S.B. 954
                                                   By: Barrientos
                                                    State Affairs
                                     Committee Report (Unamended)

Article 46d-16A of the Municipal Airports Act relates to noise
abatement requirements for certain municipal airports.  An airport
owned by an incorporated city, town, or village which is party to
a grant agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration which
requires the city, town, or village to plan, design, and acquire
land for a replacement airport, is required to provide adequate
soundproofing and noise reduction devices for all public buildings
within the 65 or higher average day-night sound level contours from
the airport.

The current law provides an alternative to the noise abatement if
the city, town, or village awards a contract for land acquisition
services and completes a master plan for a replacement airport not
later than March 31, 1990, and then provides the replacement
airport not later than December 31, 1996.


As proposed, S.B. 954 requires the governing body of an
incorporated city, town, or village that owns a municipal airport
to which this section applies, among other requirements, to award
a contract for land acquisition services for the purchase of real
property for the site of a replacement airport, complete a master
plan and provide the replacement airport by December 31, 1997,
rather than 1996.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Section 16A(c), Article 46d-16A, V.T.C.S., as

     (c)  Noise Abatement Requirements.  Requires the governing
     body of an incorporated city, town, or village that owns a
     municipal airport to which this section applies, among other
     requirements, to award a contract for land acquisition
     services for the purchase of real property for the site of a
     replacement airport, complete a master plan and provide the
     replacement airport by December 31, 1997, rather than 1996.
SECTION 2. Emergency clause.
           Effective date: upon passage.