S.B. 1657
                                                       By: Nelson
                                     Committee Report (Unamended)

The Upper Trinity Regional Water District provides water and
wastewater treatment services to cities of Denton County and
certain cities in Dallas and Collin counties. Currently, Chapter
1053, Acts of the 71st Legislature, Regular Session, 1989, limits
membership to governmental entities whose boundaries are wholly or
partially in Denton County.


As proposed, S.B. 1657 provides for the boundaries of the Upper
Trinity Regional Water District, weighted voting by contracting
entities, and the validation of certain actions of the district.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or


SECTION 1. Amends Section 4(c), Chapter 1053, Acts of the 71st
Legislature, Regular Session, 1989, as follows:

     (c) Includes the area within the boundaries of the City of
     Irving, Dallas County, Texas, in the boundaries of the Upper
     Trinity Regional Water District (district).
SECTION 2. Amends Chapter 1053, Acts of the 71st Legislature,
Regular Session, 1989, by adding Section 4A, as follows:

     Sec. 4A. EXPANSION OF BOUNDARIES. (a) Authorizes the
     boundaries of the district to be expanded to include the area
     within the boundaries of the City of Irving, Dallas County,
     Texas, if the district and the City of Irving execute a
     contract member's contract or a participating member's
     contract no later than the second anniversary of the effective
     date of this section.
     (b) Provides that approval of a contract member's contract
       between the district and the City of Irving requires a
       three-quarters majority vote of the district's board of
       directors. Provides that approval of a participating
       member's contract between the district and the City of
       Irving requires a three-quarters majority vote of the
       weighted vote of all directors eligible to vote.
       SECTION 3.   Amends Section 7, Chapter 1053, Acts of the 71st
Legislature, Regular Session, 1989, by adding Subsection (g), to
provide that regardless of the date on which an entity became a
member, the entity is not entitled to a number of weighted votes
that exceeds 25 percent of the weighted votes of all directors
eligible to vote for a capital project.

SECTION 4. Provides that all resolutions, orders, and other acts
or attempted acts of the board of directors of the Upper Trinity
Regional Water District relating to any election, contract, or
issuance of bonds or other obligations and the expenditure of funds
in payment of the bonds, and all other governmental and proprietary
actions by the board of directors of that district are validated in
all respects. Provides that all the resolutions, orders, and other
acts or attempted acts of the board of directors of the Upper
Trinity Regional Water District and all elections, contracts,
issuances of bonds or other obligations, and payments of the
district are valid as though they originally had been legally
authorized or accomplished.

SECTION 5. Provides that Section 4 of this Act does not apply to
or affect litigation pending on the effective date of this Act in
any court of competent jurisdiction in this state to which the
district is a party.

SECTION 6.     Emergency clause.
           Effective date: upon passage.