BILL ANALYSIS S.B. 863 By: Barrientos (Combs) 04-12-95 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND The City of Austin has no formalized process to facilitate change or improvements in working conditions or environment for public safety employees. The associations that represent the police officers and firefighters have used a method with set procedures, which has been informally accepted by both city management and public safety employees. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 863 sets forth certain conditions of employment for and investigations of fire fighters and police officers in certain municipalities. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 143, Local Government Code, by adding Subchapter I, as follows: SUBCHAPTER I. FIRE FIGHTER AND POLICE OFFICER EMPLOYMENT MATTERS IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES Sec. 143.301. MUNICIPALITIES COVERED BY SUBCHAPTER. Provides that this subchapter applies only to a municipality with a population of 460,000 or more that operates under a city manager form of government. Provides that this subchapter does not apply to a municipality that has adopted Chapter 174 (The Fire and Police Employee Relations Act) or to which Subchapter H applies. Sec. 143.302. DEFINITIONS. Defines "association" and "public employer." Sec. 143.303. GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO AGREEMENTS, RECOGNITION, AND STRIKES. (a) Prohibits a municipality from being denied local control over wages, salaries, rates of pay, hours of work, other terms and conditions of employment, or other personnel issues on which the public employer and an association that is recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all fire fighters or police officers in the municipality agree. Provides that a term or condition on which the public employer and the association do not agree is governed by the applicable statute, local ordinances, and civil service rules. Requires an agreement to be reduced to writing. Provides that this subchapter does not require the public employer and the association to meet and confer or reach an agreement on any issue. (b) Authorizes a public employer and an association recognized under this subchapter as a sole and exclusive bargaining agent to meet and confer only if the association does not advocate the illegal right to strike by public employees. (c) Prohibits a fire fighter or police officer of a municipality from engaging in a strike or organized work stoppage against this state or a political subdivision of this state. Provides that a fire fighter or police officers who participates in a strike forfeits all civil service rights, reemployment rights, and other rights, benefits, or privileges tied to employment with the municipality. Provides that this subsection does not affect the right of a person to cease employment if the person is not acting in concert with other fire fighters or police officers. Sec. 143.304. RECOGNITION OF FIRE FIGHTERS OR POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION. (a) Authorizes a public employer to recognize an association that submits a petition signed by a majority of the paid fire fighters or police officers in the municipality, excluding certain department heads, as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all of the covered fire fighters or police officers unless recognition of the association is withdrawn by a majority of the covered fire fighters or police officers. (b) Requires a question of whether an association is the majority representative of the covered fire fighters or police officers to be resolved by a fair election conducted according to procedures agreed on by the parties. Authorizes either party to request the American Arbitration Association to conduct the election and to certify the results, if the paries are unable to agree on election procedures. Provides that certification of the results of an election under this subsection resolves the question concerning representation. Requires the association to pay the costs of the election, with exception. (c) Requires the public employer's manager or chief executive and the police chief or fire chief to designate separate teams to represent the public employer as its sole and exclusive bargaining agent for issues related to the fire department and the police department. Sec. 143.305. OPEN RECORDS REQUIRED. Provides that an agreement made under this subchapter is a public record for purposes of Chapter 552, Government Code. Provides that the agreement and any document prepared and used by the municipality in connection with the agreement are available to the public only after the agreement is ratified by the municipality's governing body. Provides that this section does not affect the application of Chapter 552C, Government Code, to a document prepared and used by the municipality in connection with the agreement. Sec. 143.306. ENFORCEABILITY OF AGREEMENT. (a) Provides that a written agreement made under this subchapter between a public employer and an association is binding on the public employer, the association, and fire fighters or police officers covered by the agreement if the municipality's governing body ratifies the agreement by a majority vote and the applicable association ratifies the agreement by a majority vote of its members by secret ballot. (b) Authorizes a ratified agreement to establish a procedure by which the parties agree to resolve disputes related to a right, duty, or obligation provided by the agreement. (c) Provides that the district court of the judicial district in which the municipality is located has full authority and jurisdiction on the application of either party aggrieved by an act or omission of the other party related to a right, duty, or obligation provided by a written agreement. Authorizes the court to issue proper restraining orders, temporary and permanent injunctions, or any other writ, order, or process, that is appropriate to enforce the agreement. Sec. 143.307. AGREEMENT SUPERSEDES CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. (a) Provides that an agreement supersedes a previous statute concerning wages, salaries, rates of pay, hours of work, or other terms and conditions of employment to the extent of any conflict with the statute. (b) Provides that an agreement preempts any contrary state, executive order, local ordinance, or rule adopted by the state or a political subdivision or agent of the state. (c) Prohibits an agreement from diminishing or qualifying any right, benefit, or privilege of an employee under this chapter or other law unless approved by a majority vote by secret ballot of the members of the association recognized as a sole and exclusive bargaining agent. Sec. 143.308. REPEAL OF AGREEMENT BY ELECTORATE. Sets forth procedures for the repeal of an agreement. Sec. 143.309. PROTECTED RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES. (a) Authorizes a member of the bargaining unit to choose to be represented by any person of the member's choice or by the association, for the purpose of any disciplinary appeal to the civil service commission or to a hearing examiner. (b) Prohibits an agreement from interfering with the right of a member of a bargaining unit to pursue allegations of discrimination based on personal characteristics with the Commission on Human Rights or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or to pursue affirmative action litigation. Sec. 143.310. BINDING INTEREST ARBITRATION. Authorizes a municipality to be required to submit to binding arbitration only if approved by a majority of voters in a public referendum. Provides that this subsection does not affect any disciplinary arbitration or arbitration provision in a ratified agreement. Sec. 143.311. APPOINTMENTS TO CLASSIFICATION IMMEDIATELY BELOW DEPARTMENT HEAD. Provides that Section 143.014(c) does not apply to a municipality to which this subchapter applies. Sec. 143.312. INVESTIGATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS. (a) Provides that this section does not apply to a municipality to which Section 143.123 applies. (b) Defines "complainant," "investigation," "investigator," "normally assigned working hours," and "punitive action." (c) Authorizes an investigator to interrogate a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation only during the fire fighter's or police officer's normally assigned working hours unless certain conditions apply. (d) Prohibits the department head from considering work time missed from regular duties by a fire fighter or police officer due to participation in an investigation in determining whether to impose a punitive action or the severity of a punitive action. (e) Prohibits an investigator from interrogating a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation or conducting any part of the investigation at that person's home without that person's permission. (f) Prohibits a person from being assigned to conduct an investigation if the person is the complainant, the ultimate decision-maker regarding disciplinary action, or a person who has any personal involvement regarding the alleged misconduct. Provides that a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation has the right to inquire and, on inquiry, to be informed of the identities of each investigator participating in an interrogation of the fire fighter or police officers. (g) Requires an investigator to inform a firefighter or police officer in writing of the allegations in the complaint not less than 48 hours before beginning the initial interrogation of the fire fighter or police officers. Prohibits an investigator from interrogating a fire fighter or police officer based on a complaint by a complainant who is not a fire fighter or police officer unless the complainant verifies the complaint in writing before a public officer who is authorized by law to take statements under oath. Authorizes an investigator to interrogate a fire fighter or police officer about events or conduct reported by a witness who is not a complainant without disclosing the name of the witness. Authorizes an interrogation to be based on a complaint from an anonymous complainant if the departmental employee receiving the complaint certifies the complaint was anonymous. Provides that this subsection does not apply to an on-the-scene investigation that occurs immediately after an incident being investigated, with an exception. (h) Prohibits an interrogation session of a fire fighter or police officer from being unreasonably long. Requires the gravity and complexity of the investigation to be considered in determining reasonableness. Requires the investigators to allow reasonable interruptions to permit the fire fighter or police officer to attend to personal physical necessities. (i) Prohibits an investigator from threatening a fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an investigation with punitive action during an interrogation. Authorizes an investigator to inform a fire fighter or police officer that failure to truthfully answer reasonable questions directly related to the investigation or fully cooperate in the conduct of the investigation may result in punitive action. (j) Authorizes either the investigator or the fire fighter or police officer who is the subject of an interrogation to record the interrogation if prior notification of intent to record an interrogation is given to the other party. (k) Prohibits a reprimand, finding, or determination from being placed in a person's personnel file unless the fire fighter or police officer is first given an opportunity to read and sign the document if an investigation results in a written reprimand, adverse finding or determination. Authorizes a reprimand, finding, or determination to be placed in the personnel file with a notation of refusal if the fire fighter or police officer refuses to sign. Authorizes a fire fighter or police officer to respond in writing to a reprimand, finding, or determination that is placed in the person's personnel file by submitting a written response to the department head no later than the 10th day after the date the fire fighter or police officer is asked to sign the document. Requires the response to be placed in the personnel file. Authorizes a fire fighter or police officer who receives a punitive action and who elects not to appeal the action to file a written response no later than the 10th day after the date the person is given written notice of the punitive action from the department head. (l) Authorizes a violation to be considered by the commission or hearing examiner during a disciplinary appeal hearing if the violation substantially impaired the fire fighter's or police officer's ability to defend against the allegations of misconduct. Sec. 143.313. POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS. (a) Provides that this section does not apply to a municipality to which Section 143.124 applies. (b) Provides that a fire fighter or police officer employed by the municipality may not be required to submit to a polygraph examination as part of an internal investigation unless the complainant submits to and passes a polygraph examination or the fire fighter or police officer is ordered to take an examination under Subsection (f). (c) Provides that Subsection (b) does not apply if the complainant is physically or mentally incapable of being polygraphed. (d) Provides that a person passes a polygraph examination if, in the opinion of the polygraph examiner, no deception is indicated in the examination regarding matters critical to the subject matter under investigation. (e) Provides that the results of a polygraph examination that relate to the complaint under investigation are not admissible in a proceeding before the commission or a hearing examiner. (f) Authorizes the head of the employing department to order a fire fighter or police officer to submit to a polygraph examination if the department head considers the circumstances to be extraordinary or believes that the integrity of a fire fighter, police officer, or the department is in question. SECTION 2. Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION SB 863 was considered by the committee in a public hearing on April 10, 1995. No one testified in favor of, against, or on this bill. The bill was reported favorably without amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 7 ayes, 1 nay, 0 pnv, and 1 absent.