H.B. No. 1463
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to a lien in favor of a seller of agricultural chemicals,
    1-3  agricultural seeds, or animal feed or of a provider of labor in
    1-4  connection with the agricultural chemicals or agricultural seeds;
    1-5  providing penalties.
    1-7        SECTION 1.  Title 5, Agriculture Code, is amended by adding
    1-8  Subtitle H to read as follows:
    1-9                   SUBTITLE H.  HORTICULTURAL LIENS
   1-11                   SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
   1-12        Sec. 128.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
   1-13              (1)  "Agricultural chemical" includes fertilizer
   1-14  material as defined under Section 63.001, pesticides as defined
   1-15  under Section 76.001, plant regulators as defined under Section
   1-16  76.001, lime, plant and soil amendments, plant food, herbicides,
   1-17  and chemical compounds that are applied to crops or to land used
   1-18  for growing crops.
   1-19              (2)  "Agricultural seed" has the meaning assigned under
   1-20  Section 61.001.
   1-21              (3)  "Labor" means labor or services performed in the
   1-22  application, delivery, or preparation of an agricultural chemical
   1-23  or agricultural seed.
   1-24              (4)  "Reasonable or agreed charges" means:
    2-1                    (A)  any agreed price for agricultural chemicals,
    2-2  agricultural seeds, or labor sold or provided to a lien debtor at
    2-3  the lien debtor's request; or
    2-4                    (B)  the reasonable value of agricultural
    2-5  chemicals, agricultural seeds, or labor, as of the date of
    2-6  application, delivery, or preparation, if there is not an agreed
    2-7  price or an agreed method for determining price.
    2-8        Sec. 128.002.  PROCEEDS.  (a)  For the purposes of this
    2-9  chapter, proceeds are the amounts received by a lien debtor, before
   2-10  a deduction for taxes, fees, or assessments or a deduction made
   2-11  under a court order, from the sale of:
   2-12              (1)  the crop that existed at the time of application
   2-13  on the land of the agricultural chemical sold by the lien claimant
   2-14  or applied, delivered, or prepared by the lien claimant;
   2-15              (2)  the first crop produced on the land after the
   2-16  agricultural chemical sold by the lien claimant or applied,
   2-17  delivered, or prepared by the lien claimant was applied, if crops
   2-18  did not exist on the land at the time the agricultural chemical was
   2-19  applied; or
   2-20              (3)  the crop produced from the agricultural seed
   2-21  supplied by the lien claimant or applied, delivered, or prepared by
   2-22  the lien claimant.
   2-23        (b)  For the purposes of this chapter, the following are not
   2-24  included as proceeds:
   2-25              (1)  amounts due or owing to a cooperative association
   2-26  under Chapter 51 or 52; or
   2-27              (2)  amounts retained by a cooperative association
    3-1  under Chapter 51 or 52.
    3-2           (Sections 128.003-128.005 reserved for expansion
    3-5  CLAIMING LIEN.  (a)  A person claiming a lien under this chapter
    3-6  must have provided notice of the provisions of this chapter, before
    3-7  purchase, either generally to purchasers of agricultural chemicals,
    3-8  agricultural seeds, or labor as part of the lien claimant's normal
    3-9  business practices or specifically to the lien debtor.  Notice
   3-10  provided under this subsection must read, to the extent applicable,
   3-11  substantially as follows:  "The sale of agricultural chemicals or
   3-12  agricultural seed on credit and the provision of labor related to
   3-13  agricultural chemicals or agricultural seed is subject to Chapter
   3-14  128, Agriculture Code.  Failure to pay the agreed or reasonable
   3-15  charges for the chemicals, seed, or labor may result in the
   3-16  attachment of a lien to the proceeds of the agricultural products
   3-17  produced with the aid of the chemicals, seed, or labor."  A
   3-18  potential lien claimant may satisfy the requirements of this
   3-19  subsection:
   3-20              (1)  by printing or stamping the notice on credit
   3-21  applications filled out by purchasers; and
   3-22              (2)  for future purchases by purchasers who are not
   3-23  notified on the credit application, by printing or stamping the
   3-24  notice on an invoice or on a statement sent by separate cover.
   3-25        (b)  Before a person may claim a lien under this chapter, the
   3-26  person must send to the debtor by certified mail written notice
   3-27  that states:
    4-1              (1)  that the payment of the reasonable or agreed
    4-2  charges is more than 30 days overdue;
    4-3              (2)  the amount that is overdue;
    4-4              (3)  that the debtor has the following three
    4-5  alternatives:
    4-6                    (A)  to allow the lien to be filed;
    4-7                    (B)  to enter into an agreement granting a
    4-8  security interest in the proceeds described by Section 128.002
    4-9  under the Business & Commerce Code; or
   4-10                    (C)  to pay the reasonable or agreed charges; and
   4-11              (4)  in at least 10-point type, that:
   4-12                    (A)  the debtor has until the 10th day after the
   4-13  date on which the notice is received to select an alternative under
   4-14  Subdivision (3), notify the claimant of the alternative selected,
   4-15  and satisfy all the requirements of the selected alternative; and
   4-16                    (B)  the claimant may file the notice of claim of
   4-17  lien at any time after the 10th day after the date on which the
   4-18  debtor receives the notice if the debtor does not comply with the
   4-19  requirements of Paragraph (A).
   4-20        Sec. 128.007.  ATTACHMENT OF LIEN.  A lien established under
   4-21  this chapter attaches to the proceeds  described by Section
   4-22  128.002.
   4-23        Sec. 128.008.  AMOUNT OF LIEN.  The amount of a lien under
   4-24  this chapter is equal to the sum of:
   4-25              (1)  the amount of the unpaid reasonable or agreed
   4-26  charges for:
   4-27                    (A)  agricultural chemicals, labor, or both, as
    5-1  appropriate, furnished within the 60-day period ending on the day
    5-2  the lien attaches; and
    5-3                    (B)  agricultural seeds, labor, or both, as
    5-4  appropriate, furnished within the 45-day period ending on the day
    5-5  the lien attaches; and
    5-6              (2)  the filing fees for the lien as provided by this
    5-7  chapter.
    5-8        Sec. 128.009.  PERSON ENTITLED TO FILE; EXCEPTION.  (a)
    5-9  Except as provided by Subsection (b) or by Section 128.047, a
   5-10  person who provides an agricultural chemical, agricultural seed, or
   5-11  labor may file a notice of claim of lien as provided by this
   5-12  chapter.
   5-13        (b)  A claimant may not file a notice of claim of lien if the
   5-14  arbitration of a dispute between the claimant and the debtor is
   5-15  pending or has not been resolved under Chapter 64.  A claimant may
   5-16  not file a notice of claim of lien  if the settlement of a dispute
   5-17  between the claimant and the  debtor is pending or has not been
   5-18  resolved under Section 128.012.
   5-19        Sec. 128.010.  PERFECTION OF LIEN.  A lien created under this
   5-20  chapter is perfected on the filing of a notice of claim of lien
   5-21  with the secretary of state as provided by this chapter.
   5-22        Sec. 128.011.  DURATION OF NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN.  (a)
   5-23  Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the notice of claim
   5-24  of lien is effective, and a new notice of claim of lien is not
   5-25  required to maintain the lien, as long as the person who provides
   5-26  the agricultural chemical, agricultural seed, or labor either:
   5-27              (1)  remains unpaid for the amount secured by the lien;
    6-1  or
    6-2              (2)  continues to provide an agricultural chemical,
    6-3  agricultural seed, or labor on a regular basis to the lien debtor.
    6-4        (b)  For purposes of this section, providing an agricultural
    6-5  chemical, agricultural seed, or labor is not considered to be made
    6-6  on a regular basis if a period of more than 45 days elapses between
    6-7  applications, deliveries, or preparations.
    6-8        Sec. 128.012.  PROCEDURES FOR SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES.  (a)
    6-9  The commissioner of agriculture by rule shall establish a procedure
   6-10  to settle a dispute between a claimant supplying agricultural
   6-11  chemicals or labor in the application, delivery, or preparation of
   6-12  agricultural chemicals and a debtor.  The procedures must provide:
   6-13              (1)  a time requirement for submitting the dispute to
   6-14  the department;
   6-15              (2)  a time requirement within which a notice of the
   6-16  dispute must be submitted to each party; and
   6-17              (3)  a process for evaluating the dispute.
   6-18        (b)  Each party to the dispute is equally liable for the
   6-19  reasonable costs incurred by the department in carrying out this
   6-20  section.
   6-21        Sec. 128.013.  CONTENTS OF NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN.  The
   6-22  notice of claim of lien must include:
   6-23              (1)  the name and address of the lien claimant;
   6-24              (2)  the name and address of the lien debtor;
   6-25              (3)  the location of the property to which the
   6-26  agricultural chemical, agricultural seed, or labor was provided;
   6-27              (4)  a statement that the payment of the reasonable or
    7-1  agreed charges is more than 30 days overdue;
    7-2              (5)  the amount that is overdue;
    7-3              (6)  a statement, signed under penalty of perjury,
    7-4  that:
    7-5                    (A)  the lien claimant provided notice of the
    7-6  provisions of this chapter, before purchase, either generally to
    7-7  purchasers of agricultural chemicals, agricultural seeds, or labor
    7-8  as part of the lien claimant's normal business practices or
    7-9  specifically to the lien debtor, in the manner required by Section
   7-10  128.006(a);
   7-11                    (B)  the lien claimant sent to the lien debtor
   7-12  the notice required by Section 128.006(b);
   7-13                    (C)  more than 10 days have elapsed since the
   7-14  date on which the notice was received by the lien debtor; and
   7-15                    (D)  the lien debtor has not complied with the
   7-16  requirements of an alternative set out by Section 128.006(b); and
   7-17              (7)  a statement that the lien claimant has an
   7-18  agricultural chemical or agricultural seed lien under this chapter.
   7-19        Sec. 128.014.  SIGNATURE.  The notice of claim of lien shall
   7-20  be signed by the lien claimant or by a person authorized to sign
   7-21  documents of a similar kind on behalf of the claimant.
   7-22        Sec. 128.015.  FORM.  (a)  The notice of claim of lien must
   7-23  be filed on a form that satisfies the requirements of a financing
   7-24  statement under Section 9.402, Business & Commerce Code, except
   7-25  that:
   7-26              (1)  the lien claimant may be identified either as a
   7-27  lien claimant or as a secured party;
    8-1              (2)  the form must be signed by the lien claimant and
    8-2  is not required to be signed by the lien debtor; and
    8-3              (3)  in the space for the description of the
    8-4  collateral, the information specified in Sections 128.013(3), (4),
    8-5  (5), and (7) must be entered.
    8-6        (b)  A separately signed statement containing the information
    8-7  specified in Section 128.013(6) shall be attached to the form
    8-8  required under Subsection (a).
   8-10  STATE; FEE.  (a)  The notice of claim of lien shall be filed and
   8-11  marked in the office of the secretary of state in the same manner
   8-12  as a financing statement is filed and marked under Section 9.403,
   8-13  Business & Commerce Code.
   8-14        (b)  The uniform fee for filing and indexing and for stamping
   8-15  a copy furnished by the secured party is the same as the fee
   8-16  assessed under Section 9.403, Business & Commerce Code.
   8-17        Sec. 128.017.  TIME OF WRITTEN NOTICE.  The lien claimant
   8-18  shall provide written notice of the claim of lien to the lien
   8-19  debtor not later than the 10th day after the date the notice of
   8-20  claim of lien is filed with the office of the secretary of state.
   8-22  The secretary of state shall recognize a notice of claim of lien
   8-23  under this subchapter as a financing statement under Section 9.402,
   8-24  Business & Commerce Code.
   8-25           (Sections 128.019-128.025 reserved for expansion
   8-26                    SUBCHAPTER C.  PRIORITY OF LIEN
   8-27        Sec. 128.026.  TIME OF FILING.  (a)  A lien created under
    9-1  this chapter has the same priority as a security interest perfected
    9-2  by the filing of a financing statement on the date the notice of
    9-3  claim of lien was filed.
    9-4        (b)  A lien created under this chapter does not have priority
    9-5  over labor claims for wages and salaries for personal services that
    9-6  are provided by an employee to a lien debtor in connection with the
    9-7  production of agricultural products, the proceeds of which are
    9-8  subject to the lien.
    9-9           (Sections 128.027-128.030 reserved for expansion
   9-12  FEE.  (a)  A person may obtain a certificate identifying any lien
   9-13  on file and any notice of claim of lien naming a particular debtor
   9-14  and stating the date and time of filing of each notice and the
   9-15  names and addresses of each lienholder in the certificate.
   9-16        (b)  The fee for a certificate under Subsection (a) shall be
   9-17  established by the secretary of state in an amount necessary to
   9-18  cover the cost of administering this section.
   9-19        Sec. 128.032.  COPIES OF NOTICES OF CLAIM OF LIEN AND OTHER
   9-20  NOTICES; FEE.  (a)  A person may obtain a copy of any notice of
   9-21  claim of an agricultural chemical or seed lien filed.
   9-22        (b)  The fee for a copy of a notice of claim of lien obtained
   9-23  under Subsection (a)  shall be established by the secretary of
   9-24  state in an amount necessary to cover the cost of administering
   9-25  this section.
   9-26           (Sections 128.033-128.035 reserved for expansion
   9-27                  SUBCHAPTER E.  ENFORCEMENT OF LIEN
   10-2  CLAIMANT.  (a)  A lien claimant shall provide written notice to any
   10-3  secured creditor at least 30 days before the date the lien claimant
   10-4  enforces a claim of lien.
   10-5        (b)  For purposes of this section, "secured creditor" means
   10-6  any entity named as a secured party in a financing statement that
   10-7  is filed regarding the debtor and that covers:
   10-8              (1)  a farm product, an account, or a crop subject to
   10-9  the lien;
  10-10              (2)  a crop growing or grown on the land on which the
  10-11  agricultural chemical was applied or for which the agricultural
  10-12  seed was supplied; or
  10-13              (3)  the next crop to be grown on that land, if a crop
  10-14  is not planted.
  10-16  AGREED CHARGES.  The lien claimant may foreclose on a lien under
  10-17  this chapter only in an action to recover the reasonable or agreed
  10-18  charges.
  10-19        Sec. 128.038.  TERMINATION STATEMENT.  (a)  If a lien
  10-20  claimant receives payment for the total amount secured by a lien
  10-21  under this chapter and the lien claimant has not furnished an
  10-22  agricultural chemical, agricultural seed, or labor during the
  10-23  45-day period before the date on which payment is received, the
  10-24  lien claimant shall file a termination statement with the secretary
  10-25  of state and shall send the lien debtor a copy of the statement as
  10-26  provided by this section.  The statement shall state that the lien
  10-27  claimant no longer claims a security interest under the notice of
   11-1  claim of lien.
   11-2        (b)  The notice of claim of lien must be identified in the
   11-3  statement under Subsection (a) by the date, names of parties to the
   11-4  agreement, and file number of the original lien.
   11-5        (c)  If the lien claimant does not send the termination
   11-6  statement required by this section before the 11th day after the
   11-7  date on which the lien claimant received payment, the lien claimant
   11-8  is liable to the lien debtor for actual damages suffered by the
   11-9  lien debtor as a result of the failure.  If the lien claimant acts
  11-10  in bad faith in failing to send the statement, the lien claimant is
  11-11  liable for an additional penalty of $100.
  11-12        (d)  The filing officer in the secretary of state's office
  11-13  shall mark each termination statement with the date and time of
  11-14  filing and shall index the statement under the name of the lien
  11-15  debtor and under the file number of the original lien.  If the
  11-16  filing officer has a microfilm or other photographic record of the
  11-17  lien and related filings, the filing officer may destroy the  filed
  11-18  notice of claim of lien at any time after receiving the termination
  11-19  statement.  If the filing officer does not have a photographic
  11-20  record, the filing officer may destroy the filed notice of claim of
  11-21  lien at any time after the first anniversary of the date on which
  11-22  the filing officer received the termination statement.
  11-23        (e)  The uniform filing fee for filing and indexing the
  11-24  termination statement is the same as the fee assessed under Section
  11-25  9.404(c), Business & Commerce Code.
  11-26        Sec. 128.039.  RIGHT OF ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER; FILING OF
  11-27  STATEMENT.  (a)  A lien created under this chapter may be assigned
   12-1  by the holder of the lien, with full rights of enforcement.
   12-2        (b)  The lienholder shall file a statement of assignment with
   12-3  the secretary of state as provided by Section 9.405, Business &
   12-4  Commerce Code.
   12-5           (Sections 128.040-128.045 reserved for expansion
   12-6                     SUBCHAPTER F.  MISCELLANEOUS
   12-7        Sec. 128.046.  RULES.  The secretary of state may adopt rules
   12-8  necessary to carry out the secretary's duties under this chapter,
   12-9  including prescribing necessary forms.
  12-10        Sec. 128.047.  MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LIENS.  Not more than four
  12-11  liens may be enforced under this chapter against the same proceeds
  12-12  of a lien debtor even if the liens are filed by different lien
  12-13  claimants.
  12-14        Sec. 128.048.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW.  Chapter 9,
  12-15  Business & Commerce Code, applies to a lien created under this
  12-16  chapter to the extent Chapter 9 is consistent with this chapter.
  12-17        SECTION 2.  Title 6, Agriculture Code, is amended by adding
  12-18  Subtitle E to read as follows:
  12-19                 SUBTITLE E.  LIENS ON ANIMAL PRODUCTS
  12-20                  CHAPTER 188.  LIENS FOR ANIMAL FEED
  12-21                   SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
  12-22        Sec. 188.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
  12-23              (1)  "Animal feed" includes:
  12-24                    (A)  commercial feed as described by Section
  12-25  141.002(a), including a substance listed by Section 141.002(c) if
  12-26  used as a feed for animals; or
  12-27                    (B)  customer-formula feed as defined under
   13-1  Section 141.001.
   13-2              (2)  "Labor" means labor or services performed in the
   13-3  delivery or preparation of animal feed provided by the seller of
   13-4  the animal feed.
   13-5              (3)  "Livestock" means beef cattle, dairy cattle,
   13-6  sheep, goats, hogs, horses, poultry, and ratites.
   13-7              (4)  "Reasonable or agreed charges" means:
   13-8                    (A)  any agreed price for animal feed, including
   13-9  labor, sold to a lien debtor at the lien debtor's request; or
  13-10                    (B)  the reasonable value of animal feed,
  13-11  including labor, as of the date of delivery or preparation, if
  13-12  there is not an agreed price or an agreed method for determining
  13-13  price.
  13-14        Sec. 188.002.  PROCEEDS.  (a)  For the purposes of this
  13-15  chapter, proceeds are the amounts received by a lien debtor, before
  13-16  a deduction for taxes, fees, or assessments or a deduction made
  13-17  under a court order, from the sale of:
  13-18              (1)  the livestock for which the animal feed was used;
  13-19              (2)  meat, milk, skins, wool, or other products derived
  13-20  from that livestock; or
  13-21              (3)  issue born to that livestock.
  13-22        (b)  For the purposes of this chapter, proceeds do not
  13-23  include amounts:
  13-24              (1)  due or owing to a cooperative association under
  13-25  Chapter 51 or 52; or
  13-26              (2)  retained by a cooperative association under
  13-27  Chapter 51 or 52.
   14-1           (Sections 188.003-188.005 reserved for expansion
   14-2                    SUBCHAPTER B.  ANIMAL FEED LIEN
   14-4  CLAIMING LIEN.  (a)  A person claiming a lien under this chapter
   14-5  must have provided notice of the provisions of this chapter, before
   14-6  purchase, either generally to purchasers of animal feed as part of
   14-7  the lien claimant's normal business practices or specifically to
   14-8  the lien debtor.  Notice provided under this subsection must read,
   14-9  to the extent applicable, substantially as follows:  "The sale of
  14-10  animal feed on credit is subject to Chapter 188, Agriculture Code.
  14-11  Failure to pay the agreed or reasonable charges for the feed may
  14-12  result in the attachment of a lien to the proceeds of the livestock
  14-13  for which the feed is used or the proceeds of the animal products
  14-14  produced from the livestock."  A potential lien claimant may
  14-15  satisfy the requirements of this subsection:
  14-16              (1)  by printing or stamping the notice on credit
  14-17  applications filled out by purchasers; and
  14-18              (2)  for future purchases by purchasers who are not
  14-19  notified on the credit application, by printing or stamping the
  14-20  notice on an invoice or on a statement sent by separate cover.
  14-21        (b)  Before a person may claim a lien under this chapter, the
  14-22  person must send to the debtor by certified mail written notice
  14-23  that states:
  14-24              (1)  that the payment of the reasonable or agreed
  14-25  charges is more than 30 days overdue;
  14-26              (2)  the amount that is overdue;
  14-27              (3)  that the debtor has the following three
   15-1  alternatives:
   15-2                    (A)  to allow the lien to be filed;
   15-3                    (B)  to enter into an agreement granting a
   15-4  security interest in the proceeds described by Section 188.002
   15-5  under the Business & Commerce Code; or
   15-6                    (C)  to pay the reasonable or agreed charges; and
   15-7              (4)  in at least 10-point type, that:
   15-8                    (A)  the debtor has until the 10th day after the
   15-9  date on which the notice is received to select an alternative under
  15-10  Subdivision (3), notify the claimant of the alternative selected,
  15-11  and satisfy all the requirements of the selected alternative; and
  15-12                    (B)  the claimant may file the notice of claim of
  15-13  lien at any time after the 10th day after the date on which the
  15-14  debtor receives the notice if the debtor does not comply with the
  15-15  requirements of Paragraph (A).
  15-16        Sec. 188.007.  ATTACHMENT OF LIEN.  A lien established under
  15-17  this chapter attaches to the proceeds described by Section 188.002.
  15-18        Sec. 188.008.  AMOUNT OF LIEN.  The amount of a lien under
  15-19  this chapter is equal to the sum of:
  15-20              (1)  the amount of the unpaid reasonable or agreed
  15-21  charges for animal feed furnished within the 45-day period ending
  15-22  on the day the lien attaches; and
  15-23              (2)  the filing fees for the lien as provided by this
  15-24  chapter.
  15-25        Sec. 188.009.  PERSON ENTITLED TO FILE; EXCEPTION.  (a)
  15-26  Except as provided by Subsection (b) or by Section 188.047, a
  15-27  person who provides animal feed may file a notice of claim of lien
   16-1  as provided by this chapter.
   16-2        (b)  The claimant may not file a notice of claim of lien if
   16-3  the settlement of a dispute between the claimant and the debtor is
   16-4  pending or has not been resolved under Section 188.012.
   16-5        Sec. 188.010.  PERFECTION OF LIEN.  A lien created under this
   16-6  chapter is perfected on the filing of a notice of claim of lien
   16-7  with the secretary of state as provided by this chapter.
   16-8        Sec. 188.011.  DURATION OF NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN.  (a)
   16-9  Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the notice of claim
  16-10  of lien is effective, and a new notice of claim of lien is not
  16-11  required to maintain the lien, as long as the person who provides
  16-12  the animal feed, including labor, either:
  16-13              (1)  remains unpaid for the amount secured by the lien;
  16-14  or
  16-15              (2)  continues to provide animal feed on a regular
  16-16  basis to the lien debtor.
  16-17        (b)  For purposes of this section, providing animal feed,
  16-18  including labor, is not considered to be made on a regular basis if
  16-19  a period of more than 45 days elapses between deliveries or
  16-20  preparations.
  16-21        Sec. 188.012.  PROCEDURES FOR SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES.  (a)
  16-22  The commissioner of agriculture by rule shall establish a procedure
  16-23  to settle a dispute between a claimant supplying animal feed and
  16-24  labor and a debtor.  The procedures must provide:
  16-25              (1)  a time requirement for submitting the dispute to
  16-26  the department;
  16-27              (2)  a time requirement within which a notice of the
   17-1  dispute must be submitted to each party; and
   17-2              (3)  a process for evaluating the dispute.
   17-3        (b)  Each party to the dispute is equally liable for the
   17-4  reasonable costs incurred by the department in carrying out this
   17-5  section.
   17-6        Sec. 188.013.  CONTENTS OF NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN.  The
   17-7  notice of claim of lien must include:
   17-8              (1)  the name and address of the lien claimant;
   17-9              (2)  the name and address of the lien debtor;
  17-10              (3)  the location of the livestock for which the animal
  17-11  feed was provided;
  17-12              (4)  a statement that the payment of the reasonable or
  17-13  agreed charges is more than 30 days overdue;
  17-14              (5)  the amount that is overdue;
  17-15              (6)  a statement, signed under penalty of perjury,
  17-16  that:
  17-17                    (A)  the lien claimant provided notice of the
  17-18  provisions of this chapter, before purchase, either generally to
  17-19  purchasers of animal feed as part of the lien claimant's normal
  17-20  business practices or specifically to the lien debtor, in the
  17-21  manner required by Section 188.006(a);
  17-22                    (B)  the lien claimant sent to the lien debtor
  17-23  the notice required by Section 188.006(b);
  17-24                    (C)  more than 10 days have elapsed since the
  17-25  date on which the notice was received by the lien debtor; and
  17-26                    (D)  the lien debtor has not complied with the
  17-27  requirements of an alternative set out by Section 188.006(b); and
   18-1              (7)  a statement that the lien claimant has an animal
   18-2  feed lien under this chapter.
   18-3        Sec. 188.014.  SIGNATURE.  The notice of claim of lien shall
   18-4  be signed by the lien claimant or by a person authorized to sign
   18-5  documents of a similar kind on behalf of the claimant.
   18-6        Sec. 188.015.  FORM.  (a)  The notice of claim of lien must
   18-7  be filed on a form that satisfies the requirements of a financing
   18-8  statement under Section 9.402, Business & Commerce Code, except
   18-9  that:
  18-10              (1)  the lien claimant may be identified either as a
  18-11  lien claimant or as a secured party;
  18-12              (2)  the form must be signed by the lien claimant and
  18-13  is not required to be signed by the lien debtor; and
  18-14              (3)  in the space for the description of the
  18-15  collateral, the information specified in Sections 188.013(3), (4),
  18-16  (5), and (7) must be entered.
  18-17        (b)  A separately signed statement containing the information
  18-18  specified in Section 188.013(6) shall be attached to the form
  18-19  required under Subsection (a).
  18-21  STATE; FEE.  (a)  The notice of claim of lien shall be filed and
  18-22  marked in the office of the secretary of state in the same manner
  18-23  as a financing statement is filed and marked under Section 9.403,
  18-24  Business & Commerce Code.
  18-25        (b)  The uniform fee for filing and indexing and for stamping
  18-26  a copy furnished by the secured party is the same as the fee
  18-27  assessed under Section 9.403, Business & Commerce Code.
   19-1        Sec. 188.017.  TIME OF WRITTEN NOTICE.  The lien claimant
   19-2  shall provide written notice of the claim of lien to the lien
   19-3  debtor not later than the 10th day after the date the notice of
   19-4  claim of lien is filed with the office of the secretary of state.
   19-6  The secretary of state shall recognize a notice of claim of lien
   19-7  under this subchapter as a financing statement under Section 9.402,
   19-8  Business & Commerce Code.
   19-9           (Sections 188.019-188.025 reserved for expansion
  19-10                    SUBCHAPTER C.  PRIORITY OF LIEN
  19-11        Sec. 188.026.  TIME OF FILING.  (a)  A lien created under
  19-12  this chapter has the same priority as a security interest perfected
  19-13  by the filing of a financing statement on the date the notice of
  19-14  claim of lien was filed.
  19-15        (b)  A lien created under this chapter does not have priority
  19-16  over:
  19-17              (1)  labor claims for wages and salaries for personal
  19-18  services that are provided by an employee to a lien debtor in
  19-19  connection with the livestock, the production of animal products
  19-20  derived from the livestock, or issue born to the livestock, the
  19-21  proceeds of which are subject to the lien; or
  19-22              (2)  claims for charges for the care of the livestock,
  19-23  the proceeds of which are subject to the lien.
  19-24           (Sections 188.027-188.030 reserved for expansion
  19-27  FEE.  (a)  A person may obtain a certificate identifying any lien
   20-1  on file and any notice of claim of lien naming a particular debtor
   20-2  and stating the date and time of filing of each notice and the
   20-3  names and addresses of each lienholder in the certificate.
   20-4        (b)  The fee for a certificate under Subsection (a) shall be
   20-5  established by the secretary of state in an amount necessary to
   20-6  cover the cost of administering this section.
   20-7        Sec. 188.032.  COPIES OF NOTICES OF CLAIM OF LIEN AND OTHER
   20-8  NOTICES; FEE.  (a)  A person may obtain a copy of any notice of
   20-9  claim of an animal feed lien filed.
  20-10        (b)  The fee for a copy of a notice of claim of lien obtained
  20-11  under Subsection (a) shall be established by the secretary of state
  20-12  in an amount necessary to cover the cost of administering this
  20-13  section.
  20-14           (Sections 188.033-188.035 reserved for expansion
  20-15                  SUBCHAPTER E.  ENFORCEMENT OF LIEN
  20-17  CLAIMANT.  (a)  A lien claimant shall provide written notice to any
  20-18  secured creditor at least 30 days before the date the lien claimant
  20-19  enforces a claim of lien.
  20-20        (b)  For purposes of this section, "secured creditor" means
  20-21  any entity named as a secured party in a financing statement that
  20-22  is filed regarding the debtor and that covers an animal product, an
  20-23  account, or livestock subject to the lien.
  20-25  AGREED CHARGES.  The lien claimant may foreclose on a lien under
  20-26  this chapter only in an action to recover the reasonable or agreed
  20-27  charges.
   21-1        Sec. 188.038.  TERMINATION STATEMENT.  (a)  If a lien
   21-2  claimant receives payment for the total amount secured by a lien
   21-3  under this chapter and the lien claimant has not furnished animal
   21-4  feed during the 45-day period before the date on which payment is
   21-5  received, the lien claimant shall file a termination statement with
   21-6  the secretary of state and shall send the lien debtor a copy of the
   21-7  statement as provided by this section.  The statement shall state
   21-8  that the lien claimant no longer claims a security interest under
   21-9  the notice of claim of lien.
  21-10        (b)  The notice of claim of lien must be identified in the
  21-11  statement under Subsection (a) by the date, names of parties to the
  21-12  agreement, and file number of the original lien.
  21-13        (c)  If the lien claimant does not send the termination
  21-14  statement required by this section before the 11th day after the
  21-15  date on which the lien claimant received payment, the lien claimant
  21-16  is liable to the lien debtor for actual damages suffered by the
  21-17  lien debtor as a result of the failure.  If the lien claimant acts
  21-18  in bad faith in failing to send the statement, the lien claimant is
  21-19  liable for an additional penalty of $100.
  21-20        (d)  The filing officer in the secretary of state's office
  21-21  shall mark each termination statement with the date and time of
  21-22  filing and shall index the statement under the name of the lien
  21-23  debtor and under the file number of the original lien.  If the
  21-24  filing officer has a microfilm or other photographic record of the
  21-25  lien and related filings, the filing officer may destroy the filed
  21-26  notice of claim of lien at any time after receiving the termination
  21-27  statement.  If the filing officer does not have a photographic
   22-1  record, the filing officer may destroy the filed notice of claim of
   22-2  lien at any time after the first anniversary of the date on which
   22-3  the filing officer received the termination statement.
   22-4        (e)  The uniform filing fee for filing and indexing the
   22-5  termination statement is the same as the fee assessed under Section
   22-6  9.404(c), Business & Commerce Code.
   22-7        Sec. 188.039.  RIGHT OF ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER; FILING OF
   22-8  STATEMENT.  (a)  A lien created under this chapter may be assigned
   22-9  by the holder of the lien, with full rights of enforcement.
  22-10        (b)  The lienholder shall file a statement of assignment with
  22-11  the secretary of state as provided by Section 9.405, Business &
  22-12  Commerce Code.
  22-13           (Sections 188.040-188.045 reserved for expansion
  22-14                     SUBCHAPTER F.  MISCELLANEOUS
  22-15        Sec. 188.046.  RULES.  The secretary of state may adopt rules
  22-16  necessary to carry out the secretary's duties under this chapter,
  22-17  including prescribing necessary forms.
  22-18        Sec. 188.047.  MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LIENS.  Not more than four
  22-19  liens may be enforced under this chapter against the same proceeds
  22-20  of a lien debtor even if the liens are filed by different lien
  22-21  claimants.
  22-22        Sec. 188.048.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW.  Chapter 9,
  22-23  Business & Commerce Code, applies to a lien created under this
  22-24  chapter to the extent Chapter 9 is consistent with this chapter.
  22-25        SECTION 3.  (a)  Chapter 128, Agriculture Code, as added by
  22-26  this Act, applies to an agricultural chemical, agricultural seed,
  22-27  or labor supplied on or after the effective date of this Act.
   23-1        (b)  Chapter 188, Agriculture Code, as added by this Act,
   23-2  applies to animal feed and labor supplied on or after the effective
   23-3  date of this Act.
   23-4        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   23-5        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
   23-6  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   23-7  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   23-8  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   23-9  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.