BILL ANALYSIS C.S.S.B. 397 By: Ratliff Education 2-9-95 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND Community colleges now serve both their official taxing district as well as areas outside the taxing district which have been assigned to community colleges by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Creation of delineated community college service areas may help avoid duplication of services. PURPOSE As proposed, C.S.S.B. 397 requires each community college district to have a recognized service area. Sets forth the service area of each district. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 130, Education Code, by adding Subchapter J, as follows: SUBCHAPTER J. JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREAS Sec. 130.161. DEFINITIONS. Defines "coordinating board," "institution of higher education," "service," and "service area." Sec. 130.162. PROVISION OF SERVICES IN SERVICE AREA BY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT. (a) Requires a junior college district to provide services to the residents and employers of its service area in accordance with this chapter, the applicable program approval rules and appropriations formulas adopted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (coordinating board) and the strategic plan developed by the Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness. (b) Prohibits a junior college district from offering services in the service area of another junior college district. (c) Provides that Section 61.051(j) does not apply to the provision of services by a junior college district in its service area. (d) Authorizes a junior college district to enter into a memorandum of understanding with another institution of higher education for the other institution to provide a service in the service area of the junior college district. Requires the coordinating board to approve the provision of a service by another institution. Sec. 130.163. PROVISION OF SERVICES IN SERVICE AREA BY ANOTHER INSTITUTION. (a) Sets forth provisions under which a junior college district is authorized to decline to provide a service in part of its service area outside its taxing district. (b) Sets forth provisions under which another institution of higher education is authorized to provide a service in part of a junior college district service area outside the taxing district. (c) Requires a junior college district that declines to provide a service in a part of its service area outside its taxing district to cooperate with other institutions of higher education in attempting to obtain services requested by the residents or employers of the affected area. (d) Requires the coordinating board to approve the provision of a service by an institution of higher education under Subsection (b). (e) Defines "local share." Sec. 130.164. PROVISION OF SERVICES IN TERRITORY NOT WITHIN SERVICE AREA. Authorizes the coordinating board to designate the junior college districts that may provide services in territory not within a service area described by this subchapter. Sec. 130.165. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER LAW. (a) Provides that the designation of service areas does not affect the establishment or modification under other law of a taxing district for a new or existing junior college district. (b) Provides that territory designated by this subchapter as part of the service area of a junior college district is not considered to be within that service area if the territory becomes part of the taxing district of another junior college district through the establishment or modification under other law of a taxing district for a new or existing junior college district. Sec. 130.166. ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Alamo Community College District. Sec. 130.167. ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Alvin Community College District. Sec. 130.168. AMARILLO JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Amarillo Junior College District. Sec. 130.169. ANGELINA COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Amarillo County Junior College District. Sec. 130.170. AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Austin Community College District. Sec. 130.171. BEE COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Bee County Junior College District. Sec. 130.172. BLINN COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Blinn College District. Sec. 130.173. BORGER JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Borger Junior College District. Sec. 130.174. BRAZOSPORT COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Brazosport College District. Sec. 130.175. CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Central Texas College District. Sec. 130.176. CISCO JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Cisco Junior College District. Sec. 130.177. CLARENDON COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Clarendon College District. Sec. 130.178. COLLEGE OF THE MAINLAND DISTRICT. Sets forth the service area of the College of the Mainland District. Sec. 130.179. COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Collin County Community College District. Sec. 130.180. DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Dallas County Community College District. Sec. 130.181. DEL MAR COLLEGE - CORPUS CHRISTI JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Del Mar College - Corpus Christi Junior College District. Sec. 130.182. EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of El Paso County Community College District. Sec. 130.183. GALVESTON COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Galveston College District. Sec. 130.184. GRAYSON COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Grayson County Junior College District. Sec. 130.185. HILL COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Hill College District. Sec. 130.186. HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Houston Community College System District. Sec. 130.187. HOWARD COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Howard County Junior College District. Sec. 130.188. KILGORE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Kilgore Junior College District. Sec. 130.189. LAREDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Laredo Community College District. Sec. 130.190. LEE COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Lee College District. Sec. 130.191. MCLENNAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of McLennan Community College District. Sec. 130.192. MIDLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Midland Community College District. Sec. 130.193. NAVARRO COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Navarro College District. Sec. 130.194. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of North Central Texas College District. Sec. 130.195. NORTH HARRIS MONTGOMERY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of North Harris Montgomery Community College District. Sec. 130.196. NORTHEAST TEXAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Northeast Texas Community College District. Sec. 130.197. ODESSA COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Odessa College District. Sec. 130.198. PANOLA COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Panola College District. Sec. 130.199. PARIS JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Paris Junior College District. Sec. 130.200. RANGER JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Ranger Junior College District. Sec. 130.201. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of San Jacinto College District. Sec. 130.202. SOUTH PLAINS JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of South Plains Junior College District. Sec. 130.203. SOUTH TEXAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of South Texas Community College District. Sec. 130.204. SOUTHWEST TEXAS JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Southwest Texas Junior College District. Sec. 130.205. TARRANT COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Tarrant County Junior College District. Sec. 130.206. TEMPLE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Temple Junior College District. Sec. 130.207. TEXARKANA COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Texarkana College District. Sec. 130.208. TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Texas Southmost College District. Sec. 130.209. TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Trinity Valley Community College District. Sec. 130.210. TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Tyler Junior College District. Sec. 130.211. VERNON REGIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Vernon Regional Junior College District. Sec. 130.212. VICTORIA COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Victoria College District. Sec. 130.213. WEATHERFORD COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Weatherford College District. Sec. 130.214. WESTERN TEXAS COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Western Texas College District. Sec. 130.215. WHARTON COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SERVICE AREA. Sets forth the service area of Wharton County Junior College District. SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 1995. SECTION 3. Emergency clause.