BILL ANALYSIS H.B. 2890 By: R. Lewis 4-10-95 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND During the 73rd regular session, in 1993, the Texas Legislature passed S.B. 1477 which established the eight-county Edwards Aquifer Authority with powers to regulate aquifer pumping by issuing groundwater pumping permits. In November, 1993, the U.S. Justice Department issued a formal objection to S.B. 1477, stating that it violated the federal Voting Rights Act. Consequently, no provisions under this bill have been implemented to date. PURPOSE Due to the delay caused by the U.S. Justice Department's formal objection of S.B. 1477, several dates contained within the bill have expired and are no longer applicable. H.B.2890 represents an attempt to bring these dates current. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS Section 1. Amends Section 1.03(10), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date referred to in the definition of "existing user" is changed to 1995. Section 2. Amends Section 1.14(e), and (h), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date referred to in (e) is changed to 1995. The date referred to in (h) to accomplish the purpose of this article is changed to 1996. Section 3. Amends Section 1.16(a) and (b), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date referred to in (a) is changed to 1995. The date referred to in (b) is changed to 1996. Section 4. Amends Section 1.17(a) and (d), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date referred to in (a)(2) is changed to 1996. The date referred to in (d)(2) is changed to 1996. Section 5. Amends Section 1.18(b), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date referred to in (b) concerning actual beneficial use is changed to 1995. The date concerning an initial application date is changed to 1996. Section 6. Amends Section 1.25(a), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date is changed to 1997. Section 7. Amends Section 1.26, Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date is changed to 1997. Section 8. Amends Section 1.30(d), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date is changed to 1995. Section 9. Amends Section 1.31(b), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date is changed to 1995. Section 10. Amends Section 1.41(d), Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date is changed to 1995. Section 11. Amends Section 3.04, Chapter 626, Acts of the 73rd Legislature. The date is changed to 1997. Section 12. Effective date. Section 13. Emergency clause. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION H.B.2890 was considered by the committee in a public hearing on April 10, 1995. The following persons testified in favor of the bill: None (0). The following persons testified against the bill: Ms. Carol Patterson, representing herself and constituents; Mr. Tim Jones, representing himself; Mr. Kirk Patterson, representing himself. The following persons testified on the bill: None (0). The bill was reported favorably without amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 6 ayes, 2 nays, 0 pnv, 1 absent.