74R7724 CLG-F
          By Grusendorf                                         H.B. No. 1728
          Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1728:
          By Janek                                          C.S.H.B. No. 1728
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to negotiable instruments and bank deposits and
    1-3  collections, including a revision of Chapter 3 of the Uniform
    1-4  Commercial Code.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Chapter 3, Business & Commerce Code, is amended
    1-7  to read as follows:
    1-8                  CHAPTER 3.  NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS
   1-10        Sec. 3.101.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as
   1-11  Uniform Commercial Code--Negotiable Instruments.
   1-12        Sec. 3.102.  SUBJECT MATTER.  (a)  This chapter applies to
   1-13  negotiable instruments.  It does not apply to money, to payment
   1-14  orders governed by Chapter 4A, or to securities governed by Chapter
   1-15  8.
   1-16        (b)  If there is conflict between this chapter and Chapter 4
   1-17  or 9, Chapters 4 and 9 govern.
   1-18        (c)  Regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal
   1-19  Reserve System and operating circulars of the Federal Reserve Banks
   1-20  supersede any inconsistent provision of this chapter to the extent
   1-21  of the inconsistency.
   1-22        Sec. 3.103.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this chapter:
   1-23              (1)  "Acceptor" means a drawee who has accepted a
   1-24  draft.
    2-1              (2)  "Drawee" means a person ordered in a draft to make
    2-2  payment.
    2-3              (3)  "Drawer" means a person who signs or is identified
    2-4  in a draft as a person ordering payment.
    2-5              (4)  "Good faith" means honesty in fact and the
    2-6  observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing.
    2-7              (5)  "Maker" means a person who signs or is identified
    2-8  in a note as a person undertaking to pay.
    2-9              (6)  "Order" means a written instruction to pay money
   2-10  signed by the person giving the instruction.  The instruction may
   2-11  be addressed to any person, including the person giving the
   2-12  instruction, or to one or more persons jointly or in the
   2-13  alternative but not in succession.  An authorization to pay is not
   2-14  an order unless the person authorized to pay is also instructed to
   2-15  pay.
   2-16              (7)  "Ordinary care" in the case of a person engaged in
   2-17  business means observance of reasonable commercial standards,
   2-18  prevailing in the area in which the person is located, with respect
   2-19  to the business in which the person is engaged.  In the case of a
   2-20  bank that takes an instrument for processing for collection or
   2-21  payment by automated means, reasonable commercial standards do not
   2-22  require the bank to examine the instrument if the failure to
   2-23  examine does not violate the bank's prescribed procedures and the
   2-24  bank's procedures do not vary unreasonably from general banking
   2-25  usage not disapproved by this chapter or Chapter 4.
   2-26              (8)  "Party" means a party to an instrument.
   2-27              (9)  "Promise" means a written undertaking to pay money
    3-1  signed by the person undertaking to pay.  An acknowledgment of an
    3-2  obligation by the obligor is not a promise unless the obligor also
    3-3  undertakes to pay the obligation.
    3-4              (10)  "Prove" with respect to a fact means to meet the
    3-5  burden of establishing the fact (Section 1.201(8)).
    3-6              (11)  "Remitter" means a person who purchases an
    3-7  instrument from its issuer if the instrument is payable to an
    3-8  identified person other than the purchaser.
    3-9        (b)  Other definitions applying to this chapter and the
   3-10  sections in which they appear are:
   3-11           "Acceptance"                     Section 3.409.
   3-12           "Accommodated party"             Section 3.419.
   3-13           "Accommodation party"            Section 3.419.
   3-14           "Alteration"                     Section 3.407.
   3-15           "Anomalous indorsement"          Section 3.205.
   3-16           "Blank indorsement"              Section 3.205.
   3-17           "Cashier's check"                Section 3.104.
   3-18           "Certificate of deposit"         Section 3.104.
   3-19           "Certified check"                Section 3.409.
   3-20           "Check"                          Section 3.104.
   3-21           "Consideration"                  Section 3.303.
   3-22           "Draft"                          Section 3.104.
   3-23           "Holder in due course"           Section 3.302.
   3-24           "Incomplete instrument"          Section 3.115.
   3-25           "Indorsement"                    Section 3.204.
   3-26           "Indorser"                       Section 3.204.
   3-27           "Instrument"                     Section 3.104.
    4-1           "Issue"                          Section 3.105.
    4-2           "Issuer"                         Section 3.105.
    4-3           "Negotiable instrument"          Section 3.104.
    4-4           "Negotiation"                    Section 3.201.
    4-5           "Note"                           Section 3.104.
    4-6           "Payable at a definite time"     Section 3.108.
    4-7           "Payable on demand"              Section 3.108.
    4-8           "Payable to bearer"              Section 3.109.
    4-9           "Payable to order"               Section 3.109.
   4-10           "Payment"                        Section 3.602.
   4-11           "Person entitled to enforce"     Section 3.301.
   4-12           "Presentment"                    Section 3.501.
   4-13           "Reacquisition"                  Section 3.207.
   4-14           "Special indorsement"            Section 3.205.
   4-15           "Teller's check"                 Section 3.104.
   4-16           "Transfer of instrument"         Section 3.203.
   4-17           "Traveler's check"               Section 3.104.
   4-18           "Value"                          Section 3.303.
   4-19        (c)  The following definitions in other chapters apply to
   4-20  this chapter:
   4-21           "Bank"                           Section 4.105.
   4-22           "Banking day"                    Section 4.104.
   4-23           "Clearing house"                 Section 4.104.
   4-24           "Collecting bank"                Section 4.105.
   4-25           "Depositary bank"                Section 4.105.
   4-26           "Documentary draft"              Section 4.104.
   4-27           "Intermediary bank"              Section 4.105.
    5-1           "Item"                           Section 4.104.
    5-2           "Payor bank"                     Section 4.105.
    5-3           "Suspends payments"              Section 4.104.
    5-4        (d)  In addition, Chapter 1 contains general definitions and
    5-5  principles of construction and interpretation applicable throughout
    5-6  this chapter.
    5-7        Sec. 3.104.  NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT.  (a)  Except as provided
    5-8  in Subsections (c) and (d), "negotiable instrument" means an
    5-9  unconditional promise or order to pay a fixed amount of money, with
   5-10  or without interest or other charges described in the promise or
   5-11  order, if it:
   5-12              (1)  is payable to bearer or to order at the time it is
   5-13  issued or first comes into possession of a holder;
   5-14              (2)  is payable on demand or at a definite time; and
   5-15              (3)  does not state any other undertaking or
   5-16  instruction by the person promising or ordering payment to do any
   5-17  act in addition to the payment of money, but the promise or order
   5-18  may contain:
   5-19                    (A)  an undertaking or power to give, maintain,
   5-20  or protect collateral to secure payment;
   5-21                    (B)  an authorization or power to the holder to
   5-22  confess judgment or realize on or dispose of collateral; or
   5-23                    (C)  a waiver of the benefit of any law intended
   5-24  for the advantage or protection of an obligor.
   5-25        (b)  "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument.
   5-26        (c)  An order that meets all of the requirements of
   5-27  Subsection (a), except Subdivision (1), and otherwise falls within
    6-1  the definition of "check" in Subsection (f) is a negotiable
    6-2  instrument and a check.
    6-3        (d)  A promise or order other than a check is not an
    6-4  instrument if, at the time it is issued or first comes into
    6-5  possession of a holder, it contains a conspicuous statement,
    6-6  however expressed, to the effect that the promise or order is not
    6-7  negotiable or is not an instrument governed by this chapter.
    6-8        (e)  An instrument is a "note" if it is a promise and is a
    6-9  "draft" if it is an order.  If an instrument falls within the
   6-10  definition of both "note" and "draft," a person entitled to enforce
   6-11  the instrument may treat it as either.
   6-12        (f)  "Check" means (i) a draft, other than a documentary
   6-13  draft, payable on demand and drawn on a bank or (ii) a cashier's
   6-14  check or teller's check.  An instrument may be a check even though
   6-15  it is described on its face by another term, such as "money order."
   6-16        (g)  "Cashier's check" means a draft with respect to which
   6-17  the drawer and drawee are the same bank or branches of the same
   6-18  bank.
   6-19        (h)  "Teller's check" means a draft drawn by a bank:
   6-20              (1)  on another bank; or
   6-21              (2)  payable at or through a bank.
   6-22        (i)  "Traveler's check" means an instrument that:
   6-23              (1)  is payable on demand;
   6-24              (2)  is drawn on or payable at or through a bank;
   6-25              (3)  is designated by the term "traveler's check" or by
   6-26  a substantially similar term; and
   6-27              (4)  requires, as a condition to payment, a
    7-1  countersignature by a person whose specimen signature appears on
    7-2  the instrument.
    7-3        (j)  "Certificate of deposit" means an instrument containing
    7-4  an acknowledgment by a bank that a sum of money has been received
    7-5  by the bank and a promise by the bank to repay the sum of money.  A
    7-6  certificate of deposit is a note of the bank.
    7-7        Sec. 3.105.  ISSUE OF INSTRUMENT.  (a)  "Issue" means the
    7-8  first delivery of an instrument by the maker or drawer, whether to
    7-9  a holder or nonholder, for the purpose of giving rights on the
   7-10  instrument to any person.
   7-11        (b)  An unissued instrument, or an unissued incomplete
   7-12  instrument that is completed, is binding on the maker or drawer,
   7-13  but nonissuance is a defense.  An instrument that is conditionally
   7-14  issued or is issued for a special purpose is binding on the maker
   7-15  or drawer, but failure of the condition or special purpose to be
   7-16  fulfilled is a defense.
   7-17        (c)  "Issuer" applies to issued and unissued instruments and
   7-18  means a maker or drawer of an instrument.
   7-19        Sec. 3.106.  UNCONDITIONAL PROMISE OR ORDER.  (a)  Except as
   7-20  provided in this section, for the purposes of Section 3.104(a), a
   7-21  promise or order is unconditional unless it states (i) an express
   7-22  condition to payment, (ii) that the promise or order is subject to
   7-23  or governed by another writing, or (iii) that rights or obligations
   7-24  with respect to the promise or order are stated in another writing.
   7-25  A reference to another writing does not of itself make the promise
   7-26  or order conditional.
   7-27        (b)  A promise or order is not made conditional (i) by a
    8-1  reference to another writing for a statement of rights with respect
    8-2  to collateral, prepayment, or acceleration, or (ii) because payment
    8-3  is limited to resort to a particular fund or source.
    8-4        (c)  If a promise or order requires, as a condition to
    8-5  payment, a countersignature by a person whose specimen signature
    8-6  appears on the promise or order, the condition does not make the
    8-7  promise or order conditional for the purposes of Section 3.104(a).
    8-8  If the person whose specimen signature appears on an instrument
    8-9  fails to countersign the instrument, the failure to countersign is
   8-10  a defense to the obligation of the issuer, but the failure does not
   8-11  prevent a transferee of the instrument from becoming a holder of
   8-12  the instrument.
   8-13        (d)  If a promise or order at the time it is issued or first
   8-14  comes into possession of a holder contains a statement, required by
   8-15  applicable statutory or administrative law, to the effect that the
   8-16  rights of a holder or transferee are subject to claims or defenses
   8-17  that the issuer could assert against the original payee, the
   8-18  promise or order is not thereby made conditional for the purposes
   8-19  of Section 3.104(a); but if the promise or order is an instrument,
   8-20  there cannot be a holder in due course of the instrument.
   8-21        Sec. 3.107.  INSTRUMENT PAYABLE IN FOREIGN MONEY.  Unless the
   8-22  instrument otherwise provides, an instrument that states the amount
   8-23  payable in foreign money may be paid in the foreign money or in an
   8-24  equivalent amount in dollars calculated by using the current
   8-25  bank-offered spot rate at the place of payment for the purchase of
   8-26  dollars on the day on which the instrument is paid.
   8-27        Sec. 3.108.  PAYABLE ON DEMAND OR AT DEFINITE TIME.  (a)  A
    9-1  promise or order is "payable on demand" if it:
    9-2              (1)  states that it is payable on demand or at sight,
    9-3  or otherwise indicates that it is payable at the will of the
    9-4  holder; or
    9-5              (2)  does not state any time of payment.
    9-6        (b)  A promise or order is "payable at a definite time" if it
    9-7  is payable on elapse of a definite period of time after sight or
    9-8  acceptance or at a fixed date or dates or at a time or times
    9-9  readily ascertainable at the time the promise or order is issued,
   9-10  subject to rights of:
   9-11              (1)  prepayment;
   9-12              (2)  acceleration;
   9-13              (3)  extension at the option of the holder; or
   9-14              (4)  extension to a further definite time at the option
   9-15  of the maker or acceptor or automatically on or after a specified
   9-16  act or event.
   9-17        (c)  If an instrument, payable at a fixed date, is also
   9-18  payable on demand made before the fixed date, the instrument is
   9-19  payable on demand until the fixed date and, if demand for payment
   9-20  is not made before that date, becomes payable at a definite time on
   9-21  the fixed date.
   9-22        Sec. 3.109.  PAYABLE TO BEARER OR TO ORDER.  (a)  A promise
   9-23  or order is payable to bearer if it:
   9-24              (1)  states that it is payable to bearer or to the
   9-25  order of bearer or otherwise indicates that the person in
   9-26  possession of the promise or order is entitled to payment;
   9-27              (2)  does not state a payee; or
   10-1              (3)  states that it is payable to or to the order of
   10-2  cash or otherwise indicates that it is not payable to an identified
   10-3  person.
   10-4        (b)  A promise or order that is not payable to bearer is
   10-5  payable to order if it is payable (i) to the order of an identified
   10-6  person, or (ii) to an identified person or order.  A promise or
   10-7  order that is payable to order is payable to the identified person.
   10-8        (c)  An instrument payable to bearer may become payable to an
   10-9  identified person if it is specially indorsed pursuant to Section
  10-10  3.205(a).  An instrument payable to an identified person may become
  10-11  payable to bearer if it is indorsed in blank pursuant to Section
  10-12  3.205(b).
  10-14  PAYABLE.  (a)  The person to whom an instrument is initially
  10-15  payable is determined by the intent of the person, whether or not
  10-16  authorized, signing as, or in the name or behalf of, the issuer of
  10-17  the instrument.  The instrument is payable to the person intended
  10-18  by the signer even if that person is identified in the instrument
  10-19  by a name or other identification that is not that of the intended
  10-20  person.  If more than one person signs in the name or behalf of the
  10-21  issuer of an instrument and all the signers do not intend the same
  10-22  person as payee, the instrument is payable to any person intended
  10-23  by one or more of the signers.
  10-24        (b)  If the signature of the issuer of an instrument is made
  10-25  by automated means, such as a check-writing machine, the payee of
  10-26  the instrument is determined by the intent of the person who
  10-27  supplied the name or identification of the payee, whether or not
   11-1  authorized to do so.
   11-2        (c)  A person to whom an instrument is payable may be
   11-3  identified in any way, including by name, identifying number,
   11-4  office, or account number.  For the purpose of determining the
   11-5  holder of an instrument, the following rules apply:
   11-6              (1)  If an instrument is payable to an account and the
   11-7  account is identified only by number, the instrument is payable to
   11-8  the person to whom the account is payable.  If an instrument is
   11-9  payable to an account identified by number and by the name of a
  11-10  person, the instrument is payable to the named person, whether or
  11-11  not that person is the owner of the account identified by number.
  11-12              (2)  If an instrument is payable to:
  11-13                    (A)  a trust, an estate, or a person described as
  11-14  trustee or representative of a trust or estate, the instrument is
  11-15  payable to the trustee, the representative, or a successor of
  11-16  either, whether or not the beneficiary or estate is also named;
  11-17                    (B)  a person described as agent or similar
  11-18  representative of a named or identified person, the instrument is
  11-19  payable to the represented person, the representative, or a
  11-20  successor of the representative;
  11-21                    (C)  a fund or organization that is not a legal
  11-22  entity, the instrument is payable to a representative of the
  11-23  members of the fund or organization; or
  11-24                    (D)  an office or to a person described as
  11-25  holding an office, the instrument is payable to the named person,
  11-26  the incumbent of the office, or a successor to the incumbent.
  11-27        (d)  If an instrument is payable to two or more persons
   12-1  alternatively, it is payable to any of them and may be negotiated,
   12-2  discharged, or enforced by any or all of them in possession of the
   12-3  instrument.  If an instrument is payable to two or more persons not
   12-4  alternatively, it is payable to all of them and may be negotiated,
   12-5  discharged, or enforced only by all of them.  If an instrument
   12-6  payable to two or more persons is ambiguous as to whether it is
   12-7  payable to the persons alternatively, the instrument is payable to
   12-8  the persons alternatively.
   12-9        Sec. 3.111.  PLACE OF PAYMENT.  Except as otherwise provided
  12-10  for items in Chapter 4, an instrument is payable at the place of
  12-11  payment stated in the instrument.  If no place of payment is
  12-12  stated, an instrument is payable at the address of the drawee or
  12-13  maker stated in the instrument.  If no address is stated, the place
  12-14  of payment is the place of business of the drawee or maker.  If a
  12-15  drawee or maker has more than one place of business, the place of
  12-16  payment is any place of business of the drawee or maker chosen by
  12-17  the person entitled to enforce the instrument.  If the drawee or
  12-18  maker has no place of business, the place of payment is the
  12-19  residence of the drawee or maker.
  12-20        Sec. 3.112.  INTEREST.  (a)  Unless otherwise provided in the
  12-21  instrument:
  12-22              (1)  an instrument is not payable with interest; and
  12-23              (2)  interest on an interest-bearing instrument is
  12-24  payable from the date of the instrument.
  12-25        (b)  Interest may be stated in an instrument as a fixed or
  12-26  variable amount of money or it may be expressed as a fixed or
  12-27  variable rate or rates.  The amount or rate of interest may be
   13-1  stated or described in the instrument in any manner and may require
   13-2  reference to information not contained in the instrument.  If an
   13-3  instrument provides for interest, but the amount of interest
   13-4  payable cannot be ascertained from the description, interest is
   13-5  payable at the judgment rate in effect at the place of payment of
   13-6  the instrument and at the time interest first accrues, and the
   13-7  instrument shall not by virtue of this sentence be considered to
   13-8  violate the provisions of Title 79, Revised Statutes (Article
   13-9  5069-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  13-10        Sec. 3.113.  DATE OF INSTRUMENT.  (a)  An instrument may be
  13-11  antedated or postdated.  The date stated determines the time of
  13-12  payment if the instrument is payable at a fixed period after date.
  13-13  Except as provided in Section 4.401(c), an instrument payable on
  13-14  demand is not payable before the date of the instrument.
  13-15        (b)  If an instrument is undated, its date is the date of its
  13-16  issue or, in the case of an unissued instrument, the date it first
  13-17  comes into possession of a holder.
  13-18        Sec. 3.114.  CONTRADICTORY TERMS OF INSTRUMENT.  If an
  13-19  instrument contains contradictory terms, typewritten terms prevail
  13-20  over printed terms, handwritten terms prevail over both, and words
  13-21  prevail over numbers.
  13-22        Sec. 3.115.  INCOMPLETE INSTRUMENT.  (a)  "Incomplete
  13-23  instrument" means a signed writing, whether or not issued by the
  13-24  signer, the contents of which show at the time of signing that it
  13-25  is incomplete but that the signer intended it to be completed by
  13-26  the addition of words or numbers.
  13-27        (b)  Subject to Subsection (c), if an incomplete instrument
   14-1  is an instrument under Section 3.104, it may be enforced according
   14-2  to its terms if it is not completed, or according to its terms as
   14-3  augmented by completion.  If an incomplete instrument is not an
   14-4  instrument under Section 3.104, but, after completion, the
   14-5  requirements of Section 3.104 are met, the instrument may be
   14-6  enforced according to its terms as augmented by completion.
   14-7        (c)  If words or numbers are added to an incomplete
   14-8  instrument without authority of the signer, there is an alteration
   14-9  of the incomplete instrument under Section 3.407.
  14-10        (d)  The burden of establishing that words or numbers were
  14-11  added to an incomplete instrument without authority of the signer
  14-12  is on the person asserting the lack of authority.
  14-13        Sec. 3.116.  JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY; CONTRIBUTION.  (a)
  14-14  Except as otherwise provided in the instrument, two or more persons
  14-15  who have the same liability on an instrument as makers, drawers,
  14-16  acceptors, indorsers who indorse as joint payees, or anomalous
  14-17  indorsers are jointly and severally liable in the capacity in which
  14-18  they sign.
  14-19        (b)  Except as provided in Section 3.419(e) or by agreement
  14-20  of the affected parties, a party having joint and several liability
  14-21  who pays the instrument is entitled to receive from any party
  14-22  having the same joint and several liability contribution in
  14-23  accordance with applicable law.
  14-24        (c)  Discharge of one party having joint and several
  14-25  liability by a person entitled to enforce the instrument does not
  14-26  affect the right under Subsection (b) of a party having the same
  14-27  joint and several liability to receive contribution from the party
   15-1  discharged.
   15-2        Sec. 3.117.  OTHER AGREEMENTS AFFECTING INSTRUMENT.  Subject
   15-3  to applicable law regarding exclusion of proof of contemporaneous
   15-4  or previous agreements, the obligation of a party to an instrument
   15-5  to pay the instrument may be modified, supplemented, or nullified
   15-6  by a separate agreement of the obligor and a person entitled to
   15-7  enforce the instrument, if the instrument is issued or the
   15-8  obligation is incurred in reliance on the agreement or as part of
   15-9  the same transaction giving rise to the agreement.  To the extent
  15-10  an obligation is modified, supplemented, or nullified by an
  15-11  agreement under this section, the agreement is a defense to the
  15-12  obligation.
  15-13        Sec. 3.118.  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.  (a)  Except as provided
  15-14  in Subsection (e), an action to enforce the obligation of a party
  15-15  to pay a note payable at a definite time must be commenced within
  15-16  six years after the due date or dates stated in the note or, if a
  15-17  due date is accelerated, within six years after the accelerated due
  15-18  date.
  15-19        (b)  Except as provided in Subsection (d) or (e), if demand
  15-20  for payment is made to the maker of a note payable on demand, an
  15-21  action to enforce the obligation of a party to pay the note must be
  15-22  commenced within six years after the demand.  If no demand for
  15-23  payment is made to the maker, an action to enforce the note is
  15-24  barred if neither principal nor interest on the note has been paid
  15-25  for a continuous period of 10 years.
  15-26        (c)  Except as provided in Subsection (d), an action to
  15-27  enforce the obligation of a party to an unaccepted draft to pay the
   16-1  draft must be commenced within three years after dishonor of the
   16-2  draft or 10 years after the date of the draft, whichever period
   16-3  expires first.
   16-4        (d)  An action to enforce the obligation of the acceptor of a
   16-5  certified check or the issuer of a teller's check, cashier's check,
   16-6  or traveler's check must be commenced within three years after
   16-7  demand for payment is made to the acceptor or issuer, as the case
   16-8  may be.
   16-9        (e)  An action to enforce the obligation of a party to a
  16-10  certificate of deposit to pay the instrument must be commenced
  16-11  within six years after demand for payment is made to the maker, but
  16-12  if the instrument states a due date and the maker is not required
  16-13  to pay before that date, the six-year period begins when a demand
  16-14  for payment is in effect and the due date has passed.
  16-15        (f)  An action to enforce the obligation of a party to pay an
  16-16  accepted draft, other than a certified check, must be commenced:
  16-17              (1)  within six years after the due date or dates
  16-18  stated in the draft or acceptance if the obligation of the acceptor
  16-19  is payable at a definite time; or
  16-20              (2)  within six years after the date of the acceptance
  16-21  if the obligation of the acceptor is payable on demand.
  16-22        (g)  Unless governed by other law regarding claims for
  16-23  indemnity or contribution, the following actions must be commenced
  16-24  within three years after the cause of action accrues:
  16-25              (1)  an action for conversion of an instrument, an
  16-26  action for money had and received, or like action based on
  16-27  conversion;
   17-1              (2)  an action for breach of warranty; or
   17-2              (3)  an action to enforce an obligation, duty, or right
   17-3  arising under this chapter and not governed by this section.
   17-4        Sec. 3.119.  NOTICE OF RIGHT TO DEFEND ACTION.  In an action
   17-5  for breach of an obligation for which a third person is answerable
   17-6  over pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 4, the defendant may give
   17-7  the third person written notice of the litigation, and the person
   17-8  notified may then give similar notice to any other person who is
   17-9  answerable over.  If the notice states (i) that the person notified
  17-10  may come in and defend, and (ii) that failure to do so will bind
  17-11  the person notified in an action later brought by the person giving
  17-12  the notice as to any determination of fact common to the two
  17-13  litigations, the person notified is so bound unless after
  17-14  seasonable receipt of the notice the person notified does come in
  17-15  and defend.
  17-17        Sec. 3.201.  NEGOTIATION.  (a)  "Negotiation" means a
  17-18  transfer of possession, whether voluntary or involuntary, of an
  17-19  instrument by a person other than the issuer to a person who
  17-20  thereby becomes its holder.
  17-21        (b)  Except for negotiation by a remitter, if an instrument
  17-22  is payable to an identified person, negotiation requires transfer
  17-23  of possession of the instrument and its indorsement by the holder.
  17-24  If an instrument is payable to bearer, it may be negotiated by
  17-25  transfer of possession alone.
  17-26        Sec. 3.202.  NEGOTIATION SUBJECT TO RESCISSION.  (a)
  17-27  Negotiation is effective even if obtained:
   18-1              (1)  from an infant, a corporation exceeding its
   18-2  powers, or a person without capacity;
   18-3              (2)  by fraud, duress, or mistake; or
   18-4              (3)  in breach of duty or as part of an illegal
   18-5  transaction.
   18-6        (b)  To the extent permitted by other law, negotiation may be
   18-7  rescinded or may be subject to other remedies, but those remedies
   18-8  may not be asserted against a subsequent holder in due course or a
   18-9  person paying the instrument in good faith and without knowledge of
  18-10  facts that are a basis for rescission or other remedy.
  18-12  TRANSFER.  (a)  An instrument is transferred when it is delivered
  18-13  by a person other than its issuer for the purpose of giving to the
  18-14  person receiving delivery the right to enforce the instrument.
  18-15        (b)  Transfer of an instrument, whether or not the transfer
  18-16  is a negotiation, vests in the transferee any right of the
  18-17  transferor to enforce the instrument, including any right as a
  18-18  holder in due course.  The transferee cannot acquire rights of a
  18-19  holder in due course by a transfer, directly or indirectly, from a
  18-20  holder in due course if the transferee engaged in fraud or
  18-21  illegality affecting the instrument.
  18-22        (c)  Unless otherwise agreed, if an instrument is transferred
  18-23  for value and the transferee does not become a holder because of
  18-24  lack of indorsement by the transferor, the transferee has a
  18-25  specifically enforceable right to the unqualified indorsement of
  18-26  the transferor, but negotiation of the instrument does not occur
  18-27  until the indorsement is made.
   19-1        (d)  If a transferor purports to transfer less than the
   19-2  entire instrument, negotiation of the instrument does not occur.
   19-3  The transferee obtains no rights under this chapter and has only
   19-4  the rights of a partial assignee.
   19-5        Sec. 3.204.  INDORSEMENT.  (a)  "Indorsement" means a
   19-6  signature, other than that of a signer as maker, drawer, or
   19-7  acceptor, that alone or accompanied by other words is made on an
   19-8  instrument for the purpose of (i) negotiating the instrument, (ii)
   19-9  restricting payment of the instrument, or (iii) incurring
  19-10  indorser's liability on the instrument, but regardless of the
  19-11  intent of the signer, a signature and its accompanying words is an
  19-12  indorsement unless the accompanying words, terms of the instrument,
  19-13  place of the signature, or other circumstances unambiguously
  19-14  indicate that the signature was made for a purpose other than
  19-15  indorsement.  For the purpose of determining whether a signature is
  19-16  made on an instrument, a paper affixed to the instrument is a part
  19-17  of the instrument.
  19-18        (b)  "Indorser" means a person who makes an indorsement.
  19-19        (c)  For the purpose of determining whether the transferee of
  19-20  an instrument is a holder, an indorsement that transfers a security
  19-21  interest in the instrument is effective as an unqualified
  19-22  indorsement of the instrument.
  19-23        (d)  If an instrument is payable to a holder under a name
  19-24  that is not the name of the holder, indorsement may be made by the
  19-25  holder in the name stated in the instrument or in the holder's name
  19-26  or both, but signature in both names may be required by a person
  19-27  paying or taking the instrument for value or collection.
   20-2  ANOMALOUS INDORSEMENT.  (a)  If an indorsement is made by the
   20-3  holder of an instrument, whether payable to an identified person or
   20-4  payable to bearer, and the indorsement identifies a person to whom
   20-5  it makes the instrument payable, it is a "special indorsement."
   20-6  When specially indorsed, an instrument becomes payable to the
   20-7  identified person and may be negotiated only by the indorsement of
   20-8  that person.  The principles stated in Section 3.110 apply to
   20-9  special indorsements.
  20-10        (b)  If an indorsement is made by the holder of an instrument
  20-11  and it is not a special indorsement, it is a "blank indorsement."
  20-12  When indorsed in blank, an instrument becomes payable to bearer and
  20-13  may be negotiated by transfer of possession alone until specially
  20-14  indorsed.
  20-15        (c)  The holder may convert a blank indorsement that consists
  20-16  only of a signature into a special indorsement by writing, above
  20-17  the signature of the indorser, words identifying the person to whom
  20-18  the instrument is made payable.
  20-19        (d)  "Anomalous indorsement" means an indorsement made by a
  20-20  person who is not the holder of the instrument.  An anomalous
  20-21  indorsement does not affect the manner in which the instrument may
  20-22  be negotiated.
  20-23        Sec. 3.206.  RESTRICTIVE INDORSEMENT.  (a)  An indorsement
  20-24  limiting payment to a particular person or otherwise prohibiting
  20-25  further transfer or negotiation of the instrument is not effective
  20-26  to prevent further transfer or negotiation of the instrument.
  20-27        (b)  An indorsement stating a condition to the right of the
   21-1  indorsee to receive payment does not affect the right of the
   21-2  indorsee to enforce the instrument.  A person paying the instrument
   21-3  or taking it for value or collection may disregard the condition,
   21-4  and the rights and liabilities of that person are not affected by
   21-5  whether the condition has been fulfilled.
   21-6        (c)  If an instrument bears an indorsement (i) described in
   21-7  Section 4.201(b), or (ii) in blank or to a particular bank using
   21-8  the words "for deposit" or "for collection," or other words
   21-9  indicating a purpose of having the instrument collected by a bank
  21-10  for the indorser or for a particular account, the following rules
  21-11  apply:
  21-12              (1)  a person, other than a bank, who purchases the
  21-13  instrument when so indorsed converts the instrument unless the
  21-14  amount paid for the instrument is received by the indorser or
  21-15  applied consistently with the indorsement;
  21-16              (2)  a depositary bank that purchases the instrument or
  21-17  takes it for collection when so indorsed converts the instrument
  21-18  unless the amount paid by the bank with respect to the instrument
  21-19  is received by the indorser or applied consistently with the
  21-20  indorsement;
  21-21              (3)  a payor bank that is also the depositary bank or
  21-22  that takes the instrument for immediate payment over the counter
  21-23  from a person other than a collecting bank converts the instrument
  21-24  unless the proceeds of the instrument are received by the indorser
  21-25  or applied consistently with the indorsement; and
  21-26              (4)  except as otherwise provided in Subdivision (3), a
  21-27  payor bank or intermediary bank may disregard the indorsement and
   22-1  is not liable if the proceeds of the instrument are not received by
   22-2  the indorser or applied consistently with the indorsement.
   22-3        (d)  Except for an indorsement covered by Subsection (c), if
   22-4  an instrument bears an indorsement using words to the effect that
   22-5  payment is to be made to the indorsee as agent, trustee, or other
   22-6  fiduciary for the benefit of the indorser or another person, the
   22-7  following rules apply:
   22-8              (1)  unless there is notice of breach of fiduciary duty
   22-9  as provided in Section 3.307, a person who purchases the instrument
  22-10  from the indorsee or takes the instrument from the indorsee for
  22-11  collection or payment may pay the proceeds of payment or the value
  22-12  given for the instrument to the indorsee without regard to whether
  22-13  the indorsee violates a fiduciary duty to the indorser; and
  22-14              (2)  a subsequent transferee of the instrument or
  22-15  person who pays the instrument is neither given notice nor
  22-16  otherwise affected by the restriction in the indorsement unless the
  22-17  transferee or payor knows that the fiduciary dealt with the
  22-18  instrument or its proceeds in breach of fiduciary duty.
  22-19        (e)  The presence on an instrument of an indorsement to which
  22-20  this section applies does not prevent a purchaser of the instrument
  22-21  from becoming a holder in due course of the instrument unless the
  22-22  purchaser is a converter under Subsection (c) or has notice or
  22-23  knowledge of breach of fiduciary duty as stated in Subsection (d).
  22-24        (f)  In an action to enforce the obligation of a party to pay
  22-25  the instrument, the obligor has a defense if payment would violate
  22-26  an indorsement to which this section applies and the payment is not
  22-27  permitted by this section.
   23-1        Sec. 3.207.  REACQUISITION.  Reacquisition of an instrument
   23-2  occurs if it is transferred to a former holder, by negotiation or
   23-3  otherwise.  A former holder who reacquires the instrument may
   23-4  cancel indorsements made after the reacquirer first became a holder
   23-5  of the instrument.  If the cancellation causes the instrument to be
   23-6  payable to the reacquirer or to bearer, the reacquirer may
   23-7  negotiate the instrument.  An indorser whose indorsement is
   23-8  canceled is discharged, and the discharge is effective against any
   23-9  subsequent holder.
  23-11        Sec. 3.301.  PERSON ENTITLED TO ENFORCE INSTRUMENT.  "Person
  23-12  entitled to enforce" an instrument means (i) the holder of the
  23-13  instrument, (ii) a nonholder in possession of the instrument who
  23-14  has the rights of a holder, or (iii) a person not in possession of
  23-15  the instrument who is entitled to enforce the instrument pursuant
  23-16  to Section 3.309 or 3.418(d).  A person may be a person entitled to
  23-17  enforce the instrument even though the person is not the owner of
  23-18  the instrument or is in wrongful possession of the instrument.
  23-19        Sec. 3.302.  HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.  (a)  Subject to
  23-20  Subsection (c) and Section 3.106(d), "holder in due course" means
  23-21  the holder of an  instrument if:
  23-22              (1)  the instrument when issued or negotiated to the
  23-23  holder does not bear such apparent evidence of forgery or
  23-24  alteration or is not otherwise so irregular or incomplete as to
  23-25  call into question its authenticity; and
  23-26              (2)  the holder took the instrument:
  23-27                    (A)  for value;
   24-1                    (B)  in good faith;
   24-2                    (C)  without notice that the instrument is
   24-3  overdue or has been dishonored or that there is an uncured default
   24-4  with respect to payment of another instrument issued as part of the
   24-5  same series;
   24-6                    (D)  without notice that the instrument contains
   24-7  an unauthorized signature or has been altered;
   24-8                    (E)  without notice of any claim to the
   24-9  instrument described in Section 3.306; and
  24-10                    (F)  without notice that any party has a defense
  24-11  or claim in recoupment described in Section 3.305(a).
  24-12        (b)  Notice of discharge of a party, other than discharge in
  24-13  an insolvency proceeding, is not notice of a defense under
  24-14  Subsection (a), but discharge is effective against a person who
  24-15  became a holder in due course with notice of the discharge.  Public
  24-16  filing or recording of a document does not of itself constitute
  24-17  notice of a defense, claim in recoupment, or claim to the
  24-18  instrument.
  24-19        (c)  Except to the extent a transferor or predecessor in
  24-20  interest has rights as a holder in due course, a person does not
  24-21  acquire rights of a holder in due course of an instrument taken:
  24-22              (1)  by legal process or by purchase in an execution,
  24-23  bankruptcy, or creditor's sale or similar proceeding;
  24-24              (2)  by purchase as part of a bulk transaction not in
  24-25  ordinary course of business of the transferor; or
  24-26              (3)  as the successor in interest to an estate or other
  24-27  organization.
   25-1        (d)  If, under Section 3.303(a)(1), the promise of
   25-2  performance that is the consideration for an instrument has been
   25-3  partially performed, the holder may assert rights as a holder in
   25-4  due course of the instrument only to the fraction of the amount
   25-5  payable under the instrument equal to the value of the partial
   25-6  performance divided by the value of the promised performance.
   25-7        (e)  If (i) the person entitled to enforce an instrument has
   25-8  only a security interest in the instrument, and (ii) the person
   25-9  obliged to pay the instrument has a defense, claim in recoupment,
  25-10  or claim to the instrument that may be asserted against the person
  25-11  who granted the security interest, the person entitled to enforce
  25-12  the instrument may assert rights as a holder in due course only to
  25-13  an amount payable under the instrument that, at the time of
  25-14  enforcement of the instrument, does not exceed the amount of the
  25-15  unpaid obligation secured.
  25-16        (f)  To be effective, notice must be received at a time and
  25-17  in a manner that gives a reasonable opportunity to act on it.
  25-18        (g)  This section is subject to any law limiting status as a
  25-19  holder in due course in particular classes of transactions.
  25-20        Sec. 3.303.  VALUE AND CONSIDERATION.  (a)  An instrument is
  25-21  issued or transferred for value if:
  25-22              (1)  the instrument is issued or transferred for a
  25-23  promise of performance, to the extent the promise has been
  25-24  performed;
  25-25              (2)  the transferee acquires a security interest or
  25-26  other lien in the instrument other than a lien obtained by judicial
  25-27  proceeding;
   26-1              (3)  the instrument is issued or transferred as payment
   26-2  of, or as security for, an antecedent claim against any person,
   26-3  whether or not the claim is due;
   26-4              (4)  the instrument is issued or transferred in
   26-5  exchange for a negotiable instrument; or
   26-6              (5)  the instrument is issued or transferred in
   26-7  exchange for the incurring of an irrevocable obligation to a third
   26-8  party by the person taking the instrument.
   26-9        (b)  "Consideration" means any consideration sufficient to
  26-10  support a simple contract.  The drawer or maker of an instrument
  26-11  has a defense if the instrument is issued without consideration.
  26-12  If an instrument is issued for a promise of performance, the issuer
  26-13  has a defense to the extent performance of the promise is due and
  26-14  the promise has not been performed.  If an instrument is issued for
  26-15  value as stated in Subsection (a), the instrument is also issued
  26-16  for consideration.
  26-17        Sec. 3.304.  OVERDUE INSTRUMENT.  (a)  An instrument payable
  26-18  on demand becomes overdue at the earliest of the following times:
  26-19              (1)  on the day after the day demand for payment is
  26-20  duly made;
  26-21              (2)  if the instrument is a check, 90 days after its
  26-22  date; or
  26-23              (3)  if the instrument is not a check, when the
  26-24  instrument has been outstanding for a period of time after its date
  26-25  that is unreasonably long under the circumstances of the particular
  26-26  case in light of the nature of the instrument and usage of the
  26-27  trade.
   27-1        (b)  With respect to an instrument payable at a definite time
   27-2  the following rules apply:
   27-3              (1)  if the principal is payable in installments and a
   27-4  due date has not been accelerated, the instrument becomes overdue
   27-5  on default under the instrument for nonpayment of an installment,
   27-6  and the instrument remains overdue until the default is cured;
   27-7              (2)  if the principal is not payable in installments
   27-8  and the due date has not been accelerated, the instrument becomes
   27-9  overdue on the day after the due date; and
  27-10              (3)  if a due date with respect to principal has been
  27-11  accelerated, the instrument becomes overdue on the day after the
  27-12  accelerated due date.
  27-13        (c)  Unless the due date of principal has been accelerated,
  27-14  an instrument does not become overdue if there is default in
  27-15  payment of interest but no default in payment of principal.
  27-16        Sec. 3.305.  DEFENSES AND CLAIMS IN RECOUPMENT.  (a)  Except
  27-17  as provided in Subsection (b), the right to enforce the obligation
  27-18  of a party to pay an instrument is subject to the following:
  27-19              (1)  a defense of the obligor based on:
  27-20                    (A)  infancy of the obligor to the extent it is a
  27-21  defense to a simple contract;
  27-22                    (B)  duress, lack of legal capacity, or
  27-23  illegality of the transaction that, under other law, nullifies the
  27-24  obligation of the obligor;
  27-25                    (C)  fraud that induced the obligor to sign the
  27-26  instrument with neither knowledge nor reasonable opportunity to
  27-27  learn of its character or its essential terms; or
   28-1                    (D)  discharge of the obligor in insolvency
   28-2  proceedings;
   28-3              (2)  a defense of the obligor stated in another section
   28-4  of this chapter or a defense of the obligor that would be available
   28-5  if the person entitled to enforce the instrument were enforcing a
   28-6  right to payment under a simple contract; and
   28-7              (3)  a claim in recoupment of the obligor against the
   28-8  original payee of the instrument if the claim arose from the
   28-9  transaction that gave rise to the instrument; but the claim of the
  28-10  obligor may be asserted against a transferee of the instrument only
  28-11  to reduce the amount owing on the instrument at the time the action
  28-12  is brought.
  28-13        (b)  The right of a holder in due course to enforce the
  28-14  obligation of a party to pay the instrument is subject to defenses
  28-15  of the obligor stated in Subsection (a)(1), but is not subject to
  28-16  defenses of the obligor stated in Subsection (a)(2) or claims in
  28-17  recoupment stated in Subsection (a)(3) against a person other than
  28-18  the holder.
  28-19        (c)  Except as provided in Subsection (d), in an action to
  28-20  enforce the obligation of a party to pay the instrument, the
  28-21  obligor may not assert against the person entitled to enforce the
  28-22  instrument a defense, claim in recoupment, or claim to the
  28-23  instrument (Section 3.306) of another person, but the other
  28-24  person's claim to the instrument may be asserted by the obligor if
  28-25  the other person is joined in the action and personally asserts the
  28-26  claim against the person entitled to enforce the instrument.  An
  28-27  obligor is not obliged to pay the instrument if the person seeking
   29-1  enforcement of the instrument does not have rights of a holder in
   29-2  due course and the obligor proves that the instrument is a lost or
   29-3  stolen instrument.
   29-4        (d)  In an action to enforce the obligation of an
   29-5  accommodation party to pay an instrument, the accommodation party
   29-6  may assert against the person entitled to enforce the instrument
   29-7  any defense or claim in recoupment under Subsection (a) that the
   29-8  accommodated party could assert against the person entitled to
   29-9  enforce the instrument, except the defenses of discharge in
  29-10  insolvency proceedings, infancy, and lack of legal capacity.
  29-11        Sec. 3.306.  CLAIMS TO AN INSTRUMENT.  A person taking an
  29-12  instrument, other than a person having rights of a holder in due
  29-13  course, is subject to a claim of a property or possessory right in
  29-14  the instrument or its proceeds, including a claim to rescind a
  29-15  negotiation and to recover the instrument or its proceeds.  A
  29-16  person having rights of a holder in due course takes free of the
  29-17  claim to the instrument.
  29-18        Sec. 3.307.  NOTICE OF BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY.  (a)  In
  29-19  this section:
  29-20              (1)  "Fiduciary" means an agent, trustee, partner,
  29-21  corporate officer or director, or other representative owing a
  29-22  fiduciary duty with respect to an instrument.
  29-23              (2)  "Represented person" means the principal,
  29-24  beneficiary, partnership, corporation, or other person to whom the
  29-25  duty stated in Subdivision (1) is owed.
  29-26        (b)  If (i) an instrument is taken from a fiduciary for
  29-27  payment or collection or for value, (ii) the taker has knowledge of
   30-1  the fiduciary status of the fiduciary, and (iii) the represented
   30-2  person makes a claim to the instrument or its proceeds on the basis
   30-3  that the transaction of the fiduciary is a breach of fiduciary
   30-4  duty, the following rules apply:
   30-5              (1)  notice of breach of fiduciary duty by the
   30-6  fiduciary is notice of the claim of the represented person;
   30-7              (2)  in the case of an instrument payable to the
   30-8  represented person or the fiduciary as such, the taker has notice
   30-9  of the breach of fiduciary duty if the instrument is:
  30-10                    (A)  taken in payment of or as security for a
  30-11  debt known by the taker to be the personal debt of the fiduciary;
  30-12                    (B)  taken in a transaction known by the taker to
  30-13  be for the personal benefit of the fiduciary; or
  30-14                    (C)  deposited to an account other than an
  30-15  account of the fiduciary, as such, or an account of the represented
  30-16  person;
  30-17              (3)  if an instrument is issued by the represented
  30-18  person or the fiduciary as such, and made payable to the fiduciary
  30-19  personally, the taker does not have notice of the breach of
  30-20  fiduciary duty unless the taker knows of the breach of fiduciary
  30-21  duty; and
  30-22              (4)  if an instrument is issued by the represented
  30-23  person or the fiduciary as such, to the taker as payee, the taker
  30-24  has notice of the breach of fiduciary duty if the instrument is:
  30-25                    (A)  taken in payment of or as security for a
  30-26  debt known by the taker to be the personal debt of the fiduciary;
  30-27                    (B)  taken in a transaction known by the taker to
   31-1  be for the personal benefit of the fiduciary; or
   31-2                    (C)  deposited to an account other than an
   31-3  account of the fiduciary, as such, or an account of the represented
   31-4  person.
   31-6  COURSE.  (a)  In an action with respect to an instrument, the
   31-7  authenticity of, and authority to make, each signature on the
   31-8  instrument are admitted unless specifically denied in the
   31-9  pleadings.  If the validity of a signature is denied in the
  31-10  pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on the person
  31-11  claiming validity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic
  31-12  and authorized unless the action is to enforce the liability of the
  31-13  purported signer and the signer is dead or incompetent at the time
  31-14  of trial of the issue of validity of the signature.  If an action
  31-15  to enforce the instrument is brought against a person as the
  31-16  undisclosed principal of a person who signed the instrument as a
  31-17  party to the instrument, the plaintiff has the burden of
  31-18  establishing that the defendant is liable on the instrument as a
  31-19  represented person under Section 3.402(a).
  31-20        (b)  If the validity of signatures is admitted or proved and
  31-21  there is compliance with Subsection (a), a plaintiff producing the
  31-22  instrument is entitled to payment if the plaintiff proves
  31-23  entitlement to enforce the instrument under Section 3.301, unless
  31-24  the defendant proves a defense or claim in recoupment.  If a
  31-25  defense or claim in recoupment is proved, the right to payment of
  31-26  the plaintiff is subject to the defense or claim, except to the
  31-27  extent the plaintiff proves that the plaintiff has rights of a
   32-1  holder in due course that are not subject to the defense or claim.
   32-3  INSTRUMENT.  (a)  A person who is not in possession of an
   32-4  instrument is entitled to enforce the instrument if:
   32-5              (1)  the person was in possession of the instrument and
   32-6  entitled to enforce it when loss of possession occurred;
   32-7              (2)  the loss of possession was not the result of a
   32-8  transfer by the person or a lawful seizure; and
   32-9              (3)  the person cannot reasonably obtain possession of
  32-10  the instrument because the instrument was destroyed, its
  32-11  whereabouts cannot be determined, or it is in the wrongful
  32-12  possession of an unknown person or a person that cannot be found or
  32-13  is not amenable to service of process.
  32-14        (b)  A person seeking enforcement of an instrument under
  32-15  Subsection (a) must prove the terms of the instrument and the
  32-16  person's right to enforce the instrument.  If that proof is made,
  32-17  Section 3.308 applies to the case as if the person seeking
  32-18  enforcement had produced the instrument.  The court may not enter
  32-19  judgment in favor of the person seeking enforcement unless it finds
  32-20  that the person required to pay the instrument is adequately
  32-21  protected against loss that might occur by reason of a claim by
  32-22  another person to enforce the instrument.  Adequate protection may
  32-23  be provided by any reasonable means.
  32-25  TAKEN.  (a)  Unless otherwise agreed, if a certified check,
  32-26  cashier's check, or teller's check is taken for an obligation, the
  32-27  obligation is discharged to the same extent discharge would result
   33-1  if an amount of money equal to the amount of the instrument were
   33-2  taken in payment of the obligation.  Discharge of the obligation
   33-3  does not affect any liability that the obligor may have as an
   33-4  indorser of the instrument.
   33-5        (b)  Unless otherwise agreed and except as provided in
   33-6  Subsection (a), if a note or an uncertified check is taken for an
   33-7  obligation, the obligation is suspended to the same extent the
   33-8  obligation would be discharged if an amount of money equal to the
   33-9  amount of the instrument were taken, and the following rules apply:
  33-10              (1)  In the case of an uncertified check, suspension of
  33-11  the obligation continues until dishonor of the check or until it is
  33-12  paid or certified.  Payment or certification of the check results
  33-13  in discharge of the obligation to the extent of the amount of the
  33-14  check.
  33-15              (2)  In the case of a note, suspension of the
  33-16  obligation continues until dishonor of the note or until it is
  33-17  paid.  Payment of the note results in discharge of the obligation
  33-18  to the extent of the payment.
  33-19              (3)  Except as provided in Subdivision (4), if the
  33-20  check or note is dishonored and the obligee of the obligation for
  33-21  which the instrument was taken is the person entitled to enforce
  33-22  the instrument, the obligee may enforce either the instrument or
  33-23  the obligation.  In the case of an instrument of a third person
  33-24  that is negotiated to the obligee by the obligor, discharge of the
  33-25  obligor on the instrument also discharges the obligation.
  33-26              (4)  If the person entitled to enforce the instrument
  33-27  taken for an obligation is a person other than the obligee, the
   34-1  obligee may not enforce the obligation to the extent the obligation
   34-2  is suspended.  If the obligee is the person entitled to enforce the
   34-3  instrument but no longer has possession of it because it was lost,
   34-4  stolen, or destroyed, the obligation may not be enforced to the
   34-5  extent of the amount payable on the instrument, and to that extent
   34-6  the obligee's rights against the obligor are limited to enforcement
   34-7  of the instrument.
   34-8        (c)  If an instrument other than one described in Subsection
   34-9  (a) or (b) is taken for an obligation, the effect is:
  34-10              (1)  that stated in Subsection (a) if the instrument is
  34-11  one for which a bank is liable as maker or acceptor; or
  34-12              (2)  that stated in Subsection (b) in any other case.
  34-14  (a)  Subsections (b)-(d) apply if a person against whom a claim is
  34-15  asserted proves that:
  34-16              (1)  that person in good faith tendered an instrument
  34-17  to the claimant as full satisfaction of the claim;
  34-18              (2)  the amount of the claim was unliquidated or
  34-19  subject to a bona fide dispute; and
  34-20              (3)  the claimant obtained payment of the instrument.
  34-21        (b)  Unless Subsection (c) applies, the claim is discharged
  34-22  if the person against whom the claim is asserted proves that the
  34-23  instrument or an accompanying written communication contained a
  34-24  conspicuous statement to the effect that the instrument was
  34-25  tendered as full satisfaction of the claim.
  34-26        (c)  Subject to Subsection (d), a claim is not discharged
  34-27  under Subsection (b) if either of the following applies:
   35-1              (1)  The claimant, if an organization, proves that:
   35-2                    (A)  within a reasonable time before the tender,
   35-3  the claimant sent a conspicuous statement to the person against
   35-4  whom the claim is asserted that communications concerning disputed
   35-5  debts, including an instrument tendered as full satisfaction of a
   35-6  debt, are to be sent to a designated person, office, or place; and
   35-7                    (B)  the instrument or accompanying communication
   35-8  was not received by that designated person, office, or place.
   35-9              (2)  The claimant, whether or not an organization,
  35-10  proves that within 90 days after payment of the instrument, the
  35-11  claimant tendered repayment of the amount of the instrument to the
  35-12  person against whom the claim is asserted.  This subdivision does
  35-13  not apply if the claimant is an organization that sent a statement
  35-14  complying with Subdivision (1)(A).
  35-15        (d)  A claim is discharged if the person against whom the
  35-16  claim is asserted proves that within a reasonable time before
  35-17  collection of the instrument was initiated, the claimant, or an
  35-18  agent of the claimant having direct responsibility with respect to
  35-19  the disputed obligation, knew that the instrument was tendered in
  35-20  full satisfaction of the claim.
  35-21        Sec. 3.312.  LOST, DESTROYED, OR STOLEN CASHIER'S CHECK,
  35-22  TELLER'S CHECK, OR CERTIFIED CHECK.  (a)  In this section:
  35-23              (1)  "Check" means a cashier's check, teller's check,
  35-24  or certified check.
  35-25              (2)  "Claimant" means a person who claims the right to
  35-26  receive the amount of a cashier's check, teller's check, or
  35-27  certified check that was lost, destroyed, or stolen.
   36-1              (3)  "Declaration of loss" means a written statement,
   36-2  made under penalty of perjury, to the effect that:
   36-3                    (A)  the declarer lost possession of a check;
   36-4                    (B)  the declarer is the drawer or payee of the
   36-5  check, in the case of a certified check, or the remitter or payee
   36-6  of the check, in the case of a cashier's check or teller's check;
   36-7                    (C)  the loss of possession was not the result of
   36-8  a transfer by the declarer or a lawful seizure; and
   36-9                    (D)  the declarer cannot reasonably obtain
  36-10  possession of the check because the check was destroyed, its
  36-11  whereabouts cannot be determined, or it is in the wrongful
  36-12  possession of an unknown person or a person that cannot be found or
  36-13  is not amenable to service of process.
  36-14              (4)  "Obligated bank" means the issuer of a cashier's
  36-15  check or teller's check or the acceptor of a certified check.
  36-16        (b)  A claimant may assert a claim to the amount of a check
  36-17  by a communication to the obligated bank describing the check with
  36-18  reasonable certainty and requesting payment of the amount of the
  36-19  check, if (i) the claimant is the drawer or payee of a certified
  36-20  check or the remitter or payee of a cashier's check or teller's
  36-21  check, (ii) the communication contains or is accompanied by a
  36-22  declaration of loss of the claimant with respect to the check,
  36-23  (iii) the communication is received at a time and in a manner
  36-24  affording the bank a reasonable time to act on it before the check
  36-25  is paid, and (iv) the claimant provides reasonable identification
  36-26  if requested by the obligated bank.  Delivery of a declaration of
  36-27  loss is a warranty of the truth of the statements made in the
   37-1  declaration.  If a claim is asserted in compliance with this
   37-2  subsection, the following rules apply:
   37-3              (1)  The claim becomes enforceable at the later of (i)
   37-4  the time the claim is asserted, or (ii) the 90th day following the
   37-5  date of the check, in the case of a cashier's check or teller's
   37-6  check, or the 90th day following the date of the acceptance, in the
   37-7  case of a certified check.
   37-8              (2)  Until the claim becomes enforceable, it has no
   37-9  legal effect and the obligated bank may pay the check or, in the
  37-10  case of a teller's check, may permit the drawee to pay the check.
  37-11  Payment to a person entitled to enforce the check discharges all
  37-12  liability of the obligated bank with respect to the check.
  37-13              (3)  If the claim becomes enforceable before the check
  37-14  is presented for payment, the obligated bank is not obliged to pay
  37-15  the check.
  37-16              (4)  When the claim becomes enforceable, the obligated
  37-17  bank becomes obliged to pay the amount of the check to the claimant
  37-18  if payment of the check has not been made to a person entitled to
  37-19  enforce the check.  Subject to Section 4.302(a)(1), payment to the
  37-20  claimant discharges all liability of the obligated bank with
  37-21  respect to the check.
  37-22        (c)  If the obligated bank pays the amount of a check to a
  37-23  claimant under Subsection (b)(4) and the check is presented for
  37-24  payment by a person having rights of a holder in due course, the
  37-25  claimant is obliged to:
  37-26              (1)  refund the payment to the obligated bank if the
  37-27  check is paid; or
   38-1              (2)  pay the amount of the check to the person having
   38-2  rights of a holder in due course if the check is dishonored.
   38-3        (d)  If a claimant has the right to assert a claim under
   38-4  Subsection (b) and is also a person who is entitled to enforce a
   38-5  cashier's check, teller's check, or certified check that is lost,
   38-6  destroyed, or stolen, the claimant may assert rights with respect
   38-7  to the check under either this section or Section 3.309.
   38-8                  SUBCHAPTER D.  LIABILITY OF PARTIES
   38-9        Sec. 3.401.  SIGNATURE.  (a)  A person is not liable on an
  38-10  instrument unless the person:
  38-11              (1)  signed the instrument; or
  38-12              (2)  is represented by an agent or representative who
  38-13  signed the instrument and the signature is binding on the
  38-14  represented person under Section 3.402.
  38-15        (b)  A signature may be made (i) manually or by means of a
  38-16  device or machine, and (ii) by the use of any name, including a
  38-17  trade or assumed name, or by a word, mark, or symbol executed or
  38-18  adopted by a person with present intention to authenticate a
  38-19  writing.
  38-20        Sec. 3.402.  SIGNATURE BY REPRESENTATIVE.  (a)  If a person
  38-21  acting, or purporting to act, as a representative signs an
  38-22  instrument by signing either the name of the represented person or
  38-23  the name of the signer, the represented person is bound by the
  38-24  signature to the same extent the represented person would be bound
  38-25  if the signature were on a simple contract.  If the represented
  38-26  person is bound, the signature of the representative is the
  38-27  "authorized signature of the represented person" and the
   39-1  represented person is liable on the instrument, whether or not
   39-2  identified in the instrument.
   39-3        (b)  If a representative signs the name of the representative
   39-4  to an instrument and the signature is an authorized signature of
   39-5  the represented person, the following rules apply:
   39-6              (1)  If the form of the signature shows unambiguously
   39-7  that the signature is made on behalf of the represented person who
   39-8  is identified in the instrument, the representative is not liable
   39-9  on the instrument.
  39-10              (2)  Subject to Subsection (c), the representative is
  39-11  liable on the instrument to a holder in due course that took the
  39-12  instrument without notice that the representative was not intended
  39-13  to be liable on the instrument if (i) the form of the signature
  39-14  does not show unambiguously that the signature is made in a
  39-15  representative capacity, or (ii) the represented person is not
  39-16  identified in the instrument.  With respect to any other person,
  39-17  the representative is liable on the instrument unless the
  39-18  representative proves that the original parties did not intend the
  39-19  representative to be liable on the instrument.
  39-20        (c)  If a representative signs the name of the representative
  39-21  as drawer of a check without indication of the representative
  39-22  status and the check is payable from an account of the represented
  39-23  person who is identified on the check, the signer is not liable on
  39-24  the check if the signature is an authorized signature of the
  39-25  represented person.
  39-26        Sec. 3.403.  UNAUTHORIZED SIGNATURE.  (a)  Unless otherwise
  39-27  provided in this chapter or Chapter 4, an unauthorized signature is
   40-1  ineffective except as the signature of the unauthorized signer in
   40-2  favor of a person who in good faith pays the instrument or takes it
   40-3  for value.  An unauthorized signature may be ratified for all
   40-4  purposes of this chapter.
   40-5        (b)  If the signature of more than one person is required to
   40-6  constitute the authorized signature of an organization, the
   40-7  signature of the organization is unauthorized if one of the
   40-8  required signatures is lacking.
   40-9        (c)  The civil or criminal liability of a person who makes an
  40-10  unauthorized signature is not affected by any provision of this
  40-11  chapter that makes the unauthorized signature effective for the
  40-12  purposes of this chapter.
  40-13        Sec. 3.404.  IMPOSTORS; FICTITIOUS PAYEES.  (a)  If an
  40-14  impostor, by use of the mails or otherwise, induces the issuer of
  40-15  an instrument to issue the instrument to the impostor, or to a
  40-16  person acting in concert with the impostor, by impersonating the
  40-17  payee of the instrument or a person authorized to act for the
  40-18  payee, an indorsement of the instrument by any person in the name
  40-19  of the payee is effective as the indorsement of the payee in favor
  40-20  of a person who, in good faith, pays the instrument or takes it for
  40-21  value or for collection.
  40-22        (b)  If (i) a person whose intent determines to whom an
  40-23  instrument is payable (Section 3.110(a) or (b)) does not intend the
  40-24  person identified as payee to have any interest in the instrument,
  40-25  or (ii) the person identified as payee of an instrument is a
  40-26  fictitious person, the following rules apply until the instrument
  40-27  is negotiated by special indorsement:
   41-1              (1)  Any person in possession of the instrument is its
   41-2  holder.
   41-3              (2)  An indorsement by any person in the name of the
   41-4  payee stated in the instrument is effective as the indorsement of
   41-5  the payee in favor of a person who, in good faith, pays the
   41-6  instrument or takes it for value or for collection.
   41-7        (c)  Under Subsection (a) or (b), an indorsement is made in
   41-8  the name of a payee if:
   41-9              (1)  it is made in a name substantially similar to that
  41-10  of the payee; or
  41-11              (2)  the instrument, whether or not indorsed, is
  41-12  deposited in a depositary bank to an account in a name
  41-13  substantially similar to that of the payee.
  41-14        (d)  With respect to an instrument to which Subsection (a) or
  41-15  (b) applies, if a person paying the instrument or taking it for
  41-16  value or for collection fails to exercise ordinary care in paying
  41-17  or taking the instrument and that failure contributes to loss
  41-18  resulting from payment of the instrument, the person bearing the
  41-19  loss may recover from the person failing to exercise ordinary care
  41-20  to the extent the failure to exercise ordinary care contributed to
  41-21  the loss.
  41-23  INDORSEMENT BY EMPLOYEE.  (a)  In this section:
  41-24              (1)  "Employee" includes an independent contractor and
  41-25  employee of an independent contractor retained by the employer.
  41-26              (2)  "Fraudulent indorsement" means:
  41-27                    (A)  in the case of an instrument payable to the
   42-1  employer, a forged indorsement purporting to be that of the
   42-2  employer; or
   42-3                    (B)  in the case of an instrument with respect to
   42-4  which the employer is the issuer, a forged indorsement purporting
   42-5  to be that of the person identified as payee.
   42-6              (3)  "Responsibility" with respect to instruments means
   42-7  authority (i) to sign or indorse instruments on behalf of the
   42-8  employer, (ii) to process instruments received by the employer for
   42-9  bookkeeping purposes, for deposit to an account, or for other
  42-10  disposition, (iii) to prepare or process instruments for issue in
  42-11  the name of the employer, (iv) to supply information determining
  42-12  the names or addresses of payees of instruments to be issued in the
  42-13  name of the employer, (v) to control the disposition of instruments
  42-14  to be issued in the name of the employer, or (vi) to act otherwise
  42-15  with respect to instruments in a responsible capacity.
  42-16  "Responsibility" does not include authority that merely allows an
  42-17  employee to have access to instruments or blank or incomplete
  42-18  instrument forms that are being stored or transported or are part
  42-19  of incoming or outgoing mail, or similar access.
  42-20        (b)  For the purpose of determining the rights and
  42-21  liabilities of a person who, in good faith, pays an instrument or
  42-22  takes it for value or for collection, if an employer entrusted an
  42-23  employee with responsibility with respect to the instrument and the
  42-24  employee or a person acting in concert with the employee makes a
  42-25  fraudulent indorsement of the instrument, the indorsement is
  42-26  effective as the indorsement of the person to whom the instrument
  42-27  is payable if it is made in the name of that person.  If the person
   43-1  paying the instrument or taking it for value or for collection
   43-2  fails to exercise ordinary care in paying or taking the instrument
   43-3  and that failure contributes to loss resulting from the fraud, the
   43-4  person bearing the loss may recover from the person failing to
   43-5  exercise ordinary care to the extent the failure to exercise
   43-6  ordinary care contributed to the loss.
   43-7        (c)  Under Subsection (b), an indorsement is made in the name
   43-8  of the person to whom an instrument is payable if:
   43-9              (1)  it is made in a name substantially similar to the
  43-10  name of that person; or
  43-11              (2)  the instrument, whether or not indorsed, is
  43-12  deposited in a depositary bank to an account in a name
  43-13  substantially similar to the name of that person.
  43-15  ALTERATION OF INSTRUMENT.  (a)  A person whose failure to exercise
  43-16  ordinary care substantially contributes to an alteration of an
  43-17  instrument or to the making of a forged signature on an instrument
  43-18  is precluded from asserting the alteration or the forgery against a
  43-19  person who, in good faith, pays the instrument or takes it for
  43-20  value or for collection.
  43-21        (b)  Under Subsection (a), if the person asserting the
  43-22  preclusion fails to exercise ordinary care in paying or taking the
  43-23  instrument and that failure contributes to loss, the loss is
  43-24  allocated between the person precluded and the person asserting the
  43-25  preclusion according to the extent to which the failure of each to
  43-26  exercise ordinary care contributed to the loss.
  43-27        (c)  Under Subsection (a), the burden of proving failure to
   44-1  exercise ordinary care is on the person asserting the preclusion.
   44-2  Under Subsection (b), the burden of proving failure to exercise
   44-3  ordinary care is on the person precluded.
   44-4        Sec. 3.407.  ALTERATION.  (a)  "Alteration" means:
   44-5              (1)  an unauthorized change in an instrument that
   44-6  purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party; or
   44-7              (2)  an unauthorized addition of words or numbers or
   44-8  other change to an incomplete instrument relating to the obligation
   44-9  of a party.
  44-10        (b)  Except as provided in Subsection (c), an alteration
  44-11  fraudulently made discharges a party whose obligation is affected
  44-12  by the alteration unless that party assents or is precluded from
  44-13  asserting the alteration.  No other alteration discharges a party,
  44-14  and the instrument may be enforced according to its original terms.
  44-15        (c)  A payor bank or drawee paying a fraudulently altered
  44-16  instrument or a person taking it for value, in good faith and
  44-17  without notice of the alteration, may enforce rights with respect
  44-18  to the instrument:
  44-19              (1)  according to its original terms; or
  44-20              (2)  in the case of an incomplete instrument altered by
  44-21  unauthorized completion, according to its terms as completed.
  44-22        Sec. 3.408.  DRAWEE NOT LIABLE ON UNACCEPTED DRAFT.  A check
  44-23  or other draft does not of itself operate as an assignment of funds
  44-24  in the hands of the drawee available for its payment, and the
  44-25  drawee is not liable on the instrument until the drawee accepts it.
  44-26        Sec. 3.409.  ACCEPTANCE OF DRAFT; CERTIFIED CHECK.  (a)
  44-27  "Acceptance" means the drawee's signed agreement to pay a draft as
   45-1  presented.  It must be written on the draft and may consist of the
   45-2  drawee's signature alone.  Acceptance may be made at any time and
   45-3  becomes effective when notification pursuant to instructions is
   45-4  given or the accepted draft is delivered for the purpose of giving
   45-5  rights on the acceptance to any person.
   45-6        (b)  A draft may be accepted although it has not been signed
   45-7  by the drawer, is otherwise incomplete, is overdue, or has been
   45-8  dishonored.
   45-9        (c)  If a draft is payable at a fixed period after sight and
  45-10  the acceptor fails to date the acceptance, the holder may complete
  45-11  the acceptance by supplying a date in good faith.
  45-12        (d)  "Certified check" means a check accepted by the bank on
  45-13  which it is drawn.  Acceptance may be made as stated in Subsection
  45-14  (a) or by a writing on the check that indicates that the check is
  45-15  certified.  The drawee of a check has no obligation to certify the
  45-16  check, and refusal to certify is not dishonor of the check.
  45-17        Sec. 3.410.  ACCEPTANCE VARYING DRAFT.  (a)  If the terms of
  45-18  a drawee's acceptance vary from the terms of the draft as
  45-19  presented, the holder may refuse the acceptance and treat the draft
  45-20  as dishonored.  In that case, the drawee may cancel the acceptance.
  45-21        (b)  The terms of a draft are not varied by an acceptance to
  45-22  pay at a particular bank or place in the United States, unless the
  45-23  acceptance states that the draft is to be paid only at that bank or
  45-24  place.
  45-25        (c)  If the holder assents to an acceptance varying the terms
  45-26  of a draft, the obligation of each drawer and indorser that does
  45-27  not expressly assent to the acceptance is discharged.
   46-1        Sec. 3.411.  REFUSAL TO PAY CASHIER'S CHECKS, TELLER'S
   46-2  CHECKS, AND CERTIFIED CHECKS.  (a)  In this section, "obligated
   46-3  bank" means the acceptor of a certified check or the issuer of a
   46-4  cashier's check or teller's check bought from the issuer.
   46-5        (b)  If the obligated bank wrongfully (i) refuses to pay a
   46-6  cashier's check or certified check, (ii) stops payment of a
   46-7  teller's check, or (iii) refuses to pay a dishonored teller's
   46-8  check, the person asserting the right to enforce the check is
   46-9  entitled to compensation for expenses and loss of interest
  46-10  resulting from the nonpayment and may recover consequential damages
  46-11  if the obligated bank refuses to pay after receiving notice of
  46-12  particular circumstances giving rise to the damages.
  46-13        (c)  Expenses or consequential damages under Subsection (b)
  46-14  are not recoverable if the refusal of the obligated bank to pay
  46-15  occurs because:
  46-16              (1)  the obligated bank suspends payments;
  46-17              (2)  the obligated bank asserts a claim or defense of
  46-18  the bank that it has reasonable grounds to believe is available
  46-19  against the person entitled to enforce the instrument;
  46-20              (3)  the obligated bank has a reasonable doubt whether
  46-21  the person demanding payment is the person entitled to enforce the
  46-22  instrument; or
  46-23              (4)  payment is prohibited by law.
  46-25  The issuer of a note or cashier's check or other draft drawn on the
  46-26  drawer is obliged to pay the instrument (i) according to its terms
  46-27  at the time it was issued or, if not issued, at the time it first
   47-1  came into possession of a holder, or (ii) if the issuer signed an
   47-2  incomplete instrument, according to its terms when completed, to
   47-3  the extent stated in Sections 3.115 and 3.407.  The obligation is
   47-4  owed to a person entitled to enforce the instrument or to an
   47-5  indorser who paid the instrument under Section 3.415.
   47-6        Sec. 3.413.  OBLIGATION OF ACCEPTOR.  (a)  The acceptor of a
   47-7  draft is obliged to pay the draft (i) according to its terms at the
   47-8  time it was accepted, even though the acceptance states that the
   47-9  draft is payable "as originally drawn" or equivalent terms, (ii) if
  47-10  the acceptance varies the terms of the draft, according to the
  47-11  terms of the draft as varied, or (iii) if the acceptance is of a
  47-12  draft that is an incomplete instrument, according to its terms when
  47-13  completed, to the extent stated in Sections 3.115 and 3.407.  The
  47-14  obligation is owed to a person entitled to enforce the draft or to
  47-15  the drawer or an indorser who paid the draft under Section 3.414 or
  47-16  3.415.
  47-17        (b)  If the certification of a check or other acceptance of a
  47-18  draft states the amount certified or accepted, the obligation of
  47-19  the acceptor is that amount.  The obligation of the acceptor is the
  47-20  amount of the instrument at the time it was taken by the holder in
  47-21  due course if:
  47-22              (1)  the certification or acceptance does not state an
  47-23  amount;
  47-24              (2)  the amount of the instrument is subsequently
  47-25  raised; and
  47-26              (3)  the instrument is then negotiated to a holder in
  47-27  due course.
   48-1        Sec. 3.414.  OBLIGATION OF DRAWER.  (a)  This section does
   48-2  not apply to cashier's checks or other drafts drawn on the drawer.
   48-3        (b)  If an unaccepted draft is dishonored, the drawer is
   48-4  obliged to pay the draft (i) according to its terms at the time it
   48-5  was issued or, if not issued, at the time it first came into
   48-6  possession of a holder, or (ii) if the drawer signed an incomplete
   48-7  instrument, according to its terms when completed, to the extent
   48-8  stated in Sections 3.115 and 3.407.  The obligation is owed to a
   48-9  person entitled to enforce the draft or to an indorser who paid the
  48-10  draft under Section 3.415.
  48-11        (c)  If a draft is accepted by a bank, the drawer is
  48-12  discharged, regardless of when or by whom acceptance was obtained.
  48-13        (d)  If a draft is accepted and the acceptor is not a bank,
  48-14  the obligation of the drawer to pay the draft if the draft is
  48-15  dishonored by the acceptor is the same as the obligation of an
  48-16  indorser under Sections 3.415(a) and (c).
  48-17        (e)  If a draft states that it is drawn "without recourse" or
  48-18  otherwise disclaims liability of the drawer to pay the draft, the
  48-19  drawer is not liable under Subsection (b) to pay the draft if the
  48-20  draft is not a check.  A disclaimer of the liability stated in
  48-21  Subsection (b) is not effective if the draft is a check.
  48-22        (f)  If (i) a check is not presented for payment or given to
  48-23  a depositary bank for collection within 30 days after its date,
  48-24  (ii) the drawee suspends payments after expiration of the 30-day
  48-25  period without paying the check, and (iii) because of the
  48-26  suspension of payments, the drawer is deprived of funds maintained
  48-27  with the drawee to cover payment of the check, the drawer to the
   49-1  extent deprived of funds may discharge its obligation to pay the
   49-2  check by assigning to the person entitled to enforce the check the
   49-3  rights of the drawer against the drawee with respect to the funds.
   49-4        Sec. 3.415.  OBLIGATION OF INDORSER.  (a)  Subject to
   49-5  Subsections (b), (c), (d), and (e) and to Section 3.419(d), if an
   49-6  instrument is dishonored, an indorser is obliged to pay the amount
   49-7  due on the instrument (i) according to the terms of the instrument
   49-8  at the time it was indorsed, or (ii) if the indorser indorsed an
   49-9  incomplete instrument, according to its terms when completed, to
  49-10  the extent stated in Sections 3.115 and 3.407.  The obligation of
  49-11  the indorser is owed to a person entitled to enforce the instrument
  49-12  or to a subsequent indorser who paid the instrument under this
  49-13  section.
  49-14        (b)  If an indorsement states that it is made "without
  49-15  recourse" or otherwise disclaims liability of the indorser, the
  49-16  indorser is not liable under Subsection (a) to pay the instrument.
  49-17        (c)  If notice of dishonor of an instrument is required by
  49-18  Section 3.503 and notice of dishonor complying with that section is
  49-19  not given to an indorser, the liability of the indorser under
  49-20  Subsection (a) is discharged.
  49-21        (d)  If a draft is accepted by a bank after an indorsement is
  49-22  made, the liability of the indorser under Subsection (a) is
  49-23  discharged.
  49-24        (e)  If an indorser of a check is liable under Subsection (a)
  49-25  and the check is not presented for payment, or given to a
  49-26  depositary bank for collection, within 30 days after the day the
  49-27  indorsement was made, the liability of the indorser under
   50-1  Subsection (a) is discharged.
   50-2        Sec. 3.416.  TRANSFER WARRANTIES.  (a)  A person who
   50-3  transfers an instrument for consideration warrants to the
   50-4  transferee and, if the transfer is by indorsement, to any
   50-5  subsequent transferee that:
   50-6              (1)  the warrantor is a person entitled to enforce the
   50-7  instrument;
   50-8              (2)  all signatures on the instrument are authentic and
   50-9  authorized;
  50-10              (3)  the instrument has not been altered;
  50-11              (4)  the instrument is not subject to a defense or
  50-12  claim in recoupment of any party that can be asserted against the
  50-13  warrantor; and
  50-14              (5)  the warrantor has no knowledge of any insolvency
  50-15  proceeding commenced with respect to the maker or acceptor or, in
  50-16  the case of an unaccepted draft, the drawer.
  50-17        (b)  A person to whom the warranties under Subsection (a) are
  50-18  made and who took the instrument in good faith may recover from the
  50-19  warrantor as damages for breach of warranty an amount equal to the
  50-20  loss suffered as a result of the breach, but not more than the
  50-21  amount of the instrument plus expenses and loss of interest
  50-22  incurred as a result of the breach.
  50-23        (c)  The warranties stated in Subsection (a) cannot be
  50-24  disclaimed with respect to checks.  Unless notice of a claim for
  50-25  breach of warranty is given to the warrantor within 30 days after
  50-26  the claimant has reason to know of the breach and the identity of
  50-27  the warrantor, the liability of the warrantor under Subsection (b)
   51-1  is discharged to the extent of any loss caused by the delay in
   51-2  giving notice of the claim.
   51-3        (d)  A cause of action for breach of warranty under this
   51-4  section accrues when the claimant has reason to know of the breach.
   51-5        Sec. 3.417.  PRESENTMENT WARRANTIES.  (a)  If an unaccepted
   51-6  draft is presented to the drawee for payment or acceptance and the
   51-7  drawee pays or accepts the draft, (i) the person obtaining payment
   51-8  or acceptance, at the time of presentment, and (ii) a previous
   51-9  transferor of the draft, at the time of transfer, warrant to the
  51-10  drawee making payment or accepting the draft in good faith that:
  51-11              (1)  the warrantor is, or was, at the time the
  51-12  warrantor transferred the draft, a person entitled to enforce the
  51-13  draft or authorized to obtain payment or acceptance of the draft on
  51-14  behalf of a person entitled to enforce the draft;
  51-15              (2)  the draft has not been altered; and
  51-16              (3)  the warrantor has no knowledge that the signature
  51-17  of the drawer of the draft is unauthorized.
  51-18        (b)  A drawee making payment may recover from any warrantor
  51-19  damages for breach of warranty equal to the amount paid by the
  51-20  drawee less the amount the drawee received or is entitled to
  51-21  receive from the drawer because of the payment.  In addition, the
  51-22  drawee is entitled to compensation for expenses and loss of
  51-23  interest resulting from the breach.  The right of the drawee to
  51-24  recover damages under this subsection is not affected by any
  51-25  failure of the drawee to exercise ordinary care in making payment.
  51-26  If the drawee accepts the draft, breach of warranty is a defense to
  51-27  the obligation of the acceptor.  If the acceptor makes payment with
   52-1  respect to the draft, the acceptor is entitled to recover from any
   52-2  warrantor for breach of warranty the amounts stated in this
   52-3  subsection.
   52-4        (c)  If a drawee asserts a claim for breach of warranty under
   52-5  Subsection (a) based on an unauthorized indorsement of the draft or
   52-6  an alteration of the draft, the warrantor may defend by proving
   52-7  that the indorsement is effective under Section 3.404 or 3.405 or
   52-8  the drawer is precluded under Section 3.406 or 4.406 from asserting
   52-9  against the drawee the unauthorized indorsement or alteration.
  52-10        (d)  If (i) a dishonored draft is presented for payment to
  52-11  the drawer or an indorser, or (ii) any other instrument is
  52-12  presented for payment to a party obliged to pay the instrument, and
  52-13  (iii) payment is received, the following rules apply:
  52-14              (1)  The person obtaining payment and a prior
  52-15  transferor of the instrument warrant to the person making payment
  52-16  in good faith that the warrantor is, or was, at the time the
  52-17  warrantor transferred the instrument, a person entitled to enforce
  52-18  the instrument or authorized to obtain payment on behalf of a
  52-19  person entitled to enforce the instrument.
  52-20              (2)  The person making payment may recover from any
  52-21  warrantor for breach of warranty an amount equal to the amount paid
  52-22  plus expenses and loss of interest resulting from the breach.
  52-23        (e)  The warranties stated in Subsections (a) and (d) cannot
  52-24  be disclaimed with respect to checks.  Unless notice of a claim for
  52-25  breach of warranty is given to the warrantor within 30 days after
  52-26  the claimant has reason to know of the breach and the identity of
  52-27  the warrantor, the liability of the warrantor under Subsection (b)
   53-1  or (d) is discharged to the extent of any loss caused by the delay
   53-2  in giving notice of the claim.
   53-3        (f)  A cause of action for breach of warranty under this
   53-4  section accrues when the claimant has reason to know of the breach.
   53-5        Sec. 3.418.  PAYMENT OR ACCEPTANCE BY MISTAKE.  (a)  Except
   53-6  as provided in Subsection (c), if the drawee of a draft pays or
   53-7  accepts the draft and the drawee acted on the mistaken belief that
   53-8  (i) payment of the draft had not been stopped pursuant to Section
   53-9  4.403, or (ii) the signature of the drawer of the draft was
  53-10  authorized, the drawee may recover the amount of the draft from the
  53-11  person to whom or for whose benefit payment was made or, in the
  53-12  case of acceptance, may revoke the acceptance.  Rights of the
  53-13  drawee under this subsection are not affected by failure of the
  53-14  drawee to exercise ordinary care in paying or accepting the draft.
  53-15        (b)  Except as provided in Subsection (c), if an instrument
  53-16  has been paid or accepted by mistake and the case is not covered by
  53-17  Subsection (a), the person paying or accepting may, to the extent
  53-18  permitted by the law governing mistake and restitution:
  53-19              (1)  recover the payment from the person to whom or for
  53-20  whose benefit payment was made; or
  53-21              (2)  in the case of acceptance, revoke the acceptance.
  53-22        (c)  The remedies provided by Subsection (a) or (b) may not
  53-23  be asserted against a person who took the instrument in good faith
  53-24  and for value or who in good faith changed position in reliance on
  53-25  the payment or acceptance.  This subsection does not limit remedies
  53-26  provided by Section 3.417 or 4.407.
  53-27        (d)  Notwithstanding Section 4.215, if an instrument is paid
   54-1  or accepted by mistake and the payor or acceptor recovers payment
   54-2  or revokes acceptance under Subsection (a) or (b), the instrument
   54-3  is deemed not to have been paid or accepted and is treated as
   54-4  dishonored, and the person from whom payment is recovered has
   54-5  rights as a person entitled to enforce the dishonored instrument.
   54-6        Sec. 3.419.  INSTRUMENTS SIGNED FOR ACCOMMODATION.  (a)  If
   54-7  an instrument is issued for value given for the benefit of a party
   54-8  to the instrument ("accommodated party") and another party to the
   54-9  instrument ("accommodation party") signs the instrument for the
  54-10  purpose of incurring liability on the instrument without being a
  54-11  direct beneficiary of the value given for the instrument, the
  54-12  instrument is signed by the accommodation party "for
  54-13  accommodation."
  54-14        (b)  An accommodation party may sign the instrument as maker,
  54-15  drawer, acceptor, or indorser.  Subject to Subsection (d), the
  54-16  accommodation party is obliged to pay the instrument in the
  54-17  capacity in which the accommodation party signs.  The obligation of
  54-18  an accommodation party may be enforced notwithstanding any statute
  54-19  of frauds and whether or not the accommodation party receives
  54-20  consideration for the accommodation.
  54-21        (c)  A person signing an instrument is presumed to be an
  54-22  accommodation party and there is notice that the instrument is
  54-23  signed for accommodation if the signature is an anomalous
  54-24  indorsement or is accompanied by words indicating that the signer
  54-25  is acting as surety or guarantor with respect to the obligation of
  54-26  another party to the instrument.  Except as provided in Section
  54-27  3.605, the obligation of an accommodation party to pay the
   55-1  instrument is not affected by the fact that the person enforcing
   55-2  the obligation had notice when the instrument was taken by that
   55-3  person that the accommodation party signed the instrument for
   55-4  accommodation.
   55-5        (d)  If the signature of a party to an instrument is
   55-6  accompanied by words indicating unambiguously that the party is
   55-7  guaranteeing collection rather than payment of the obligation of
   55-8  another party to the instrument, the signer is obliged to pay the
   55-9  amount due on the instrument to a person entitled to enforce the
  55-10  instrument only if:
  55-11              (1)  execution of judgment against the other party has
  55-12  been returned unsatisfied;
  55-13              (2)  the other party is insolvent or in an insolvency
  55-14  proceeding;
  55-15              (3)  the other party cannot be served with process; or
  55-16              (4)  it is otherwise apparent that payment cannot be
  55-17  obtained from the other party.
  55-18        (e)  An accommodation party who pays the instrument is
  55-19  entitled to reimbursement from the accommodated party and is
  55-20  entitled to enforce the instrument against the accommodated party.
  55-21  An accommodated party who pays the instrument has no right of
  55-22  recourse against, and is not entitled to contribution from, an
  55-23  accommodation party.
  55-24        Sec. 3.420.  CONVERSION OF INSTRUMENT.  (a)  The law
  55-25  applicable to conversion of personal property applies to
  55-26  instruments.  An instrument is also  converted if it is taken by
  55-27  transfer, other than a negotiation, from a person not entitled to
   56-1  enforce the instrument or a bank makes or obtains payment with
   56-2  respect to the instrument for a person not entitled to enforce the
   56-3  instrument or receive payment.  An action for conversion of an
   56-4  instrument may not be brought by:
   56-5              (1)  the issuer or acceptor of the instrument; or
   56-6              (2)  a payee or indorsee who did not receive delivery
   56-7  of the instrument either directly or through delivery to an agent
   56-8  or a co-payee.
   56-9        (b)  In an action under Subsection (a), the measure of
  56-10  liability is presumed to be the amount payable on the instrument,
  56-11  but recovery may not exceed the amount of the plaintiff's interest
  56-12  in the instrument.
  56-13        (c)  A representative, other than a depositary bank, who has
  56-14  in good faith dealt with an instrument or its proceeds on behalf of
  56-15  one who was not the person entitled to enforce the instrument is
  56-16  not liable in conversion to that person beyond the amount of any
  56-17  proceeds that it has not paid out.
  56-18                        SUBCHAPTER E.  DISHONOR
  56-19        Sec. 3.501.  PRESENTMENT.  (a)  "Presentment" means a demand
  56-20  made by or on behalf of a person entitled to enforce an instrument
  56-21  to:
  56-22              (1)  pay the instrument made to the drawee or a party
  56-23  obliged to pay the instrument or, in the case of a note or accepted
  56-24  draft payable at a bank, to the bank; or
  56-25              (2)  accept a draft made to the drawee.
  56-26        (b)  The following rules are subject to Chapter 4, agreement
  56-27  of the parties, and clearing-house rules and the like:
   57-1              (1)  Presentment may be made at the place of payment of
   57-2  the instrument and must be made at the place of payment if the
   57-3  instrument is payable at a bank in the United States.  Presentment
   57-4  may be made by any commercially reasonable means, including an
   57-5  oral, written, or electronic communication.  Presentment is
   57-6  effective:
   57-7                    (A)  when the demand for payment or acceptance is
   57-8  received by the person to whom presentment is made; and
   57-9                    (B)  if made to any one of two or more makers,
  57-10  acceptors, drawees, or other payors.
  57-11              (2)  On demand of the person to whom presentment is
  57-12  made, the person making presentment must:
  57-13                    (A)  exhibit the instrument;
  57-14                    (B)  give reasonable identification and, if
  57-15  presentment is made on behalf of another person, reasonable
  57-16  evidence of authority to do so; and
  57-17                    (C)  sign a receipt on the instrument for any
  57-18  payment made or surrender the instrument if full payment is made.
  57-19              (3)  Without dishonoring the instrument, the party to
  57-20  whom presentment is made may:
  57-21                    (A)  return the instrument for lack of a
  57-22  necessary indorsement; or
  57-23                    (B)  refuse payment or acceptance for failure of
  57-24  the presentment to comply with the terms of the instrument, an
  57-25  agreement of the parties, or other applicable law or rule.
  57-26              (4)  The party to whom presentment is made may treat
  57-27  presentment as occurring on the next business day after the day of
   58-1  presentment if the party to whom presentment is made has
   58-2  established a cutoff hour not earlier than 2 p.m. for the receipt
   58-3  and processing of instruments presented for payment or acceptance
   58-4  and presentment is made after the cutoff hour.
   58-5        Sec. 3.502.  DISHONOR.  (a)  Dishonor of a note is governed
   58-6  by the following rules:
   58-7              (1)  If the note is payable on demand, the note is
   58-8  dishonored if presentment is duly made to the maker and the note is
   58-9  not paid on the day of presentment.
  58-10              (2)  If the note is not payable on demand and is
  58-11  payable at or through a bank or the terms of the note require
  58-12  presentment, the note is dishonored if presentment is duly made and
  58-13  the note is not paid on the day it becomes payable or the day of
  58-14  presentment, whichever is later.
  58-15              (3)  If the note is not payable on demand and
  58-16  Subdivision (2) does not apply, the note is dishonored if it is not
  58-17  paid on the day it becomes payable.
  58-18        (b)  Dishonor of an unaccepted draft other than a documentary
  58-19  draft is governed by the following rules:
  58-20              (1)  If a check is duly presented for payment to the
  58-21  payor bank otherwise than for immediate payment over the counter,
  58-22  the check is dishonored if the payor bank makes timely return of
  58-23  the check or sends timely notice of dishonor or nonpayment under
  58-24  Section 4.301 or 4.302, or becomes accountable for the amount of
  58-25  the check under Section 4.302.
  58-26              (2)  If a draft is payable on demand and Subdivision
  58-27  (1) does not apply, the draft is dishonored if presentment for
   59-1  payment is duly made to the drawee and the draft is not paid on the
   59-2  day of presentment.
   59-3              (3)  If a draft is payable on a date stated in the
   59-4  draft, the draft is dishonored if:
   59-5                    (A)  presentment for payment is duly made to the
   59-6  drawee and payment is not made on the day the draft becomes payable
   59-7  or the day of presentment, whichever is later; or
   59-8                    (B)  presentment for acceptance is duly made
   59-9  before the day the draft becomes payable and the draft is not
  59-10  accepted on the day of presentment.
  59-11              (4)  If a draft is payable on elapse of a period of
  59-12  time after sight or acceptance, the draft is dishonored if
  59-13  presentment for acceptance is duly made and the draft is not
  59-14  accepted on the day of presentment.
  59-15        (c)  Dishonor of an unaccepted documentary draft occurs
  59-16  according to the rules stated in Subsections (b)(2), (3), and (4),
  59-17  except that payment or acceptance may be delayed without dishonor
  59-18  until not later than the close of the third business day of the
  59-19  drawee following the day on which payment or acceptance is required
  59-20  by those subdivisions.
  59-21        (d)  Dishonor of an accepted draft is governed by the
  59-22  following rules:
  59-23              (1)  If the draft is payable on demand, the draft is
  59-24  dishonored if presentment for payment is duly made to the acceptor
  59-25  and the draft is not paid on the day of presentment.
  59-26              (2)  If the draft is not payable on demand, the draft
  59-27  is dishonored if presentment for payment is duly made to the
   60-1  acceptor and payment is not made on the day it becomes payable or
   60-2  the day of presentment, whichever is later.
   60-3        (e)  In any case in which presentment is otherwise required
   60-4  for dishonor under this section and presentment is excused under
   60-5  Section 3.504, dishonor occurs without presentment if the
   60-6  instrument is not duly accepted or paid.
   60-7        (f)  If a draft is dishonored because timely acceptance of
   60-8  the draft was not made and the person entitled to demand acceptance
   60-9  consents to a late acceptance, from the time of acceptance the
  60-10  draft is treated as never having been dishonored.
  60-11        Sec. 3.503.  NOTICE OF DISHONOR.  (a)  The obligation of an
  60-12  indorser stated in Section 3.415(a) and the obligation of a drawer
  60-13  stated in Section 3.414(d) may not be enforced unless:
  60-14              (1)  the indorser or drawer is given notice of dishonor
  60-15  of the instrument complying with this section; or
  60-16              (2)  notice of dishonor is excused under Section
  60-17  3.504(b).
  60-18        (b)  Notice of dishonor may be given by any person; may be
  60-19  given by any commercially reasonable means, including an oral,
  60-20  written, or electronic communication; and is sufficient if it
  60-21  reasonably identifies the instrument and indicates that the
  60-22  instrument has been dishonored or has not been paid or accepted.
  60-23  Return of an instrument given to a bank for collection is
  60-24  sufficient notice of dishonor.
  60-25        (c)  Subject to Section 3.504(c), with respect to an
  60-26  instrument taken for collection by a collecting bank, notice of
  60-27  dishonor must be given (i) by the bank before midnight of the next
   61-1  banking day following the banking day on which the bank receives
   61-2  notice of dishonor of the instrument, or (ii) by any other person
   61-3  within 30 days following the day on which the person receives
   61-4  notice of dishonor.  With respect to any other instrument, notice
   61-5  of dishonor must be given within 30 days following the day on which
   61-6  dishonor occurs.
   61-7        Sec. 3.504.  EXCUSED PRESENTMENT AND NOTICE OF DISHONOR.  (a)
   61-8  Presentment for payment or acceptance of an instrument is excused
   61-9  if:
  61-10              (1)  the person entitled to present the instrument
  61-11  cannot with reasonable diligence make presentment;
  61-12              (2)  the maker or acceptor has repudiated an obligation
  61-13  to pay the instrument or is dead or in insolvency proceedings;
  61-14              (3)  by the terms of the instrument presentment is not
  61-15  necessary to enforce the obligation of indorsers or the drawer;
  61-16              (4)  the drawer or indorser whose obligation is being
  61-17  enforced has waived presentment or otherwise has no reason to
  61-18  expect or right to require that the instrument be paid or accepted;
  61-19  or
  61-20              (5)  the drawer instructed the drawee not to pay or
  61-21  accept the draft or the drawee was not obligated to the drawer to
  61-22  pay the draft.
  61-23        (b)  Notice of dishonor is excused if (i) by the terms of the
  61-24  instrument notice of dishonor is not necessary to enforce the
  61-25  obligation of a party to pay the instrument, or (ii) the party
  61-26  whose obligation is being enforced waived notice of dishonor.  A
  61-27  waiver of presentment is also a waiver of notice of dishonor.
   62-1        (c)  Delay in giving notice of dishonor is excused if the
   62-2  delay was caused by circumstances beyond the control of the person
   62-3  giving the notice and the person giving the notice exercised
   62-4  reasonable diligence after the cause of the delay ceased to
   62-5  operate.
   62-6        Sec. 3.505.  EVIDENCE OF DISHONOR.  (a)  The following are
   62-7  admissible as evidence and create a presumption of dishonor and of
   62-8  any notice of dishonor stated:
   62-9              (1)  a document regular in form as provided in
  62-10  Subsection (b) that purports to be a protest;
  62-11              (2)  a purported stamp or writing of the drawee, payor
  62-12  bank, or presenting bank on or accompanying the instrument stating
  62-13  that acceptance or payment has been refused unless reasons for the
  62-14  refusal are stated and the reasons are not consistent with
  62-15  dishonor;
  62-16              (3)  a book or record of the drawee, payor bank, or
  62-17  collecting bank that is kept in the usual course of business and
  62-18  that shows dishonor, even if there is no evidence of who made the
  62-19  entry.
  62-20        (b)  A protest is a certificate of dishonor made by a United
  62-21  States consul or vice consul, or a notary public or other person
  62-22  authorized to administer oaths by the law of the place where
  62-23  dishonor occurs.  It may be made on information satisfactory to
  62-24  that person.  The protest must identify the instrument and certify
  62-25  either that presentment has been made or, if not made, the reason
  62-26  why it was not made, and that the instrument has been dishonored by
  62-27  nonacceptance or nonpayment.  The protest may also certify that
   63-1  notice of dishonor has been given to some or all parties.
   63-2                 SUBCHAPTER F.  DISCHARGE AND PAYMENT
   63-3        Sec. 3.601.  DISCHARGE AND EFFECT OF DISCHARGE.  (a)  The
   63-4  obligation of a party to pay the instrument is discharged as stated
   63-5  in this chapter or by an act or agreement with the party that would
   63-6  discharge an obligation to pay money under a simple contract.
   63-7        (b)  Discharge of the obligation of a party is not effective
   63-8  against a person acquiring rights of a holder in due course of the
   63-9  instrument without notice of the discharge.
  63-10        Sec. 3.602.  PAYMENT.  (a)  Subject to Subsection (b), an
  63-11  instrument is paid to the extent payment is made (i) by or on
  63-12  behalf of a party obliged to pay the instrument, and (ii) to a
  63-13  person entitled to enforce the instrument.  To the extent of the
  63-14  payment, the obligation of the party obliged to pay the instrument
  63-15  is discharged even though payment is made with knowledge of a claim
  63-16  to the instrument under Section 3.306 by another person.
  63-17        (b)  The obligation of a party to pay the instrument is not
  63-18  discharged under Subsection (a) if:
  63-19              (1)  a claim to the instrument under Section 3.306 is
  63-20  enforceable against the party receiving payment and:
  63-21                    (A)  payment is made with knowledge by the payor
  63-22  that payment is prohibited by injunction or similar process of a
  63-23  court of competent jurisdiction; or
  63-24                    (B)  in the case of an instrument other than a
  63-25  cashier's check, teller's check, or certified check, the party
  63-26  making payment accepted, from the person having a claim to the
  63-27  instrument, indemnity against loss resulting from refusal to pay
   64-1  the person entitled to enforce the instrument; or
   64-2              (2)  the person making payment knows that the
   64-3  instrument is a stolen instrument and pays a person it knows is in
   64-4  wrongful possession of the instrument.
   64-5        Sec. 3.603.  TENDER OF PAYMENT.  (a)  If tender of payment of
   64-6  an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to
   64-7  enforce the instrument, the effect of tender is governed by
   64-8  principles of law applicable to tender of payment under a simple
   64-9  contract.
  64-10        (b)  If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an
  64-11  instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument
  64-12  and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the
  64-13  amount of the tender, of the obligation of an indorser or
  64-14  accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the
  64-15  obligation to which the tender relates.
  64-16        (c)  If tender of payment of an amount due on an instrument
  64-17  is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument, the
  64-18  obligation of the obligor to pay interest after the due date on the
  64-19  amount tendered is discharged.  If presentment is required with
  64-20  respect to an instrument and the obligor is able and ready to pay
  64-21  on the due date at every place of payment stated in the instrument,
  64-22  the obligor is deemed to have made tender of payment on the due
  64-23  date to the person entitled to enforce the instrument.
  64-25  A person entitled to enforce an instrument, with or without
  64-26  consideration, may discharge the obligation of a party to pay the
  64-27  instrument:
   65-1              (1)  by an intentional voluntary act, such as surrender
   65-2  of the instrument to the party, destruction, mutilation, or
   65-3  cancellation of the instrument, cancellation or striking out of the
   65-4  party's signature, or the addition of words to the instrument
   65-5  indicating discharge; or
   65-6              (2)  by agreeing not to sue or otherwise renouncing
   65-7  rights against the party by a signed writing.
   65-8        (b)  Cancellation or striking out of an indorsement pursuant
   65-9  to Subsection (a) does not affect the status and rights of a party
  65-10  derived from the indorsement.
  65-12  PARTIES.  (a)  In this section, the term "indorser" includes a
  65-13  drawer having the obligation described in Section 3.414(d).
  65-14        (b)  Discharge of the obligation of a party to pay an
  65-15  instrument under Section 3.604 does not discharge the obligation of
  65-16  an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse
  65-17  against the discharged party.
  65-18        (c)  If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees,
  65-19  with or without consideration, to an extension of the due date of
  65-20  the obligation of a party to pay the instrument, the extension
  65-21  discharges an indorser or accommodation party having a right of
  65-22  recourse against the party whose obligation is extended to the
  65-23  extent the indorser or accommodation party proves that the
  65-24  extension caused loss to the indorser or accommodation party with
  65-25  respect to the right of recourse.
  65-26        (d)  If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees,
  65-27  with or without consideration, to a material modification of the
   66-1  obligation of a party other than an extension of the due date, the
   66-2  modification discharges the obligation of an indorser or
   66-3  accommodation party having a right of recourse against the person
   66-4  whose obligation is modified to the extent the modification causes
   66-5  loss to the indorser or accommodation party with respect to the
   66-6  right of recourse.  The loss suffered by the indorser or
   66-7  accommodation party as a result of the modification is equal to the
   66-8  amount of the right of recourse unless the person enforcing the
   66-9  instrument proves that no loss was caused by the modification or
  66-10  that the loss caused by the modification was an amount less than
  66-11  the amount of the right of recourse.
  66-12        (e)  If the obligation of a party to pay an instrument is
  66-13  secured by an interest in collateral and a person entitled to
  66-14  enforce the instrument impairs the value of the interest in
  66-15  collateral, the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party
  66-16  having a right of recourse against the obligor is discharged to the
  66-17  extent of the impairment.  The value of an interest in collateral
  66-18  is impaired to the extent (i) the value of the interest is reduced
  66-19  to an amount less than the amount of the right of recourse of the
  66-20  party asserting discharge, or (ii) the reduction in value of the
  66-21  interest causes an increase in the amount by which the amount of
  66-22  the right of recourse exceeds the value of the interest.  The
  66-23  burden of proving impairment is on the party asserting discharge.
  66-24        (f)  If the obligation of a party is secured by an interest
  66-25  in collateral not provided by an accommodation party and a person
  66-26  entitled to enforce the instrument impairs the value of the
  66-27  interest in collateral, the obligation of any party who is jointly
   67-1  and severally liable with respect to the secured obligation is
   67-2  discharged to the extent the impairment causes the party asserting
   67-3  discharge to pay more than that party would have been obliged to
   67-4  pay, taking into account rights of contribution, if impairment had
   67-5  not occurred.  If the party asserting discharge is an accommodation
   67-6  party not entitled to discharge under Subsection (e), the party is
   67-7  deemed to have a right to contribution based on joint and several
   67-8  liability rather than a right to reimbursement.  The burden of
   67-9  proving impairment is on the party asserting discharge.
  67-10        (g)  Under Subsection (e) or (f), impairing value of an
  67-11  interest in collateral includes:
  67-12              (1)  failure to obtain or maintain perfection or
  67-13  recordation of the interest in collateral;
  67-14              (2)  release of collateral without substitution of
  67-15  collateral of equal value;
  67-16              (3)  failure to perform a duty to preserve the value of
  67-17  collateral owed, under Chapter 9 or other law, to a debtor or
  67-18  surety or other person secondarily liable; or
  67-19              (4)  failure to comply with applicable law in disposing
  67-20  of collateral.
  67-21        (h)  An accommodation party is not discharged under
  67-22  Subsection (c), (d), or (e) unless the person entitled to enforce
  67-23  the instrument knows of the accommodation or has notice under
  67-24  Section 3.419(c) that the instrument was signed for accommodation.
  67-25        (i)  A party is not discharged under this section if:
  67-26              (1)  the party asserting discharge consents to the
  67-27  event or conduct that is the basis of the discharge; or
   68-1              (2)  the instrument or a separate agreement of the
   68-2  party provides for waiver of discharge under this section.
   68-4        <Sec. 3.101.  ><Short Title><.  This chapter may be cited as
   68-5  Uniform Commercial Code--Commercial Paper.>
   68-6        <Sec. 3.102.  ><Definitions and Index of Definitions><.  (a)  In
   68-7  this chapter unless the context otherwise requires>
   68-8              <(1)  "Issue" means the first delivery of an instrument
   68-9  to a holder or a remitter.>
  68-10              <(2)  An "order" is a direction to pay and must be more
  68-11  than an authorization or request.  It must identify the person to
  68-12  pay with reasonable certainty.  It may be addressed to one or more
  68-13  such persons jointly or in the alternative but not in succession.>
  68-14              <(3)  A "promise" is an undertaking to pay and must be
  68-15  more than an acknowledgment of an obligation.>
  68-16              <(4)  "Secondary party" means a drawer or indorser.>
  68-17              <(5)  "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument.>
  68-18        <(b)  Other definitions applying to this chapter and the
  68-19  sections in which they appear are:>
  68-20              <"Acceptance".                  Section 3.410.>
  68-21              <"Accommodation party".         Section 3.415.>
  68-22              <"Alteration".                  Section 3.407.>
  68-23              <"Certificate of deposit".      Section 3.104.>
  68-24              <"Certification".               Section 3.411.>
  68-25              <"Check".                       Section 3.104.>
  68-26              <"Definite time".               Section 3.109.>
  68-27              <"Dishonor".                    Section 3.507.>
   69-1              <"Draft".                       Section 3.104.>
   69-2              <"Holder in due course".        Section 3.302.>
   69-3              <"Negotiation".                 Section 3.202.>
   69-4              <"Note".                        Section 3.104.>
   69-5              <"Notice of dishonor".          Section 3.508.>
   69-6              <"On demand".                   Section 3.108.>
   69-7              <"Presentment".                 Section 3.504.>
   69-8              <"Protest".                     Section 3.509.>
   69-9              <"Restrictive Indorsement".     Section 3.205.>
  69-10              <"Signature".                   Section 3.401.>
  69-11        <(c)  The following definitions in other chapters apply to
  69-12  this chapter:>
  69-13              <"Account".                     Section 4.104.>
  69-14              <"Banking Day".                 Section 4.104.>
  69-15              <"Clearing house".              Section 4.104.>
  69-16              <"Collecting bank".             Section 4.105.>
  69-17              <"Customer".                    Section 4.104.>
  69-18              <"Depositary Bank".             Section 4.105.>
  69-19              <"Documentary Draft".           Section 4.104.>
  69-20              <"Intermediary Bank".           Section 4.105.>
  69-21              <"Item".                        Section 4.104.>
  69-22              <"Midnight deadline".           Section 4.104.>
  69-23              <"Payor bank".                  Section 4.105.>
  69-24        <(d)  In addition Chapter 1 contains general definitions and
  69-25  principles of construction and interpretation applicable throughout
  69-26  this chapter.>
  69-27        <Sec. 3.103.  ><Limitations on Scope of Chapter><.  (a)  This
   70-1  chapter does not apply to money, documents of title or investment
   70-2  securities.>
   70-3        <(b)  The provisions of this chapter are subject to the
   70-4  provisions of the chapter on Bank Deposits and Collections (Chapter
   70-5  4) and Secured Transactions (Chapter 9).>
   70-6        <Sec. 3.104.  ><Form of Negotiable Instruments; "Draft";
   70-7  "Check"; "Certificate of Deposit"; "Note"><.  (a)  Any writing to be
   70-8  a negotiable instrument within this chapter must>
   70-9              <(1)  be signed by the maker or drawer; and>
  70-10              <(2)  contain an unconditional promise or order to pay
  70-11  a sum certain in money and no other promise, order, obligation or
  70-12  power given by the maker or drawer except as authorized by this
  70-13  chapter; and>
  70-14              <(3)  be payable on demand or at a definite time; and>
  70-15              <(4)  be payable to order or to bearer.>
  70-16        <(b)  A writing which complies with the requirements of this
  70-17  section is>
  70-18              <(1)  a "draft" ("bill of exchange") if it is an order;>
  70-19              <(2)  a "check" if it is a draft drawn on a bank and
  70-20  payable on demand;>
  70-21              <(3)  a "certificate of deposit" if it is an
  70-22  acknowledgment by a bank of receipt of money with an engagement to
  70-23  repay it;>
  70-24              <(4)  a "note" if it is a promise other than a
  70-25  certificate of deposit.>
  70-26        <(c)  As used in other chapters of this title, and as the
  70-27  context may require, the terms "draft", "check", "certificate of
   71-1  deposit" and "note" may refer to instruments which are not
   71-2  negotiable within this chapter as well as to instruments which are
   71-3  so negotiable.>
   71-4        <Sec. 3.105.  ><When Promise or Order Unconditional><.  (a)  A
   71-5  promise or order otherwise unconditional is not made conditional by
   71-6  the fact that the instrument>
   71-7              <(1)  is subject to implied or constructive conditions;
   71-8  or>
   71-9              <(2)  states its consideration, whether performed or
  71-10  promised, or the transaction which gave rise to the instrument, or
  71-11  that the promise or order is made or the instrument matures in
  71-12  accordance with or "as per" such transaction; or>
  71-13              <(3)  refers to or states that it arises out of a
  71-14  separate agreement or refers to a separate agreement for rights as
  71-15  to prepayment or acceleration; or>
  71-16              <(4)  states that it is drawn under a letter of credit;
  71-17  or>
  71-18              <(5)  states that it is secured, whether by mortgage,
  71-19  reservation of title or otherwise; or>
  71-20              <(6)  indicates a particular account to be debited or
  71-21  any other fund or source from which reimbursement is expected; or>
  71-22              <(7)  is limited to payment out of a particular fund or
  71-23  the proceeds of a particular source, if the instrument is issued by
  71-24  a government or governmental agency or unit; or>
  71-25              <(8)  is limited to payment out of the entire assets of
  71-26  a partnership, unincorporated association, trust or estate by or on
  71-27  behalf of which the instrument is issued.>
   72-1        <(b)  A promise or order is not unconditional if the
   72-2  instrument>
   72-3              <(1)  states that it is subject to or governed by any
   72-4  other agreement; or>
   72-5              <(2)  states that it is to be paid only out of a
   72-6  particular fund or source except as provided in this section.>
   72-7        <Sec. 3.106.  ><Sum Certain><.  (a)  The sum payable is a sum
   72-8  certain even though it is to be paid>
   72-9              <(1)  with stated interest or by stated installments;
  72-10  or>
  72-11              <(2)  with stated different rates of interest before
  72-12  and after default or a specified date; or>
  72-13              <(3)  with a stated discount or addition if paid before
  72-14  or after the date fixed for payment; or>
  72-15              <(4)  with exchange or less exchange, whether at a
  72-16  fixed rate or at the current rate; or>
  72-17              <(5)  with costs of collection or an attorney's fee or
  72-18  both upon default.>
  72-19        <(b)  Nothing in this section shall validate any term which
  72-20  is otherwise illegal.>
  72-21        <Sec. 3.107.  ><Money><.  (a)  An instrument is payable in money
  72-22  if the medium of exchange in which it is payable is money at the
  72-23  time the instrument is made.  An instrument payable in "currency"
  72-24  or "current funds" is payable in money.>
  72-25        <(b)  A promise or order to pay a sum stated in a foreign
  72-26  currency is for a sum certain in money and, unless a different
  72-27  medium of payment is specified in the instrument, may be satisfied
   73-1  by payment of that number of dollars which the stated foreign
   73-2  currency will purchase at the buying sight rate for that currency
   73-3  on the day on which the instrument is payable or, if payable on
   73-4  demand, on the day of demand.  If such an instrument specifies a
   73-5  foreign currency as the medium of payment the instrument is payable
   73-6  in that currency.>
   73-7        <Sec. 3.108.  ><Payable on Demand><.  Instruments payable on
   73-8  demand include those payable at sight or on presentation and those
   73-9  in which no time for payment is stated.>
  73-10        <Sec. 3.109.  ><Definite Time><.  (a)  An instrument is payable
  73-11  at a definite time if by its terms it is payable>
  73-12              <(1)  on or before a stated date or at a fixed period
  73-13  after a stated date; or>
  73-14              <(2)  at a fixed period after sight; or>
  73-15              <(3)  at a definite time subject to any acceleration;
  73-16  or>
  73-17              <(4)  at a definite time subject to extension at the
  73-18  option of the holder, or to extension to a further definite time at
  73-19  the option of the maker or acceptor or automatically upon or after
  73-20  a specified act or event.>
  73-21        <(b)  An instrument which by its terms is otherwise payable
  73-22  only upon an act or event uncertain as to time of occurrence is not
  73-23  payable at a definite time even though the act or event has
  73-24  occurred.>
  73-25        <Sec. 3.110.  ><Payable to Order><.  (a)  An instrument is
  73-26  payable to order when by its terms it is payable to the order or
  73-27  assigns of any person therein specified with reasonable certainty,
   74-1  or to him or his order, or when it is conspicuously designated on
   74-2  its face as "exchange" or the like and names a payee.  It may be
   74-3  payable to the order of>
   74-4              <(1)  the maker or drawer; or>
   74-5              <(2)  the drawee; or>
   74-6              <(3)  a payee who is not maker, drawer or drawee; or>
   74-7              <(4)  two or more payees together or in the
   74-8  alternative; or>
   74-9              <(5)  an estate, trust or fund, in which case it is
  74-10  payable to the order of the representative of such estate, trust or
  74-11  fund or his successors; or>
  74-12              <(6)  an office, or an officer by his title as such in
  74-13  which case it is payable to the principal but the incumbent of the
  74-14  office or his successors may act as if he or they were the holder;
  74-15  or>
  74-16              <(7)  a partnership or unincorporated association, in
  74-17  which case it is payable to the partnership or association and may
  74-18  be indorsed or transferred by any person thereto authorized.>
  74-19        <(b)  An instrument not payable to order is not made so
  74-20  payable by such words as "payable upon return of this instrument
  74-21  properly indorsed.">
  74-22        <(c)  An instrument made payable both to order and to bearer
  74-23  is payable to order unless the bearer words are handwritten or
  74-24  typewritten.>
  74-25        <Sec. 3.111.  ><Payable to Bearer><.  An instrument is payable to
  74-26  bearer when by its terms it is payable to>
  74-27              <(1)  bearer or the order of bearer; or>
   75-1              <(2)  a specified person or bearer; or>
   75-2              <(3)  "cash" or the order of "cash", or any other
   75-3  indication which does not purport to designate a specific payee.>
   75-4        <Sec. 3.112.  ><Terms and Omissions Not Affecting
   75-5  Negotiability><.  (a)  The negotiability of an instrument is not
   75-6  affected by>
   75-7              <(1)  the omission of a statement of any consideration
   75-8  or of the place where the instrument is drawn or payable; or>
   75-9              <(2)  a statement that collateral has been given to
  75-10  secure obligations either on the instrument or otherwise of an
  75-11  obligor on the instrument or that in case of default on those
  75-12  obligations the holder may realize on or dispose of the collateral;
  75-13  or>
  75-14              <(3)  a promise or power to maintain or protect
  75-15  collateral or to give additional collateral; or>
  75-16              <(4)  a term authorizing a confession of judgment on
  75-17  the instrument if it is not paid when due; or>
  75-18              <(5)  a term purporting to waive the benefit of any law
  75-19  intended for the advantage or protection of any obligor; or>
  75-20              <(6)  a term in a draft providing that the payee by
  75-21  indorsing or cashing it acknowledges full satisfaction of an
  75-22  obligation of the drawer; or>
  75-23              <(7)  a statement in a draft drawn in a set of parts
  75-24  (Section 3.801) to the effect that the order is effective only if
  75-25  no other part has been honored.>
  75-26        <(b)  Nothing in this section shall validate any term which
  75-27  is otherwise illegal.>
   76-1        <Sec. 3.113.  ><Seal><.  An instrument otherwise negotiable is
   76-2  within this chapter even though it is under a seal.>
   76-3        <Sec. 3.114.  ><Date, Antedating, Postdating><.  (a)  The
   76-4  negotiability of an instrument is not affected by the fact that it
   76-5  is undated, antedated or postdated.>
   76-6        <(b)  Where an instrument is antedated or postdated the time
   76-7  when it is payable is determined by the stated date if the
   76-8  instrument is payable on demand or at a fixed period after date.>
   76-9        <(c)  Where the instrument or any signature thereon is dated,
  76-10  the date is presumed to be correct.>
  76-11        <Sec. 3.115.  ><Incomplete Instruments><.  (a)  When a paper
  76-12  whose contents at the time of signing show that it is intended to
  76-13  become an instrument is signed while still incomplete in any
  76-14  necessary respect it cannot be enforced until completed, but when
  76-15  it is completed in accordance with authority given it is effective
  76-16  as completed.>
  76-17        <(b)  If the completion is unauthorized the rules as to
  76-18  material alteration apply (Section 3.407), even though the paper
  76-19  was not delivered by the maker or drawer; but the burden of
  76-20  establishing that any completion is unauthorized is on the party so
  76-21  asserting.>
  76-22        <Sec. 3.116.  ><Instruments Payable to Two or More Persons><.  An
  76-23  instrument payable to the order of two or more persons>
  76-24              <(1)  if in the alternative is payable to any one of
  76-25  them and may be negotiated, discharged or enforced by any of them
  76-26  who has possession of it;>
  76-27              <(2)  if not in the alternative is payable to all of
   77-1  them and may be negotiated, discharged or enforced only by all of
   77-2  them.>
   77-3        <Sec. 3.117.  ><Instruments Payable With Words of Description><.
   77-4  An instrument made payable to a named person with the addition of
   77-5  words describing him>
   77-6              <(1)  as agent or officer of a specified person is
   77-7  payable to his principal but the agent or officer may act as if he
   77-8  were the holder;>
   77-9              <(2)  as any other fiduciary for a specified person or
  77-10  purpose is payable to the payee and may be negotiated, discharged
  77-11  or enforced by him;>
  77-12              <(3)  in any other manner is payable to the payee
  77-13  unconditionally and the additional words are without effect on
  77-14  subsequent parties.>
  77-15        <Sec. 3.118.  ><Ambiguous Terms and Rules of Construction><.  The
  77-16  following rules apply to every instrument:>
  77-17              <(1)  Where there is doubt whether the instrument is a
  77-18  draft or a note the holder may treat it as either.  A draft drawn
  77-19  on the drawer is effective as a note.>
  77-20              <(2)  Handwritten terms control typewritten and printed
  77-21  terms, and typewritten control printed.>
  77-22              <(3)  Words control figures except that if the words
  77-23  are ambiguous figures control.>
  77-24              <(4)  Unless otherwise specified a provision for
  77-25  interest means interest at the judgment rate at the place of
  77-26  payment from the date of the instrument, or if it is undated from
  77-27  the date of issue.>
   78-1              <(5)  Unless the instrument otherwise specifies two or
   78-2  more persons who sign as maker, acceptor or drawer or indorser and
   78-3  as a part of the same transaction are jointly and severally liable
   78-4  even though the instrument contains such words as "I promise to
   78-5  pay.">
   78-6              <(6)  Unless otherwise specified consent to extension
   78-7  authorizes a single extension for not longer than the original
   78-8  period.  A consent to extension, expressed in the instrument, is
   78-9  binding on secondary parties and accommodation makers.  A holder
  78-10  may not exercise his option to extend an instrument over the
  78-11  objection of a maker or acceptor or other party who in accordance
  78-12  with Section 3.604 tenders full payment when the instrument is due.>
  78-13        <Sec. 3.119.  ><Other Writings Affecting Instrument><.  (a)  As
  78-14  between the obligor and his immediate obligee or any transferee the
  78-15  terms of an instrument may be modified or affected by any other
  78-16  written agreement executed as a part of the same transaction,
  78-17  except that a holder in due course is not affected by any
  78-18  limitation of his rights arising out of the separate written
  78-19  agreement if he had no notice of the limitation when he took the
  78-20  instrument.>
  78-21        <(b)  A separate agreement does not affect the negotiability
  78-22  of an instrument.>
  78-23        <Sec. 3.120.  ><Instruments "Payable Through" Bank><.  An
  78-24  instrument which states that it is "payable through" a bank or the
  78-25  like designates that bank as a collecting bank to make presentment
  78-26  but does not of itself authorize the bank to pay the instrument.>
  78-27        <Sec. 3.121.  ><Instruments Payable at Bank><.  A note or
   79-1  acceptance which states that it is payable at a bank is the
   79-2  equivalent of a draft drawn on the bank payable when it falls due
   79-3  out of any funds of the maker or acceptor in current account or
   79-4  otherwise available for such payment.>
   79-5        <Sec. 3.122.  ><Accrual of Cause of Action><.  (a)  A cause of
   79-6  action against a maker or an acceptor accrues>
   79-7              <(1)  in the case of a time instrument on the day after
   79-8  maturity;>
   79-9              <(2)  in the case of a demand instrument upon its date
  79-10  or, if no date is stated, on the date of issue.>
  79-11        <(b)  A cause of action against the obligor of a demand or
  79-12  time certificate of deposit accrues upon demand, but demand on a
  79-13  time certificate may not be made until on or after the date of
  79-14  maturity.>
  79-15        <(c)  A cause of action against a drawer of a draft or an
  79-16  indorser of any instrument accrues upon demand following dishonor
  79-17  of the instrument.  Notice of dishonor is a demand.>
  79-18        <(d)  Unless an instrument provides otherwise, interest runs
  79-19  at the rate provided by law for a judgment>
  79-20              <(1)  in the case of a maker, acceptor or other primary
  79-21  obligor of a demand instrument, from the date of demand;>
  79-22              <(2)  in all other cases from the date of accrual of
  79-23  the cause of action.>
  79-25        <Sec. 3.201.  ><Transfer:  Right to Indorsement><.  (a)  Transfer
  79-26  of an instrument vests in the transferee such rights as the
  79-27  transferor has therein, except that a transferee who has himself
   80-1  been a party to any fraud or illegality affecting the instrument or
   80-2  who as a prior holder had notice of a defense or claim against it
   80-3  cannot improve his position by taking from a later holder in due
   80-4  course.>
   80-5        <(b)  A transfer of a security interest in an instrument
   80-6  vests the foregoing rights in the transferee to the extent of the
   80-7  interest transferred.>
   80-8        <(c)  Unless otherwise agreed any transfer for value of an
   80-9  instrument not then payable to bearer gives the transferee the
  80-10  specifically enforceable right to have the unqualified indorsement
  80-11  of the transferor.  Negotiation takes effect only when the
  80-12  indorsement is made and until that time there is no presumption
  80-13  that the transferee is the owner.>
  80-14        <Sec. 3.202.  ><Negotiation><.  (a)  Negotiation is the transfer
  80-15  of an instrument in such form that the transferee becomes a holder.
  80-16  If the instrument is payable to order it is negotiated by delivery
  80-17  with any necessary indorsement; if payable to bearer it is
  80-18  negotiated by delivery.>
  80-19        <(b)  An indorsement must be written by or on behalf of the
  80-20  holder and on the instrument or on a paper so firmly affixed
  80-21  thereto as to become a part thereof.>
  80-22        <(c)  An indorsement is effective for negotiation only when
  80-23  it conveys the entire instrument or any unpaid residue.  If it
  80-24  purports to be of less it operates only as a partial assignment.>
  80-25        <(d)  Words of assignment, condition, waiver, guaranty,
  80-26  limitation or disclaimer of liability and the like accompanying an
  80-27  indorsement do not affect its character as an indorsement.>
   81-1        <Sec. 3.203.  ><Wrong or Misspelled Name><.  Where an instrument
   81-2  is made payable to a person under a misspelled name or one other
   81-3  than his own he may indorse in that name or his own or both; but
   81-4  signature in both names may be required by a person paying or
   81-5  giving value for the instrument.>
   81-6        <Sec. 3.204.  ><Special Indorsement; Blank Indorsement><.  (a)  A
   81-7  special indorsement specifies the person to whom or to whose order
   81-8  it makes the instrument payable.  Any instrument specially indorsed
   81-9  becomes payable to the order of the special indorsee and may be
  81-10  further negotiated only by his indorsement.>
  81-11        <(b)  An indorsement in blank specifies no particular
  81-12  indorsee and may consist of a mere signature.  An instrument
  81-13  payable to order and indorsed in blank becomes payable to bearer
  81-14  and may be negotiated by delivery alone until specially indorsed.>
  81-15        <(c)  The holder may convert a blank indorsement into a
  81-16  special indorsement by writing over the signature of the indorser
  81-17  in blank any contract consistent with the character of the
  81-18  indorsement.>
  81-19        <Sec. 3.205.  ><Restrictive Indorsements><.  An indorsement is
  81-20  restrictive which either>
  81-21              <(1)  is conditional; or>
  81-22              <(2)  purports to prohibit further transfer of the
  81-23  instrument; or>
  81-24              <(3)  includes the words "for collection", "for
  81-25  deposit", "pay any bank", or like terms signifying a purpose of
  81-26  deposit or collection; or>
  81-27              <(4)  otherwise states that it is for the benefit or
   82-1  use of the indorser or of another person.>
   82-2        <Sec. 3.206.  ><Effect of Restrictive Indorsement><.  (a)  No
   82-3  restrictive indorsement prevents further transfer or negotiation of
   82-4  the instrument.>
   82-5        <(b)  An intermediary bank, or a payor bank which is not the
   82-6  depositary bank, is neither given notice nor otherwise affected by
   82-7  a restrictive indorsement of any person except the bank's immediate
   82-8  transferor or the person presenting for payment.>
   82-9        <(c)  Except for an intermediary bank, any transferee under
  82-10  an indorsement which is conditional or includes the words "for
  82-11  collection", "for deposit", "pay any bank", or like terms
  82-12  (Subdivisions (1) and (3) of Section 3.205) must pay or apply any
  82-13  value given by him for or on the security of the instrument
  82-14  consistently with the indorsement and to the extent that he does so
  82-15  he becomes a holder for value.  In addition such transferee is a
  82-16  holder in due course if he otherwise complies with the requirements
  82-17  of Section 3.302 on what constitutes a holder in due course.>
  82-18        <(d)  The first taker under an indorsement for the benefit of
  82-19  the indorser or another person (Subdivision (4) of Section 3.205)
  82-20  must pay or apply any value given by him for or on the security of
  82-21  the instrument consistently with the indorsement and to the extent
  82-22  that he does so he becomes a holder for value.  In addition such
  82-23  taker is a holder in due course if he otherwise complies with the
  82-24  requirements of Section 3.302 on what constitutes a holder in due
  82-25  course.  A later holder for value is neither given notice nor
  82-26  otherwise affected by such restrictive indorsement unless he has
  82-27  knowledge that a fiduciary or other person has negotiated the
   83-1  instrument in any transaction for his own benefit or otherwise in
   83-2  breach of duty (Subsection (b) of Section 3.304).>
   83-3        <Sec. 3.207.  ><Negotiation Effective Although It May Be
   83-4  Rescinded><.  (a)  Negotiation is effective to transfer the
   83-5  instrument although the negotiation is>
   83-6              <(1)  made by an infant, a corporation exceeding its
   83-7  powers, or any other person without capacity; or>
   83-8              <(2)  obtained by fraud, duress or mistake of any kind;
   83-9  or>
  83-10              <(3)  part of an illegal transaction; or>
  83-11              <(4)  made in breach of duty.>
  83-12        <(b)  Except as against a subsequent holder in due course
  83-13  such negotiation is in an appropriate case subject to rescission,
  83-14  the declaration of a constructive trust or any other remedy
  83-15  permitted by law.>
  83-16        <Sec. 3.208.  ><Reacquisition><.  Where an instrument is returned
  83-17  to or reacquired by a prior party he may cancel any indorsement
  83-18  which is not necessary to his title and reissue or further
  83-19  negotiate the instrument, but any intervening party is discharged
  83-20  as against the reacquiring party and subsequent holders not in due
  83-21  course and if his indorsement has been cancelled is discharged as
  83-22  against subsequent holders in due course as well.>
  83-23                  <SUBCHAPTER C.  RIGHTS OF A HOLDER>
  83-24        <Sec. 3.301.  ><Rights of a Holder><.  The holder of an
  83-25  instrument whether or not he is the owner may transfer or negotiate
  83-26  it and, except as otherwise provided in Section 3.603 on payment or
  83-27  satisfaction, discharge it or enforce payment in his own name.>
   84-1        <Sec. 3.302.  ><Holder in Due Course><.  (a)  A holder in due
   84-2  course is a holder who takes the instrument>
   84-3              <(1)  for value; and>
   84-4              <(2)  in good faith; and>
   84-5              <(3)  without notice that it is overdue or has been
   84-6  dishonored or of any defense against or claim to it on the part of
   84-7  any person.>
   84-8        <(b)  A payee may be a holder in due course.>
   84-9        <(c)  A holder does not become a holder in due course of an
  84-10  instrument:>
  84-11              <(1)  by purchase of it at judicial sale or by taking
  84-12  it under legal process; or>
  84-13              <(2)  by acquiring it in taking over an estate; or>
  84-14              <(3)  by purchasing it as part of a bulk transaction
  84-15  not in regular course of business of the transferor.>
  84-16        <(d)  A purchaser of a limited interest can be a holder in
  84-17  due course only to the extent of the interest purchased.>
  84-18        <Sec. 3.303.  ><Taking for Value><.  A holder takes the
  84-19  instrument for value>
  84-20              <(1)  to the extent that the agreed consideration has
  84-21  been performed or that he acquires a security interest in or a lien
  84-22  on the instrument otherwise than by legal process; or>
  84-23              <(2)  when he takes the instrument in payment of or as
  84-24  security for an antecedent claim against any person whether or not
  84-25  the claim is due; or>
  84-26              <(3)  when he gives a negotiable instrument for it or
  84-27  makes an irrevocable commitment to a third person.>
   85-1        <Sec. 3.304.  ><Notice to Purchaser><.  (a)  The purchaser has
   85-2  notice of a claim or defense if>
   85-3              <(1)  the instrument is so incomplete, bears such
   85-4  visible evidence of forgery or alteration, or is otherwise so
   85-5  irregular as to call into question its validity, terms or ownership
   85-6  or to create an ambiguity as to the party to pay; or>
   85-7              <(2)  the purchaser has notice that the obligation of
   85-8  any party is voidable in whole or in part, or that all parties have
   85-9  been discharged.>
  85-10        <(b)  The purchaser has notice of a claim against the
  85-11  instrument when he has knowledge that a fiduciary has negotiated
  85-12  the instrument in payment of or as security for his own debt or in
  85-13  any transaction for his own benefit or otherwise in breach of duty.>
  85-14        <(c)  The purchaser has notice that an instrument is overdue
  85-15  if he has reason to know>
  85-16              <(1)  that any part of the principal amount is overdue
  85-17  or that there is an uncured default in payment of another
  85-18  instrument of the same series; or>
  85-19              <(2)  that acceleration of the instrument has been
  85-20  made; or>
  85-21              <(3)  that he is taking a demand instrument after
  85-22  demand has been made or more than a reasonable length of time after
  85-23  its issue.  A reasonable time for a check drawn and payable within
  85-24  the states and territories of the United States and the District of
  85-25  Columbia is presumed to be thirty days.>
  85-26        <(d)  Knowledge of the following facts does not of itself
  85-27  give the purchaser notice of a defense or claim>
   86-1              <(1)  that the instrument is antedated or postdated;>
   86-2              <(2)  that it was issued or negotiated in return for an
   86-3  executory promise or accompanied by a separate agreement, unless
   86-4  the purchaser has notice that a defense or claim has arisen from
   86-5  the terms thereof;>
   86-6              <(3)  that any party has signed for accommodation;>
   86-7              <(4)  that an incomplete instrument has been completed,
   86-8  unless the purchaser has notice of any improper completion;>
   86-9              <(5)  that any person negotiating the instrument is or
  86-10  was a fiduciary;>
  86-11              <(6)  that there has been default in payment of
  86-12  interest on the instrument or in payment of any other instrument,
  86-13  except one of the same series.>
  86-14        <(e)  The filing or recording of a document does not of
  86-15  itself constitute notice within the provisions of this chapter to a
  86-16  person who would otherwise be a holder in due course.>
  86-17        <(f)  To be effective notice must be received at such time
  86-18  and in such manner as to give a reasonable opportunity to act on
  86-19  it.>
  86-20        <Sec. 3.305.  ><Rights of a Holder in Due Course><.  To the
  86-21  extent that a holder is a holder in due course he takes the
  86-22  instrument free from>
  86-23              <(a)  all claims to it on the part of any person; and>
  86-24              <(b)  all defenses of any party to the instrument with
  86-25  whom the holder has not dealt except>
  86-26                    <(1)  infancy, to the extent that it is a defense
  86-27  to a simple contract; and>
   87-1                    <(2)  such other incapacity, or duress, or
   87-2  illegality of the transaction, as renders the obligation of the
   87-3  party a nullity; and>
   87-4                    <(3)  such misrepresentation as has induced the
   87-5  party to sign the instrument with neither knowledge nor reasonable
   87-6  opportunity to obtain knowledge of its character or its essential
   87-7  terms; and>
   87-8                    <(4)  discharge in insolvency proceedings; and>
   87-9                    <(5)  any other discharge of which the holder has
  87-10  notice when he takes the instrument.>
  87-11        <Sec. 3.306.  ><Rights of One Not Holder in Due Course><.  Unless
  87-12  he has the rights of a holder in due course any person takes the
  87-13  instrument subject to>
  87-14              <(1)  all valid claims to it on the part of any person;
  87-15  and>
  87-16              <(2)  all defenses of any party which would be
  87-17  available in an action on a simple contract; and>
  87-18              <(3)  the defenses of want or failure of consideration,
  87-19  non-performance of any condition precedent, non-delivery, or
  87-20  delivery for a special purpose (Section 3.408); and>
  87-21              <(4)  the defense that he or a person through whom he
  87-22  holds the instrument acquired it by theft, or that payment or
  87-23  satisfaction to such holder would be inconsistent with the terms of
  87-24  a restrictive indorsement.  The claim of any third person to the
  87-25  instrument is not otherwise available as a defense to any party
  87-26  liable thereon unless the third person himself defends the action
  87-27  for such party.>
   88-1        <Sec. 3.307.  ><Burden of Establishing Signatures, Defenses and
   88-2  Due Course><.  (a)  Unless specifically denied in the pleadings each
   88-3  signature on an instrument is admitted.  When the effectiveness of
   88-4  a signature is put in issue>
   88-5              <(1)  the burden of establishing it is on the party
   88-6  claiming under the signature; but>
   88-7              <(2)  the signature is presumed to be genuine or
   88-8  authorized except where the action is to enforce the obligation of
   88-9  a purported signer who has died or become incompetent before proof
  88-10  is required.>
  88-11        <(b)  When signatures are admitted or established, production
  88-12  of the instrument entitles a holder to recover on it unless the
  88-13  defendant establishes a defense.>
  88-14        <(c)  After it is shown that a defense exists a person
  88-15  claiming the rights of a holder in due course has the burden of
  88-16  establishing that he or some person under whom he claims is in all
  88-17  respects a holder in due course.>
  88-18                 <SUBCHAPTER D.  LIABILITY OF PARTIES>
  88-19        <Sec. 3.401.  ><Signature><.  (a)  No person is liable on an
  88-20  instrument unless his signature appears thereon.>
  88-21        <(b)  A signature is made by use of any name, including any
  88-22  trade or assumed name, upon an instrument, or by any word or mark
  88-23  used in lieu of a written signature.>
  88-24        <Sec. 3.402.  ><Signature in Ambiguous Capacity><.  Unless the
  88-25  instrument clearly indicates that a signature is made in some other
  88-26  capacity it is an indorsement.>
  88-27        <Sec. 3.403.  ><Signature by Authorized Representative><.  (a)  A
   89-1  signature may be made by an agent or other representative, and his
   89-2  authority to make it may be established as in other cases of
   89-3  representation.  No particular form of appointment is necessary to
   89-4  establish such authority.>
   89-5        <(b)  An authorized representative who signs his own name to
   89-6  an instrument>
   89-7              <(1)  is personally obligated if the instrument neither
   89-8  names the person represented nor shows that the representative
   89-9  signed in a representative capacity;>
  89-10              <(2)  except as otherwise established between the
  89-11  immediate parties, is personally obligated if the instrument names
  89-12  the person represented but does not show that the representative
  89-13  signed in a representative capacity, or if the instrument does not
  89-14  name the person represented but does show that the representative
  89-15  signed in a representative capacity.>
  89-16        <(c)  Except as otherwise established the name of an
  89-17  organization preceded or followed by the name and office of an
  89-18  authorized individual is a signature made in a representative
  89-19  capacity.>
  89-20        <Sec. 3.404.  ><Unauthorized Signatures><.  (a)  Any unauthorized
  89-21  signature is wholly inoperative as that of the person whose name is
  89-22  signed unless he ratifies it or is precluded from denying it; but
  89-23  it operates as the signature of the unauthorized signer in favor of
  89-24  any person who in good faith pays the instrument or takes it for
  89-25  value.>
  89-26        <(b)  Any unauthorized signature may be ratified for all
  89-27  purposes of this chapter.  Such ratification does not of itself
   90-1  affect any rights of the person ratifying against the actual
   90-2  signer.>
   90-3        <Sec. 3.405.  ><Imposters; Signature in Name of Payee><.  (a)  An
   90-4  indorsement by any person in the name of a named payee is effective
   90-5  if>
   90-6              <(1)  an imposter by use of the mails or otherwise has
   90-7  induced the maker or drawer to issue the instrument to him or his
   90-8  confederate in the name of the payee; or>
   90-9              <(2)  a person signing as or on behalf of a maker or
  90-10  drawer intends the payee to have no interest in the instrument; or>
  90-11              <(3)  an agent or employee of the maker or drawer has
  90-12  supplied him with the name of the payee intending the latter to
  90-13  have no such interest.>
  90-14        <(b)  Nothing in this section shall affect the criminal or
  90-15  civil liability of the person so indorsing.>
  90-16        <Sec. 3.406.  ><Negligence Contributing to Alteration or
  90-17  Unauthorized Signature><.  Any person who by his negligence
  90-18  substantially contributes to a material alteration of the
  90-19  instrument or to the making of an unauthorized signature is
  90-20  precluded from asserting the alteration or lack of authority
  90-21  against a holder in due course or against a drawee or other payor
  90-22  who pays the instrument in good faith and in accordance with the
  90-23  reasonable commercial standards of the drawee's or payor's
  90-24  business.>
  90-25        <Sec. 3.407.  ><Alteration><.  (a)  Any alteration of an
  90-26  instrument is material which changes the contract of any party
  90-27  thereto in any respect, including any such change in>
   91-1              <(1)  the number or relations of the parties; or>
   91-2              <(2)  an incomplete instrument, by completing it
   91-3  otherwise than as authorized; or>
   91-4              <(3)  the writing as signed, by adding to it or by
   91-5  removing any part of it.>
   91-6        <(b)  As against any person other than a subsequent holder in
   91-7  due course>
   91-8              <(1)  alteration by the holder which is both fraudulent
   91-9  and material discharges any party whose contract is thereby changed
  91-10  unless that party assents or is precluded from asserting the
  91-11  defense;>
  91-12              <(2)  no other alteration discharges any party and the
  91-13  instrument may be enforced according to its original tenor, or as
  91-14  to incomplete instruments according to the authority given.>
  91-15        <(c)  A subsequent holder in due course may in all cases
  91-16  enforce the instrument according to its original tenor, and when an
  91-17  incomplete instrument has been completed, he may enforce it as
  91-18  completed.>
  91-19        <Sec. 3.408.  ><Consideration><.  Want or failure of
  91-20  consideration is a defense as against any person not having the
  91-21  rights of a holder in due course (Section 3.305), except that no
  91-22  consideration is necessary for an instrument or obligation thereon
  91-23  given in payment of or as security for an antecedent obligation of
  91-24  any kind.  Nothing in this section shall be taken to displace any
  91-25  statute outside this title under which a promise is enforceable
  91-26  notwithstanding lack or failure of consideration.  Partial failure
  91-27  of consideration is a defense pro tanto whether or not the failure
   92-1  is in an ascertained or liquidated amount.>
   92-2        <Sec. 3.409.  ><Draft Not an Assignment><.  (a)  A check or other
   92-3  draft does not of itself operate as an assignment of any funds in
   92-4  the hands of the drawee available for its payment, and the drawee
   92-5  is not liable on the instrument until he accepts it.>
   92-6        <(b)  Nothing in this section shall affect any liability in
   92-7  contract, tort or otherwise arising from any letter of credit or
   92-8  other obligation or representation which is not an acceptance.>
   92-9        <Sec. 3.410.  ><Definition and Operation of Acceptance><.
  92-10  (a)  Acceptance is the drawee's signed engagement to honor the
  92-11  draft as presented.  It must be written on the draft, and may
  92-12  consist of his signature alone.  It becomes operative when
  92-13  completed by delivery or notification.>
  92-14        <(b)  A draft may be accepted although it has not been signed
  92-15  by the drawer or is otherwise incomplete or is overdue or has been
  92-16  dishonored.>
  92-17        <(c)  Where the draft is payable at a fixed period after
  92-18  sight and the acceptor fails to date his acceptance the holder may
  92-19  complete it by supplying a date in good faith.>
  92-20        <Sec. 3.411.  ><Certification of a Check><.  (a)  Certification
  92-21  of a check is acceptance.  Where a holder procures certification
  92-22  the drawer and all prior indorsers are discharged.>
  92-23        <(b)  Unless otherwise agreed a bank has no obligation to
  92-24  certify a check.>
  92-25        <(c)  A bank may certify a check before returning it for lack
  92-26  of proper indorsement.  If it does so the drawer is discharged.>
  92-27        <Sec. 3.412.  ><Acceptance Varying Draft><.  (a)  Where the
   93-1  drawee's proffered acceptance in any manner varies the draft as
   93-2  presented the holder may refuse the acceptance and treat the draft
   93-3  as dishonored in which case the drawee is entitled to have his
   93-4  acceptance cancelled.>
   93-5        <(b)  The terms of the draft are not varied by an acceptance
   93-6  to pay at any particular bank or place in the United States, unless
   93-7  the acceptance states that the draft is to be paid only at such
   93-8  bank or place.>
   93-9        <(c)  Where the holder assents to an acceptance varying the
  93-10  terms of the draft each drawer and indorser who does not
  93-11  affirmatively assent is discharged.>
  93-12        <Sec. 3.413.  ><Contract of Maker, Drawer and Acceptor><.
  93-13  (a)  The maker or acceptor engages that he will pay the instrument
  93-14  according to its tenor at the time of his engagement or as
  93-15  completed pursuant to Section 3.115 on incomplete instruments.>
  93-16        <(b)  The drawer engages that upon dishonor of the draft and
  93-17  any necessary notice of dishonor or protest he will pay the amount
  93-18  of the draft to the holder or to any indorser who takes it up.  The
  93-19  drawer may disclaim this liability by drawing without recourse.>
  93-20        <(c)  By making, drawing or accepting the party admits as
  93-21  against all subsequent parties including the drawee the existence
  93-22  of the payee and his then capacity to indorse.>
  93-23        <Sec. 3.414.  ><Contract of Indorser; Order of Liability><.
  93-24  (a)  Unless the indorsement otherwise specifies (as by such words
  93-25  as "without recourse") every indorser engages that upon dishonor
  93-26  and any necessary notice of dishonor and protest he will pay the
  93-27  instrument according to its tenor at the time of his indorsement to
   94-1  the holder or to any subsequent indorser who takes it up, even
   94-2  though the indorser who takes it up was not obligated to do so.>
   94-3        <(b)  Unless they otherwise agree indorsers are liable to one
   94-4  another in the order in which they indorse, which is presumed to be
   94-5  the order in which their signatures appear on the instrument.>
   94-6        <Sec. 3.415.  ><Contract of Accommodation Party><.  (a)  An
   94-7  accommodation party is one who signs the instrument in any capacity
   94-8  for the purpose of lending his name to another party to it.>
   94-9        <(b)  When the instrument has been taken for value before it
  94-10  is due the accommodation party is liable in the capacity in which
  94-11  he has signed even though the taker knows of the accommodation.>
  94-12        <(c)  As against a holder in due course and without notice of
  94-13  the accommodation oral proof of the accommodation is not admissible
  94-14  to give the accommodation party the benefit of discharges dependent
  94-15  on his character as such.  In other cases the accommodation
  94-16  character may be shown by oral proof.>
  94-17        <(d)  An indorsement which shows that it is not in the chain
  94-18  of title is notice of its accommodation character.>
  94-19        <(e)  An accommodation party is not liable to the party
  94-20  accommodated, and if he pays the instrument has a right of recourse
  94-21  on the instrument against such party.>
  94-22        <Sec. 3.416.  ><Contract of Guarantor><.  (a)  "Payment
  94-23  guaranteed" or equivalent words added to a signature mean that the
  94-24  signer engages that if the instrument is not paid when due he will
  94-25  pay it according to its tenor without resort by the holder to any
  94-26  other party.>
  94-27        <(b)  "Collection guaranteed" or equivalent words added to a
   95-1  signature mean that the signer engages that if the instrument is
   95-2  not paid when due he will pay it according to its tenor, but only
   95-3  after the holder has reduced his claim against the maker or
   95-4  acceptor to judgment and execution has been returned unsatisfied,
   95-5  or after the maker or acceptor has become insolvent or it is
   95-6  otherwise apparent that it is useless to proceed against him.>
   95-7        <(c)  Words of guaranty which do not otherwise specify
   95-8  guarantee payment.>
   95-9        <(d)  No words of guaranty added to the signature of a sole
  95-10  maker or acceptor affect his liability on the instrument.  Such
  95-11  words added to the signature of one of two or more makers or
  95-12  acceptors create a presumption that the signature is for the
  95-13  accommodation of the others.>
  95-14        <(e)  When words of guaranty are used presentment, notice of
  95-15  dishonor and protest are not necessary to charge the user.>
  95-16        <(f)  Any guaranty written on the instrument is enforceable
  95-17  notwithstanding any statute of frauds.>
  95-18        <Sec. 3.417.  ><Warranties on Presentment and Transfer><.
  95-19  (a)  Any person who obtains payment or acceptance and any prior
  95-20  transferor warrants to a person who in good faith pays or accepts
  95-21  that>
  95-22              <(1)  he has a good title to the instrument or is
  95-23  authorized to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who has
  95-24  a good title; and>
  95-25              <(2)  he has no knowledge that the signature of the
  95-26  maker or drawer is unauthorized, except that this warranty is not
  95-27  given by a holder in due course acting in good faith>
   96-1                    <(A)  to a maker with respect to the maker's own
   96-2  signature; or>
   96-3                    <(B)  to a drawer with respect to the drawer's
   96-4  own signature, whether or not the drawer is also the drawee; or>
   96-5                    <(C)  to an acceptor of a draft if the holder in
   96-6  due course took the draft after the acceptance or obtained the
   96-7  acceptance without knowledge that the drawer's signature was
   96-8  unauthorized; and>
   96-9              <(3)  the instrument has not been materially altered,
  96-10  except that this warranty is not given by a holder in due course
  96-11  acting in good faith>
  96-12                    <(A)  to the maker of a note; or>
  96-13                    <(B)  to the drawer of a draft whether or not the
  96-14  drawer is also the drawee; or>
  96-15                    <(C)  to the acceptor of a draft with respect to
  96-16  an alteration made prior to the acceptance if the holder in due
  96-17  course took the draft after the acceptance, even though the
  96-18  acceptance provided "payable as originally drawn" or equivalent
  96-19  terms; or>
  96-20                    <(D)  to the acceptor of a draft with respect to
  96-21  an alteration made after the acceptance.>
  96-22        <(b)  Any person who transfers an instrument and receives
  96-23  consideration warrants to his transferee and if the transfer is by
  96-24  indorsement to any subsequent holder who takes the instrument in
  96-25  good faith that>
  96-26              <(1)  he has a good title to the instrument or is
  96-27  authorized to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who has
   97-1  a good title and the transfer is otherwise rightful; and>
   97-2              <(2)  all signatures are genuine or authorized; and>
   97-3              <(3)  the instrument has not been materially altered;
   97-4  and>
   97-5              <(4)  no defense of any party is good against him; and>
   97-6              <(5)  he has no knowledge of any insolvency proceeding
   97-7  instituted with respect to the maker or acceptor or the drawer of
   97-8  an unaccepted instrument.>
   97-9        <(c)  By transferring "without recourse" the transferor
  97-10  limits the obligation stated in Subsection (b)(4) to a warranty
  97-11  that he has no knowledge of such a defense.>
  97-12        <(d)  A selling agent or broker who does not disclose the
  97-13  fact that he is acting only as such gives the warranties provided
  97-14  in this section, but if he makes such disclosure warrants only his
  97-15  good faith and authority.>
  97-16        <Sec. 3.418.  ><Finality of Payment or Acceptance><.  Except for
  97-17  recovery of bank payments as provided in the chapter on Bank
  97-18  Deposits and Collections (Chapter 4) and except for liability for
  97-19  breach of warranty on presentment under the preceding section,
  97-20  payment or acceptance of any instrument is final in favor of a
  97-21  holder in due course, or a person who has in good faith changed his
  97-22  position in reliance on the payment.>
  97-23        <Sec. 3.419.  ><Conversion of Instrument; Innocent
  97-24  Representative><.  (a)  An instrument is converted when>
  97-25              <(1)  a drawee to whom it is delivered for acceptance
  97-26  refuses to return it on demand; or>
  97-27              <(2)  any person to whom it is delivered for payment
   98-1  refuses on demand either to pay or to return it; or>
   98-2              <(3)  it is paid on a forged indorsement.>
   98-3        <(b)  In an action against a drawee under Subsection (a) the
   98-4  measure of the drawee's liability is the face amount of the
   98-5  instrument.  In any other action under Subsection (a) the measure
   98-6  of liability is presumed to be the face amount of the instrument.>
   98-7        <(c)  Subject to the provisions of this title concerning
   98-8  restrictive indorsements a representative, including a depositary
   98-9  or collecting bank, who has in good faith and in accordance with
  98-10  the reasonable commercial standards applicable to the business of
  98-11  such representative dealt with an instrument or its proceeds on
  98-12  behalf of one who was not the true owner is not liable in
  98-13  conversion or otherwise to the true owner beyond the amount of any
  98-14  proceeds remaining in his hands.>
  98-15        <(d)  An intermediary bank or payor bank which is not a
  98-16  depositary bank is not liable in conversion solely by reason of the
  98-17  fact that proceeds of an item indorsed restrictively (Sections
  98-18  3.205 and 3.206) are not paid or applied consistently with the
  98-19  restrictive indorsement of an indorser other than its immediate
  98-20  transferor.>
  98-22        <Sec. 3.501.  ><When Presentment, Notice of Dishonor, and
  98-23  Protest Necessary or Permissible><.  (a)  Unless excused (Section
  98-24  3.511) presentment is necessary to charge secondary parties as
  98-25  follows:>
  98-26              <(1)  presentment for acceptance is necessary to charge
  98-27  the drawer and indorsers of a draft where the draft so provides, or
   99-1  is payable elsewhere than at the residence or place of business of
   99-2  the drawee, or its date of payment depends upon such presentment.
   99-3  The holder may at his option present for acceptance any other draft
   99-4  payable at a stated date;>
   99-5              <(2)  presentment for payment is necessary to charge
   99-6  any indorser;>
   99-7              <(3)  in the case of any drawer, the acceptor of a
   99-8  draft payable at a bank or the maker of a note payable at a bank,
   99-9  presentment for payment is necessary, but failure to make
  99-10  presentment discharges such drawer, acceptor or maker only as
  99-11  stated in Section 3.502(a)(2).>
  99-12        <(b)  Unless excused (Section 3.511)>
  99-13              <(1)  notice of any dishonor is necessary to charge any
  99-14  indorser;>
  99-15              <(2)  in the case of any drawer, the acceptor of a
  99-16  draft payable at a bank or the maker of a note payable at a bank,
  99-17  notice of any dishonor is necessary, but failure to give such
  99-18  notice discharges such drawer, acceptor or maker only as stated in
  99-19  Section 3.502(a)(2).>
  99-20        <(c)  Unless excused (Section 3.511) protest of any dishonor
  99-21  is necessary to charge the drawer and indorsers of any draft which
  99-22  on its face appears to be drawn or payable outside of the states,
  99-23  territories, dependencies and possessions of the United States, the
  99-24  District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.  The
  99-25  holder may at his option make protest of any dishonor of any other
  99-26  instrument and in the case of a foreign draft may on insolvency of
  99-27  the acceptor before maturity make protest for better security.>
  100-1        <(d)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section, neither
  100-2  presentment nor notice of dishonor nor protest is necessary to
  100-3  charge an indorser who has indorsed an instrument after maturity.>
  100-4        <Sec. 3.502.  ><Unexcused Delay; Discharge><.  (a)  Where without
  100-5  excuse any necessary presentment or notice of dishonor is delayed
  100-6  beyond the time when it is due>
  100-7              <(1)  any indorser is discharged; and>
  100-8              <(2)  any drawer or the acceptor of a draft payable at
  100-9  a bank or the maker of a note payable at a bank who because the
 100-10  drawee or payor bank becomes insolvent during the delay is deprived
 100-11  of funds maintained with the drawee or payor bank to cover the
 100-12  instrument may discharge his liability by written assignment to the
 100-13  holder of his rights against the drawee or payor bank in respect of
 100-14  such funds, but such drawer, acceptor or maker is not otherwise
 100-15  discharged.>
 100-16        <(b)  Where without excuse a necessary protest is delayed
 100-17  beyond the time when it is due any drawer or indorser is
 100-18  discharged.>
 100-19        <Sec. 3.503.  ><Time of Presentment><.  (a)  Unless a different
 100-20  time is expressed in the instrument the time for any presentment is
 100-21  determined as follows:>
 100-22              <(1)  where an instrument is payable at or a fixed
 100-23  period after a stated date any presentment for acceptance must be
 100-24  made on or before the date it is payable;>
 100-25              <(2)  where an instrument is payable after sight it
 100-26  must either be presented for acceptance or negotiated within a
 100-27  reasonable time after date or issue whichever is later;>
  101-1              <(3)  where an instrument shows the date on which it is
  101-2  payable presentment for payment is due on that date;>
  101-3              <(4)  where an instrument is accelerated presentment
  101-4  for payment is due within a reasonable time after the acceleration;>
  101-5              <(5)  with respect to the liability of any secondary
  101-6  party presentment for acceptance or payment of any other instrument
  101-7  is due within a reasonable time after such party becomes liable
  101-8  thereon.>
  101-9        <(b)  A reasonable time for presentment is determined by the
 101-10  nature of the instrument, any usage of banking or trade and the
 101-11  facts of the particular case.   In the case of an uncertified check
 101-12  which is drawn and payable within the United States and which is
 101-13  not a draft drawn by a bank the following are presumed to be
 101-14  reasonable periods within which to present for payment or to
 101-15  initiate bank collection:>
 101-16              <(1)  with respect to the liability of the drawer,
 101-17  thirty days after date or issue whichever is later; and>
 101-18              <(2)  with respect to the liability of an indorser,
 101-19  seven days after his indorsement.>
 101-20        <(c)  Where any presentment is due on a day which is not a
 101-21  full business day for either the person making presentment or the
 101-22  party to pay or accept, presentment is due on the next following
 101-23  day which is a full business day for both parties.>
 101-24        <(d)  Presentment to be sufficient must be made at a
 101-25  reasonable hour, and if at a bank during its banking day.>
 101-26        <Sec. 3.504.  ><How Presentment Made><.  (a)  Presentment is a
 101-27  demand for acceptance or payment made upon the maker, acceptor,
  102-1  drawee or other payor by or on behalf of the holder.>
  102-2        <(b)  Presentment may be made>
  102-3              <(1)  by mail, in which event the time of presentment
  102-4  is determined by the time of receipt of the mail; or>
  102-5              <(2)  through a clearing house; or>
  102-6              <(3)  at the place of acceptance or payment specified
  102-7  in the instrument or if there be none at the place of business or
  102-8  residence of the party to accept or pay.  If neither the party to
  102-9  accept or pay nor anyone authorized to act for him is present or
 102-10  accessible at such place presentment is excused.>
 102-11        <(c)  It may be made>
 102-12              <(1)  to any one of two or more makers, acceptors,
 102-13  drawees or other payors; or>
 102-14              <(2)  to any person who has authority to make or refuse
 102-15  the acceptance or payment.>
 102-16        <(d)  A draft accepted or a note made payable at a bank in
 102-17  the United States must be presented at such bank.>
 102-18        <(e)  In the cases described in Section 4.210 presentment may
 102-19  be made in the manner and with the result stated in that section.>
 102-20        <Sec. 3.505.  ><Rights of Party to Whom Presentment Is Made><.
 102-21  (a)  The party to whom presentment is made may without dishonor
 102-22  require>
 102-23              <(1)  exhibition of the instrument; and>
 102-24              <(2)  reasonable identification of the person making
 102-25  presentment and evidence of his authority to make it if made for
 102-26  another; and>
 102-27              <(3)  that the instrument be produced for acceptance or
  103-1  payment at a place specified in it, or if there be none at any
  103-2  place reasonable in the circumstances; and>
  103-3              <(4)  a signed receipt on the instrument for any
  103-4  partial or full payment and its surrender upon full payment.>
  103-5        <(b)  Failure to comply with any such requirement invalidates
  103-6  the presentment but the person presenting has a reasonable time in
  103-7  which to comply and the time for acceptance or payment runs from
  103-8  the time of compliance.>
  103-9        <Sec. 3.506.  ><Time Allowed for Acceptance or Payment><.
 103-10  (a)  Acceptance may be deferred without dishonor until the close of
 103-11  the next business day following presentment.  The holder may also
 103-12  in a good faith effort to obtain acceptance and without either
 103-13  dishonor of the instrument or discharge of secondary parties allow
 103-14  postponement of acceptance for an additional business day.>
 103-15        <(b)  Except as a longer time is allowed in the case of
 103-16  documentary drafts drawn under a letter of credit, and unless an
 103-17  earlier time is agreed to by the party to pay, payment of an
 103-18  instrument may be deferred without dishonor pending reasonable
 103-19  examination to determine whether it is properly payable, but
 103-20  payment must be made in any event before the close of business on
 103-21  the day of presentment.>
 103-22        <Sec. 3.507.  ><Dishonor; Holder's Right of Recourse; Term
 103-23  Allowing Re-Presentment><.  (a)  An instrument is dishonored when>
 103-24              <(1)  a necessary or optional presentment is duly made
 103-25  and due acceptance or payment is refused or cannot be obtained
 103-26  within the prescribed time or in case of bank collections the
 103-27  instrument is seasonably returned by the midnight deadline (Section
  104-1  4.301); or>
  104-2              <(2)  presentment is excused and the instrument is not
  104-3  duly accepted or paid.>
  104-4        <(b)  Subject to any necessary notice of dishonor and
  104-5  protest, the holder has upon dishonor an immediate right of
  104-6  recourse against the drawers and indorsers.>
  104-7        <(c)  Return of an instrument for lack of proper indorsement
  104-8  is not dishonor.>
  104-9        <(d)  A term in a draft or an indorsement thereof allowing a
 104-10  stated time for re-presentment in the event of any dishonor of the
 104-11  draft by nonacceptance if a time draft or by nonpayment if a sight
 104-12  draft gives the holder as against any secondary party bound by the
 104-13  term an option to waive the dishonor without affecting the
 104-14  liability of the secondary party and he may present again up to the
 104-15  end of the stated time.>
 104-16        <Sec. 3.508.  ><Notice of Dishonor><.  (a)  Notice of dishonor
 104-17  may be given to any person who may be liable on the instrument by
 104-18  or on behalf of the holder or any party who has himself received
 104-19  notice, or any other party who can be compelled to pay the
 104-20  instrument.   In addition an agent or bank in whose hands the
 104-21  instrument is dishonored may give notice to his principal or
 104-22  customer or to another agent or bank from which the instrument was
 104-23  received.>
 104-24        <(b)  Any necessary notice must be given by a bank before its
 104-25  midnight deadline and by any other person before midnight of the
 104-26  third business day after dishonor or receipt of notice of dishonor.>
 104-27        <(c)  Notice may be given in any reasonable manner.  It may
  105-1  be oral or written and in any terms which identify the instrument
  105-2  and state that it has been dishonored.  A misdescription which does
  105-3  not mislead the party notified does not vitiate the notice.
  105-4  Sending the instrument bearing a stamp, ticket or writing stating
  105-5  that acceptance or payment has been refused or sending a notice of
  105-6  debit with respect to the instrument is sufficient.>
  105-7        <(d)  Written notice is given when sent although it is not
  105-8  received.>
  105-9        <(e)  Notice to one partner is notice to each although the
 105-10  firm has been dissolved.>
 105-11        <(f)  When any party is in insolvency proceedings instituted
 105-12  after the issue of the instrument notice may be given either to the
 105-13  party or to the representative of his estate.>
 105-14        <(g)  When any party is dead or incompetent notice may be
 105-15  sent to his last known address or given to his personal
 105-16  representative.>
 105-17        <(h)  Notice operates for the benefit of all parties who have
 105-18  rights on the instrument against the party notified.>
 105-19        <Sec. 3.509.  ><Protest; Noting for Protest><.  (a)  A protest is
 105-20  a certificate of dishonor made under the hand and seal of a United
 105-21  States consul or vice-consul or a notary public or other person
 105-22  authorized to certify dishonor by the law of the place where
 105-23  dishonor occurs.  It may be made upon information satisfactory to
 105-24  such person.>
 105-25        <(b)  The protest must identify the instrument and certify
 105-26  either that due presentment has been made or the reason why it is
 105-27  excused and that the instrument has been dishonored by
  106-1  nonacceptance or nonpayment.>
  106-2        <(c)  The protest may also certify that notice of dishonor
  106-3  has been given to all parties or to specified parties.>
  106-4        <(d)  Subject to Subsection (e) any necessary protest is due
  106-5  by the time that notice of dishonor is due.>
  106-6        <(e)  If, before protest is due, an instrument has been noted
  106-7  for protest by the officer to make protest, the protest may be made
  106-8  at any time thereafter as of the date of the noting.>
  106-9        <Sec. 3.510.  ><Evidence of Dishonor and Notice of Dishonor><.
 106-10  The following are admissible as evidence and create a presumption
 106-11  of dishonor and of any notice of dishonor therein shown:>
 106-12              <(1)  a document regular in form as provided in the
 106-13  preceding section which purports to be a protest;>
 106-14              <(2)  the purported stamp or writing of the drawee,
 106-15  payor bank or presenting bank on the instrument or accompanying it
 106-16  stating that acceptance or payment has been refused for reasons
 106-17  consistent with dishonor;>
 106-18              <(3)  any book or record of the drawee, payor bank, or
 106-19  any collecting bank kept in the usual course of business which
 106-20  shows dishonor, even though there is no evidence of who made the
 106-21  entry.>
 106-22        <Sec. 3.511.  ><Waived or Excused Presentment, Protest or
 106-23  Notice of Dishonor or Delay Therein><.  (a)  Delay in presentment,
 106-24  protest or notice of dishonor is excused when the party is without
 106-25  notice that it is due or when the delay is caused by circumstances
 106-26  beyond his control and he exercises reasonable diligence after the
 106-27  cause of the delay ceases to operate.>
  107-1        <(b)  Presentment or notice or protest as the case may be is
  107-2  entirely excused when>
  107-3              <(1)  the party to be charged has waived it expressly
  107-4  or by implication either before or after it is due; or>
  107-5              <(2)  such party has himself dishonored the instrument
  107-6  or has countermanded payment or otherwise has no reason to expect
  107-7  or right to require that the instrument be accepted or paid; or>
  107-8              <(3)  by reasonable diligence the presentment or
  107-9  protest cannot be made or the notice given.>
 107-10        <(c)  Presentment is also entirely excused when>
 107-11              <(1)  the maker, acceptor or drawee of any instrument
 107-12  except a documentary draft is dead or in insolvency proceedings
 107-13  instituted after the issue of the instrument; or>
 107-14              <(2)  acceptance or payment is refused but not for want
 107-15  of proper presentment.>
 107-16        <(d)  Where a draft has been dishonored by nonacceptance a
 107-17  later presentment for payment and any notice of dishonor and
 107-18  protest for nonpayment are excused unless in the meantime the
 107-19  instrument has been accepted.>
 107-20        <(e)  A waiver of protest is also a waiver of presentment and
 107-21  of notice of dishonor even though protest is not required.>
 107-22        <(f)  Where a waiver of presentment or notice or protest is
 107-23  embodied in the instrument itself it is binding upon all parties;
 107-24  but where it is written above the signature of an indorser it binds
 107-25  him only.>
 107-26                       <SUBCHAPTER F.  DISCHARGE>
 107-27        <Sec. 3.601.  ><Discharge of Parties><.  (a)  The extent of the
  108-1  discharge of any party from liability on an instrument is governed
  108-2  by the sections on>
  108-3              <(1)  payment or satisfaction (Section 3.603); or>
  108-4              <(2)  tender of payment (Section 3.604); or>
  108-5              <(3)  cancellation or renunciation (Section 3.605); or>
  108-6              <(4)  impairment of right of recourse or of collateral
  108-7  (Section 3.606); or>
  108-8              <(5)  reacquisition of the instrument by a prior party
  108-9  (Section 3.208); or>
 108-10              <(6)  fraudulent and material alteration (Section
 108-11  3.407); or>
 108-12              <(7)  certification of a check (Section 3.411); or>
 108-13              <(8)  acceptance varying a draft (Section 3.412); or>
 108-14              <(9)  unexcused delay in presentment or notice of
 108-15  dishonor or protest (Section 3.502).>
 108-16        <(b)  Any party is also discharged from his liability on an
 108-17  instrument to another party by any other act or agreement with such
 108-18  party which would discharge his simple contract for the payment of
 108-19  money.>
 108-20        <(c)  The liability of all parties is discharged when any
 108-21  party who has himself no right of action or recourse on the
 108-22  instrument>
 108-23              <(1)  reacquires the instrument in his own right; or>
 108-24              <(2)  is discharged under any provision of this
 108-25  Chapter, except as otherwise provided with respect to discharge for
 108-26  impairment of recourse or of collateral (Section 3.606).>
 108-27        <Sec. 3.602.  ><Effect of Discharge Against Holder in Due
  109-1  Course><.  No discharge of any party provided by this chapter is
  109-2  effective against a subsequent holder in due course unless he has
  109-3  notice thereof when he takes the instrument.>
  109-4        <Sec. 3.603.  ><Payment or Satisfaction><.  (a)  The liability of
  109-5  any party is discharged to the extent of his payment or
  109-6  satisfaction to the holder even though it is made with knowledge of
  109-7  a claim of another person to the instrument unless prior to such
  109-8  payment or satisfaction the person making the claim either supplies
  109-9  indemnity deemed adequate by the party seeking the discharge or
 109-10  enjoins payment or satisfaction by order of a court of competent
 109-11  jurisdiction in an action in which the adverse claimant and the
 109-12  holder are parties.  This subsection does not, however, result in
 109-13  the discharge of the liability>
 109-14              <(1)  of a party who in bad faith pays or satisfies a
 109-15  holder who acquired the instrument by theft or who (unless having
 109-16  the rights of a holder in due course) holds through one who so
 109-17  acquired it; or>
 109-18              <(2)  of a party (other than an intermediary bank or a
 109-19  payor bank which is not a depositary bank) who pays or satisfies
 109-20  the holder of an instrument which has been restrictively indorsed
 109-21  in a manner not consistent with the terms of such restrictive
 109-22  indorsement.>
 109-23        <(b)  Payment or satisfaction may be made with the consent of
 109-24  the holder by any person including a stranger to the instrument.
 109-25  Surrender of the instrument to such a person gives him the rights
 109-26  of a transferee (Section 3.201).>
 109-27        <Sec. 3.604.  ><Tender of Payment><.  (a)  Any party making
  110-1  tender of full payment to a holder when or after it is due is
  110-2  discharged to the extent of all subsequent liability for interest,
  110-3  costs and attorney's fees.>
  110-4        <(b)  The holder's refusal of such tender wholly discharges
  110-5  any party who has a right of recourse against the party making the
  110-6  tender.>
  110-7        <(c)  Where the maker or acceptor of an instrument payable
  110-8  otherwise than on demand is able and ready to pay at every place of
  110-9  payment specified in the instrument when it is due, it is
 110-10  equivalent to tender.>
 110-11        <Sec. 3.605.  ><Cancellation and Renunciation><.  (a)  The holder
 110-12  of an instrument may even without consideration discharge any party>
 110-13              <(1)  in any manner apparent on the face of the
 110-14  instrument or the indorsement, as by intentionally cancelling the
 110-15  instrument or the party's signature by destruction or mutilation,
 110-16  or by striking out the party's signature; or>
 110-17              <(2)  by renouncing his rights by a writing signed and
 110-18  delivered or by surrender of the instrument to the party to be
 110-19  discharged.>
 110-20        <(b)  Neither cancellation nor renunciation without surrender
 110-21  of the instrument affects the title thereto.>
 110-22        <Sec. 3.606.  ><Impairment of Recourse or of Collateral><.
 110-23  (a)  The holder discharges any party to the instrument to the
 110-24  extent that without such party's consent the holder>
 110-25              <(1)  without express reservation of rights releases or
 110-26  agrees not to sue any person against whom the party has to the
 110-27  knowledge of the holder a right of recourse or agrees to suspend
  111-1  the right to enforce against such person the instrument or
  111-2  collateral or otherwise discharges such person, except that failure
  111-3  or delay in effecting any required presentment, protest or notice
  111-4  of dishonor with respect to any such person does not discharge any
  111-5  party as to whom presentment, protest or notice of dishonor is
  111-6  effective or unnecessary; or>
  111-7              <(2)  unjustifiably impairs any collateral for the
  111-8  instrument given by or on behalf of the party or any person against
  111-9  whom he has a right of recourse.>
 111-10        <(b)  By express reservation of rights against a party with a
 111-11  right of recourse the holder preserves>
 111-12              <(1)  all his rights against such party as of the time
 111-13  when the instrument was originally due; and>
 111-14              <(2)  the right of the party to pay the instrument as
 111-15  of that time; and>
 111-16              <(3)  all rights of such party to recourse against
 111-17  others.>
 111-19        <Sec. 3.701.  ><Letter of Advice of International Sight Draft><.
 111-20  (a)  A "letter of advice" is a drawer's communication to the drawee
 111-21  that a described draft has been drawn.>
 111-22        <(b)  Unless otherwise agreed when a bank receives from
 111-23  another bank a letter of advice of an international sight draft the
 111-24  drawee bank may immediately debit the drawer's account and stop the
 111-25  running of interest pro tanto.  Such a debit and any resulting
 111-26  credit to any account covering outstanding drafts leaves in the
 111-27  drawer full power to stop payment or otherwise dispose of the
  112-1  amount and creates no trust or interest in favor of the holder.>
  112-2        <(c)  Unless otherwise agreed and except where a draft is
  112-3  drawn under a credit issued by the drawee, the drawee of an
  112-4  international sight draft owes the drawer no duty to pay an
  112-5  unadvised draft but if it does so and the draft is genuine, may
  112-6  appropriately debit the drawer's account.>
  112-7                     <SUBCHAPTER H.  MISCELLANEOUS>
  112-8        <Sec. 3.801.  ><Drafts in a Set><.  (a)  Where a draft is drawn
  112-9  in a set of parts, each of which is numbered and expressed to be an
 112-10  order only if no other part has been honored, the whole of the
 112-11  parts constitutes one draft but a taker of any part may become a
 112-12  holder in due course of the draft.>
 112-13        <(b)  Any person who negotiates, indorses or accepts a single
 112-14  part of a draft drawn in a set thereby becomes liable to any holder
 112-15  in due course of that part as if it were the whole set, but as
 112-16  between different holders in due course to whom different parts
 112-17  have been negotiated the holder whose title first accrues has all
 112-18  rights to the draft and its proceeds.>
 112-19        <(c)  As against the drawee the first presented part of a
 112-20  draft drawn in a set is the part entitled to payment, or if a time
 112-21  draft to acceptance and payment.  Acceptance of any subsequently
 112-22  presented part renders the drawee liable thereon under Subsection
 112-23  (b).  With respect both to a holder and to the drawer payment of a
 112-24  subsequently presented part of a draft payable at sight has the
 112-25  same effect as payment of a check notwithstanding an effective stop
 112-26  order (Section 4.407).>
 112-27        <(d)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, where any
  113-1  part of a draft in a set is discharged by payment or otherwise the
  113-2  whole draft is discharged.>
  113-3        <Sec. 3.802.  ><Effect of Instrument on Obligation for Which It
  113-4  Is Given><.  (a)  Unless otherwise agreed where an instrument is
  113-5  taken for an underlying obligation>
  113-6              <(1)  the obligation is pro tanto discharged if a bank
  113-7  is drawer, maker or acceptor of the instrument and there is no
  113-8  recourse on the instrument against the underlying obligor; and>
  113-9              <(2)  in any other case the obligation is suspended pro
 113-10  tanto until the instrument is due or if it is payable on demand
 113-11  until its presentment.  If the instrument is dishonored action may
 113-12  be maintained on either the instrument or the obligation; discharge
 113-13  of the underlying obligor on the instrument also discharges him on
 113-14  the obligation.>
 113-15        <(b)  The taking in good faith of a check which is not
 113-16  postdated does not of itself so extend the time on the original
 113-17  obligation as to discharge a surety.>
 113-18        <Sec. 3.803.  ><Notice to Third Party><.  Where a defendant is
 113-19  sued for breach of an obligation for which a third person is
 113-20  answerable over under this chapter he may give the third person
 113-21  written notice of the litigation, and the person notified may then
 113-22  give similar notice to any other person who is answerable over to
 113-23  him under this chapter.  If the notice states that the person
 113-24  notified may come in and defend and that if the person notified
 113-25  does not do so he will in any action against him by the person
 113-26  giving the notice be bound by any determination of fact common to
 113-27  the two litigations, then unless after seasonable receipt of the
  114-1  notice the person notified does come in and defend he is so bound.>
  114-2        <Sec. 3.804.  ><Lost, Destroyed or Stolen Instruments><.  The
  114-3  owner of an instrument which is lost, whether by destruction, theft
  114-4  or otherwise, may maintain an action in his own name and recover
  114-5  from any party liable thereon upon due proof of his ownership, the
  114-6  facts which prevent his production of the instrument and its terms.
  114-7  The court may require security indemnifying the defendant against
  114-8  loss by reason of further claims on the instrument.>
  114-9        <Sec. 3.805.  ><Instruments Not Payable to Order or to Bearer><.
 114-10  This chapter applies to any instrument whose terms do not preclude
 114-11  transfer and which is otherwise negotiable within this chapter but
 114-12  which is not payable to order or to bearer, except that there can
 114-13  be no holder in due course of such an instrument.>
 114-14        SECTION 2.  Sections 1.201(20), (24), (43), and (44),
 114-15  Business & Commerce Code, are amended to read as follows:
 114-16              (20)  "Holder" with respect to a negotiable instrument
 114-17  means the person in possession if the instrument is payable to
 114-18  bearer or, in the case of an instrument payable to an identified
 114-19  person, if the identified person is in possession.  "Holder" with
 114-20  respect to a document of title means the person in possession if
 114-21  the goods are deliverable to bearer or to the order of the person
 114-22  in possession <means a person who is in possession of a document of
 114-23  title or an instrument or a certificated investment security drawn,
 114-24  issued, or indorsed to him or to his order or to bearer or in
 114-25  blank>.
 114-26              (24)  "Money" means a medium of exchange authorized or
 114-27  adopted by a domestic or foreign government and includes a monetary
  115-1  unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or
  115-2  by agreement between two or more nations <as a part of its
  115-3  currency>.
  115-4              (43)  "Unauthorized" signature <or indorsement> means
  115-5  one made without actual, implied, or apparent authority and
  115-6  includes a forgery.
  115-7              (44)  "Value".  Except as otherwise provided with
  115-8  respect to negotiable instruments and bank collections (Sections
  115-9  3.303, 4.210, <4.208> and 4.211 <4.209>) a person gives "value" for
 115-10  rights if he acquires them:
 115-11                    (A)  in return for a binding commitment to extend
 115-12  credit or for the extension of immediately available credit whether
 115-13  or not drawn upon and whether or not a charge-back is provided for
 115-14  in the event of difficulties in collection; <or>
 115-15                    (B)  as security for or in total or partial
 115-16  satisfaction of a pre-existing claim; <or>
 115-17                    (C)  by accepting delivery pursuant to a
 115-18  pre-existing contract for purchase; or
 115-19                    (D)  generally, in return for any consideration
 115-20  sufficient to support a simple contract.
 115-21        SECTION 3.  Section 1.207, Business & Commerce Code, is
 115-22  amended to read as follows:
 115-23        Sec. 1.207.  Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of
 115-24  Rights.  (a)  A party who, with explicit reservation of rights,
 115-25  performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a
 115-26  manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby
 115-27  prejudice the rights reserved.  Such words as "without prejudice",
  116-1  "under protest", or the like are sufficient.
  116-2        (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to an accord and
  116-3  satisfaction.
  116-4        SECTION 4.  Chapter 4, Business & Commerce Code, is amended
  116-5  to read as follows:
  116-8        Sec. 4.101.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as
  116-9  Uniform Commercial Code--Bank Deposits and Collections.
 116-10        Sec. 4.102.  APPLICABILITY.  (a)  To the extent that items
 116-11  within this chapter are also within <the scope of> Chapters 3 and
 116-12  8, they are subject to <the provisions of> those chapters.  If
 116-13  there is <In the event of> conflict, <the provisions of> this
 116-14  chapter governs <govern those of> Chapter 3, but <the provisions
 116-15  of> Chapter 8 governs <govern those of> this chapter.
 116-16        (b)  The liability of a bank for action or non-action with
 116-17  respect to an <any> item handled by it for purposes of presentment,
 116-18  payment, or collection is governed by the law of the place where
 116-19  the bank is located.  In the case of action or non-action by or at
 116-20  a branch or separate office of a bank, its liability is governed by
 116-21  the law of the place where the branch or separate office is
 116-22  located.
 116-23        Sec. 4.103.  Variation by Agreement; Measure of Damages;
 116-24  <Certain> Action Constituting Ordinary Care.  (a)  The effect of
 116-25  the provisions of this chapter may be varied by agreement, but the
 116-26  parties to the agreement cannot <except that no agreement can>
 116-27  disclaim a bank's responsibility for its <own> lack of good faith
  117-1  or failure to exercise ordinary care or <can> limit the measure of
  117-2  damages for the <such> lack or failure.  However,<; but> the
  117-3  parties may determine by agreement <determine> the standards by
  117-4  which the bank's <such> responsibility is to be measured if those
  117-5  <such> standards are not manifestly unreasonable.
  117-6        (b)  Federal Reserve regulations and operating circulars
  117-7  <letters>, clearing-house <clearing house> rules, and the like<,>
  117-8  have the effect of agreements under Subsection (a), whether or not
  117-9  specifically assented to by all parties interested in items
 117-10  handled.
 117-11        (c)  Action or non-action approved by this chapter or
 117-12  pursuant to Federal Reserve regulations or operating circulars is
 117-13  <letters constitutes> the exercise of ordinary care and, in the
 117-14  absence of special instructions, action or non-action consistent
 117-15  with clearing-house <clearing house> rules and the like or with a
 117-16  general banking usage not disapproved by this chapter, is prima
 117-17  facie <constitutes> the exercise of ordinary care.
 117-18        (d)  The specification or approval of certain procedures by
 117-19  this chapter is not <does not constitute> disapproval of other
 117-20  procedures that <which> may be reasonable under the circumstances.
 117-21        (e)  The measure of damages for failure to exercise ordinary
 117-22  care in handling an item is the amount of the item reduced by an
 117-23  amount that <which> could not have been realized by the exercise
 117-24  <use> of ordinary care.  If<, and where> there is also bad faith,
 117-25  it includes any other damages<, if any, suffered by> the party
 117-26  suffered as a proximate consequence.
 117-27        Sec. 4.104.  Definitions and Index of Definitions.  (a)  In
  118-1  this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
  118-2              (1)  "Account" means any deposit or credit account with
  118-3  a bank, including a demand, time, savings, passbook, share draft,
  118-4  or like account, other than an account evidenced by a certificate
  118-5  of deposit. <and includes a checking, time, interest or savings
  118-6  account;>
  118-7              (2)  "Afternoon" means the period of a day between noon
  118-8  and midnight.<;>
  118-9              (3)  "Banking day" means the <that> part of a <any> day
 118-10  on which a bank is open to the public for carrying on substantially
 118-11  all of its banking functions.<;>
 118-12              (4)  "Clearing house" means an <any> association of
 118-13  banks or other payors regularly clearing items.<;>
 118-14              (5)  "Customer" means a <any> person having an account
 118-15  with a bank or for whom a bank has agreed to collect items,
 118-16  including <and includes> a bank that maintains <carrying> an
 118-17  account at <with> another bank.<;>
 118-18              (6)  "Documentary draft" means a draft to be presented
 118-19  for acceptance or payment if specified documents, certificated
 118-20  securities (Section 8.102) or instructions for uncertificated
 118-21  securities (Section 8.308), or other certificates, statements, or
 118-22  the like are to be received by the drawee or other payor before
 118-23  acceptance or payment of the draft.  <any negotiable or
 118-24  non-negotiable draft with accompanying documents, securities or
 118-25  other papers to be delivered against honor of the draft;>
 118-26              (7)  "Draft" means a draft as defined in Section 3.104
 118-27  or an item, other than an instrument, that is an order.
  119-1              (8)  "Drawee" means a person ordered in a draft to make
  119-2  payment.
  119-3              (9) <(7)>  "Item" means an instrument or a promise or
  119-4  order to pay money handled by a bank for collection or payment.
  119-5  The term does not include a payment order governed by Chapter 4A or
  119-6  a credit or debit card slip. <any instrument for the payment of
  119-7  money even though it is not negotiable but does not include money;>
  119-8              (10) <(8)>  "Midnight deadline" with respect to a bank
  119-9  is midnight on its next banking day following the banking day on
 119-10  which it receives the relevant item or notice or from which the
 119-11  time for taking action commences to run, whichever is later.<;>
 119-12              <(9)  "Properly payable" includes the availability of
 119-13  funds for payment at the time of decision to pay or dishonor;>
 119-14              (11) <(10)>  "Settle" means to pay in cash, by
 119-15  clearing-house <clearing house> settlement, in a charge or credit
 119-16  or by remittance, or otherwise as agreed <instructed>.  A
 119-17  settlement may be either provisional or final.<;>
 119-18              (12) <(11)>  "Suspends payments" with respect to a bank
 119-19  means that it has been closed by order of the supervisory
 119-20  authorities, that a public officer has been appointed to take it
 119-21  over, or that it ceases or refuses to make payments in the ordinary
 119-22  course of business.
 119-23        (b)  Other definitions applying to this chapter and the
 119-24  sections in which they appear are:
 119-25              "Agreement for electronic
 119-26              presentment"                 Section 4.110.
 119-27              "Bank"                       Section 4.105.
  120-1              "Collecting bank"            Section 4.105.
  120-2              "Depositary bank"            Section 4.105.
  120-3              "Intermediary bank"          Section 4.105.
  120-4              "Payor bank"                 Section 4.105.
  120-5              "Presenting bank"            Section 4.105.
  120-6              "Presentment notice"         Section 4.110.
  120-7              <"Remitting bank">            <Section 4.105.>
  120-8        (c)  The following definitions in other chapters apply to
  120-9  this chapter:
 120-10              "Acceptance"                 Section 3.409 <3.410>.
 120-11              "Alteration"                 Section 3.407.
 120-12              "Cashier's check"            Section 3.104.
 120-13              "Certificate of deposit"     Section 3.104.
 120-14              "Certified check"            Section 3.409.
 120-15              <"Certification">             <Section 3.411.>
 120-16              "Check"                      Section 3.104.
 120-17              <"Draft">                     <Section 3.104.>
 120-18              "Good faith"                 Section 3.103.
 120-19              "Holder in due course"       Section 3.302.
 120-20              "Instrument"                 Section 3.104.
 120-21              "Notice of dishonor"         Section 3.503 <3.508>.
 120-22              "Order"                      Section 3.103.
 120-23              "Ordinary care"              Section 3.103.
 120-24              "Person entitled to enforce" Section 3.301.
 120-25              "Presentment"                Section 3.501 <3.504>.
 120-26              "Promise"                    Section 3.103.
 120-27              "Prove"                      Section 3.103.
  121-1              "Teller's check"             Section 3.104.
  121-2              "Unauthorized signature"     Section 3.403.
  121-3              <"Protest">                   <Section 3.509.>
  121-4              <"Secondary party">           <Section 3.102.>
  121-5        (d)  In addition, Chapter 1 contains general definitions and
  121-6  principles of construction and interpretation applicable throughout
  121-7  this chapter.
  121-8        Sec. 4.105.  "BANK"; "Depositary Bank"; "Intermediary Bank";
  121-9  "Collecting Bank"; "Payor Bank"; "Presenting Bank"<; "Remitting
 121-10  Bank">.  In this chapter <unless the context otherwise requires>:
 121-11              (1)  "Bank" means a person engaged in the business of
 121-12  banking, including a savings bank, savings and loan association,
 121-13  credit union, or trust company.
 121-14              (2)  "Depositary bank" means the first bank to take
 121-15  <which> an item <is transferred for collection> even though it is
 121-16  also the payor bank, unless the item is presented for immediate
 121-17  payment over the counter.<;>
 121-18              (3) <(2)>  "Payor bank" means a bank that is the drawee
 121-19  of a draft. <by which an item is payable as drawn or accepted;>
 121-20              (4) <(3)>  "Intermediary bank" means a <any> bank to
 121-21  which an item is transferred in course of collection except the
 121-22  depositary or payor bank.<;>
 121-23              (5) <(4)>  "Collecting bank" means a <any> bank
 121-24  handling an <the> item for collection except the payor bank.<;>
 121-25              (6) <(5)>  "Presenting bank" means a <any> bank
 121-26  presenting an item except a payor bank.<;>
 121-27              <(6)  "Remitting bank" means any payor or intermediary
  122-1  bank remitting for an item.>
  122-3  BANK.  (a)  If an item states that it is "payable through" a bank
  122-4  identified in the item, the item:
  122-5              (1)  designates the bank as a collecting bank and does
  122-6  not by itself authorize the bank to pay the item; and
  122-7              (2)  may be presented for payment only by or through
  122-8  the bank.
  122-9        (b)  If an item states that it is "payable at" a bank
 122-10  identified in the item, the item is equivalent to a draft drawn on
 122-11  the bank.
 122-12        (c)  If a draft names a nonbank drawee and it is unclear
 122-13  whether a bank named in the draft is a co-drawee or a collecting
 122-14  bank, the bank is a collecting bank.
 122-15        Sec. 4.107 <4.106>.  SEPARATE OFFICE OF A BANK.  A branch or
 122-16  separate office of a bank is a separate bank for the purpose of
 122-17  computing the time within which and determining the place at or to
 122-18  which action may be taken or notices or orders must <shall> be
 122-19  given under this chapter and under Chapter 3.
 122-20        Sec. 4.108 <4.107>.  TIME OF RECEIPT OF ITEMS.  (a)  For the
 122-21  purpose of allowing time to process items, prove balances, and make
 122-22  the necessary entries on its books to determine its position for
 122-23  the day, a bank may fix an afternoon hour of two P.M. or later as a
 122-24  cutoff <cut-off> hour for the handling of money and items and the
 122-25  making of entries on its books.
 122-26        (b)  An <Any> item or deposit of money received on any day
 122-27  after a cutoff <cut-off> hour so fixed or after the close of the
  123-1  banking day may be treated as being received at the opening of the
  123-2  next banking day.
  123-3        Sec. 4.109 <4.108>.  DELAYS.  (a)  Unless otherwise
  123-4  instructed, a collecting bank in a good faith effort to secure
  123-5  payment <may, in the case> of a specific item drawn on a payor
  123-6  other than a bank, <items> and with or without the approval of any
  123-7  person involved, may waive, modify, or extend time limits imposed
  123-8  or permitted by this title for a period not exceeding two <in
  123-9  excess of an> additional banking days <day> without discharge of
 123-10  drawers or indorsers or <secondary parties and without> liability
 123-11  to its transferor or a <any> prior party.
 123-12        (b)  Delay by a collecting bank or payor bank beyond time
 123-13  limits prescribed or permitted by this title or by instructions is
 123-14  excused if:
 123-15              (1)  the delay is caused by interruption of
 123-16  communication or computer facilities, suspension of payments by
 123-17  another bank, war, emergency conditions, failure of equipment, or
 123-18  other circumstances beyond the control of the bank; and
 123-19              (2)  the bank <provided it> exercises such diligence as
 123-20  the circumstances require.
 123-21        Sec. 4.110.  ELECTRONIC PRESENTMENT.  (a)  "Agreement for
 123-22  electronic presentment" means an agreement, clearing-house rule, or
 123-23  Federal Reserve regulation or operating circular providing that
 123-24  presentment of an item may be made by transmission of an image of
 123-25  an item or information describing the item ("presentment notice")
 123-26  rather than delivery of the item itself.  The agreement may provide
 123-27  for procedures governing retention, presentment, payment, dishonor,
  124-1  and other matters concerning items subject to the agreement.
  124-2        (b)  Presentment of an item under an agreement for
  124-3  presentment is made when the presentment notice is received.
  124-4        (c)  If presentment is made by presentment notice, a
  124-5  reference to "item" or "check" in this chapter means the
  124-6  presentment notice unless the context otherwise indicates.
  124-7        Sec. 4.111.  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.  An action to enforce an
  124-8  obligation, duty, or right arising under this chapter must be
  124-9  commenced within three years after the cause of action accrues.
 124-11                           COLLECTING BANKS
 124-15  (a)  Unless a contrary intent clearly appears and before <prior to>
 124-16  the time that a settlement given by  a collecting bank for an item
 124-17  is or becomes final, <(Subsection (c) of Section 4.211 and Sections
 124-18  4.212 and 4.213)> the bank, with respect to the item, is an agent
 124-19  or sub-agent of the owner of the item and any settlement given for
 124-20  the item is provisional.  This provision applies regardless of the
 124-21  form of indorsement or lack of indorsement and even though credit
 124-22  given for the item is subject to immediate withdrawal as of right
 124-23  or is in fact withdrawn; but the continuance of ownership of an
 124-24  item by its owner and any rights of the owner to proceeds of the
 124-25  item are subject to rights of a collecting bank, such as those
 124-26  resulting from outstanding advances on the item and <valid> rights
 124-27  of recoupment or setoff.  If <When> an item is handled by banks for
  125-1  purposes of presentment, payment, <and> collection, or return, the
  125-2  relevant provisions of this chapter apply even though action of the
  125-3  parties clearly establishes that a particular bank has purchased
  125-4  the item and is the owner of it.
  125-5        (b)  After an item has been indorsed with the words "pay any
  125-6  bank" or the like, only a bank may acquire the rights of a holder
  125-7  until the item has been:
  125-8              (1)  <until the item has been> returned to the customer
  125-9  initiating collection; or
 125-10              (2)  <until the item has been> specially indorsed by a
 125-11  bank to a person who is not a bank.
 125-13  ACTION TIMELY <SEASONABLE>.  (a)  A collecting bank must exercise
 125-14  <use> ordinary care in:
 125-15              (1)  presenting an item or sending it for presentment;
 125-16  <and>
 125-17              (2)  sending notice of dishonor or non-payment or
 125-18  returning an item other than a documentary draft to the bank's
 125-19  transferor <or directly to the depositary bank under Subsection (b)
 125-20  of Section 4.212> after learning that the item has not been paid or
 125-21  accepted, as the case may be; <and>
 125-22              (3)  settling for an item when the bank receives final
 125-23  settlement; and
 125-24              (4)  <making or providing for any necessary protest;
 125-25  and>
 125-26              <(5)>  notifying its transferor of any loss or delay in
 125-27  transit within a reasonable time after discovery thereof.
  126-1        (b)  A collecting bank exercises ordinary care under
  126-2  Subsection (a) by taking proper action before its midnight deadline
  126-3  following receipt of an item, notice, or settlement.  Taking
  126-4  <payment acts seasonably; taking> proper action within a reasonably
  126-5  longer time may constitute the exercise of ordinary care, <be
  126-6  seasonable> but the bank has the burden of <so> establishing
  126-7  timeliness.
  126-8        (c)  Subject to Subsection (a)(1), a bank is not liable for
  126-9  the insolvency, neglect, misconduct, mistake, or default of another
 126-10  bank or person or for loss or destruction of an item in the
 126-11  possession of others or in transit <or in the possession of
 126-12  others>.
 126-13        Sec. 4.203.  Effect of Instructions.  Subject to <the
 126-14  provisions of> Chapter 3 concerning conversion of instruments
 126-15  (Section 3.420 <3.419>) and <the provisions of both Chapter 3 and
 126-16  this chapter concerning> restrictive indorsements (Section 3.206),
 126-17  only a collecting bank's transferor can give instructions that
 126-18  <which> affect the bank or constitute notice to it, and a
 126-19  collecting bank is not liable to prior parties for any action taken
 126-20  pursuant to the <such> instructions or in accordance with any
 126-21  agreement with its transferor.
 126-22        Sec. 4.204.  Methods of Sending and Presenting; Sending
 126-23  DIRECTLY <Direct> to Payor Bank.  (a)  A collecting bank shall
 126-24  <must> send items by a reasonably prompt method, taking into
 126-25  consideration <any> relevant instructions, the nature of the item,
 126-26  the number of those <such> items on hand, <and> the cost of
 126-27  collection involved, and the method generally used by it or others
  127-1  to present those <such> items.
  127-2        (b)  A collecting bank may send:
  127-3              (1)  an <any> item directly <direct> to the payor bank;
  127-4              (2)  an <any> item to a <any> non-bank payor if
  127-5  authorized by its transferor; and
  127-6              (3)  an <any> item other than a documentary draft
  127-7  <drafts> to a <any> non-bank payor, if authorized by Federal
  127-8  Reserve regulation or operating circular <letter>, clearing-house
  127-9  <clearing house> rule, or the like.
 127-10        (c)  Presentment may be made by a presenting bank at a place
 127-11  where the payor bank or other payor has requested that presentment
 127-12  be made.
 127-14  <Supplying Missing Indorsement; No Notice from Prior Indorsement>.
 127-15  If a customer delivers an item to a depositary bank for collection,
 127-16  the depositary bank:
 127-17              (1)  becomes a holder of the item at the time it
 127-18  receives the item for collection if the customer at the time of
 127-19  delivery was a holder of the item, whether or not the customer
 127-20  indorses the item, and, if the bank satisfies the other
 127-21  requirements of Section 3.302, the bank is a holder in due course;
 127-22  and
 127-23              (2)  warrants to collecting banks, the payor bank or
 127-24  other payor, and the drawer that the amount of the item was paid to
 127-25  the customer or deposited to the customer's account.  <(a)  A
 127-26  depositary bank which has taken an item for collection may supply
 127-27  any indorsement of the customer which is necessary to title unless
  128-1  the item contains the words "payee's indorsement required" or the
  128-2  like.  In the absence of such a requirement a statement placed on
  128-3  the item by the depositary bank to the effect that the item was
  128-4  deposited by a customer or credited to his account is effective as
  128-5  the customer's indorsement.>
  128-6        <(b)  An intermediary bank, or payor bank which is not a
  128-7  depositary bank, is neither given notice nor otherwise affected by
  128-8  a restrictive indorsement of any person except the bank's immediate
  128-9  transferor.>
 128-10        Sec. 4.206.  TRANSFER BETWEEN BANKS.  Any agreed method that
 128-11  <which> identifies the transferor bank is sufficient for the item's
 128-12  further transfer to another bank.
 128-13        Sec. 4.207.  TRANSFER WARRANTIES.  (a)  A customer or
 128-14  collecting bank that transfers an item and receives a settlement or
 128-15  other consideration warrants to the transferee and to any
 128-16  subsequent collecting bank that:
 128-17              (1)  the warrantor is a person entitled to enforce the
 128-18  item;
 128-19              (2)  all signatures on the item are authentic and
 128-20  authorized;
 128-21              (3)  the item has not been altered;
 128-22              (4)  the item is not subject to a defense or claim in
 128-23  recoupment (Section 3.305(a)) of any party that can be asserted
 128-24  against the warrantor; and
 128-25              (5)  the warrantor has no knowledge of any insolvency
 128-26  proceeding commenced with respect to the maker or acceptor or, in
 128-27  the case of an unaccepted draft, the drawer.
  129-1        (b)  If an item is dishonored, a customer or collecting bank
  129-2  transferring the item and receiving settlement or other
  129-3  consideration is obliged to pay the amount due on the item (i)
  129-4  according to the terms of the item at the time it was transferred,
  129-5  or (ii) if the transfer was of an incomplete item, according to its
  129-6  terms when completed as stated in Sections 3.115 and 3.407.  The
  129-7  obligation of a transferor is owed to the transferee and to any
  129-8  subsequent collecting bank that takes the item in good faith.  A
  129-9  transferor cannot disclaim its obligation under this subsection by
 129-10  an indorsement stating that it is made "without recourse" or
 129-11  otherwise disclaiming liability.
 129-12        (c)  A person to whom the warranties under Subsection (a) are
 129-13  made and who took the item in good faith may recover from the
 129-14  warrantor as damages for breach of warranty an amount equal to the
 129-15  loss suffered as a result of the breach, but not more than the
 129-16  amount of the item plus expenses and loss of interest incurred as a
 129-17  result of the breach.
 129-18        (d)  The warranties stated in Subsection (a) cannot be
 129-19  disclaimed with respect to checks.  Unless notice of a claim for
 129-20  breach of warranty is given to the warrantor within 30 days after
 129-21  the claimant has reason to know of the breach and the identity of
 129-22  the warrantor, the warrantor is discharged to the extent of any
 129-23  loss caused by the delay in giving notice of the claim.
 129-24        (e)  A cause of action for breach of warranty under this
 129-25  section accrues when the claimant has reason to know of the breach.
 129-27  PRESENTMENT OF ITEMS; TIME FOR CLAIMS.  (a)  Each customer or
  130-1  collecting bank who obtains payment or acceptance of an item and
  130-2  each prior customer and collecting bank warrants to the payor bank
  130-3  or other payor who in good faith pays or accepts the item that>
  130-4              <(1)  he has a good title to the item or is authorized
  130-5  to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who has a good
  130-6  title; and>
  130-7              <(2)  he has no knowledge that the signature of the
  130-8  maker or drawer is unauthorized, except that this warranty is not
  130-9  given by any customer or collecting bank that is a holder in due
 130-10  course and acts in good faith>
 130-11                    <(A)  to a maker with respect to the maker's own
 130-12  signature; or>
 130-13                    <(B)  to a drawer with respect to the drawer's
 130-14  own signature, whether or not the drawer is also the drawee; or>
 130-15                    <(C)  to an acceptor of an item if the holder in
 130-16  due course took the item after the acceptance or obtained the
 130-17  acceptance without knowledge that the drawer's signature was
 130-18  unauthorized; and>
 130-19              <(3)  the item has not been materially altered, except
 130-20  that this warranty is not given by any customer or collecting bank
 130-21  that is a holder in due course and acts in good faith>
 130-22                    <(A)  to the maker of a note; or>
 130-23                    <(B)  to the drawer of a draft whether or not the
 130-24  drawer is also the drawee; or>
 130-25                    <(C)  to the acceptor of an item with respect to
 130-26  an alteration made prior to the acceptance if the holder in due
 130-27  course took the item after the acceptance, even though the
  131-1  acceptance provided "payable as originally drawn" or equivalent
  131-2  terms; or>
  131-3                    <(D)  to the acceptor of an item with respect to
  131-4  an alteration made after the acceptance.>
  131-5        <(b)  Each customer and collecting bank who transfers an item
  131-6  and receives a settlement or other consideration for it warrants to
  131-7  his transferee and to any subsequent collecting bank who takes the
  131-8  item in good faith that>
  131-9              <(1)  he has a good title to the item or is authorized
 131-10  to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who has a good
 131-11  title and the transfer is otherwise rightful; and>
 131-12              <(2)  all signatures are genuine or authorized; and>
 131-13              <(3)  the item has not been materially altered; and>
 131-14              <(4)  no defense of any party is good against him; and>
 131-15              <(5)  he has no knowledge of any insolvency proceeding
 131-16  instituted with respect to the maker or acceptor or the drawer of
 131-17  an unaccepted item.>
 131-18        <In addition each customer and collecting bank so
 131-19  transferring an item and receiving a settlement or other
 131-20  consideration engages that upon dishonor and any necessary notice
 131-21  of dishonor and protest he will take up the item.>
 131-22        <(c)  The warranties and the engagement to honor set forth in
 131-23  the two preceding subsections arise notwithstanding the absence of
 131-24  indorsement or words of guaranty or warranty in the transfer or
 131-25  presentment and a collecting bank remains liable for their breach
 131-26  despite remittance to its transferor.  Damages for breach of such
 131-27  warranties or engagement to honor shall not exceed the
  132-1  consideration received by the customer or collecting bank
  132-2  responsible plus finance charges and expenses related to the item,
  132-3  if any.>
  132-4        <(d)  Unless a claim for breach of warranty under this
  132-5  section is made within a reasonable time after the person claiming
  132-6  learns of the breach, the person liable is discharged to the extent
  132-7  of any loss caused by the delay in making claim.>
  132-8        Sec. 4.208.  PRESENTMENT WARRANTIES.  (a)  If an unaccepted
  132-9  draft is presented to the drawee for payment or acceptance and the
 132-10  drawee pays or accepts the draft, (i) the person obtaining payment
 132-11  or acceptance, at the time of presentment, and (ii) a previous
 132-12  transferor of the draft, at the time of transfer, warrant to the
 132-13  drawee that pays or accepts the draft in good faith that:
 132-14              (1)  the warrantor is, or was, at the time the
 132-15  warrantor transferred the draft, a person entitled to enforce the
 132-16  draft or authorized to obtain payment or acceptance of the draft on
 132-17  behalf of a person entitled to enforce the draft;
 132-18              (2)  the draft has not been altered; and
 132-19              (3)  the warrantor has no knowledge that the signature
 132-20  of the purported drawer of the draft is unauthorized.
 132-21        (b)  A drawee making payment may recover from a warrantor
 132-22  damages for breach of warranty equal to the amount paid by the
 132-23  drawee less the amount the drawee received or is entitled to
 132-24  receive from the drawer because of the payment.  In addition, the
 132-25  drawee is entitled to compensation for expenses and loss of
 132-26  interest resulting from the breach.  The right of the drawee to
 132-27  recover damages under this subsection is not affected by any
  133-1  failure of the drawee to exercise ordinary care in making payment.
  133-2  If the drawee accepts the draft, breach of warranty is a defense to
  133-3  the obligation of the acceptor.  If the acceptor makes payment with
  133-4  respect to the draft, the acceptor is entitled to recover from a
  133-5  warrantor for breach of warranty the amounts stated in this
  133-6  subsection.
  133-7        (c)  If a drawee asserts a claim for breach of warranty under
  133-8  Subsection (a) based on an unauthorized indorsement of the draft or
  133-9  an alteration of the draft, the warrantor may defend by proving
 133-10  that the indorsement is effective under Section 3.404 or 3.405 or
 133-11  the drawer is precluded under Section 3.406 or 4.406 from asserting
 133-12  against the drawee the unauthorized indorsement or alteration.
 133-13        (d)  If (i) a dishonored draft is presented for payment to
 133-14  the drawer or an indorser, or (ii) any other item is presented for
 133-15  payment to a party obliged to pay the item, and the item is paid,
 133-16  the person obtaining payment and a prior transferor of the item
 133-17  warrant to the person making payment in good faith that the
 133-18  warrantor is, or was, at the time the warrantor transferred the
 133-19  item, a person entitled to enforce the item or authorized to obtain
 133-20  payment on behalf of a person entitled to enforce the item.  The
 133-21  person making payment may recover from any warrantor for breach of
 133-22  warranty an amount equal to the amount paid plus expenses and loss
 133-23  of interest resulting from the breach.
 133-24        (e)  The warranties stated in Subsections (a) and (d) cannot
 133-25  be disclaimed with respect to checks.  Unless notice of a claim for
 133-26  breach of warranty is given to the warrantor within 30 days after
 133-27  the claimant has reason to know of the breach and the identity of
  134-1  the warrantor, the warrantor is discharged to the extent of any
  134-2  loss caused by the delay in giving notice of the claim.
  134-3        (f)  A cause of action for breach of warranty under this
  134-4  section accrues when the claimant has reason to know of the breach.
  134-5        Sec. 4.209.  ENCODING AND RETENTION WARRANTIES.  (a)  A
  134-6  person who encodes information on or with respect to an item after
  134-7  issue warrants to any subsequent collecting bank and to the payor
  134-8  bank or other payor that the information is correctly encoded.  If
  134-9  the customer of a depositary bank encodes, that bank also makes the
 134-10  warranty.
 134-11        (b)  A person who undertakes to retain an item pursuant to an
 134-12  agreement for electronic presentment warrants to any subsequent
 134-13  collecting bank and to the payor bank or other payor that retention
 134-14  and presentment of the item comply with the agreement.  If a
 134-15  customer of a depositary bank undertakes to retain an item, that
 134-16  bank also makes this warranty.
 134-17        (c)  A person to whom warranties are made under this section
 134-18  and who took the item in good faith may recover from the warrantor
 134-19  as damages for breach of warranty an amount equal to the loss
 134-20  suffered as a result of the breach, plus expenses and loss of
 134-21  interest incurred as a result of the breach.
 134-22        Sec. 4.210 <4.208>.  SECURITY INTEREST OF COLLECTING BANK IN
 134-23  ITEMS, ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS AND PROCEEDS.  (a)  A collecting bank
 134-24  has a security interest in an item and any accompanying documents
 134-25  or the proceeds of either:
 134-26              (1)  in case of an item deposited in an account, to the
 134-27  extent to which credit given for the item has been withdrawn or
  135-1  applied;
  135-2              (2)  in case of an item for which it has given credit
  135-3  available for withdrawal as of right, to the extent of the credit
  135-4  given, whether or not the credit is drawn upon <and whether> or
  135-5  <not> there is a right of charge-back; or
  135-6              (3)  if it makes an advance on or against the item.
  135-7        (b)  If <When> credit <which has been> given for several
  135-8  items received at one time or pursuant to a single agreement is
  135-9  withdrawn or applied in part, the security interest remains upon
 135-10  all the items, any accompanying documents, or the proceeds of
 135-11  either.  For the purpose of this section, credits first given are
 135-12  first withdrawn.
 135-13        (c)  Receipt by a collecting bank of a final settlement for
 135-14  an item is a realization on its security interest in the item,
 135-15  accompanying documents, and proceeds.  So <To the extent and so>
 135-16  long as the bank does not receive final settlement for the item or
 135-17  give up possession of the item or accompanying documents for
 135-18  purposes other than collection, the security interest continues to
 135-19  that extent and is subject to <the provisions of> Chapter 9, but:
 135-20  <except that>
 135-21              (1)  no security agreement is necessary to make the
 135-22  security interest enforceable (<Subsection (a)(2) of> Section
 135-23  9.203(a)(1) <9.203>); <and>
 135-24              (2)  no filing is required to perfect the security
 135-25  interest; and
 135-26              (3)  the security interest has priority over
 135-27  conflicting perfected security interests in the item, accompanying
  136-1  documents, or proceeds.
  136-2        Sec. 4.211 <4.209>.  WHEN BANK GIVES VALUE FOR PURPOSES OF
  136-3  HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.  For purposes of determining its status as a
  136-4  holder in due course, a <the> bank has given value to the extent
  136-5  <that> it has a security interest in an item, if <provided that>
  136-6  the bank otherwise complies with the requirements of Section 3.302
  136-7  on what constitutes a holder in due course.
  136-8        Sec. 4.212 <4.210>.  PRESENTMENT BY NOTICE OF ITEM NOT
 136-10  <SECONDARY PARTIES>.  (a)  Unless otherwise instructed, a
 136-11  collecting bank may present an item not payable by, through, or at
 136-12  a bank by sending to the party to accept or pay a written notice
 136-13  that the bank holds the item for acceptance or payment.  The notice
 136-14  must be sent in time to be received on or before the day when
 136-15  presentment is due, and the bank must meet any requirement of the
 136-16  party to accept or pay under Section 3.501 <3.505> by the close of
 136-17  the bank's next banking day after it knows of the requirement.
 136-18        (b)  If <Where> presentment is made by notice and payment,
 136-19  acceptance, or <neither honor nor> request for compliance with a
 136-20  requirement under Section 3.501 <3.505> is not received by the
 136-21  close of business on the day after maturity or, in the case of
 136-22  demand items, by the close of business on the third banking day
 136-23  after notice was sent, the presenting bank may treat the item as
 136-24  dishonored and charge any drawer or indorser <secondary party> by
 136-25  sending it <him> notice of the facts.
 136-26        Sec. 4.213 <4.211>.  MEDIUM AND TIME OF SETTLEMENT BY BANK
  137-1  REMITTANCE CASES>.  (a)  With respect to settlement by a bank, the
  137-2  medium and time of settlement may be prescribed by Federal Reserve
  137-3  regulations or circulars, clearing-house rules, and the like or by
  137-4  agreement.  In the absence of such a prescription:
  137-5              (1)  the medium of settlement is cash or credit to an
  137-6  account in a Federal Reserve bank of or specified by the person to
  137-7  receive settlement; and
  137-8              (2)  the time of settlement is:
  137-9                    (A)  with respect to tender of settlement by
 137-10  cash, a cashier's check, or a teller's check, when the cash or
 137-11  check is sent or delivered;
 137-12                    (B)  with respect to tender of settlement by
 137-13  credit to an account in a Federal Reserve bank, when the credit is
 137-14  made;
 137-15                    (C)  with respect to tender of settlement by a
 137-16  credit or debit to an account in a bank, when the credit or debit
 137-17  is made or, in the case of tender of settlement by authority to
 137-18  charge an account, when the authority is sent or delivered; or
 137-19                    (D)  with respect to tender of settlement by a
 137-20  funds transfer, when payment is made pursuant to Section 4A.406(a)
 137-21  to the person receiving settlement.
 137-22        (b)  If the tender of settlement is not by a medium
 137-23  authorized by Subsection (a) or the time of settlement is not fixed
 137-24  by Subsection (a), a settlement does not occur until the tender of
 137-25  settlement is accepted by the person receiving settlement.
 137-26        (c)  If settlement for an item is made by cashier's check or
 137-27  teller's check and the person receiving settlement, before its
  138-1  midnight deadline:
  138-2              (1)  presents or forwards the check for collection,
  138-3  settlement is final when the check is finally paid; or
  138-4              (2)  fails to present or forward the check for
  138-5  collection, settlement is final at the midnight deadline of the
  138-6  person receiving settlement.
  138-7        (d)  If settlement for an item is made by giving authority to
  138-8  charge the account of the bank giving settlement in the bank
  138-9  receiving settlement, settlement is final when the charge is made
 138-10  by the bank receiving settlement if there are funds available in
 138-11  the account for the amount of the item.  <A collecting bank may
 138-12  take in settlement of an item>
 138-13              <(1)  a check of the remitting bank or of another bank
 138-14  on any bank except the remitting bank; or>
 138-15              <(2)  a cashier's check or similar primary obligation
 138-16  of a remitting bank which is a member of or clears through a member
 138-17  of the same clearing house or group as the collecting bank; or>
 138-18              <(3)  appropriate authority to charge an account of the
 138-19  remitting bank or of another bank with the collecting bank; or>
 138-20              <(4)  if the item is drawn upon or payable by a person
 138-21  other than a bank, a cashier's check, certified check or other bank
 138-22  check or obligation.>
 138-23        <(b)  If before its midnight deadline the collecting bank
 138-24  properly dishonors a remittance check or authorization to charge on
 138-25  itself or presents or forwards for collection a remittance
 138-26  instrument of or on another bank which is of a kind approved by
 138-27  Subsection (a) or has not been authorized by it, the collecting
  139-1  bank is not liable to prior parties in the event of the dishonor of
  139-2  such check, instrument or authorization.>
  139-3        <(c)  A settlement for an item by means of a remittance
  139-4  instrument or authorization to charge is or becomes a final
  139-5  settlement as to both the person making and the person receiving
  139-6  the settlement>
  139-7              <(1)  if the remittance instrument or authorization to
  139-8  charge is of a kind approved by Subsection (a) or has not been
  139-9  authorized by the person receiving the settlement and in either
 139-10  case the person receiving the settlement acts seasonably before its
 139-11  midnight deadline in presenting, forwarding for collection or
 139-12  paying the instrument or authorization,--at the time the remittance
 139-13  instrument or authorization is finally paid by the payor by which
 139-14  it is payable;>
 139-15              <(2)  if the person receiving the settlement has
 139-16  authorized remittance by a non-bank check or obligation or by a
 139-17  cashier's check or similar primary obligation of or a check upon
 139-18  the payor or other remitting bank which is not of a kind approved
 139-19  by Subsection (a)(2);--at the time of the receipt of such
 139-20  remittance check or obligation; or>
 139-21              <(3)  if in a case not covered by Subdivision (1) or
 139-22  (2) the person receiving the settlement fails to seasonably
 139-23  present, forward for collection, pay or return a remittance
 139-24  instrument or authorization to it to charge before its midnight
 139-25  deadline,--at such midnight deadline.>
 139-26        Sec. 4.214 <4.212>.  RIGHT OF CHARGE-BACK OR REFUND;
 139-27  LIABILITY OF COLLECTING BANK; RETURN OF ITEM.  (a)  If a collecting
  140-1  bank has made provisional settlement with its customer for an item
  140-2  and <itself> fails by reason of dishonor, suspension of payments by
  140-3  a bank, or otherwise to receive <a> settlement for the item that
  140-4  <which> is or becomes final, the bank may revoke the settlement
  140-5  given by it, charge back the amount of any credit given for the
  140-6  item to its customer's account, or obtain refund from its customer,
  140-7  whether or not it is able to return the item, <items> if by its
  140-8  midnight deadline or within a longer reasonable time after it
  140-9  learns the facts it returns the item or sends notification of the
 140-10  facts.  If the return or notice is delayed beyond the bank's
 140-11  midnight deadline or a longer reasonable time after it learns the
 140-12  facts, the bank may revoke the settlement, charge back the credit,
 140-13  or obtain refund from its customers, but it is liable for any loss
 140-14  resulting from the delay.  These rights to revoke, charge-back, and
 140-15  obtain refund terminate if and when a settlement for the item
 140-16  received by the bank is or becomes final <(Subsection (c) of
 140-17  Section 4.211 and Subsections (b) and (c) of Section 4.213)>.
 140-18        (b)  A collecting bank returns an item when it is sent or
 140-19  delivered to the bank's customer or transferor or pursuant to its
 140-20  instructions.  <Within the time and manner prescribed by this
 140-21  section and Section 4.301, an intermediary or payor bank, as the
 140-22  case may be, may return an unpaid item directly to the depositary
 140-23  bank and may send for collection a draft on the depositary bank and
 140-24  obtain reimbursement.  In such case, if the depositary bank has
 140-25  received provisional settlement for the item, it must reimburse the
 140-26  bank drawing the draft and any provisional credits for the item
 140-27  between banks shall become and remain final.>
  141-1        (c)  A depositary bank that <which> is also the payor may
  141-2  charge-back the amount of an item to its customer's account or
  141-3  obtain refund in accordance with the section governing return of an
  141-4  item received by a payor bank for credit on its books (Section
  141-5  4.301).
  141-6        (d)  The right to charge-back is not affected by:
  141-7              (1)  previous <prior> use of a <the> credit given for
  141-8  the item; or
  141-9              (2)  failure by any bank to exercise ordinary care with
 141-10  respect to the item, but a <any> bank so failing remains liable.
 141-11        (e)  A failure to charge-back or claim refund does not affect
 141-12  other rights of the bank against the customer or any other party.
 141-13        (f)  If credit is given in dollars as the equivalent of the
 141-14  value of an item payable in <a> foreign money, <currency> the
 141-15  dollar amount of any charge-back or refund must <shall> be
 141-16  calculated on the basis of the bank-offered spot <buying sight>
 141-17  rate for the foreign money <currency> prevailing on the day when
 141-18  the person entitled to the charge-back or refund learns that it
 141-19  will not receive payment in ordinary course.
 141-20        Sec. 4.215 <4.213>.  FINAL PAYMENT OF ITEM BY PAYOR BANK;
 141-22  CREDITS BECOME AVAILABLE FOR WITHDRAWAL.  (a)  An item is finally
 141-23  paid by a payor bank when the bank has first done any of the
 141-24  following<, whichever happens first>:
 141-25              (1)  paid the item in cash; <or>
 141-26              (2)  settled for the item without having <reserving> a
 141-27  right to revoke the settlement <and without having such right>
  142-1  under statute, clearing-house <clearing house> rule, or agreement;
  142-2  or
  142-3              (3)  made a provisional settlement for the item and
  142-4  failed to revoke the settlement in the time and manner permitted by
  142-5  statute, clearing-house <clearing house> rule, or agreement.
  142-6        <Upon a final payment under Subdivisions (2) or (3), the
  142-7  payor bank shall be accountable for the amount of the item.>
  142-8        (b)  If provisional settlement for an item does not become
  142-9  final, the item is not finally paid.
 142-10        (c)  If provisional settlement for an item between the
 142-11  presenting and payor banks is made through a clearing house or by
 142-12  debits or credits in an account between them, then to the extent
 142-13  that provisional debits or credits for the item are entered in
 142-14  accounts between the presenting and payor banks or between the
 142-15  presenting and successive prior collecting banks seriatim, they
 142-16  become final upon final payment of the item by the payor bank.
 142-17        (d) <(c)>  If a collecting bank receives a settlement for an
 142-18  item that <which> is or becomes final, <(Subsection (c) of Section
 142-19  4.211, Subsection (b) of Section 4.213)> the bank is accountable to
 142-20  its customer for the amount of the item, and any provisional credit
 142-21  given for the item in an account with its customer becomes final.
 142-22        (e) <(d)>  Subject to (i) applicable law stating a time for
 142-23  availability of funds, and (ii) any right of the bank to apply the
 142-24  credit to an obligation of the customer, credit given by a bank for
 142-25  an item in a customer's account <an account with its customer>
 142-26  becomes available for withdrawal as of right if the bank:
 142-27              (1)  <in any case where the bank> has received a
  143-1  provisional settlement for the item,--when the <such> settlement
  143-2  becomes final and the bank has had a reasonable time to receive
  143-3  return of the item and the item has not been received within that
  143-4  time <learn that the settlement is final>; or
  143-5              (2)  <in any case where the bank> is both the <a>
  143-6  depositary bank and the <a> payor bank, and the item is finally
  143-7  paid,--at the opening of the bank's second banking day following
  143-8  receipt of the item.
  143-9        (f)  Subject to applicable law stating a time for
 143-10  availability of funds and <(e)  A deposit of money in a bank is
 143-11  final when made but, subject to> any right of a <the> bank to apply
 143-12  a <the> deposit to an obligation of the depositor <customer>, a
 143-13  <the> deposit of money becomes available for withdrawal as of right
 143-14  at the opening of the bank's next banking day after <following>
 143-15  receipt of the deposit.
 143-16        Sec. 4.216 <4.214>.  INSOLVENCY AND PREFERENCE.  (a)  If an
 143-17  <Any> item is in or comes <coming> into the possession of a payor
 143-18  or collecting bank that <which> suspends payment and the <which>
 143-19  item has <is> not been finally paid, the item must <shall> be
 143-20  returned by the receiver, trustee, or agent in charge of the closed
 143-21  bank to the presenting bank or the closed bank's customer.
 143-22        (b)  If a payor bank finally pays an item and suspends
 143-23  payments without making a settlement for the item with its customer
 143-24  or the presenting bank, which settlement is or becomes final, the
 143-25  owner of the item has a preferred claim against the payor bank.
 143-26        (c)  If a payor bank gives or a collecting bank gives or
 143-27  receives a provisional settlement for an item and thereafter
  144-1  suspends payments, the suspension does not prevent or interfere
  144-2  with the settlement's <settlement> becoming final if the <such>
  144-3  finality occurs automatically upon the lapse of certain time or the
  144-4  happening of certain events <(Subsection (c) of Section 4.211,
  144-5  Subsections (a)(4), (b) and (c) of Section 4.213)>.
  144-6        (d)  If a collecting bank receives from subsequent parties
  144-7  settlement for an item, which settlement is or becomes final, and
  144-8  the bank suspends payments without making a settlement for the item
  144-9  with its customer, which settlement is or becomes final, the owner
 144-10  of the item has a preferred claim against the <such> collecting
 144-11  bank.
 144-15  a payor bank settles <Where an authorized settlement> for a demand
 144-16  item <(>other than a documentary  draft presented<) received by a
 144-17  payor bank> otherwise than for immediate payment over the counter
 144-18  <has been made> before midnight of the banking day of receipt, the
 144-19  payor bank may revoke the settlement and recover the settlement
 144-20  <any payment> if, before it has made final payment <(Subsection (a)
 144-21  of Section 4.213)> and before its midnight deadline, it:
 144-22              (1)  returns the item; or
 144-23              (2)  sends written notice of dishonor or nonpayment if
 144-24  the item is <held for protest or is otherwise> unavailable for
 144-25  return.
 144-26        (b)  If a demand item is received by a payor bank for credit
 144-27  on its books, it may return the <such> item or send notice of
  145-1  dishonor and may revoke any credit given or recover the amount
  145-2  thereof withdrawn by its customer, if it acts within the time limit
  145-3  and in the manner specified in Subsection (a) <the preceding
  145-4  subsection>.
  145-5        (c)  Unless previous notice of dishonor has been sent, an
  145-6  item is dishonored at the time when for purposes of dishonor it is
  145-7  returned or notice sent in accordance with this section.
  145-8        (d)  An item is returned:
  145-9              (1)  as to an item presented <received> through a
 145-10  clearing house, when it is delivered to the presenting or last
 145-11  collecting bank or to the clearing house or is sent or delivered in
 145-12  accordance with clearing-house <its> rules; or
 145-13              (2)  in all other cases, when it is sent or delivered
 145-14  to the bank's customer or transferor or pursuant to <his>
 145-15  instructions.
 145-17  ITEM.  (a)  If <In the absence of a valid defense such as breach of
 145-18  a presentment warranty (Subsection (a) of Section 4.207),
 145-19  settlement effected or the like, if> an item is presented to <on>
 145-20  and received by a payor bank, the bank is accountable for the
 145-21  amount of:
 145-22              (1)  a demand item, other than a documentary draft,
 145-23  whether properly payable or not, if the bank, in any case in which
 145-24  <where> it is not also the depositary bank, retains the item beyond
 145-25  midnight of the banking day of receipt without settling for it or,
 145-26  <regardless of> whether or not it is also the depositary bank, does
 145-27  not pay or return the item or send notice of dishonor until after
  146-1  its midnight deadline; or
  146-2              (2)  any other properly payable item unless, within the
  146-3  time allowed for acceptance or payment of that item, the bank
  146-4  either accepts or pays the item or returns it and accompanying
  146-5  documents.
  146-6        (b)  The liability of a payor bank to pay an item pursuant to
  146-7  Subsection (a) is subject to defenses based on breach of a
  146-8  presentment warranty (Section 4.208) or proof that the person
  146-9  seeking enforcement of the liability presented or transferred the
 146-10  item for the purpose of defrauding the payor bank.
 146-13  CHARGED OR CERTIFIED.  (a)  Any knowledge, notice, or stop-payment
 146-14  order <stop-order> received by, legal process served upon, or
 146-15  setoff exercised by a payor bank comes too late<, whether or not
 146-16  effective under other rules of law> to terminate, suspend, or
 146-17  modify the bank's right or duty to pay an item or to charge its
 146-18  customer's account for the item<, comes too late to so terminate,
 146-19  suspend or modify such right or duty> if the knowledge, notice,
 146-20  stop-payment order, <stop-order> or legal process is received or
 146-21  served and <the bank does not have> a reasonable time for the bank
 146-22  to act thereon expires <before,>  or the setoff is exercised
 146-23  after<,> the earliest <happening> of <any of> the following:
 146-24              (1)  the bank accepts or certifies <has accepted or
 146-25  certified> the item;
 146-26              (2)  the bank pays <has paid> the item in cash;
 146-27              (3)  the bank settles <has settled> for the item
  147-1  without having <reserving> a right to revoke the settlement <and
  147-2  without having such right> under statute, clearing-house <clearing
  147-3  house> rule, or agreement; <or>
  147-4              (4)  the bank becomes <has become> accountable for the
  147-5  amount of the item under <Subsection (a)(3) of Section 4.213 and>
  147-6  Section 4.302 dealing with the payor bank's responsibility for late
  147-7  return of items; or
  147-8              (5)  with respect to checks, a cutoff hour not earlier
  147-9  than one hour after the opening of the next banking day after the
 147-10  banking day on which the bank received the check and not later than
 147-11  the close of that next banking day or, if no cutoff hour is fixed,
 147-12  the close of the next banking day after the banking day on which
 147-13  the bank received the check.
 147-14        (b)  Subject to <the provisions of> Subsection (a), items may
 147-15  be accepted, paid, certified, or charged to the indicated account
 147-16  of a bank's <its> customer in any order <convenient to the bank>
 147-17  and before or after the bank's <its> regular banking hours.  A bank
 147-18  is under no obligation to determine the time of day an item is
 147-19  received  and without liability may withhold the amount thereof
 147-20  pending a determination of the effect, consequence or priority of
 147-21  any knowledge, notice, stop-payment order, <stop-order> or legal
 147-22  process concerning the same, or interplead such amount and the
 147-23  claimants thereto.
 147-25        Sec. 4.401.  WHEN BANK MAY CHARGE CUSTOMER'S ACCOUNT.  (a)  A
 147-26  <As against its customer, a> bank may charge against the <his>
 147-27  account of a customer an <any> item that <which> is <otherwise>
  148-1  properly payable from that account even though the charge creates
  148-2  an overdraft.  An item is properly payable if it is authorized by
  148-3  the customer and is in accordance with any agreement between the
  148-4  customer and the bank.
  148-5        (b)  A customer is not liable for the amount of an overdraft
  148-6  if the customer neither signed the item nor benefited from the
  148-7  proceeds of the item.
  148-8        (c)  A bank may charge against the account of a customer a
  148-9  check that is otherwise properly payable from the account, even
 148-10  though payment was made before the date of the check, unless the
 148-11  customer has given notice to the bank of the postdating describing
 148-12  the check with reasonable certainty.  The notice is effective for
 148-13  the period stated in Section 4.403(b) for stop-payment orders and
 148-14  must be received at such time and in such manner as to afford the
 148-15  bank a reasonable opportunity to act on it before the bank takes
 148-16  any action with respect to the check described in Section 4.303.
 148-17  If a bank charges against the account of a customer a check before
 148-18  the date stated in the notice of postdating, the bank is liable for
 148-19  damages for the loss resulting from its act.  The loss may include
 148-20  damages for dishonor of subsequent items under Section 4.402.
 148-21        (d)  A bank that <which> in good faith makes payment to a
 148-22  holder may charge the indicated account of its customer according
 148-23  to:
 148-24              (1)  the original terms <tenor> of the <his> altered
 148-25  item; or
 148-26              (2)  the terms <tenor> of the <his> completed item,
 148-27  even though the bank knows the item has been completed, unless the
  149-1  bank has notice that the completion was improper.
  149-4  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, a payor bank
  149-5  wrongfully dishonors an item if it dishonors an item that is
  149-6  properly payable, but a bank may dishonor an item that would create
  149-7  an overdraft unless it has agreed to pay the overdraft.
  149-8        (b)  A payor bank is liable to its customer for damages
  149-9  proximately caused by the wrongful dishonor of an item.  Liability
 149-10  <When the dishonor occurs through mistake liability> is limited to
 149-11  actual damages proved and<.  If so proximately caused and proved
 149-12  damages> may include damages for an arrest or prosecution of the
 149-13  customer or other consequential damages.  Whether any consequential
 149-14  damages are proximately caused by the wrongful dishonor is a
 149-15  question of fact to be determined in each case.
 149-16        (c)  A payor bank's determination of the customer's account
 149-17  balance on which a decision to dishonor for insufficiency of
 149-18  available funds is based may be made at any time between the time
 149-19  the item is received by the payor bank and the time that the payor
 149-20  bank returns the item or gives notice in lieu of return, and no
 149-21  more than one determination need be made.  If, at the election of
 149-22  the payor bank, a subsequent balance determination is made for the
 149-23  purpose of reevaluating the bank's decision to dishonor the item,
 149-24  the account balance at that time is determinative of whether a
 149-25  dishonor for insufficiency of available funds is wrongful.
 149-27  PROOF OF LOSS.  (a)  A customer or any person authorized to draw on
  150-1  the account if there is more than one person may stop payment of
  150-2  any item drawn on the customer's account or close the account by an
  150-3  order to the bank describing the item or account with reasonable
  150-4  certainty <may by order to his bank stop payment of any item
  150-5  payable for his account but the order must be> received at a <such>
  150-6  time and in a <such> manner that affords <as to afford> the bank a
  150-7  reasonable opportunity to act on it before <prior to> any action by
  150-8  the bank with respect to the item described in Section 4.303.  If
  150-9  the signature of more than one person is required to draw on an
 150-10  account, any of those persons may stop payment or close the
 150-11  account.
 150-12        (b)  A stop-payment order is effective for six months and is
 150-13  binding on the bank only if it is in writing, dated, and signed and
 150-14  describes the item with certainty.  A stop-payment order may be
 150-15  renewed for additional six-month periods by a writing given to the
 150-16  bank within a period during which the stop-payment order is
 150-17  effective.  <An order is binding upon the bank only if it is in
 150-18  writing, dated, signed, and describes the item with certainty.  An
 150-19  order is effective for only six months unless renewed in writing.>
 150-20        (c)  The burden of establishing the fact and amount of loss
 150-21  resulting from the payment of an item contrary to a stop-payment
 150-22  <binding stop payment> order or order to close an account is on the
 150-23  customer.  The loss from payment of an item contrary to a
 150-24  stop-payment order may include damages for dishonor of subsequent
 150-25  items under Section 4.402.
 150-27  MONTHS OLD.  A bank is under no obligation to a customer having a
  151-1  checking account to pay a check, other than a certified check, that
  151-2  <which> is presented more than six months after its date, but it
  151-3  may charge its customer's account for a payment made thereafter in
  151-4  good faith.
  151-5        Sec. 4.405.  DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE OF CUSTOMER.  (a)  A payor
  151-6  or collecting bank's authority to accept, pay,  or collect an item
  151-7  or to account for proceeds of its collection, if otherwise
  151-8  effective, is not rendered ineffective by the incompetence of a
  151-9  customer of either bank existing at the time the item is issued or
 151-10  its collection is undertaken if the bank does not know of an
 151-11  adjudication of incompetence.  Neither death nor incompetence of a
 151-12  customer revokes the <such> authority to accept, pay, collect, or
 151-13  account until the bank knows of the fact of death or of an
 151-14  adjudication of incompetence and has reasonable opportunity to act
 151-15  on it.
 151-16        (b)  Even with knowledge, a bank may for 10 days after the
 151-17  date of death pay or certify checks drawn on or before <prior to>
 151-18  that date unless ordered to stop payment by a person claiming an
 151-19  interest in the account.
 151-20        Sec. 4.406.  CUSTOMER'S DUTY TO DISCOVER AND REPORT
 151-21  UNAUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OR ALTERATION.  (a)  A bank that sends or
 151-22  makes available to a customer a statement of account showing
 151-23  payment of items for the account shall either return or make
 151-24  available to the customer the items paid or provide information in
 151-25  the statement of account sufficient to allow the customer
 151-26  reasonably to identify the items paid.  The statement of account
 151-27  provides sufficient information if the item is described by item
  152-1  number, amount, and date of payment.  If the bank does not return
  152-2  the items, it shall provide in the statement of account the
  152-3  telephone number that the customer may call to request an item or a
  152-4  legible copy of the items pursuant to Subsection (b).
  152-5        (b)  If the items are not returned to the customer, the
  152-6  person retaining the items shall either retain the items or, if the
  152-7  items are destroyed, maintain the capacity to furnish legible
  152-8  copies of the items until the expiration of seven years after
  152-9  receipt of the items.  A customer may request an item from the bank
 152-10  that paid the item, and that bank must provide in a reasonable time
 152-11  either the item or, if the item has been destroyed or is not
 152-12  otherwise obtainable, a legible copy of the item.  A bank shall
 152-13  provide, on request and without charge to the customer, at least
 152-14  two items or a legible copy of the items with respect to each
 152-15  statement of account sent to the customer.
 152-16        (c)  If a bank sends or makes available a statement of
 152-17  account or items pursuant to Subsection (a), the customer must
 152-18  exercise reasonable promptness in examining the statement or the
 152-19  items to determine whether any payment was not authorized because
 152-20  of an alteration of an item or because a purported signature by or
 152-21  on behalf of the customer was not authorized. If, based on the
 152-22  statement or items provided, the customer should reasonably have
 152-23  discovered the unauthorized payment, the customer must promptly
 152-24  notify the bank of the relevant facts.  <When a bank sends to its
 152-25  customer a statement of account accompanied by items paid in good
 152-26  faith in support of the debit entries or holds the statement and
 152-27  items pursuant to a request or instructions of its customer or
  153-1  otherwise in a reasonable manner makes the statement and items
  153-2  available to the customer, the customer must exercise reasonable
  153-3  care and promptness to examine the statement and items to discover
  153-4  his unauthorized signature or any alteration on an item and must
  153-5  notify the bank promptly after discovery thereof.>
  153-6        (d) <(b)>  If the bank proves <establishes> that the customer
  153-7  failed, with respect to an item, to comply with the duties imposed
  153-8  on the customer by Subsection (c), <(a)> the customer is precluded
  153-9  from asserting against the bank:
 153-10              (1)  the customer's <his> unauthorized signature or any
 153-11  alteration on the item, if the bank also proves <establishes> that
 153-12  it suffered a loss by reason of the <such> failure; and
 153-13              (2)  the customer's <an> unauthorized signature or
 153-14  alteration by the same wrongdoer on any other item paid in good
 153-15  faith by the bank if the payment was made before the bank received
 153-16  notice from the customer of the unauthorized signature or
 153-17  alteration and after the customer had been afforded a reasonable
 153-18  period of time, not exceeding 30 days, in which to examine the item
 153-19  or statement of account and notify the bank.  <after the first item
 153-20  and statement was available to the customer for a reasonable period
 153-21  not exceeding fourteen calendar days and before the bank receives
 153-22  notification from the customer of any such unauthorized signature
 153-23  or alteration.>
 153-24        <(c)  The preclusion under Subsection (b) does not apply if
 153-25  the customer establishes lack of ordinary care on the part of the
 153-26  bank in paying the item(s).>
 153-27        (e)  If Subsection (d) applies and the customer proves that
  154-1  the bank failed to exercise ordinary care in paying the item and
  154-2  that the failure contributed to loss, the loss is allocated between
  154-3  the customer precluded and the bank asserting the preclusion
  154-4  according to the extent to which the failure of the customer to
  154-5  comply with Subsection (c) and the failure of the bank to exercise
  154-6  ordinary care contributed to the loss.  If the customer proves that
  154-7  the bank did not pay the item in good faith, the preclusion under
  154-8  Subsection (d) does not apply.
  154-9        (f) <(d)>  Without regard to care or lack of care of either
 154-10  the customer or the bank, a customer who does not within one year
 154-11  after <from the time> the statement or <and> items are made
 154-12  available to the customer (Subsection (a)) discover and report the
 154-13  customer's <his> unauthorized signature on or any alteration on the
 154-14  <face or back of the> item <or does not within three years from
 154-15  that time discover and report any unauthorized indorsement> is
 154-16  precluded from asserting against the bank the <such> unauthorized
 154-17  signature <or indorsement> or <such> alteration.  If there is a
 154-18  preclusion under this subsection, the payor bank may not recover
 154-19  for breach of warranty under Section 4.208 with respect to the
 154-20  unauthorized signature or alteration to which the preclusion
 154-21  applies.
 154-22        <(e)  If under this section a payor bank has a valid defense
 154-23  against a claim of a customer upon or resulting from payment of an
 154-24  item and waives or fails upon request to assert the defense the
 154-25  bank may not assert against any collecting bank or other prior
 154-26  party presenting or transferring the item a claim based upon the
 154-27  unauthorized signature or alteration giving rise to the customer's
  155-1  claim.>
  155-3  PAYMENT.  If a payor bank has paid an item over the <stop payment>
  155-4  order of the drawer or maker to stop payment, or after an account
  155-5  has been closed, or otherwise under circumstances giving a basis
  155-6  for objection by the drawer or maker, to prevent unjust enrichment
  155-7  and only to the extent necessary to prevent loss to the bank by
  155-8  reason of its payment of the item, the payor bank is <shall be>
  155-9  subrogated to the rights:
 155-10              (1)  of any holder in due course on the item against
 155-11  the drawer or maker; <and>
 155-12              (2)  of the payee or any other holder of the item
 155-13  against the drawer or maker either on the item or under the
 155-14  transaction out of which the item arose; and
 155-15              (3)  of the drawer or maker against the payee or any
 155-16  other holder of the item with respect to the transaction out of
 155-17  which the item arose.
 155-21  <which> takes a documentary draft for collection shall <must>
 155-22  present or send the draft and accompanying documents for
 155-23  presentment and, upon learning that the draft has not been paid or
 155-24  accepted in due course, shall <must> seasonably notify its customer
 155-25  of the <such> fact even though it may have discounted or bought the
 155-26  draft or extended credit available for withdrawal as of right.
 155-27        Sec. 4.502.  PRESENTMENT OF "ON ARRIVAL" DRAFTS.  If <When> a
  156-1  draft or the relevant instructions require presentment "on
  156-2  arrival", "when goods arrive", or the like, the collecting bank
  156-3  need not present until in its judgment a reasonable time for
  156-4  arrival of the goods has expired.  Refusal to pay or accept because
  156-5  the goods have not arrived is not dishonor; the bank must notify
  156-6  its transferor of the <such> refusal but need not present the draft
  156-7  again until it is instructed to do so or learns of the arrival of
  156-8  the goods.
 156-11  Unless otherwise instructed and except as provided in Chapter 5, a
 156-12  bank presenting a documentary draft:
 156-13              (1)  must deliver the documents to the drawee on
 156-14  acceptance of the draft if it is payable more than three days after
 156-15  presentment; otherwise, only on payment; and
 156-16              (2)  upon dishonor, either in the case of presentment
 156-17  for acceptance or presentment for payment, may seek and follow
 156-18  instructions from any referee in case of need designated in the
 156-19  draft or, if the presenting bank does not choose to utilize the
 156-20  referee's <his> services, it must use diligence and good faith to
 156-21  ascertain the reason for dishonor, must notify its transferor of
 156-22  the dishonor and of the results of its effort to ascertain the
 156-23  reasons therefor, and must request instructions.
 156-24        However, <But> the presenting bank is under no obligation
 156-25  with respect to goods represented by the documents except to follow
 156-26  any reasonable instructions seasonably received; it has a right to
 156-27  reimbursement for any expense incurred in following instructions
  157-1  and to prepayment of or indemnity for those <such> expenses.
  157-3  SECURITY INTEREST FOR EXPENSES.  (a)  A presenting bank that
  157-4  <which>, following the dishonor of a documentary draft, has
  157-5  seasonably requested instructions but does not receive them within
  157-6  a reasonable time may store, sell, or otherwise deal with the goods
  157-7  in any reasonable manner.
  157-8        (b)  For its reasonable expenses incurred by action under
  157-9  Subsection (a) the presenting bank has a lien upon the goods or
 157-10  their proceeds, which may be foreclosed in the same manner as an
 157-11  unpaid seller's lien.
 157-12        SECTION 5.  Section 5.103(c), Business & Commerce Code, is
 157-13  amended to read as follows:
 157-14        (c)  Definitions in other chapters applying to this chapter
 157-15  and the sections in which they appear are:
 157-16        "Accept" or "Acceptance".      Section 3.409 <3.410>.
 157-17        "Contract for sale".           Section 2.106.
 157-18        "Draft".                       Section 3.104.
 157-19        "Holder in due course".        Section 3.302.
 157-20        "Midnight deadline".           Section 4.104.
 157-21        "Security".                    Section 8.102.
 157-22        SECTION 6.  Section 9.203(a), Business & Commerce Code, is
 157-23  amended to read as follows:
 157-24        (a)  Subject to the provisions of Section 4.210 <4.208> on
 157-25  the security interest of a collecting bank, Section 8.321 on
 157-26  security interests in securities, and Section 9.113 on a security
 157-27  interest arising under the chapter on Sales, a security interest is
  158-1  not enforceable against the debtor or third parties with respect to
  158-2  the collateral and does not attach unless:
  158-3              (1)  the collateral is in the possession of the secured
  158-4  party pursuant to agreement or the debtor has signed a security
  158-5  agreement which contains a description of the collateral and in
  158-6  addition, when the security interest covers crops growing or to be
  158-7  grown or timber to be cut, a description of the land concerned;
  158-8              (2)  value has been given; and
  158-9              (3)  the debtor has rights in the collateral.
 158-10        SECTION 7.  Section 9.302(a), Business & Commerce Code, is
 158-11  amended to read as follows:
 158-12        (a)  A financing statement must be filed to perfect all
 158-13  security interests except the following:
 158-14              (1)  a security interest in collateral in possession of
 158-15  the secured party under Section 9.305;
 158-16              (2)  a security interest temporarily perfected in
 158-17  instruments or documents without delivery under Section 9.304 or in
 158-18  proceeds for a 10 day period under Section 9.306;
 158-19              (3)  a security interest created by an assignment of a
 158-20  beneficial interest in a trust or a decedent's estate;
 158-21              (4)  a purchase money security interest in consumer
 158-22  goods; but notation on a certificate of title is required for goods
 158-23  covered by a statute referred to in Subsection (c)(2); and fixture
 158-24  filing is required for priority over conflicting interests in
 158-25  fixtures to the extent provided in Section 9.313;
 158-26              (5)  an assignment of accounts which does not alone or
 158-27  in conjunction with other assignments to the same assignee transfer
  159-1  a significant part of the outstanding accounts of the assignor;
  159-2              (6)  a security interest of a collecting bank (Section
  159-3  4.210 <4.208>), a security interest in securities (Section 8.321),
  159-4  a security interest arising under the Chapter on Sales (see Section
  159-5  9.113), or a security interest covered in Subsection (c) of this
  159-6  Section; <or>
  159-7              (7)  an assignment for the benefit of all the creditors
  159-8  of the transferor, and subsequent transfers by the assignee
  159-9  thereunder; and
 159-10              (8)  a security interest in oil or gas production or
 159-11  their proceeds under Section 9.319 of this code.
 159-12        SECTION 8.  Section 9.312(a), Business & Commerce Code, is
 159-13  amended to read as follows:
 159-14        (a)  The rules of priority stated in other sections of this
 159-15  subchapter and in the following sections  shall govern when
 159-16  applicable:  Section 4.210 <4.208> with respect to the security
 159-17  interests of collecting banks in items being collected,
 159-18  accompanying documents and proceeds; Section 9.103 on security
 159-19  interests related to other jurisdictions; Section 9.114 on
 159-20  consignments.
 159-21        SECTION 9.  (a)  The changes made by this Act apply only to
 159-22  an action or proceeding that is commenced or a right that accrues
 159-23  on or after the effective date of this Act.
 159-24        (b)  An action or proceeding that is commenced or a right
 159-25  that accrues before the effective date of this Act is governed by
 159-26  the law in effect on the date the action or proceeding was
 159-27  commenced or the right accrued, and that law is continued in effect
  160-1  for that purpose.
  160-2        SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect January 1, 1996.
  160-3        SECTION 11.  The importance of this legislation and the
  160-4  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  160-5  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  160-6  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  160-7  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.