By Holzheauser                                        H.B. No. 1443
       74R2439 DAK-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the imposition, collection, and enforcement of taxes.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 111.010(c), Tax Code, is amended to read
    1-5  as follows:
    1-6        (c)  Venue for and jurisdiction of a suit arising under this
    1-7  section is exclusively conferred upon the district courts of Travis
    1-8  County.
    1-9        SECTION 2.  Section 111.101, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   1-10  follows:
   1-11        Sec. 111.101.  Settlement Before Redetermination.  <(a)>
   1-12  After the comptroller examines a taxpayer's records and before a
   1-13  petition for redetermination of the tax is filed, the comptroller
   1-14  may settle a claim for a tax, penalty, or interest imposed by this
   1-15  title if the cost of collection of the amount due would exceed the
   1-16  amount of tax due and if the amount due is not more than $300.
   1-17        <(b)  A settlement under this section is not effective unless
   1-18  it is approved by the assistant comptroller for legal services.>
   1-19        SECTION 3.  Section 111.201, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   1-20  follows:
   1-21        Sec. 111.201.  ASSESSMENT <AND REFUND> LIMITATION.  <(a)>  No
   1-22  tax imposed by this title may be assessed after four years from the
   1-23  date that the tax becomes due and payable.
   1-24        <(b)  No refund of any tax imposed by this title may be made
    2-1  by the comptroller after four years after the date that the tax was
    2-2  paid, except on tolling of the statute of limitations for refunds
    2-3  as provided in this title.>
    2-4        SECTION 4.  Section 151.154, Tax Code, is amended to read as
    2-5  follows:
    2-6        Sec. 151.154.  Resale Certificate:  Liability of Purchaser.
    2-7  (a)  If a purchaser who gives a resale certificate makes any use of
    2-8  the taxable item <tangible personal property> other than retention,
    2-9  demonstration, or display while holding it for sale, lease, or
   2-10  rental in the regular course of business or for transfer as an
   2-11  integral part of a taxable service in the regular course of
   2-12  business, the purchaser shall be liable for payment of the sales
   2-13  tax on the <fair market rental> value of the taxable item for any
   2-14  period during which the taxable item <tangible personal property>
   2-15  is used other than for retention, demonstration, or display.
   2-16        (b)  The value of an item of tangible personal property is
   2-17  the <The> fair market rental value of the tangible personal
   2-18  property, which is the amount that a purchaser would pay on the
   2-19  open market to rent or lease the tangible personal property for his
   2-20  use.  The value of a taxable service is the fair market value of
   2-21  the taxable service, which is the amount that a purchaser would pay
   2-22  on the open market to obtain the service for the use of the
   2-23  purchaser.
   2-24        (c)  If an <the> item of tangible personal property has no
   2-25  fair market rental value or if a taxable service has no fair market
   2-26  value, the original purchase price shall be the measure of the tax.
   2-27        (d)  At any time, the person making the divergent use may
    3-1  cease paying tax on the fair market rental value or fair market
    3-2  value and may pay sales tax on the original purchase price without
    3-3  credit for taxes previously paid <on the fair market rental value>.
    3-4        (e) <(b)>  A purchaser of a taxable item <tangible personal
    3-5  property> who gives a resale certificate is not liable for the tax
    3-6  imposed by this chapter if he donates the item <property> to an
    3-7  organization exempted under Section 151.309 or 151.310(a)(1) or (2)
    3-8  of this code; except that any use by the purchaser of the taxable
    3-9  item <property> other than retention, demonstration, or display
   3-10  shall be subject to taxes imposed by <Subsection (a) of> this
   3-11  section.
   3-12        SECTION 5.  Section 151.155, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   3-13  follows:
   3-14        Sec. 151.155.  Exemption Certificate.  (a)  If a purchaser
   3-15  certifies in writing to a seller that a taxable item sold, leased,
   3-16  or rented to the purchaser will be used in a manner or for a
   3-17  purpose that qualifies the sale of the item for an exemption from
   3-18  the taxes imposed by this chapter, and if the purchaser then uses
   3-19  the item in some other manner or for some other purpose, the
   3-20  purchaser is liable for the payment of the sales tax on the <fair
   3-21  market rental> value of the taxable item for any period during
   3-22  which the item is used in the divergent manner or for the divergent
   3-23  purpose.
   3-24        (b)  The value of an item of tangible personal property is
   3-25  the fair market rental value of tangible personal property, which
   3-26  is the amount that a purchaser would pay on the open market to rent
   3-27  or lease the property for his use.  The value of a taxable service
    4-1  is the fair market value of the taxable service, which is the
    4-2  amount that a purchaser would pay on the open market to obtain the
    4-3  service for the use of the purchaser.
    4-4        (c)  If an <the> item of tangible personal property has no
    4-5  fair market rental value or if a taxable service has no fair market
    4-6  value, the original purchase price shall be the measure of tax.
    4-7        (d)  At any time, the person making the divergent use may
    4-8  cease paying tax on the fair market rental value or fair market
    4-9  value and may pay sales tax on the original purchase price without
   4-10  credit for taxes previously paid <on the fair market rental value>.
   4-11        (e) <(b)>  A purchaser of a taxable item <tangible personal
   4-12  property> who gives an exemption certificate is not liable for the
   4-13  tax imposed by this chapter if he donates the taxable item
   4-14  <property> to an organization exempted under Section 151.309 or
   4-15  151.310(a)(1) or (2) of this code; except that any use by the
   4-16  purchaser of the taxable item <property> other than retention,
   4-17  demonstration, or display shall be subject to taxes imposed by
   4-18  <Subsection (a) of> this section.
   4-19        SECTION 6.  Section 151.157(f), Tax Code, is amended to read
   4-20  as follows:
   4-21        (f)  The comptroller may suspend or revoke a license issued
   4-22  under this section for good cause.  The comptroller may determine
   4-23  the length of suspension or revocation necessary for the
   4-24  enforcement of this chapter and the comptroller's rules.  A
   4-25  proceeding to suspend or revoke a license under this subsection is
   4-26  a contested case under Chapter 2001, Government Code <the
   4-27  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
    5-1  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>. Judicial review is by trial de
    5-2  novo.  The district courts of Travis County have exclusive original
    5-3  jurisdiction of a suit under this section.
    5-4        SECTION 7.  Section 151.313(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
    5-5  as follows:
    5-6        (a)  The following items are exempted from the taxes imposed
    5-7  by this chapter:
    5-8              (1)  a drug or medicine, other than insulin, if
    5-9  prescribed or dispensed for a human or animal by a licensed
   5-10  practitioner of the healing arts;
   5-11              (2)  insulin;
   5-12              (3)  a hypodermic syringe or needle;
   5-13              (4)  a brace; hearing aid or audio loop; orthopedic,
   5-14  dental, or prosthetic device; ileostomy, colostomy, or ileal
   5-15  bladder appliance; or supplies or replacement parts for the listed
   5-16  items;
   5-17              (5)  a therapeutic appliance, device, and any related
   5-18  supplies specifically designed for those products, if dispensed or
   5-19  prescribed by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts, when
   5-20  those items are purchased and used by an individual for whom the
   5-21  items listed in this subdivision were dispensed or prescribed;
   5-22              (6)  corrective lens and necessary and related
   5-23  supplies, if dispensed or prescribed by an ophthalmologist or
   5-24  optometrist;
   5-25              (7)  specialized printing or signalling equipment used
   5-26  by the deaf for the purpose of enabling the deaf to communicate
   5-27  through the use of an ordinary telephone and all materials, paper,
    6-1  and printing ribbons used in that equipment;
    6-2              (8)  a braille wristwatch, braille writer, braille
    6-3  paper and braille electronic equipment that connects to computer
    6-4  equipment, and the necessary adaptive devices and adaptive computer
    6-5  software; <and>
    6-6              (9)  each of the following items if purchased for use
    6-7  by the blind to enable them to function more independently:  a
    6-8  slate and stylus, print enlarger, light probe, magnifier, white
    6-9  cane, talking clock, large print terminal, talking terminal, or
   6-10  harness for guide dog; and
   6-11              (10)  hospital beds.
   6-12        SECTION 8.  Section 151.314(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
   6-13  as follows:
   6-14        (e)  Food products, candy, carbonated beverages, and diluted
   6-15  juices are exempted from the taxes imposed by this chapter if sold
   6-16  at an exempt sale qualifying under this subsection or if stored or
   6-17  used by the purchaser of the item at the exempt sale.  A sale is
   6-18  exempted under this subsection if:
   6-19              (1)  the sale is made by a person under 19 <18> years
   6-20  old who is a member of a nonprofit organization devoted to the
   6-21  exclusive purpose of education or religious or physical training or
   6-22  by a group associated with a public or private elementary or
   6-23  secondary school;
   6-24              (2)  the sale is made as a part of a fund-raising drive
   6-25  sponsored by the organization or group; and
   6-26              (3)  all net proceeds from the sale go to the
   6-27  organization or group for its exclusive use.
    7-1        SECTION 9.  Section 151.316(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
    7-2  as follows:
    7-3        (a)  The following items are exempted from the taxes imposed
    7-4  by this chapter:
    7-5              (1)  horses, mules, and work animals;
    7-6              (2)  animal life the products of which ordinarily
    7-7  constitute food for human consumption;
    7-8              (3)  feed for farm and ranch animals;
    7-9              (4)  feed for animals that are held for sale in the
   7-10  regular course of business;
   7-11              (5)  seeds and annual plants the products of which:
   7-12                    (A)  ordinarily constitute food for human
   7-13  consumption;
   7-14                    (B)  are to be sold in the regular course of
   7-15  business; or
   7-16                    (C)  are used to produce feed for animals
   7-17  exempted by this section;
   7-18              (6)  fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, herbicides,
   7-19  defoliants, and desiccants exclusively used or employed on a farm
   7-20  or ranch in the production of:
   7-21                    (A)  food for human consumption;
   7-22                    (B)  feed for animal life; or
   7-23                    (C)  other agricultural products to be sold in
   7-24  the regular course of business;
   7-25              (7)  machinery and equipment exclusively used or
   7-26  employed on a farm or ranch in the building or maintaining of roads
   7-27  or water facilities or in the production of:
    8-1                    (A)  food for human consumption;
    8-2                    (B)  grass;
    8-3                    (C)  feed for animal life; or
    8-4                    (D)  other agricultural products to be sold in
    8-5  the regular course of business;
    8-6              (8)  machinery and equipment exclusively used in the
    8-7  processing, packing, or marketing of agricultural products by an
    8-8  <the> original producer at a location operated by the original
    8-9  producer <exclusively> for processing, packing, or marketing the
   8-10  producer's own products if:
   8-11                    (A)  50 percent or more of the products
   8-12  processed, packed, or marketed at or from the location are produced
   8-13  by the original producer and not purchased or acquired from others;
   8-14  and
   8-15                    (B)  the producer does not process, pack, or
   8-16  market for consideration any agricultural product that belongs to
   8-17  another person; and
   8-18              (9)  ice exclusively used by commercial fishing boats
   8-19  in the storing of aquatic species including but not limited to
   8-20  shrimp, other crustaceans, finfish, mollusks, and other similar
   8-21  creatures.
   8-22        SECTION 10.  Section 151.317(c), Tax Code, is amended to read
   8-23  as follows:
   8-24        (c)  In this section:
   8-25              (1)  "Residential use" means use:
   8-26                    (A)  in a family dwelling or in a multifamily
   8-27  apartment or housing complex or building or in a part of a building
    9-1  occupied as a home or residence when the use is by the owner of the
    9-2  dwelling, apartment, complex, or building or part of the building
    9-3  occupied; or
    9-4                    (B)  in a dwelling, apartment, house, or building
    9-5  or part of a building occupied as a home or residence when the use
    9-6  is by a tenant who occupies the dwelling, apartment, house, or
    9-7  building or part of a building under a contract for an express
    9-8  initial term for longer than 29 consecutive days.
    9-9              (2)  "Commercial use" means use by a person engaged in
   9-10  selling, warehousing, or distributing a commodity or a professional
   9-11  or personal service, but does not include:
   9-12                    (A)  use by a person engaged in:
   9-13                          (i)  processing tangible personal property
   9-14  for sale as tangible personal property, other than preparation or
   9-15  storage of food for immediate consumption;
   9-16                          (ii)  exploring for, <or> producing, or
   9-17  <and> transporting, a material extracted from the earth;
   9-18                          (iii)  agriculture, including dairy or
   9-19  poultry operations and pumping for farm or ranch irrigation; or
   9-20                          (iv)  electrical processes such as
   9-21  electroplating, electrolysis, and cathodic protection; or
   9-22                    (B)  a direct or indirect use, consumption, or
   9-23  loss of electricity by an electric utility engaged in the purchase
   9-24  of electricity for resale.
   9-25        SECTION 11.  Sections 151.318(e) and (m), Tax Code, are
   9-26  amended to read as follows:
   9-27        (e)  This section does not apply to any taxable item rented
   10-1  or leased for less than one year to a person engaged in
   10-2  manufacturing.
   10-3        (m)  The refund of a portion of the taxes imposed by this
   10-4  chapter provided by Subsection (h)(1) and Subsection (n) for
   10-5  property purchased during 1990 or 1991 and the reduction in the
   10-6  amount of the tax imposed by this chapter provided by Subsections
   10-7  (h)(2), (3), <and> (4), and (5) and Subsection (n) for property
   10-8  purchased during 1992, 1993, or 1994 do not affect the application
   10-9  of <a> sales and use taxes <tax> imposed on the property by a
  10-10  political subdivision of this state under Chapter 321, 322, or 323,
  10-11  or under any other law.
  10-12        SECTION 12.  Section 151.319(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
  10-13  as follows:
  10-14        (e)  The following items are not exempted by Subsection (d)
  10-15  of this section:
  10-16              (1)  machinery or equipment or their accessories or
  10-17  replacement parts having a useful life when new in excess of six
  10-18  months;
  10-19              (2)  intraplant transportation equipment, maintenance
  10-20  or janitorial supplies or equipment, or other machinery, equipment,
  10-21  materials, or supplies that are used incidentally to printing or
  10-22  processing;
  10-23              (3)  hand tools; or
  10-24              (4)  office equipment or supplies; equipment or
  10-25  supplies used in sales, distribution, or transportation activities,
  10-26  or in gathering information; or other tangible personal property
  10-27  used by a newspaper printer in an activity other than the actual
   11-1  printing and processing operation<; or>
   11-2              <(5)  internal or external wrapping, packing, and
   11-3  packaging supplies, as defined by Section 151.302(d), purchased for
   11-4  a person's own use, stored for use, or used in wrapping, packing,
   11-5  or packaging tangible personal property>.
   11-6        SECTION 13.  Section 151.350, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   11-7  follows:
   11-8        Sec. 151.350.  LABOR TO RESTORE <REPAIR> CERTAIN PROPERTY.
   11-9  (a)  Labor to restore <repair> real or tangible personal property
  11-10  is exempted from the taxes imposed by this chapter if:
  11-11              (1)  the amount of the charge for labor is separately
  11-12  itemized; and
  11-13              (2)  the restoration is performed on <repair is to>
  11-14  property damaged within a disaster area by the condition that
  11-15  caused the area to be declared a disaster area.
  11-16        (b)  The exemption under this section does not apply to
  11-17  tangible personal property transferred by the service provider to
  11-18  the purchaser as part of the service <repair>.
  11-19        (c)  In this section, "disaster area" means:
  11-20              (1)  an area declared a disaster area by the governor
  11-21  under Chapter 418, Government Code; or
  11-22              (2)  an area declared a disaster area by the president
  11-23  of the United States under 42 U.S.C. Section 5141.
  11-24        (d)  In this section, "restore" means:
  11-25              (1)  launder or clean, to the extent the service is a
  11-26  personal service as defined in Section 151.0045; and
  11-27              (2)  repair, restore, or remodel, to the extent the
   12-1  service is:
   12-2                    (A)  a real property repair or remodeling service
   12-3  as defined in Section 151.0047; or
   12-4                    (B)  defined as a taxable service in Section
   12-5  151.0101(5).
   12-6        SECTION 14.  Section 151.509, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   12-7  follows:
   12-8        Sec. 151.509.  Petition for Redetermination.  <(b)>  A person
   12-9  petitioning for a redetermination of a determination made under
  12-10  Section 111.022 <151.506  of this code> must file, before the
  12-11  determination becomes final, security as the comptroller requires
  12-12  to ensure compliance with this chapter.  The security may be sold
  12-13  by the comptroller in the manner provided by Subchapter A, Chapter
  12-14  111 <Section 151.611 of this code>.
  12-15        SECTION 15.  Section 151.712(g), Tax Code, is amended to read
  12-16  as follows:
  12-17        (g)  A proceeding to impose a civil penalty or suspend or
  12-18  revoke a license because of a violation of this section is a
  12-19  contested case under Chapter 2001, Government Code <the
  12-20  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
  12-21  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>. Judicial review is by trial de
  12-22  novo.  The district courts of Travis County have exclusive original
  12-23  jurisdiction of a suit under this section.
  12-24        SECTION 16.  Section 153.116(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
  12-25  as follows:
  12-26        (e)  In lieu of filing a surety bond, an applicant for a
  12-27  permit may substitute the following security:
   13-1              (1)  cash in the form of U.S. currency in an amount
   13-2  equal to the required bond to be deposited in the suspense account
   13-3  of the state treasury;
   13-4              (2)  an assignment to the comptroller of a certificate
   13-5  of deposit in any bank or savings and loan association in Texas
   13-6  that is a member of the FDIC <or the FSLIC> in an amount at least
   13-7  equal to the bond amount required; or
   13-8              (3)  an irrevocable letter of credit to the comptroller
   13-9  from any bank or savings and loan association in Texas that is a
  13-10  member of the FDIC <or FSLIC> in an amount of credit at least equal
  13-11  to the bond amount required.
  13-12        SECTION 17.  Section 153.205, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  13-13  Subsection (i) to read as follows:
  13-14        (i)  A permitted supplier may not make a tax-free sale to a
  13-15  purchaser using a signed statement:
  13-16              (1)  for the sale of more than 3,000 gallons of diesel
  13-17  fuel in a single transaction; or
  13-18              (2)  in a calendar month in which the supplier has
  13-19  previously sold more than 10,000 gallons of diesel fuel to the
  13-20  purchaser.
  13-21        SECTION 18.  Section 153.206(f), Tax Code, is amended to read
  13-22  as follows:
  13-23        (f)  If diesel fuel is purchased, in a single delivery of
  13-24  5,000 gallons or more, or in lesser quantities where required by
  13-25  city ordinance, by any person for the purpose of resale, the
  13-26  seller, distributor, or broker shall sell the product to the
  13-27  retailer or any other person purchasing the product on the basis of
   14-1  temperature-corrected gallonage to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and the
   14-2  tax shall be computed and paid over to the state on the
   14-3  temperature-corrected basis.  All other sales shall be reported to
   14-4  the comptroller on the basis of gross or volumetric gallons of
   14-5  taxable diesel fuel <gasoline> sold.
   14-6        SECTION 19.  Section 153.218(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
   14-7  as follows:
   14-8        (e)  In lieu of filing a surety bond, an applicant for a
   14-9  permit may substitute the following security:
  14-10              (1)  cash in the form of U.S. currency in an amount
  14-11  equal to the required bond to be deposited in the suspense account
  14-12  of the state treasury;
  14-13              (2)  an assignment to the comptroller of a certificate
  14-14  of deposit in any bank or savings and loan association in the state
  14-15  that is a member of the FDIC <or the FSLIC> in an amount at least
  14-16  equal to the bond amount required; or
  14-17              (3)  an irrevocable letter of credit to the comptroller
  14-18  from any bank or savings and loan association in Texas that is a
  14-19  member of the FDIC <or FSLIC> in an amount of credit at least equal
  14-20  to the bond amount required.
  14-21        SECTION 20.  Sections 159.101(f), (g), (h), and (i), Tax
  14-22  Code, are amended to read as follows:
  14-23        (f)  <When the comptroller makes an assessment under this
  14-24  chapter, the comptroller shall issue a determination stating the
  14-25  amount and that the tax collection is in jeopardy.  The amount
  14-26  determined is due and payable immediately.  A determination made
  14-27  under this chapter becomes final on the expiration of 20 days after
   15-1  the day on which the notice of the determination was served by
   15-2  personal service or by mail unless a petition for a redetermination
   15-3  is filed before the determination becomes final.>
   15-4        <(g)>  If a determination made under this chapter becomes
   15-5  final without payment of the amount of the determination being
   15-6  made, the comptroller shall add to the amount a penalty of 10
   15-7  percent of the amount of the tax and interest.
   15-8        (g) <(h)>  In a redetermination proceeding held or a judicial
   15-9  proceeding brought under this chapter, a certificate from the
  15-10  comptroller that shows the issued determination is prima facie
  15-11  evidence of:
  15-12              (1)  the determination of the stated tax or amount of
  15-13  the tax;
  15-14              (2)  the stated amount of the penalties and interest;
  15-15  and
  15-16              (3)  the compliance of the comptroller with this
  15-17  chapter in computing and determining the amount due.
  15-18        (h) <(i)>  The suppression of evidence on any ground in a
  15-19  criminal case that arises out of facts on which a determination is
  15-20  made under this chapter or the dismissal of criminal charges in
  15-21  such a case does not affect a determination made under this
  15-22  chapter.
  15-23        SECTION 21.  Section 159.103, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  15-24  follows:
  15-25        Sec. 159.103.  Exemption.  The possession, purchase,
  15-26  acquisition, importation, manufacture, or production of a taxable
  15-27  substance is exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter if the
   16-1  activity is authorized by law.
   16-2        SECTION 22.  The heading to Subchapter C, Chapter 159, Tax
   16-3  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   16-5        SECTION 23.  Section 159.203, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   16-6  follows:
   16-7        Sec. 159.203.  PREVIOUSLY USED CERTIFICATES.  (a)  A person
   16-8  commits an offense if the person:
   16-9              (1)  uses, sells, offers for sale, or possesses for use
  16-10  or sale previously used tax payment certificates; or
  16-11              (2)  attaches or causes to be attached a previously
  16-12  used tax payment certificate to a taxable substance.
  16-13        (b)  An offense under this section is a felony of the third
  16-14  degree.
  16-15        (c)  Venue of a prosecution under this section is in Travis
  16-16  County.
  16-17        SECTION 24.  Section 159.205, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  16-18  follows:
  16-20  <FORFEITURE>.  (a)  <Property seized under Section 159.204 of this
  16-21  code is subject to forfeiture to the state in the same manner as
  16-22  provided for forfeiture of seized property under Chapter 103,
  16-23  Alcoholic Beverage Code.  Property forfeited to the state that is
  16-24  not ordered destroyed may be used by the seizing agency for
  16-25  official purposes or sold at public auction in the manner provided
  16-26  by law for sheriff's sales.  The proceeds from the sale of property
  16-27  forfeited under this section, after satisfaction of all costs,
   17-1  shall be disposed of in the manner provided for by Article 59.06,
   17-2  Code of Criminal Procedure.>
   17-3        <(b)>  The right of the comptroller to collect the tax
   17-4  imposed by this chapter, including applicable penalty and interest,
   17-5  is subordinate to the right of a federal, state, or local law
   17-6  enforcement authority to seize, forfeit, and retain property under
   17-7  Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 59, Code of Criminal
   17-8  Procedure; or any other criminal forfeiture law of this state or of
   17-9  the United States.  A lien filed by the comptroller as a result of
  17-10  the failure of a dealer to pay the tax, penalty, or interest due
  17-11  under this chapter is also subordinate to those rights.
  17-12        (b)  This section does not affect the validity of a lien or a
  17-13  collection action relating to the tax imposed by this chapter under
  17-14  any other circumstance.
  17-15        SECTION 25.  Section 159.206, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  17-16  follows:
  17-17        Sec. 159.206.  Settlement or Compromise of Tax.  <(a)>  The
  17-18  comptroller may settle or compromise a tax, penalty, or interest
  17-19  imposed under this chapter only if:
  17-20              (1)  the prosecutor of a criminal offense under this
  17-21  chapter or of another offense arising out of the same incident or
  17-22  transaction requests in writing that the comptroller settle or
  17-23  compromise and specifies the reasons for the request; and
  17-24              (2)  the comptroller determines that the settlement or
  17-25  compromise is in the best interest of the state.
  17-26        <(b)  The prosecutor of a criminal offense under this chapter
  17-27  or of another criminal offense arising out of the same incident or
   18-1  transaction or the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative may
   18-2  request in writing that the comptroller defer an administrative
   18-3  hearing on a determination made on this chapter until a trial has
   18-4  been completed in the criminal case involving the same incident or
   18-5  transaction or another disposition has been made of the case.  The
   18-6  comptroller may comply with a request to defer an administrative
   18-7  hearing if the comptroller determines that the deferral would be in
   18-8  the best interest of the state.  This subsection does not prohibit
   18-9  the comptroller from filing a lien or taking any other action to
  18-10  collect the tax in the manner permitted under this code before the
  18-11  conclusion of an administrative hearing.>
  18-12        SECTION 26.  Section 201.201, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  18-13  follows:
  18-14        Sec. 201.201.  Tax Due.  The tax imposed by this chapter for
  18-15  gas produced and saved is due at the office of the comptroller in
  18-16  Austin on the 20th <last> day of the second <each calendar> month
  18-17  following the month of production <for gas produced and saved
  18-18  during the preceding calendar month>.
  18-19        SECTION 27.  Section 361.138, Health and Safety Code, is
  18-20  amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (l), (m),
  18-21  and (n) to read as follows:
  18-22        (a)  In this section:
  18-23              (1)  "Engaged in business in this state" has the
  18-24  meaning provided under Sections 151.107(a) and (b), Tax Code.
  18-25              (2)  "Lead-acid <, "lead-acid> battery" means any
  18-26  battery which contains lead and sulfuric acid.
  18-27              (3)  "Purchased for resale" means acquired by means of
   19-1  a sale for resale as defined in Section 151.006, Tax Code.
   19-2              (4)  "Storage" and "use" have the meanings assigned
   19-3  those terms by Section 151.011, Tax Code.
   19-4        (l)  A fee is imposed on the storage, use, or other
   19-5  consumption in this state of a lead-acid battery, unless purchased
   19-6  for resale, at the same rate as provided by Subsection (b).
   19-7        (m)  A person storing, using, or consuming a lead-acid
   19-8  battery in this state is liable for the fee imposed by Subsection
   19-9  (l) and is responsible for reporting and paying it to the
  19-10  comptroller in the same manner as a person required to collect the
  19-11  fee provided for in Subsections (c)(2) and (d).
  19-12        (n)  A person storing, using, or consuming a lead-acid
  19-13  battery in this state is not liable for the fee if the person pays
  19-14  the fee to a wholesaler or retailer engaged in business in this
  19-15  state or other person authorized by the comptroller to collect the
  19-16  fee and receives from the person a receipt showing that the fee has
  19-17  been paid.
  19-18        SECTION 28.  Section 361.472, Health and Safety Code, is
  19-19  amended by adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
  19-20        (k)  In this section:
  19-21              (1)  "Engaged in business in this state" has the
  19-22  meaning provided under Sections 151.107(a) and (b), Tax Code.
  19-23              (2)  "Purchased for resale" means acquired by means of
  19-24  a sale for resale as defined in Section 151.006, Tax Code.
  19-25              (3)  "Storage" and "use" have the meanings assigned
  19-26  those terms by Section 151.011, Tax Code.
  19-27        SECTION 29.  Section 361.472(c), Health and Safety Code, is
   20-1  amended to read as follows:
   20-2        (c)  A fee may not be assessed for a bicycle tire or a solid
   20-3  industrial tire.
   20-4        SECTION 30.  Section 4A(e), Development Corporation Act of
   20-5  1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   20-6  read as follows:
   20-7        (e)  The Municipal Sales and Use Tax Act (Chapter 321, Tax
   20-8  Code) governs an election to authorize the imposition of the sales
   20-9  and use tax under this section and governs the imposition,
  20-10  computation, administration, governance, abolition, and use of the
  20-11  tax except as inconsistent with this section.  The tax imposed
  20-12  under this section <If an election is held under Subsection (f) of
  20-13  this section at the same time as another election under this
  20-14  section and an additional sales and use tax under Section
  20-15  321.101(b), Tax Code, is adopted or repealed or its rate is
  20-16  increased or reduced, each tax under this section and the
  20-17  imposition or change in the rate of the additional sales and use
  20-18  tax> takes effect as provided by Section 321.102(a) <321.102(b)>,
  20-19  Tax Code.
  20-20        SECTION 31.  Sections 12(3) and (6), Article 8817, Revised
  20-21  Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
  20-22              (3)  The application shall be accompanied by a <sworn>
  20-23  written statement executed by the individual designated to maintain
  20-24  the records and make reports that he is aware of and accepts this
  20-25  responsibility.
  20-26              (6)  The application must contain a statement that the
  20-27  information contained in it is true and correct<, and this
   21-1  statement shall be made under oath>.
   21-2        SECTION 32.  Section 19(1), Article 8817, Revised Statutes,
   21-3  is amended to read as follows:
   21-4        (1)  The Comptroller may not issue a general business <or
   21-5  import> license for a business under this Article if the
   21-6  Comptroller finds that the applicant:
   21-7              (a)  has been finally convicted of a felony in a court
   21-8  of competent jurisdiction during the five years preceding the
   21-9  filing of the application; or
  21-10              (b)  has been on probation or parole as a result of a
  21-11  felony conviction during the two years preceding the filing of the
  21-12  application.
  21-13        SECTION 33.  Section 159.204, Tax Code, is repealed.
  21-14        SECTION 34.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act does not
  21-15  affect the collection or the enforcement of the payment of taxes
  21-16  imposed before the effective date of this Act, and the law in
  21-17  effect before the effective date of this Act is continued in effect
  21-18  for purposes of the liability for and collection of those taxes.
  21-19  This subsection does not apply to the change made by Section 26 of
  21-20  this Act for taxes made due by that section in the second month
  21-21  after the effective date of that section.
  21-22        (b)  The change in law made to Chapter 159, Tax Code, by this
  21-23  Act applies only to a violation of the penal law of this state that
  21-24  occurs on or after the effective date of this Act.  A violation of
  21-25  the penal law of this state occurs on or after the effective date
  21-26  of this Act if any element of the violation occurs on or after that
  21-27  date.
   22-1        (c)  A violation of the penal law of this state that occurs
   22-2  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
   22-3  effect at the time the violation occurred, and that law is
   22-4  continued in effect for that purpose.
   22-5        SECTION 35.  This Act takes effect October 1, 1995.
   22-6        SECTION 36.  The importance of this legislation and the
   22-7  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   22-8  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   22-9  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  22-10  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.