BILL ANALYSIS S.B. 744 By: Cain (Holzheauser) April 12, 1995 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND In 1992, the Legislature authorized higher education institutions to enter into performance contracts for energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption and operating costs at institutional facilities. These contracts provide a cost-effective way to fund facilities' improvements without increasing the need for state appropriations or relying on limited state funded loan programs. Energy performance contracts do not require the institutions to cover initial costs; the contractor pays for all project engineering, equipment and construction, and is paid back from annual energy cost savings within a 10-year period. Also, the contractor guarantees that a certain level of energy savings will be achieved; if not, the contractor must return the difference. PURPOSE SB 744 would allow a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state to also enter into a contract for energy conservation measures. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1: Amends Subtitle C, Title 9, Local Government Code, by adding Chapter 302 to read as follows: Sec. 302.001. Defines "local government" to mean a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state. Sec. 302.002. CONTRACT FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES Subsection (a) states that a local government may enter into an energy conservation contract in accordance with this chapter. Subsection (b) states that the contract authorizes the installation of: 1) insulation of the building structures and systems; 2) window or door modifications that reduce energy consumption; 3) automatic energy control systems; 4) heating, ventilating, or air-conditioning system modifications or replacements; 5) energy efficient lighting fixtures; or 6) energy recovery systems. Subsection (c) states that installation must be performed by a person experienced in the design, implementation, and installation of energy conservation measures. Sec. 302.003. BOND. Requires the energy conservation provider to file a performance bond with the governing body prior to entering into a contract for energy conservation measures. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the governing body and must cover the value of guaranteed savings. Sec. 302.004. LENGTH OF THE CONTRACT. Subsection (a) states that the governing body may enter into a contract in excess of 1 year if the amount spent will not exceed the estimated energy conservation savings during a 10 year period following the installation. Subsection (b) states that if the contract exceeds 1 year then the government's obligation in any year during the term of the contract my not exceed the estimated savings for that year. The governing body is also required to consider all costs of the energy conservation measures. Sec. 302.005. states a contract may be a lease-purchase contract with respect to existing structures if the term does not exceed 10 years and is tax-free municipal leasing or long- term financing Sec. 302.006. BIDDING PROCEDURES; AWARD OF A CONTRACT. Subsection (a) states that contracts under this chapter may be let under competitive bidding procedures. Requires notice of request to be published in a manner of competitive bidding and that such requests solicit quotations and specify the relative importance of certain evaluating factors. Subsection (b) states that following negotiations the contract shall be awarded to the offerer whose proposal is determined most advantageous to the local government. Subsection (c) authorizes local government to conduct discussion with offerors who submit proposals and to allow proposal revisions after submissions and before the award of the contract. Requires that offerors be treated fairly and equally with respect to discussion and revision of proposals. Subsection (d) Requires proposals to be kept confidential during negotiations. Subsection (e) Requires the board to give notice of intent to award a contract to the selected offeror on completion of all negotiations published in the same manner as the notice of request for proposals. Provides that following the publishing of the notice of intent to award all proposals be open for public inspection with the exception of trade secrets and proprietary information. SECTION 2. Emergency Clause. Effective Date: Upon Passage. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION S.B. 744 was considered by the Energy Resources Committee in a formal meeting on April 12, 1995. The bill was reported favorably without amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 PNV, and 4 absent.