By Bailey                                             H.B. No. 1645
       74R5236 MLR-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to municipal civil service.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 143.008(c), Local Government Code, is
    1-5  amended to read as follows:
    1-6        (c)  The commission shall adopt rules that prescribe cause
    1-7  for demotion, promotional passover, removal, and <or> suspension of
    1-8  a fire fighter or police officer.  The rules must comply with the
    1-9  grounds for demotion, promotional passover, removal, and suspension
   1-10  prescribed by Section 143.051.
   1-11        SECTION 2.  Section 143.036, Local Government Code, is
   1-12  amended by amending Subsections (f) and (g) and adding Subsections
   1-13  (i)-(k) to read as follows:
   1-14        (f)  Unless the department head reasonably believes a person
   1-15  has violated a civil service rule <has a valid reason for not
   1-16  appointing the person>, the department head shall appoint the
   1-17  eligible promotional candidate having the highest grade on the
   1-18  eligibility list.  If the department head has such a reasonable
   1-19  belief regarding <a valid reason for not appointing> the eligible
   1-20  promotional candidate having the highest grade, the department head
   1-21  shall personally discuss the alleged civil service rules violation
   1-22  <reason> with the person being bypassed before appointing another
   1-23  person.  The department head shall also file the alleged civil
   1-24  service rules violation <reason> in writing with the commission and
    2-1  shall immediately furnish a copy of that written statement in
    2-2  person to the bypassed firefighter or police officer.  On
    2-3  application of the bypassed eligible promotional candidate, the
    2-4  reason the department head did not appoint that person is subject
    2-5  to review by the commission under Section 143.0361 or, at the
    2-6  request of the bypassed promotional candidate, by an independent
    2-7  third party hearing examiner.
    2-8        (g)  If a person is bypassed and the person does not apply to
    2-9  the commission or to an independent third party hearing examiner to
   2-10  review the reasons why the person was bypassed, the person's name
   2-11  is returned to its place on the eligibility list and shall be
   2-12  resubmitted to the department head if a vacancy occurs.  If the
   2-13  department head refuses three times to appoint a person<, files the
   2-14  reasons for the refusals in writing with the commission,> and the
   2-15  person each time <commission> does not apply to the commission or
   2-16  to an independent third party hearing examiner to review the
   2-17  reasons why the person was bypassed <set aside the refusals>, the
   2-18  person's name shall be removed from the eligibility list.
   2-19        (i)  The written statement given to the bypassed firefighter
   2-20  or police officer under Subsection (f) must also inform the person
   2-21  that if the person wants to appeal to the commission, the person
   2-22  must file a written appeal with the commission not later than the
   2-23  10th day after the date the person receives a copy of the
   2-24  statement.
   2-25        (j)  The written statement filed with the commission must
   2-26  specify each civil service rule alleged to have been violated by
   2-27  the bypassed firefighter or police  officer and must describe the
    3-1  alleged acts  that the department head contends are in violation of
    3-2  the civil service rules.  It is not sufficient for the department
    3-3  head merely to refer to provisions of the rules alleged to have
    3-4  been violated.  If the department head does not specify in the
    3-5  written statement the act of the firefighter or police officer that
    3-6  allegedly violated the rules, the commission shall immediately
    3-7  promote the person retroactive to the date the candidate was
    3-8  bypassed.
    3-9        (k)  On appeal to the commission, the firefighter or police
   3-10  officer is entitled to a full and complete public hearing  as
   3-11  provided by Section 143.0361, and the commission may not on appeal
   3-12  sustain the bypassing of a firefighter or police officer without
   3-13  that public hearing.
   3-14        SECTION 3.  Subchapter B, Chapter 143, Local Government Code,
   3-15  is amended by adding Section 143.0361 to read as follows:
   3-16        Sec. 143.0361.  APPEAL OF PROMOTIONAL PASSOVER.  (a)  If a
   3-17  bypassed firefighter or police officer properly appeals a
   3-18  promotional passover to the commission under Section 143.036(i),
   3-19  the commission shall hold a hearing and render a decision in
   3-20  writing not later than the 30th day after the date the commission
   3-21  receives notice of appeal.  The bypassed person and the commission
   3-22  may agree to postpone the hearing for a definite period.
   3-23        (b)  In a hearing conducted under this section, the
   3-24  department head is restricted to the department head's original
   3-25  written statement and charges, which may not be amended.
   3-26        (c)  The commission may deliberate the decision in closed
   3-27  session but may not consider evidence that was not presented at the
    4-1  hearing.  The commission shall vote in open session.
    4-2        (d)  In its decision, the commission shall state whether the
    4-3  firefighter or police officer is:
    4-4              (1)  removed from the promotional list;
    4-5              (2)  restored to the person's former position on the
    4-6  promotional list; or
    4-7              (3)  promoted retroactive to the date the person was
    4-8  bypassed.
    4-9        (e)  If the bypassed firefighter or police officer is
   4-10  promoted retroactive to the date the person was bypassed, the
   4-11  firefighter or police officer is entitled to full compensation for
   4-12  the actual pay lost during the period the person was bypassed.
   4-13        (f)  The commission may uphold the bypassing of a firefighter
   4-14  or police officer only for violation of civil  service rules and
   4-15  only after a finding by the commission of the truth of specific
   4-16  charges against the firefighter or police officer.
   4-17        SECTION 4.  Section 143.051, Local Government Code, is
   4-18  amended to read as follows:
   4-20  REMOVAL, OR SUSPENSION.  A commission rule prescribing cause for
   4-21  demotion, promotional passover, removal, or suspension of a fire
   4-22  fighter or police officer is not valid unless it involves one or
   4-23  more of the following grounds:
   4-24              (1)  conviction of a felony or other crime involving
   4-25  moral turpitude;
   4-26              (2)  violations of a municipal charter provision;
   4-27              (3)  acts of incompetency;
    5-1              (4)  neglect of duty;
    5-2              (5)  discourtesy to the public or to a fellow employee
    5-3  while the fire fighter or police officer is in the line of duty;
    5-4              (6)  acts showing lack of good moral character;
    5-5              (7)  drinking intoxicants while on duty or intoxication
    5-6  while off duty;
    5-7              (8)  conduct prejudicial to good order;
    5-8              (9)  refusal or neglect to pay just debts;
    5-9              (10)  absence without leave;
   5-10              (11)  shirking duty or cowardice at fires, if
   5-11  applicable; or
   5-12              (12)  violation of an applicable fire or police
   5-13  department rule or special order.
   5-14        SECTION 5.  Section 143.054, Local Government Code, is
   5-15  amended to read as follows:
   5-16        Sec. 143.054.  DEMOTIONS.  (a)  The <If the> head of the fire
   5-17  or police department may demote <wants> a fire fighter or police
   5-18  officer under his supervision or jurisdiction only for a violation
   5-19  of a civil service rule <to be involuntarily demoted, the
   5-20  department head may recommend in writing to the commission that the
   5-21  commission demote the fire fighter or police officer>.
   5-22        (b)  If the department head demotes a fire fighter or police
   5-23  officer, the <The> department head shall, not later than the 120th
   5-24  hour after the hour the fire fighter or police officer was demoted,
   5-25  file a written statement with the commission stating the reasons
   5-26  for the demotion <must include in the recommendation for demotion
   5-27  the reasons the department head recommends the demotion and a
    6-1  request that the commission order the demotion>.  The department
    6-2  head must immediately furnish a copy of the written statement
    6-3  <recommendation> in person to the demoted <affected> fire fighter
    6-4  or police officer.
    6-5        (c)  The written statement must also inform the demoted
    6-6  firefighter or police officer that if the person wants to appeal to
    6-7  the commission, the person must file a written appeal with the
    6-8  commission not later than the 10th day after the date the person
    6-9  received a copy of the statement.  <The commission may refuse to
   6-10  grant the request for demotion.  If the commission believes that
   6-11  probable cause exists for ordering the demotion, the commission
   6-12  shall give the fire fighter or police officer written notice to
   6-13  appear before the commission for a public hearing at a time and
   6-14  place specified in the notice.  The commission shall give the
   6-15  notice before the 10th day before the date the hearing will be
   6-16  held.>
   6-17        (d)  The written statement filed with the commission must
   6-18  specify each civil service rule alleged to have been violated by
   6-19  the demoted firefighter or police officer and must describe the
   6-20  alleged acts that the department head contends are in violation of
   6-21  the civil service rules.  It is not sufficient for the department
   6-22  head merely to refer to provisions of the rules alleged to have
   6-23  been violated.  If the department head does not specify in the
   6-24  written statement the act of the firefighter or police officer that
   6-25  allegedly violated the rules, the commission shall immediately
   6-26  restore the person to the person's former position or status in the
   6-27  department's classified service.
    7-1        (e)  On an appeal to the commission, the <The> fire fighter
    7-2  or police officer is entitled to a full and complete public hearing
    7-3  as provided by Section 143.0541, and the commission may not on
    7-4  appeal sustain the demotion of <demote> a fire fighter or police
    7-5  officer without that public hearing.
    7-6        (f) <(e)>  A voluntary demotion in which the fire fighter or
    7-7  police officer has accepted the terms of the demotion in writing is
    7-8  not subject to this section.
    7-9        SECTION 6.  Subchapter D, Chapter 143, Local Government Code,
   7-10  is amended by adding Section 143.0541 to read as follows:
   7-11        Sec. 143.0541.  APPEAL OF A DEMOTION.  (a)  If a demoted
   7-12  firefighter or police officer properly appeals a demotion to the
   7-13  commission under Section 143.054(c), the commission shall hold a
   7-14  hearing and render a decision in writing not later than the 30th
   7-15  day after the date the commission receives notice of appeal.  The
   7-16  demoted person and the commission may agree to postpone the hearing
   7-17  for a definite period.
   7-18        (b)  In a hearing conducted under this section, the
   7-19  department head is restricted to the department head's original
   7-20  written statement and charges, which may not be amended.
   7-21        (c)  The commission may deliberate the decision in closed
   7-22  session but may not consider evidence that was not presented at the
   7-23  hearing.  The commission shall vote in open session.
   7-24        (d)  In its decision, the commission shall state whether the
   7-25  firefighter or police officer is:
   7-26              (1)  demoted from the person's former position or
   7-27  status in the classified service; or
    8-1              (2)  restored to the person's former position or status
    8-2  in the department's classified service.
    8-3        (e)  If the demoted firefighter or police officer is restored
    8-4  to the position or status from which the person was demoted, the
    8-5  firefighter or police officer is entitled to full compensation for
    8-6  the actual pay lost during the period the person was demoted.
    8-7        (f)  The commission may uphold the demotion of a firefighter
    8-8  or police officer only for violation of civil service rules and
    8-9  only after a finding by the commission of the truth of specific
   8-10  charges against the firefighter or police officer.
   8-11        SECTION 7.  Section 143.057(a), Local Government Code, is
   8-12  amended to read as follows:
   8-13        (a)  In addition to the other notice requirements prescribed
   8-14  by this chapter, the letter of disciplinary action issued to a fire
   8-15  fighter or police officer must state that in an appeal of an
   8-16  indefinite suspension, a suspension, a promotional passover, or a
   8-17  <recommended> demotion, the appealing fire fighter or police
   8-18  officer may elect to appeal to an independent third party hearing
   8-19  examiner instead of to the commission.  The letter must also state
   8-20  that if the fire fighter or police officer elects to appeal to a
   8-21  hearing examiner, the person waives all rights to appeal to a
   8-22  district court except as provided by Subsection (j).
   8-23        SECTION 8.  Section 143.1015(k), Local Government Code, is
   8-24  amended to read as follows:
   8-25        (k)  In an appeal to a hearing examiner, the director may,
   8-26  within five working days after the date the hearing examiner is
   8-27  chosen, send to the hearing examiner the following:
    9-1              (1)  the name of the fire fighter or police officer who
    9-2  is appealing;
    9-3              (2)  <the written reasons filed by the department head
    9-4  with the commission in the case of a promotional passover or a
    9-5  recommended demotion;>
    9-6              <(3)>  the specific provisions of the rules alleged to
    9-7  have been violated <in the case of a suspension>; and
    9-8              (3) <(4)>  the date and place of the alleged civil
    9-9  service violation.
   9-10        The director may not send the hearing examiner the department
   9-11  head's original written statement.  The department head shall
   9-12  submit the written statement and charges to the hearing examiner at
   9-13  the hearing.
   9-14        SECTION 9.  Sections 143.1016(a), (e), and (k), Local
   9-15  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
   9-16        (a)  In addition to the other notice requirements prescribed
   9-17  by this chapter, the letter of disciplinary action issued to a fire
   9-18  fighter or police officer must state that in an appeal of an
   9-19  indefinite suspension, a suspension, a promotional pass over, or a
   9-20  <recommended> demotion, the appealing fire fighter or police
   9-21  officer may elect to appeal to an independent third party hearing
   9-22  examiner instead of to the commission.  The letter must also state
   9-23  that if the fire fighter or police officer elects to appeal to a
   9-24  hearing examiner, the person waives all rights to appeal to a
   9-25  district court except as provided by Subsection (j).
   9-26        (e)  The appeal hearing must begin within 60 days after the
   9-27  date the appeal is filed and shall begin as soon as the hearing
   10-1  examiner can be scheduled.  If the hearing examiner cannot begin
   10-2  the hearing within 45 calendar days after the date of selection,
   10-3  the fire fighter or police officer may, within two days after
   10-4  learning of that fact, call for the selection of a new hearing
   10-5  examiner using the procedure prescribed by Subsection (d).  If the
   10-6  appeal hearing is not begun within 60 days after the date the
   10-7  appeal is filed, the indefinite suspension, suspension, promotional
   10-8  pass over, or <recommended> demotion is upheld and the appeal is
   10-9  withdrawn if the fire fighter or police officer is not ready to
  10-10  proceed, and the appeal is sustained if the department head is not
  10-11  ready to proceed.  In computing the 60-day period, a period of
  10-12  delay not to exceed 30 calendar days because of a continuance
  10-13  granted at the request of the department head or his representative
  10-14  or the fire fighter or police officer or his representative on good
  10-15  cause being shown, or because of the unavoidable unavailability of
  10-16  the hearing examiner on the date of the hearing, or because of the
  10-17  pendency of a motion to consolidate with another hearing as
  10-18  provided in Subsection (k) of this section is excluded.  In no
  10-19  event may a hearing examiner grant a continuance beyond 30 days in
  10-20  an indefinite suspension.  A hearing examiner may grant a
  10-21  continuance beyond the 30-day period upon good cause being shown in
  10-22  a disciplinary suspension unless the fire fighter or police officer
  10-23  has another disciplinary action pending.
  10-24        (k)  In an appeal of an indefinite suspension, a suspension,
  10-25  a promotional pass over, or a <recommended> demotion, each
  10-26  appealing fire fighter or police officer or the appealing fire
  10-27  fighter's or police officer's representative shall be entitled to
   11-1  the selection of a hearing examiner pursuant to Subsection (d) of
   11-2  this section to hear the case.  The fire fighter, police officer,
   11-3  department head, or a representative of any of those may, within 10
   11-4  days of the date they received notice of the appeal, file a motion
   11-5  with a copy to the opposing side to consolidate the case with that
   11-6  of one or more other fire fighters or police officers where the
   11-7  charges arise out of the same incident.  The motion to consolidate
   11-8  may be agreed to in writing and filed with the director.  If a
   11-9  motion to consolidate the cases is filed and not agreed to, a
  11-10  hearing examiner shall be chosen pursuant to the provisions of
  11-11  Subsection (d) of this section to hear the motion.  The decision of
  11-12  the hearing examiner shall be final and binding as to the issue of
  11-13  consolidation.  The hearing examiner chosen to hear the motion to
  11-14  consolidate shall not hear the case, and the provisions of
  11-15  Subsection (d) of this section shall be used to choose the hearing
  11-16  examiner with the day the decision is rendered being the equivalent
  11-17  of the date the appeal was filed.
  11-18        SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995, and
  11-19  applies to the demotion or promotional passover of a firefighter or
  11-20  police officer on or after that date.
  11-21        SECTION 11.  The importance of this legislation and the
  11-22  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  11-23  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  11-24  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  11-25  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.