C.S.S.B. 1488
                                                    By: Zaffirini
                                        Health and Human Services
                                   Committee Report (Substituted)

In 1993, the Texas Legislature created the Health Professions
Council (HPC) for the purpose of coordinating the administrative
and support services of the state regulatory boards that license
health care professionals.  HPC is composed of a representative
from each independent board plus one individual representing the 10
licensing boards administratively attached to the Professional
Licensing and Certification Division of the Texas Department of
Health.  These boards, along with the independent boards,
contribute financial support to HPC and believe their combined
representation by a single individual has created an inequitable


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 1488 expands the membership of the Health
Professions Council.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Section 1(b), Article 4512p, V.T.C.S., to include
in the membership of the Health Professions Council (council) one
representative appointed by the professional, rather than health,
licensing division of the Texas Department of Health; the Advisory
Board of Athletic Trainers; the State Board of Examiners for
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; the State Committee of
Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Instruments; the
Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians; the Texas State Board
of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists; the Texas Board of
Nursing Facility Administrators; the Texas State Board of Examiners
of Perfusionists; the Texas State Board of Examiners of
Professional Counselors; the Texas Board of Licensure for
Professional Medical Physicists; the Texas State Board of Social
Worker Examiners; and the Physician Assistant Advisory Council. 
Makes nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 2. Amends Section 8(d), Article 4512p, V.T.C.S., to require
the council to report to the 74th and 75th Legislatures certain
administrative functions performed by the boards listed in Section
1(b) of this article.  Deletes provisions regarding a memorandum of
understanding and the reporting of a uniform budget plan.  Makes
conforming changes.

SECTION 3. (a) Requires the state board or committee added to the
Health Professions Council by this Act, as soon as possible after
the effective date of this Act, to appoint the entity's
representative to the Health Professions Council.

     (b) Declares a quorum of the Health Professions Council to be
     a majority of the members who have qualified for office, until
     all initial appointments are made under Sections 1(b)(15)-(25), Article 4512p, V.T.C.S., as added by this Act.
     SECTION 4.     Emergency clause.
           Effective date: upon passage.