C.S.S.B. 793
                                                       By: Harris
                                   Committee Report (Substituted)

'The office of the attorney general has the responsibility for
child support activities for families receiving public assistance. 
In addition, counties are involved in other child support cases
through registries and in some cases enforcement activities. The
office's child support division operates under Title IV, Part D of
the federal Social Security Act.  Every family receiving Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) or Medicaid and needing
paternity or support order establishment, enforcement or medical
support services is currently referred to this division.

Total caseload for the child support enforcement program grew by 55
percent, from 427,565 cases in 1989 to 664,250 at the end of 1994. 
The total number of cases is expected to exceed one million by the
end of 1997.  Child support obligations have been established in
less than half of the cases.

In a 1995 comptroller's report, a number of recommendations were
made suggesting ways to improve collection of child support.  These
include simplification of the state's hearings process for child
support enforcement, creation of a working group including counties
to increase collections, taking steps to increase cash medical
support payments, and improving information collection in AFDC and
child support programs.


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 793 transfers the enforcement of certain
child support and medical support obligations from the state
government to private entities and political subdivisions of the
state; sets forth requirements for a statewide child support
registry and enforcement system; sets forth requirements for
enforcement of medical support to ensure that a child's insurance
is not dependent on the parent's marital status and shifts some
responsibility for health insurance to the parents and the private
sector; provides penalties; and makes an appropriation.


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted
to the attorney general under SECTION 1.01 (Section 231.0011(k),
Family Code), to agencies developing the Employer New Hire
Reporting program under SECTION 1.05(l), to the Title IV-D agency
and the Texas Department of Human Services under SECTION 1.06
(Section 231.305(a), Human Resources Code), and to the Commissioner
of Insurance in SECTION 4.01 (Article 3.96-9, Insurance Code) of
this bill.



SECTION 1.01.  Amends Chapter 231, Family Code, by adding Section
231.0011, as follows:

     the attorney general, as the Title IV-D agency for the state,
     to have final approval authority on any contract or proposal
     for delivery of services under this section and, in
     coordination with the Texas Judicial Council, the Office of
     Court Administration, the federal Office of Child Support
     Enforcement, state, county, and local officials, to develop a
     statewide system for child support and medical support
     enforcement, employing federal, state, local, and private
     resources to accomplish certain child support enforcement
     (b) Requires the attorney general to convene a work group to
       determine a process and time-table for implementation of a
       unified registry system (registry) and to identify any
       barriers to completion of the project.  Sets forth entities
       required to be included in the work group.  Requires the
       work group to report the results to the governor, lieutenant
       governor, speaker of the house, and the attorney general by
       January 15, 1996.
       (c) Requires the attorney general to develop with the work
       group technical standards for participation in the unified
       child support system.
       (d) Requires counties and providers of child support
       services to be required, as a condition of participation in
       the unified system, to enter into a contract with the
       attorney general and comply with all federal requirements
       for the Title IV-D program, and to maintain at least the
       current level of funding for activities which are proposed
       to be included in the integrated child support system.
       (e) Requires the attorney general to identify federal
       requirements, apply for federal waivers, and provide
       information concerning participation in the system to
       counties and providers of child support services by January
       15, 1996.  Requires counties to notify the attorney general
       of resources and options for participation by May 1, 1996.
       (f) Requires the attorney general to produce a procurement
       and implementation plan for hardware and software to
       implement in phases a unified registry and enforcement
       (g) Authorizes the attorney general, effective January 15,
       1996, to contract with any county meeting necessary
       technical system requirements for provision of Title IV-D
       services in that county.  Requires all cases after the
       contract to be Title IV-D cases.  Authorizes any other case
       in the county to be included as a Title IV-D case, subject
       to federal requirements and agreement of the county and the
       attorney general.  Authorizes any obligee under a support
       order to refuse enforcement services unless required to do
       so pursuant to other law.
       (h) Requires counties participating in the unified
       enforcement system to monitor all registry cases and
       authorizes these counties, subject to the approval of the
       Title IV-D agency, to provide enforcement services through
       certain methods.
       (i) Requires the attorney general to undertake a least-cost
       review of its child support operations and to use the
       information to determine what contribution of program funds
       should be made to the participating counties.  Requires the
       attorney general to develop a cost allocation methodology to
       assist the counties in identifying contributions which
       qualify for federal financial participation.
       (j) Authorizes the attorney general to phase in the registry
       and enforcement system and requires the requirement to
       implement the system to be contingent upon the receipt of
       locally generated funds and reimbursement.  Defines "locally
       generated funds."
       (k) Requires the attorney general to adopt rules to
       implement this section.
       (l) Provides that participation in the statewide integrated
       child and medical support enforcement system is voluntary,
       and prohibits anything in this section from being construed
       to mandate participation.
SECTION 1.02.  Amends Chapter 231, Family Code, by adding Section
231.113, as follows:

     ASSISTANCE CASES.  Requires the Title IV-D agency to enforce
     a child support obligation in a case involving a child who
     receives financial assistance under Chapter 31, Human
     Resources Code, by the first anniversary of the date that the
     agency receives information from the Texas Department of Human
     Services (department) to assist in the enforcement.
SECTION 1.03.  Amends Sections 231.109(b) and (d), Family Code, to
authorize the Title IV-D agency to contract with private entities
to provide services in Title IV-D cases.  Deletes a provision
authorizing the agency to contract with private attorneys or
political subdivisions to represent this state or another state in
an action brought under federal law and this chapter.  Makes
conforming changes.

SECTION 1.04.  Amends Section 231.202, Family Code, to delete a
provision requiring the Title IV-D agency to pay mileage costs
incurred by a sheriff or constable when traveling to execute an
outstanding warrant or capias.

SECTION 1.05.  Amends Section 231.304, Family Code, by amending
Subsections (b) and (h) and adding Subsections (j)-(m), as follows:

     (b) Requires the Title IV-D agency, the department, the
     Workers' Compensation Commission and the Texas Employment
     Commission to create and develop a voluntary Employer New Hire
     Reporting (ENHR) program to prevent fraud in the welfare,
     workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance programs,
     and locate absent parents who owe child support by reporting
     information concerning newly hire employees directly to a
     centralized state database, rather than the child support
     enforcement program.  Requires the employer reporting
     requirements to be simplified and standardized.
     (h) Sets forth purposes for which the database is required to
     make the information available, subject to the approval of
     involved agencies and federal law.  Deletes a provision
     requiring the Title IV-D agency to retain the information only
     under certain circumstances.
     (j) Provides that an employer in the ENHR program is
     encouraged to report the information about health insurance
     coverage available through the employer in which a dependent
     child may be enrolled.
     (k) Requires the attorney general's office (office) to work
     closely with certain governmental entities to expand the ENHR
     program.  Sets forth requirements for efforts to expand the
     (l) Authorizes the affected agencies to perform certain
     actions, including issuing rules, to carry out the purposes of
     this section.
     (m) Requires the affected agencies to implement the plan to
     create the ENHR database using existing funding and
     considering savings and revenue gains that may result from the
     use of such system.
SECTION 1.06.  Amends Chapter 231, Family Code, by adding Section
231.305, as follows:

     Title IV-D agency and the department, by rule, to adopt a
     memorandum of understanding governing the establishment and
     enforcement of court-ordered child support in cases involving
     children who receive aid under Chapter 31.  Requires the
     memorandum to require the attorney general and the department
     to perform certain actions.
     (b) Requires the attorney general and the department to
       semiannually review and update the memorandum.
SECTION 1.07.  Amends Section 231.209, Family Code, to authorize
the Title IV-D agency to pay the costs for mileage or other travel
costs incurred by a sheriff or constable when traveling to execute
an outstanding warrant or capias.

                       SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS

SECTION 2.01.  Amends Section 102.007, Family Code, to make
conforming changes.

SECTION 2.02.  Amends Chapter 231B, Family Code, by adding Section
231.306, as follows:

     COLLECTION BY THE TITLE IV-D AGENCY.  (a) Provides that the
     Title IV-D agency is encouraged to maximize the collection of
     medical support and establish cash medical support orders for
     children eligible for the state Medicaid program without
     private insurance, on the installation of an automated
     enforcement system.
     (b) Defines "medical support."
SECTION 2.03.  Amends Section 101.005, Family Code, to redefine
"child support review officer."

SECTION 2.04.  Amends Chapter 231E, Family Code, by amending
Sections 231.401, 231.402, and 231.405-231.428.

     Sec. 231.401.  Provides that the purpose of the child support
     review process (review) is to resolve routine child support
     action through the agreement of the parties or through
     agreeing to uncontested orders, rather than by negotiation.
     Sec. 231.402 Deletes provisions requiring mediation to make
     the review understandable to all parties and encourage
     Sec. 231.405.  Deletes a provision authorizing a child support
     agency (agency) to review and assess the financial resources
     of a child's parent or presumed or alleged father from whom
     support is requested.  Authorizes an administrative action to
     be initiated by issuing a notice of review to each party
     entitled to notice, rather than to the parents and to the
     presumed or alleged father of a child.
     Sec. 231.406.  Sets forth requirements for the notice of
     review, including informing the recipient that the recipient
     may refuse to participate or cease participation in the review
     process, but that the refusal will not prevent the completion
     of the process or filing of a review order.  Makes conforming
     Sec. 231.407.  Deletes a provision requiring three days to be
     added to the time in which a person is required to respond to
     the notice if notice is served by mail.
     Sec. 231.408.  Authorizes a court to compel compliance with an
     administrative subpoena and award attorney's fees and costs to
     an agency enforcing a subpoena on proof that an entity failed
     to comply without good cause.
     Sec. 231.409.  New heading:  SCHEDULING AND CONDUCTING
     NEGOTIATION CONFERENCE.  (a) Makes no changes.
     (b) Requires the agency to schedule a negotiation conference
       on the request of a party. 
       (c) Authorizes a negotiation conference to be conducted by
       telephone or video conference call as well as in person. 
       Authorizes the conference to be adjourned to permit
       mediation of issues.
     Sec. 231.410.  Deletes a provision requiring the conference to
     be held within a certain time period.  
     Sec. 231.411.  Authorizes a negotiation conference to be
     rescheduled or adjourned on the request of any party, at the
     discretion of the review officer.  
     Sec. 231.412.  Requires the review officer to inform the
     parties of certain information provided in the notice of
     review, including that a party may request a hearing at any
     time before the 20th day after the date a petition for
     confirmation of the order is filed.  Deletes provisions
     requiring the parties to be informed of information regarding
     a party's right not to participate in the negotiation, to be
     represented by an attorney, and to have a court hearing. 
     Makes conforming changes.
     Sec. 231.414.  Provides that documentary evidence relied on by
     the review officer is a sufficient record of the proceedings.
     Sec. 231.415.  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes.
     Sec. 231.416.  Authorizes, rather than requires, a new
     conference to be scheduled or the officer to make a
     determination that a review order should not be issued and
     give notice of that determination.
     Sec. 231.417.  (a)-(c) Make no changes.
     (d) Requires a review order that establishes or modifies an
       amount or previously ordered support to include the findings
       required by Section 154.130.  
       (e) Authorizes a review order that is not agreed to by all
       parties to specify and reserve for the court at the
       confirmation hearing unresolved issues, among other
       requirements for the order.
     Sec. 231.418.  Requires the review order to be signed by each
     party who agrees to the order and to contain the provisions
     required by Section 231.417, and sets forth requirements for
     the order, as to each party in agreement with the order,
     including language for a statement to appear in the order.
     Sec. 231.420.  Requires documentary evidence relied on by the
     agency to be filed with the clerk, but not to be served on the
     parties.  Makes nonsubstantive changes.
     Sec. 231.421.  (a) Deletes a provision requiring the clerk to
     sign the endorsement of the date and time on the filing of a
     petition for confirmation.
     (b) Makes no changes.
       (c) Requires the agency, rather than the clerk, to mail to
       each party that agreed to the order certain information. 
       Requires the agency to file a certificate of service showing
       the date of the mailing to each party.
       (d) Deletes a provision requiring the clerk to issue service
       of citation only if the petition is to conform an order
       other than an agreed order.  Makes conforming changes.
       (e) Entitles a clerk to collect in a review case the fees
       authorized in a Title IV-D case.  Makes conforming changes.
     Sec. 231.422.  Deletes a provision requiring the agency to
     attach a copy of a form to request a court hearing to each
     party's copy of the petition for confirmation of an order. 
     Makes conforming changes.
     Sec. 231.423.  New heading:  TIME TO REQUEST A COURT HEARING. 
     Deletes a provision authorizing the court to schedule a
     hearing if the court finds that confirmation of a review order
     would not be in the child's best interests.  Makes conforming
     Sec. 231.424.  Makes conforming changes.
     Sec. 231.425.  Provides that the request for hearing may limit
     the scope of the de novo hearing by specifying the issues that
     are in dispute.  Makes conforming changes.
     Sec. 231.426.  Makes conforming changes.
     Sec. 231.427.  Makes a conforming change.
     Sec. 231.428.  New heading:  SPECIAL CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW
     child support review procedures relating to establishment of
     parentage, rather than paternity.  Makes conforming changes. 
     Authorizes an agency to file a review order with a request for
     court-ordered parentage testing if either party fails to
     participate in the testing. 
SECTION 2.05.  Amends Chapter 231, Family Code, by adding Section
231.431, as follows:

     Requires the attorney general to conduct a study to determine
     and compare the cost of child support enforcement through the
     use of the review process and the cost of enforcement by the
     attorney general through the use of other enforcement
     mechanisms in this chapter.  Requires the attorney general to
     report the results to the governor and the legislature by
     September 1, 1996 and to include recommendations regarding
     statutory amendments for improving judicial and administrative
     processes for enforcement.  Provides that this section expires
     September 2, 1996.  
SECTION 2.06.  Amends Section 71.035(a), Government Code, to
require the Texas Judicial Council to implement a monthly tracking
system to ensure accountability for counties and courts in the
statewide system.  Requires the district and county clerks to
report such information as may be required.  Sets forth
requirements for the clerks to obtain, report, and store

requirements for the attorney general to establish a work group to
monitor the progress toward a statewide system and to determine the
effect of that effort as it relates to certain goals.

     (b) Requires the group to report its findings and
     recommendations to the attorney general, and to notify the
     governor, the comptroller, and the legislature of the filing
     by September 1, 1996 and annually thereafter.
ASSISTANCE. (a) Requires the attorney general and the Texas
Department of Health (health department) to negotiate an agreement
regarding the payment by the health department of a cash incentive
to the Title IV-D agency for each child eligible for Medicaid that
the office causes to be enrolled in a private health insurance plan
and for payment of a portion of the state share of costs recovered
or saved as a result of the Title IV-D agency's efforts.

     (b) Requires the attorney general and the health department to
     report to the legislature the results of negotiations by
     October 1, 1996.
SECTION 3.03.  STUDY ON MEDICAL SUPPORT.  (a) Requires the attorney
general, the state medicaid administrator, and the Insurance
Commission to initiate a study regarding certain health insurance

     (b) Requires the attorney general, the state medicaid
     administrator, and the Insurance Commission, by October 1,
     1996, to prepare a report summarizing the results of the study
     and sets forth a list of parties to whom the study is required
     to be reported.
ENFORCEMENT.  (a) Provides that the office is encouraged to expand
the use of private contractors to perform Title IV-D program

     (b) Requires the office, by July 1, 1996, to perform a cost
     analysis for a standardized comparison of activities performed
     by private firms and the office.  Authorizes the Title IV-D
     agency to consider a contractor if the office costs are higher
     than private costs.  Provides that this section does not limit
     the authority of the Title IV-D agency to contract for
     (c) Requires the attorney general to coordinate with the
     Council on Competitive Government and authorizes the attorney
     general to employ private consultants to develop the
     methodology and evaluate the activities being considered for
     (d) Requires the attorney general to report the results to the
     governor, comptroller, and the legislature by December 1,
                   ARTICLE 4.  HEALTH INSURANCE

SECTION 4.01.  Amends Chapter 3, Insurance Code, by adding
Subchapter J, as follows:


     Art. 3.96-1.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "child," "child support
     agency," "custodial parent," "health insurer," "insurer," and
     "medical assistance."
     Art. 3.96-2.  DENIAL OF ENROLLMENT PROHIBITED.  Prohibits an
     insurer from denying enrollment of a child under the health
     insurance coverage (coverage) of the child's parent on certain
     Art. 3.96-3.  ENROLLMENT REQUIRE.  (a) Requires the insurer to
     permit the parent to enroll the child without regard to any
     enrollment period restriction if a parent eligible for
     dependent health coverage (eligible parent) is required by
     order to provide coverage for a child.
     (b) Requires the insurer to enroll the child on application
       of a custodial parent of the child, an agency, or the child,
       if an eligible parent is required to provide coverage and
       fails to apply to obtain coverage.
     Prohibits an insurer from cancelling or refusing to renew
     coverage of a child entitled to enrollment unless certain
     evidence is filed with the insurer.
     (b) Defines "a child entitled to enrollment or enrolled
       under this subchapter."
     CONVERSION COVERAGE.  Requires the insurer to notify the
     custodial parent and the agency of the costs and requirements
     for extending or converting such coverage and to enroll the
     child on application of a parent, an agency, or the child, if
     dependent coverage being terminated contains provisions for
     the continuation or conversion of coverage for the child.
     TO STATE AGENCY; INFORMATION.  (a) Prohibits an insurer from
     imposing requirements on a state agency that has been assigned
     the rights of an individual eligible for medical assistance
     and health benefits that are different from the requirements
     applicable to an agent of any other covered individual.
     (b) Requires an insurer to provide to a state agency
       providing medical assistance or an agency enforcing medical
       support information to facilitate reimbursement of medical
       services provided on behalf of a child.
     Requires an insurer who provides coverage for a child through
     a parent to provide information to each custodial parent or
     adult child for the child to obtain benefits through that
     (b) Requires the insurer to permit an entity that has
       medical support rights to submit claims for covered services
       without the approval of the insured parent.
       (c) Requires the insurer to make payments on covered claims
       submitted directly to the entity making the claim.
     an insurer from enforcing otherwise applicable provisions that
     would deny, limit, or reduce payment for claims for a covered
     child who lives outside the insurer's coverage territory but
     inside the U.S.
     Art. 3.96-8.  PENALTIES; REMEDIES.  Subjects an insurer and
     provides injured parties to the same penalties and remedies in
     Section 16, Article 21.21, of this code.
     Art. 3.96-9.  RULES.  Requires the Commissioner of Insurance
     to adopt rules to implement this subchapter and the
     requirements of 42 U.S.C. Section 1396a(a)(60).
     SECTION 4.02.  Amends Section 101.012, Family Code, to redefine

SECTION 4.03.  Amends Section 154.186, Family Code, to delete from
the list of entities authorized to send a copy of the order
requiring an employee to provide coverage for the child, the local
domestic relations office or Title IV-D agency.  Deletes provisions
specifying the method for sending the copy.  Makes conforming

SECTION 4.04.  Amends Section 154.187, Family Code, by amending
Subsection (a), to provide that an order to an employer directing
that coverage be provided to a child of an employee is binding on
the employer on receipt.  Deletes a provision authorizing the
employer to enroll the child at the next available enrollment
period if the employer is not able to immediately enroll the child. 
Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 4.05.  Amends Section 154.187, Family Code, by amending
Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (g), to require an employer
who fails to enroll a child, fails to withhold or remit premiums or
cash medical support, or discriminates in hiring or employment on
the basis of a medical support order to be subject to penalties and
fines.  Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 4.06.  Amends Section 154.192, Family Code, as follows:

     Sec. 154.192.  New heading:  CANCELLATION OR ELIMINATION OF
     INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CHILD.  Prohibits the employer from
     cancelling or eliminating coverage of an enrolled child until
     the employer is provided certain evidence unless the employee
     ceases to be eligible for dependent coverage or the employer
     has eliminated dependent health coverage for all employees.
     SECTION 4.07.  Amends Section 154.184, Family Code, to require the
employer and the insurer to complete all necessary forms and
procedures during the first 31 days after the employer's receipt of
the order or to report the reasons coverage cannot be made
permanent.  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 4.08.  Amends Section 158.206(a), Family Code, to make
conforming changes.


SECTION 5.01.  (a) Effective date: September 1, 1995.

     (b) Makes application of Section 4.01 prospective beginning
     January 1, 1996.  
     (c) Authorizes the office to exercise the contracting
     authority granted in Section 1.01 to provide for a phased
     implementation of the statewide system and requires the office
     to implement the system to the extent that locally generated
     funds and federal reimbursement are sufficient to pay for
     (d) Authorizes the Office of Court Administration to phase in
     the monthly report required by Section 2.06 to correspond with
     the implementation of the statewide system.
     (e) Requires any affected agency that determines a federal
     waiver or authorization is necessary for implementation to
     apply for waivers and requires the provision to take effect
     when waivers have been granted.  Requires a copy of each
     waiver request to be provided to the governor, the lieutenant
     governor, and the speaker of the house.
     (f) Requires all funds received from the federal government as
     reimbursement for expenses related to the integrated system to
     be in excess of any amount appropriated to the attorney
     general by the 74th Legislature and provides that these funds
     are appropriated to the attorney general for the fiscal years
     ending August 31, 1996 and August 31, 1997.
SECTION 5.02.  Requires the attorney general to report to the
legislature an estimate of the savings from the expansion of the
privatization of enforcement services by December 1, 1996.

SECTION 5.03. (a) Requires the attorney general's office, in
conjunction with the department, to develop and implement a plan to
assign a representative to work with department eligibility workers
in department offices or facilities that are located in the same
geographic region as offices or facilities of the attorney general. 
Sets forth requirements for the plan.

     (b) Requires the attorney general to complete the plan and
     send a copy of the plan to the governor, the lieutenant
     governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives by
     October 1, 1995.
     (c) Requires the attorney general and the department to
     prepare the initial memorandum of understanding by December 1,
SECTION 5.04.  Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 5.05   (a) Provides that Section 3.01 of this Act expires
on September 2, 1996.

     (b) Provides that Sections 3.02 and 3.03 of this Act expire
     January 1, 1997.
SECTION 5.06.  Emergency clause.