H.B. 2593
                                           By: Eiland (Henderson)
                                             Economic Development
                              Senate Committee Report (Unamended)

Under current law, the commissioner of insurance has the duty to
promulgate the manual rate for commercial risks and classes of
risks written by the Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance
Association. The association is foreclosed from using the file and
use system available to other commercial property insurers who
compete in the marketplace. Also, the rates for commercial
windstorm and hail insurance written by the association must be 90
percent of the manual rates for extended coverage for commercial


As proposed, H.B. 2593 redefines "catastrophe area" and provides an
alternate process for ratemaking for windstorm and hail insurance.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Section 3(h), Article 21.49, Insurance Code
(Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Pool Act), to redefine
"catastrophe area" to include a city or part of a city or a county
or a part of a county in which it may be determined by the
commissioner of insurance (commissioner), rather than the State
Board of Insurance (board), that windstorm and hail insurance is
not available to the owner of insurable property within that area.
Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 2. Amends Section 8(h), Article 21.49, Insurance Code, as

     (1) Makes a conforming change.
     (2) Deletes the requirement that only the rates for
     noncommercial windstorm and hail insurance written by the
     Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association (association)
     before December 31, 1995, be 90 percent of the modified
     extended coverage rates. Makes conforming changes.
     (3) Deletes the requirement that the rates for noncommercial
     windstorm and hail insurance written by the association after
     December 31, 1995, be 90 percent of the manual rate for
     monoline extended coverage promulgated by the board for
     noncommercial risks under Chapter 5C, Insurance Code. Requires
     the association not later than August 1 of each year to file
     with the Department of Insurance (department) for approval by
     the commissioner a manual rate for commercial risks and
     classes of risks written by the association developed in
     accordance with Chapter 5C, Insurance Code, which is
     applicable only to the extent consistent with this article.
     Prohibits the association from making such a filing more than
     one time in any 12-month period. Requires the rate for
     commercial windstorm and hail insurance written by the
     association to be 90 percent of the rate for extended coverage
     for commercial risks as developed in accordance with Chapter
     5C, Insurance Code, to the extent consistent with this
     article. Provides that Article 1.33B of this code does not
     apply to a filing made under this subdivision and Subdivisions
     (4)-(10) of this subsection, or a department action with
     respect to the filing. Deletes the provision that rates for
     commercial windstorm and hail insurance written by the
     association shall be 90 percent of the manual rates for
     extended coverage promulgated by the board for commercial
     rates under Chapter 5C, Insurance Code.
     (4) Requires the commissioner to provide all interested
     persons an opportunity to review the filing, obtain copies of
     the filing on payment of any legally required copying cost,
     and submit to the commissioner written comments or information
     related to the filing.
     (5) Requires the commissioner to schedule an open meeting no
     later than 45 days after the date on which the department
     receives the filing at which interested persons may present
     comments relating to the filing. Subjects an open meeting
     under this subdivision to Chapter 551, Government Code, but is
     not a contested case hearing under Chapter 2001, Government
     (6) Requires the department to file with the Texas Register
     notice that a filing has been made under Subdivision (3) of
     this subsection no later than seven days after the date the
     filing is received by the department. Sets forth information
     the notice must include.
     (7) Requires the commissioner, after the conclusion of the
     open meeting, to approve or disapprove or modify the filing in
     writing on or before November 1 of the year in which the
     filing is made or the filing is deemed approved. Requires the
     commissioner, if the commissioner disapproves a filing, to
     state in writing the reasons for the disapproval and the
     criteria to be met by the association to obtain approval.
     Authorizes the association to file with the commissioner, no
     later than 10 days after the date on which the association
     receives the commissioner's written disapproval, an amended
     filing bringing the filing into conformity with all criteria
     stated in the commissioner's written disapproval.
     (8) Requires the commissioner, before approving or
     disapproving an amended filing, to provide all interested
     persons an opportunity to review the amended filing, obtain
     copies of the amended filing on payment of any legally
     required copying costs, and submit to the commissioner
     comments or information related to the amended filing in the
     manner provided by Subdivision (4) of this subdivision, and
     may hold a hearing not later than 20 days after the date on
     which the department receives the amended filing in the manner
     provided by Subdivision (5) of this subsection.  Requires the
     commissioner, no later than 10 days after the date on which
     the hearing on the amended filing is concluded, to approve or
     disapprove the amended filing. Requires the commissioner,
     within 30 days after the amended filing is received, to
     approve or disapprove an amended filing or it is deemed
     approved. Provides that the requirements imposed under
     Subdivisions (6 and (7) of this subsection apply to a hearing
     conducted under this subdivision.
     (9) Authorizes the commissioner, in conjunction with the
     review of a filing or amended filing, to request the
     association to provide additional supporting information
     relating to the filing or amended filing, and any interested
     person may file a request with the commissioner for additional
     supporting information relating to the filing or amended
     filing. Requires a request under this subdivision to be
     reasonable and directly related to the filing. Requires the
     commissioner to submit to the association all request for
     additional supporting information made under this subdivision
     for the commissioner's use and the use of any interested
     person. Requires the association to provide the information to
     the commissioner no later than five days after the request for
     additional supporting information is delivered to the
     association. Requires the department to notify an interested
     person who has requested additional information of the
     availability of the information no later than one business day
     after the date on which the commissioner receives the
     information from the association.
     (10) Prohibits a filing made under this subsection from
     reflecting an annual premium rate change that is more than 15
     percent of the rate for commercial windstorm and hail
     insurance in each rate classification in effect on September
     1, 1995. Provides that this subdivision expires January 1,
     2001, provided however, that the commissioner may, after
     notice and hearing, suspend this subdivision upon a finding
     that a catastrophe loss or series of occurrences resulting in
     losses in the catastrophe area justify a need to assure rate
     adequacy in the catastrophe area and also justify a need to
     assure availability of insurance outside the catastrophe area.
     (11)-(12) Make conforming changes.
     (13) Created from existing text.
SECTION 3. Requires the commissioner, no later than December 31,
1995, to submit to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker
of the house of representatives a report containing the
commissioner's conclusions and recommendations for further action
regarding the treatment of claims resulting from a significant
natural catastrophe. Sets forth provisions the report must include.

SECTION 4. Effective date: September 1, 1995.
           Makes application of this Act prospective beginning
January 1, 1996.

SECTION 5. Emergency clause.