S.C.R. 60
By: Nelson/Zaffirini (Janek, et al.)
Committee Report (Unamended)


In its report to the 74th Legislature, the Senate Health and Human
Services Committee concluded that the effectiveness of the Texas
Medicaid Program could be greatly improved by expanding health care
coverage generally, and is persuaded that certain innovations merit
further study and attention in the context of Medicaid reform.
Along with a health insurance risk pool, which was authorized but
not funded by the 71st Legislature, the concept of a medical
savings account is another device that holds promise of expanding
private health care coverage and thereby easing the public burden
of Medicaid.


S.C.R. 60 would direct the State Medicaid Office to study the
feasibility of using Medicaid funds for the Texas Health Insurance
Risk Pool and develop a plan for a pilot project that uses Medicaid
funds to establish medical savings accounts for recipients of acute
care services under the State Medicaid Program.


S.C.R. 60 was considered by the Public Health Committee in a formal
meeting on May 3, 1995. The resolution was reported favorably
without amendment, with the recommendation that it do pass and be
printed, by a record vote of 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 PNV, and 2 ABSENT.