74R10220 DLF-F
          By Clemons, Gutierrez, Allen, McCall, Stiles           H.B. No. 149
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 149:
          By Counts                                          C.S.H.B. No. 149
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to motor vehicle insurance coverage and liability for
    1-3  motor vehicle accidents; imposing civil and criminal penalties.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  The Insurance Code is amended by adding Chapter
    1-6  27 to read as follows:
    1-8                         AND COST CONTAINMENT
    1-9                   SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
   1-10        Art. 27.01.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
   1-11              (1)  "Accidental injury" means a bodily injury,
   1-12  sickness, or disease that is not intentionally caused by the
   1-13  injured person and that arises out of the use of a motor vehicle.
   1-14  The term includes a death resulting from the injury, sickness, or
   1-15  disease.
   1-16              (2)  "Dependent" means a resident relative of a person
   1-17  who receives financial or services support from that person.
   1-18              (3)  "Economic loss" means medical expenses, loss of
   1-19  income from work, and replacement services loss incurred by an
   1-20  injured person as the result of an accidental injury to the injured
   1-21  person.
   1-22              (4)  "Highway" means the entire width between property
   1-23  lines of a road, street, way, thoroughfare, or bridge in this state
    2-1  that is not privately owned or controlled:
    2-2                    (A)  some part of which is open to the public for
    2-3  vehicular traffic; and
    2-4                    (B)  over which the state has legislative
    2-5  jurisdiction under its police power.
    2-6              (5)  "Injured person" means a person who sustains an
    2-7  accidental injury.
    2-8              (6)  "Medical expenses" means reasonable expenses that
    2-9  are incurred by an injured person, a parent or guardian on behalf
   2-10  of an injured person who is a minor or who has a mental disability,
   2-11  or a spouse on behalf of an injured person who is deceased, and
   2-12  that are incurred for reasonable and necessary medical, surgical,
   2-13  X-ray, dental, ambulance, hospital, medical rehabilitation, and
   2-14  professional nursing services expenses.  The term includes expenses
   2-15  for eyeglasses, hearing aids, and prosthetic devices.
   2-16              (7)  "Medical rehabilitation services" means services
   2-17  that are reasonably necessary and are designed to:
   2-18                    (A)  reduce the disability and dependence of an
   2-19  injured person; and
   2-20                    (B)  restore the person, to the extent reasonably
   2-21  possible, to the person's level of physical functioning before the
   2-22  accidental injury.
   2-23              (8)  "Motorcycle" means each motor vehicle that has a
   2-24  saddle  for the use of the rider and is designed to propel itself
   2-25  with not more than three wheels  in  contact  with  the  ground.
    3-1  The term does not include a tractor or any three-wheeled vehicle
    3-2  equipped with a cab, seat, and seat belt and designed to contain
    3-3  the operator of the vehicle in the cab.
    3-4              (9)  "Motor vehicle" means a self-propelled vehicle
    3-5  designed for use on a highway.  The term includes a trailer or
    3-6  semitrailer designed for use with the self-propelled vehicle and a
    3-7  vehicle propelled by electric power obtained from overhead wires
    3-8  but not operated on rails.  The term does not include:
    3-9                    (A)  a traction engine;
   3-10                    (B)  a road roller or grader;
   3-11                    (C)  a tractor crane;
   3-12                    (D)  a power shovel;
   3-13                    (E)  a well driller; or
   3-14                    (F)  an implement of husbandry.
   3-15              (10)  "Motor vehicle insurance" means insurance that
   3-16  provides coverage for accidental injury resulting from the use of a
   3-17  motor vehicle.
   3-18              (11)  "Motor vehicle insurer" means any insurer writing
   3-19  motor vehicle insurance in this state, including:
   3-20                    (A)  an insurance company;
   3-21                    (B)  a mutual insurance company, including a
   3-22  county mutual insurance company;
   3-23                    (C)  a reciprocal insurance company or
   3-24  interinsurance exchange; and
   3-25                    (D)  a Lloyd's plan insurer.
    4-1              (12)  "Noneconomic loss" means a detriment other than
    4-2  economic loss for which damages would be recoverable under the law
    4-3  of this state in the absence of this chapter, including pain,
    4-4  suffering, inconvenience, and mental anguish.
    4-5              (13)  "Occupying" means, in the context of occupying a
    4-6  motor vehicle:
    4-7                    (A)  to be in or on a motor vehicle; or
    4-8                    (B)  to be engaged in the immediate act of
    4-9  entering into or alighting from the motor vehicle.
   4-10              (14)  "Owner" means:
   4-11                    (A)  the person in whose name a motor vehicle has
   4-12  been registered; or
   4-13                    (B)  if no registration is in effect at the time
   4-14  of an accident involving the motor vehicle:
   4-15                          (i)  the person holding legal title to the
   4-16  motor vehicle; or
   4-17                          (ii)  if the motor vehicle is the subject
   4-18  of a security agreement or lease with the option to purchase, a
   4-19  debtor or lessee who has the right to possess the vehicle.
   4-20              (15)  "Person" includes an individual, corporation,
   4-21  organization, or any other legal entity.
   4-22              (16)  "Personal compensation coverage" means coverage
   4-23  that provides first party benefits in accordance with Article
   4-24  27.31(a) of this code.
   4-25              (17)  "Personal compensation insured" means a person
    5-1  entitled to personal compensation benefits under Article 27.33 of
    5-2  this code.
    5-3              (18)  "Replacement services loss" means expenses
    5-4  reasonably incurred in obtaining ordinary and necessary services
    5-5  from a person who is not a member of the injured person's
    5-6  household.
    5-7              (19)  "Resident relative" means a person who is related
    5-8  by blood, marriage, or adoption to an insured or an injured person
    5-9  and who:
   5-10                    (A)  resides in the same household as the insured
   5-11  or injured person; or
   5-12                    (B)  temporarily resides in a place other than
   5-13  the household of the insured or injured person, but who usually
   5-14  makes a home in the same family unit.
   5-15        Art. 27.02.  COVERAGE REQUIRED.  (a)  A person may not
   5-16  operate a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle on a highway in
   5-17  this state unless:
   5-18              (1)  the motor vehicle is covered by motor vehicle
   5-19  insurance that complies with this chapter; or
   5-20              (2)  the person is a named insured or a resident
   5-21  relative of a named insured on a policy of motor vehicle insurance
   5-22  that complies with this chapter.
   5-23        (b)  A person who violates this article is subject to the
   5-24  limitations imposed by Article 27.112 of this code.
   5-25        Art. 27.03.  RULES.  The commissioner may adopt rules for the
    6-1  administration of this chapter.
    6-2        Art. 27.04.  CONSTRUCTION OF NONCONFORMING POLICIES.  In any
    6-3  controversy regarding the terms of a motor vehicle insurance
    6-4  policy, a motor vehicle insurance policy that is delivered, issued
    6-5  for delivery, or renewed in this state shall be construed to comply
    6-6  with this chapter.
    6-7        Art. 27.05.  ARBITRATION.  (a)  A dispute between a motor
    6-8  vehicle insurer and a personal compensation insured or a
    6-9  beneficiary under a motor vehicle insurance policy shall be
   6-10  submitted to arbitration under this article on the request of
   6-11  either party.
   6-12        (b)  The parties to the arbitration shall attempt to agree on
   6-13  the selection of an impartial arbitrator as soon as possible after
   6-14  the request for arbitration is made.  If the parties do not agree
   6-15  on the selection of an arbitrator before the 11th day after the
   6-16  date of the request for arbitration, the insurer shall request a
   6-17  list of seven qualified impartial arbitrators from the American
   6-18  Arbitration Association or another nationally recognized
   6-19  arbitration association that performs arbitrations.  The parties
   6-20  may agree to select one of the seven arbitrators on the list.  If
   6-21  they do not agree to select one of the listed arbitrators before
   6-22  the sixth day after the date the list is received by both parties,
   6-23  each party, starting with the insurer, shall alternate striking a
   6-24  name from the list.  The arbitrator whose name remains after six
   6-25  names have been stricken from the list shall serve as arbitrator.
    7-1        (c)  The parties shall agree on a date for the arbitration.
    7-2  If the arbitrator cannot begin the arbitration before the 16th day
    7-3  after the date agreed to by the parties, either party, not later
    7-4  than the second day after the party learns of that fact, may
    7-5  require the selection of a new arbitrator in the manner provided by
    7-6  Subsection (b) of this article.
    7-7        (d)  The commissioner shall adopt rules governing arbitration
    7-8  conducted under this article.  The rules must provide procedures to
    7-9  protect the rights of the parties to procedural due process.
   7-10        (e)  The decision of the arbitrator may be appealed to a
   7-11  court, which shall consider the issues of fact and law presented in
   7-12  the dispute by trial de novo.
   7-13        Art. 27.06.  USE OF MOTOR VEHICLE.  (a)  For the purposes of
   7-14  this chapter, a person is using a motor vehicle if the person is
   7-15  operating or occupying the vehicle.
   7-16        (b)  For the purposes of this chapter, a person is not using
   7-17  a motor vehicle if the person is not occupying the vehicle and the
   7-18  person is:
   7-19              (1)  manufacturing the vehicle;
   7-20              (2)  selling the vehicle;
   7-21              (3)  loading or unloading the vehicle; or
   7-22              (4)  maintaining the vehicle, including repairing,
   7-23  servicing, or washing the vehicle.
   7-24        Art. 27.07.  UNITED STATES AS OWNER.  This chapter does not
   7-25  apply to the United States as an owner of a motor vehicle except
    8-1  with respect to motor vehicles for which the United States has
    8-2  elected to provide insurance.
    8-3        Art. 27.08.  DISCOVERY.  In a dispute between a claimant and
    8-4  an insurer regarding discovery of facts about an injured person, a
    8-5  court of record may enter an order for discovery as justice
    8-6  requires, unless the dispute is referred to arbitration under
    8-7  Article 27.05 of this code.
    8-8        Art. 27.09.  DECLARATORY JUDGMENT.  (a)  The validity of this
    8-9  chapter or any part of this chapter may be determined in an action
   8-10  for declaratory judgment in a district court in Travis County under
   8-11  Chapter 37, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
   8-12        (b)  An appeal of a declaratory judgment, including an appeal
   8-13  to the supreme court, holding this chapter or a portion of this
   8-14  chapter valid or invalid under the state or federal constitution is
   8-15  an accelerated appeal governed by Rule 42, Texas Rules of Appellate
   8-16  Procedure.
   8-19  motor vehicle insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery, or
   8-20  renewed in this state must provide coverage that complies with
   8-21  Article 27.31 of this code.
   8-23  benefit under personal compensation coverage is payable without
   8-24  regard to the fault of the personal compensation insured in the
   8-25  accident that caused the injury.
    9-1        Art. 27.23.  OUT-OF-STATE CLAIMS AND COVERAGE.  (a)  A motor
    9-2  vehicle insurance policy must provide personal compensation
    9-3  coverage for the accidental injury of a personal compensation
    9-4  insured that is sustained within the United States, the territories
    9-5  or possessions of the United States, or Canada.
    9-6        (b)  If a motor vehicle covered under a motor vehicle
    9-7  insurance policy is in an accident in another jurisdiction, the
    9-8  policy must provide at least the minimum amount of insurance
    9-9  coverage required by the laws of that jurisdiction.
   9-10        (c)  A motor vehicle insurer transacting business in this
   9-11  state must file with the commissioner, as a condition of its
   9-12  continued transaction of business in this state, a form approved by
   9-13  the commissioner stating that any contract of primary motor vehicle
   9-14  insurance, wherever issued, covering the use of a motor vehicle
   9-15  while the motor vehicle is in this state, provides personal
   9-16  compensation and minimum bodily injury and property damage
   9-17  liability insurance at levels required by the law of this state.  A
   9-18  nonadmitted insurer may also file this form.
   9-19                        SUBCHAPTER C.  COVERAGE
   9-21  AND LIABILITY COVERAGE.  (a)  A motor vehicle insurance policy must
   9-22  provide at least $50,000 in first party personal compensation
   9-23  benefits for each covered person in any one accident.  A motor
   9-24  vehicle insurer shall make available to prospective insureds
   9-25  coverage that provides at least $200,000 in first party personal
   10-1  compensation benefits for each covered person in any one accident.
   10-2  Benefits under this subsection include the following benefits for
   10-3  loss resulting from accidental injury to a personal compensation
   10-4  insured:
   10-5              (1)  medical expenses, subject to a deductible in one
   10-6  of the amounts specified by Subsection (c) of this article,
   10-7  applicable only to claims of the named insured and of a resident
   10-8  relative of the named insured;
   10-9              (2)  loss of income from work as computed under Article
  10-10  27.40 of this code, not to exceed $200 per week; and
  10-11              (3)  replacement services loss, not to exceed $100 per
  10-12  week.
  10-13        (b)  A motor vehicle policy must provide a death benefit in
  10-14  the amount of $5,000 for the death of a person entitled to first
  10-15  party benefits under this subchapter.  The death benefit required
  10-16  by this subsection is in addition to first party benefits payable
  10-17  as a result of the use of the motor vehicle and is payable to the
  10-18  estate of the deceased.
  10-19        (c)  The commissioner shall promulgate motor vehicle
  10-20  insurance policies that meet the requirements of Subsections (a)
  10-21  and (b) of this article and that are subject to a per person
  10-22  deductible as described by Subsection (a)(1) of this article in the
  10-23  amount of:
  10-24              (1)  $0;
  10-25              (2)  $100; or
   11-1              (3)  $1,000.
   11-2        (d)  Each motor vehicle insurer shall offer each of the
   11-3  policies described by Subsection (c) of this article.
   11-4        Art. 27.32.  OTHER COVERAGE.  A motor vehicle insurer may
   11-5  make available personal compensation insurance that provides
   11-6  benefits in addition to and different from the benefits described
   11-7  by Article 27.31(a) of this code.
   11-8        Art. 27.33.  COVERED PERSONS.  Personal compensation coverage
   11-9  provides benefits for:
  11-10              (1)  any person identified by name as an insured under
  11-11  the personal compensation insurance policy;
  11-12              (2)  any resident relative of the first person
  11-13  identified by name as an insured under the policy;
  11-14              (3)  any person who sustains an accidental injury in
  11-15  this state:
  11-16                    (A)  while occupying a motor vehicle insured by
  11-17  the policy; or
  11-18                    (B)  through being struck by a motor vehicle
  11-19  insured by the policy; and
  11-20              (4)  a person for whom coverage is provided under
  11-21  Article 27.131(b) of this code.
  11-22        Art. 27.34.  PERSONS EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE.  (a)  Except as
  11-23  provided by Subsection (b) of this article, a motor vehicle
  11-24  insurance policy may not provide personal compensation coverage for
  11-25  a person who is injured while:
   12-1              (1)  committing a felony;
   12-2              (2)  voluntarily using a motor vehicle that the injured
   12-3  person knows is stolen;
   12-4              (3)  driving while intoxicated;
   12-5              (4)  using a motor vehicle owned by, or furnished or
   12-6  available for the regular use of, the injured person or the injured
   12-7  person's resident relative, if the motor vehicle is not described
   12-8  in the policy under which a claim is made and is not a newly
   12-9  acquired or replacement motor vehicle covered under the terms of
  12-10  the policy;
  12-11              (5)  using a motor vehicle that is not covered by motor
  12-12  vehicle insurance that meets the requirements of this chapter, if
  12-13  the injured person is not a named insured or a resident relative of
  12-14  a named insured; or
  12-15              (6)  guilty of intentional misconduct.
  12-16        (b)  A motor vehicle insurance policy may include personal
  12-17  compensation coverage for a person mentioned in this article only
  12-18  if language clearly manifesting an intent to provide that coverage
  12-19  is included in the policy.
  12-20        (c)  In this article:
  12-21              (1)  "Intentional misconduct" means an act or omission
  12-22  by an injured person that causes or substantially contributes to
  12-23  harm and that the actor commits for the purpose of causing harm or
  12-24  knowing that harm is substantially certain to follow.  An act or
  12-25  omission is not intentional misconduct:
   13-1                    (A)  solely because the act was intentional or
   13-2  committed with the knowledge that the act creates a grave risk of
   13-3  causing harm; or
   13-4                    (B)  if committed for the purpose of averting
   13-5  bodily harm to any person.
   13-6              (2)  "Intoxicated" has the meaning assigned by Section
   13-7  49.01, Penal Code.
   13-8        (d)  For purposes of this article, if a peace officer
   13-9  requests that an injured person submit to a test of blood, breath,
  13-10  or urine in connection with the accident, the person shall be
  13-11  considered to have been driving while intoxicated at the time of
  13-12  the accident if the person:
  13-13              (1)  refuses to submit to the test;
  13-14              (2)  does not submit to the test and does not expressly
  13-15  agree to submit to the test; or
  13-16              (3)  refuses to complete the test.
  13-17        Art. 27.35.  MEDICAL EXPENSE BENEFIT PAYMENT LIMITS.  (a)  A
  13-18  person may not require, request, or accept a payment for a
  13-19  treatment, accommodation, product, or service for an injured person
  13-20  who is a personal compensation insured if the amount of the payment
  13-21  exceeds the amount authorized by this article.
  13-22        (b)  Payment for a treatment, accommodation, product, or
  13-23  service may not exceed the provider's usual and customary charge.
  13-24        (c)  This article does not require payment of pass-through
  13-25  costs.
   14-1        Art. 27.36.  PAYMENT FOR PRIVATE ROOM EXCLUDED.  The medical
   14-2  expense benefit under personal compensation coverage does not
   14-3  include any portion of a charge for a room in a hospital, clinic,
   14-4  convalescent or nursing home, extended care facility, or any
   14-5  similar facility in excess of the reasonable and customary charge
   14-6  for semi-private accommodations, unless a private accommodation is
   14-7  determined to be medically required.
   14-9  PRODUCT, OR PROCEDURE EXCLUDED.  The medical expense benefit under
  14-10  personal compensation coverage does not include payment for a
  14-11  treatment, service, product, or procedure that is:
  14-12              (1)  experimental in nature;
  14-13              (2)  for research or not primarily designed to serve a
  14-14  medical purpose; or
  14-15              (3)  not commonly and customarily recognized throughout
  14-16  the medical profession and within the United States as appropriate
  14-17  for treatment of the injury.
  14-18        Art. 27.38.  MEDICAL EXPENSE BENEFIT; LIMITATION.  The
  14-19  medical expense benefit under personal compensation coverage is not
  14-20  payable for medical expenses that accrue after the second
  14-21  anniversary of the date of the accident.
  14-22        Art. 27.39.  REVIEW OF MEDICAL EXPENSES.  A motor vehicle
  14-23  insurer may review medical expenses before, during, and after the
  14-24  course of treatment of an injured person to ensure that the
  14-25  expenses are reasonable and necessary.
   15-1        Art. 27.40.  COMPUTATION OF LOSS OF INCOME BENEFIT;
   15-2  LIMITATION.  (a)  The benefit for loss of income from work under
   15-3  personal compensation coverage is equal to 80 percent of the amount
   15-4  of income the injured person would have earned through work during
   15-5  the period of disability, less:
   15-6              (1)  income from substitute work actually performed by
   15-7  the injured person; or
   15-8              (2)  income the injured person would have earned in
   15-9  available appropriate substitute work which the injured person was
  15-10  capable of performing but unreasonably failed to undertake.
  15-11        (b)  The loss of income from work benefit does not include
  15-12  loss that accrues after the death of the injured person.
  15-13        (c)  The loss of income from work benefit is not payable
  15-14  after the second anniversary of the date of the accident.
  15-15        Art. 27.41.  REPLACEMENT SERVICES BENEFIT; LIMITATION.  (a)
  15-16  An injured person is not entitled to the benefit for replacement
  15-17  services under compensation coverage during a period in which the
  15-18  person is receiving the benefit for loss of income from work.
  15-19        (b)  The replacement services benefit does not include loss
  15-20  that accrues after the death of the injured person.
  15-21        (c)  The replacement services benefit is not payable for loss
  15-22  that accrues after the second anniversary of the date of the
  15-23  accident.
  15-24        Art. 27.42.  DEATH BENEFIT; LIMITATION.  A death benefit
  15-25  under personal compensation coverage may be paid only if the death
   16-1  of an injured person occurs before the first anniversary of an
   16-2  accidental injury that directly and proximately caused the death.
   16-4        Art. 27.51.  PROMPT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS.  Article 21.55 of this
   16-5  code applies to payment of personal compensation benefits under
   16-6  this subchapter.
   16-7        Art. 27.52.  PERSONS TO WHOM PAYMENT IS MADE.  A motor
   16-8  vehicle insurer shall pay personal compensation benefits, at the
   16-9  option of the insurer, to:
  16-10              (1)  the injured person;
  16-11              (2)  the parent or guardian of the injured person, if
  16-12  the injured person is a minor or is incompetent;
  16-13              (3)  a dependent, executor, or administrator of an
  16-14  injured person who is deceased; or
  16-15              (4)  the person or organization rendering the services
  16-16  for which payment is due.
  16-18  EMPLOYER'S REPORT.  (a)  On request of an insurer providing
  16-19  benefits under this chapter, an employer shall furnish pertinent
  16-20  information regarding an employee who has filed a claim for
  16-21  personal compensation benefits.
  16-22        (b)  Information provided under this article shall be
  16-23  provided on a form approved by the commissioner.
  16-25  REPORT; ACCESS TO MEDICAL DOCUMENTS.  (a)  On the request of an
   17-1  insurer providing benefits under this chapter, a physician,
   17-2  hospital, clinic, or other health care provider that, before or
   17-3  after an accidental injury for which a claim is made, provides
   17-4  products, services, treatments, procedures, or accommodations to
   17-5  the injured person in relation to an injury, or in relation to a
   17-6  condition that the injured person claims is connected with the
   17-7  injury, shall furnish a written report to the insurer in accordance
   17-8  with this article.
   17-9        (b)  A report made under this article must include the
  17-10  injured person's medical history, condition, and treatment and the
  17-11  dates and costs of the treatment.
  17-12        (c)  A physician, hospital, clinic, or other health care
  17-13  provider shall promptly produce and permit the inspection and
  17-14  copying of its records regarding the injured person's history,
  17-15  condition, and treatment, and the dates and costs of treatment or
  17-16  services.
  17-17        (d)  A person may not bring a cause of action against a
  17-18  physician, hospital, clinic, or other health care provider for
  17-19  complying with the provisions of this article.  Section 5.08,
  17-20  Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil
  17-21  Statutes), does not apply to information provided under this
  17-22  article.
  17-23        (e)  An insurer requesting a report or record under this
  17-24  article shall pay all reasonable costs connected with providing the
  17-25  report or record.
   18-1        (f)  This article does not authorize the disclosure of
   18-2  information that is confidential under federal law.
   18-4        Art. 27.61.  PRIORITY FOR PAYMENT OF BENEFITS.  (a)  A person
   18-5  who is entitled to personal compensation benefits is entitled to at
   18-6  least the personal compensation coverage under a policy in which
   18-7  the person is a named insured or the resident relative of a named
   18-8  insured.  The motor vehicle insurer shall pay personal compensation
   18-9  benefits for the claims of the named insured or a resident relative
  18-10  of the named insured before paying other claims arising from an
  18-11  accident.
  18-12        (b)  If the limits of the personal compensation benefits for
  18-13  the accident are not exhausted after payment of claims under
  18-14  Subsection (a) of this article, the insurer shall pay personal
  18-15  compensation benefits for the claims of other personal compensation
  18-16  insureds.
  18-17        (c)  If more than one motor vehicle insurer is obligated to
  18-18  pay personal compensation benefits, the insurer against whom the
  18-19  claim is first made shall pay the claim.  That insurer may recover
  18-20  a pro rata contribution for the payment and processing of the claim
  18-21  from any other motor vehicle insurer obligated to pay the benefits.
  18-22  In recovering a contribution under this subsection, the insurer has
  18-23  the same priority as the injured person would have had under this
  18-24  article.
  18-25        Art. 27.62.  PARKED VEHICLES; EXCLUSION.  For purposes of
   19-1  determining whether a motor vehicle insurance policy provides
   19-2  coverage for a personal compensation insured other than the named
   19-3  insured or a resident relative of a named insured for a particular
   19-4  accident, a motor vehicle described by the policy is not involved
   19-5  in the accident if the vehicle is parked and unoccupied during the
   19-6  accident, unless the manner in which the vehicle is parked causes
   19-7  an unreasonable risk of injury.
   19-8        Art. 27.63.  MULTIPLE COVERAGES.  (a)  The policy limit for a
   19-9  coverage or benefit under a personal compensation insurance policy
  19-10  may not be added to, combined with, or otherwise stacked on the
  19-11  policy limit for another coverage or benefit provided under that
  19-12  policy or another policy to determine the total limit of coverage
  19-13  available to an injured person for an accident.  This subsection
  19-14  applies notwithstanding the number of:
  19-15              (1)  motor vehicles involved in the accident;
  19-16              (2)  personal compensation insureds;
  19-17              (3)  claims made for the accident;
  19-18              (4)  motor vehicles or premiums shown on the policies;
  19-19  or
  19-20              (5)  premiums paid.
  19-21        (b)  A policy may provide that if two or more policies apply
  19-22  to the same accident, the highest policy limit for a coverage or
  19-23  benefit applicable to the accident is the policy limit for that
  19-24  coverage or benefit in the policy that provides the highest limit
  19-25  for that coverage or benefit.
   20-1        Art. 27.64.  COLLATERAL SOURCES OF BENEFITS.  (a)  A motor
   20-2  vehicle insurer shall pay personal compensation benefits to a
   20-3  personal compensation insured, notwithstanding coverage other than
   20-4  personal compensation coverage that provides benefits for the same
   20-5  injury, except as provided by Subsection (b) of this article.
   20-6        (b)  The amount of personal compensation benefits is reduced
   20-7  by the amount of a benefit paid under Subtitle A or C, Title 5,
   20-8  Labor Code.
   20-9        (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this article,
  20-10  coverage other than personal compensation coverage is excess
  20-11  coverage for any accidental injury covered by a personal
  20-12  compensation insurance policy.
  20-14        Art. 27.71.  COST CONTAINMENT PROVISIONS.  The commissioner
  20-15  may adopt rules under which a policy of motor vehicle insurance
  20-16  issued under this chapter may contain cost containment provisions,
  20-17  including provisions for:
  20-18              (1)  precertification of covered services;
  20-19              (2)  preauthorization for specified services;
  20-20              (3)  a second opinion before surgery;
  20-21              (4)  concurrent utilization review and management;
  20-22              (5)  discharge planning;
  20-23              (6)  large case management;
  20-24              (7)  coordination of benefits, if the provisions comply
  20-25  with guidelines established by the National Association of
   21-1  Insurance Commissioners; and
   21-2              (8)  managed care or point of service arrangements.
   21-4                               INSUREDS
   21-6  COMPENSATION BENEFITS.  (a)  Personal compensation benefits, other
   21-7  than those for medical expenses, are exempt from garnishment,
   21-8  attachment, execution, and any other process or claim to the same
   21-9  extent that wages or earnings are exempt under law.
  21-10        (b)  An agreement to assign a right to a personal
  21-11  compensation benefit, other than a medical benefit, that is payable
  21-12  in the future is unenforceable except to the extent that:
  21-13              (1)  the assignment compensates the assignee for a
  21-14  product, service, or accommodation provided or to be provided by
  21-15  the assignee; or
  21-16              (2)  the assignment is of benefits for loss of income
  21-17  from work or replacement services and is assigned to pay alimony,
  21-18  spousal maintenance, or child support.
  21-20  FOLLOWING CLAIM.  (a)  A motor vehicle insurer may not cancel,
  21-21  refuse to renew, or increase the premium for a personal
  21-22  compensation insurance policy because of a claim for personal
  21-23  compensation benefits if a personal compensation insured was not at
  21-24  fault in the accident from which the claim arose.
  21-25        (b)  A person may not bring a civil action for equitable
   22-1  relief from or civil damages for a violation of this article.
   22-2        Art. 27.93.  ACTION FOR BENEFITS.  Unless arbitration is
   22-3  elected under Article 27.05 of this code, a person must bring an
   22-4  action against a motor vehicle insurer for unpaid personal
   22-5  compensation benefits:
   22-6              (1)  not later than the second anniversary of the date
   22-7  that the accidental injury occurred; or
   22-8              (2)  if some benefits have been paid, not later than
   22-9  the second anniversary of the date of the last payment of benefits.
  22-10        Art. 27.94.  MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS.  (a)  If the
  22-11  mental or physical condition of an injured person is material to a
  22-12  claim that has been made or may be made for personal compensation
  22-13  benefits, the injured person shall submit to reasonable mental or
  22-14  physical examinations by a physician or physicians designated by
  22-15  the motor vehicle insurer at a reasonably convenient time and
  22-16  location, subject to regulations adopted by the commissioner.
  22-17        (b)  A personal compensation insurance policy may include a
  22-18  provision stating the substance of Subsection (a) of this article.
  22-19        Art. 27.95.  MEDICAL OR REHABILITATION SERVICES.  A motor
  22-20  vehicle insurer may suspend payment of future benefits to an
  22-21  injured person if:
  22-22              (1)  the insurer has requested that the person submit
  22-23  to medical or rehabilitation services; and
  22-24              (2)  the person unreasonably refuses to submit to the
  22-25  services.
   23-1                   SUBCHAPTER H.  FRAUDULENT CLAIMS
   23-2        Art. 27.101.  FRAUDULENT CLAIMS.  A person may not:
   23-3              (1)  present or cause to be presented, or conspire to
   23-4  present or cause to be presented, a statement in connection with a
   23-5  claim for a personal compensation benefit that the person knows
   23-6  contains false, incomplete, or misleading information concerning a
   23-7  matter that is material to the claim; or
   23-8              (2)  prepare or make a statement that the person
   23-9  intends to be presented to another person in connection with a
  23-10  claim for a personal compensation benefit that the person knows
  23-11  contains false, incomplete, or misleading information concerning a
  23-12  matter that is material to the claim.
  23-13        Art. 27.102.  CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  A person commits an
  23-14  offense if the person violates Article 27.101 of this code with the
  23-15  intent to injure, defraud, or deceive another person.
  23-16        (b)  An offense under this article is punishable by a fine of
  23-17  not more than $10,000.
  23-18        Art. 27.103.  CIVIL RECOVERY.  (a)  A person who has been
  23-19  injured by a violation of Article 27.101 of this code may bring an
  23-20  action to recover damages against the person who committed the
  23-21  violation.
  23-22        (b)  If a person violates Article 27.101 of this code with
  23-23  the intent to injure, defraud, or deceive another person, a person
  23-24  who has been injured by the violation may recover:
  23-25              (1)  actual damages;
   24-1              (2)  a penalty not to exceed twice the amount of actual
   24-2  damages; and
   24-3              (3)  costs and attorney's fees incurred in bringing the
   24-4  action.
   24-5                     SUBCHAPTER I.  TORT LIABILITY
   24-6        Art. 27.111.  TORT ACTION LIMITED.  (a)  Except as provided
   24-7  by this subchapter and Subchapter J of this chapter, a person may
   24-8  not recover damages for an accidental injury arising, in whole or
   24-9  in part, out of the use of a motor vehicle in this state.
  24-10        (b)  Except as provided by this subchapter and Subchapter J
  24-11  of this chapter, a person involved in a motor vehicle accident in
  24-12  this state is subject to the tort and liability limitations of this
  24-13  subchapter.
  24-14        (c)  This subchapter applies only to a claim for damages for
  24-15  economic or noneconomic loss resulting from an accidental injury
  24-16  caused by the negligent conduct or intentional misconduct of
  24-17  another person, including a claim for loss of consortium or
  24-18  companionship and any other claim brought by a person other than
  24-19  the injured person.
  24-20        (d)  This subchapter applies to a claim made against a person
  24-21  who, in the absence of this subchapter, would be vicariously liable
  24-22  for the negligent conduct or intentional misconduct of another
  24-23  person.
  24-24        Art. 27.112.  PERSONS USING UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLES.  (a)
  24-25  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this article, a person who
   25-1  is excluded from coverage for personal compensation benefits under
   25-2  Article 27.34(a)(4) or (5) of this code may recover damages for
   25-3  accidental injury or property damage arising, in whole or in part,
   25-4  out of the use of a motor vehicle in this state from any person
   25-5  who, in the absence of Article 27.111 of this code, would be liable
   25-6  to the person who sustained the injury or damage.
   25-7        (b)  If any person who is liable for the accidental injury or
   25-8  property damage is a personal compensation insured, the person who
   25-9  sustained the injury or damage may recover only:
  25-10              (1)  $20,000 in damages for economic loss sustained by
  25-11  the person and resulting from accidental injury, except that if
  25-12  there is more than one injured person who may recover damages under
  25-13  this article in an accident, the maximum damages payable under this
  25-14  subdivision to all of those injured persons is $40,000;
  25-15              (2)  any damages for economic loss that exceed the
  25-16  total of:
  25-17                    (A)  the minimum amount of personal compensation
  25-18  benefits that the person who sustained the accidental injury would
  25-19  have been entitled to receive had the person been a personal
  25-20  compensation insured; and
  25-21                    (B)  any benefits paid as a result of the
  25-22  accidental injury paid by persons who are collateral sources for
  25-23  the purposes of Article 27.64 of this code; and
  25-24              (3)  any damages the person may be entitled to recover
  25-25  under Article 27.114 or 27.115 of this code.
   26-1        (c)  The limit on liability imposed by Subsection (b)(1) of
   26-2  this article is the total amount recoverable under that subdivision
   26-3  from all personal compensation insureds in any one accident.
   26-4        Art. 27.113.  UNCOMPENSATED ECONOMIC LOSS.  (a)  A person may
   26-5  bring a cause of action to recover damages for uncompensated
   26-6  economic loss arising, in whole or in part, out of the use of a
   26-7  motor vehicle.
   26-8        (b)  In this article, "uncompensated economic loss" means the
   26-9  portion of economic loss arising out of an accidental injury that
  26-10  exceeds the sum of the personal compensation benefits that the
  26-11  injured person is entitled to receive and benefits paid by persons
  26-12  who are collateral sources for the purposes of Article 27.64 of
  26-13  this code.  The term does not include the amount of any deductible
  26-14  under a personal compensation insurance policy.
  26-15        Art. 27.114.  MISCONDUCT.  (a)  A person may bring a cause of
  26-16  action to recover damages for accidental injury against a person
  26-17  who:
  26-18              (1)  caused the injury; and
  26-19              (2)  is convicted, in connection with the accident, of
  26-20  a felony or an offense under Chapter 49, Penal Code.
  26-21        (b)  A person who provides personal compensation benefits or
  26-22  provides benefits as a collateral source under Article 27.64 of
  26-23  this code is subrogated to the claim of the injured person against
  26-24  the convicted person.
  26-25        (c)  An insurance policy, including a policy that provides
   27-1  liability coverage or uninsured motorist insurance, may not provide
   27-2  liability coverage for damages recovered under this article.
   27-3        Art. 27.115.  SERIOUS INJURY.  (a)  A person may bring a
   27-4  cause of action for a serious injury arising, in whole or in part,
   27-5  out of the use of a motor vehicle.
   27-6        (b)  In an action in which the defendant contends that the
   27-7  injured person's injury is not a serious injury, either party may
   27-8  file a motion seeking summary judgment on that issue.  If there is
   27-9  not a material issue of fact regarding the nature of the injury or
  27-10  its effect on the injured person, the court shall decide whether
  27-11  the injury is a serious injury and shall render summary judgment.
  27-12        (c)  The trial of a case in which a motion is filed under
  27-13  Subsection (b) of this article may not begin until the 30th day
  27-14  after the date on which the court makes a determination on the
  27-15  motion.  The court shall order a continuance of the case if
  27-16  necessary to comply with this subsection.
  27-17        (d)  If the court renders summary judgment on a motion filed
  27-18  under Subsection (b) of this article and finds that the party
  27-19  against whom judgment is rendered did not have a reasonable basis
  27-20  for its position, the court shall assess against that party
  27-21  reasonable costs and attorney's fees, based on actual time,
  27-22  incurred by the prevailing party to obtain the judgment.
  27-23        (e)  On motion of the defendant in an action tried to a jury
  27-24  in which there is a material issue of fact as to whether the
  27-25  injured person's injury is a serious injury, that issue shall be
   28-1  separately tried and other evidence as to the plaintiff's
   28-2  noneconomic loss may not be presented to the jury until that issue
   28-3  has been resolved.  After resolution of that issue, the amount of
   28-4  the injured person's noneconomic loss may be tried before the same
   28-5  jury or a different jury, as the court may in its discretion
   28-6  decide.
   28-7        (f)  In this article:
   28-8              (1)  "Defendant" means a person from whom damages are
   28-9  sought for an accidental injury arising, in whole or in part, out
  28-10  of the use of a motor vehicle, including a counterdefendant,
  28-11  cross-defendant, or third-party defendant.
  28-12              (2)  "Serious injury" means an accidental injury that
  28-13  results in death, dismemberment, a significant and permanent loss
  28-14  of an important body function caused by a continuing physical
  28-15  injury, or significant and permanent disfigurement that is usually
  28-16  visible while the injured person is clothed.  The term does not
  28-17  include a soft tissue injury.
  28-18        Art. 27.116.  INSURER'S RIGHT OF SUBROGATION.  (a)  A motor
  28-19  vehicle insurer does not have a right to subrogation for personal
  28-20  compensation benefits except as provided by this article and
  28-21  Article 27.114 of this code.
  28-22        (b)  A motor vehicle insurer is subrogated, to the extent of
  28-23  its obligation to pay personal compensation benefits, to a personal
  28-24  compensation insured's rights under Article 27.114 of this code and
  28-25  against a person who is not affected by the limitations on tort
   29-1  rights and liabilities under this subchapter.
   29-2        Art. 27.117.  EFFECT OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES ON PAYMENT OF
   29-3  COMPENSATION BENEFITS.  (a)  Except as provided by this article, a
   29-4  motor vehicle insurer shall pay personal compensation due
   29-5  regardless of the value of a claim for damages for the accidental
   29-6  injury.
   29-7        (b)  After recovery under a claim for damages is realized, a
   29-8  motor vehicle insurer may subtract the amount of the net recovery
   29-9  from the total amount of personal compensation to be paid.
  29-10        (c)  If payment under the personal compensation insurance
  29-11  policy has already been made, the recipient of the payment shall
  29-12  repay to the insurer an amount equal to the payment received, not
  29-13  to exceed the amount of the net recovery.  The insurer has a lien
  29-14  on the recovery to the extent of the amount owed to the insurer
  29-15  under this subsection.
  29-16        (d)  If the amount of the recovery exceeds the amount of
  29-17  personal compensation benefits paid or owed by the insurer at the
  29-18  time of the recovery, but the insurer is obligated to pay personal
  29-19  compensation benefits in the future, the remaining amount of the
  29-20  net recovery shall be subtracted from the benefits to be paid as
  29-21  they become due until the amount of the recovery is exhausted.  The
  29-22  insurer shall reinstate payment of benefits at the time the amount
  29-23  of the recovery is exhausted.
  29-24        (e)  In this article, "net recovery" means the amount
  29-25  recovered under the claim for damages, less reasonable attorney's
   30-1  fees and other reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining the
   30-2  recovery.
   30-3                      SUBCHAPTER J.  MOTORCYCLES
   30-4        Art. 27.131.  COVERAGE FOR MOTORCYCLES.  (a)  Notwithstanding
   30-5  any other provision of this chapter, and except as specifically
   30-6  provided by this article, a motor vehicle insurer may not issue
   30-7  insurance under this chapter that provides benefits for the owner,
   30-8  operator, or passenger of a motorcycle for accidental injury
   30-9  arising out of the use of a motorcycle.
  30-10        (b)  A motor vehicle insurance policy must provide personal
  30-11  compensation and death benefits under this chapter to an operator
  30-12  or passenger of a motorcycle who suffered an accidental injury
  30-13  arising out of an accident involving the motorcycle and another
  30-14  motor vehicle other than a motorcycle.
  30-15        Art. 27.132.  LIABILITY OF OWNER OR OPERATOR.  (a)  Except as
  30-16  provided by this article, Subchapter I of this chapter does not
  30-17  apply to damages for accidental injury arising, in whole or in
  30-18  part, out of the use of a motorcycle in this state.
  30-19        (b)  Subchapter I applies to accidental injury arising out of
  30-20  the use of a motorcycle in this state if the injured person is
  30-21  entitled to personal compensation benefits under this chapter.
  30-22                   SUBCHAPTER K.  COLLISION COVERAGE
  30-23        Art. 27.141.  SCOPE OF SUBCHAPTER.  This chapter applies only
  30-24  to motor vehicle insurance offered to cover a private passenger
  30-25  nonfleet motor vehicle.
   31-1        Art. 27.142.  COLLISION COVERAGE OFFERED.  (a)  At the time a
   31-2  new applicant for motor vehicle insurance makes an initial written
   31-3  application for the insurance, the motor vehicle insurer shall
   31-4  offer the limited collision coverage and broad form collision
   31-5  coverage described by Articles 27.144 and 27.145 of this code.
   31-6        (b)  At the time of the initial written application, the
   31-7  motor vehicle insurer or an agent of the insurer shall provide the
   31-8  applicant with a written explanation of collision coverage options.
   31-9  The explanation must be made in easily understandable language.
  31-10  The explanation may be in the application form.
  31-11        Art. 27.143.  NOT COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE.  The collision
  31-12  coverage required by this subchapter does not include coverage for
  31-13  losses customarily insured under comprehensive motor vehicle
  31-14  insurance coverages.
  31-15        Art. 27.144.  LIMITED COLLISION COVERAGE.  (a)  Limited
  31-16  collision coverage must pay for collision damage to the insured
  31-17  vehicle if the operator of the vehicle is not substantially at
  31-18  fault in the accident from which the damage arose.
  31-19        (b)  Except as provided by Article 27.147 of this code,
  31-20  limited collision coverage is not subject to a deductible.
  31-21        Art. 27.145.  BROAD FORM COLLISION COVERAGE.  (a)  Broad form
  31-22  collision coverage must pay for collision damage to the insured
  31-23  vehicle without regard to fault.
  31-24        (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this article,
  31-25  broad form collision coverage is subject to deductibles in amounts
   32-1  approved by the commissioner.
   32-2        (c)  Except as provided by Article 27.147 of this code, the
   32-3  motor vehicle insurer shall waive the deductible applicable to
   32-4  broad form collision coverage if the operator of the vehicle is not
   32-5  substantially at fault in the accident from which the damage arose.
   32-6        Art. 27.146.  SUBSTANTIALLY AT FAULT.  A person is
   32-7  substantially at fault for purposes of Article 27.144 or 27.145 of
   32-8  this code if the person's action or inaction was more than 50
   32-9  percent of the cause of the accident.
  32-10        Art. 27.147.  OPTIONAL DEDUCTIBLES.  In addition to the
  32-11  coverages offered under Articles 27.144 and 27.145 of this code,
  32-12  limited collision coverage and broad form collision coverage may be
  32-13  offered with deductibles approved by the commissioner.
  32-14        Art. 27.148.  REJECTION OF COLLISION COVERAGE.  (a)  An
  32-15  applicant for motor vehicle insurance may reject the collision
  32-16  coverages described by this subchapter.
  32-17        (b)  The rejection must be made in writing in a form approved
  32-18  by the commissioner.  The rejection statement shall inform the
  32-19  applicant of the applicant's rights if damage occurs to the insured
  32-20  vehicle under the alternative coverage option selected.  The
  32-21  rejection may be included in the application.
  32-22        Art. 27.149.  RENEWAL.  (a)  At least annually in conjunction
  32-23  with the renewal of a motor vehicle insurance policy, and at the
  32-24  time of an addition, deletion, or substitution of a vehicle under a
  32-25  motor vehicle insurance policy, other than a group policy, the
   33-1  motor vehicle insurer may notify the policyholder of:
   33-2              (1)  the status of the collision coverage applicable to
   33-3  the vehicle or vehicles affected by the renewal or change and the
   33-4  rights of the insured if damage occurs to an insured vehicle under
   33-5  that coverage;
   33-6              (2)  the collision coverages available under the policy
   33-7  and the rights of the insured if damage occurs to an insured
   33-8  vehicle under each collision option; and
   33-9              (3)  the procedures the policyholder must follow if the
  33-10  policyholder wishes to change the collision coverage.
  33-11        (b)  The notice required by this article must be made on a
  33-12  form approved by the commissioner.
  33-13        Art. 27.150.  PAYMENT OF CLAIM.  A motor vehicle insurer
  33-14  shall pay a claim under the collision coverages described by this
  33-15  subchapter jointly to the policyholder and to a motor vehicle
  33-16  repair facility.
  33-17        Art. 27.151.  ESTIMATE AND SERVICES.  Except as provided by
  33-18  Article 27.152 of this code, an insured may use any motor vehicle
  33-19  repair facility to provide:
  33-20              (1)  an estimate for repair services covered by the
  33-21  motor vehicle insurance policy; or
  33-22              (2)  the repair services.
  33-23        Art. 27.152.  DIRECT REPAIR PROGRAM.  (a)  A motor vehicle
  33-24  insurer may establish a direct repair program and may require an
  33-25  insured to use a repair facility that participates in the program.
   34-1        (b)  A motor vehicle insurer that establishes a direct repair
   34-2  program shall make available to all motor vehicle repair facilities
   34-3  the criteria necessary to participate in the direct repair program.
   34-4        (c)  A motor vehicle repair facility that meets the criteria
   34-5  is eligible to participate in the direct repair program.
   34-6        (d)  A motor vehicle insurer may not:
   34-7              (1)  prohibit a motor vehicle repair facility from
   34-8  participation in a direct repair program; or
   34-9              (2)  limit the number of repair facilities that
  34-10  participate in a direct repair program.
  34-13  A motor vehicle insurance policy issued under this chapter must
  34-14  provide residual liability coverage as provided by this subchapter.
  34-15        Art. 27.162.  COVERAGE.  Except as provided by Article
  34-16  27.114(c) of this code, residual liability insurance coverage must
  34-17  provide liability coverage for motor vehicle accidents in this
  34-18  state to the extent that the liability is retained by the insured
  34-19  under Subchapters I and J of this chapter.
  34-20        SECTION 2.  Articles 5.01(b) and (e), Insurance Code, are
  34-21  amended to read as follows:
  34-22        (b)  The Board shall have the sole and exclusive power and
  34-23  authority, and it shall be its duty to determine, fix, prescribe,
  34-24  and promulgate just, reasonable and adequate rates of premiums to
  34-25  be charged and collected by all insurers writing any form of
   35-1  insurance on motor vehicles in this State, including insurance
   35-2  providing personal compensation coverage under Chapter 27 of this
   35-3  code, fleet or other rating plans designed to discourage losses
   35-4  from fire and theft and similar hazards, and any rating plans
   35-5  designed to encourage the prevention of accidents.  In promulgating
   35-6  any such rating plans the Board shall give due consideration to the
   35-7  peculiar hazards and experience of individual risks, past and
   35-8  prospective, within and outside the State and to all other relevant
   35-9  factors, within and outside the State.  The Board shall have the
  35-10  authority also to alter or amend any and all of such rates of
  35-11  premiums so fixed and determined and adopted by it, and to raise or
  35-12  lower the same or any part thereof.
  35-13        (e)  Motor vehicle or automobile insurance as referred to in
  35-14  this subchapter shall be taken and construed to mean insurance
  35-15  providing personal compensation coverage under Chapter 27 of this
  35-16  code and every form of insurance on any automobile or other vehicle
  35-17  hereinafter enumerated and its operating equipment or necessitated
  35-18  by reason of the liability imposed by law for damages arising out
  35-19  of the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use in this State of
  35-20  any automobile, motorcycle, motorbicycle, truck, truck-tractor,
  35-21  tractor, traction engine, or any other self-propelled vehicle, and
  35-22  including also every vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer pulled or
  35-23  towed by a motor vehicle, but excluding every motor vehicle running
  35-24  only upon fixed rails or tracks.  Workers' Compensation Insurance
  35-25  is excluded from the foregoing definition.
   36-1        SECTION 3.  Article 5.01-1, Insurance Code, is amended to
   36-2  read as follows:
   36-3        Art. 5.01-1.  PREMIUM RATING PLANS.  A rating plan respecting
   36-4  the writing of motor vehicle insurance, other than insurance
   36-5  written under Section 21.81 of this code <pursuant to Section 35 of
   36-6  the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h,
   36-7  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>, may not assign any rate
   36-8  consequence to a charge or conviction, or otherwise cause premiums
   36-9  for motor vehicle insurance to be increased because of a charge or
  36-10  conviction for a violation of the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on
  36-11  Highways, as amended (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil
  36-12  Statutes).
  36-13        SECTION 4.  Article 5.06(1), Insurance Code, is amended to
  36-14  read as follows:
  36-15        (1)  The Board shall adopt a policy form and endorsements for
  36-16  each type of motor vehicle insurance subject to this subchapter.
  36-17  The coverage provided by a policy form adopted under this
  36-18  subsection is the minimum coverage that may be provided under an
  36-19  insurance policy for that type of insurance in this State.  <Each
  36-20  policy form must provide the coverages mandated under Articles
  36-21  5.06-1 and 5.06-3 of this code, except that the coverages may be
  36-22  rejected by the named insured as provided by those articles.>
  36-23        SECTION 5.  Article 5.06-6, Insurance Code, is amended to
  36-24  read as follows:
   37-1  personal automobile policy or any similar policy form adopted or
   37-2  approved by the State Board of Insurance under Article 5.06 of this
   37-3  code that provides coverage for an injury <covers liability>
   37-4  arising out of ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle of
   37-5  a spouse, who is otherwise insured by the policy, shall contain a
   37-6  provision to continue coverage for the spouse during a period of
   37-7  separation in contemplation of divorce.
   37-8        SECTION 6.  Section 1(a), Article 5.101, Insurance Code, is
   37-9  amended to read as follows:
  37-10        (a)  The pilot program on flexible rating is created to help
  37-11  stabilize the rates charged for insurance in all lines of <property
  37-12  and casualty> insurance covered by Subchapters A through L of this
  37-13  chapter, except ocean marine insurance, inland marine insurance,
  37-14  fidelity, surety and guaranty bond insurance, errors and omissions
  37-15  insurance, directors' and officers' liability insurance, general
  37-16  liability insurance, commercial property insurance, workers'
  37-17  compensation insurance, professional liability insurance for
  37-18  physicians and health care providers as defined in Article 5.15-1
  37-19  of this code, and attorney's professional liability insurance.
  37-20        SECTION 7.  Sections 1(2), (3), and (4), Article 21.81,
  37-21  Insurance Code, are amended to read as follows:
  37-22              (2)  "Authorized insurer" means any insurer authorized
  37-23  by the Texas Department of Insurance to write motor vehicle
  37-24  insurance <liability> coverage under the provisions of Chapter 5 of
  37-25  this code.  The term does not include an insurer organized under
   38-1  Chapter 17 of this code.
   38-2              (3)  "Insurance" means a motor vehicle <an> insurance
   38-3  policy that meets the requirements of Chapter 27 of this code <the
   38-4  Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h,
   38-5  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   38-6              (4)  "Plan of operation" means the plan for operating
   38-7  the association to provide a means by which insurance may be
   38-8  assigned to an eligible person who is unable to purchase insurance
   38-9  directly from an authorized insurer <required by law to show proof
  38-10  of financial responsibility for the future>.
  38-11        SECTION 8.  Section 2(a), Article 21.81, Insurance Code, is
  38-12  amended to read as follows:
  38-13        (a)  The Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association is
  38-14  established.  The association is a nonprofit corporate body
  38-15  composed of all authorized insurers.  Each authorized insurer shall
  38-16  be a member of the association and shall remain a member of the
  38-17  association so long as the association is in existence as a
  38-18  condition of its authority to write motor vehicle <liability>
  38-19  insurance in this state.
  38-20        SECTION 9.  Sections 3(a), (d), and (f), Article 21.81,
  38-21  Insurance Code, are amended to read as follows:
  38-22        (a)  The governing committee has the responsibility for the
  38-23  administration of the association through the plan of operation.
  38-24  The association may collect funds from the member companies to
  38-25  provide for the operation of the association.  Assessments must be
   39-1  made upon member companies in proportion to their writings of motor
   39-2  vehicle <liability> insurance in this state.  If an assessment made
   39-3  upon a member insurer is not paid within a reasonable time, the
   39-4  association may bring an action to collect the assessment.  In
   39-5  addition, the association may report the failure to pay to the
   39-6  commissioner, who may institute a disciplinary action under Article
   39-7  1.10 of this code.  The association has the powers granted to
   39-8  nonprofit corporations under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
   39-9  (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  39-10        (d)  If the commissioner at any time believes that any part
  39-11  of the plan of operation is not in keeping with the purposes of
  39-12  Chapter 27 of this code <the Texas Motor Vehicle
  39-13  Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil
  39-14  Statutes)>, the commissioner shall notify the governing committee
  39-15  in writing so that the governing committee may take corrective
  39-16  action.
  39-17        (f)  The plan of operation must include a voluntary,
  39-18  competitive limited assignment distribution plan that allows
  39-19  members to contract directly with a servicing carrier to accept
  39-20  assignments to that carrier by the association.  A servicing
  39-21  carrier must be an insurance company licensed to write automobile
  39-22  insurance in this state and is qualified if it has written
  39-23  automobile <liability> insurance in Texas for at least five years
  39-24  or is currently engaged as a servicing carrier for assigned risk
  39-25  automobile business in at least one other state.  After notice and
   40-1  hearing, the commissioner may prohibit an insurer from acting as a
   40-2  servicing carrier.  The terms of the contract between the servicing
   40-3  carrier and the insurer, including the buy-out fee, shall be
   40-4  determined by negotiation between the parties.  The governing
   40-5  committee may adopt reasonable rules for the conduct of business
   40-6  under the contract and may establish reasonable standards of
   40-7  eligibility for servicing carriers.
   40-8        SECTION 10.  Sections 4(a) and (c), Article 21.81, Insurance
   40-9  Code, are amended to read as follows:
  40-10        (a)  The association shall provide a means by which insurance
  40-11  may be assigned to an authorized insurance company for a person who
  40-12  cannot otherwise obtain insurance from an authorized insurer
  40-13  <required by the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act
  40-14  (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) to show proof of
  40-15  financial responsibility for the future>.
  40-16        (c)  A person who obtains, from any source, excess private
  40-17  passenger automobile <auto liability> insurance coverage over the
  40-18  minimum automobile <auto liability> coverage required by law shall
  40-19  be ineligible for insurance through the association.  The coverage
  40-20  for the excess and basic limits policies is not affected by a
  40-21  violation of this section unless the insurer shows that the insured
  40-22  had actual knowledge that they were ineligible for coverage through
  40-23  the association.  An agent may not knowingly write excess private
  40-24  passenger automobile <auto liability> insurance coverage if the
  40-25  minimum automobile <auto liability> coverage required by law is
   41-1  provided through the association.  If an agent violates this
   41-2  section, the agent, after notice and hearing, is subject to the
   41-3  penalties provided by Section 7, Article 1.10, of this code.
   41-4        SECTION 11.  Section 84.004(c), Civil Practice and Remedies
   41-5  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   41-6        (c)  A volunteer of a charitable organization is liable to a
   41-7  person for death, damage, or injury to the person or his property
   41-8  proximately caused by any act or omission arising from the
   41-9  operation or use of any motor-driven equipment, including an
  41-10  airplane<, to the extent insurance coverage is required by Section
  41-11  1A, Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h,
  41-12  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and> to the extent of any existing
  41-13  insurance coverage applicable to the act or omission.  In the case
  41-14  of motor-driven equipment that is a motor vehicle, as that term is
  41-15  defined by Article 27.01, Insurance Code, the volunteer is liable
  41-16  only to the extent provided by Chapter 27, Insurance Code.
  41-17        SECTION 12.  Section 612.001, Government Code, is amended to
  41-18  read as follows:
  41-19        Sec. 612.001.  Motor Vehicle <Liability> Insurance for Peace
  41-20  Officers and Fire Fighters.  (a)  The state shall provide motor
  41-21  vehicle insurance for <insuring> each peace officer and fire
  41-22  fighter with respect to <in its employ against liability to third
  41-23  persons arising out of> the operation, maintenance, or use of a
  41-24  motor vehicle owned or leased by the state.
  41-25        (b)  The <liability> coverage provided under this section
   42-1  must satisfy the requirements of Chapter 27, Insurance Code <be in
   42-2  amounts not less than those required by the Texas Motor Vehicle
   42-3  Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil
   42-4  Statutes) to provide proof of financial responsibility>.
   42-5        (c)  The state may elect to be self-insured or to reimburse
   42-6  the actual cost of an extended automobile <liability> insurance
   42-7  endorsement obtained by a peace officer or fire fighter on an
   42-8  individually owned motor vehicle <automobile liability> insurance
   42-9  policy.  The extended endorsement must:
  42-10              (1)  be in the amount required by Subsection (b); and
  42-11              (2)  extend the coverage to include the operation and
  42-12  use of vehicles by a peace officer or fire fighter in the scope of
  42-13  the officer's or fire fighter's employment.
  42-14        (d)  If the reimbursement method is used, the state may
  42-15  require a peace officer or fire fighter who operates and uses a
  42-16  motor vehicle to present proof that an extended coverage
  42-17  endorsement has been purchased and is in effect for the period of
  42-18  reimbursement.
  42-19        (e)  In this section, "motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle
  42-20  for which motor vehicle automobile insurance may be written under
  42-21  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Insurance Code.
  42-22        SECTION 13.  (a)  Section 2001.221, Government Code, is
  42-23  amended to conform to Section 14, Chapter 886, Acts of the 73rd
  42-24  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, and amended to read as follows:
  42-25        Sec. 2001.221.  Driver's Licenses.  This chapter does not
   43-1  apply to a suspension, revocation, cancellation, denial, or
   43-2  disqualification of a driver's license or commercial driver's
   43-3  license as authorized by:
   43-4              (1)  Article IV, Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
   43-5  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
   43-6  Civil Statutes);
   43-7              (2)  the Texas Commercial Driver's License Act (Article
   43-8  6687b-2, Revised Statutes); or
   43-9              (3)  <the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act
  43-10  (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);>
  43-11              <(4)  Chapter 434, Acts of the 61st Legislature,
  43-12  Regular Session, 1969 (Article 6701l-5, Vernon's Texas Civil
  43-13  Statutes); or>
  43-14              <(5)>  Section 13, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
  43-15  Procedure.
  43-16        (b)  Section 14, Chapter 886, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,
  43-17  Regular Session, 1993, is repealed.
  43-18        SECTION 14.  Section 2002.023, Government Code, is amended to
  43-19  read as follows:
  43-20        Sec. 2002.023.  Exceptions.  This subchapter does not apply
  43-21  to:
  43-22              (1)  a suspension, revocation, cancellation, denial, or
  43-23  disqualification of a driver's license or commercial driver's
  43-24  license as authorized by:
  43-25                    (A)  Article IV, Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
   44-1  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
   44-2  Civil Statutes);
   44-3                    (B)  the Texas Commercial Driver's License Act
   44-4  (Article 6687b-2, Revised Statutes);
   44-5                    (C)  <the Texas Motor Vehicle
   44-6  Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil
   44-7  Statutes);>
   44-8                    <(D)>  Chapter 434, Acts of the 61st Legislature,
   44-9  Regular Session, 1969 (Article 6701l-5, Vernon's Texas Civil
  44-10  Statutes); or
  44-11                    (D) <(E)>  Section 13, Article 42.12, Code of
  44-12  Criminal Procedure;
  44-13              (2)  matters related solely to the internal personnel
  44-14  rules and practices of a state agency; or
  44-15              (3)  the Texas Employment Commission, other than to
  44-16  matters of unemployment insurance maintained by the commission.
  44-17        SECTION 15.  Section 142.006, Local Government Code, is
  44-18  amended to read as follows:
  44-19        Sec. 142.006.  Motor Vehicle <Liability> Insurance for Peace
  44-20  Officers and Fire Fighters.  (a)  This section does not apply to a
  44-21  municipality covered by Section 142.007.
  44-22        (b)  A municipality shall provide motor vehicle insurance for
  44-23  <insuring> each peace officer and fire fighter in its employ with
  44-24  respect to <against liability to third persons arising out of> the
  44-25  operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle owned or leased
   45-1  by the municipality.
   45-2        (c)  The <liability> coverage provided under this section
   45-3  must be in amounts not less than those required by Chapter 27,
   45-4  Insurance Code <the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act
   45-5  (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) to provide proof of
   45-6  financial responsibility>.
   45-7        (d)  The municipality may elect to be self-insured or to
   45-8  reimburse the actual cost of extended automobile <liability>
   45-9  insurance endorsements obtained by a peace officer and fire fighter
  45-10  on an individually owned automobile <liability> insurance policy.
  45-11  The extended endorsements must:
  45-12              (1)  be in the amount required by Subsection (c); and
  45-13              (2)  extend the coverage to include the operation and
  45-14  use of vehicles by a peace officer or fire fighter in the scope of
  45-15  the officer's or fire fighter's employment.
  45-16        (e)  If the reimbursement method is used, the municipality
  45-17  may require that a peace officer or fire fighter who operates and
  45-18  uses a motor vehicle present proof that an extended coverage
  45-19  endorsement has been purchased and is in effect for the period of
  45-20  reimbursement.
  45-21        (f)  In this section, "motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle
  45-22  for which motor vehicle automobile insurance may be written under
  45-23  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Insurance Code.
  45-24        SECTION 16.  Section 157.042, Local Government Code, is
  45-25  amended to read as follows:
   46-1        Sec. 157.042.  Motor Vehicle <Automobile Liability> Insurance
   46-2  for Peace Officers in Counties of More Than 1.4 Million.  (a)  A
   46-3  county with a population of more than 1.4 million shall insure its
   46-4  sheriff, constables, and full-time deputies of those officers with
   46-5  respect to <against liability to third persons arising from> the
   46-6  operation or maintenance of county-owned or county-leased motor
   46-7  vehicles.
   46-8        (b)  A county may satisfy the requirement of Subsection (a)
   46-9  by requiring that the person to be covered purchase an extended
  46-10  coverage endorsement to an individually owned <liability> insurance
  46-11  policy and by reimbursing the person for its cost.  The extended
  46-12  coverage endorsement must be in an amount equal to or greater than
  46-13  that required by Subsection (d) and must extend coverage to include
  46-14  the operation of county vehicles in the scope of the person's
  46-15  employment.  The county may require a person insured in this manner
  46-16  to provide proof of coverage.
  46-17        (c)  A county may elect to comply with the requirements of
  46-18  this section by self-insuring <in accordance with Section 34, Texas
  46-19  Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's
  46-20  Texas Civil Statutes)>.
  46-21        (d)  Coverage <Liability coverage> required under this
  46-22  section must be in amounts equal to or greater than the amounts
  46-23  required by Chapter 27, Insurance Code <the Texas Motor Vehicle
  46-24  Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil
  46-25  Statutes)>.
   47-1        (e)  In this section, "motor vehicle" means a vehicle for
   47-2  which motor vehicle insurance is written under Subchapter A,
   47-3  Chapter 5, Insurance Code.
   47-4        SECTION 17.  Section 113.097(d), Natural Resources Code, is
   47-5  amended to read as follows:
   47-6        (d)  Each category "C," "E," "H," or "J" licensee must carry
   47-7  <motor vehicle> bodily injury and property damage liability
   47-8  coverage on each motor vehicle, including trailers and
   47-9  semitrailers, used to transport LP-gas.  The commission shall
  47-10  establish by rule a reasonable amount of coverage to be maintained,
  47-11  except that coverage shall not be less than the amounts required as
  47-12  proof of financial responsibility under the Texas Motor Vehicle
  47-13  Safety-Responsibility Act<, as amended> (Article 6701h, Vernon's
  47-14  Texas Civil Statutes), as that law existed on August 31, 1995.
  47-15        SECTION 18.  Section 2(a), Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of
  47-16  the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6675a-2,
  47-17  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  47-18        (a)  Except as provided by this subsection, every owner of a
  47-19  motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer used or to be used upon the
  47-20  public highways of this State shall apply each year to the Texas
  47-21  Department of Transportation through the County Tax Collector of
  47-22  the county in which he resides for the registration of each such
  47-23  vehicle owned or controlled by him for the ensuing or current
  47-24  calendar year or unexpired portion thereof; provided, that where a
  47-25  public highway separates lands under the dominion or control of the
   48-1  owner, the operation of such a motor vehicle by such owner, his
   48-2  agent or employee, across such highway shall not constitute a use
   48-3  of such motor vehicle upon a public highway of this State.  An
   48-4  all-terrain vehicle, with or without design alterations, may not be
   48-5  registered for operation on public highways, except that the State,
   48-6  a county, or a municipality may register an all-terrain vehicle for
   48-7  operation on public beaches and highways to maintain public safety
   48-8  and welfare.  In lieu of highway motor vehicle registration, the
   48-9  owner of an all-terrain vehicle that is not authorized to operate
  48-10  on public beaches or highways and that is used or to be used on
  48-11  public property in this State shall apply each year to the Texas
  48-12  Department of Transportation through the County Tax Collector of
  48-13  the county in which he resides for off-highway registration of each
  48-14  vehicle owned or controlled by him for the ensuing or current
  48-15  calendar year or unexpired portion of the calendar year.  The Texas
  48-16  Department of Transportation through the County Tax Collector shall
  48-17  require an applicant for registration of a vehicle in a county that
  48-18  is not covered by a vehicle emissions inspection program to provide
  48-19  evidence that the applicant is a resident of that county.  The
  48-20  Department by rule shall prescribe acceptable forms and types of
  48-21  evidence.  Acceptable forms and types of evidence may include voter
  48-22  registration information, driver's license information, utility
  48-23  billing information, property tax payment information, or a school
  48-24  tuition receipt<, or evidence of compliance with the Texas Motor
  48-25  Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas
   49-1  Civil Statutes)>.  The County Tax Collector, a deputy County Tax
   49-2  Collector, or a person acting on behalf of the County Tax Collector
   49-3  is not liable to any person for refusing to register a motor
   49-4  vehicle because of the person's failure to submit evidence of
   49-5  residency that complies with rules of the Department or for
   49-6  registering a motor vehicle under this section.
   49-7        SECTION 19.  Section 2A, Chapter 18, General Laws, Acts of
   49-8  the 41st Legislature, 5th Called Session, 1930 (Article 6675a-6e,
   49-9  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  49-10        Sec. 2A.  To expedite and facilitate, during the harvesting
  49-11  season, the harvesting and marketing of farm products produced in
  49-12  this State, the Department is authorized to issue to a nonresident
  49-13  owner a 30-day temporary registration permit for any truck, truck
  49-14  tractor, trailer or semitrailer to be used in the movement of such
  49-15  farm commodities from the place of production to market, storage or
  49-16  railhead, not more than seventy-five (75) miles distant from such
  49-17  place of production, or to be used in the movement of machinery
  49-18  used to harvest any of the commodities named in this section.
  49-19        To expedite and facilitate, during the harvesting season, the
  49-20  harvesting and movement of farm products produced outside of Texas
  49-21  but marketed or processed in Texas or moved to points in Texas for
  49-22  shipment, the Department is authorized to issue to a nonresident
  49-23  owner a 30-day temporary registration permit for any truck, truck
  49-24  tractor, trailer or semitrailer to be used in the movement of such
  49-25  farm commodities from the point of entry into Texas to market,
   50-1  storage, processing plant, railhead or seaport not more than eighty
   50-2  (80) miles distant from such point of entry into Texas.  All
   50-3  mileages and distances referred to herein are State Highway
   50-4  mileages.  Before such temporary registration provided for in this
   50-5  paragraph may be issued, the applicant must present satisfactory
   50-6  evidence that such motor vehicle <is protected by such insurance
   50-7  and in such amounts as may be described in Section 5 of the Texas
   50-8  Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's
   50-9  Texas Civil Statutes) as it is now written or as it may hereafter
  50-10  be amended, and such policies must be issued by an insurance
  50-11  company or surety company authorized to write Motor Vehicle
  50-12  Liability Insurance in this State unless the applicant is unable to
  50-13  obtain the insurance coverage from an insurance company authorized
  50-14  to write the coverage in this State, in which case, the applicant,
  50-15  with the Department's approval, may obtain the coverage from a
  50-16  surplus lines insurer that meets the requirements of Article
  50-17  1.14-2, Insurance Code, and rules adopted by the State Board of
  50-18  Insurance under that article; and that such vehicle> has been
  50-19  inspected as required under the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on
  50-20  Highways in Texas (Article XV of Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas
  50-21  Civil Statutes) as it is now written or as it may hereafter be
  50-22  amended.
  50-23        The Department is authorized to prescribe the form of the
  50-24  application and the information to be furnished therein for such
  50-25  temporary registration permits.  If the application is granted, the
   51-1  Department shall issue a special distinguishing insignia which must
   51-2  be attached to such vehicle in lieu of the regular Texas Highway
   51-3  registration plates.  Such special insignia shall show its
   51-4  expiration date.  The temporary registration permit fee shall be
   51-5  one-twelfth (1/12) of the annual Texas registration fee for the
   51-6  vehicle for which the special permit is secured.
   51-7        The temporary permits herein authorized shall be issued only
   51-8  when the vehicle for which said permit is issued is legally
   51-9  registered in the nonresident owner's home state or country for the
  51-10  current registration year; and said permit will remain valid only
  51-11  so long as the home state or country registration is valid; but in
  51-12  any event the Texas temporary registration permit will expire 30
  51-13  days from the date of issuance.  Not more than three (3) such
  51-14  temporary registration permits may be issued to a nonresident owner
  51-15  during any one (1) vehicle registration year in the State of Texas.
  51-16  A vehicle registered under the terms of this Act may not be
  51-17  operated in Texas after the expiration of the temporary permit
  51-18  unless the nonresident owner secures a second temporary permit as
  51-19  provided above, or unless the nonresident owner registers the
  51-20  vehicle under the appropriate Texas vehicular registration
  51-21  statutes, applicable to residents, for the remainder of the
  51-22  registration year.  No such vehicle may be registered with a Texas
  51-23  farm truck license.
  51-24        Any person who shall transport any of the commodities
  51-25  described in this Act, under a temporary permit provided for
   52-1  herein, to a market, place of storage, processing plant, railhead
   52-2  or seaport, which is a greater distance from the place of
   52-3  production of such commodity in this State, or the point of entry
   52-4  into the State of Texas than is provided for in said temporary
   52-5  permit, or shall follow a route other than that prescribed by the
   52-6  Highway Commission, shall be punished by a fine of not less than
   52-7  Twenty-five Dollars ($25), nor more than Two Hundred Dollars
   52-8  ($200).
   52-9        Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize such
  52-10  nonresident owner or operator to operate or cause to be operated
  52-11  any of such vehicles in this State in violation of Chapter 314,
  52-12  Acts of the 41st Legislature, Regular Session, 1929, as amended
  52-13  (Article 911b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) or any of the other
  52-14  laws of this State.
  52-15        SECTION 20.  Section 21(k), Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
  52-16  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
  52-17  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  52-18        (k)  The Department may provide to any person the records
  52-19  specified in Subsections (d), (e), and (f) of this section<, and in
  52-20  Section 3, Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article
  52-21  6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>, for the fee required by
  52-22  those sections, pertaining to the holder of or applicant for a
  52-23  commercial driver's license, as defined in the Texas Commercial
  52-24  Driver's License Act (Article 6687b-2, Revised Statutes).  If the
  52-25  information is provided through the Commercial Driver License
   53-1  Information System, the fee for this service is the fee specified
   53-2  in this subsection, plus an additional fee of two dollars ($2.00).
   53-3        SECTION 21.  Section 23A(f), Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
   53-4  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
   53-5  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   53-6        (f)  The judge hearing the petition shall enter an order
   53-7  either finding that no essential need exists for the operation of a
   53-8  motor vehicle or enter an order finding an essential need for
   53-9  operating a motor vehicle.  In the event the judge enters the order
  53-10  finding an essential need, he shall also, as part of the order,
  53-11  determine the actual need of the petitioner in operating a motor
  53-12  vehicle.  <The order shall require the petitioner to give proof of
  53-13  a valid policy of automobile liability insurance in accordance with
  53-14  the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h,
  53-15  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).>  If the person's license has been
  53-16  suspended following a conviction under Section 19.05(a)(2), Penal
  53-17  Code, but only on conviction of a second or subsequent offense
  53-18  under that section, the order shall restrict the person to the
  53-19  operation of a motor vehicle equipped with a device that uses a
  53-20  deep-lung breath analysis mechanism to make impractical the
  53-21  operation of the motor vehicle if ethyl alcohol is detected in the
  53-22  breath of the restricted operator.  If the person's license has
  53-23  been suspended following a conviction of an offense under Article
  53-24  6701l-1, Revised Statutes, for which the person has been punished
  53-25  under Subsection (e) of that article, the order shall restrict the
   54-1  person to the operation of a motor vehicle equipped with that
   54-2  device.  If the person's license has been suspended following a
   54-3  conviction of an offense under Article 6701l-1, Revised Statutes,
   54-4  or Section 19.05(a)(2), Penal Code, before entering the order, the
   54-5  judge shall determine from criminal history record information
   54-6  maintained by the Department of Public Safety whether the person
   54-7  has two or more previous convictions under that article or that
   54-8  section or has one previous conviction under that article and one
   54-9  previous conviction under that section.  If the judge determines
  54-10  that the person has two or more such previous convictions, as part
  54-11  of the order the judge shall require that the petitioner not
  54-12  operate a motor vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with the
  54-13  device described in this subsection.  The defendant shall obtain
  54-14  the device at his own cost unless the court finds that to do so
  54-15  would not be in the best interest of justice and enters its
  54-16  findings on record.  The court shall order the device to remain
  54-17  installed on that vehicle for a period not less than 50 percent of
  54-18  the supervision period.  If the court determines the offender is
  54-19  unable to pay for the device, the court may impose a reasonable
  54-20  payment schedule not to exceed twice the period of the court's
  54-21  order.  Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if a person
  54-22  is required to operate a motor vehicle in the course and scope of
  54-23  the person's employment and if the vehicle is owned by the
  54-24  employer, the person may operate that vehicle without installation
  54-25  of an approved ignition interlock device if the employer has been
   55-1  notified of such driving privilege restriction and if proof of that
   55-2  notification is with the vehicle.  This employment exemption does
   55-3  not apply, however, if the business entity that owns the vehicle is
   55-4  owned or controlled by the person whose driving privilege has been
   55-5  restricted.  The order shall be definite as to hours of the day,
   55-6  days of the week, specific reasons for travel, and areas or routes
   55-7  of travel to be permitted, except that the petitioner shall not be
   55-8  allowed to operate a motor vehicle more than four (4) hours in any
   55-9  twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.  On a proper showing of
  55-10  necessity, however, the court may waive the four-hour restriction
  55-11  and allow the petitioner to operate a motor vehicle for any period
  55-12  determined by the court that does not exceed twelve (12) hours in
  55-13  any twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.  When a person's license is
  55-14  suspended under Article 6687b-1, Revised Statutes, or Chapter 434,
  55-15  Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 1969 (Article
  55-16  6701l-5, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and the person has not had
  55-17  a prior suspension arising from an alcohol-related or drug-related
  55-18  enforcement contact, as defined in Article 6687b-1, Revised
  55-19  Statutes, in the five years immediately preceding the date of the
  55-20  person's arrest, an order under this section granting the person an
  55-21  occupational license to meet an essential need shall be immediately
  55-22  effective.  Provided, that the court shall order the petitioner to
  55-23  comply with the alcohol counselling and rehabilitation program
  55-24  requirements contained in Subsection (g) of this section.  If the
  55-25  person's driver's license has been suspended as a result of an
   56-1  alcohol-related or drug-related enforcement contact, as defined in
   56-2  Section 1(2)(B) or (C), Article 6687b-1, Revised Statutes, in the
   56-3  five years immediately preceding the date of the person's arrest,
   56-4  the order may not be effective before 90 days after the effective
   56-5  date of the suspension.  If the person's driver's license has been
   56-6  suspended as a result of a conviction under Article 6701l-1,
   56-7  Revised Statutes, or under Section 19.05(a)(2), Penal Code, in the
   56-8  five years immediately preceding the date of the person's arrest,
   56-9  the order may not be effective before 180 days after the effective
  56-10  date of the suspension.  An order entered by the court shall extend
  56-11  until the end of the period of the suspension.  A certified copy of
  56-12  the petition and the court order setting out the judge's finding
  56-13  and the restrictions shall be forwarded to the Department.  The
  56-14  petitioner may use a copy of the court order as a restricted
  56-15  license for thirty (30) days after the date the order is effective.
  56-16  The Department of Public Safety shall promulgate rules and
  56-17  regulations for the approval of models and classes of devices used
  56-18  under this subsection and Section 25(a) of this Act.  The
  56-19  Department by rule shall establish standards for the calibration
  56-20  and maintenance of devices, but the calibration and maintenance of
  56-21  each individual device is the responsibility of the manufacturer of
  56-22  that device.  If the Department approves a device, the Department
  56-23  shall notify the manufacturer in writing of that fact.  Written
  56-24  notice from the Department to a manufacturer approving a device is
  56-25  admissible in any civil or criminal proceeding in this state.  The
   57-1  manufacturer shall reimburse the Department for any cost incurred
   57-2  by the Department in approving a device under this subsection.  The
   57-3  Department may not be held liable in a civil or criminal proceeding
   57-4  arising out of the use of a device approved under this subsection.
   57-5        SECTION 22.  Section 34(f), Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
   57-6  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
   57-7  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   57-8        (f)  If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this
   57-9  section that the person has previously been convicted of an offense
  57-10  under this section or former Section 32(c)(1), Texas Motor Vehicle
  57-11  Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil
  57-12  Statutes), the offense is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor.
  57-13        SECTION 23.  Section 25(l), Texas Commercial Driver's License
  57-14  Act (Article 6687b-2, Revised Statutes), is amended to read as
  57-15  follows:
  57-16        (l)  A person who is subject to disqualification under this
  57-17  article may also have the person's driver's license suspended,
  57-18  revoked, canceled, or denied under Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
  57-19  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
  57-20  Civil Statutes); Article 6687b-1, Revised Statutes; or Chapter 434,
  57-21  Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 1969 (Article
  57-22  6701l-5, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)<; or the Texas Motor
  57-23  Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas
  57-24  Civil Statutes)>, if the conduct providing grounds for
  57-25  disqualification under this article also constitutes a ground for
   58-1  suspension, revocation, cancellation, or denial under any of those
   58-2  laws.
   58-3        SECTION 24.  Section 4, Chapter 209, Acts of the 53rd
   58-4  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 6701c-1, Vernon's Texas
   58-5  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   58-6        Sec. 4.  Such lease, memorandum, or agreement as required by
   58-7  Section 2 of this Act shall contain or provide, but shall not be
   58-8  limited to, the name and address of the registered owner of such
   58-9  commercial motor vehicle or truck-tractor, the name and address of
  58-10  the person other than the owner under whose supervision, direction,
  58-11  and control the vehicle will be operated, the actual consideration,
  58-12  the term, the commodity or commodities to be transported under such
  58-13  lease, memorandum, or agreement and a full description of the
  58-14  commercial motor vehicle or vehicles or truck-tractors covered
  58-15  thereby, and except as to leases between regulated carriers subject
  58-16  to the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas or the
  58-17  Interstate Commerce Commission, that the operation of such vehicle
  58-18  shall be under the full and complete control and supervision of the
  58-19  person other than the registered owner, <that the person other than
  58-20  the registered owner shall provide for each vehicle during the term
  58-21  of such lease, memorandum or agreement proof of financial
  58-22  responsibility as defined in the Texas Motor Vehicle
  58-23  Safety-Responsibility Act, as amended (Article 6701h, Vernon's
  58-24  Texas Civil Statutes),> and shall state that such commercial motor
  58-25  vehicle or vehicles or truck-tractors are not the subject of any
   59-1  other such lease, memorandum, or agreement which shall have been
   59-2  filed with the Department of Public Safety in accordance with
   59-3  Section 2 of this Act and which is still in effect, unless the
   59-4  lease, memorandum, or agreement is otherwise required by law.
   59-5        All information contained in any lease, memorandum, or
   59-6  agreement filed with the Department as required by Section 2 of
   59-7  this Act shall, with the exception of the name and address of the
   59-8  registered owner, the name and address of the person other than the
   59-9  owner, under whose supervision, direction and control the same is
  59-10  being operated, and a full description of the commercial motor
  59-11  vehicle or truck-tractor covered thereby, shall be for the
  59-12  confidential use of the Department; except, however, that the
  59-13  Department of Public Safety may make such information available to
  59-14  the law enforcement officers of the Interstate Commerce Commission,
  59-15  and may further use such information in any judicial proceeding
  59-16  brought in the name of the State of Texas.
  59-17        SECTION 25.  Section 47(a), Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on
  59-18  Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended
  59-19  to read as follows:
  59-20        (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section,
  59-21  all accident reports made as required by this Act <or Section 4,
  59-22  Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h,
  59-23  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and its subsequent amendments>, by
  59-24  persons involved in accidents, by garages, or by peace officers
  59-25  shall be without prejudice to the individual so reporting and shall
   60-1  be privileged and for the confidential use of the Department and
   60-2  agencies of the United States, this state, or local governments of
   60-3  this state having use for the records for accident prevention
   60-4  purposes.
   60-5        SECTION 26.  Section 107F, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on
   60-6  Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended
   60-7  to read as follows:
   60-8        Sec. 107F.  Identification Required for Vehicle Near Mexican
   60-9  Border.  On the demand of a peace officer within 250 feet of the
  60-10  Mexican border at a checkpoint authorized by Section 411.0095,
  60-11  Government Code, a driver of a vehicle shall produce a valid
  60-12  driver's license <and proof of compliance with the Texas Motor
  60-13  Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas
  60-14  Civil Statutes)>.
  60-15        SECTION 27.  Section 140(a), Uniform Act Regulating Traffic
  60-16  on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
  60-17  amended to read as follows:
  60-18        (a)  Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer,
  60-19  or mobile home, registered in this state and operated on the
  60-20  highways of this state, shall have the tires, brake system
  60-21  (including power brake unit), lighting equipment, horns and warning
  60-22  devices, mirrors, windshield wipers, front seat belts in vehicles
  60-23  where seat belt anchorages were part of the manufacturer's original
  60-24  equipment on the vehicle, steering system (including power
  60-25  steering), wheel assembly, safety guards or flaps if required by
   61-1  Section 139A of this Act, tax decal if required by Section 141(d)
   61-2  of this Act, sunscreening devices unless the vehicle is exempt from
   61-3  sunscreen device restrictions under Section 134C(k) or (l) of this
   61-4  Act, exhaust system, and exhaust emission system inspected at
   61-5  state-appointed inspection stations or by State Inspectors as
   61-6  hereinafter provided.  Provisions relating to the inspection of
   61-7  trailers, semitrailers, pole trailers, or mobile homes apply only
   61-8  when the actual gross weight or the registered gross weight of such
   61-9  vehicles is greater than four thousand five hundred (4,500) pounds.
  61-10  Only the mechanism and equipment designated in this section may be
  61-11  inspected, and the owner shall not be required to have any other
  61-12  equipment or part of his motor vehicle inspected as a prerequisite
  61-13  for the issuance of an inspection certificate.  <At the time of
  61-14  inspection the owner or operator shall furnish evidence of
  61-15  financial responsibility.  The evidence of financial responsibility
  61-16  may be shown in the manner specified under Section 1B(a), Texas
  61-17  Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's
  61-18  Texas Civil Statutes).   A personal automobile insurance policy
  61-19  used as evidence of financial responsibility under this subsection
  61-20  must be written for a term of 30 days or more as required by
  61-21  Article 5.06, Insurance Code.  An inspection certificate may not be
  61-22  issued for a vehicle for which the owner or operator fails to
  61-23  furnish the required evidence of financial responsibility.  An
  61-24  inspection facility or station is not liable to any person,
  61-25  including a third party, for issuing an inspection certificate in
   62-1  reliance on evidence of financial responsibility submitted to the
   62-2  facility or station.  If the inspection facility or station is the
   62-3  seller of a motor vehicle, the inspection facility or station may
   62-4  rely on an oral insurance binder.>
   62-5        SECTION 28.  Section 143A(a), Uniform Act Regulating Traffic
   62-6  on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
   62-7  amended to read as follows:
   62-8        (a)  When a person is charged with a misdemeanor offense
   62-9  under this Act, other than a violation of Section 39, 40, 51, 104,
  62-10  or 186 or a serious traffic violation as defined in Section 3(26),
  62-11  Texas Commercial Driver's License Act (Article 6687b-2, Revised
  62-12  Statutes), committed while operating a motor vehicle, the defendant
  62-13  shall be advised by the court of his right to successfully complete
  62-14  a driving safety course and the court:
  62-15              (1)  in its discretion may defer proceedings and allow
  62-16  the person 90 days to present a uniform certificate of course
  62-17  completion as evidence that, subsequent to the alleged act, the
  62-18  person has successfully completed a driving safety course approved
  62-19  under the Texas Driver and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article
  62-20  4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); or
  62-21              (2)  shall defer proceedings and allow the person 90
  62-22  days to present a uniform certificate of course completion as
  62-23  written evidence that, subsequent to the alleged act, the person
  62-24  has successfully completed a driving safety course approved under
  62-25  the Texas Driver and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article
   63-1  4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), if:
   63-2                    (A)  the person enters a plea in person or in
   63-3  writing of No Contest or Guilty and presents to the court an oral
   63-4  request or a written request, in person or by mail postmarked on or
   63-5  before the answer date on the citation, to take a course;
   63-6                    (B)  the court enters judgment on the person's
   63-7  plea of No Contest or Guilty at the time the plea is made but
   63-8  defers imposition of the judgment for 90 days;
   63-9                    (C)  the person has a valid Texas driver's
  63-10  license or permit;
  63-11                    (D)  the person's driving record as maintained by
  63-12  the Texas Department of Public Safety does not indicate successful
  63-13  completion of a driving safety course under this subdivision within
  63-14  the one year immediately preceding the date of the alleged offense;
  63-15                    (E)  the person files an affidavit with the court
  63-16  stating that the person is not in the process of taking a course
  63-17  under this subdivision and has not completed a course under this
  63-18  subdivision that is not yet reflected on the person's driving
  63-19  record; and
  63-20                    (F)  the offense charged is for an offense
  63-21  covered by this section other than speeding 25 miles per hour or
  63-22  more over the posted speed limit at the place where the alleged
  63-23  offense occurred<; and>
  63-24                    <(G)  the person provides proof of financial
  63-25  responsibility as required by Section 1A, Texas Motor Vehicle
   64-1  Safety-Responsibility Act (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil
   64-2  Statutes)>.
   64-3        SECTION 29.  Section 1(b), Chapter 302, Acts of the 55th
   64-4  Legislature, Regular Session, 1957 (Article 6701l-4, Vernon's Texas
   64-5  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   64-6        (b)  As used in this section, the term "any traffic law of
   64-7  this state" shall include the following statutes:
   64-8              (1)  Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of the 41st
   64-9  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6675a-1 et seq.,
  64-10  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
  64-11              (2)  Chapter 338, Acts of the 64th Legislature, Regular
  64-12  Session, 1975 (Article 6675a-5e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
  64-13              (3)  Article 6675b-1, Revised Statutes;
  64-14              (4)  Article 6675b-2, Revised Statutes;
  64-15              (5)  Article 6675b-3, Revised Statutes;
  64-16              (6)  Article 6675b-4, Revised Statutes;
  64-17              (7)  Article 6675b-5, Revised Statutes;
  64-18              (8)  Article 6675b-6, Revised Statutes;
  64-19              (9)  Article 6675b-7, Revised Statutes;
  64-20              (10)  Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th Legislature,
  64-21  Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas Civil
  64-22  Statutes);
  64-23              (11)  Chapter 329, Acts of the 60th Legislature,
  64-24  Regular Session, 1967 (Article 6701c-3, Vernon's Texas Civil
  64-25  Statutes);
   65-1              (12)  Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways
   65-2  (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); and
   65-3              (13)  Chapter 42, General Laws, Acts of the 41st
   65-4  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6701d-11, Vernon's
   65-5  Texas Civil Statutes)<; and>
   65-6              <(14)  Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act
   65-7  (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   65-8        SECTION 30.  The following laws are repealed:
   65-9              (1)  Articles 5.06-1 and 5.06-3, Insurance Code;
  65-10              (2)  Section 2a, Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of the
  65-11  41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6675a-2a,
  65-12  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
  65-13              (3)  Section 5, Chapter 517, Acts of the 58th
  65-14  Legislature, 1963 (Article 6675a-6c, Vernon's Texas Civil
  65-15  Statutes);
  65-16              (4)  Section 6(c), Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
  65-17  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
  65-18  Civil Statutes);
  65-19              (5)  Section 24(l), Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
  65-20  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
  65-21  Civil Statutes); and
  65-22              (6)  the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act
  65-23  (Article 6701h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  65-24        SECTION 31.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  65-25  this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   66-1        (b)  Sections 10-30 of this Act take effect January 1, 1996.
   66-2        (c)  This Act applies only to an insurance policy that is
   66-3  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1,
   66-4  1996.  A policy that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed
   66-5  before January 1, 1996, is governed by the law as it existed
   66-6  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
   66-7  continued in effect for that purpose.
   66-8        (d)  Subchapters I and J, Chapter 27, Insurance Code, as
   66-9  added by this Act, apply only to an action to recover damages for
  66-10  accidental injury that accrues on or after January 1, 1996.  An
  66-11  action that accrues before January 1, 1996, is governed by the law
  66-12  in effect at the time the action accrues, and that law is continued
  66-13  in effect for that purpose.
  66-14        (e)  The change in law made by this Act applies only to the
  66-15  punishment for an offense committed on or after January 1, 1996.
  66-16  For purposes of this section, an offense is committed before the
  66-17  effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs
  66-18  before the effective date.
  66-19        (f)  An offense committed before January 1, 1996, is covered
  66-20  by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former
  66-21  law is continued in effect for this purpose.
  66-22        SECTION 32.  The importance of this legislation and the
  66-23  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  66-24  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  66-25  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   67-1  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.