BILL ANALYSIS S.B. 215 By: Truan (Raymond) April 12, 1995 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was recently passed by Congress, includes a Self-Employment Assistance Program in its legislation. The program is part of a series of administration innovations in the unemployment system and authorizes states to create self-employment assistance programs as part of their state unemployment compensation systems. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 215 provides for the establishment of a self-employment assistance program. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does expressly grant additional rulemaking authority in Section 1, Sec. 303.005 (b) and Sec. 303.007 (a). SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Title 4B, Labor Code, by adding Chapter 303, as follows: CHAPTER 303. SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Sec. 303.001. DEFINITIONS. Defines "commission," "regular benefits," "self-employment assistance activities," and "self-employment assistance allowance." Sec. 303.002. ELIGIBILITY FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE ALLOWANCE. (a) Sets forth guidelines under which an individual is eligible to receive a self-employment assistance allowance (allowance). (b) Sets forth eligibility criteria for individuals to whom the Texas Employment Commission (commission) is required to pay an allowance. (c) Provides that an allowance is payable to an individual at the same interval and is subject to the same terms and conditions as regular benefits. (d) Provides that income from self-employment earned by an individual is not required to be reported and may not be considered by the commission for the purposes of Section 207.003. (e) Provides that an individual who meets the requirements of this section is unemployed for purposes of Subtitle A. Sec. 303.003. DISQUALIFICATION. Provides that an individual who fails to participate in self-employment assistance activities or to engage on a full-time basis in activities related to establishing a business and becoming self-employed is disqualified from the allowance. Sec. 303.004. AMOUNT OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE ALLOWANCE. (a) Provides that the weekly amount payable to an eligible individual is equal to the weekly benefit amount otherwise payable for regular benefits. (b) Prohibits the total of the allowance and regular benefits paid under Subtitle A with respect to an individual's benefit year from exceeding a certain amount. Sec. 303.005. LIMITATION ON SCOPE OF PROGRAM. (a) Prohibits the number of individuals who receive an allowance from exceeding five percent of the total number of individuals receiving regular benefits. (b) Requires the commission to adopt rules as necessary to enforce this section. (c) Requires the commission to enter into interagency agreements with other state agencies to facilitate the goals of this program. Goals include technical assistance, access to capital, bonding and any other needs necessary for small business success. Sec. 303.006. PROGRAM FINANCING. Requires allowances paid to be charged to employers in the same manner as the charging of regular benefits. Sec. 303.007. RULES; COMMISSION DUTIES. (a) Sets forth rules the commission is authorized to adopt to implement this chapter. (b) Requires the commission to develop a profiling system to identify individuals likely to exhaust regular benefits who may be eligible to participate in a program of self-employment assistance activities. Sec. 303.008. PROGRAM APPROVAL. Requires the commission, in approving a program that provides self-employment assistance activities, to attempt to identify and give priority treatment to existing training programs. SECTION 2. (a) Effective date of September 1, 1995 and makes application of this Act prospective. (b) Provides that this Act expires at the end of the week preceding the date federal law no longer authorizes a self-employment assistance program. (c) Provides that this Act, notwithstanding Subsection (b) of this section, expires December 8, 1998. SECTION 3. Emergency clause. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION S.B. 215 was considered by the committee in a public hearing on March 27, 1995. Testifying on the bill was John Jennings, representing the Texas Employment Commission and William Grossenbacher, representing the Texas Employment Commission. No one testified against the bill. S.B. 215 was left pending. S.B. 215 was reconsidered by the committee in a public hearing on April 10, 1995. S.B. 215 was reported favorably without amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 pnv, 3 absent.