BILL ANALYSIS C.S.H.B. 2261 By: Conley 04-24-95 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND At the present time, Article 6687c, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, provides that political subdivisions may contract with private vendors to collect fees and fines for outstanding arrest warrants for failure to pay the fine for traffic offenses. Drivers license may not be renewed by the Department of Public Safety until the outstanding warrant for arrest and related fines and cost are paid. PURPOSE To allow the Department of Public Safety to contract with private vendors to assist in the collection of fees due on outstanding traffic warrants of arrest. Also, it would continue to provide that a political subdivision could contract with the Texas Department of Transportation and the County Tax Assessor-Collector to refuse to register or re-register a motor vehicle of a person for whom a warrant arrest is outstanding for failure to pay a fine on a complaint involving a traffic law. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill expressly grants rulemaking authority to the Department of Public Safety in SECTION 1. Sec. 7 (Article 6687d, Revised Statutes). SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Sec. 1. Amends Article 6687d by adding definitions of "complaint," "department," "political subdivision," and "traffic law." Sec. 2. (a) Allows a city, county, or state agency to contract with the department to deny the renewal of a driver's license if that person has an outstanding complaint, citation, or court order for a traffic violation. (b) Any contract under this section must be made in accordance with the Government Code, Chapter 791. Sec. 3. (a)-(b) An officer that issues citations shall, along with a citation for traffic violation, issue a warning that failure to appear in court for the prosecution of the offense may deny the person renewal of their driver's license. Sec. 4. (a) The department may deny the renewal of the person's driver's license for failure to appear in court on a traffic citation. (b) The political subdivision shall notify the department that there is no cause to continue denial of renewal of a person's driver's license once the person has resolved the matter. (c) Unless the person was acquitted of the underlying offense, the political subdivision will assess of $30.00 administrative fee for each failure to appear violation. (d) Fees will be deposited in the appropriate municipal or county treasury. $20 will be sent to the comptroller, and $10 will be sent to the general revenue of the municipal or county treasury. (e) The comptroller will credit $10 to the department for its use in the implementation of this article. The remainder will go to the general revenue fund. Sec. 5. The department can contract with a private vendor to implement this article, and the vendor can be reimbursed by the political subdivision. The vendor is required to comply with terms policies, and administrative rules established by the department. Sec. 6. The state, state agency or political subdivision may not be held liable for denial of a renewal of driver's license. Sec. 7. The department is authorized to adopt rules to implement the article. SECTION 2. Section 28A of Article 6687b, Revised Statutes is amended to allow the department to deny renewal of a driver's license. A denial of renewal expires when the political subdivision notifies the department that there is no longer cause to deny the renewal. SECTION 3. Section 1c of Article 67011-4, Revised Statutes is amended to state that the department may deny renewal of a driver's license. SECTION 4. Subsection (a) of Section 34 of Article 6687b is amended by adding (a)4, which states that after renewal has been denied, the person no longer has a valid Texas license. SECTION 5. Article 6687c, Revised Statutes is amended. Sec. 1. Adds the definition of "political subdivision." Sec. 2. Allows the Texas Department of Transportation to provide information for registering motor vehicles. Strikes all of (b). Sec. 3. Strikes all of Sec. 3(c)-(d). Sec. 4. Changes the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation to the Texas Department of Transportation. Sec. 5. Strikes all of Sec. 5. SECTION 6. Repeals paragraph (12), Subsection (b), of Section 22 of Article 6687b, revised Statutes. SECTION 7. Effective date. SECTION 8. Emergency clause. COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL TO SUBSTITUTE The substitute makes few changes from the original filed version. Most of the changes were technical (for example changing the word "complaint" to "complaint, citation, or court order"). SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION HB 2261 was considered by the committee in a public hearing on April 4, 1995. The committee considered a complete substitute for the bill. The substitute was adopted without objection. CSHB 2261 was considered by the committee in a public hearing on April 11, 1995. The bill was reported favorably as substituted with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 pnv, and 3 absent.