By Shields                                             H.B. No. 129
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 129:
          By Shields                                         C.S.H.B. No. 129
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to medical savings accounts; providing a penalty.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:
    1-5              (1)  "Account" means a medical savings account
    1-6  established under this Act.
    1-7              (2)  "Account administrator" means a person qualified
    1-8  to act as an account administrator under Section 3 of this Act.
    1-9              (3)  "Account holder" means:
   1-10                    (A)  an employee of an employer if the employer
   1-11  contributes to a medical savings account on that employee's behalf;
   1-12  or
   1-13                    (B)  an individual who makes contributions to a
   1-14  medical savings account on the individual's own behalf.
   1-15              (4)  "Dependent" means:
   1-16                    (A)  the spouse of an account holder;
   1-17                    (B)  a child of an account holder who is:
   1-18                          (i)  under 19 years of age, including a
   1-19  newborn child;
   1-20                          (ii)  under 23 years of age and enrolled as
   1-21  a full-time student at an accredited institution of higher
   1-22  education; or
   1-23                          (iii)  medically certified as mentally or
   1-24  physically disabled and who is financially dependent on the account
    2-1  holder; or
    2-2                    (C)  any person who must be covered under:
    2-3                          (i)  Section 3D or 3E, Article 3.51-6,
    2-4  Insurance Code; or
    2-5                          (ii)  Section 2(L), Chapter 397, Acts of
    2-6  the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 3.70-2,
    2-7  Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).
    2-8              (5)  "Health plan" means any plan that provides
    2-9  benefits for health care services or for medical or surgical
   2-10  expenses incurred as a result of accident or sickness including:
   2-11                    (A)  an individual, group, blanket, or franchise
   2-12  insurance policy;
   2-13                    (B)  an evidence of coverage issued by a health
   2-14  maintenance organization under the Texas Health Maintenance
   2-15  Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code);
   2-16                    (C)  a group hospital service contract issued by
   2-17  a group hospital service corporation under Chapter 20, Insurance
   2-18  Code; or
   2-19                    (D)  an employer-funded health benefit plan,
   2-20  including a self-insured health benefit plan.
   2-21              (6)  "Person" means an individual, corporation,
   2-22  government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust,
   2-23  estate, trust, partnership, association, or any other legal entity.
   2-24              (7)  "Program" means a medical savings account program
   2-25  established under this Act.
   2-26        SECTION 2.  ACCOUNT AUTHORIZED.  (a)  An individual may
   2-27  establish a medical savings account program for the benefit of the
    3-1  individual and the individual's dependents.  An employer may
    3-2  establish a medical savings account program for the benefit of the
    3-3  employer's employees and the employees' dependents.
    3-4        (b)  A program established under this section must provide
    3-5  for:
    3-6              (1)  the contribution into a medical savings account by
    3-7  the account holder or by the employer on behalf of the account
    3-8  holder; and
    3-9              (2)  an account administrator to manage the medical
   3-10  savings account.
   3-11        (c)  The program may provide for a health plan to provide
   3-12  coverage for each account holder and the dependents of the account
   3-13  holder.
   3-14        (d)  An employer that establishes a medical savings account
   3-15  program shall make an annual contribution of at least $1,000 for
   3-16  the benefit of each employee who is an account holder.
   3-17        (e)  An employer that offers a program shall inform each
   3-18  employee in writing of the federal tax consequences of the
   3-19  contributions made by the employer before making a contribution on
   3-20  behalf of that employee.
   3-21        SECTION 3.  ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR.  (a)  The following
   3-22  persons may act as an account administrator under this Act:
   3-23              (1)  a bank, savings and loan association, savings
   3-24  bank, or credit union chartered under the laws of this state or the
   3-25  United States;
   3-26              (2)  a trust company authorized to act as a fiduciary;
   3-27              (3)  an insurance company authorized to do business in
    4-1  this state under Chapter 3, Insurance Code, a group hospital
    4-2  service corporation authorized to do business in this state under
    4-3  Chapter 20, Insurance Code, or a health maintenance organization
    4-4  authorized to do business in this state under the Texas Health
    4-5  Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance
    4-6  Code);
    4-7              (4)  a third-party administrator holding a certificate
    4-8  of authority issued under Article 21.07-6, Insurance Code;
    4-9              (5)  a certified public accountant licensed by the
   4-10  Texas State Board of Public Accountancy; or
   4-11              (6)  an employer that:
   4-12                    (A)  operates a self-insured health plan under
   4-13  the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C.
   4-14  Section 1001 et seq.); or
   4-15                    (B)  participates in the medical savings account
   4-16  program established under this Act.
   4-17        (b)  If the account administrator is not an employer under
   4-18  Subsection (a)(8) of this section, the account administrator may
   4-19  charge a fee.  The amount of the fee may not exceed 10 percent of
   4-20  the amount deposited to the account in a year and shall be
   4-21  established by an agreement between the account administrator and
   4-22  the employer or account holder.
   4-23        (c)  The account administrator is the fiduciary of the
   4-24  account holder.
   4-25        SECTION 4.  IDENTIFICATION CARDS.  (a)  The account
   4-26  administrator shall issue to the account holder an identification
   4-27  card indicating:
    5-1              (1)  the name of the account holder and any dependent
    5-2  of the account holder for whom eligible expenses may be paid under
    5-3  the program;
    5-4              (2)  the name, address, and phone number of the account
    5-5  administrator; and
    5-6              (3)  whether or not the account holder is covered by a
    5-7  health plan that is qualified for purposes of Section 9 of this
    5-8  Act.
    5-9        (b)  The account administrator shall issue a duplicate
   5-10  identification card to each dependent of an account holder for whom
   5-11  eligible expenses may be paid under the program.
   5-12        SECTION 5.  USE OF ACCOUNT; PENALTY.  (a)  The account
   5-13  administrator shall use money in an account for either or both of
   5-14  the following purposes:
   5-15              (1)  to pay eligible medical expenses of the account
   5-16  holder or the account holder's dependents or to reimburse the
   5-17  account holder for these expenses; or
   5-18              (2)  to purchase a health plan that provides benefits
   5-19  for the account holder and the account holder's dependents.
   5-20        (b)  A medical expense is eligible for payment or
   5-21  reimbursement under Subsection (a) of this section if:
   5-22              (1)  it is a medical expense described under Section
   5-23  213(d), Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. Section 213(d)); and
   5-24              (2)  payment or reimbursement for the expense is not
   5-25  otherwise provided for under any health plan or other insurance
   5-26  policy, including a motor vehicle or workers' compensation
   5-27  insurance policy.
    6-1        (c)  An account holder commits an offense if the account
    6-2  holder:
    6-3              (1)  submits a false, deceptive, or misleading claim to
    6-4  an account administrator to obtain reimbursement for an expense
    6-5  that the account holder knows is not reimbursable under Subsection
    6-6  (a)(1) of this section; or
    6-7              (2)  knowingly seeks or obtains reimbursement for an
    6-8  expense that was not incurred by the account holder.
    6-9        (d)  An offense under Subsection (c) of this section is a
   6-10  Class C misdemeanor.
   6-11        SECTION 6.  PROMPT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS.  (a)  Except as
   6-12  provided by Subsection (b) of this section, the account
   6-13  administrator shall pay a claim that is eligible for payment from
   6-14  the account not later than the 30th day after the date the claim is
   6-15  submitted to the account administrator.
   6-16        (b)  The account administrator may request documents
   6-17  necessary to verify whether a claim is eligible for payment from
   6-18  the account.  If the account administrator makes a request under
   6-19  this subsection, the account administrator shall pay a claim that
   6-20  is eligible for payment from the account not later than the 30th
   6-21  day after the date the documents are received by the account
   6-22  administrator.
   6-23        SECTION 7.  EMPLOYER ADVANCES.  (a)  If, in any month, an
   6-24  account holder or a dependent of an account holder incurs a medical
   6-25  expense that is eligible for payment or reimbursement under Section
   6-26  5(a) of this Act from an account established by an employer and
   6-27  that exceeds the amount of money in the account, the employer may
    7-1  advance to the employee the amount necessary to cover the expenses.
    7-2        (b)  An advance under this section shall be made free of
    7-3  interest.
    7-4        (c)  An employee on whose behalf an advance is made under
    7-5  this section is liable to the employer for the amount of the
    7-6  advance, and the employer who made the advance may set off the
    7-7  amount of the advance against future contributions to the account.
    7-9  PLAN FOR EMPLOYER PROGRAM.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection
   7-10  (b) of this section, a health plan, including a health benefit plan
   7-11  that is qualified for purposes of Section 9 of this Act, is not
   7-12  subject to a law that requires coverage or the offer of coverage of
   7-13  a specific health care service or benefit if the health plan is:
   7-14              (1)  purchased by an employer under Section 2(c) of
   7-15  this Act in conjunction with the establishment of a medical savings
   7-16  account program for the benefit of the employer's employees and the
   7-17  employees' dependents; or
   7-18              (2)  purchased under Section 5(a)(2) of this Act by the
   7-19  account administrator of a medical savings account program
   7-20  established by an employer for the benefit of the employer's
   7-21  employees and the employees' dependents.
   7-22        (b)  A health plan described by Subsection (a) of this
   7-23  section is subject to Chapter 26, Insurance Code, to the extent
   7-24  that chapter would otherwise be applicable to the plan.
   7-26  A hospital or emergency clinic may not refuse to provide services
   7-27  to an individual on the basis of that individual's ability to pay
    8-1  for the services if the individual presents an identification card
    8-2  issued under Section 4 of this Act that indicates the person is
    8-3  covered by a qualified health plan.
    8-4        (b)  A hospital may delay providing services to an individual
    8-5  for a period of not longer than 24 hours to contact the account
    8-6  administrator to confirm the individual's participation in a
    8-7  program.  The hospital may not delay the provision of services
    8-8  needed on an emergency basis under this subsection.
    8-9        (c)  A health plan is qualified for purposes of this section
   8-10  if the plan is subject to an annual deductible of not more than
   8-11  $2,000 for each individual covered under the plan.
   8-12        SECTION 10.  DEATH OF ACCOUNT HOLDER.  (a)  On the death of
   8-13  the account holder, the account administrator shall transfer the
   8-14  account to a dependent of the account holder named as a successor
   8-15  account holder by the account holder in the agreement establishing
   8-16  the account.  If the agreement does not designate a successor
   8-17  account holder, the account administrator shall pay to the estate
   8-18  of the deceased account holder any money in the account, including
   8-19  any interest on the account.
   8-20        (b)  If an account is transferred to a successor account
   8-21  holder under this section, the account administrator shall continue
   8-22  to administer the account for the benefit of the dependents of the
   8-23  original account holder.
   8-24        (c)  A successor account holder may contribute to the
   8-25  account.  If an account established by an employer is transferred
   8-26  to a successor account holder, the employer's obligation to
   8-27  contribute to the account is terminated.
    9-1        (d)  An account administrator shall make the transfer or
    9-2  payment required by Subsection (a) of this section not later than
    9-3  the 30th day after the date on which the account administrator
    9-4  receives proof of the death of the account holder.
    9-5        SECTION 11.  TRANSFER OF ACCOUNT.  (a)  On the request of the
    9-6  account holder, the account administrator shall pay any money in
    9-7  the account, including interest earned on the account, to another
    9-8  account established under this Act for the benefit of the account
    9-9  holder.
   9-10        (b)  If the account holder ceases to be employed by an
   9-11  employer who has established a program under this Act, the
   9-12  administrator shall, not later than the 60th day after the account
   9-13  holder's last day of employment, pay any money in the account,
   9-14  including interest earned on the account:
   9-15              (1)  to the account holder; or
   9-16              (2)  at the option of the account holder, to the credit
   9-17  of another account established under this Act for the benefit of
   9-18  the account holder.
   9-19        (c)  The account administrator may not pay money in the
   9-20  account to the credit of an account established by an employer of
   9-21  an account holder unless the employer agrees to the transfer.
   9-22        (d)  The account administrator of an account established by
   9-23  an employer may retain and continue to administer the account for
   9-24  the benefit of an account holder whose employment with the employer
   9-25  has terminated if, not later than the 30th day after the account
   9-26  holder's last day of employment, the account holder requests that
   9-27  the account administrator do so.
   10-1        SECTION 12.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
   10-2  and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   10-3  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   10-4  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   10-5  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   10-6  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   10-7  passage, and it is so enacted.