H.B. 2529
                                             By: Marchant (Lucio)
                                             Economic Development
                              Senate Committee Report (Unamended)

Currently, under Section 10.01 of the Texas Credit Union Act, the
Banking Commissioner has the option to put a credit union into
suspension or conservation when there are difficulties.  A
conservatorship allows credit unions to operate while under
regulatory supervision, thereby allowing the credit union to return
to the membership when the problems are corrected.  However,
suspension of charter without further action effectively closes the
credit union.


As proposed, H.B. 2529 deletes provisions providing for the
suspension of a state chartered credit union by the credit union


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted
to the banking commission under SECTION 1 (Sec.10.01(c), Article
2461-10.01, V.T.C.S.) of this bill.


SECTION 1. Amends Section 10.01, Article 2461-10.01, V.T.C.S.
(Texas Credit Union Act), as follows:

     Sec. 10.01 New heading: CONSERVATION. (a) Authorizes the
     banking commissioner (commissioner), if the commissioner makes
     certain findings and determines that the findings are of such
     severity that immediate affirmative action is needed to
     prevent further dissipation of the assets of the credit union,
     to issue an order of conservation and appoint a conservator to
     manage the affairs of the credit union. Requires service of
     the order of conservation to be delivered to an officer or
     director of the credit union by the commissioner, the deputy
     commissioner, or any other authorized designee. Authorizes
     mail delivery, if no officer or director is available for
     service on the date of issuance. Provides that service by
     certified or registered mail, addressed to the credit union at
     the last address of its principal office as shown by the
     records of the department is complete on deposit of the paper.
     Deletes certain mailing requirements for orders of suspension
     and conservation.
     (b) Requires the order to clearly state the grounds for
       conservation, rather than suspension.  Sets forth guidelines
       for service of conservation.
       (c) Sets forth authorized actions for the conservator which
       are subject to rules adopted by the banking commission
       (commission) and under supervision of the commissioner.
       Makes a conforming change.
       (d) Requires the conservator to take the steps toward the
       removal of the causes and conditions that have necessitated
       the order that the commissioner directs. Requires the
       conservator, during the conservatorship, to make required
       reports to the commissioner. Sets forth authorized actions
       for the conservator.
       (e) Requires the commissioner to determine the cost incident
       to the conservatorship. Provides that this cost is a charge
       against the assets and funds of the credit union to be
       allowed and paid as the commissioner directs.
       (f) Prohibits a court from restraining or affecting the
       exercise of the powers or functions of the conservator of a
       credit union, and provides that no court has jurisdiction
       over claims against the conservator or the credit union,
       until all administrative remedies have been exhausted.
       (g) Requires the conservator to serve for the period
       necessary to accomplish the purposes of the conservatorship
       as intended by this Act. Requires the credit union, if it is
       rehabilitated, to be returned to the management of the board
       of directors under the terms that are necessary to prevent
       recurrence of the conditions that occasioned the
       (h) Authorizes the commissioner, if the commissioner
       determines that the credit union in conservatorship is not
       in a condition to continue business and cannot be
       rehabilitated as provided by this section, to issue an order
       of liquidation appointing a liquidating agent.
       (i) Provides that an agreement that tends to diminish or
       defeat the right, title, or interest of the conservator in
       any asset acquired by the conservator under this section,
       either as security for a loan or by purchase, is invalid
       against the conservator unless the agreement meets certain
       (j) Requires the board of directors of the credit union, no
       later than 30 days after an order of conservation is served,
       to file a written reply to the order. Authorizes the credit
       union board of directors to appeal the order to the
       commission by filing with the commissioner a written appeal,
       including a duly certified resolution of the board. Requires
       the commissioner, if the board of directors files an appeal
       and requests a hearing, to request a hearing date from the
       State Office of Administrative Hearings (hearings office)
       that is not less than 10 or more than 30 days after receipt
       of the request. Requires the commissioner to give notice to
       the credit union of the date, time, and place of the
       hearing. Provides that the filing of an appeal does not
       suspend the effect of the order of conservation, and the
       order remains in force pending final disposition of the
       appeal by the commission. Requires the commission, no later
       than 45 days after receipt of a proposal for decision from
       the hearings office, to meet to consider the proposal for
       decision. Deletes the provision that the board of directors
       file a reply to an order. Deletes existing Subsections (d)-(k). Makes conforming changes.
       (k) Redesignates existing Subsection (l). Deletes the
       provision that if the board of directors of the credit union
       does not file a reply to the order of suspension, the
       commissioner may dispose of the matter as he considers
       (l) Makes conforming changes.
       (m) Deletes existing Subsection (n).
       (o) Makes a conforming change.
       SECTION 2.   Emergency clause.
           Effective date: upon passage.