By Junell, et al.                                        H.B. No. 5
       74R3974 DLF-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to exemplary damages in civil suits.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Chapter 41, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, is
    1-5  amended to read as follows:
    1-6                    CHAPTER 41.  EXEMPLARY DAMAGES
    1-7        Sec. 41.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
    1-8              (1)  "Claimant" means a party, including a plaintiff,
    1-9  counterclaimant, cross-claimant, or third-party plaintiff, seeking
   1-10  recovery of exemplary damages.  In a cause of action in which a
   1-11  party seeks recovery of exemplary damages related to injury to
   1-12  another person, damage to the property of another person, death of
   1-13  another person, or other harm to another person, "claimant"
   1-14  includes both that other person and the party seeking recovery of
   1-15  exemplary damages.
   1-16              (2)  "Defendant" means a party, including a
   1-17  counterdefendant, cross-defendant, or third-party defendant, from
   1-18  whom a claimant seeks relief with respect to exemplary damages.
   1-19              (3)  "Economic damages"  means damages for pecuniary
   1-20  loss, including damages for loss of or damage to property and
   1-21  damages for lost wages, loss of earning capacity, expenses for
   1-22  medical care, and burial expenses.  The term does not include
   1-23  damages for pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss associated
   1-24  with disfigurement, or loss of companionship or consortium.
    2-1              (4)  "Exemplary damages" means any damages awarded as
    2-2  <an example to others, as> a penalty<,> or by way of punishment.
    2-3  "Exemplary damages" includes punitive damages.
    2-4              (5) <(4)>  "Fraud" means fraud other than constructive
    2-5  fraud.
    2-6              <(5)  "Gross negligence" means more than momentary
    2-7  thoughtlessness, inadvertence, or error of judgment.  It means such
    2-8  an entire want of care as to establish that the act or omission was
    2-9  the result of actual conscious indifference to the rights, safety,
   2-10  or welfare of the person affected.>
   2-11              (6)  "Malice" means:
   2-12                    (A)  a specific intent <conduct that is
   2-13  specifically intended> by the defendant to cause substantial injury
   2-14  to the claimant; or
   2-15                    (B)  <an act that is carried out by the defendant
   2-16  with a> flagrant disregard by the defendant for the rights of
   2-17  others and <with> actual awareness on the part of the defendant
   2-18  that the act or omission will, in reasonable probability, result in
   2-19  human death, great bodily injury <harm>, or property damage.
   2-20              (7)  "Owner" means a person who, in whole or in part,
   2-21  owns, operates, manages, leases, subleases, controls, assumes
   2-22  control of, or derives a benefit from any real property.  The term
   2-23  includes an employee or agent of an owner.
   2-24        Sec. 41.002.  APPLICABILITY.  (a)  This chapter applies to
   2-25  any <an> action in which a claimant seeks exemplary damages
   2-26  relating to a cause of action <as defined by Section 33.001>.
   2-27        (b)  This chapter establishes the maximum exemplary damages
    3-1  that may be awarded in an action subject to this chapter, including
    3-2  an action for which exemplary damages are awarded under another law
    3-3  of this state.  This chapter does not apply to the extent another
    3-4  law establishes a lower maximum amount of exemplary damages for a
    3-5  particular claim<:>
    3-6              <(1)  an action brought under the Deceptive Trade
    3-7  Practices-Consumer Protection Act (Subchapter E, Chapter 17,
    3-8  Business & Commerce Code)  except as specifically provided in
    3-9  Section 17.50 of that Act;>
   3-10              <(2)  an action brought under Chapter 21, Insurance
   3-11  Code;>
   3-12              <(3)  an action brought under the workers' compensation
   3-13  laws of this state (Article 8306 et seq., Revised Statutes);>
   3-14              <(4)  an action to recover exemplary damages against an
   3-15  employer by the employee's beneficiaries in a death action arising
   3-16  out of the course and scope of employment where the employer is a
   3-17  subscriber under the workers' compensation laws of this state
   3-18  (Article 8306 et seq., Revised Statutes);>
   3-19              <(5)  an action brought under Chapter 246, Acts of the
   3-20  63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973, Home Solicitation
   3-21  Transactions (Article 5069-13.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil
   3-22  Statutes);>
   3-23              <(6)  an action brought under Chapter 547, Acts of the
   3-24  63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973, Debt Collection Practices
   3-25  (Article 5069-11.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);>
   3-26              <(7)  an action brought under Chapter 54, 91, or 92,
   3-27  Property Code;>
    4-1              <(8)  an action brought under the Texas Manufactured
    4-2  Housing Standards Act (Article 5221f, Vernon's Texas Civil
    4-3  Statutes);>
    4-4              <(9)  an action brought under the Texas Motor Vehicle
    4-5  Commission Code (Article 4413(36), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);>
    4-6              <(10)  an action brought under the Texas Proprietary
    4-7  School Act, Chapter 32, Education Code;>
    4-8              <(11)  an action brought under Section 9.507 or Section
    4-9  27.01, Business & Commerce Code;>
   4-10              <(12)  an action brought under Chapter 36, Family Code;>
   4-11              <(13)  an action brought under the Health Spa Act
   4-12  (Article 5221l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);>
   4-13              <(14)  an action brought under the Business Opportunity
   4-14  Act (Article 5069-16.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); or>
   4-15              <(15)  an action brought under the Texas Timeshare Act
   4-16  (Article 6573c, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   4-17        (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), in <In> an action
   4-18  to which this chapter applies, the provisions of this chapter
   4-19  prevail over all other law to the extent of any conflict.
   4-21  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) and Section 41.004,
   4-22  exemplary <Exemplary> damages may be awarded only if the claimant
   4-23  proves that the <personal injury, property damage, death, or other>
   4-24  harm with respect to which the claimant seeks recovery of exemplary
   4-25  damages results from:
   4-26              (1)  fraud; or
   4-27              (2)  malice<; or>
    5-1              <(3)  gross negligence>.
    5-2        (b)  The claimant must prove the elements of exemplary
    5-3  damages as provided by this section beyond a reasonable doubt
    5-4  <Subsection (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(3)>.  This burden of proof may
    5-5  not be shifted to the defendant or satisfied by evidence of
    5-6  ordinary negligence, bad faith, or a deceptive trade practice.
    5-7        (c)  If the claimant relies on a statute establishing a cause
    5-8  of action and authorizing exemplary damages in specified
    5-9  circumstances or in conjunction with a specified culpable mental
   5-10  state, exemplary damages may be awarded only if the claimant proves
   5-11  that the damages result from the specified circumstances or
   5-12  culpable mental state.
   5-14  CERTAIN ACTIONS.  (a)  In an action governed by Section 26, Article
   5-15  XVI, Texas Constitution, exemplary damages may be awarded if the
   5-16  claimant proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the death with
   5-17  respect to which the claimant seeks recovery of exemplary damages
   5-18  results from a wilful act or omission or from gross neglect.
   5-19        (b)  For purposes of this section, gross neglect means more
   5-20  than momentary thoughtlessness, inadvertence, or error of judgment.
   5-21        (c)  To prove gross neglect, the claimant must establish
   5-22  that:
   5-23              (1)  the defendant's act or omission created an extreme
   5-24  risk of serious harm to the person affected by the act or omission;
   5-25  and
   5-26              (2)  at the time of the act or omission, the defendant
   5-27  had actual subjective knowledge that the act or omission created an
    6-1  extreme risk of serious harm to the person affected by the act or
    6-2  omission.
    6-3        Sec. 41.005.  FACTORS PRECLUDING RECOVERY.  (a)  Except as
    6-4  provided by Subsection (b), exemplary <Exemplary> damages may be
    6-5  awarded only if damages other than nominal damages are awarded.
    6-6        (b)  A claimant may recover exemplary damages, even if only
    6-7  nominal damages are awarded, if the claimant establishes, beyond a
    6-8  reasonable doubt, that the harm with respect to which the claimant
    6-9  seeks recovery of exemplary damages results from malice as
   6-10  described by Section 41.001(6)(A).  <Exemplary damages may not be
   6-11  awarded to a claimant who elects to have his recovery multiplied
   6-12  under another statute.>
   6-13        Sec. 41.006.  MULTIPLE AWARDS AGAINST DEFENDANT.  (a)  Except
   6-14  as provided by Subsection (d), a court may not award exemplary
   6-15  damages to a claimant if:
   6-16              (1)  exemplary damages have been previously awarded
   6-17  against the defendant by a court; and
   6-18              (2)  the harm with respect to which the claimant seeks
   6-19  recovery of exemplary damages resulted from the same act or course
   6-20  of conduct that formed the basis of the previous exemplary damage
   6-21  award.
   6-22        (b)  On request of a defendant, the court shall conduct a
   6-23  pretrial hearing at which the defendant may present evidence that
   6-24  exemplary damages have been previously awarded against the
   6-25  defendant for the same act or course of conduct that formed the
   6-26  basis of the action.
   6-27        (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), if the defendant
    7-1  at the pretrial hearing presents prima facie evidence of a previous
    7-2  award of exemplary damages as described by Subsection (a), the
    7-3  claimant may not present a claim for exemplary damages during the
    7-4  trial of the action.
    7-5        (d)  Subsections (a) and (c) do not apply if the claimant
    7-6  establishes at the pretrial hearing that:
    7-7              (1)  substantial evidence of malice, fraud, or other
    7-8  circumstances or culpable mental state described by Section
    7-9  41.003(c) relating to the act or course of conduct exists; and
   7-10              (2)  that evidence was not available at the time the
   7-11  previous exemplary damage award was entered.
   7-12        (e)  If the claimant makes the showing required by Subsection
   7-13  (d), the court shall reduce the amount of exemplary damages awarded
   7-14  to the claimant, if any, by the amount of all previous exemplary
   7-15  damage awards against the defendant based on the same act or course
   7-16  of conduct.
   7-17        (f)  For purposes of this section, the manufacture of
   7-18  multiple identical individual units of a product line is a single
   7-19  act or course of conduct.
   7-20        Sec. 41.007.  HARM RESULTING FROM REGULATED ACTIVITY.  (a)
   7-21  Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a court may not
   7-22  award a claimant exemplary damages if the harm with respect to
   7-23  which the claimant seeks recovery of exemplary damages results
   7-24  from:
   7-25              (1)  conduct or a product that is subject to regulation
   7-26  by an agency of this state or the United States; or
   7-27              (2)  a product whose design, formulation, testing,
    8-1  packaging, labeling, or warning was approved or certified before
    8-2  sale by an agency of this state or the United States.
    8-3        (b)  A court may award a claimant exemplary damages in the
    8-4  circumstances described by Subsection (a)(1) if the claimant proves
    8-5  that the defendant did not comply with applicable regulations
    8-6  promulgated by the regulating agency.
    8-7        (c)  Subsection (a) does not apply if the claimant proves
    8-8  that the defendant:
    8-9              (1)  knowingly and in violation of law withheld or
   8-10  misrepresented material information required to be submitted to the
   8-11  regulating agency; or
   8-12              (2)  made an illegal payment to an official of the
   8-13  regulating agency to secure approval of the conduct or product in
   8-14  question.
   8-15        Sec. 41.008.  HARM RESULTING FROM CRIMINAL ACT.  In an action
   8-16  arising from a loss, injury, or death resulting from an assault,
   8-17  theft, or another criminal act, a court may not award exemplary
   8-18  damages against an owner of real property on which the criminal act
   8-19  occurred, in whole or in part, or on which the resulting harm
   8-20  occurred, in whole or in part, unless the owner is an active
   8-21  participant, acting with malice, in the criminal act.
   8-22        Sec. 41.009 <41.005>.  AWARD SPECIFIC TO DEFENDANT.  In any
   8-23  action in which there are two or more defendants, an award of
   8-24  exemplary damages must be specific as to a defendant, and each
   8-25  defendant is liable only for the amount of the award made against
   8-26  that defendant.
   8-27        Sec. 41.010 <41.006>.  PREJUDGMENT INTEREST.  Prejudgment
    9-1  interest may not be assessed or recovered on an award of exemplary
    9-2  damages.
    9-3        Sec. 41.011 <41.007>.  LIMITATION ON AMOUNT OF RECOVERY.  (a)
    9-4  In an action in which a claimant seeks recovery of exemplary
    9-5  damages, the trier of fact shall determine the amount of economic
    9-6  damages separately from the amount of other compensatory damages.
    9-7        (b)  Exemplary <Except as provided by Section 41.008,
    9-8  exemplary> damages awarded against a defendant may not exceed two
    9-9  <four> times the amount of economic <actual> damages or $200,000,
   9-10  whichever is greater.
   9-11        (c)  The provisions of Subsection (b) may not be made known
   9-12  to a jury by any means, including voir dire, introduction into
   9-13  evidence, argument, or instruction.
   9-14        Sec. 41.012.  BIFURCATED TRIAL.  (a)  On motion by a
   9-15  defendant, the court shall provide for a bifurcated trial under
   9-16  this section.  A motion under this subsection must be made before
   9-17  the defendant is asked to announce ready for trial or at a
   9-18  different time specified by a pretrial court order issued under
   9-19  Rule 166, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
   9-20        (b)  In an action with more than one defendant, the court
   9-21  shall provide for a bifurcated trial on motion of any defendant.
   9-22        (c)  In the first phase of a bifurcated trial, the trier of
   9-23  fact shall determine:
   9-24              (1)  liability for compensatory and exemplary damages;
   9-25  and
   9-26              (2)  the amount of compensatory damages.
   9-27        (d)  If liability for exemplary damages is established during
   10-1  the first phase of a bifurcated trial, the trier of fact shall, in
   10-2  the second phase of the trial, determine the amount of exemplary
   10-3  damages to be awarded, if any.
   10-4        (e)  Evidence that is relevant only to the amount of
   10-5  exemplary damages that may be awarded is not admissible during the
   10-6  first phase of a bifurcated trial.
   10-7        Sec. 41.013.  UNANIMOUS JURY.  In a trial to a jury,
   10-8  exemplary damages may not be awarded unless the jury unanimously
   10-9  finds that the defendant is liable for exemplary damages in
  10-10  accordance with Section 41.003.
  10-11        Sec. 41.014.  CONSIDERATIONS IN MAKING AWARD.  (a)  Before
  10-12  making an award of exemplary damages, the trier of fact shall
  10-13  consider the definition and purposes of exemplary damages as
  10-14  provided by Section 41.001.
  10-15        (b)  The determination of whether to award exemplary damages
  10-16  and the amount of exemplary damages to be awarded is within the
  10-17  discretion of the trier of fact.
  10-19  DAMAGES.  (a)  In determining the amount of exemplary damages, the
  10-20  trier of fact may only consider evidence relating to:
  10-21              (1)  the reprehensibility of the defendant's motives;
  10-22              (2)  the likelihood, at the time of the conduct, of
  10-23  serious harm;
  10-24              (3)  the defendant's awareness of the likelihood of
  10-25  serious harm;
  10-26              (4)  the duration of the conduct; and
  10-27              (5)  the harm suffered by the claimant.
   11-1        (b)  In determining the amount of exemplary damages, the
   11-2  trier of fact may not consider evidence relating to the defendant's
   11-3  wealth or ability to pay, including the defendant's net worth and
   11-4  gross or net revenues.
   11-5        Sec. 41.016.  JURY INSTRUCTIONS. In a trial to a jury, the
   11-6  court shall instruct the jury with regard to Sections 41.014 and
   11-7  41.015(a).
   11-8        Sec. 41.017.  JUDICIAL REVIEW OF AWARD.  An appellate court
   11-9  that reviews the evidence with respect to a finding by a trier of
  11-10  fact concerning liability for exemplary damages or with respect to
  11-11  the amount of exemplary damages awarded shall state, in a written
  11-12  opinion, the court's reasons for upholding or disturbing the
  11-13  finding or award.  The written opinion must address the evidence or
  11-14  lack of evidence with specificity,  as it relates to the liability
  11-15  for or amount of exemplary damages, in light of the requirements of
  11-16  this chapter.
  11-17        <Sec. 41.008.  EXCEPTION. Section 41.007 does not apply to
  11-18  exemplary damages resulting from malice as defined by Section
  11-19  41.001(6)(A) or to an intentional tort.>
  11-20        <Sec. 41.009.  PROVISIONS NOT TO BE MADE KNOWN TO JURY.  The
  11-21  provisions of Section 41.007 may not be made known to the jury
  11-22  through any means, including voir dire, introduction into evidence,
  11-23  or instruction.>
  11-24        SECTION 2.  (a)  Section 408.001(b), Labor Code, is amended
  11-25  to read as follows:
  11-26        (b)  This section does not prohibit the recovery of exemplary
  11-27  damages by the surviving spouse or heirs of the body of a deceased
   12-1  employee whose death was caused by an intentional act or omission
   12-2  of the employer or by the employer's gross neglect, subject to
   12-3  Chapter 41, Civil Practice and Remedies Code <negligence>.
   12-4        (b)  Section 408.001(c), Labor Code, is repealed.
   12-5        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995, and
   12-6  applies only to a cause of action that commences on or after that
   12-7  date.  An action that commenced before the effective date of this
   12-8  Act is governed by the law applicable to the action as it existed
   12-9  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  12-10  continued in effect for that purpose.
  12-11        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
  12-12  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  12-13  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  12-14  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  12-15  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.