By McDonald                                            H.B. No. 983
       74R4658 PB-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the regulation of licensed vocational nurses.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 5(g), Chapter 118, Acts of the 52nd
    1-5  Legislature, Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's Texas
    1-6  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    1-7        (g)  The Board shall employ a full-time Director of
    1-8  Education, who shall have had at least five (5) years experience in
    1-9  teaching nursing in an accredited school of nursing or an approved
   1-10  program in vocational nursing.  The Board may select either a
   1-11  Licensed Vocational Nurse or a Registered Nurse as the Director of
   1-12  Education.  The duties of the Director of Education shall be to
   1-13  visit and inspect all schools of vocational nursing to determine
   1-14  whether the Board's minimum requirements for vocational nursing
   1-15  programs are being met.  The Board, by rule, may establish a
   1-16  separate fee for the survey of approved programs, which may be
   1-17  allocated to cover the cost of implementing the survey.  The Board
   1-18  shall prescribe such methods and rules of visiting, and such
   1-19  methods of reporting as may in its judgment be deemed proper.
   1-20        SECTION 2.  Sections 6(a) and (d), Chapter 118, Acts of the
   1-21  52nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's
   1-22  Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
   1-23        (a)  Except as provided in Section 7 of this Act, every
   1-24  person desiring to be licensed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse or
    2-1  use the abbreviation L.V.N. in the State of Texas, shall be
    2-2  required to pass the examination approved by the Board of
    2-3  Vocational Nurse Examiners.  The applicant shall make application
    2-4  by presenting to the Board, on forms furnished by the Board,
    2-5  satisfactory sworn evidence that the applicant holds a high school
    2-6  diploma issued by an accredited secondary <has had at least two (2)
    2-7  years of high> school <education> or <its> equivalent educational
    2-8  credentials and has completed an approved course in an approved
    2-9  school for educating vocational nurses.  An approved school as used
   2-10  herein shall mean one approved by the Board or by another state.
   2-11  <Application for examination by the Board or its delegate shall be
   2-12  made at least thirty (30) days prior to the date set for the
   2-13  examination.>
   2-14        (d)  If an applicant has graduated from an approved
   2-15  educational program in vocational nursing in this state, another
   2-16  state, or the District of Columbia, or successfully completed an
   2-17  acceptable level of education in a professional nursing program in
   2-18  this state, another state, or the District of Columbia, the Board
   2-19  may issue to the applicant, pending the results of the licensing
   2-20  examination, a temporary permit to practice vocational nursing
   2-21  under the direct supervision of a licensed vocational nurse,
   2-22  registered professional nurse, or licensed physician.  A permit
   2-23  issued to an applicant who fails the examination expires on the
   2-24  date the examination result is reported to the Board <indicated on
   2-25  the permit>.  A permit issued to an applicant who passes the
   2-26  examination expires on the applicant's receipt of a permanent
   2-27  license from the Board.  A permit may not be issued to an applicant
    3-1  who has previously failed an examination administered by the Board
    3-2  or by another state.
    3-3        SECTION 3.  Section 7, Chapter 118, Acts of the 52nd
    3-4  Legislature, Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's Texas
    3-5  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    3-7  qualify for a temporary license to practice as a licensed
    3-8  vocational nurse by endorsement, an applicant for licensing must:
    3-9              (1)  submit to the Board an application fee as
   3-10  determined by the Board and a completed application given under
   3-11  oath, in the form prescribed by the Board;
   3-12              (2)  have possessed at the time of initial licensing as
   3-13  a licensed vocational nurse the qualifications necessary to have
   3-14  been eligible for licensing at that time in this state; and
   3-15              (3)  have presented to the Board proof of initial
   3-16  licensing by examination and proof that the current active license
   3-17  and other license or licenses granted to the applicant by any other
   3-18  state have not been suspended, revoked, canceled, surrendered, or
   3-19  otherwise restricted for any reason<; and>
   3-20              <(4)  submit to the Board a notice of sponsorship of
   3-21  the applicant by the holder of a Texas health care professional
   3-22  license under whom the applicant will practice>.
   3-23        (b)  A holder of a temporary license under this section shall
   3-24  receive a permanent license if the applicant:
   3-25              (1)  has submitted official verification of the
   3-26  academic and professional credentials of the applicant; and
   3-27              (2)  satisfies any other requirement set by statute.
    4-1        (c)  The Board shall either grant or deny an application for
    4-2  a permanent license within 180 days after the date of the Board's
    4-3  receipt of all required forms or information.  The Board may extend
    4-4  the 180-day deadline to allow for the receipt and tabulation of
    4-5  pending examination results.
    4-6        (d)  <The Board shall adopt rules relating to the conditions
    4-7  of sponsorship under Subsection (a)(4) of this section, including
    4-8  waiver of the requirement in the event of a hardship.>
    4-9        <(e)>  The Board shall specify training, education, or
   4-10  examination requirements that an applicant may complete in lieu of
   4-11  the requirements of Subsection (a)(2) of this section.
   4-12        (e)  The Board shall adopt rules to address the practice of
   4-13  vocational nursing by a vocational nurse who holds a license issued
   4-14  by another state who is in this state on a nonroutine basis for a
   4-15  period not to exceed five days or 120 hours to provide care to a
   4-16  patient who is being transported into, out of, or through this
   4-17  state.
   4-18        SECTION 4.  Chapter 118, Acts of the 52nd Legislature,
   4-19  Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's Texas Civil
   4-20  Statutes), is amended by adding Section 10G to read as follows:
   4-21        Sec. 10G.  TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF LICENSE.  (a)  If the
   4-22  majority of the Board or a three-member committee of Board members
   4-23  designated by the Board determines from the evidence or information
   4-24  presented to it that a licensed vocational nurse, by continuation
   4-25  in the practice of vocational nursing, would constitute a
   4-26  continuing and imminent threat to the public welfare, the Board or
   4-27  the three-member committee shall temporarily suspend the license of
    5-1  the licensed vocational nurse.
    5-2        (b)  A license may be suspended under this section without
    5-3  notice or hearing on the complaint if:
    5-4              (1)  proceedings for a hearing before the State Office
    5-5  of Administrative Hearings are initiated simultaneously with the
    5-6  temporary suspension; and
    5-7              (2)  a hearing is held as soon as practicable under
    5-8  this Act and Chapter 2001, Government Code (the Administrative
    5-9  Procedure Act).
   5-10        (c)  The State Office of Administrative Hearings shall
   5-11  conduct a preliminary hearing not later than the 21st day after the
   5-12  date of the temporary suspension order to determine if probable
   5-13  cause exists that a continuing and imminent threat to the public
   5-14  welfare is still occurring.  That office shall conduct a final
   5-15  hearing on the matter not later than the 91st day after the date of
   5-16  the temporary suspension order.
   5-17        SECTION 5.  Chapter 118, Acts of the 52nd Legislature,
   5-18  Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's Texas Civil
   5-19  Statutes), is amended by adding Section 10H to read as follows:
   5-20        Sec. 10H.  INFORMATION; SUBPOENAS.  (a)  Each person shall
   5-21  respond promptly and fully to any request for information from the
   5-22  Board and to any subpoena issued by the Board and may not refuse,
   5-23  deny, or resist the request or subpoena unless the request or
   5-24  subpoena requests information subject to the attorney-client
   5-25  privilege of confidentiality.  No other privilege applies to a
   5-26  proceeding of the Board.
   5-27        (b)  Each subpoena issued by the Board may be served
    6-1  personally by a Board investigator, by certified mail, or by any
    6-2  other manner authorized by law.
    6-3        (c)   The Board may pay a reasonable fee for photocopies
    6-4  subpoenaed at the request of the Board in an amount not to exceed
    6-5  the amount that the Board charges for a copy of a Board record.
    6-6        (d)  To the extent possible, the Board shall protect the
    6-7  identity of patients named in information received by the Board.
    6-8        SECTION 6.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this
    6-9  section, this Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   6-10        (b)  Section 6, Chapter 118, Acts of the 52nd Legislature,
   6-11  Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's Texas Civil
   6-12  Statutes), as amended by this Act, applies only to an application
   6-13  for a license as a licensed vocational nurse that is filed with the
   6-14  Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners on or after the effective date
   6-15  of this Act.  An application filed before that date is governed by
   6-16  the law in effect on the date that the application was filed, and
   6-17  the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
   6-18        (c)  Sections 10G and 10H, Chapter 118, Acts of the 52nd
   6-19  Legislature, Regular Session, 1951 (Article 4528c, Vernon's Texas
   6-20  Civil Statutes), as added by this Act, take effect January 1, 1996.
   6-21  Not later than December 31, 1995, the Board of Vocational Nurse
   6-22  Examiners shall adopt rules as necessary to implement those
   6-23  sections.
   6-24        SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
   6-25  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   6-26  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   6-27  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    7-1  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.