C.S.S.B. 1228
                                                   By: Barrientos
                                   Committee Report (Substituted)

In 1993, Congress enacted legislation requiring the governor of
each state to establish a State PostSecondary Review Program to
reduce student loan defaults and to eliminate fraud, waste, and
abuse in certain student programs.  The Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board was designated by the governor as the State
Postsecondary Review Entity, and is responsible for reviewing
postsecondary institutions.  Each review helps determine whether an
institution may continue to participate in federal student
financial aid programs.  

Existing state and federal law affecting the State Postsecondary
Review Entity (entity) do not provide institutions protection
against premature or inappropriate disclosure of unfounded
allegations about an institution under review, nor do they grant
the entity any enforcement authority.


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 1228 amends sections of the Education Code
relating to actions by the State Postsecondary Review Entity.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 61, Education Code, by adding Subchapter
Q, as follows:


     Sec.  61.791.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "entity" and "program."
     Sec.  61.792.  AGREEMENT.  Authorizes the governor to enter
     into an agreement with the United States Secretary of
     Education under 20 U.S.C. Chapter 28, Subchapter IV, Part G,
     Subpart 1, to participate in the program.  Requires the
     agreement to designate the entity to administer the program.
     Sec.  61.793.  NOTICE.  Requires the entity to notify an
     institution of higher education (institution) whose activities
     are being reviewed under the program that the review has begun
     as soon as practicable after beginning the review.  Requires
     the notice to describe the acts and circumstances giving rise
     to the review in sufficient detail to provide the institution
     with notice of the allegations made.
     Sec.  61.794.  CIVIL INVESTIGATIVE DEMAND.  (a)  Authorizes an
     authorized employee or agent of the entity to execute in
     writing and serve on an institution under review a civil
     investigative demand requiring the institution to produce
     documents and records or permit inspection and copying of such
     documents and records.
     (b)  Requires a civil investigative demand to perform
       certain responsibilities.
       (c)  Authorizes the entity to serve a civil investigative
       demand on an institution's president, chief financial
       officer or registered agent for service of process.
       (d)  Authorizes service of a civil investigative demand to
       be made by personal service of an executed copy of the
       demand or mailing of an executed copy of the demand by
       certified mail.
       (e)  Requires an institution to produce documents or records
       demanded under this section during normal business hours at
       the institution's normal place of business or at the time
       and place on which the institution and the staff of the
       entity agree.
       (f)  Authorizes the entity to file a petition for an order
       of enforcement in a district court in the county in which
       the institution is located, and serve the petition on a
       person designated in Subsection (c) if an institution does
       not comply with a civil investigative demand under this
       section.  Authorizes the court to enter any order necessary
       to enforce the demand.  Provides that failure to comply with
       a final order entered under this subsection is punishable by
       contempt. Provides that a final order entered under this
       subsection is subject to appeal to the Texas Supreme Court. 
     Sec.  61.795.  JUDICIAL REVIEW.  (a)  Authorizes an
     institution to appeal a decision rendered by the entity in a
     contested case brought under the program.  Requires the court
     to determine the appeal under the substantial evidence rule.
     (b)  Requires an action brought under the program to be
       brought in a district court in Travis County, except as
       provided by Section 61.794.
     Sec.  61.796.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  (a)  Provides that
     investigative information obtained by the entity or an
     employee or agent of the entity as a result of the review of
     an institution, including complaints received, investigation
     files and reports, and documentary material produced under
     Section 61.794, is privileged and confidential.  Prohibits
     investigative information obtained during the review of an
     institution from being  disclosed to a person other than the
     entity or an authorized employee or agent of the entity,
     except as provided in Subsections (c), (d), or (e).
                 (b)  Authorizes the entity to use investigative information
       obtained during a review of an institution in an enforcement
       action brought under the program.  Prohibits the entity from
       being required to produce investigative reports or
       memoranda, attorney-client communications, attorney-work
       product, or other materials protected by a privilege or to
       disclose the identity of nontestifying complaints while an
       action against an institution is pending, except as provided
       by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure or the Texas Rules of
       Civil Evidence.  Provides that the investigative information
       obtained during the review is available as provided by
       Chapter 552, Government Code, on final adjudication of an
       action brought by the entity against an institution or on
       completion of a review of the institution without any action
       being taken against the institution.
       (c)  Authorizes investigative information in the possession
       of the entity or an authorized employee or agent of the
       entity to be disclosed to an appropriate law enforcement
       authority if it relates to an investigation of an
       institution in another state, territory, or country if that
       institution has a branch campus or home office in this
       (d)  Requires the entity to report the information to the
       appropriate law enforcement agency in accordance with law if
       investigative information in the possession of the entity or
       an authorized employee or agent of the entity indicates that
       a crime may have been committed.  Provides that confidential
       information disclosed by the entity to a law enforcement
       agency remains confidential and may not be disclosed by the
       investigating agency except as necessary to further the
       investigation or prosecute a criminal violation.
       (e)  Authorizes the entity to disclose relevant
       investigative information to the institution's governing
       board if investigative information in the possession of the
       entity or an authorized employee or agent of the entity
       indicates a potential violation of another law for which the
       institution may be liable.
     Sec.  61.797.  IMMUNITY.  Provides that a person who, in good
     faith, assists the entity in the performance of the program is
     immune from suit by a private party.
     SECTION 2.     Effective date:  September 1, 1995.

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.