By Johnson                                             H.B. No. 574
       74R814 KKA-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to required reports from the Central Education Agency.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Chapter 35, Education Code, as added by Chapter
    1-5  347, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, is amended by adding
    1-6  Subchapter H to read as follows:
    1-8        Sec. 35.151.  GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  Each report
    1-9  required by this subchapter shall:
   1-10              (1)  unless otherwise specified, contain summary
   1-11  information and analysis only, with an indication that the Central
   1-12  Education Agency will provide the data underlying the report on
   1-13  request;
   1-14              (2)  specify a person at the Central Education Agency
   1-15  who may be contacted for additional information regarding the
   1-16  report and provide the person's telephone number; and
   1-17              (3)  identify other sources of related information,
   1-18  indicating the level of detail and format of information that may
   1-19  be obtained, including the availability of any information on the
   1-20  Texas Education Network.
   1-21        (b)  Each component of a report required by this subchapter
   1-22  shall:
   1-23              (1)  identify the substantive goal underlying the
   1-24  information required to be reported;
    2-1              (2)  analyze the progress made and longitudinal trends
    2-2  in achieving the underlying substantive goal;
    2-3              (3)  offer recommendations for improved progress in
    2-4  achieving the underlying substantive goal; and
    2-5              (4)  identify the relationship of the information
    2-6  required to be reported to state education goals.
    2-7        (c)  Unless otherwise provided, each report required by this
    2-8  subchapter is due not later than December 1 of each even-numbered
    2-9  year.
   2-10        (d)  Subsections (a) and (b) apply to any report required by
   2-11  statute that the Central Education Agency must prepare and deliver
   2-12  to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of
   2-13  representatives, or legislature.
   2-14        (e)  Unless otherwise provided by law, any report required by
   2-15  statute that the Central Education Agency must prepare and deliver
   2-16  to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of
   2-17  representatives, or legislature may be combined, at the discretion
   2-18  of the commissioner of education, with a report required by this
   2-19  subchapter.
   2-20        Sec. 35.152.  COMPREHENSIVE BIENNIAL REPORT.  (a)  The
   2-21  Central Education Agency shall prepare and deliver to the governor,
   2-22  the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
   2-23  representatives, each member of the legislature, the Legislative
   2-24  Budget Board, and the clerks of the standing committees of the
   2-25  senate and house of representatives with primary jurisdiction over
   2-26  the public school system a comprehensive report covering the
   2-27  preceding two school years and containing:
    3-1              (1)  an evaluation of the achievements of the state
    3-2  educational program in relation to the four-year plan adopted under
    3-3  Section 11.26(b);
    3-4              (2)  an evaluation of the status of education in the
    3-5  state as reflected by the academic excellence indicators adopted
    3-6  under Section 35.041;
    3-7              (3)  a summary compilation of overall student
    3-8  performance on academic skills assessment instruments required by
    3-9  Section 35.023, aggregated by grade level, subject area, campus,
   3-10  and district, with appropriate interpretations and analysis;
   3-11              (4)  an evaluation of the correlation between student
   3-12  grades and student performance on academic skills assessment
   3-13  instruments required by Section 35.023;
   3-14              (5)  a statement of the dropout rate of students in
   3-15  grade levels 7 through 12, expressed in the aggregate and by grade
   3-16  level;
   3-17              (6)  a statement of the projected cross-sectional and
   3-18  longitudinal dropout rates for grade levels 7 through 12 for the
   3-19  next five years, assuming no state action is taken to reduce the
   3-20  dropout rate;
   3-21              (7)  a description of a systematic plan for reducing
   3-22  the projected cross-sectional and longitudinal dropout rates to
   3-23  five percent or less for the 1997-1998 school year;
   3-24              (8)  a summary of the information required by Section
   3-25  11.204 regarding grade level retention of students;
   3-26              (9)  a list of each school district or campus that does
   3-27  not satisfy accreditation criteria, with an explanation of the
    4-1  actions taken by the commissioner of education to improve student
    4-2  performance in the district or campus and an evaluation of the
    4-3  results of those actions;
    4-4              (10)  an evaluation of the status of the curriculum
    4-5  taught in public schools, with recommendations for legislative
    4-6  changes necessary to improve or modify the curriculum required by
    4-7  Section 21.101;
    4-8              (11)  an evaluation of the environmental education
    4-9  activities occurring in public schools;
   4-10              (12)  a description of each activity and expenditure of
   4-11  the Central Education Agency;
   4-12              (13)  a summary and analysis of the compliance of
   4-13  school districts with administrative cost ratios set by the
   4-14  commissioner of education under Section 16.205, including any
   4-15  improvements and cost savings achieved by school districts;
   4-16              (14)  any additional information considered important
   4-17  by the commissioner of education or the State Board of Education;
   4-18  and
   4-19              (15)  a statement of the total number and length of
   4-20  reports that school districts and school district employees must
   4-21  submit to the Central Education Agency, identifying which reports
   4-22  are required by federal statute or rule, state statute, or agency
   4-23  rule, and a summary of the agency's efforts to reduce overall
   4-24  reporting requirements.
   4-25        (b)  In reporting the information required by Subsection
   4-26  (a)(3), the Central Education Agency may separately aggregate the
   4-27  performance data of students enrolled in a bilingual education or
    5-1  special language program under Subchapter L, Chapter 21, or a
    5-2  special education program under Subchapter N, Chapter 21.
    5-3        Sec. 35.153.  REGIONAL AND DISTRICT LEVEL REPORT.  The
    5-4  Central Education Agency shall prepare and deliver to the governor,
    5-5  the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
    5-6  representatives, each member of the legislature, the Legislative
    5-7  Budget Board, and the clerks of the standing committees of the
    5-8  senate and house of representatives with primary jurisdiction over
    5-9  the public school system a regional and district level report
   5-10  covering the preceding two school years and containing:
   5-11              (1)  a summary of the reports received from school
   5-12  districts under Section 21.930 that analyzes district trends in
   5-13  involving professional staff in determining educational goals and
   5-14  objectives and major district-wide classroom instructional
   5-15  programs;
   5-16              (2)  a summary of school district compliance with the
   5-17  student/teacher ratios and class-size limitations prescribed by
   5-18  Section 16.054, including the number of districts granted an
   5-19  exception from Section 16.054(b) and an estimate of the total cost
   5-20  to bring districts that are not in compliance with Section
   5-21  16.054(b) into compliance;
   5-22              (3)  a summary of the exemptions and waivers granted to
   5-23  school districts under Section 11.273 or 35.102 and an analysis of
   5-24  the effect of those exemptions and waivers on student achievement;
   5-25              (4)  a summary of innovative educational programs
   5-26  approved under Section 11.27 and an evaluation of the effectiveness
   5-27  of those programs; and
    6-1              (5)  a summary of the services offered by regional
    6-2  education service centers with an evaluation of the effectiveness
    6-3  of those services.
    6-4        Sec. 35.154.  TECHNOLOGY REPORT.  The Central Education
    6-5  Agency shall prepare and deliver to the governor, the lieutenant
    6-6  governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, each member
    6-7  of the legislature, the Legislative Budget Board, and the clerks of
    6-8  the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives
    6-9  with primary jurisdiction over the public school system a
   6-10  technology report covering the preceding two school years and
   6-11  containing:
   6-12              (1)  information on the status of the implementation of
   6-13  and revisions to the long-range technology plan required by Section
   6-14  14.021, including the equity of the distribution and use of
   6-15  technology in public schools;
   6-16              (2)  an evaluation of the effectiveness and feasibility
   6-17  of each pilot, model, or demonstration project for educational
   6-18  technology established under Section 14.0451, as added by Chapter
   6-19  250, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, including any
   6-20  recommendations for the use of the technology in the schools; and
   6-21              (3)  a summary of the operations, projects, and fiscal
   6-22  affairs of the center for educational technology.
   6-23        Sec. 35.155.  VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REPORT.  The Central
   6-24  Education Agency shall prepare and deliver to the governor, the
   6-25  lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,
   6-26  each member of the legislature, the Legislative Budget Board, and
   6-27  the clerks of the standing committees of the senate and house of
    7-1  representatives with primary jurisdiction over the public school
    7-2  system, and the Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness a
    7-3  vocational education report covering the preceding two school years
    7-4  and containing a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of
    7-5  vocational programs in public schools, including the compliance of
    7-6  the programs with the master plan for vocational education adopted
    7-7  under Section 21.113.
    7-8        Sec. 35.156.  INTERIM REPORT.  Not later than December 1 of
    7-9  each odd-numbered year, the Central Education Agency shall prepare
   7-10  and deliver to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker
   7-11  of the house of representatives, each member of the legislature,
   7-12  the Legislative Budget Board, and the clerks of the standing
   7-13  committees of the senate and house of representatives with primary
   7-14  jurisdiction over the public school system an interim report
   7-15  containing, for the previous school year, the information required
   7-16  by:
   7-17              (1)  Sections 35.152(a)(3), (5), (6), (7), and (9); and
   7-18              (2)  Sections 35.153(1) and (3).
   7-19        SECTION 2.  Section 11.20(f), Education Code, is amended to
   7-20  read as follows:
   7-21        (f)  The agency shall require periodic reports from each
   7-22  district participating in the program for the purpose of evaluating
   7-23  the results of the program.  <The agency shall report its findings
   7-24  and recommendations to the legislature biennially during the first
   7-25  month of the regular session.>
   7-26        SECTION 3.  Sections 11.26(b) and (c), Education Code, are
   7-27  amended to read as follows:
    8-1        (b)  The board shall review periodically the educational
    8-2  needs of the state, establish goals for the public school system,
    8-3  and adopt and promote four-year plans for meeting these needs and
    8-4  goals.  <Prior to each regular legislative session, the board shall
    8-5  evaluate the achievements of the educational program in
    8-6  relationship to the current four-year plan and report that
    8-7  evaluation to the governor and the legislature.>
    8-8        (c)  With the advice and assistance of the <state>
    8-9  commissioner of education, the State Board of Education shall:
   8-10              (1)  <make to the legislature biennial reports covering
   8-11  all the activities and expenditures of the Central Education
   8-12  Agency;>
   8-13              <(2)>  adopt rules for the accreditation of schools;
   8-14              (2) <(3)>  execute contracts for the purchase of
   8-15  instructional aids, including textbooks, within the limits of
   8-16  authority granted by the legislature;
   8-17              (3) <(4)>  execute contracts for the investment of the
   8-18  permanent school fund, within the limits of authority granted by
   8-19  Chapter 15 <of this code>;
   8-20              (4) <(5)>  adopt rules consistent with Chapter 13 <of
   8-21  this code> for certification of teachers, administrators, and other
   8-22  professional personnel customarily employed in public schools;
   8-23              (5) <(6)>  adopt rules requiring school districts to
   8-24  notify parents of students of a teacher teaching a subject for
   8-25  which the teacher is not certified, unless the teacher is serving
   8-26  an internship under Section 13.035 <of this code>, or the teacher
   8-27  has at least 24 semester credit hours in the subject, or the
    9-1  teacher is teaching under an emergency permit and is making
    9-2  satisfactory progress toward completion of a deficiency plan;
    9-3              <(7)  consider the athletic necessities and activities
    9-4  of the public schools of Texas and in advance of each regular
    9-5  session of the legislature specifically report to the governor of
    9-6  Texas the proper and lawful division of time and money to be
    9-7  devoted to athletics, holidays, legal and otherwise, and to
    9-8  educational purposes;> and
    9-9              (6) <(8)>  on or before May 15 of each year, formulate
   9-10  and transmit to the <Texas> Council on Workforce and Economic
   9-11  Competitiveness <Vocational Education> a list of evaluation topics
   9-12  that address developing and future concerns of the board in the
   9-13  field of technical-vocational education.
   9-14        SECTION 4.  Section 11.29(a), Education Code, is amended to
   9-15  read as follows:
   9-16        (a)  The commissioner of education shall adopt annually a
   9-17  budget for operating the Foundation School Program, the Central
   9-18  Education Agency, and other programs for which the State Board of
   9-19  Education has responsibility.  The budget shall be in accordance
   9-20  with the amounts appropriated by the general appropriations act and
   9-21  shall provide funds for the administration and operation of the
   9-22  Central Education Agency and any other necessary expense.  <Before
   9-23  adopting the budget, the commissioner shall:>
   9-24              <(1)  submit the budget to the State Board of Education
   9-25  and the Legislative Budget Board for review and comment; and>
   9-26              <(2)  after receiving the comments of those boards,
   9-27  present the budget to the governor and the Legislative Budget
   10-1  Board.>
   10-2        SECTION 5.  Section 11.53, Education Code, is amended to read
   10-3  as follows:
   10-4        Sec. 11.53.  ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION.  The commissioner of
   10-5  education shall foster the development and dissemination of
   10-6  educational activities and materials which will assist Texas public
   10-7  school students, teachers, and administrators in the perception,
   10-8  appreciation, and understanding of environmental principles and
   10-9  problems.  In order to do so, the commissioner shall:
  10-10              (1)  encourage the integration of environmental topics
  10-11  into the regular curriculum, where appropriate;
  10-12              (2)  encourage the Central Education Agency to
  10-13  coordinate state, federal, and other funding sources to develop and
  10-14  disseminate to school districts instructional materials for use in
  10-15  environmental education, with special concern given to the
  10-16  ecological systems of Texas and the ways human beings depend on and
  10-17  interact with the systems;
  10-18              (3)  encourage the Central Education Agency to
  10-19  coordinate state, federal, and other available funding sources to
  10-20  develop and deliver teacher inservice programs, including summer
  10-21  seminars and institutes, on various aspects of environmental
  10-22  pollution and conservation;
  10-23              (4)  collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate to
  10-24  school districts information about environmental curriculum
  10-25  materials, validated projects, and other successful programs; and
  10-26              (5)  solicit, receive, and expend funds which may
  10-27  become available through federal grants under any national
   11-1  environmental education programs or from other public or private
   11-2  sources<;>
   11-3              <(6)  prepare an annual status report on environmental
   11-4  education activities and deliver it to the legislature and the
   11-5  governor on or before September 1 of each year>.
   11-6        SECTION 6.  Section 11.912(c), Education Code, is amended to
   11-7  read as follows:
   11-8        (c)  The agency shall file the policies established under
   11-9  this section with the Texas Department of Commerce and the <State
  11-10  Purchasing and> General Services Commission.  <The commission shall
  11-11  conduct an analysis of the agency's policies and the policies'
  11-12  effectiveness and shall report the analysis to the governor,
  11-13  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  11-14  not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year.>
  11-15        SECTION 7.  Section 12.03(e-1), Education Code, is amended to
  11-16  read as follows:
  11-17        (e-1)(1)  On the effective date of this Act, the State Board
  11-18  of Education shall appoint a commission to expedite the
  11-19  implementation of Subsection (e) of this section.  The commission
  11-20  shall be composed of no more than 12 individuals nominated by the
  11-21  Commissioner of Education from within or outside Texas, including
  11-22  but not limited to:
  11-23                    (A)  computer software developers;
  11-24                    (B)  producers of Braille textbooks;
  11-25                    (C)  specialists in Braille education;
  11-26                    (D)  representatives of the Central <Texas>
  11-27  Education Agency;
   12-1                    (E)  publishers of elementary and high school
   12-2  textbooks; and
   12-3                    (F)  at least one consumer, or an advocate for
   12-4  consumers, of Braille materials.
   12-5              (2)  The Commissioner shall appoint a chairman from
   12-6  among the commission members.
   12-7              (3)  Public members of the commission who are not
   12-8  employed by publishing companies that have contracts with the
   12-9  Central Education Agency are entitled to reimbursement by the state
  12-10  for their actual transportation and lodging expenses related to
  12-11  participation in the commission's activities, provided funds are
  12-12  available for such reimbursement from gifts and grants received by
  12-13  the Central Education Agency.  The Central Education Agency may
  12-14  accept gifts and grants to provide the reimbursement under this
  12-15  subdivision.  The Central Education Agency shall deposit the gifts
  12-16  and grants in the state treasury to the credit of a special fund to
  12-17  be used only for reimbursement under this subdivision.
  12-18  Representatives of a state agency shall be reimbursed from the
  12-19  funds of that agency.
  12-20              (4)  The commission shall:
  12-21                    (A)  work with textbook publishers on the
  12-22  development of processes for converting formatted text files to
  12-23  American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text
  12-24  files needed for the production of Braille textbooks with
  12-25  translation software;
  12-26                    (B)  survey ongoing efforts in Texas and
  12-27  elsewhere to develop computer software needed for automated
   13-1  conversion of publisher text files to the ASCII format and
   13-2  recommend additional software development projects, if needed.  If
   13-3  additional development efforts are needed, the commission shall
   13-4  work with publishers and software developers to prioritize
   13-5  typesetting system conversion efforts;
   13-6                    (C)  study the feasibility of implementing a
   13-7  process by which textbook publishers can transmit computerized
   13-8  textbook ASCII data files through modem communication directly to
   13-9  the computers of organizations producing Braille textbook masters;
  13-10  and
  13-11                    (D)  study any other issues the commission
  13-12  determines are relevant and necessary to the implementation of
  13-13  Subsection (e).
  13-14              (5)  <The Commissioner and the State Board of Education
  13-15  shall report the commission's findings and a summary of their
  13-16  activities to the 73rd Texas Legislature.>
  13-17              <(6)>  Unless continued in existence by further Acts of
  13-18  the Texas Legislature, the commission is abolished on September 1,
  13-19  1995.
  13-20        SECTION 8.  Section 14.021(d), Education Code, is amended to
  13-21  read as follows:
  13-22        (d)  The Central Education Agency shall take actions
  13-23  necessary to implement the long-range plan for technology.  <The
  13-24  commissioner shall report to the governor annually on the
  13-25  implementation process.>
  13-26        SECTION 9.  Section 14.044(e), Education Code, is amended to
  13-27  read as follows:
   14-1        (e)  The governing board shall:
   14-2              (1)  employ an executive director for the center; and
   14-3              (2)  adopt rules, subject to the approval of the State
   14-4  Board of Education, for administration, operation, and management
   14-5  of the center<; and>
   14-6              <(3)  report annually on the operation, projects, and
   14-7  fiscal affairs of the center to the governor's office, the
   14-8  Legislative Budget Board, and the State Board of Education>.
   14-9        SECTION 10.  Section 16.007(c), Education Code, as amended by
  14-10  Chapters 347 and 520, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, is
  14-11  reenacted to read as follows:
  14-12        (c)  Annually, the commissioner of education shall review the
  14-13  Public Education Information Management System and shall repeal or
  14-14  amend rules that require school districts to provide information
  14-15  through the Public Education Information Management System that is
  14-16  not necessary or useful.  In reviewing and revising the Public
  14-17  Education Information Management System, the commissioner shall
  14-18  develop rules to ensure that the system provides useful, accurate,
  14-19  and timely information on student demographics and academic
  14-20  performance, personnel, and school district finances.
  14-21        SECTION 11.  Section 21.557(i), Education Code, is amended to
  14-22  read as follows:
  14-23        (i)  Each school district shall maintain on file and
  14-24  expeditiously make available on the request of a member of the
  14-25  general public a copy of the report describing the district's
  14-26  overall compensatory education program for educationally
  14-27  disadvantaged students.  The report must include sufficient detail
   15-1  to describe the overall compensatory education program offered on
   15-2  each campus and the activities and services provided on each campus
   15-3  from each funding source.  <The commissioner of education shall
   15-4  develop model report formats that districts may use for the report.
   15-5  The model formats must be designed to be easily understood by a
   15-6  member of the general public and may not be overly burdensome for
   15-7  districts to prepare.  The commissioner shall submit the model
   15-8  formats to the standing committees of the senate and house of
   15-9  representatives with primary jurisdiction over the public school
  15-10  system for comment and may not distribute the formats until the
  15-11  commissioner has received and considered those comments.> Each
  15-12  school district shall prepare and periodically update the
  15-13  description of the district's compensatory education program to
  15-14  accurately reflect the programs and services currently provided to
  15-15  educationally disadvantaged students.
  15-16        SECTION 12.  Section 21.930(g), Education Code, is amended to
  15-17  read as follows:
  15-18        (g)  Each district shall annually report to the Central
  15-19  Education Agency the involvement of the district's professional
  15-20  staff in district-level decisions under the policy and procedures
  15-21  adopted under this section.  <The agency shall compile the district
  15-22  reports into a single report and present that report annually to
  15-23  the legislature.>
  15-24        SECTION 13.  Section 23.34(e), Education Code, as added by
  15-25  Chapter 660, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, is amended to read
  15-26  as follows:
  15-27        (e)  During January and June of each year during which an
   16-1  audit is being conducted, the school district shall submit to the
   16-2  State Board of Education a report on the status of the audit.  The
   16-3  report must include a summary of the costs of the audit, current
   16-4  audit activity, a schedule of future activity, audit
   16-5  recommendations and results, pending refunds, and recovered
   16-6  refunds.  <The State Board of Education shall submit a summary of
   16-7  the report to the governor, Legislative Budget Board, and
   16-8  comptroller.>  Not later than the 30th day after the date an audit
   16-9  is completed, the school district shall submit to the State Board
  16-10  of Education a report on the savings resulting from the audit,
  16-11  including their source, and the costs of the audit.  <The State
  16-12  Board of Education shall submit a copy of this report to the
  16-13  governor, Legislative Budget Board, and comptroller.>
  16-14        SECTION 14.  Sections 35.030(b) and (c), Education Code, are
  16-15  amended to read as follows:
  16-16        (b)  The results of individual student performance on
  16-17  academic skills assessment instruments administered under this
  16-18  subchapter are confidential and may be made available only to the
  16-19  student, the student's parent or guardian, the school personnel
  16-20  directly involved with the student's educational program, and the
  16-21  Central Education Agency as required by this subchapter.  However,
  16-22  overall student performance data shall be aggregated by grade
  16-23  level, subject area, campus, and district and made available to the
  16-24  public, with appropriate interpretations, at regularly scheduled
  16-25  meetings of the governing board of each school district.  The
  16-26  information may not contain the names of individual students or
  16-27  teachers.  <The commissioner of education shall compile all of the
   17-1  data and report it to the legislature, lieutenant governor, and
   17-2  governor no later than January 1 of each odd-numbered year.>
   17-3        (c)  In compiling performance data under Subsection (b), a
   17-4  district <or the commissioner of education> may aggregate
   17-5  separately from the performance data of other students the
   17-6  performance data of students enrolled in:
   17-7              (1)  a bilingual education or special language program
   17-8  under Subchapter L, Chapter 21; or
   17-9              (2)  a special education program under Subchapter N,
  17-10  Chapter 21.
  17-11        SECTION 15.  Section 35.102(c), Education Code, is amended to
  17-12  read as follows:
  17-13        (c)  The Central Education Agency shall monitor and evaluate
  17-14  deregulation of a school campus or district under this section and
  17-15  Section 11.273 <and report annually on the effect of deregulation
  17-16  on student achievement to the State Board of Education, the
  17-17  Legislative Education Board, the governor, the lieutenant governor,
  17-18  the speaker of the house of representatives, and the legislature.
  17-19  The report must include a list of the exemptions utilized and a
  17-20  review of the effectiveness of the waivers and exemptions
  17-21  programs>.
  17-22        SECTION 16.  Section 35.121(c), Education Code, is amended to
  17-23  read as follows:
  17-24        (c)  The commissioner of education shall review annually the
  17-25  performance of a district or campus subject to this section to
  17-26  determine the appropriate actions to be implemented under this
  17-27  section.  The commissioner must review at least annually the
   18-1  performance of a district for which the accreditation rating has
   18-2  been lowered due to unacceptable student performance and may not
   18-3  raise the rating until the district has demonstrated improved
   18-4  student performance.  If the review reveals a lack of improvement,
   18-5  the commissioner shall increase the level of state intervention and
   18-6  sanction unless the commissioner finds good cause for maintaining
   18-7  the current status.  <At the beginning of the 1993-1994 school
   18-8  year, the Central Education Agency shall rate any district with
   18-9  clearly unacceptable performance as accredited warned and the
  18-10  commissioner of education shall begin appropriate intervention in
  18-11  the district.  The commissioner of education shall report annually
  18-12  to the governor, lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house
  18-13  of representatives on districts or campuses subject to this section
  18-14  the actions taken by the commissioner to improve student
  18-15  performance and the results of those actions.>
  18-16        SECTION 17.  The following sections of the Education Code are
  18-17  repealed:
  18-18              (1)  11.204(d);
  18-19              (2)  11.205(d);
  18-20              (3)  11.27(h);
  18-21              (4)  11.272(c), as amended by Chapter 520, Acts of the
  18-22  73rd Legislature, 1993;
  18-23              (5)  11.52(n);
  18-24              (6)  11.902(c);
  18-25              (7)  11.911;
  18-26              (8)  11.956;
  18-27              (9)  14.021(e);
   19-1              (10)  14.0451(g), as added by Chapter 250, Acts of the
   19-2  73rd Legislature, 1993;
   19-3              (11)  16.054(e);
   19-4              (12)  16.205(d), as amended by Chapter 520, Acts of the
   19-5  73rd Legislature, 1993;
   19-6              (13)  21.101(f);
   19-7              (14)  21.113(g);
   19-8              (15)  21.925(d);
   19-9              (16)  35.032; and
  19-10              (17)  35.041(d).
  19-11        SECTION 18.  The importance of this legislation and the
  19-12  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  19-13  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  19-14  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  19-15  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.