BILL ANALYSIS S.B. 1106 By: Sims (B. Turner) May 10, 1995 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND The Parks and Wildlife Code authorizes the Parks and Wildlife Department to institute wildlife management activities relating to regulating hunting, selling, and purchasing wildlife. The code also requires the Parks and Wildlife Commission to agree upon federally mandated season and bag limits for migratory birds. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 1106 amends regulation by the Parks and Wildlife Department and the Parks and Wildlife Commission of hunting, selling, and purchasing of wildlife; amends the commission's authority to institute wildlife management programs on federal parks and land owned by the Lower Colorado River Authority. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends the heading to Chapter 23D, Parks and Wildlife Code, as follows: SUBCHAPTER D. NATIONAL FORESTS SECTION 2. Amends Section 23.041, Parks and Wildlife Code, to authorize the Parks and Wildlife Department (department) to agree to develop department management plans and agreements with the United States Forest Service for the protection and management of wildlife resources and for restocking desirable species of wildlife on national forest lands in this state. Deletes language relating to protecting, managing, and restocking wildlife in portions of Davy Crockett National Forest. Deletes existing Subsection (b) prohibiting an agreement from covering more than 40,000 acres at one time during a five-year period. SECTION 3. Amends Section 23.043, Parks and Wildlife Code, to authorize the Parks and Wildlife Commission (commission) to promulgate regulations applicable to wildlife management on federal lands as part of a wildlife management agreement, rather than applicable to the Davy Crockett National Forest. SECTION 4. Amends Section 23.044, Parks and Wildlife Code, to provide that any person violates a commission rule or regulation or who hunts or fishes on federal lands included in a wildlife management agreement at any time other than open season commits Class C Parks and Wildlife Code misdemeanor. SECTION 5. Amends Chapter 43, Parks and Wildlife Code, by adding Subchapter R, as follows: SUBCHAPTER R. PERMITS TO TAKE PROTECTED CARNIVOROUS ANIMALS Sec. 43.601. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT. (a) Authorizes the owner or a person in control of a tract of land to file with the department an application for a permit validating the killing of a carnivorous mammal (mammal) listed with the secretary of state that was a threat to livestock on that land and that was killed on that land without a permit. (b) Requires the application to be submitted in writing not later than 24 hours after the mammal is killed. (c) Requires the application to contain an affidavit by a person with knowledge that the killed mammal killed or injured or attempted to kill or injure livestock on land owned or in control of the person applying for the permit and identify the location of the carcass of the mammal. Sec. 43.602. PERMIT. Requires the department after they receive a permit application, to issue a permit validating the taking of the mammal described in the affidavit submitted with the application. Sec. 43.603. DISPOSITION OF CARCASS. Authorizes the department to determine the disposition of the carcass of a mammal for which a permit is issued. SECTION 6. Amends Section 49.001, Parks and Wildlife Code, by adding Subdivisions (3) and (4), to define "falconry" and "raptor." SECTION 7. Amends Section 49.002(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, to prohibit any person from taking, capturing, or possessing, or attempting to take, capture, or possess any native raptors unless that person has obtained a permit except as provided in Subsection 49.010(b) or Subsection (b) of this section. SECTION 8. Amends Section 49.010, Parks and Wildlife Code, as follows: Sec. 49.010. HUNTING. (a) Created from existing text. (b) Authorizes a nonresident person who possesses certain falconry permits to practice falconry and hunt native and unprotected species of wildlife during the open season if the person obtains a nonresident hunting license or a nonresident five-day hunting license issued under Chapter 42. SECTION 9. Amends Section 49.014, Parks and Wildlife Code, to authorize the department to prescribe reporting requirements and procedures, rather than annual reporting requirements and procedures, among other powers and duties. SECTION 10. Amends Section 61.057(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, to authorize a permit to be distributed by the department only to, rather than or by, the owner or other person in charge of a tract of land where hunting is authorized, instead of authorized and subject to an agreement under Section 61.056. SECTION 11. Amends Section 62.021, Parks and Wildlife Code, by amending Subsections (a), (c), and (d) and adding Subsection (e), as follows: (a) Prohibits a person from selling or purchasing a wild or game animal, dead or alive, or part of the animal except as provided by Subsections (c)-(e). Makes nonsubstantive changes. (c) Authorizes a person to sell the hide, antlers, bones, hooves, sinew, and other inedible parts of a deer or elk. Deletes language providing that Subsection (a) does not apply to deer hides. (d) Provides that this section does not prohibit the sale of an edible portion of an elk taken or raised in captivity in a county where elk is defined as a game animal. Deletes language requiring the commission to regulate the sale and purchase of deer antlers. (e) Provides that this section does not prohibit the sale of live white-tailed deer, mule deer, or other game animal if the sale is conducted under authority of a license or permit. SECTION 12. Amends Section 62.082, Parks and Wildlife Code, as follows: Sec. 62.082. New heading: TARGET RANGES AND MANAGED HUNTS. (a) Deletes language authorizing the leased land to be used for a target rifle or archery range only and not for hunting. (b) Makes no change. (c) Authorizes the board of directors of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) to authorize hunting by legal means on LCRA land in a manner consistent with biological management practices used to protect or use wildlife resources. (d) Provides that Section 62.081 does not apply to an LCRA employee, a person authorized to hunt under Subsection (c), or a peace officer acting within the person's scope of employment or duties. SECTION 13. Amends Section 64.022, Parks and Wildlife Code, as follows: Sec. 64.022. AUTHORITY OF DEPARTMENT. (a) Makes a nonsubstantive change. (b) Authorizes the commission to delegate the department's authority under Subsection (a) to the executive director of the parks and wildlife department. SECTION 14. (1) Repealer: Chapter 23E, Parks and Wildlife Code (Sabine National Forest). (2) Repealer: Section 49.008, Parks and Wildlife Code (Nonresident Falconer's Permit). (3) Repealer: Section 61.056, Parks and Wildlife Code (Proclamations Concerning Certain Deer, Antelope, and Elk). SECTION 15. Effective date: September 1, 1995. Makes application of this Act prospective. SECTION 16. Emergency clause. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION S.B. 1106 was considered by the Committee on State Recreational Resources in a public hearing on May 10, 1995. The following persons testified against the bill: Lynn Cuny representing Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Inc.; Scott Royder representing Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter; Sandra Skrei representing National Audubon Society; and Ellis Gilleland representing himself. The following person testified in favor of the bill: Dan Hillsman representing Texas Hawking Association. The bill was reported favorably without amendments, with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 pnv, 2 absent.