BILL ANALYSIS S.B. 1596 By: Leedom (Turner of Coleman) 05-18-95 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND As an alternative to a contested case hearing or to a judicial proceeding relating to assessment of a civil penalty, S.B. 1596 would permit nursing homes, convalescent homes or related institutions to elect binding arbitration as a means to settle disputes with the Department of Human Services (DHS) relating to license renewal, suspension or revocation, or relating to the closing of a facility or assessment of civil or administrative penalties. PURPOSE S.B. 1596 establishes a binding arbitration mechanism for the resolution of certain licensing and penalty disputes between the Texas Department of Health and the institutions it licenses, including nursing homes, convalescent homes and similar facilities. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY In Section 1 of the bill, the new Sec. 242.256, establishing the duties of the arbitrator, requires that the arbitrator's order be consistent with this act and with rules adopted under this act, establishing the Dept. of Human Services's rulemaking authority under this measure. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, by adding Subchapter H, as follows: SUBCHAPTER H. ARBITRATION OF CERTAIN DISPUTES Sec. 242.251. SCOPE OF SUBCHAPTER. Provides that this subchapter applies to any disputes between a licensed institution (nursing homes, convalescent homes and related institutions) and the Texas Department of Human Services, relating to renewal of a license under Section 242.033, suspension or revocation of a license or closing of a facility under Section 242.061 or 242.062, assessment of a civil penalty under Section 242.065, or assessment of an administrative penalty under Section 242.066. Sec. 242.252. ELECTION OF ARBITRATION. (a-c) Permits an affected institution to elect binding arbitration of applicable disputes as an alternative to a contested case hearing or to a judicial proceeding relating to the assessment of a civil penalty. The institution must file with DHS not later than 10 days after notice of a hearing. Election to engage in arbitration is irrevocable and binding on the institution and the agency. Sec. 242.253. ARBITRATION PROCEDURES. (a-c) Requires the arbitration to be conducted by the American Arbitration Association or another nationally recognized association that performs arbitration services. Requires the arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the American Arbitration Association's commercial arbitration rules in effect November 1, 1993. Requires the cost of the arbitration to be shared equally by the department and the institution electing arbitration, and that the arbitrator's fee may not exceed $500 Sec. 242.254. ARBITRATOR; QUALIFICATIONS. Requires the arbitrator to be on an approved list of the American Arbitration Association or another nationally recognized association that performs arbitration services. Sec. 242.255. ARBITRATOR; SELECTION. Requires the arbitration to be conducted by one arbitrator, with the appointment made in accordance with the American Arbitration Association's commercial arbitration rules in effect November 1, 1993. Sec. 242.256. DUTIES OF ARBITRATOR. Establishes the duties or the arbitrator, including protecting the interests of the department and institution; ensuring disclosure of all relevant evidence, and rendering an order consistent with this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter. Sec. 242.257. SCHEDULING OF ARBITRATION. (a-b) Provides for scheduling and notice of the arbitration within 90 days of the arbitrator's selection. Authorizes the arbitrator to grant a continuance at the request of the agency or institution and prohibits the arbitrator from unreasonably denying request for continuance. Sec. 242.258. EXCHANGE AND FILING OF INFORMATION. Requires the department and institution to exchange and file with the arbitrator all documentary evidence, as well as information relating to a proposed resolution of the dispute. Sec. 242.259. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED. (a-b) Permits the arbitrator to proceed in the absence of any party or representative who, after notice of the proceeding, fails to be present or to obtain a postponement. Prohibits an arbitrator from making an order solely on the default of a party, and requires the arbitrator to require the party who is present to submit evidence, as required by the arbitrator, before making an award. Sec. 242.260. TESTIMONY; RECORD. (a-c) Authorizes the arbitrator to require witnesses to testify under oath, and requires the arbitrator to require such testimony if requested by the department or institution. Requires the department to make an electronic recording of the proceeding. Authorizes the department or institution to make a stenographic record of the proceeding, at own expense. Sec. 242.261. EVIDENCE. (a-b) Authorizes the department or institution to offer evidence as they desire, and requires them to produce additional evidence necessary to understand and resolve the dispute. Makes the arbitrator the judge of the relevance and materiality of the evidence offered. Provides that strict conformity to rules applicable to judicial proceedings is not required. Sec. 242.262. CLOSING STATEMENTS; BRIEFS. Authorizes the department and institution to present closing statements as they desire, but prohibits the records from remaining open for written briefs unless requested by the arbitrator. Sec. 242.263. EX PARTE CONTACTS PROHIBITED. (a-b) Prohibits the department and institution, except as provided by Subsection (b), from communicating with the arbitrator other than at an oral hearing, unless the parties and the arbitrator agree otherwise. Requires any oral or written communication, other than under Subsection (A), from the parties to the arbitrator to be directed to the association conducting the arbitration for transmittal to the arbitrator. Sec. 242.264. ORDER. (a-e) Authorizes the arbitrator to enter any order that may be entered by the department, board, commissioner, or court under this chapter in relation to a dispute under Section 242.251. Requires the arbitrator to enter the order not later than the 60th day after the last day of the arbitration. Requires the arbitrator to base the order on the facts established at arbitration and on the law as properly applied to those facts. Requires the order to be in writing, signed, and dated by the arbitrator and include a statement of the arbitrator's decision on the contested issues and DHS's and the institution's stipulations on uncontested issues. Requires the arbitrator to file a copy of the order with the department and to notify the department and institution in writing of the decision. Sec. 242.265. EFFECT OF ORDER. Makes an order under this subchapter final and binding, and provides that, except as provided by Section 242.267, there is no right to appeal. Sec. 242.266. CLERICAL ERROR. Provides that the arbitrator, for the purpose of correcting a clerical error, retains jurisdiction of the award for 20 days after the date of the award. Sec. 242.267. COURT VACATING ORDER. Establishes conditions for a court order vacating the arbitrator's order, upon application by the institution or the agency, if the court finds the order was procured by corruption, fraud, or misrepresentation, the arbitrator's decision was arbitrary and capricious, or beyond the arbitrator's jurisdiction. Upon a vacated order, the dispute is remanded to DHS for another arbitration proceeding. Sets time limits for the suit to be filed to vacate an arbitrator's order. Venue is in the county in which the arbitration was conducted. Sec. 242.268. EMERGENCY ORDER OR CLOSING ORDER NOT STAYED. Provides that an order issued under Section 242.062 is not stayed, pending an arbitration under this subchapter. SECTION 2. Establishes a two-year duration for this act, commencing on Sept. 1, 1995, and expiring on August 31, 1997. Also provides that it applies only to disputes described by 242.251, as added by this act, with respect to which formal proceedings are commenced on or after Jan. 1, 1996 and before Aug. 31, 1997. Further provides that an arbitration proceeding commenced prior to the expiration of this act is covered by the law as it existed on the date on which the proceeding was commenced. SECTION 3. Emergency clause. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION S.B. 1596 was considered by the full committee in a formal meeting. S.B. 1596 was reported favorably without amendment on the recommendation that it do pass and be printed, by a record vote of 7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 nv, and 2 absent.