, participant, or transferee acting in that
     capacity who has a claim against the bank in liquidation to
     assert the claim by presenting proof of the claim to the
     receiver at a place specified by the receiver within the
     period specified by the receiver.  Prohibits a claim that is
     not filed within the period specified by the court from
     participating in a distribution of the assets by the receiver. 
     Provides that interest does not accrue on a claim after the
     date the bank is closed for liquidation.
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to accept a claim filed after
       the date specified if the claim is filed with the receiver
       not later than the 180th day after the date notice of the
       claimant's right to file a proof of claim is mailed to the
       claimant.  Provides that the claim is subordinate to an
       approved claim of a general creditor.
     Sec. 7.302.  PROOF OF CLAIM.  (a)  Sets forth the required
     contents of a written statement for a proof of claim.
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to designate the form of the
       proof of claim.  Requires a proof of claim to be filed under
       oath unless the oath is waived by the receiver.  Provides
       that a proof of claim filed with the receiver is considered
       filed in an official proceeding.
       (c)  Requires the original claim to be filed with the proof
       of claim unless lost or destroyed.  Authorizes the receiver
       to permit the claimant to substitute a copy of the
       instrument until the final disposition of the claim. 
       Requires a statement of fact and of the circumstances of the
       loss or destruction of an instrument to be filed under oath
       with a claim if applicable.
       Sec. 7.303.  JUDGMENT AS PROOF OF CLAIM.  Prohibits a judgment
     entered against the bank before the date the bank was closed
     from being given higher priority than an unsecured creditor
     unless the judgment creditor in a proof of claim proves the
     allegations supporting the judgment to the receiver's
     satisfaction.  Prohibits a judgment from being considered as
     evidence of liability or of the amount of damages.  Prohibits
     a judgment from being considered as conclusive evidence of the
     liability of the bank to the judgment creditor or of the
     amount of damages to which the judgment creditor is entitled.
     Sec. 7.304.  SECURED CLAIMS.  (a)  Authorizes the owner of a
     secured claim against a bank in liquidation to surrender the
     security and file a claim as a general creditor or apply the
     security and discharge the claim.  Requires any deficiency of
     an owner who applies the security to be treated as a claim
     against the general assets of the bank on the same basis as a
     claim of an unsecured creditor.  Requires the amount of the
     deficiency to be determined, except that if the amount of the
     deficiency has been adjudicated by a court of competent
     jurisdiction in a proceeding in which the receiver has had
     notice and an opportunity to be heard, the court's decision is
     conclusive as to the amount.
     (b)  Sets forth the method of determining the value of a
     Requires a claim based on a unliquidated or undetermined
     demand to be filed within a specified period.  Prohibits the
     claim from sharing in any distribution to claimants until the
     claim is definitely liquidated, determined, and allowed. 
     Provides that after such action, the claim shares ratability
     with the claims of the same classes in all subsequent
     (b)  Provides that a demand is considered unliquidated or
       undetermined if the right of action on the demand accrued
       while the bank was closed for liquidation and the liability
       on the demand has not been determined or the amount of the
       demand has not been liquidated.
       (c)  Provides that if the receiver in all other respects is
       in a position to close the receivership proceeding, the
       proposed closing is sufficient grounds for the rejection of
       any remaining claim based on an unliquidated or undetermined
       demand.  Requires the receiver to notify the claimant of the
       intention to close the proceeding.  Authorizes the receiver
       to reject a claim if the demand is not liquidated or
       determined before the 61st day after the date of the notice.
     Sec. 7.306.  SET-OFF.  (a)  Requires mutual credits and mutual
     debts to be set off and only the balance allowed or paid,
     except that a set-off may not be allowed in favor of a person
     under certain circumstances.
     (b)  Requires the receiver to provide a person with an
       accounting statement identifying each debt that is due and
       payable.  Requires a person to promptly pay to the receiver
       the amount due and payable.  Requires the receiver to
       promptly refund, to the extent of the person's prior
       payment, mutual credits that become due and payable to the
       person by the bank in liquidation.
     Sec. 7.307.  ACTION ON CLAIMS.  (a)  Requires the receiver to
     accept or reject each filed claim in whole or in part within
     a specified period.  Authorizes the receiver to approve or
     reject a claim filed against the bank in liquidation, and to
     reject a claim if the receiver doubts its validity.
     (b)  Requires the receiver to mail written notice to each
       claimant specifying the disposition of the person's claim. 
       Requires the receiver in the notice to specify the basis for
       rejection and advise the claimant of the procedures and
       deadline for appeal.
       (c)  Requires the receiver to send each claimant a summary
       schedule of approved and rejected claims by a priority class
       and notify the claimant of certain procedures.
       (d)  Prohibits the receiver and the receiver's agents and
       employees including employees of the department from having
       a cause of action brought against them for an action taken
       or not taken relating to the adjustment, negotiation, or
       settlement of claims.
       Sec. 7.308.  OBJECTION TO APPROVED CLAIM.  Authorizes a
     depositor, creditor, claimant, shareholder, participant, or
     transferee of the bank to file an objection to an approved
     claim.  Requires the objection to be heard and determined by
     the court.  Requires the court to direct an appropriate
     modification of the schedule.
     Sec. 7.309.  APPEAL OF REJECTED CLAIM.  Provides that if an
     action on a rejected claim is not brought in the court within
     a specified period, the action of the receiver is final and
     not subject to review.  Provides that if an action which is
     timely brought, review is de novo as if originally filed in
     the court and subject to the rules of procedure and appeal
     applicable to civil cases.  Provides that this action is
     separate from the receivership proceeding and is not initiated
     by a claimant's attempt to appeal the action of the receiver
     by intervening in the receivership proceeding.
     Sec. 7.310.  PAYMENT OF CLAIMS.  (a)  Prohibits the receiver
     from making a payment on a claim, other than a claim for an
     obligation incurred by the receiver for administrative
     (b)  Authorizes the receiver to periodically make partial
       distribution to the holders of approved claims if a proper
       reserve is established for the pro rata payment of rejected
       claims that have been appealed and any claims based on
       unliquidated or undetermined demands governed by Section
       7.305 of this Act.
       (c)  Requires the receiver to distribute the assets of the
       bank in satisfaction of approved claims other than claims
       asserted in a person's capacity as a shareholder,
       participant, or transferee.
     Requires the distribution of assets from the estate of a bank
     the deposits of which are insured by the FDIC or its successor
     to be made in the same order of priority as assets should be
     distributed on liquidation or purchase of assets and
     assumption of liabilities of a national bank under federal
     Requires the priority of distribution of assets from the
     estate of a bank the deposits of which are not insured by the
     FDIC or its successor to be in accordance with the order of
     each class as provided by this section.  Requires every claim
     in each class to be paid in full or adequate funds to be
     retained for that payment, before the members of the next
     class receive any payment.
     (b)  Sets forth the order of distribution of assets.
       Sec. 7.313.  EXCESS ASSETS.  (a)  Requires the receiver to
     distribute the remaining assets to the shareholders or
     participants of the bank if bank assets remain after the
     receiver has provided for unclaimed distributions and of all
     of the liabilities of the bank in liquidation.  Authorizes the
     receiver to call a meeting of the shareholders or participants
     and transferees of the bank if the remaining assets are not
     liquid or otherwise require continuing administration.
     (b)  Requires the shareholders or participants to appoint
       one or more agents to take over the affairs to continue the
       liquidation for the benefit of the shareholders or
       participants and transferees.  Provides that voting
       privileges are governed by the bank's bylaws and articles of
       association.  Requires the commissioner to appoint an agent
       if a quorum cannot be obtained at the meeting.
       (c)  Requires an appointed agent to execute and file with
       the court a bond approved by the court, conditioned on the
       faithful performance of all the duties of the trust. 
       Requires the receiver to transfer and deliver to the agent
       or agents all assets of the bank remaining in the receiver's
       hands and the court to discharge the receiver from further
       liability to the bank and its consumers.  Prohibits the bank
       from resuming business and the charter of the bank is void
       on the date the court issues the order directing the
       receiver to transfer and deliver the remaining assets of the
       bank to the agent or agents.
       Sec. 7.314.  UNCLAIMED FUNDS AND PROPERTY.  Requires any
     unclaimed property remaining in the receiver's hands to be
     tendered to the state treasurer as provided by Chapter 74,
     Property Code, after completion of the liquidation.
                      BANK HOLDING COMPANIES


     CORPORATE OFFICIALS.  (a)  Provides that the provisions of the
     TBCA regarding liability, defenses, and indemnification of
     certain officials apply to certain officials of a depository
     institution.  Prohibits a disinterested board, officer or
     employee of a depository institution from being held
     personally liable in an action seeking monetary damages
     arising from the conduct of the depository institution's
     affairs unless the damages resulted from the gross negligence
     or wilful or intentional misconduct of the person during the
     person's term of the office with the depository institution.
     (b)  Provides that an official or employee of a depository
       institution is disinterested with respect to a decision or
       transaction if the person fully discloses any interest in
       the decision or transaction and does not participate in the
       decision or transaction, or if the decision or transaction
       does not involve certain actions.
       (c)  Provides that an official who acts in good faith in
       performing the person's duties and functions and reasonably
       believes that reliance is warranted is entitled to rely on
       information or an opinion, report, statement, including a
       financial statement prepared by a committee, prepared,
       presented, made, or rendered by certain persons.
       (d)  Defines "family member."
     Prohibits an attachment, injunction, or execution for the
     purpose of collecting a money judgment or securing a
     prospective money judgment against a financial institution
     from being issued against a financial institution located in
     this state before the judgment is final and all appeals have
     been exhausted or foreclosed by law.
     (b)  Provides that this section affects an attachment,
       injunction, execution, or writ of garnishment issued to or
       served on a financial institution for the purposes of
       collecting a money judgment or securing a prospective money
       judgment against a depositor of or deposit account in the
       financial institution.
       Sec. 8.003.  OFFICES OF OUT-OF-STATE BANKS.  (a)  Authorizes
     a bank that is not domiciled or primarily located in the state
     to establish one or more offices in this state for any lawful
     purpose.  Requires the bank to file certain documents with the
     secretary of state.
     (b)  Requires the secretary of state to collect specified
       fees for the use of the state.
       (c)  Requires the secretary of state to promptly forward a
       notice or process by registered or certified mail, return
       receipt requested, to the officer, agent, or other person
       designated.  Provides that failure of the bank to maintain
       a designated person does not affect the validity of service
       mailed to the last designated person at the last designated
       address.  Provides that service of notice or process on the
       secretary of state as agent for a bank described in the
       section has the same effect as personal service would have
       if made in this state on the depository institution.
       (d)  Provides that a bank transacting business in this state
       in compliance with this section is not doing business in
       this state for the purposes of Part Eight, TBCA.
       (e)  Prohibits a bank from using any form of advertising,
       including a sign or printed or broadcast material, that
       implies or tends to imply that the bank is engaged in
       banking business that the bank is not legally authorized to
     Sec. 8.004.  UNAUTHORIZED BANKING.  (a)  Prohibits a person
     other than a depository institution authorized to conduct
     business in this state from conducting the business of banking
     or representing to the public that it is conducting the
     business of banking.
     (b)  Prohibits a person from using the term "bank" or "bank
       and trust" in any way shape or form to imply to the public
       that the person is engaged in the business of banking in
       this state.
       (c)  Sets forth the institutions to which Subsection (b)
       does not apply.
       (d)  Provides that a person violating this section is
       subject to an enforcement action initiated by the
       commissioner under Chapter 6C, except that the maximum
       administrative penalty for a violation involving only
       Subsection (b) of this section is $500 for each day the
       violation continues.
     Sec. 8.005.  SLANDER OR LIBEL OF A BANK.  (a)  Sets forth the
     actions which constitute an offense.
     (b)  Provides that an offense under this section is a state
       jail felony.
     Sec. 8.006.  AUTHORITY TO ACT AS NOTARY PUBLIC.  Provides that
     a notary public is not disqualified from taking an
     acknowledgment or proof of a written instrument as provided by
     Section 406.016, Government Code, solely because of the
     person's ownership of stock or participation interest in or
     employment by a bank that is an interested party in the
     underlying transaction.
     Sec. 8.007.  EXEMPTION FROM SECURITIES LAW.  (a)  Provides
     that a board, or employee of a bank located in this state
     which meets certain criteria is exempt from the registration
     and licensing provisions of Article 581-1, V.T.C.S.
     (Securities Act) with respect to that person's participation
     in a sale or other transaction involving securities issued by
     certain banks.
     (b)  Prohibits a person from being compensated for services
       performed under the exemption provided by this section.
     Sec 8.008.  SUCCESSION OF TRUST POWERS.  Provides that if a
     reorganizing or selling financial institution at the time of
     a merger, reorganization, conversation, or sale of
     substantially all of its assets under Chapter 3 of this Act or
     other applicable law is acting as trustee, guardian, executor,
     or administrator, or in another fiduciary capacity, the
     successor entity with fiduciary powers may, without the
     necessity of judicial action or action by the creator of the
     trust, continue the office, trust, or fiduciary relationship. 
     Authorizes the financial institution to perform all the duties
     and exercise all the powers connected with or incidental to
     the fiduciary relationship in the same manner as if the
     successor entity had been originally designated as the
     Sec. 8.009.  AFFILIATES AS AGENTS.  (a)  Authorizes a bank
     subsidiary of a holding company to receive deposits, renew
     time deposits, close loans, service loans, and receive
     payments on loans and other obligations as an agent for a
     depository institution affiliate.  Provides that a bank acting
     as an agent for a depository institution affiliate as provided
     by this section is not considered to be a branch of the
     (b)  Sets forth the activities which a depository
       institution is prohibited from doing.
       (c)  Provides that this section does not affect the
       authority of an institution to act as an agent on behalf of
       another depository institution under another law; or whether
       an institution that conducts activity as an agent of anther
       institution under another law is considered to be a branch
       of the other institution.
       (d)  Requires an agency relationship between depository
       institutions to be on terms that are consistent with safe
       and sound banking practices and all applicable rules.
     Sec. 8.010.  DISCOVERY OF CUSTOMER RECORDS.  Provides that
     civil discovery of a customer record maintained by a financial
     institution is governed by Section 30.007, Civil Practice and
     Remedies Code.
     Sec. 8.011.  COMPLIANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE.  (a)  Defines "civil
     action" and "compliance review document."
     (b)  Authorizes a financial institution or an affiliate of
       a financial institution, including its holding company, to
       establish a compliance review committee to test, review, or
       evaluate the institution's conduct, transactions, or
       potential transactions for the purpose of monitoring and
       improving or enforcing compliance with certain requirements.
       (c)  Provides that a compliance review document is
       confidential and is not discoverable or admissible in
       evidence in a civil action; an individual serving on a
       compliance review committee or acting under the direction of
       a compliance review committee may not be required to testify
       in a civil action as to the contents or conclusions of a
       compliance review committee; and a compliance review
       document or an action taken or discussion conducted by or
       for a compliance review committee that is disclosed to a
       governmental agency remains confidential and is not
       discoverable or admissible in a civil action.
       (d)  Provides that Subsection (c)(2) of this section does
       not apply to an individual that has management
       responsibility for the operations, records, employees, or
       activities being examined or evaluated by the compliance
       review committee.
       (e)  Provides that this section does not limit the discovery
       or admissibility in a civil action of a document that is not
       a compliance review document.

     Sec. 8.101.  DEFINITION.  Defines "safe deposit company."
     Authorizes any person to be a safe deposit company.  Provides
     that in safe deposit transactions the relationship of the safe
     deposit company and the renter is that of lessor and lessee
     and landlord and tenant, and the rights and liabilities of the
     safe deposit company are governed accordingly in the absence
     of a contract or statute to the contrary.  Provides that the
     lessee is considered for all purposes to be in possession of
     the box and its contents.
     (b)  Requires a notice required by this subchapter to be in
       writing and delivered to each lessee.
       (c)  Provides that this subchapter does not affect Sections
       36B-36F, Texas Probate Code, or another statute of this
       state governing safe deposit boxes (box).
     Sec. 8.103.  ACCESS BY MULTIPLE PARTIES.  Provides that if a
     box is leased in the name of two or more persons jointly or if
     a person other than the lessee is designated in the lease
     agreement as having a right of access to the box, each of
     those persons is entitled to access to the box and to remove
     its contents in the absence of a contract to the contrary. 
     Provides that this right of access and removal is not affected
     by the death or incapacity of another person that is a lessee
     or otherwise entitled to access to the box.  Provides that the
     safe deposit company is not responsible for damage arising
     from access to the box or removal of any its contents by a
     person with a right of access to the box.
     Prohibits a safe deposit company from relocating a box rented
     for a term of six months or longer if the box rental is not
     delinquent or from opening the box to relocate its contents to
     another box or location except in the presence of the lessee
     or with the lessee's written authorization.  Prohibits a box
     from being relocated under this section unless the storage
     conditions at the new location are at least as secure as the
     conditions at the original box location.  Provides that this
     section and Section 8.105 of this Act do not apply to a
     relocation of a box within the same building.
     (b)  Requires a safe deposit company to give notice of
       relocation and its scheduled date and time to the lessee or
       to each joint lessee within a specified period.  Requires
       the notice to state whether the box will be opened during
       the relocation.  Authorizes a lessee to personally supervise
       the relocation or authorize the relocation in writing if
       notice is given to all joint lessees.
       (c)  Requires two employees, at least one of whom is an
       officer or manager of the safe deposit company and one of
       whom is a notary public, to inventory the contents of the
       box in detail.  Requires the safe deposit company notify
       each lessee of the new box number or location not later than
       the 30th day after the date of the relocation and to include
       a signed and notarized copy of the inventory report. 
       Authorizes the cost of a certified mailing other than the
       first notice sent in connection with each relocation to be
       treated as box rental due and payable at the expiration of
       the rental term.
       Sec. 8.105.  EMERGENCY OPENING AND RELOCATION.  Authorizes a
     safe deposit company to relocate a box or open the box to
     relocate its contents to another or location without complying
     with Sections 8.104(a) and (b) of this Act if the security of
     the original box is threatened or destroyed by natural
     disaster or any unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control
     of the safe deposit company.  Requires the safe deposit
     company to follow the procedure of Section 8.104(c) of this
     Act, except that the notice of the new box number or location
     must be given within a specified period.
     Authorizes a safe deposit company to send notice to each
     lessee that the company will remove the contents of the box if
     the rent is not paid before the date specified in the notice. 
     Authorizes a safe deposit company to open the box in the
     presence of certain employees.  Requires the safe deposit
     company to inventory the contents of the box in detail as
     provided by state treasury reporting instructions and place
     the contents of the box in a sealed envelope or container
     bearing the name of the lessee.
     (b)  Provides that the safe deposit company has a lien on
       the contents of the box for an amount equal to the rental of
       the box and the cost of opening the box and may retain
       possession of the contents.  Authorizes the safe deposit
       company to sell all or part of the contents at public
       auction in the manner and with the notice prescribed for the
       sale of real property under deed of trust.  Requires any
       unsold contents of the box and any excess proceeds from a
       sale of contents to be remitted to the state treasury as
       provided by Chapters 72-75, Property Code.
     Sec. 8.107.  IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FOR KEYS.  (a)  Requires a
     depository institution that rents or permits access to a box
     to imprint each key to the box with its routing number. 
     Provides that the requirement of this subsection begins to
     apply to a key issued under a lease in effect on September 1,
     1992, on the date the term of that lease expires, without
     regard to any extension of the lease term.
     (b)  Requires the depository institution to notify the
       Department of Public Safety on a form designated by the
       commissioner within 10 days after an altered or defaced key
       is used to open the box.
       (c)  Provides that this section does not require a
       depository institution to inspect the routing number
       imprinted on a key or an attached tag to determine if the
       number has been altered or defaced.  Provides that a
       depository institution that has imprinted a key to a box and
       that follows applicable law and the depository institution's
       established security procedures in permitting access to the
       box is not liable for any damage arising because of access
       to or removal of the contents of the box.
                    SUBCHAPTER C. EMERGENCIES

     Sec. 8.201.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "emergency."
     Sec. 8.202.  EFFECT OF CLOSING.  Provides that a day on which
     a bank, or any one or more of its operations, is closed during
     all or part of its normal banking hours as provided by this
     subchapter is a legal holiday for all purposes with respect to
     any banking business affected by the closed bank or bank
     operations.  Provides that no liability or loss of rights of
     any kind on the part of any bank or a board, officer, or
     employee arises because of a closing authorized by this
     Sec. 8.203.  EFFECT OF OTHER PROVISIONS.  Provides that this
     subchapter is in addition to any other provision of law that
     authorizes the closing of a bank or that excuses a delay by a
     bank in the performance of its duties and obligations.
     (a)  Authorizes the commissioner to issue an order limiting
     the right of withdrawal by or payment to depositors,
     creditors, and other persons to whom the bank is liable.
     (b)  Provides that an order under this section must expire
       within 10 days of issuance, must be uniform in application
       to each class of liability, and is not subject to judicial
     Sec. 8.205.  FINANCIAL MORATORIUM.  (a)  Authorizes the
     commissioner to proclaim a financial moratorium for, and
     invoke a uniform limitation on, withdrawal of deposits of
     every character from all banks within this state.  Sets forth
     the consequences of a bank which refuses to comply with a
     written proclamation of the commissioner, signed by a majority
     of the members of the finance commission and the governor.
     (b)  Requires all public funds to be immediately withdrawn
       by the depositor from the national bank on order of the
       commissioner and may not be redeposited in the national bank
       without prior written approval of the commissioner if a
       national bank refuses to comply with a proclamation.
     Authorizes the officers of a bank to chose not to open the
     bank's offices or conduct the particular bank operations if
     the officers believe that an emergency exists or is impending
     that affects or may affect the bank's offices or operations. 
     Authorizes the officers to close bank offices or suspend and
     close the particular bank operations during the emergency,
     even if the commissioner has not issued a proclamation of
     (b)  Authorizes the office or operations closed to remain
       closed until the officers determine that the emergency has
       ended, and for additional time reasonably required to reopen
       not exceeding three consecutive days without the approval of
       the commissioner.  Requires a bank closing an office or
       operations under this section to give notice of its actions
       to the commissioner as promptly as possible and by any means
     COMMISSIONER.  (a)  Authorizes the commissioner to authorize
     banks located in the affected area to close or suspend all or
     part of their offices or operations.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to authorize a particular
       bank to close or to suspend and close a particular bank
       operation if the commissioner believes that an emergency
       exists or is impending.
       (c)  Authorizes a bank office or operation closed or
       suspended to remain closed until the officers determine that
       the emergency has ended, or until an earlier time that the
       officers of the bank determine that the offices or bank
       operations should reopen except that the affected offices
       and operations may remain closed for an additional time
       reasonably required to reopen.

     Requires a bank or bank holding company that seeks to directly
     or indirectly acquire or acquires control of a bank located in
     this state to submit a copy of the application and any
     additional information required under Section 8.303 of this
     Act to the commissioner when the application is submitted to
     the board of governors.
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to state in writing within
       the period prescribed by that subsection the commissioner's
       view, recommendations, and opinions regarding the
       (c)  Requires the commissioner, if the commissioner
       disapproves a proposed acquisition application, to appear at
       a hearing held as provided by Section 3(b), 12 U.S.C.
       Section 1842(b) (Bank Holding Company Act of 1956), and
       present evidence at the hearing regarding the reasons the
       application should be denied.
       (d)  Requires the commissioner to request that a hearing be
       held if the proposed acquisition is of a national bank or a
       bank holding company controlling a national bank and the
       commissioner opposes the application in the response. 
       Requires the commissioner to appear and present evidence at
       the hearing regarding the reasons the application should be
       denied if the board of governors grants the request.
       (e)  Authorizes the commissioner to accept the decision or
       seek to overturn the decision on appeal, with the assistance
       of the attorney general if the board of governors approves
       an application that the commissioner opposed.
       Sec. 8.302.  OTHER APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS.  Prohibits a bank
     or bank holding company from acquiring control of or acquiring
     all or substantially all of the assets of a bank located in
     this state to any degree if after consummation of an
     acquisition would control more than 20 percent of the total
     amounts of deposits of insured depository institutions located
     in this state.  Defines "deposit" and "insured depository
     holding company from making an acquisition specified by
     Section 8.301(a) of this Act unless each bank in this state
     that would on consummation of the acquisition be directly or
     indirectly controlled by the out-of-state bank holding company
     has existed and continuously operated as a bank at least five
     (b)  Sets forth the considerations of banks and bank holding
       companies as amended as a result of mergers and acquisitions
       for the purposes of this section.
       (c)  Defines "out-of-state bank holding company."
     HOLDING COMPANY.  (a)  Requires a bank holding company doing
     business in this state that submits an application or notice
     to the board of governors of the federal reserve system
     regarding an acquisition to submit a copy of the application
     or notice to the commissioner when the application or notice
     is submitted to the board of governors.  Requires the bank
     holding company to submit other information reasonably
     requested by the commissioner to determine the manner in which
     the acquisition or activity will directly or indirectly affect
     residents of this state.
     (b)  Authorizes the commissioner to hold a public hearing
       regarding the application and its effect on this state to
       assist in determining whether to oppose the application. 
       Requires the commissioner to convene a hearing if the bank
       holding company requests a hearing in writing when it
       submits the application or notice to the commissioner. 
       Requires the commissioner to oppose the application if the
       commissioner determines the acquisition would be detrimental
       to the public interest as a result of probable adverse
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to prepare and file a
       response to the application with the board of governors and
       request that a hearing be held.  Requires the commissioner
       to appear and present evidence at the hearing regarding the
       reasons the application should be denied.
       (d)  Authorizes the commissioner to accept the decision or
       seek to overturn the decision on appeal, with the assistance
       of the attorney general if the board of governors approves
       an application that the commissioner opposed.
     Sec. 8.305.  ENFORCEMENT.  Authorizes the commissioner to
     bring an enforcement proceeding under Chapter 6 of this Act
     against a bank holding company that violates or participates
     in the violation of this Act, an agreement filed with the
     commissioner, or a rule or order issued by the commissioner or
     the commission as if the bank holding company were a state

     Sec. 9.001.  PURPOSES.  Authorizes a foreign bank corporation
     with equity capital equivalent to at least $100 million in
     U.S. currency to establish a foreign bank agency in a standard
     metropolitan statistical area in this state having a
     population in excess of 500,000.  Authorizes a foreign bank
     agency to perform only the functions permitted by this
     chapter.  Provides that a license issued under this chapter is
     not transferable or assignable.
     Sec. 9.002.  APPLICABILITY OF ACT.  (a)  Provides that a
     foreign bank agency is subject to this Act and other laws of
     this state applicable to banks as if the foreign bank agency
     were a state bank.
     (b)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules specifically
       applicable to foreign bank corporations, including rules
       that provide for proportionate recovery of the cost of
       maintenance and operation of the department and of
       enforcement of this chapter through ratable and equitable
       fees established for notices, applications, and
     AGENCY.  Prohibits a foreign bank corporation from maintaining
     a foreign bank agency in this state or an office in this state
     for carrying on functions permitted for a foreign bank agency
     unless the corporation has complied with Section 9.007 of this
     Act and holds a license for a foreign bank agency issued by
     the commissioner.
     Sec. 9.004.  APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.  (a)  Requires a foreign
     bank corporation to submit a complete application to the
     commissioner.  Sets forth the requirements of a complete
     (b)  Requires the commissioner to approve an application if
       the commissioner finds after reasonable inquiry that the
       foreign bank corporation meets certain criteria.
     Requires the commissioner to determine whether the conditions
     set forth by Section 9.004(b) of this Act have been
     established, based on the application and the initial
     investigation.  Requires the commissioner to approve the
     application or set the application for a hearing.  Requires
     the commissioner to notify the board of governors that the
     application has been set for hearing.
     (b)  Requires the department to participate as the opposing
       party, and the commissioner to conduct a hearing and one or
       more prehearing conferences and opportunities for a
       discovery as the commissioner considers advisable and
       consistent with applicable statutes and rules.  Prohibits
       information relating to the financial condition and business
       affairs of a foreign bank corporation from being released to
       the public or considered in the public portion of the
       hearing.  Requires the commissioner to make a finding on
       each condition listed in Section 9.004(b) of this Act and
       enter an order granting or denying the license.  Requires
       the commissioner to inform the board of governors of the
       federal reserve system of the order and the reasons the
       federal application should be denied if the commissioner
       denied the application under this section.
       (c)  Authorizes the commissioner to make approval of any
       application conditional.  Requires the commissioner to
       include any conditions in the order granting the license,
       but may not issue the license until the agency has received
       approval of the board of governors of the federal reserve
       system.  Provides that a written commitment from the
       applicant offered to and accepted by the commissioner as a
       condition on approval of the application is enforceable
       against the applicant and is considered for all purposes an
       agreement under this Act.
       (d)  Authorizes an applicant to appeal a denied application.
     CORPORATIONS.  (a)  Authorizes a foreign bank corporation that
     does not possess a license to operate a foreign bank agency to
     establish one or more representative offices in this state for
     any lawful purpose by filing with the commissioner a verified
     statement of registration accompanied by all registration fees
     and deposits required by rule.  Sets forth the required
     provisions and contents of a statement of registration.
     (b)  Requires a foreign bank corporation to comply with
       Section 9.007 of this Act before transacting business in
       this state.
       (c)  Sets forth the authorized actions of a representative
       of a foreign bank corporation established or maintained in
       this state.
       (d)  Prohibits a representative office from soliciting or
       accepting credit balances or deposits or making final credit
       (e)  Authorizes a representative office to engage in the
       business authorized by this section at the places of
       business registered with the commissioner.  Authorizes a
       representative office to change its location in this state
       by filing a notice with the commissioner containing the
       street and post office mailing address and county of the new
       (f)  Authorizes the commissioner to examine a representative
       office of a foreign bank corporation to determine compliance
       with this section.
     Requires a foreign bank corporation to file certain documents
     with the secretary of state before transacting business
     through a foreign bank agency or representative office.
     (b)  Requires the secretary of state to collect certain fees
       for the use of the state.
       (c)  Requires the secretary of state to promptly forward a
       notice to the officer, agent, or other person designated. 
       Provides that failure of the foreign bank corporation to
       maintain a designated person does not affect the validity of
       service mailed to the last designated person at the last
       designated address.  Provides that service of notice or
       process on the secretary of state as agent for a foreign
       bank corporation has the same effect as personal service
       made in the state on the foreign bank corporation.
       (d)  Provides that a foreign bank corporation is not
       considered to be doing business in this state solely because
       it transacts business in this state through a foreign bank
       agency or representative office as provided by this Act.
     Sec. 9.008.  LOCATION OF PLACE OF BUSINESS.  (a)  Authorizes
     a foreign bank corporation to engage in business through a
     foreign bank agency as authorized by this Act only at the
     place of business specified in its license or another location
     permitted by rule or approval of the commissioner.  Requires
     the license to be conspicuously displayed in the authorized
     place of business.
     (b)  Authorizes a foreign bank agency to change the location
       of its place of business to another location in an area
       where a foreign bank agency is authorized to be established
       under Section 9.001 of this Act.  Prohibits a foreign bank
       agency from maintaining more than one place of business in
       this state.
       (c)  Provides that a place where loans or extensions of
       credit or other permissible services are solicited is not an
       impermissible place of business of the foreign bank agency
       if the loans or extensions of credit are approved and made
       or other permissible services are conducted at the
       authorized place of business of the foreign bank agency. 
       Provides that this section does not apply to a
       representative office of the foreign bank corporation
       registered with the commissioner.
     Authorizes the commissioner to initiate a proceeding to revoke
     a license or cancel a registration if the commissioner makes
     certain findings regarding the activities of a foreign bank
     (b)  Sets forth the required method of service of a notice
       of a proceeding under Subsection (a) of this section on a
       foreign bank corporation.  Provides that unless the foreign
       bank corporation requests a hearing in writing on or before
       the effective date of the proposed order, the order takes
       effect as proposed and is final and nonappealable.
       (c)  Sets forth the provisions of a hearing under this
       (d)  Authorizes a foreign bank corporation to appeal a
       hearing if the commissioner has entered an order adverse to
       the foreign bank corporation.
       Sec. 9.010.  EFFECT OF REVOKED REGISTRATION.  Requires a
     foreign bank corporation that has had its registration revoked
     to cease all activities in this state.  Provides that
     continued activity of an unregistered foreign bank corporation
     is subject to Chapter 6C of this Act.
     Sec. 9.011.  STATUS OF REVOKED LICENSEE.  Provides that unless
     stayed by the commissioner or district court that has
     jurisdiction over an appeal, a final revocation order of the
     commissioner is effective and the foreign bank corporation
     must immediately cease all licensed activity in this state. 
     Requires all licensed functions to be transferred to a branch,
     affiliate, or agency of a foreign bank corporation located
     outside the state and, the foreign bank agency reverts to the
     status of a representative office.
     Sec. 9.012.  POWERS AND PERMITTED ACTIVITIES.  (a)  Authorizes
     a foreign bank corporation licensed to transact business in
     this state through a foreign bank agency to exercise certain
     powers of a state bank.
     (b)  Prohibits a foreign bank corporation from receiving
       deposits or exercising fiduciary powers in this state, other
       than through the performance of duties as an indenture
       trustee or as a registrar, paying agent, or transfer agent,
       on behalf of the issuer, for equity or investment
       securities.  Provides that the exercise of the powers and
       activities permitted by this section by a foreign bank
       agency is not considered the exercise of banking or
       discounting privileges in this state by the foreign bank
       (c)  Authorizes a foreign bank corporation licensed to
       transact business through a foreign bank agency with another
       authorized office of the foreign bank corporation or a
       direct or indirect subsidiary of the foreign bank
       corporation if the books and records of the foreign agency
       are kept separately from the books and records of the other
     Sec. 9.013.  REPORTS.  (a)  Requires a foreign bank
     corporation to annually furnish the commissioner with a copy
     of its annual financial statement, expressed in the currency
     of the country of its incorporation or organization before
     opening a foreign bank agency in this state.
     (b)  Requires a foreign bank corporation to make written
       reports in English to the commissioner under oath of one of
       its board members as required by the commissioner.  Requires
       the report to show the amount of the foreign bank
       corporation's assets and liabilities and contain other
       information that the commissioner requires.  Provides that
       failing to make the report or knowingly making a false
       statement in the report is grounds for revocation of the
       license or registration of the foreign bank corporation.
     Sec. 9.014.  TAXATION.  Provides that a foreign bank
     corporation is subject to the franchise tax to the extent
     provided by Chapter 171, Tax Code. 
     Sec. 9.015.  DISSOLUTION.  (a)  Sets forth the documents the
     board of a foreign bank corporation is required to deliver to
     the commissioner if the foreign bank corporation has its
     authority or existence terminated or canceled in the
     jurisdiction of its incorporation, or has its authority to
     maintain an agency in this state terminated by the board of
     governors of the federal reserve system.
     (b)  Provides that the filing of the certificate, order, or
       decree has the same effect provided by Section 9.012 of this
       Act as if the license issued under this chapter were revoked
       by the commissioner.
SECTION 2. (a)  Amends Sections 1 and 2, Article 342-1101,
V.T.C.S., as follows:

            Sec. 1.  (a)  Requires a trust company to incorporate in
       accordance with this chapter and the Texas Banking Act
       (b)  Requires the commissioner, rather than the state
         banking board, to hear and determine applications for
         state trust company charters.  Authorizes a final order of
         the commissioner on a charter application to be appealed
         as provided by Section 3.009, TBA.
       Sec. 2.  (a)  Requires every trust company with a capital of
       not less than $1 million, rather than $500,000, to have
       certain powers.
       (b)  Makes conforming changes.
     (b)  Amends Article 2, Article 342-1102, V.T.C.S., as follows:
            Sec. 1.  Provides that a trust company is subject to
       Chapters 1-4, 6-8, and Chapters 5A and 5B, TBA, as if the
       trust company were a state bank; provided that Section 3.001
       of that Act, and Section 8.008, shall not apply.  Makes
       conforming changes.
       Sec. 2. Makes a conforming change.
     (c)  Amends Sections 1 and 5, Article 342-1103, V.T.C.S., as
     Sec. 1.  Requires each trust company to make and publish
       statements of its financial conditions as provided by
       Section 2.009, TBA, rather than Article 9, Chapter II of
       this code.
       Sec. 5.  Provides that the confidentiality provisions of
       Chapter 2B, TBA, rather than Article 10, Chapter II of this
       code, apply to all information obtained by the department
       relative to trust companies.
     (d)  Amends Article 342-1104, V.T.C.S., as follows:
       Authorizes the commissioner to take action in accordance
       with Chapter 6A and 6B, TBA, rather than Article 12, Chapter
       IV, and Article 1a, Chapter VIII, of this code.  Makes
       conforming and nonsubstantive changes.
     (e)  Amends Sections (a) and (b), Article 342-1105, V.T.C.S.,
     to make conforming changes.
     (f)  Amends Section (a), Article 342-1106, V.T.C.S., to make
     a conforming change.
     (g)  Amends Article 8, Article 342-1108, V.T.C.S., to make a
     conforming change.
     Art. 8. PAID-IN CAPITAL.  (a)  Makes a conforming change.
       (b)  Requires the proposed effective date of an order
         requiring a trust company to increase its capital to be
         stated in the order as on or after the 21st day after the
         date the proposed order is mailed or delivered.  Provides
         that unless the trust company requests a hearing before
         the commissioner in writing before the effective date of
         the proposed order, the order becomes effective and is
         final and nonappealable.  Makes a conforming change.
         (c)  Authorizes the commissioner on application to
         authorize a trust company to have and maintain capital of
         less than the amount required by Subsection (a) of this
         section if the commissioner finds that the safety and
         soundness of the trust company will be adequately
         protected by the lower capital requirement.
     (h)  Amends Article 13, Article 342-1113, V.T.C.S., to
     prohibit the provisions of this chapter from affecting or
     applying to a public, private, or independent institution of
     higher education or a university system acting as a trustee as
     provided by the Education Code or a corporation serving as a
     trustee of a charitable trust as provided by Article 2.31,
     Article 1396-2.31, V.T.C.S.
     (i)  Amends Section 2, Article 342-1114, V.T.C.S., as follows:
     Sec. 2. Provides that the commissioner may make a ratable
       distribution to approved claimants under the provisions of
       Sections 7.310 and 7.313, TBA, rather than Articles 14 and
       15 of Chapter VIII of this Act.
     (j)  Requires a trust company that possesses a charter on
     September 1, 1995, and that has capital and surplus of less
     than the amount required by Article 8, Chapter XI, Texas
     Banking Code (TBC), as amended by this section, to increase
     its capital and surplus to the amount required by that article
     before September 1, 2000.  Authorizes the commission to adopt
     rules specifying procedures for ratable increases in capital
     and surplus under this section and for deferrals and
     extensions of time for a trust company acting in good faith to
     achieve minimum required capital and surplus.
     (k)  Provides that this section does not take affect if
     another enactment of the 74th Legislature repeals Chapter XI,
     SECTION 3.     Amends Chapter 30, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, by
adding Section 30.007, as follows:

     (a)  Defines "customer," "financial institution," "record,"
     "record request," and "tribunal."
     (b)  Provides that this section provides the exclusive
       method for compelled discovery of a record of a financial
       institution relating to one or more customers, does not
       create a right of privacy in a record and sets forth the
       inquiries to which this section does not apply.
       (c)  Sets forth the conditions to which a financial
       institution is required to produce a record in response to
       a record request.
       (d)  Sets forth the actions of a requesting party if the
       affected customer is not a party to the proceeding in which
       the record request was issued, in addition to serving the
       financial institution with a record request.
       (e)  Authorizes the requesting party to seek an in-camera
       inspection of the requested record as its sole means of
       obtaining access to the requested record if the customer
       refuses to execute the written consent or fails to respond
       to the requesting party's request.  Authorizes a tribunal to
       inspect the requested record to determine its relevance to
       the matter before the tribunal.  Authorizes the tribunal to
       order redaction of portions of the records that the tribunal
       determines should not be produced and shall enter a
       protective order preventing the record that it orders
       produced from being disclosed to a person who is not a party
       to the proceeding before the tribunal and used by a person
       for any purpose other than resolving the dispute before the
       (f)  Provides that the customer bears the burden of
       preventing or limiting the financial institution's
       compliance with a record request subject to this section by
       seeking an appropriate remedy.  Requires any motion filed to
       be served on the financial institution and the requesting
       party before the date that compliance with the request is
       required.  Provides that a financial institution is not
       liable to its customer or another person for disclosure of
       a record in compliance with this section.
       (g)  Prohibits a financial institution from being required
       to produce a record under certain conditions.
       (h)  Provides that an order to quash or for protection or
       other remedy entered or denied by the tribunal is not a
       final order and an interlocutory appeal may not be taken.
SECTION 4.  Amends Section 2001.223, Government Code, to make
conforming and nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 5. Amends Sections 2257.002(1) and (3), Government Code,
to redefine "bank holding company" and "control."

SECTION 6. Amends Section 712.042(b), Health and Safety Code, to
require the department to receive and disburse revenues collected
under this chapter in accordance with Section 2.006, TBA, rather
than Article 342-12, V.T.C.S.

SECTION 7. Amends Section 1(c), Article 1.19-1, Insurance Code, to
provide that a subpoena issued to a bank or other financial
institution as part of a criminal investigation is not subject to
Section 30.007, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, rather than
Article 342-705, V.T.C.S.

SECTION 8. Amends Section 1, Article 9.05, Insurance Code, to make
a conforming change.

SECTION 9. Amends Section 105.001(13), Local Government Code, to
redefine "state bank."

SECTION 10.    Amends Sections 105A(c) and (d), Texas Probate Code,
as follows:

     (c)  Makes a conforming change.
     (d)  Deletes the application of Article 342-902, TBC, to this
SECTION 11.    Amends Section 73.003(c), Property Code, to provide
that this section does not affect the provisions of Chapter 8B,
TBA, rather than Article 342-906, V.T.C.S.

SECTION 12.    Amends Section 171.001(b)(1), Tax Code, to redefine
"banking corporation."

SECTION 13.    Amends Section 171.1031(c), Tax Code, to provide
that to the extent that this subsection is not preempted by federal
law, the department is required to appoint a conservator under
Chapter 6B, TBA, to pay the franchise tax of any banking
corporation certified by the comptroller as being delinquent in the
payment of its franchise tax.

SECTION 14.    Amends Section 2.13, Article 489e, V.T.C.S., to make
a conforming change.

SECTION 15.    Amends Section 4.07, Article 489e, V.T.C.S., to
provide that the rulemaking power delegated by Section 1.106, TBA,
rather than Article 342-205, V.T.C.S., authorizes the commissioner
and the commission to set fees under this section.

SECTION 16.    Amends Section 12.07, Article 489e, V.T.C.S., to
require the commissioner to initiate rulemaking proceedings under
Chapter 2001, Government Code, rather than Article 342-205,
V.T.C.S., if 20 percent or more of the savings banks subject to
this Act petition the commissioner in writing requesting the
adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule.

SECTION 17.    Amends Section 12.12(b), Article 489e, V.T.C.S., to
make a conforming change.

SECTION 18.    Amends Section 11.05, Article 852a, V.T.C.S., to
make conforming changes.
SECTION 19.    Amends Section 11.20(l), Article 852a, V.T.C.S., to
make a conforming change.

SECTION 20.    Amends Section A(2), Article 1302-7.06, V.T.C.S., to
redefine "corporation."

SECTION 21.    Amends Article 1396-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Article 2.31, as follows:

     Art. 2.31.  POWER TO SERVE AS TRUSTEE.  Authorizes a
     corporation described by Section 501(c)(3) or 170(c), Internal
     Revenue Code of 1986, or a corresponding provision of a
     subsequent federal tax law, to serve as the trustee of a trust
     of which the corporation is a beneficiary; or benefiting
     another organization described by one of those sections of the
     Internal Revenue Code of 1986, if the service as trustee is in
     furtherance of the purposes for which the corporation was
SECTION 22.    Amends Subsections (d) and (k), Article 5069-2.01,
V.T.C.S., to make conforming and nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 23.    Amends Section (1), Article 5069-2.02B, V.T.C.S., to
authorize money in the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner
expense fund to be used only for the administration of this Act and
support of the commission as provided by Section 1.011, TBA, rather
than Article 342-111C, V.T.C.S.

SECTION 24.    Amends Subsection (d), Article 5069-15.01, V.T.C.S.,
to make a conforming change.

SECTION 25.    Amends Section 6, Article 5069-50.04, V.T.C.S., to
make a conforming change.

SECTION 26.    Repealer: (1)  Chapters I-X, Article 342-101 et
seq., V.T.C.S. (Scope of Act, Definitions, Finance Commission and
State Banking Board-The Banking Department of Texas-Incorporation,
Merger, Reorganization, Purchase of Assets of Another Bank,
Disbursing Agent, Amendment of Articles of Association of State
Banks, and Conversion-Stock, Stockholders, By-laws, Directors,
Officers, Employees-Loans and Investments-Surplus, Dividends,
Liabilities, Uninvested Trust Funds, Preferences, Reserves,
Debentures, and Withdrawals-Depository Contracts-Liquidation-General Provisions-Foreign Bank Agencies).

     (2)  Chapter 183, Article 489b, V.T.C.S. (Federal Deposit
     (3)  Article 3921, V.T.C.S. (Banking Commissioner).
SECTION 27.    Provides that a change in law made by this Act does
not affect the validity of any action taken by the commission,
commissioner, S&L commissioner, or State Banking Board before the
effective date of this Act or a civil, criminal, or administrative
proceeding completed before the effective date of this Act.

SECTION 28.    Provides that a state bank or private bank that
exists on the effective date of this Act retains the powers
provided by its charter and is subject to the jurisdiction and
control of the commissioner as if it were a state bank chartered
under the TBA, as added by this Act.

SECTION 29.    Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 30.    Makes application of Articles 342-306, 342-307, 342-309, 342-310, 342-311, 342-331, 342-332, 342-363, 342-368, 342-401a, 342-912, and 342-1006 of this Act prospective.

SECTION 31.    (a)  Provides that a principal shareholder or
participant that is considered to control a state bank is not
required to file a change of control application until the person
acquires one or more additional shares or participation shares of
the state bank on or after the effective date of this Act.

     (b)  Provides that with respect to an office of an out-of-state bank that exists on the effective date of this Act, an
     out-of-state bank must file the required documentation and
     information before September 1, 1996.
     (c)  Provides that with respect to a representative office of
     a foreign bank corporation in this state that exists as of the
     effective date of this Act, the foreign bank corporation must
     file before September 1, 1996 certain registration documents
     and fees.
SECTION 32.    Makes application of Chapter 6, TBA, of this Act

SECTION 33.    Provides that Article 13(3), Article 342-1113,
V.T.C.S., as added by Section 2(h) of this Act, and Article 2.31,
Article 1396-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., as added by Section 26 of this
Act, are clarification of the law existing before the effective
date of this Act.

SECTION 34.    (a)  Provides that if this Act conflicts with
another Act of the 74th Legislature, the change in law made in the
other Act prevails and the substance of the change is given effect
as part of the TBA adopted unless this Act or the conflicting Act
expressly provides otherwise or it is not possible to give the
conflicting law effect within the context of the TBA, in which
event the TBA prevails, and the text of a law that is reenacted in
the other Act only because of the constitutional requirement that
the amended law be reenacted at length is superseded by this Act.

     (b)  Provides that this Act prevails regardless of the
     relative dates of enactment if this Act and another Act of the
     74th Legislature make the same substantive change from current
     law but differ in text.
     SECTION 35.    Effective date: September 1, 1995, except that
Section 2(h), Section 26, Section 33, and Chapter 9, of this Act
take effect upon passage.

SECTION 36.    Emergency clause.