By Thompson                                           H.B. No. 1944
       74R5134 CLG-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the informal probate of wills, distributions of small
    1-3  estates, the emergency payment of burial expenses, and the
    1-4  protection of a decedent's personal property.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Sections 137(a) and (c), Texas Probate Code, are
    1-7  amended to read as follows:
    1-8        (a)  The distributees of the <an> estate of a decedent who
    1-9  dies intestate shall be entitled thereto, to the extent that the
   1-10  assets, exclusive of homestead and exempt property, exceed the
   1-11  known liabilities of said estate, without awaiting the appointment
   1-12  of a personal representative when:
   1-13              (1)  No petition for the appointment of a personal
   1-14  representative is pending or has been granted; and
   1-15              (2)  Thirty days have elapsed since the death of the
   1-16  decedent; and
   1-17              (3)  The value of the entire assets of the estate, not
   1-18  including homestead and exempt property, does not exceed $50,000;
   1-19  and
   1-20              (4)  There is filed with  the clerk of the court having
   1-21  jurisdiction and venue an affidavit sworn to by two disinterested
   1-22  witnesses and by all <such> distributees that <as> have legal
   1-23  capacity, and, if the facts warrant, by the natural guardian or
   1-24  next of kin of any minor or incompetent who is also a distributee,
    2-1  which affidavit shall be examined by the judge of the court having
    2-2  jurisdiction and venue; the judge may find, in his discretion, that
    2-3  the affidavit conforms to the terms of this section; if the judge
    2-4  approves the affidavit, the affidavit is to be recorded as an
    2-5  official public record under Chapter 194, Local Government Code, or
    2-6  if the county has not adopted a microfilm or microphotographic
    2-7  process under Chapter 194, Local Government Code, the affidavit
    2-8  must be recorded in "Small Estates" records by the clerk, showing
    2-9  the existence of the foregoing conditions, including a list of the
   2-10  assets and liabilities of the estate, the names and addresses of
   2-11  the distributees, and their right to receive the money or property
   2-12  of the estate, or to have such evidences of money, property or
   2-13  other rights of the estate as found to exist transferred to them,
   2-14  being heirs<, devisees,> or assignees, and listing all assets  and
   2-15  known liabilities of the estates; and
   2-16              (5)  A copy of such affidavit, certified to by said
   2-17  clerk, is furnished by the distributees of the estate to the person
   2-18  or persons owing money to the estate, having custody or possession
   2-19  of property of the estate, or acting as registrar, fiduciary or
   2-20  transfer agent of or for evidences of interest,  indebtedness,
   2-21  property or other right belonging to said estate.
   2-22        (c)  Title to a decedent's homestead that is the only real
   2-23  property in a decedent's estate may be transferred on an affidavit
   2-24  that meets the requirements of this section.  An affidavit that is
   2-25  used to transfer title to a homestead under  this section must be
   2-26  recorded in the deed records of a county in which the homestead is
   2-27  located.  A purchaser for value may rely on a recorded affidavit
    3-1  under this section.  A bona  fide purchaser for value without
    3-2  actual or constructive notice of an heir who is not disclosed in a
    3-3  recorded affidavit under this section acquires title to a homestead
    3-4  free of the interests of the undisclosed heir, but the bona fide
    3-5  purchaser remains subject to a claim a creditor of the decedent has
    3-6  as provided by law.  A person has constructive notice of the rights
    3-7  of an heir who is not disclosed in a recorded affidavit under this
    3-8  section if an affidavit, judgment of heirship, or title transaction
    3-9  in the chain of title in the deed records states that the heir of
   3-10  the decedent who is not disclosed in the affidavit is an heir of
   3-11  the decedent.  An heir who is not disclosed in  a recorded
   3-12  affidavit under this section may recover from an heir who receives
   3-13  consideration in a transfer to a bona fide purchaser for value of
   3-14  title to a homestead passing under the affidavit.
   3-15        SECTION 2.  Section 138, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
   3-16  read as follows:
   3-17        Sec. 138.  EFFECT OF AFFIDAVIT.  The person making payment,
   3-18  delivery, transfer or issuance pursuant to the affidavit described
   3-19  in the preceding Section  shall be released to the same extent as
   3-20  if made to a personal representative of the decedent, and <he>
   3-21  shall not be required to see to the application  thereof or to
   3-22  inquire into the truth of any statement in the affidavit, but the
   3-23  distributees to whom payment, delivery, transfer, or issuance is
   3-24  made shall  be answerable therefor to any person having a prior
   3-25  right and be accountable to any personal representative thereafter
   3-26  appointed.  In addition, the person or persons who execute the
   3-27  affidavit shall be liable for any damage or loss to any person
    4-1  which arises from any payment, delivery, transfer, or issuance made
    4-2  in reliance on such affidavit.  If the person to whom such
    4-3  affidavit is delivered refuses to pay, deliver, transfer, or issue
    4-4  the property as above provided, such property may be recovered in
    4-5  an action brought for such purpose by or on behalf of the
    4-6  distributees entitled thereto, upon proof of the facts required to
    4-7  be stated in the affidavit.
    4-8        SECTION 3.  Section 501(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended to
    4-9  read as follows:
   4-10        (a)  An applicant may file an application for the informal
   4-11  probate of a written  will with the court clerk not earlier than
   4-12  the 30th day after the date of the testator's death.
   4-13        SECTION 4.  Section 504, Texas Probate Code, is amended by
   4-14  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read
   4-15  as follows:
   4-16        (a)  An application for informal probate of a will must be
   4-17  under oath and must establish:
   4-18              (1)  that 30 days have elapsed after the date of the
   4-19  testator's death;
   4-20              (2)  that all debts of the estate have been satisfied
   4-21  or are properly secured or all creditors have received notice of
   4-22  the application's filing;
   4-23              (3)  that the total gross fair market value of the
   4-24  estate, including real and personal property but not including  the
   4-25  decedent's homestead or exempt property, did not exceed $50,000 on
   4-26  the date the application was prepared;
   4-27              (4)  that the court has venue;
    5-1              (5)  to the applicant's knowledge and belief, that the
    5-2  will being offered for informal probate has never been revoked; and
    5-3              (6)  to the applicant's knowledge and belief, that no
    5-4  person named in the will has objected to the offer of the will for
    5-5  informal probate.
    5-6        (c)  If the original will is not available, the application
    5-7  must contain the information required by Section 81(b) of this
    5-8  code, and the sworn statement or affidavit of a witness to the
    5-9  execution of the will required by Section 85 of this code must be
   5-10  attached to the application.
   5-11        (d)  If the original will is not self-proved, an affidavit of
   5-12  a witness to the execution of the will must be attached to the
   5-13  application if the witness is alive and the applicant knows the
   5-14  witness's location.  If every witness to the execution of the will
   5-15  is deceased or the applicant does not know the location of any of
   5-16  those witnesses, the sworn statement or affidavit of a
   5-17  disinterested witness to the execution of the will that contains
   5-18  the facts and other proof required by Section 84(b) of this code
   5-19  and an affidavit of a disinterested person that contains the facts
   5-20  and other proof required by Section 88(b) of this code must be
   5-21  attached to the application.
   5-22        SECTION 5.  Section 505(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended to
   5-23  read as follows:
   5-24        (a)  Before filing an application for informal probate, the
   5-25  applicant shall give notice of the intent to file the application
   5-26  by certified or registered mail to all persons named in the will
   5-27  whose addresses are known or are reasonably ascertainable, <and to>
    6-1  to the decedent's surviving spouse and children, and, if the will
    6-2  is not self-proved, to the decedent's heirs and shall provide those
    6-3  persons a copy of the will.
    6-4        SECTION 6.  Section 506(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended to
    6-5  read as follows:
    6-6        (a)  With the application, the <The> applicant must file the
    6-7  will or an affidavit of a disinterested person explaining the
    6-8  will's absence to the court's satisfaction.  The original will
    6-9  remains in the custody of the court clerk unless removed by order
   6-10  of a proper court.
   6-11        SECTION 7.  Section 507(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended to
   6-12  read as follows:
   6-13        (a)  An executor, alternate, devisee, or legatee named in a
   6-14  will may request in an application for the informal probate of the
   6-15  will that the clerk of the probate court issue limited letters
   6-16  testamentary to the applicant for the sole purpose of transferring
   6-17  title to the assets or interests in the assets of the testator
   6-18  <testator's estate>, including any increases to the assets that
   6-19  accrued after the date of the testator's death and assets or
   6-20  interests that have been <that are> specifically identified and
   6-21  described in the inventory included in the application or any
   6-22  subsequently filed amended or supplemental inventory.
   6-23        SECTION 8.  Sections 508(a) and (c), Texas Probate Code, are
   6-24  amended to read as follows:
   6-25        (a)  The court in which an application for informal probate
   6-26  has been filed shall determine whether:
   6-27              (1)  the application is complete;
    7-1              (2)  the applicant has acknowledged that all statements
    7-2  of fact contained in the application are true and correct;
    7-3              (3)  the applicant is an executor, alternate, devisee,
    7-4  or legatee named in the will;
    7-5              (4)  venue is correct;
    7-6              (5)  an original, duly executed will or the affidavit
    7-7  required by Section 506 of this code is filed with the application;
    7-8              (6)  copies of required notices or waivers by persons
    7-9  named in the will and the surviving spouse, children, and creditors
   7-10  are attached to the application;
   7-11              (7)  an objection has not been made to the request for
   7-12  informal probate by any creditor or person named in the will;
   7-13              (8)  the time for applying for an informal probate has
   7-14  not expired;
   7-15              (9)  the application contains the required information;
   7-16  and
   7-17              (10)  an appraiser is necessary to determine the value
   7-18  of any asset.
   7-19        (c)  The court may probate a will that is a self-proved will
   7-20  under Section 59 of this code without further proof.  If the will
   7-21  is not self-proving under Section 59 of this code, the court may,
   7-22  in the absence of an objection, presume compliance with Section 59
   7-23  of this code if the will is filed:
   7-24              (1)  with a sworn statement or affidavit of a witness
   7-25  to the execution of the will, if the witness is alive and the
   7-26  applicant knows the witness's location; or
   7-27              (2)  with a sworn statement or affidavit of a
    8-1  disinterested witness to the execution of the will that contains
    8-2  the facts and other proof required by Section 84(b) of this code
    8-3  and an affidavit of a disinterested person that contains the facts
    8-4  and other proof required by Section 88(b) of this code, if every
    8-5  witness to the execution of the will is deceased or the applicant
    8-6  does not know the location of any of those witnesses.
    8-7        SECTION 9.  Section 520, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
    8-8  read as follows:
    8-9        Sec. 520.  TIME TO FILE EMERGENCY APPLICATION.  An applicant
   8-10  may file an application requesting emergency intervention by a
   8-11  court exercising probate jurisdiction to provide for the payment of
   8-12  funeral and burial expenses or the protection and storage of
   8-13  personal property owned by the decedent that was located in rented
   8-14  accommodations on the date of the decedent's death with the clerk
   8-15  of the court in the county of domicile of the decedent or the
   8-16  county in which the rental accommodations that contain the
   8-17  decedent's personal property are located.  The application must be
   8-18  filed  not earlier than the third day after the date of the
   8-19  decedent's death and not later than the 90th day after the date of
   8-20  the decedent's death.
   8-21        SECTION 10.  Part 2, Chapter XII, Texas Probate Code, is
   8-22  amended by adding Section 521A to read as follows:
   8-24  applicant may file an emergency application with the court under
   8-25  Section 520 of this code only if an application has not been filed
   8-26  and is not pending under Section 81, 82, 137, or 145 of this code
   8-27  and the applicant:
    9-1              (1)  needs to obtain funds for the funeral and burial
    9-2  of the decedent; or
    9-3              (2)  needs to gain access to rental accommodations in
    9-4  which the decedent's personal property is located and the applicant
    9-5  has been denied access to those accommodations.
    9-6        SECTION 11.  Section 522, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
    9-7  read as follows:
   9-10  application for emergency intervention to obtain funds needed for a
   9-11  decedent's funeral and burial expenses must be sworn and must
   9-12  contain:
   9-13              (1)  the name, address, social security number, and
   9-14  interest of the applicant;
   9-15              (2)  the facts showing an immediate necessity for the
   9-16  issuance of an emergency intervention order under this section by
   9-17  the court;
   9-18              (3)  the date of the decedent's death, place of death,
   9-19  decedent's residential address, and the name and address of the
   9-20  funeral home holding the decedent's remains;
   9-21              (4)  any known or ascertainable heirs and devisees of
   9-22  the decedent and the reason:
   9-23                    (A)  the heirs and devisees cannot be contacted;
   9-24  or
   9-25                    (B)  the heirs and devisees have refused to
   9-26  assist in the decedent's burial <or protection of the decedent's
   9-27  personal property>;
   10-1              (5)  a description of funeral and burial procedures
   10-2  necessary and a statement from the funeral home that contains a
   10-3  detailed and itemized description of the cost of the funeral and
   10-4  burial procedures; and
   10-5              (6)  the name and address of an individual, entity, or
   10-6  financial institution, including an employer, that is in possession
   10-7  of any funds of or due to the decedent, and related account numbers
   10-8  and balances, if known by the applicant <the name, location, and
   10-9  identification of property or persons in possession of the
  10-10  decedent's property; and>
  10-11              <(7)  the name and address of the owner or manager of
  10-12  the decedent's rented premises and whether access to the premises
  10-13  is necessary>.
  10-14        (b)  The <If emergency intervention is necessary for funeral
  10-15  and burial, the> application shall also state whether there are any
  10-16  written instructions from the decedent relating to the type and
  10-17  manner of <a> funeral or burial the decedent would like to have
  10-18  <exist>.  The applicant shall  attach the instructions, if
  10-19  available, to the application and shall <or file the instructions
  10-20  before the funeral or burial and> fully comply with the
  10-21  instructions.  If written instructions do not exist, the applicant
  10-22  may not permit the decedent's remains to be cremated <shall provide
  10-23  for the funeral and burial of the decedent> unless the applicant
  10-24  obtains the court's permission to cremate the decedent's remains.
  10-25        SECTION 12.  Part 2, Chapter XII, Texas Probate Code, is
  10-26  amended by adding Section 522A to read as follows:
   11-1  FOR ACCESS TO PERSONAL PROPERTY.  An application for emergency
   11-2  intervention to gain access to rental accommodations of a decedent
   11-3  at the time of the decedent's death that contain the decedent's
   11-4  personal property must be sworn and must contain:
   11-5              (1)  the name, address, social security number, and
   11-6  interest of the applicant;
   11-7              (2)  the facts showing an immediate necessity for the
   11-8  issuance of an emergency intervention order by the court;
   11-9              (3)  the date and place of the decedent's death, the
  11-10  decedent's residential address, and the name and address of the
  11-11  funeral home holding the decedent's remains;
  11-12              (4)  any known or ascertainable heirs and devisees of
  11-13  the decedent and the reason:
  11-14                    (A)  the heirs and devisees cannot be contacted;
  11-15  or
  11-16                    (B)  the heirs and devisees have refused to
  11-17  assist in the protection of the decedent's personal property;
  11-18              (5)  the type and location of the decedent's personal
  11-19  property and the name of the person in possession of the property;
  11-20  and
  11-21              (6)  the name and address of the owner or manager of
  11-22  the decedent's rental accommodations and whether access to the
  11-23  accommodations is necessary.
  11-24        SECTION 13.  Section 523, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
  11-25  read as follows:
  11-26        Sec. 523.  ORDERS OF EMERGENCY INTERVENTION.  (a)  If the
  11-27  court determines on review of an <the> application filed under
   12-1  Section 520 of this code that emergency intervention is necessary
   12-2  to obtain funds needed for a decedent's funeral and burial
   12-3  expenses, the court may order funds of the decedent held by an
   12-4  employer, individual, or financial institution to be paid directly
   12-5  to a funeral home only for funeral and burial expenses not to
   12-6  exceed $5,000 as ordered by the court to provide the decedent with
   12-7  a reasonable, dignified, and appropriate funeral and burial.
   12-8        (b)  If the court determines on review of an application
   12-9  filed under Section 520 of this code that emergency intervention is
  12-10  necessary to gain access to accommodations rented by the decedent
  12-11  at the time of the decedent's death that contain the decedent's
  12-12  personal property, the court may order one or more of the
  12-13  following:
  12-14              (1)  the owner or agent of the rental accommodations
  12-15  shall grant the applicant access to the accommodations at a
  12-16  reasonable time and in the presence of the owner or agent;
  12-17              (2)  the applicant and owner or agent of the rental
  12-18  accommodations shall jointly prepare and file with the court a list
  12-19  that generally describes the decedent's property found at the
  12-20  premises;
  12-21              (3)  the applicant or the owner or agent of the rental
  12-22  accommodations may remove and store the decedent's property at
  12-23  another location until claimed by the decedent's heirs; or
  12-24              (4)  the applicant has only the powers that are
  12-25  specifically stated in the order and that are necessary to protect
  12-26  the decedent's property that is the subject of the application.
  12-27        (c)  The court clerk may issue certified copies of an
   13-1  emergency intervention order on request of the applicant only until
   13-2  the 90th day after the date the order was signed <issued> or the
   13-3  date a personal representative is qualified, whichever occurs
   13-4  first.
   13-5        (d) <(c)>  A person who is furnished with a certified copy of
   13-6  an emergency intervention order within the period described by
   13-7  Subsection (c) <(b)> of this section is not personally liable for
   13-8  the person's actions that are taken in accordance with and in
   13-9  reliance on the order.
  13-10        SECTION 14.  Section 524, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
  13-11  read as follows:
  13-12        Sec. 524.  TERMINATION.  (a)  All power and authority of an
  13-13  applicant under an emergency intervention order cease to be
  13-14  effective or enforceable on the 90th day after the date the order
  13-15  was issued or on the date a personal representative is qualified,
  13-16  whichever occurs first.
  13-17        (b)  If a personal representative has not been appointed when
  13-18  an emergency intervention order issued under Section 523(b) of this
  13-19  code ceases to be effective, a person who is in possession of the
  13-20  decedent's personal property that is the subject of the order,
  13-21  without incurring civil liability, may:
  13-22              (1)  release the property to the decedent's heirs; or
  13-23              (2)  dispose of the property under Subchapter C,
  13-24  Chapter 54, Property Code, or Section 7.209 or 7.210, Business &
  13-25  Commerce Code.
  13-26        SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995, and
  13-27  applies only to the estates of decedents who die on or after that
   14-1  date.  The estates of decedents who die before the effective date
   14-2  of this Act are governed by the law as it existed immediately
   14-3  before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in
   14-4  effect for that purpose.
   14-5        SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the
   14-6  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   14-7  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   14-8  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   14-9  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.