By Thompson, Danburg                                  H.B. No. 1632
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to protective orders for family violence; providing
    1-3  penalties.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 3, Family Code, is amended
    1-6  by adding Section 3.522 to read as follows:
    1-7        Sec. 3.522.  PROTECTIVE ORDERS.  (a)  The petition in a suit
    1-8  for divorce or annulment must state whether a protective order
    1-9  under Chapter 71 or Section 3.581 is in effect or if an application
   1-10  for a protective order is pending with regard to the parties to the
   1-11  suit.
   1-12        (b)  The petitioner in a suit for divorce or annulment shall
   1-13  attach to the petition a copy of each protective order issued under
   1-14  Chapter 71 or Section 3.581 in which one of the parties to the suit
   1-15  was the applicant and the other party was the respondent without
   1-16  regard to the date on which the order was entered.  If a copy of
   1-17  the protective order is not available at the time of filing, the
   1-18  petition must state that a copy of the order will be filed with the
   1-19  court before any hearing.
   1-20        SECTION 2.  Section 3.581, Family Code, is amended to read as
   1-21  follows:
   1-22        Sec. 3.581.  PROTECTIVE ORDERS.  <(a)>  On the motion of any
   1-23  party to a suit for divorce or annulment or to declare a marriage
   1-24  void, or on the application of a prosecuting attorney, the court
    2-1  may issue a protective order as provided by Chapter 71 <Sections
    2-2  71.10(a), 71.10(b), 71.10(c)(1) and (3), 71.11(b) and (c), 71.111,
    2-3  71.14, and 71.16 of this code>.
    2-4        <(b)  An order may be made under this section only after
    2-5  notice to the party alleged to have committed family violence and a
    2-6  hearing.>
    2-7        <(c)  An order made under this section is valid for one year
    2-8  or the earliest of:>
    2-9              <(1)  the end of a period of less than one year
   2-10  specified in the order by the court;>
   2-11              <(2)  the date the order is vacated by the court; or>
   2-12              <(3)  the date the suit is dismissed.>
   2-13        <(d)  A spouse who has applied for a protective order under
   2-14  this section is entitled to a temporary ex parte order directed
   2-15  against the other spouse for the relief provided by and under the
   2-16  conditions established in Section 71.15 of this code.>
   2-17        <(e)  The date of expiration of an order made under this
   2-18  section must appear on the order.>
   2-19        <(f)  An order made under this section must be a separate
   2-20  document entitled "PROTECTIVE ORDER.">
   2-21        SECTION 3.  Sections 71.01(b)(1), (2), (4), (5), and (6),
   2-22  Family Code, are amended to read as follows:
   2-23              (1)  "Court" means the district court, court of
   2-24  domestic relations, juvenile court having the jurisdiction of a
   2-25  district court, or other court expressly given jurisdiction of a
   2-26  suit under this subtitle or a statutory county court.
   2-27              (2)  "Family violence" means, except for conduct
    3-1  constituting reasonable discipline of a child by a person having a
    3-2  duty to discipline the child:
    3-3                    (A)  an act by a member of a family or household
    3-4  against another member of the family or household that is intended
    3-5  to result in physical harm, bodily injury, <or> assault, or sexual
    3-6  assault or that is a threat that reasonably places the member in
    3-7  fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, <or> assault, or
    3-8  sexual assault, but does not include defensive measures to protect
    3-9  oneself <excluding the reasonable discipline of a child by a person
   3-10  having that duty>; or
   3-11                    (B)  abuse, as that term is defined by Sections
   3-12  34.012(1)(C), (E), and (G) of this code, by a member of a family or
   3-13  household toward a child of the family or household.
   3-14              (4)  <"Former member of a household" means a person who
   3-15  previously lived in a household.>
   3-16              <(5)>  "Household" means a unit composed of persons
   3-17  living together in the same dwelling, whether or not they are
   3-18  related to each other.
   3-19              (5) <(6)>  "Member of a household" includes a person
   3-20  who previously lived in <former member of> a household.
   3-21        SECTION 4.  Section 71.04(b), Family Code, is amended to read
   3-22  as follows:
   3-23        (b)  An application may be filed by:
   3-24              (1)  an adult member of a family or household for the
   3-25  protection of the applicant or for any other member of the family
   3-26  or household;
   3-27              (2)  any adult for the protection of a child member of
    4-1  a family or household; <or>
    4-2              (3)  any prosecuting attorney who represents the state
    4-3  in a district or statutory county court in the county in which
    4-4  venue of the application is proper for the protection of any person
    4-5  alleged to be a victim of family violence; or
    4-6              (4)  the Department of Protective and Regulatory
    4-7  Services for the protection of a member of a family or household.
    4-8        SECTION 5.  Section 71.04(c), Family Code, is amended to read
    4-9  as follows:
   4-10        (c)  The county attorney or the criminal district attorney is
   4-11  the prosecuting attorney responsible for filing applications under
   4-12  this chapter unless the<.  The> district attorney assumes <may
   4-13  assume> the responsibility by giving notice of that assumption to
   4-14  the county attorney.  The prosecuting attorney responsible for
   4-15  filing an application under this chapter shall provide notice of
   4-16  that responsibility to all law enforcement agencies within the
   4-17  jurisdiction of the prosecuting attorney.  The application is to be
   4-18  filed as provided by Article 5.06, Code of Criminal Procedure.
   4-19        SECTION 6.  Chapter 71, Family Code, is amended by adding
   4-20  Section 71.041 to read as follows:
   4-21        Sec. 71.041.  FEES AND COSTS.  (a)  An applicant for a
   4-22  protective order may not be assessed any fee, cost, charge, or
   4-23  expense by a clerk of the court or another public official in
   4-24  connection with the filing, serving, or entering of the protective
   4-25  order.  A fee may not be charged to an applicant to dismiss,
   4-26  modify, or withdraw a protective order.
   4-27        (b)  Except on a showing of indigency by the respondent, a
    5-1  court shall require in a protective order that the respondent
    5-2  against whom an order is rendered pay the protective order fee of
    5-3  $16, the standard fees charged by the clerk of the court as in a
    5-4  general civil proceeding for the cost of service of the order, the
    5-5  costs of court, and all other fees, charges, or expenses incurred
    5-6  in connection with the protective order.
    5-7        (c)  A respondent who is ordered to pay costs who does not
    5-8  pay the costs before the 60th day after the date the order was
    5-9  rendered may be punished for contempt of court as provided by
   5-10  Section 21.002, Government Code.
   5-11        (d)  The court may assess a reasonable attorney's fee as
   5-12  compensation for the services of a private or prosecuting attorney
   5-13  or an attorney employed by the Department of Protective and
   5-14  Regulatory Services representing an applicant against the party who
   5-15  is found to have committed family violence.  In setting the amount
   5-16  of the fee, the court shall consider the income and ability to pay
   5-17  of the person against whom the fee is assessed.  The amount of fees
   5-18  collected under this subsection as compensation for the fees of a
   5-19  prosecuting attorney shall be paid to the credit of the county fund
   5-20  from which the salaries of employees of the prosecuting attorney
   5-21  are paid or supplemented and the fees collected under this
   5-22  subsection as compensation for an attorney employed by the
   5-23  Department of Protective and Regulatory Services shall be deposited
   5-24  in the general revenue fund to the credit of the Department of
   5-25  Protective and Regulatory Services.  The fees collected under this
   5-26  subsection as compensation for a private attorney shall be paid to
   5-27  the private attorney, who may enforce the order in the attorney's
    6-1  own name.
    6-2        SECTION 7.  Sections 71.05(b)-(g), Family Code, are amended
    6-3  to read as follows:
    6-4        (b)  <If an application requests a protective order for a
    6-5  spouse and alleges that the other spouse has committed family
    6-6  violence, the application must state that no suit for the
    6-7  dissolution of the marriage of the spouses is pending.>
    6-8        <(c)>  If an applicant is a former spouse of an individual
    6-9  alleged to have committed family violence:
   6-10              (1)  a copy of the decree dissolving the marriage must
   6-11  be attached to the application; or
   6-12              (2)  the application must state that the decree is
   6-13  unavailable to the applicant and that a copy of the decree will be
   6-14  filed with the court before the  hearing on the application.
   6-15        (c) <(d)>  If an application requests a protective order for
   6-16  a child who is subject to the continuing jurisdiction of a court
   6-17  under Subtitle A, Title 2, of this code or alleges that a child who
   6-18  is subject to the continuing jurisdiction of a court under Subtitle
   6-19  A, Title 2, of this code has committed family violence:
   6-20              (1)  a copy of the court orders affecting the
   6-21  conservatorship, possession, and support of or the access to the
   6-22  child must be filed with the application; or
   6-23              (2)  the application must state that the orders
   6-24  affecting the child are unavailable to the applicant and that a
   6-25  copy of the orders will be filed with the court before the hearing
   6-26  on the application.
   6-27        (d) <(e)>  If the application requests the issuance of a
    7-1  temporary ex parte order under Section 71.15 of this code, the
    7-2  application must:
    7-3              (1)  contain a detailed description of the facts and
    7-4  circumstances concerning the alleged family violence and the need
    7-5  for immediate protective orders; and
    7-6              (2)  be signed by each applicant under an oath that the
    7-7  facts and circumstances contained in the application are true to
    7-8  the best knowledge and belief of each applicant.
    7-9        (e) <(f)>  If an application requests a protective order and
   7-10  alleges that the respondent has violated a former protective order
   7-11  protecting the applicant by committing an act prohibited by the
   7-12  former order under Section 71.11(b) of this code and that the
   7-13  former protective order has expired since the alleged violation
   7-14  occurred, the application for the protective order must include:
   7-15              (1)  a copy of the former protective order attached to
   7-16  the application or a statement that the order is unavailable to the
   7-17  applicant and that a copy of the order will be filed with the court
   7-18  before the hearing on the application;
   7-19              (2)  a description of the violation of the former
   7-20  protective order; and
   7-21              (3)  a statement that the violation of the former order
   7-22  described in the application has not been grounds for any other
   7-23  order protecting the applicant that has been issued or requested
   7-24  under this section.
   7-25        (f) <(g)>  The procedural requirements relating to a
   7-26  protective order under this chapter, including the application
   7-27  under Section 71.04 of this code and service under Section 71.07 of
    8-1  this code, apply to a protective order under Subsection (e) <(f)>
    8-2  of this section.
    8-3        SECTION 8.  Section 71.06, Family Code, is amended to read as
    8-4  follows:
    8-6  MARRIAGE.  (a)  A person who is a party to a pending suit for the
    8-7  dissolution of a marriage and who wishes to apply for a protective
    8-8  order involving the relationship between the spouses or their
    8-9  respective rights, duties, or powers may <must> file an application
   8-10  for the order under this chapter as a motion in the suit or as a
   8-11  separate application under Sections 71.04 and 71.05 <Section 3.581
   8-12  of this code>.
   8-13        (b)  An applicant denied a protective order filed as a motion
   8-14  in a suit for dissolution of a marriage may not apply for a
   8-15  protective order in another court based on the identical facts as
   8-16  the previous application.
   8-17        (c)  The requirements of service of notice under Section
   8-18  71.07 do not apply if the application is filed as a motion in a
   8-19  suit for the dissolution of a marriage.  Notice is given in the
   8-20  same manner as in any other motion in a suit for the dissolution of
   8-21  a marriage.
   8-22        (d)  A protective order entered as an order in a suit for
   8-23  dissolution of a marriage must be in a document separate from other
   8-24  orders or temporary orders and shall be entitled "PROTECTIVE
   8-25  ORDER."
   8-26        <(b)  A court shall dismiss an application filed under this
   8-27  chapter by a party to a pending suit for dissolution of marriage
    9-1  and shall advise the applicant that the applicant may file an
    9-2  application under Section 3.581 of this code.>
    9-3        SECTION 9.  Section 71.08, Family Code, is amended to read as
    9-4  follows:
    9-5        Sec. 71.08.  ANSWER.  A respondent <An individual> served
    9-6  with notice of an application for a protective order may but is not
    9-7  required to file a written answer to the application.  The answer
    9-8  may be filed at any time before the hearing.
    9-9        SECTION 10.  Sections 71.09(b), (c), and (e), Family Code,
   9-10  are amended to read as follows:
   9-11        (b)  If a respondent <person> entitled to service of a notice
   9-12  of application for a protective order receives the service within
   9-13  48 hours before the time set for the hearing, the court, on a
   9-14  request from the respondent <person>, shall reschedule the hearing
   9-15  for a date not later than 14 days after the date set for the
   9-16  hearing.  The respondent <person> is not entitled to additional
   9-17  service for the rescheduled hearing.
   9-18        (c)  If a hearing set under Subsection (a) of this section is
   9-19  not held because of the failure of a respondent <party> to receive
   9-20  service of a notice of application for a protective order, the
   9-21  applicant may request the court to reschedule the hearing.  Except
   9-22  as provided by Subsection (d) of this section, the date for a
   9-23  rescheduled hearing under this subsection must be not later than 14
   9-24  days after the date on which the request is made.
   9-25        (e)  A court may issue an order relating to an application
   9-26  for a protective order that is binding on a respondent <party> who
   9-27  does not attend a hearing under this section if the absent
   10-1  respondent <party> received notice of the application.  This
   10-2  subsection applies to a respondent <party> who receives notice
   10-3  within 48 hours before the time set for a hearing if the respondent
   10-4  <party> does not request that the hearing be rescheduled.
   10-5        SECTION 11.  Section 71.10, Family Code, is amended to read
   10-6  as follows:
   10-7        Sec. 71.10.  FINDINGS AND ORDERS.  (a)  At the close of a
   10-8  hearing on an application, the court shall find whether or not
   10-9  family violence has occurred and whether or not family violence is
  10-10  likely to occur again in the <foreseeable> future.
  10-11        (b)  If the court finds that family violence has occurred and
  10-12  that family violence is likely to occur again in the <foreseeable>
  10-13  future, the court shall issue a <may make any> protective order
  10-14  under Section 71.11(b) applying only to a person found to have
  10-15  committed family violence and may enter a protective order
  10-16  authorized under Section 71.11(a) applying to both parties <by this
  10-17  chapter> that is in the best interest of the family or household,
  10-18  or a member of the family or household.
  10-19        (c)  If the court finds that a respondent <person> violated a
  10-20  former protective order made under this chapter by committing an
  10-21  act prohibited by the former order under Section 71.11(b) of this
  10-22  code while the former order was in effect and that the former order
  10-23  is not currently in effect, the court, without finding whether
  10-24  family violence has occurred or whether family violence is likely
  10-25  to occur again in the <foreseeable> future, shall issue a
  10-26  protective order under Section 71.11(b) applying only to the
  10-27  respondent and may enter a protective order authorized under
   11-1  Section 71.11(a) applying to both the respondent and the applicant
   11-2  that is in the best interest of the applicant, the family or
   11-3  household, or a member of the family or household.
   11-4        (d)  If the court approves an agreement between the parties
   11-5  as authorized under Section 71.12, the court shall issue a
   11-6  protective order under this section that is in the best interest of
   11-7  the applicant, the family or household, or a member of the family
   11-8  or household.  <A protective order may apply only to a party to the
   11-9  proceeding who:>
  11-10              <(1)  the court finds has committed family violence and
  11-11  is likely to commit family violence in the foreseeable future;>
  11-12              <(2)  the court finds has violated a former protective
  11-13  order;>
  11-14              <(3)  has agreed to the order under Section 71.12(a) of
  11-15  this code; or>
  11-16              <(4)  is a respondent and has agreed to the order under
  11-17  Section 71.12(b) of this code.>
  11-18        SECTION 12.  Sections 71.11(a), (b), and (e)-(j), Family
  11-19  Code, are amended to read as follows:
  11-20        (a)  In a protective order the court may:
  11-21              (1)  prohibit a party from:
  11-22                    (A)  removing a child member of the family or
  11-23  household from the possession of a person named in the court order
  11-24  or from the jurisdiction of the court; or
  11-25                    (B)  transferring, encumbering, or otherwise
  11-26  disposing of property mutually owned or leased by the parties,
  11-27  except when in the ordinary course of business;
   12-1              (2)  grant exclusive possession of a residence to a
   12-2  party and, if appropriate, direct one or more other parties to
   12-3  vacate the residence if:
   12-4                    (A)  the residence is jointly owned or leased by
   12-5  the party receiving exclusive possession and by some other party
   12-6  denied possession;
   12-7                    (B)  the residence is owned or leased by the
   12-8  party retaining possession; or
   12-9                    (C)  the residence is owned or leased by the
  12-10  party denied possession but only if that party has an obligation to
  12-11  support the party granted possession of the residence or a child of
  12-12  the party granted possession;
  12-13              (3)  provide for possession of and access to a child of
  12-14  a party if the person receiving possession of or access to the
  12-15  child is a parent, as that term is defined by Section 11.01 of this
  12-16  code, of the child;
  12-17              (4)  require the payment of support for a party or for
  12-18  a child of a party if the person required to make the payment has
  12-19  an obligation to support the other party or the child;
  12-20              (5)  require the person found to have committed family
  12-21  violence to complete a batterer's treatment program if a program is
  12-22  available or if a program is not available <one or more parties> to
  12-23  counsel with a social worker, family service agency, physician,
  12-24  psychologist, licensed therapist, or licensed professional
  12-25  counselor<, or to complete a batterer's treatment program>;
  12-26              (6)  award to a party use and possession of specified
  12-27  property that is community property or jointly owned or leased; or
   13-1              (7)  prohibit the person found to have committed family
   13-2  violence <a party> from doing specified acts or require the person
   13-3  found to have committed family violence <a party> to do specified
   13-4  acts necessary or appropriate to prevent or reduce the likelihood
   13-5  of family violence.
   13-6        (b)  In a protective order the court may prohibit the person
   13-7  found to have committed family violence <a party> from:
   13-8              (1)  committing family violence;
   13-9              (2)  communicating:
  13-10                    (A)  directly with a member of the family or
  13-11  household in a threatening or harassing manner;
  13-12                    (B)  a threat through any person to a member of
  13-13  the family or household; and
  13-14                    (C)  on a finding of good cause, in any manner
  13-15  with a member of the family or household except through the party's
  13-16  attorney or a person appointed by the court;
  13-17              (3)  going to or near the residence or place of
  13-18  employment or business of a member of the family or household;
  13-19  <and>
  13-20              (4)  going to or near the residence, child care
  13-21  facility, or school where a child protected under the order
  13-22  normally resides or attends; and
  13-23              (5)  engaging in conduct directed specifically toward a
  13-24  person who is a member of the family or household, including
  13-25  following the person, that is reasonably likely to harass, annoy,
  13-26  alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass that person.
  13-27        (e)  <A protective order made under this section that
   14-1  conflicts with any other court order made under Subtitle A, Title
   14-2  2, of this code is to the extent of the conflict invalid and
   14-3  unenforceable.>
   14-4        <(f)  Except on a showing of indigency by a person against
   14-5  whom a protective order is directed, the order shall require that
   14-6  the person:>
   14-7              <(1)  pay the cost of service of the order, the actual
   14-8  costs of court, the costs incurred by the clerk not paid by the
   14-9  applicant pursuant to Section 71.07, Family Code, and any other
  14-10  fees, charges, or expenses incurred in connection with the
  14-11  protective order; and>
  14-12              <(2)  reimburse the applicant for any fees paid by the
  14-13  applicant under this chapter by paying that amount to the clerk of
  14-14  the court.>
  14-15        <(g)  The clerk of a court who receives money according to a
  14-16  protective order from a person against whom the order is directed
  14-17  shall reimburse the applicant for any fees paid by the applicant
  14-18  under this chapter.>
  14-19        <(h)  A person who is ordered to pay costs or reimburse an
  14-20  applicant under Subsection (f) of this section who does not pay the
  14-21  costs or reimburse the applicant before the 60th day after the date
  14-22  the order was rendered may be punished for contempt of court by a
  14-23  fine in an amount not to exceed $500, or by confinement in jail for
  14-24  a term not to exceed six months, or both.>
  14-25        <(i)>  A person found to have engaged in family violence
  14-26  <party> for whom counseling or a batterer's treatment program is
  14-27  ordered under Subsection (a)(5) of this section and who does not
   15-1  provide to the court before the 60th day after the date the order
   15-2  was rendered an affidavit that the person <party> has started the
   15-3  counseling or the program or that the counseling or the program is
   15-4  not available within a reasonable distance of the person's
   15-5  <party's> residence may be punished for contempt of court as
   15-6  provided by Section 21.002, Government Code <by a fine in an amount
   15-7  not to exceed $500, or by confinement in jail for a term not to
   15-8  exceed six months, or both>.  The order shall specifically advise
   15-9  the person <party> of this requirement and the possible punishment
  15-10  for failure to comply.
  15-11        <(j)  Any interested person may contest an affidavit of
  15-12  indigency filed under Subsection (f) of this section.>
  15-13        SECTION 13.  Sections 71.12(c) and (d), Family Code, are
  15-14  amended to read as follows:
  15-15        (c)  If all or part of an agreement under Subsection (a) or
  15-16  (b) of this section is approved by the court, the part of the
  15-17  agreement approved shall be attached to the protective order and
  15-18  become a part of the order of the court.
  15-19        (d)  <If all or part of an agreement by the respondent under
  15-20  Subsection (b) of this section is approved by the court, the part
  15-21  of the agreement approved shall be attached to the protective order
  15-22  and become a part of the order of the court.  The court may approve
  15-23  an agreement or part of an agreement under this subsection only if
  15-24  the agreement requires the respondent to do or refrain from doing
  15-25  an act under Section 71.11(b) of this code.>  The court may not
  15-26  approve an agreement or part of an agreement <under this
  15-27  subsection> that requires the applicant to do or refrain from doing
   16-1  an act under Section 71.11(b) of this code even if the applicant
   16-2  consents in the agreement to do or refrain from doing the act.
   16-3        SECTION 14.  Section 71.121, Family Code, is amended to read
   16-4  as follows:
   16-6  (a)  <A court may not enter a single protective order that applies
   16-7  to both the respondent and the applicant unless the order embodies
   16-8  an agreement of the parties under Section 71.12(a) of this code.>
   16-9        <(b)>  To apply for a protective order against an applicant,
  16-10  a respondent must file a separate application under this chapter.
  16-11        (b) <(c)>  A court may not delay a hearing on an applicant's
  16-12  application for a protective order beyond the time provided by
  16-13  Section 71.09 of this code in order to consolidate it with a
  16-14  hearing on a subsequently filed <respondent's> application for a
  16-15  protective order <against the applicant>.
  16-16        (c)  A court may not enter a protective order that requires
  16-17  both the respondent and the applicant to do or refrain from doing
  16-18  an act under Section 71.11(b).
  16-19        (d)  A protective order that requires the first applicant to
  16-20  do or refrain from doing an act under Section 71.11(b) shall
  16-21  include a finding that the first applicant has committed family
  16-22  violence and is likely to commit family violence in the future.
  16-23        (e)  A court that enters separate protective orders under
  16-24  this section that apply to both parties and require both parties to
  16-25  do or refrain from doing an act under Section 71.11(b) shall issue
  16-26  two distinct and independent protective orders that reflect the
  16-27  appropriate conditions for each of the parties.
   17-1        (f)  A court that enters protective orders under this section
   17-2  that apply to both the respondent and the applicant and that
   17-3  require the respondent to do or refrain from doing an act under
   17-4  Section 71.11(b) shall issue the protective orders in two separate
   17-5  documents.  The court shall provide one of the documents to the
   17-6  applicant and the other to the respondent.
   17-7        SECTION 15.  Section 71.14, Family Code, is amended by adding
   17-8  Subsection (c) to read as follows:
   17-9        (c)  Notice of a motion to modify under this section is
  17-10  sufficient if delivery of the motion is attempted on the respondent
  17-11  at the respondent's last known address by registered or certified
  17-12  mail as provided by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
  17-13        SECTION 16.  Sections 71.15(h), (i), and (j), Family Code,
  17-14  are amended to read as follows:
  17-15        (h)  In order for an ex parte order excluding a person from
  17-16  the person's residence to be granted, the court must find from the
  17-17  required affidavit and testimony that:
  17-18              (1)  the applicant requesting the exclusion order
  17-19  either resides on the premises or has resided there within 30 days
  17-20  before the filing of the application;
  17-21              (2)  the person to be excluded has within the 30-day
  17-22  period preceding the filing of the application committed family
  17-23  violence against a member of the household; and
  17-24              (3)  there is a clear and present danger that the
  17-25  person to be excluded is likely to commit family violence against a
  17-26  member of the household <in the foreseeable future>.
  17-27        (i)  <On the request of a person obtaining an order that
   18-1  excludes another person from the other person's residence, the
   18-2  court that granted the order may order the sheriff or chief of
   18-3  police to provide a law enforcement officer from the department of
   18-4  the sheriff or the chief of police:>
   18-5              <(1)  to accompany the person obtaining the order to
   18-6  the residence covered by the order;>
   18-7              <(2)  to protect the person obtaining the order while
   18-8  the person takes possession of the residence; and>
   18-9              <(3)  if the person obtaining the order is unable to
  18-10  take possession of the residence because the person being excluded
  18-11  occupies the residence, to inform the person being excluded that
  18-12  the court has ordered the person excluded from the residence.>
  18-13        <(j)>  The court may stop the hearing to contact the
  18-14  respondent by telephone and provide the respondent an opportunity
  18-15  to be present when the court resumes the hearing.  Without regard
  18-16  to whether the respondent is able to be present at the hearing, the
  18-17  court shall resume the hearing before the end of the working day.
  18-18        SECTION 17.  Section 71.16(b), Family Code, is amended to
  18-19  read as follows:
  18-20        (b)  Each protective order issued under this chapter, except
  18-21  a temporary ex parte order, shall have the following statement
  18-22  printed in bold-faced type or in capital letters:
   19-5        SECTION 18.  Section 71.17, Family Code, is amended to read
   19-6  as follows:
   19-7        Sec. 71.17.  COPIES OF ORDERS.  (a)  A protective order made
   19-8  under this chapter shall be delivered to the respondent <person to
   19-9  whom the order applies in open court at the close of the hearing,
  19-10  or served by registered or certified mail,> in accordance with Rule
  19-11  21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, <or> served in the same manner
  19-12  as a writ of injunction, or served in open court at the close of
  19-13  the hearing as provided by Subsections (b)-(d).
  19-14        (b)  If the order is served in open court, the order shall be
  19-15  served as provided by this subsection.  If the respondent is
  19-16  present at the hearing and the order has been reduced to writing,
  19-17  the judge or master shall sign the order and give a copy of the
  19-18  order to the respondent.  A certified copy of the signed order
  19-19  shall be given to the applicant at the time the order is given to
  19-20  the respondent.  If the applicant is not in court at the conclusion
  19-21  of the hearing, the clerk of the court shall mail a certified copy
  19-22  of the order to the applicant not later than the third business day
  19-23  after the date the hearing is concluded.
  19-24        (c)  If the respondent is present at the hearing but the
  19-25  order has not been reduced to writing, the judge or master shall
  19-26  give notice orally to the respondent of the part of the order that
  19-27  contains prohibitions under Section 71.11(b) or any other part of
   20-1  the order that contains provisions necessary to prevent further
   20-2  family violence.  The clerk of the court shall mail a copy of the
   20-3  order to the respondent and a certified copy of the order to the
   20-4  applicant not later than the third business day after the date the
   20-5  hearing is concluded.
   20-6        (d)  If the respondent is not present at the hearing and the
   20-7  order has been reduced to writing at the conclusion of the hearing,
   20-8  the clerk of the court shall immediately provide a certified copy
   20-9  of the order to the applicant and mail a copy of the order to the
  20-10  respondent not later than the third business day after the date the
  20-11  hearing is concluded.
  20-12        (e) <(b)>  The clerk of the court issuing an original or
  20-13  modified protective order under this chapter shall send a copy of
  20-14  the order to the chief of police of the city where the member of
  20-15  the family or household protected by the order resides, if the
  20-16  person resides in a city, or to the sheriff of the county where the
  20-17  person resides, if the person does not reside in a city.
  20-18        (f) <(c)>  If a protective order made under this chapter
  20-19  prohibits a respondent <person> from going to or near a child care
  20-20  facility or school under Section 71.11(b) of this code, the clerk
  20-21  of the court <party requesting the order> shall send a copy of the
  20-22  order to the child care facility or school.
  20-23        (g) <(d)>  The clerk of a court vacating an original or
  20-24  modified protective order under this chapter shall notify the chief
  20-25  of police or sheriff who received a copy of the original or
  20-26  modified order that the order is vacated.
  20-27        SECTION 19.  Section 71.18, Family Code, is amended by adding
   21-1  Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows:
   21-2        (c)  On the request of an applicant obtaining a temporary
   21-3  order that excludes the respondent from the respondent's residence,
   21-4  the court that granted the temporary order shall provide a written
   21-5  order to the sheriff or chief of police to provide a law
   21-6  enforcement officer from the department of the sheriff or chief of
   21-7  police:
   21-8              (1)  to accompany the applicant to the residence
   21-9  covered by the order;
  21-10              (2)  to inform the respondent that the court has
  21-11  ordered that the respondent be excluded from the residence;
  21-12              (3)  to protect the applicant while the applicant takes
  21-13  possession of the residence; and
  21-14              (4)  if the respondent refuses to vacate the residence,
  21-15  to protect the applicant while the applicant takes possession of
  21-16  the applicant's necessary personal property.
  21-17        (d)  On the request of an applicant obtaining a final order
  21-18  that excludes the respondent from the respondent's residence, the
  21-19  court that granted the final order shall provide a written order to
  21-20  the sheriff or chief of police to provide a law enforcement officer
  21-21  from the department of the sheriff or chief of police:
  21-22              (1)  to accompany the applicant to the residence
  21-23  covered by the order;
  21-24              (2)  to inform the respondent that the court has
  21-25  ordered that the respondent be excluded from the residence;
  21-26              (3)  to protect the applicant while the applicant takes
  21-27  possession of the residence and the respondent takes possession of
   22-1  the respondent's necessary personal property; and
   22-2              (4)  if the respondent refuses to vacate the residence:
   22-3                    (A)  to remove the respondent from the residence;
   22-4  and
   22-5                    (B)  to arrest the respondent for violating the
   22-6  court order.
   22-7        SECTION 20.  Section 118.131, Local Government Code, is
   22-8  amended by adding Subsection (i) to read as follows:
   22-9        (i)  The commissioners court may not assess an applicant a
  22-10  fee in connection with filing, serving, or entering a protective
  22-11  order.  A fee may not be charged to an applicant to dismiss,
  22-12  modify, or withdraw a protective order.
  22-13        SECTION 21.  Section 51.303, Government Code, is amended by
  22-14  adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
  22-15        (f)  In addition to the other powers and duties of this
  22-16  section, a district clerk shall accept applications for protective
  22-17  orders under Chapter 71, Family Code.
  22-18        SECTION 22.  Section 51.402, Government Code, is amended by
  22-19  adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
  22-20        (d)  In addition to the other powers and duties of this
  22-21  section, a county clerk that serves as the clerk for a court having
  22-22  jurisdiction of applications for protective orders under Chapter
  22-23  71, Family Code, shall accept those applications.
  22-24        SECTION 23.  Subtitle E, Title 2, Human Resources Code, is
  22-25  amended by adding Chapter 54 to read as follows:
   23-1        Sec. 54.001.  PROTECTIVE ORDERS.  The Department of
   23-2  Protective and Regulatory Services shall adopt rules to provide
   23-3  procedures for the filing of protective orders for the protection
   23-4  of a member of a family or household as provided by Section 71.04,
   23-5  Family Code.
   23-7  MEMBER.  The Department of Protective and Regulatory Services shall
   23-8  provide prior notice to a nonabusive parent or adult member of a
   23-9  household of the department's intent to file an application for a
  23-10  protective order for a child or older person and shall request the
  23-11  assistance of the person receiving the notice in developing a
  23-12  safety plan for household members and the child or older person for
  23-13  whom the order is sought.  The department shall exercise reasonable
  23-14  safety precautions to protect a nonabusive parent or other member
  23-15  of a household while providing notice and requesting assistance
  23-16  under this section.
  23-17        SECTION 24.  Section 25.07(a), Penal Code, is amended to read
  23-18  as follows:
  23-19        (a)  A person commits an offense if, in violation of an order
  23-20  issued under Section 3.581, Section 71.11, or Section 71.12, Family
  23-21  Code, the person knowingly or intentionally:
  23-22              (1)  commits family violence;
  23-23              (2)  <directly> communicates:
  23-24                    (A)  directly with a member of the family or
  23-25  household in a threatening or harrassing manner;
  23-26                    (B)  <, communicates> a threat through any person
  23-27  to a member of the family or household;<,> and
   24-1                    (C)  <, if the order prohibits any communication
   24-2  with a member of the family or household, communicates> in any
   24-3  manner with the member of the family or household except through
   24-4  the person's attorney or a person appointed by the court; <or>
   24-5              (3)  goes to or near any of the following places as
   24-6  specifically described in the protective order:
   24-7                    (A)  the residence or place of employment or
   24-8  business of a member of the family or household; or
   24-9                    (B)  any child care facility, residence, or
  24-10  school where a child protected by the protective order normally
  24-11  resides or attends; or
  24-12              (4)  engages in conduct directed specifically toward a
  24-13  person who is a member of the family or household, including
  24-14  following the person, that is reasonably likely to harass, annoy,
  24-15  alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass that person.
  24-16        SECTION 25.  Article 5.04(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  24-17  amended to read as follows:
  24-18        (c)  A written notice required by Subsection (b) of this
  24-19  article is sufficient if it is in substantially the following form
  24-20  with the required information in English and in Spanish inserted in
  24-21  the notice:
  24-23        "It is a crime for any person to cause you any physical
  24-26        "Please tell the investigating peace officer:
  24-27        "IF you, your child, or any other household resident has been
   25-1  injured; or
   25-2        "IF you feel you are going to be in danger when the officer
   25-3  leaves or later.
   25-4        "You have the right to:
   25-5        "ASK the local prosecutor to file a criminal complaint
   25-6  against the person committing family violence; and
   25-7        "APPLY to a court for an order to protect you (you should
   25-8  consult a legal aid office, a prosecuting attorney, or a private
   25-9  attorney). You cannot be charged a fee by a court in connection
  25-10  with filing, serving, or entering a protective order.  For example,
  25-11  the court can enter an order that:
  25-12        "(1)  the abuser not commit further acts of violence;
  25-13        "(2)  the abuser not threaten, harass, or contact you at
  25-14  home;
  25-15        "(3)  directs the abuser to leave your household; and
  25-16        "(4)  establishes temporary custody of the children and
  25-17  directs the abuser not to interfere with the children or any
  25-18  property.
  25-20  PROTECTION (such as (1) and (2) above) MAY BE A FELONY.
  25-23  "____________________
  25-24  "____________________."
  25-25        SECTION 26.  Article 5.06, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  25-26  amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
  25-27        (c)  The prosecuting attorney having responsibility under
   26-1  Section 71.04(c), Family Code, for filing applications for
   26-2  protective orders under Chapter 71, Family Code, shall provide
   26-3  notice of those responsibilities to all law enforcement agencies
   26-4  within the jurisdiction of the prosecuting attorney for the
   26-5  prosecuting attorney.
   26-6        SECTION 27.  Sections 3.582, 3.583, 71.04(d), (e), and (f),
   26-7  71.07(i), and 71.13(b) and (c), Family Code, are repealed.
   26-8        SECTION 28.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   26-9        (b)  The change in law made by this Act applies only to an
  26-10  application for a protective order made on or after the effective
  26-11  date of this Act.  An application for a protective order made
  26-12  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
  26-13  effect at the time the application was made, and the former law is
  26-14  continued in effect for that purpose.
  26-15        (c)  The change in law made by this Act applies only to an
  26-16  offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.  For
  26-17  purposes of this section, an offense is committed before the
  26-18  effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs
  26-19  before that date.
  26-20        (d)  An offense committed before the effective date of this
  26-21  Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed,
  26-22  and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
  26-23        SECTION 29.  The importance of this legislation and the
  26-24  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  26-25  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  26-26  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  26-27  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.