S.B. 1691
By: Barrientos (Naishtat)
May 18, 1995
Committee Report (Unamended)


In 1971, the Texas Legislature conveyed the Old Austin High School
Building to the Austin Independent School District (district) to be
used by the district for public educational purposes.  The district
sponsored the creation of the Austin Community College (ACC) and
the same board of trustees served as trustees for both
institutions.  A new high school was constructed and the old Austin
High School was used as an ACC campus.  

Since that time, a separate board of trustees has been created for
ACC. The old Austin High School continues to be under a long-term
lease to ACC. The building will continue to be used for educational
purposes by the Austin Community College District.


As proposed, S.B. 1691 authorizes the Austin Independent School
District to convey all right, title, and interest in all or part of
the real property described by Section 1, Chapter 824, Acts of the
62nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1971, to the Austin Community
College District.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly
grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer,
department, agency or institution.


SECTION 1  (a)  Authorizes the Austin Independent School District
           (district) to convey all right, title, and interest in
           all or part of the real property described by Section
           1, Chapter 824, Acts of the 62nd Legislature, Regular
           Session, 1971, to the Austin Community College District
           for mutually agreed consideration paid to the district.

           (b)  Requires the conveyed property to be used by the
           Austin Community College District for public educational
           purposes consistent with Section 1, Chapter 824, Acts
           of the 62nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1971. 
           Provides that the district retains a right of reverter
           in the conveyed property, and title to the property
           shall automatically revert to and vest in the district
           if the Austin Community College District ceases to use
           the property for public educational purposes.

           (c)  Provides that a conveyance under this Act does not
           invoke the right of reverter retained by the state in
           Section 1, Chapter 824, Acts of the 62nd Legislature,
           Regular Session, 1971.

SECTION 2  Emergency clause.
           Effective upon passage.


S.B. 1691 was considered by the committee in a formal meeting on
May 18, 1995.

The bill was reported favorably without amendment, with the
recommendation that it do pass and be printed and be sent to the
Committee on Local and Consent Calendars, by a record vote of 7
ayes, 0 nays, 0 pnv, 2 absent.