C.S.S.B. 646
By: Barrientos (Cuellar, R.)
May 11, 1995
Committee Report (Substituted)


Historically, veterans have been given preference in hiring for
federal jobs because Congress felt that vets have given up job and
career opportunities to serve their country.  Present federal
downsizing of the military means that it will be harder to attract
and recruit high-quality individuals to join the military with
decreasing job security and benefits.


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 646 requires public entities and the Texas
Veterans Commission to file a report stating the percentage of
employees hired by the entity who are entitled to veterans'
employment preferences.


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted
to the Texas Employment Commission under SECTION 4 of this bill.


SECTION 1. Amends Section 657.001(2), Government Code, to define
"public entity."

SECTION 2. Amends 657.002, Government Code, as follows:

     PREFERENCE.  (a)  Provides that a veteran qualifies for a
     veteran's employment preference if the veteran served in the
     military for not less than 90 consecutive days during a
     national emergency or was discharged from military service for
     an established service-connected disability, was honorably
     discharged from military service, and is competent.  Deletes
     a provision qualifying a widow or orphan of a veteran for a
     veteran's employment preference.  Deletes reference to
     veterans serving in certain wars or conflicts.
     (b)  Provides that a veteran's surviving spouse who has not
       remarried or an orphan of a veteran qualifies for a
       veteran's employment preferences if the veteran was killed
       while on active duty, the veteran served in the military for
       not less than 90 consecutive days during a national
       emergency, and the spouse or orphan is competent.  Deletes
       a provision exempting applicability of this chapter to a
       veteran who was a conscientious objector or is receiving or
       entitled to receive military retirement pay from the U.S.
       (c)  Defines "veteran."
SECTION 3. Amends Section 657.004, Government Code, as follows:

     Sec. 657.004.  New heading:  PREFERENCE REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC
     ENTITIES AND PUBLIC WORKS.  (a)  Requires a public entity or
     public work that does not have 40 percent of its employees who
     are entitled to a preference to give preferences to
     individuals entitled to a veteran's employment preference
     until it does have at least 40 percent of its employees who
     are entitled to the preference.
     (b)  Created from existing text.  Deletes a reference to a
       40 percent quota.
       (c)  Provides that a public entity or public work that has
       at least 40 percent of its employees who are entitled to the
       preference is exempt from the requirements of Section
       SECTION 4.   Amends Chapter 657, Government Code, by adding Sections
657.007-657.009, as follows:

     WORKFORCE.  (a)  Provides that an individual entitled to a
     hiring preference under this chapter is also entitled to a
     preference in retaining employment if the public entity that
     employs the individual reduces its workforce.
     (b)  Provides that a preference granted under this section
       applies only to the extent that a reduction in workforce by
       an employing public entity involves other employees of a
       similar type or classification.
     Sec. 657.008.  REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  Requires a public
     entity to file quarterly with the comptroller a report stating
     the percentage of the total number of employees hired by the
     entity during the reporting period who are persons entitled to
     a preference; and the percentage of the total number of the
     entity's employees who are persons entitled to a preference
     under this chapter.
     (b)  Requires the comptroller to file annually with the
       legislature a report that compiles and analyzes information
       that the comptroller receives from public entities.
     EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION.  (a)  Requires a public entity to
     provide to the Texas Employment Commission, under rules
     adopted under this section, information regarding an open
     position that is subject to the hiring preference required by
     this chapter.
     (b)  Requires the Texas Employment Commission to make
       available to the public the information provided by a public
       entity under Subsection (a).
       (c)  Requires the Texas Employment Commission to adopt rules
       under this section to facilitate the exchange of employment
       information between public entities and individuals entitled
       to a preference under this chapter.
       (d)  Requires the Texas Employment Commission to adopt forms
       and procedures necessary to administer this section.
SECTION 5. Requires each public entity subject to Chapter 657,
Government Code, to compile and send to the comptroller the initial
report described by Section 657.008(a), no later than December 31,
1995 and file the second report not later than March 31, 1996. 
Requires the comptroller to file an initial report not later than
March 31, 1996, based on information received on or before December
31, 1995.

SECTION 6. Requires the Texas Employment Commission to adopt rules,
forms, and procedures required by Sections 657.009(c) and (d),
Government Code, as added by Section 4 of this Act, no later than
December 31, 1995.

SECTION 7. Effective date:  September 1, 1995, except that Sections
657.009(a) and (b), Government Code, take effect January 31, 1996.

SECTION 5. Emergency clause.


The substitute makes no substantive changes to the original.


SB 1296 was considered by the Committee on State Affairs in a
formal meeting on May 10, 1995.  The committee considered a
complete substitute for the bill.  The substitute was adopted
without objection.  The bill was reported favorably as substituted
with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, and be sent
to the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars, by a record vote
of 13 ayes, 0 nay, 0 pnv, and 2 absent.