By Danburg                                             H.B. No. 359
       74R578 KLL-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to breast-feeding in public or private places, including
    1-3  worksites, and to a sales tax exemption for breast pumps.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subtitle H, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is
    1-6  amended by adding Chapter 165 to read as follows:
    1-7                     CHAPTER 165.  BREAST-FEEDING
    1-9        Sec. 165.001.  LEGISLATIVE FINDING.  The legislature finds
   1-10  that breast-feeding a baby is an important and basic act of nurture
   1-11  that must be encouraged in the interests of maternal and child
   1-12  health and family values.
   1-13        Sec. 165.002.  RIGHT TO BREAST-FEED.  A mother is entitled to
   1-14  breast-feed her baby in any public or private location in which the
   1-15  mother is authorized to be, regardless of whether the nipple of the
   1-16  mother's breast is uncovered during or incidental to the
   1-17  breast-feeding.
   1-18        Sec. 165.003.  FACILITY DESIGNATION AS "BABY-FRIENDLY."  (a)
   1-19  A facility licensed under Subtitle B, Title 4, that provides
   1-20  maternity services or a child-care facility licensed under Chapter
   1-21  42, Human Resources Code, that provides infant care may use the
   1-22  designation "baby-friendly" in its promotional materials if the
   1-23  facility establishes a breast-feeding policy that complies with at
   1-24  least 80 percent of the provisions adopted by the board under
    2-1  Section 165.004.
    2-2        (b)  The facility shall submit its breast-feeding policy to
    2-3  the department for review.  On approval of the policy by the
    2-4  department, the facility's name shall be included on a list of
    2-5  facilities that may use the "baby-friendly" designation.  The
    2-6  department shall make the list available for public inspection.
    2-8  (a)  The board by rule shall adopt provisions that a facility
    2-9  covered by Section 165.003 must include in its breast-feeding
   2-10  policy in order to use the designation "baby-friendly" in its
   2-11  promotional materials.
   2-12        (b)  Provisions adopted under this section must be in
   2-13  accordance with the UNICEF and World Health Organization
   2-14  baby-friendly hospital initiatives.
   2-15        Sec. 165.005.  SERVICES PROVIDED BY STATE AGENCIES.  Any
   2-16  state agency that administers a program providing maternal or child
   2-17  health services shall provide information that encourages
   2-18  breast-feeding to program participants who are pregnant women or
   2-19  mothers with infants.
   2-20           (Sections 165.006-165.030 reserved for expansion
   2-22        Sec. 165.031.  LEGISLATIVE RECOGNITION.  The legislature
   2-23  recognizes both a mother's responsibility to her job and her child
   2-24  when she returns to work and acknowledges that a woman's choice to
   2-25  breast-feed benefits the family, the employer, and society.
   2-26        Sec. 165.032.  DEMONSTRATION PROJECT.  (a)  The department
   2-27  shall establish a demonstration project in Travis County to provide
    3-1  access to worksite breast-feeding for department employees who are
    3-2  mothers with infants.
    3-3        (b)  The department shall administer the demonstration
    3-4  project and shall determine the benefits of, potential barriers to,
    3-5  and potential costs of implementing worksite breast-feeding support
    3-6  policies for state employees.
    3-7        Sec. 165.033.  BREAST-FEEDING POLICY.  The department shall
    3-8  develop policies supporting the practice of worksite breast-feeding
    3-9  that address the following:
   3-10              (1)  work schedule flexibility, including scheduling
   3-11  breaks and work patterns to provide time for expression of milk;
   3-12              (2)  the provision of accessible locations allowing
   3-13  privacy;
   3-14              (3)  access nearby to a clean, safe water source and a
   3-15  sink for washing hands and rinsing out any needed breast-pumping
   3-16  equipment; and
   3-17              (4)  access to hygienic storage alternatives in the
   3-18  workplace for the mother's breast milk.
   3-19        Sec. 165.034.  REPORT TO GOVERNOR AND LEGISLATURE.  The
   3-20  department shall submit a report on the demonstration project to
   3-21  the governor and the legislature not later than February 1, 1997.
   3-22  The report must include:
   3-23              (1)  a description of the policies developed;
   3-24              (2)  a description of the implementation of the
   3-25  policies in Travis County and any problems encountered;
   3-26              (3)  the extent of use of any breast-feeding or
   3-27  breast-pumping facilities by department employees;
    4-1              (4)  a survey to assess the level of satisfaction with
    4-2  the breast-feeding or breast-pumping facilities and the policies by
    4-3  users and their supervisors;
    4-4              (5)  the costs and benefits associated with the
    4-5  demonstration project;
    4-6              (6)  a summary of issues raised by employees; and
    4-7              (7)  a recommendation of any changes necessary for
    4-8  statewide implementation and strategies for implementing the
    4-9  policies in other state agencies.
   4-10        SECTION 2.  Subchapter H, Chapter 151, Tax Code, is amended
   4-11  by adding Section 151.3132 to read as follows:
   4-12        Sec. 151.3132.  BREAST PUMPS.  A breast pump used to express
   4-13  human milk for consumption by a child is exempted from the taxes
   4-14  imposed by this chapter.
   4-15        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect October 1, 1995, and
   4-16  applies to taxes due after that date.  Taxes due before that date
   4-17  are governed by the law in effect when the taxes became due, and
   4-18  that law is continued in effect for the collection of taxes due and
   4-19  for civil and criminal enforcement of the liability for those
   4-20  taxes.
   4-21        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
   4-22  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-23  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-24  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-25  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.