H.B. No. 176
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to components of net income used in establishing rates of
    1-3  a gas utility.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 5.06, Gas Utility Regulatory Act (Article
    1-6  1446e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
    1-7  follows:
    1-8        Sec. 5.06.  Components of Net Income.  (a)  The components of
    1-9  net income used to establish just and reasonable rates shall be
   1-10  determined in accordance with this section.
   1-11        (b)  "Net income" means the total revenues of the gas utility
   1-12  from gas utility service less all reasonable and necessary expenses
   1-13  related to that gas utility service as determined by the regulatory
   1-14  authority.  The regulatory authority shall determine those expenses
   1-15  and revenues in a manner consistent with Subsections (c)-(e)
   1-16  <(b)-(d)> of this section.
   1-17        (c) <(b)>  Payment to affiliated interests for costs of any
   1-18  services, or any property, right, or thing, or for interest expense
   1-19  may not be used to establish just and reasonable rates for gas
   1-20  utility service <allowed> either as capital costs or as expense
   1-21  related to gas utility service except to the extent that the
   1-22  regulatory authority shall find such payment to be reasonable and
   1-23  necessary for each item or class of items as determined by the
   1-24  regulatory authority <railroad commission>.  Any such finding shall
    2-1  include specific findings of the reasonableness and necessity of
    2-2  each item or class of items included in the establishment of the
    2-3  rates <allowed> and a finding that the price to the gas utility is
    2-4  no higher than prices charged by the supplying affiliate to its
    2-5  other affiliates or divisions for the same item or class of items,
    2-6  or to unaffiliated persons or corporations.
    2-7        (d)  If an expense is allowed to be included in utility
    2-8  rates, or an investment is included in the utility rate base, the
    2-9  related income tax deduction or benefit shall be included in the
   2-10  computation of income tax expense to reduce the rates.  If an
   2-11  expense is disallowed or not included in utility rates, or an
   2-12  investment is not included in the utility rate base, the related
   2-13  income tax deduction or benefit may not be included in the
   2-14  computation of income tax expense to reduce the rates.  The income
   2-15  tax expense shall be computed using the statutory income tax rates.
   2-16        <(c)  If the gas utility is a member of an affiliated group
   2-17  that is eligible to file a consolidated income tax return, and if
   2-18  it is advantageous to the gas utility to do so, income taxes shall
   2-19  be computed as though a consolidated return had been so filed and
   2-20  the utility had realized its fair share of the savings resulting
   2-21  from the consolidated return, unless it is shown to the
   2-22  satisfaction of the regulatory authority that it was reasonable to
   2-23  choose not to consolidate returns.  The amounts of income taxes
   2-24  saved by a consolidated group of which a gas utility is a member by
   2-25  reason of the elimination in the consolidated return of the
   2-26  intercompany profit on purchases by the gas utility from an
   2-27  affiliate shall be applied to reduce the cost of the property or
    3-1  services so purchased.  The investment tax credit allowed against
    3-2  federal income taxes, to the extent retained by the utility, shall
    3-3  be applied as a reduction in the rate based contribution of the
    3-4  assets to which the credit applies, to the extent and at the rate
    3-5  allowed by the Internal Revenue Code.>
    3-6        (e) <(d)>  The regulatory authority may promulgate reasonable
    3-7  rules and regulations complying with this section with respect to
    3-8  including and not including <the allowance or disallowance of>
    3-9  certain expenses in the computation of the rates to be established
   3-10  <for ratemaking purposes>.
   3-11        (f)  This legislation is not intended to increase gas utility
   3-12  rates to the customer not caused by utility service.  Utility rates
   3-13  shall include only expenses caused by utility service.
   3-14        SECTION 2.  This Act applies only to a rate proceeding for
   3-15  which the statement of intent is filed on or after the effective
   3-16  date of this Act and to any appeal of that proceeding.  A
   3-17  proceeding for which the statement of intent is filed before the
   3-18  effective date of this Act or an appeal of that proceeding is
   3-19  governed by the law in effect when the statement of intent was
   3-20  filed, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
   3-21        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-22  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-23  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-24  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-25  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   3-26  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   3-27  passage, and it is so enacted.