C.S.S.B. 301
                                                    By: Patterson
                                                    State Affairs
                                   Committee Report (Substituted)

The Texas Constitution prohibits the forced sale, or foreclosure,
of a homestead except for the failure to pay property taxes, to
repay a purchase money mortgage (a mortgage to finance the purchase
of a homestead), or to repay a home improvement loan.  The effect
of this provision is to prevent homestead owners from using any
portion of their homesteads as collateral for any other type of

Texas is the only state that prohibits the use of homestead equity
as collateral for equity loans.  An independent economic study
conducted by the University of Texas estimated the total
unencumbered equity in Texas homesteads was $116 billion at the end
of 1991.

Texas is also the only state that includes business property in its
homestead restrictions.  Texas law allows one acre, regardless of
value, to each single person or head of a family as an urban
homestead.  This acre can be one lot, or a series of lots, as long
as the total acreage does not exceed one acre.  If more than one
lot qualifies as an urban homestead, the lots do not have to be
located next to each other.

The lots that comprise the one-acre urban homestead can be used for
a residence or a business.  Many Texans that live in urban areas
have homes on pieces of property whose size is less than one acre,
and businesses on separate pieces of property.  Texas law prohibits
borrowing against either piece of property for any reason except
purchase, improvements to the property, or to pay property taxes. 
The law applies automatically; a small business owner cannot waive
the homestead designation on the business property and borrow
against it.


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 301 authorizes a person to bring a voluntary,
consensual encumbrance on a homestead property for an equity loan.


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted
to the Finance Commission of Texas in SECTION 2 (Article 5A.29,
Article 5069-1.01, V.T.C.S.) of this bill.


SECTION 1. Amends Section 41.001(b), Property Code, to include an
equity loan in the list of authorized items for which encumbrances
may be properly fixed on homestead property (homestead).

SECTION 2. Amends Title 79, Article 5069-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S.,
by adding Chapter 5A, as follows:

                    CHAPTER 5A. EQUITY LOANS

     Art. 5A.01.  DEFINITIONS. Defines "advance," "application,"
     "blended equity loan," "business day," "equity loan," and
     "reverse mortgage."
     Art. 5A.02.  CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. (a) Provides that an
     equity loan is considered made on the earliest date on which
     both each promissory note, or contract for an open account,
     evidencing the equity loan; and a deed of trust or other
     security instrument securing the equity loan are executed.
     (b)  Requires a lender to rely on appraisal or evaluation in
       establishing the fair market value of the homestead.
       Authorizes certain estimates to be used at the lender's
       option to determine the fair market value of the homestead
       if no federal appraisal or evaluation requirement applies to
       an equity loan. 
     Art. 5A.03.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. (a) Sets forth legal
     requirements for a lender making, negotiating, or arranging an
     equity loan. 
     (b)  Provides that a loan made for the payment or
       refinancing of the purchase money of the homestead, taxes on
       the homestead, or a loan made in renewal or extension of
       such a loan, is not an equity loan, but may be subject to
       this chapter if the parties agree to be governed by this
       chapter. Provides that a blended equity loan is governed by
       this chapter. 
     Art. 5A.04.  AUTHORIZED LENDERS. (a) Authorizes only certain
     parties to make an equity loan. 
     (b)  Authorizes a lender to make an equity loan in addition
       to any other loan authorized for that lender.
     Art. 5A.05.  ELIGIBLE PROPERTY.  Prohibits an equity loan from
     being secured by homestead property that is designated for
     agricultural use.
     Art. 5A.06.  ONE EQUITY LOAN AUTHORIZED. Prohibits the
     homestead from being encumbered by more than one equity loan
     in addition to a valid encumbrance. 
     Authorizes an equity loan to provide for funding to or for the
     benefit of the borrower in advances at a frequency and for a
     term to which the parties agree. Authorizes an equity loan to
     provide for repayment on a payment schedule and in amounts to
     which the parties agree. 
     AGE OR OLDER. Prohibits a lender from making an equity loan
     other than a reverse mortgage if a borrower is 65 years or
     Art. 5A.09.  PERCENT OF VALUE LIMIT. Prohibits the principal
     amount of an equity loan plus the aggregate total of the
     outstanding balances of other indebtedness secured by valid
     encumbrances of record against the homestead from exceeding 90
     percent of the fair market value of the homestead. 
     Provides that the aggregate total of the outstanding balances
     of indebtedness secured by valid encumbrances against the
     homestead does not include any advance made by a lender to
     protect a lien, security interest, or other valid encumbrance
     on the homestead. 
     Prohibits a lender from requiring or accepting real or
     personal property as additional collateral on an equity loan,
     except for a manufactured home, personal property affixed to
     the homestead in a manner that would make the property a
     fixture, or rents derived from the homestead. Authorizes only
     the homestead property securing an equity loan to be used as
     (b)  Sets forth prohibited activities for a lender. 
       (c)  Provides that this section does not limit any statutory
       or common law lien or right of offset or prevent a lender
       from requiring insurance as security for an equity loan. 
       (d)  Authorizes proceeds of a sale of the homestead or its
       fixtures or the insurance covering the property to be
       included as part of the security without being considered
       additional collateral 
       (e)  Provides that a provision of a deed of trust or other
       security agreement that secures a loan other than an equity
       loan and that makes the deed or interest applicable to other
       indebtedness of the borrower does not apply to an equity
       loan of the borrower to the extent that the provision would
       cause the equity loan to be secured by property other than
       the homestead.  Provides that this subsection does not
       affect the validity of the provision as applied to a loan
       other than an equity loan. 
     Art. 5A.12.  ACCELERATION PROHIBITED. (a) Prohibits a lender
     from accelerating the remaining payments of an equity loan
     because of a decrease in the market value of the homestead
     property securing the equity loan, with an exception. Provides
     that a lender is not prohibited from refusing to make
     additional advances under an equity loan, other than a reverse
     mortgage, if the market value decreases, regardless of the
     (b)  Prohibits a lender from accelerating the remaining
       payments of an equity loan because of the borrower's default
       under any other indebtedness not secured by a prior valid
       encumbrance on the homestead, regardless of whether the
       indebtedness is owed to the lender provides that a lender is
       not prohibited from refusing to make additional advances
       other than a reverse mortgage, if the borrower has defaulted
       in the payment of another indebtedness.
     Art. 5A.13.  NOTICE.  (a)  Requires the lender in an equity
     loan to provide a notice to the borrower and sets forth
     required language for the notice.
     (b)  Requires the lender to provide the notice upon
       receiving a loan application. 
     Art. 5A.14.  WAITING PERIOD; RESCISSION. (a) Prohibits an
     equity loan from being made before the 16th day after the
     lender receives the loan application.
     (b)  Authorizes each owner of residential homestead property
       securing an equity loan to rescind the loan. Provides that
       compliance with applicable state and federal laws regarding
       the right to rescind is considered compliance with this
       (c)  Provides that the right of rescission applies to each
       equity loan made under this chapter. Prohibits a residential
       homestead owner securing an equity loan from waiving the
       right of rescission required by this section. 
     Art. 5A.15.  LOCATION OF CLOSING. Prohibits an equity loan
     from being closed at the borrower's residence, and requires it
     to be closed only at the office of the lender, a title company
     or a Texas licensed attorney. Defines "closing." 
     (a)  Requires payment to be permitted without penalty at any
     time during the term of a reverse mortgage, notwithstanding
     any other provision of this chapter. 
     (b)  Provides that advances made under a reverse mortgage
       and interest on those advances have priority over a lien
       filed for record in the real property records in the county
       where the property is located after the reverse mortgage is
       filed for record in the real property records of that
       (c)  Authorizes a reverse mortgage to provide for a fixed or
       adjustable interest rate and for one that is contingent on
       appreciation in the fair market value of the homestead. 
       (d)  Prohibits the reverse mortgage advances from being
       reduced because of an adjustment in the interest rate. 
       (e)  Provides that a lender who fails to make required loan
       advances, and fails to cure the default, forfeits any right
       to collect all interest.
       Art. 5A.17.  REPAYMENT OF REVERSE MORTGAGE. (a) Sets forth
     circumstances under which a reverse mortgage becomes due and
     (b)  Prohibits certain temporary absences from the homestead
       from causing the reverse mortgage to become due and payable.
       Prohibits temporary absences between consecutive days and
       one year from causing the reverse mortgage to become due and
       payable if the borrower has taken prior action to secure the
       (c)  Subjects the lender's right to collect reverse mortgage
       payments to the statute of limitations, except that the
       period begins on the date the reverse mortgage is due and
       (d)  Requires the lender to prominently disclose any
       interest or fee to be charged during the period that begins
       on the date the reverse mortgage becomes due and payable and
       ends when repayment is made in full.
     MORTGAGE. Authorizes a reverse mortgage loan to be made or
     acquired without regard to certain provisions of applicable
     state or federal statutes. 
     ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Provides that for the purposes of
     determining eligibility under any statute relating to
     payments, allowance, benefits, or services provided on a
     means-tested basis by this state, reverse mortgage loan
     advances made to a borrower are considered proceeds from a
     loan, and not income; and undisbursed funds under a reverse
     mortgage loan are considered equity in a borrower's home and
     not proceeds from a loan. 
     Prohibits a lender from making a reverse mortgage commitment,
     unless the applicant makes a statement attesting that the
     applicant received a notice from the consumer credit
     commissioner (commissioner) regarding independent information
     and counseling services on reverse mortgages. Sets forth
     requirements for the commissioner. 
     Art. 5A.21.  INTEREST. Authorizes a lender to contract for and
     receive on an equity loan any fixed or variable interest rate
     that does not exceed the maximum interest rate authorized
     under any state or federal statute permitting the lender to
     contract for a rate of interest. Requires the interest to be
     accrued and earned by applying the simple annual rate or rates
     to the principal balance.  Authorizes the lender to assume
     that the payments have been made as originally scheduled and
     ignore any difference created by late or early payments in
     determining the amount of interest accrued.  Provides that
     although payment of principal or interest is not required
     under a reverse mortgage until the entire loan becomes due and
     payable, interest accrues and may be compounded during the
     existence of the loan as provided by the loan agreement.
     Art. 5A.22.  CLOSED-END EQUITY LOANS.  (a) Requires each
     closed-end equity loan to be scheduled to be repaid in
     substantially equal monthly installments, with an exception.
     (b) Requires the amount of each installment to equal or
       exceed the amount of interest scheduled to accrue as of the
       date of the installment or that would accrue as of the
       installment date through amortization of the loan on the
       date of the loan.
     Art. 5A.23.  CHARGES AND FEES. Sets forth certain authorized
     fees and charges that a lender is permitted to collect for an
     equity loan contract.
     Art. 5A.24.  INSURANCE. (a) Authorizes a lender to request or
     require a borrower to provide certain amounts of insurance. 
     (b)  Authorizes premiums for insurance to be added to the
       loan contract. 
     Art. 5A.25.  LENDER'S DUTY TO BORROWER. (a) Requires a lender
     under an equity loan to deliver to the borrower, or to one of
     the borrowers if more than one, a copy of the note or the
     contract for an open account, a copy of all other documents
     signed by the borrower or borrowers, and a written statement
     containing certain information. 
     (b)  Authorizes a copy of the note or another document
       containing the information required by Subsection (a) to be
       delivered to the borrower rather than the separate written
     (c)  Requires the lender to give a receipt to a person
       making a cash payment on an equity loan on the borrower's
       (d)  Prohibits a prepayment fee, charge, or penalty from
       being collected on any equity loan, with an exception. 
       (e)  Requires the holder to perform certain actions within
       a reasonable time on termination and full payment of an
       equity loan. 
     Art. 5A.26.  PROHIBITED PRACTICES. (a) Prohibits a lender from
     accepting an assignment of wages as security for a loan made
     under this chapter. 
     (b)  Prohibits a lender, in connection with an equity loan,
       from accepting a confession of judgment or power of attorney
       running to the lender or to a third person to confess
       judgment or to appear for a borrower in a judicial
       (c)  Prohibits a lender from accepting an instrument in
       which blanks are left to be filled in after an equity loan
       is executed. 
     Art. 5A.27.  OWNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.  Authorizes a lienholder
     or assignee for value to rely on an acknowledgement by the
     owner of the homestead and the owner's  spouse, of compliance
     with applicable requirements for an equity loan secured by a
     mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on a homestead.
     Art. 5A.28.  REPORT BY LENDERS. (a) Requires a lender making
     an equity loan to submit within a specified time frame a
     report of the lender's equity loan activity during the year
     preceding the year the report is submitted to the director of
     the office of access to financial services (director).  Sets
     forth required information for the report.  Authorizes the
     director to set and collect from the lender a fee in
     connection with the submission of the report to enable the
     director to carry out this section.
     (b)  Authorizes the director to accept a copy of a report
       submitted by the lender to a federal agency instead of the
       report required under Subsection (a) if the report submitted
       to the federal agency contains the information required
       under Subsection (a). 
       (c)  Provides that a lender that does not make an equity
       loan during the period covered by a report is not required
       to submit the report. 
     Art.  5A.29.  EQUITY LOAN RECOVERY FUND.  (a) Requires the
     commissioner to establish and maintain an equity loan recovery
     fund (fund).  Requires the fund to be used for reimbursing
     aggrieved persons who suffer actual damages as a result of
     misrepresentation, dishonesty, or fraud committed by an
     authorized lender in the course of making an equity loan,
     provided the recovery is ordered by a court of competent
     jurisdiction against the lender, and the court determines that
     the lender is unable to make the payment.
     (b) Requires the sums received by the commissioner for the
       fund to be held in trust for carrying out the purposes of
       the fund.
       (c) Requires the Finance Commission (commission) to
       establish and collect fees from authorized lenders for each
       home equity loan originated by the lender to accomplish the
       purposes of this Act.  Requires fees collected to be
       deposited into the fund.
       (d) Requires the commission to adopt rules to implement this
SECTION 3. Amends Article 342-101 et seq., V.T.C.S. (Texas Banking
Code), by adding Article 11D, as follows:

     Creates the division of access to financial services
     (division) in the commissioner's office to inform on the
     availability and quality of home equity loans offered by
     financial institutions in this state to agricultural
     businesses, small businesses, and individual consumers.
     (b) Requires the division to be headed by a director
       appointed by the commission.
       (c) Requires the director to staff the division to carry out
       the office's functions.
       (d) Sets forth required functions for the division.
       (e) Requires the division to have the authority to apply for
       and receive public and private grants and gifts.
       (f) Requires the division to have the authority to contract
       with public and private entities to carry out studies and
       (g) Requires the commission to establish and collect fees to
       accomplish the purpose of this article.
       SECTION 4.   Amends Article 342-101, et seq., V.T.C.S., by adding
Article 11E, as follows:

     SERVICES.  Requires the comptroller to collect annually, to
     defray the costs of creating and operating the division, from
     each bank, savings and loan association, savings bank, and
     credit union doing lawful business, from each person licensed
     under Article 5069-3.01, et seq., V.T.C.S., and from each
     person approved as a mortgagee to make insured loans, an
     assessment of 25 cents for each loan originated during that
     calendar year.
SECTION 5.     (a)  Requires the director to conduct a study of
homestead equity lending after May 1, 1998.

     (b)  Requires the director to submit a report on the study to
     the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of
     representatives before January 1, 1999. Sets forth required
     information for the report. 
SECTION 6. Effective date: May 1, 1996, providing that S.J.R. 25
is approved by the voters.  Provides that if that amendment is not
approved by the voters, this Act has no effect.

SECTION 7. Emergency clause.