1-1  By:  Hightower (Senate Sponsor - Whitmire)            H.B. No. 2162
    1-2        (In the Senate - Received from the House April 27, 1995;
    1-3  May 1, 1995, read first time and referred to Committee on Criminal
    1-4  Justice; May 10, 1995, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
    1-5  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0; May 10, 1995,
    1-6  sent to printer.)
    1-7  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 2162                By:  Whitmire
    1-8                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-9                                AN ACT
   1-10  relating to the efficient administration of the criminal justice
   1-11  system.
   1-13                               ARTICLE 1
   1-14        SECTION 1.001.  Section 493.001, Government Code, is amended
   1-15  to read as follows:
   1-16        Sec. 493.001.  DEPARTMENT MISSION <RESPONSIBILITIES>.  The
   1-17  mission of the department is to provide public safety, promote
   1-18  positive change in offender behavior, and reintegrate offenders
   1-19  into society <the state agency with primary responsibility for:>
   1-20              <(1)  the confinement, supervision, and rehabilitation
   1-21  of felons;>
   1-22              <(2)  the development of a system of state and local
   1-23  punishment, supervision, and rehabilitation programs and
   1-24  facilities; and>
   1-25              <(3)  the reintegration of felons into society after
   1-26  release from confinement>.
   1-27        SECTION 1.002.  (a)  Section 493.003(b), Government Code, is
   1-28  amended to read as follows:
   1-29        (b)  The chief justice of the Supreme Court of Texas and the
   1-30  presiding judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals shall each
   1-31  appoint six members to serve as the judicial advisory council to
   1-32  the community justice assistance division and the board.  The
   1-33  advisory council members serve staggered six-year terms, with the
   1-34  terms of four of the members expiring September <February> 1 of
   1-35  each odd-numbered year.  In the event of a vacancy during a term,
   1-36  the appointing authority for the member who vacated the office
   1-37  shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired portion of the
   1-38  term. The advisory council shall advise the director of the
   1-39  community justice assistance division and the board on matters of
   1-40  interest to the judiciary, and the director and the board shall
   1-41  carefully consider the advice.  Members of the advisory council are
   1-42  not entitled to compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for
   1-43  actual and necessary expenses in the conduct of their duties, as
   1-44  provided by the General Appropriations Act.
   1-45        (b)  Notwithstanding Section 2.03(b), Chapter 988, Acts of
   1-46  the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, the terms of the
   1-47  initial appointees to the judicial advisory council to the
   1-48  community justice assistance division of the Texas Department of
   1-49  Criminal Justice and the Texas Board of Criminal Justice expire
   1-50  September 1, 1995, September 1, 1997, and September 1, 1999,
   1-51  respectively.  On expiration of those terms, the term of a member
   1-52  is six years, as provided by Section 493.003, Government Code.
   1-53        SECTION 1.003.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended by
   1-54  adding Section 493.0081 to read as follows:
   1-55        Sec. 493.0081.  OFFICE OF INTERNAL AUDITS.  (a)  The board
   1-56  shall create within the department an office of internal audits.
   1-57  The board shall employ a chief of the office of internal audits
   1-58  based on recommendations from the executive director regarding
   1-59  qualified candidates for the position.  The employment of the chief
   1-60  of the office of internal audits may be terminated only with the
   1-61  approval of the board.
   1-62        (b)  The office of internal audits shall:
   1-63              (1)  conduct recurring financial and management audits;
   1-64              (2)  conduct internal audits to evaluate department
   1-65  programs and the economy and efficiency of those programs; and
   1-66              (3)  recommend improvements in management and programs
   1-67  on the basis of evaluations made under this subsection.
   1-68        (c)  The chief of the office of internal audits shall send
    2-1  reports, audits, evaluations, and recommendations to the executive
    2-2  director.  The chief shall report directly to the board at least
    2-3  once a year on:
    2-4              (1)  the activities of the office; and
    2-5              (2)  the response of the department to recommendations
    2-6  made by the office.
    2-7        (d)  The chief shall report directly to the board on other
    2-8  matters at the times required by board policy.
    2-9        SECTION 1.004.  Sections 493.009(e) and (f), Government Code,
   2-10  are amended to read as follows:
   2-11        (e)  The department shall employ or contract with <through
   2-12  the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse with organizations
   2-13  to provide> qualified professionals to implement the program for
   2-14  persons required to participate in the program under Section 14,
   2-15  Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.  For purposes of this
   2-16  subsection, a "qualified professional" is a person who:
   2-17              (1)  is a certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor;
   2-18              (2)  is a certified social worker or advanced clinical
   2-19  practitioner and who has at least two years of experience in
   2-20  chemical dependency counseling; or
   2-21              (3)  is a licensed professional counselor, physician,
   2-22  or psychologist and who has at least two years of experience in
   2-23  chemical dependency counseling.
   2-24        (f)(1)  The department shall adopt rules of conduct for
   2-25  persons required to participate in the program under Section 14,
   2-26  Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, or required to
   2-27  participate in the program following modification of community
   2-28  supervision <probation> or parole.
   2-29              (2)  If the qualified professional with primary
   2-30  responsibility for treating a defendant and the individual in
   2-31  charge of security in the facility in which the defendant is housed
   2-32  jointly determine that the defendant is not complying with the
   2-33  rules or is medically or psychologically unsuitable for the
   2-34  program, they shall notify the department of that fact.
   2-35              (3)  The department, immediately on receiving notice,
   2-36  shall request the sentencing court to reassume custody of the
   2-37  defendant if the defendant was required to participate in the
   2-38  program under Section 14, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
   2-39  Procedure, or required to participate in the program following
   2-40  modification of community supervision <probation>.  The court shall
   2-41  reassume custody before the 12th day after the date on which the
   2-42  department notifies the court.  If the court revokes the
   2-43  defendant's community supervision <probation>, the admission of the
   2-44  defendant to the institutional division is an admission for which
   2-45  the department must account in the scheduled admissions policy <the
   2-46  county from which the defendant was sentenced is charged under the
   2-47  allocation formula> established under Section 499.071.
   2-48              (4)  The department, immediately on receiving notice,
   2-49  shall request the pardons and paroles division to reassume custody
   2-50  of the defendant if the defendant was required to participate in
   2-51  the program following modification of parole.  The pardons and
   2-52  paroles division shall immediately take action in accordance with
   2-53  established policies and procedures of the Board of Pardons and
   2-54  Paroles to remove the defendant from the program.  If a parole
   2-55  panel revokes the defendant's parole, the admission of the
   2-56  defendant to the institutional division is an admission for which
   2-57  the department must account in the scheduled admissions policy <the
   2-58  county from which the defendant was sentenced is charged under the
   2-59  allocation formula> established under Section 499.071.
   2-60              (5)  If the defendant was transferred to the facility
   2-61  from a county jail under Subsection (l), the department shall
   2-62  return the defendant to the county jail.
   2-63              (6)  A court's recommendation that a defendant be
   2-64  placed in a program created under this section does not give the
   2-65  court the power to hold the department or any officer or employee
   2-66  of the department in contempt of court for failure to adhere to
   2-67  that recommendation.
   2-68        SECTION 1.005.  Section 493.009, Government Code, is amended
   2-69  by amending Subsections (c), (g), and (h) and by adding Subsection
   2-70  (q) to read as follows:
    3-1        (c)  The program for persons required to participate in the
    3-2  program under Section 14, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
    3-3  Procedure, must consist of treatment programs that may vary in time
    3-4  from 90 days <six months> to 12 months.  <The department shall also
    3-5  establish and provide treatment programs for persons in categories
    3-6  described by Subsections (g)(1)-(3) who are housed in beds
    3-7  otherwise provided for persons required to participate in the
    3-8  program under Section 14, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
    3-9  Procedure.>
   3-10        (g)  The department shall provide at least 5,200 <12,000>
   3-11  beds for the purpose of operating the program for persons required
   3-12  to participate in the program under Section 14, Article 42.12, Code
   3-13  of Criminal Procedure, as amended by Chapter 900, Acts of the 73rd
   3-14  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, except that the beds may also
   3-15  be used to house the following categories of persons:
   3-16              (1)  persons transferred under Subchapter A, Chapter
   3-17  499, Government Code, and Section 8(i), Article 42.18, Code of
   3-18  Criminal Procedure;
   3-19              (2)  persons whose community supervision <probation> or
   3-20  parole has been modified; <and>
   3-21              (3)  defendants confined in county jails awaiting
   3-22  transfer to the institutional division; and
   3-23              (4)  inmates participating in the program described by
   3-24  Section 501.0931.
   3-25        (h)  On and after the date persons are required under Section
   3-26  14, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, to participate in
   3-27  the program established under this section, the department shall
   3-28  give priority to housing those persons over the categories of
   3-29  persons described by Subsections (g)(1)-(4)<(3)>.
   3-30        (q)  The department not less often than every two years shall
   3-31  determine whether the department should increase the number of beds
   3-32  provided by the department for the operation of the program for
   3-33  persons required to participate in the program under Section 14,
   3-34  Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by Chapter
   3-35  900, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993.
   3-36        SECTION 1.006.  Sections 493.009(m) and (n), Government Code,
   3-37  are amended to read as follows:
   3-38        (m)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the
   3-39  department is authorized to provide substance abuse felony
   3-40  punishment facilities, not to exceed 500 beds, for newly provided
   3-41  alcohol and drug abuse beds exclusively for persons whose community
   3-42  supervision <probation> or parole has been modified.
   3-43        (n)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, the
   3-44  <The> department shall separate participants in the program created
   3-45  under this section from inmates of the institutional division,
   3-46  except at times determined necessary by the department for the
   3-47  purpose of transportation or staging or for medical or security
   3-48  reasons.  The department may commingle participants in the program
   3-49  created under this section with inmates in the program described by
   3-50  Section 501.0931.
   3-51        SECTION 1.007.  Section 493.010, Government Code, is amended
   3-52  to read as follows:
   3-53        Sec. 493.010.  CONTRACTS FOR MISCELLANEOUS HOUSING.  The
   3-54  board, for the temporary or permanent housing of inmates, may enter
   3-55  into leases or contract with:
   3-56              (1)  public or private jails <, subject to the
   3-57  restrictions of Subchapter A, Chapter 495>; or
   3-58              (2)  operators of alternative housing facilities.
   3-59        SECTION 1.008.  Section 493.011, Government Code, is amended
   3-60  to read as follows:
   3-61        Sec. 493.011.  Consultant Contracts for Prison Construction.
   3-62  The board may not contract for construction-related consulting
   3-63  services to the board with an individual or firm if that individual
   3-64  or firm is also under contract with the department <institutional
   3-65  division> to provide construction management services for prison
   3-66  unit construction.
   3-67        SECTION 1.009.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended by
   3-68  adding Section 493.015 to read as follows:
   3-69        Sec. 493.015.  ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.  The executive director
   3-70  may appoint employees who are certified by the Commission on Law
    4-1  Enforcement Officer Standards and Education as qualified to be
    4-2  peace officers to serve under the direction of the executive
    4-3  director and assist the executive director in performing the
    4-4  enforcement duties of the department.
    4-5        SECTION 1.010.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended by
    4-6  adding Section 493.016 to read as follows:
    4-8  (a)  The department shall prepare information of public interest
    4-9  describing the functions of the department and the procedures by
   4-10  which complaints are filed with and resolved by the department.
   4-11  The department shall make the information available to the general
   4-12  public and appropriate state agencies.
   4-13        (b)  The department shall establish methods by which
   4-14  interested persons are notified of the name, mailing address, and
   4-15  telephone number of the department for the purpose of directing
   4-16  complaints to the department.
   4-17        (c)  The department shall keep an information file about each
   4-18  complaint filed with the department by a member of the general
   4-19  public that relates to the operations of the department.
   4-20        (d)  If a written complaint is filed with the department by a
   4-21  member of the general public that relates to the operations of the
   4-22  department, the department, at least as frequently as quarterly and
   4-23  until final disposition of the complaint, shall notify the
   4-24  complainant of the status of the complaint unless the notice would
   4-25  jeopardize an undercover investigation.
   4-26        SECTION 1.011.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended by
   4-27  adding Section 493.017 to read as follows:
   4-28        Sec. 493.017.  SEAL OF DEPARTMENT.  (a)  The department shall
   4-29  use an official seal to certify documents received by the
   4-30  department under Sections 8(a) and (c), Article 42.09, Code of
   4-31  Criminal Procedure.
   4-32        (b)  The official seal must contain an engraved, five-pointed
   4-33  star in the center with the words "Texas Department of Criminal
   4-34  Justice" around the margin.
   4-35        SECTION 1.012.  Section 494.001, Government Code, is amended
   4-36  to read as follows:
   4-37        Sec. 494.001.  INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION MISSION.  The mission
   4-38  of the institutional division is to provide safe and appropriate
   4-39  confinement, supervision, rehabilitation, and reintegration of
   4-40  adult felons, and to effectively manage or administer correctional
   4-41  facilities based on constitutional and statutory
   4-42  standards  <STATEMENT OF POLICY.  It is the policy of this state to
   4-43  manage the institutional division:>
   4-44              <(1)  in a manner consistent with the operation of a
   4-45  modern prison system;>
   4-46              <(2)  in a manner that provides persons convicted of
   4-47  violating the law and sentenced to the division with humane
   4-48  treatment and with the opportunity, encouragement, and training
   4-49  necessary for reformation; and>
   4-50              <(3)  with the intention of making the division
   4-51  self-sustaining>.
   4-52        SECTION 1.013.  Section 494.002(a), Government Code, is
   4-53  amended to read as follows:
   4-54        (a)  The director of the institutional division may adopt
   4-55  policies <rules> governing the humane treatment, training,
   4-56  education, rehabilitation, and discipline of inmates and may
   4-57  arrange for the separation and classification of inmates according
   4-58  to the inmates' sex, age, health, corrigibility, and type of
   4-59  offense for which the inmate was sentenced to the institutional
   4-60  division.
   4-61        SECTION 1.014.  Sections 494.003(a) and (b), Government Code,
   4-62  are amended to read as follows:
   4-63        (a)  The department <director of the institutional division>
   4-64  shall keep a correct and accurate account of each financial
   4-65  transaction involving the institutional division, including the
   4-66  receipt and disbursement of money by the division.  The department
   4-67  <director> shall keep an account of each institutional division
   4-68  unit, industry, and farm, and for each person doing business with
   4-69  the division.
   4-70        (b)  The director of the institutional division or a designee
    5-1  of the director shall provide a receipt for all money received by
    5-2  the institutional division.
    5-3        SECTION 1.015.  Section 494.012(a), Government Code, is
    5-4  amended to read as follows:
    5-5        (a)  The <director of the> institutional division shall
    5-6  evaluate the efficiency of the maintenance staff of each unit of
    5-7  the division.
    5-8        SECTION 1.016.  Section 496.001, Government Code, is amended
    5-9  to read as follows:
   5-10        Sec. 496.001.  Acquisition of Real Property.  The board may
   5-11  acquire real property through purchase, subject to specific
   5-12  appropriative authority in the General Appropriations Act, or
   5-13  through the acceptance of a gift, grant, or donation for a facility
   5-14  <prison site>.
   5-15        SECTION 1.017.  Section 496.002(a), Government Code, is
   5-16  amended to read as follows:
   5-17        (a)  The board has eminent domain authority to condemn and
   5-18  acquire land if necessary to eliminate security hazards, protect
   5-19  the life and property of citizens of this state, or improve the
   5-20  efficiency, management, or operations of the department
   5-21  <institutional division>.
   5-22        SECTION 1.018.  Subchapter A, Chapter 496, Government Code,
   5-23  is amended by adding Section 496.0021 to read as follows:
   5-24        Sec. 496.0021.  SALE OF DEPARTMENT REAL PROPERTY.  (a)  The
   5-25  board may sell state-owned real property under the board's
   5-26  management and control at the real property's fair market value.
   5-27  The General Land Office shall negotiate and close a transaction
   5-28  under this section on behalf of the board using procedures under
   5-29  Section 31.158(c), Natural Resources Code.  Proceeds from the
   5-30  transaction shall be deposited in the Texas capital trust fund.
   5-31        (b)  The board may authorize the sale of land directly to a
   5-32  local government at fair market value without the requirement of a
   5-33  sealed bid sale if the local government acquires the property for
   5-34  use as a local correctional facility.
   5-35        SECTION 1.019.  Section 496.003, Government Code, is amended
   5-36  to read as follows:
   5-37        Sec. 496.003.  LEASE OF <INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION> REAL
   5-38  PROPERTY.  (a)  The board may lease state-owned real property under
   5-39  the board's management and control at the real property's fair
   5-40  market lease value.  The initial period of a lease under this
   5-41  section may not exceed 20 years.  The lease may contain terms and
   5-42  conditions determined by the board to be in the best interest of
   5-43  the department <institutional division>.  Neither a member of the
   5-44  board nor a person related to a member within the second degree by
   5-45  affinity or within the third degree by consanguinity, as determined
   5-46  under Subchapter B, Chapter 573 <Article 5996h, Revised Statutes>,
   5-47  may own an interest in an entity leasing real property under this
   5-48  section.
   5-49        (b)  The department <institutional division> shall deposit in
   5-50  the general revenue <special mineral> fund to the credit of a
   5-51  special account <created by Section 34.017, Natural Resources
   5-52  Code,> the proceeds of a lease entered into under this section,
   5-53  after deducting expenses.  The proceeds may be used only for the
   5-54  payment of operating expenses of the department <are for the
   5-55  exclusive use of the institutional division, as specified by
   5-56  legislative appropriation>.  Sections 403.094 and 403.095 do not
   5-57  apply to the dedication of lease proceeds under this subsection.
   5-58        (c)  The department <board> shall notify taxing units
   5-59  authorized to impose property taxes on land leased under this
   5-60  section that the land has been leased.  The department <board>
   5-61  shall send a copy of the lease by first class mail, return receipt
   5-62  requested, to each taxing unit in which the land is located.  The
   5-63  lessee is liable for property taxes imposed on land leased under
   5-64  this section.
   5-65        SECTION 1.020.  Subchapter A, Chapter 496, Government Code,
   5-66  is amended by adding Section 496.0031 to read as follows:
   5-67        Sec. 496.0031.  TRANSFER OF FACILITIES.  (a)  The department
   5-68  may transfer a correctional facility to another agency of the
   5-69  state, and the agency receiving the facility subsequently may
   5-70  transfer the facility back to the department.
    6-1        (b)  A transfer under this section requires the agreement of
    6-2  the board and the governing body of the agency receiving the
    6-3  correctional facility or returning the correctional facility to the
    6-4  department, both as to the identity of the facility to be
    6-5  transferred and to the method of transfer.
    6-6        (c)  In this section, "transfer" means to convey title to,
    6-7  lease, or otherwise convey the beneficial use of a correctional
    6-8  facility and land appurtenant to the facility.
    6-9        SECTION 1.021.  Section 496.004, Government Code, is amended
   6-10  to read as follows:
   6-11        Sec. 496.004.  Easements.  (a)  The board<, with the consent
   6-12  of the attorney general and governor,> may grant or lease permanent
   6-13  or temporary right-of-way easements on department land for:
   6-14              (1)  public highways, roads and streets, and ditches;
   6-15              (2)  electric lines and pipelines, including necessary
   6-16  wires, pipes, poles, and other equipment used to transmit, convey,
   6-17  or distribute water, electricity, gas, oil, or similar substances
   6-18  or commodities;
   6-19              (3)  electrical substations; or
   6-20              (4)  the provision of utilities for the operation of
   6-21  facilities of the department and roadways for access to facilities
   6-22  of the department.
   6-23        (b)  The board may not grant or lease an easement unless the
   6-24  board receives fair and adequate consideration.  However, the board
   6-25  may without consideration grant a state highway easement to the
   6-26  State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, a roadway
   6-27  easement to a county for connecting roads between state highways,
   6-28  easements to utility providers for utilities to serve facilities of
   6-29  the department, and roadway easements to a city or a county to
   6-30  provide roadways for facilities of the department.
   6-31        (c)  A grant or lease must contain a full reservation of
   6-32  minerals in and under the land. The board<, with the consent of the
   6-33  attorney general and governor,> may impose other fair and
   6-34  reasonable conditions, covenants, and provisions.
   6-35        (d)  The department <board> shall deposit money received from
   6-36  a grant or lease of easements and money received from damages to
   6-37  department land in the general revenue fund to the credit of a
   6-38  special account <special mineral fund created by Section 34.017,
   6-39  Natural Resources Code>.  Money received under this section may be
   6-40  used only for the payment of operating expenses of the department.
   6-41  Sections 403.094 and 403.095 do not apply to the dedication of
   6-42  money under this section.
   6-43        SECTION 1.022.  Section 496.005, Government Code, is amended
   6-44  to read as follows:
   6-45        Sec. 496.005.  Tax Exemption.  (a)  Property associated with
   6-46  a facility described by Subsection (b) is exempt from taxation
   6-47  during the time the property is used exclusively for the purposes
   6-48  of the department <institutional division>.
   6-49        (b)  This section applies to:
   6-50              (1)  land in Anderson County owned by the state for the
   6-51  use and benefit of the institutional division that is subject to a
   6-52  lease granted by the board and a sublease entered into by the
   6-53  division and the <State Purchasing and> General Services
   6-54  Commission, on which is located the correctional facility known as
   6-55  the Mark W. Michael Unit of the Coffield Prison Farm; and
   6-56              (2)  a parcel of land in Anderson, Brazoria, Coryell,
   6-57  Houston, Madison, or Walker County owned by the state for the use
   6-58  and benefit of the institutional division that is subject to a
   6-59  lease granted by the board and a sublease entered into by the
   6-60  division and the <State Purchasing and> General Services
   6-61  Commission, on which is located a trusty camp facility.
   6-62        SECTION 1.023.  Section 496.006, Government Code, is amended
   6-63  to read as follows:
   6-64        Sec. 496.006.  Road Maintenance.  (a)  The department <board>
   6-65  and the Texas Department of <State Highway and Public>
   6-66  Transportation <Commission> may enter into and perform an agreement
   6-67  or contract for the maintenance of a road in or adjacent to a
   6-68  facility <unit> of the department <institutional division>.
   6-69        (b)  An agreement or contract entered into under this section
   6-70  and payments made under the agreement or contract must conform with
    7-1  the provisions of Chapter 771 <The Interagency Cooperation Act
    7-2  (Article 4413(32), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
    7-3        SECTION 1.024.  Section 496.007, Government Code, is amended
    7-4  to read as follows:
    7-5        Sec. 496.007.  LOCATION OF NEW FACILITIES <UNITS>.  <(a)>  In
    7-6  determining the location of a facility <unit> to be built, the
    7-7  department <institutional division>, in evaluating the advantages
    7-8  and disadvantages of the proposed location, shall consider whether
    7-9  the proposed location is:
   7-10              (1)  close enough to a county with 100,000 or more
   7-11  inhabitants to provide <enable the division and inmates to have>
   7-12  access to services and other resources provided in such a county;
   7-13              (2)  cost-effective with respect to its proximity to
   7-14  other facilities of <units in> the department <division>;
   7-15              (3)  close to an area that would facilitate release of
   7-16  inmates or persons confined in state jail felony facilities to
   7-17  their area of residence; and
   7-18              (4)  close to an area that provides adequate
   7-19  educational opportunities and medical care.
   7-20        <(b)  The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council at least once
   7-21  a year shall provide the institutional division with a list,
   7-22  according to the best information available to the council, of
   7-23  counties in this state with 100,000 or more inhabitants.>
   7-24        SECTION 1.025.  Sections 496.051(a) and (b), Government Code,
   7-25  are amended to read as follows:
   7-26        (a)  The department <institutional division> shall comply
   7-27  with any special purchasing procedures requiring competitive review
   7-28  under the State Purchasing and General Services Act (Article 601b,
   7-29  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
   7-30        (b)  The board may authorize the executive director to adopt
   7-31  policies <rules> allowing the institutional division to purchase
   7-32  directly or at public auction livestock, agricultural commodities,
   7-33  agricultural or industrial equipment, supplies, and raw materials
   7-34  for agricultural or industrial production, breeding, consumption,
   7-35  or resale, if the division determines that the purchase is
   7-36  economically feasible and advantageous to the division.  The State
   7-37  Purchasing and General Services Act (Article 601b, Vernon's Texas
   7-38  Civil Statutes) does not apply to purchases made under this
   7-39  subsection.  The institutional division shall notify the <State
   7-40  Purchasing and> General Services Commission as soon as practicable
   7-41  of a purchase made under this subsection and the purchase price.
   7-42        SECTION 1.026.  Section 496.0515, Government Code, is amended
   7-43  to read as follows:
   7-44        Sec. 496.0515.  Hazardous Waste Management Contracts.
   7-45  (a)  The competitive bidding contract procedures established by
   7-46  Article 3, State Purchasing and General Services Act (Article 601b,
   7-47  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), do not apply to a contract awarded
   7-48  by the department <institutional division> for:
   7-49              (1)  testing a solid waste or other substance to
   7-50  determine whether the waste or other substance is a hazardous
   7-51  waste; or
   7-52              (2)  the transport, storage, treatment, or disposal of
   7-53  a hazardous waste.
   7-54        (b)  The department <institutional division> shall promulgate
   7-55  procedures for the purpose of purchasing under Subsection (a). The
   7-56  department <division> shall file copies of the procedures
   7-57  promulgated under this subsection with the <State Purchasing and>
   7-58  General Services Commission.
   7-59        SECTION 1.027.  Section 496.052(a), Government Code, is
   7-60  amended to read as follows:
   7-61        (a)  The board may purchase insurance to protect the
   7-62  department <institutional division> from loss due to the damage,
   7-63  loss, theft, or destruction of department <division> aircraft.
   7-64        SECTION 1.028.  Section 496.101(a), Government Code, is
   7-65  amended to read as follows:
   7-66        (a)  As funds are appropriated for that purpose, the
   7-67  department shall establish for each facility <unit> of the
   7-68  department <institutional division> an automated inventory and
   7-69  maintenance system that interacts with the centralized computer
   7-70  system of the department.
    8-1        SECTION 1.029.  Section 497.001, Government Code, is amended
    8-2  to read as follows:
    8-3        Sec. 497.001.  Prison Industries Office.  The prison
    8-4  industries office is an office in the department <institutional
    8-5  division.  The office is under the control of the director of the
    8-6  institutional division>.
    8-7        SECTION 1.030.  Section 497.002(b), Government Code, is
    8-8  amended to read as follows:
    8-9        (b)  To implement the purposes of the office, the department
   8-10  <director of the institutional division> may establish and operate
   8-11  a prison industries program at each correctional facility that the
   8-12  department <director> considers suitable for such a program.
   8-13        SECTION 1.031.  Section 497.004, Government Code, is amended
   8-14  to read as follows:
   8-15        Sec. 497.004.  Inmate Labor, Pay.  (a)  The department
   8-16  <director -of the institutional division> shall use inmate labor in
   8-17  the prison industries program to the greatest extent feasible and
   8-18  shall develop and expand the prison industries program by pursuing
   8-19  arrangements with business for the use of inmate labor.
   8-20        (b)  The board may develop and administer an incentive pay
   8-21  scale for inmates <confined in the institutional division> who
   8-22  participate in the prison industries program.  The program may be
   8-23  financed through contributions donated for this purpose by private
   8-24  businesses contracting with the department <institutional
   8-25  division>.  The department <institutional division> shall apportion
   8-26  pay earned by an inmate under this subchapter to the following
   8-27  persons and entities, in amounts determined at the discretion of
   8-28  the department <division>:
   8-29              (1)  persons to whom the inmate has been ordered by a
   8-30  court to pay restitution;
   8-31              (2)  the inmate's family and dependents;
   8-32              (3)  the state, as reimbursement for the cost of the
   8-33  inmate's confinement;
   8-34              (4)  the compensation to victims of crime fund, created
   8-35  by Article 56.54, Code of Criminal Procedure <Section 14, Crime
   8-36  Victims Compensation Act (Article 8309-1, Vernon's Texas Civil
   8-37  Statutes)>; and
   8-38              (5)  the inmate's trust fund.
   8-39        SECTION 1.032.  Section 497.005, Government Code, is amended
   8-40  to read as follows:
   8-41        Sec. 497.005.  Proceeds From Prison Industries.  Proceeds
   8-42  received from the operation of a prison industries program shall be
   8-43  deposited in the industrial revolving fund.  The proceeds may be
   8-44  used by the department <institutional division> for the
   8-45  administration of this subchapter.
   8-46        SECTION 1.033.  Section 497.006, Government Code, is amended
   8-47  to read as follows:
   8-48        Sec. 497.006.  Contracts.  To encourage the development and
   8-49  expansion of the prison industries program, the prison industries
   8-50  office may enter into necessary contracts related to the prison
   8-51  industries program.  With the approval of the board, the office may
   8-52  enter into a contract with a private business to conduct a program
   8-53  on or off property operated by the department <institutional
   8-54  division>.
   8-55        SECTION 1.034.  Section 497.008, Government Code, is amended
   8-56  to read as follows:
   8-57        Sec. 497.008.  Lease of Land.  To further the expansion and
   8-58  development of the prison industries program, the department
   8-59  <institutional division> may lease prison land to a private
   8-60  business.  A lease under this section may not exceed a term of 50
   8-61  years.  The business must lease the land at fair market value and
   8-62  may construct or convert plant facilities on the land.
   8-63        SECTION 1.035.  Section 497.009, Government Code, is amended
   8-64  to read as follows:
   8-65        Sec. 497.009.  Certification for Franchise Tax Credit.  The
   8-66  department <institutional division> or the prison industries office
   8-67  on behalf of the department <institutional division> shall prepare
   8-68  and issue a certification that a corporation requires to establish
   8-69  eligibility for the franchise tax credit for wages paid to inmates
   8-70  or employees who were inmates under Subchapter L, Chapter 171, Tax
    9-1  Code.
    9-2        SECTION 1.036.  Section 497.010, Government Code, is amended
    9-3  to read as follows:
    9-4        Sec. 497.010.  Compliance.  The prison industries office may
    9-5  enter into a contract with a private business under Section 497.006
    9-6  only if the contract specifies that the prison industries office
    9-7  and the private business will comply with the Private Sector/Prison
    9-8  Industry Enhancement Certification Program operated by the Bureau
    9-9  of Justice Assistance and authorized by 18 U.S.C. Section 1761 <42
   9-10  U.S.C.  Section 3701 et seq>.
   9-11        SECTION 1.037.  Section 497.034(c), Government Code, is
   9-12  amended to read as follows:
   9-13        (c)  The institutional division may use surplus agricultural
   9-14  lands to provide agricultural products to a nonprofit organization
   9-15  at no profit to the division <Article 9, State Purchasing and
   9-16  General Services Act (Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   9-17  applies to property described by Subsection (a)>.
   9-18        SECTION 1.038.  Section 497.035(a), Government Code, is
   9-19  amended to read as follows:
   9-20        (a)  A person commits an offense if the person intentionally
   9-21  sells or offers to sell on the open market in this state an article
   9-22  or product the person knows was manufactured in whole or in part by
   9-23  an inmate of the institutional division or an inmate in a
   9-24  correctional facility in any other state, other than an inmate:
   9-25              (1)  who was on community supervision, <probation or>
   9-26  parole, or mandatory supervision;
   9-27              (2)  <or> employed by an enterprise who has employed
   9-28  the inmate to advantage themselves of the Franchise Tax Credit
   9-29  offered under Subchapter L, Chapter 171, Tax Code, at the time of
   9-30  manufacture; or
   9-31              (3)  participating in a federally certified prison
   9-32  industry enhancement program.
   9-33        SECTION 1.039.  Section 497.081(a), Government Code, is
   9-34  amended to read as follows:
   9-35        (a)  For the purposes of this subchapter, only the
   9-36  institutional division may appoint an inmate to serve as a trusty,
   9-37  under policies <rules> adopted by the director of the institutional
   9-38  division.
   9-39        SECTION 1.040.  Subchapter D, Chapter 497, Government Code,
   9-40  is amended by adding Section 497.090 to read as follows:
   9-41        Sec. 497.090.  WORK REQUIRED.  The department shall require
   9-42  each inmate to work, to the extent that the inmate is physically
   9-43  capable of working.
   9-44        SECTION 1.041.  Section 497.091, Government Code, is amended
   9-45  to read as follows:
   9-46        Sec. 497.091.  Contracts for Inmate Labor.  (a)  In this
   9-47  section:
   9-48              (1)  "Agency" has the meaning assigned that term by
   9-49  Section 771.002 <2, The Interagency Cooperation Act (Article
   9-50  4413(32), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   9-51              (2)  "Local government" has the meaning assigned that
   9-52  term by Section 791.003 <3, The Interlocal Cooperation Act (Article
   9-53  4413(32c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   9-54        (b)  The department <institutional division> shall seek
   9-55  contracts with agencies and local governments to provide inmate
   9-56  labor to those agencies and governments.
   9-57        (c)  The department <institutional division> may not enter
   9-58  into a contract with an agency under this section unless the
   9-59  contract complies with Chapter 771 <The Interagency Cooperation Act
   9-60  (Article 4413(32), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)> and may not
   9-61  enter into a contract with a local government under this section
   9-62  unless the contract complies with Chapter 791 <The Interlocal
   9-63  Cooperation Act (Article 4413(32c), Vernon's Texas Civil
   9-64  Statutes)>.  A contract entered into under this section may provide
   9-65  that the department <institutional division> be reimbursed for
   9-66  expenses incurred by the division in providing inmate labor to the
   9-67  agency or local government.
   9-68        SECTION 1.042.  Section 497.092(b), Government Code, is
   9-69  amended to read as follows:
   9-70        (b)  An agreement or contract entered into under this section
   10-1  and payments made under the agreement or contract must conform with
   10-2  Chapter 771 <The Interagency Cooperation Act (Article 4413(32),
   10-3  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   10-4        SECTION 1.043.  Section 497.094, Government Code, is amended
   10-5  to read as follows:
   10-6        Sec. 497.094.  Job Training Programs.  The department
   10-7  <institutional division and the pardons and paroles division by
   10-8  rule> shall <adopt a memorandum of understanding that establishes
   10-9  the respective responsibility of the institutional division to>
  10-10  implement job training programs for inmates confined in facilities
  10-11  operated by the department and <of the pardons and paroles division
  10-12  to> monitor the success of those programs.  The department shall
  10-13  collect <memorandum must establish a method by which the pardons
  10-14  and paroles division provides the institutional division with>
  10-15  information relating to the employment histories of inmates
  10-16  released from the institutional division on parole and mandatory
  10-17  supervision.  <The institutional division shall coordinate the
  10-18  development of the memorandum of understanding.>
  10-19        SECTION 1.044.  Section 497.096, Government Code, is amended
  10-20  to read as follows:
  10-21        Sec. 497.096.  Liability Protections.  An employee of the
  10-22  Texas Department of Criminal Justice, sheriff, employee of a
  10-23  sheriff's department, county commissioner, county employee, county
  10-24  judge, employee of a community corrections and supervision
  10-25  department, restitution center, or officer or employee of a
  10-26  political subdivision other than a county is not liable for damages
  10-27  arising from an act or failure to act in connection with community
  10-28  service performed by an inmate imprisoned in a facility operated by
  10-29  the department <pursuant to court order> or in connection with an
  10-30  inmate or offender programmatic or nonprogrammatic activity,
  10-31  including work, community service, educational, and treatment
  10-32  activities, if the act or failure to act was not intentional,
  10-33  wilfully or wantonly negligent, or performed with conscious
  10-34  indifference or reckless disregard for the safety of others.
  10-35        SECTION 1.045.  Subchapter E, Chapter 497, Government Code,
  10-36  is amended by adding Section 497.097 to read as follows:
  10-37        Sec. 497.097.  USE OF STATE JAIL FELONS.  The department may
  10-38  use the labor of defendants confined in a state jail felony
  10-39  facility in any work or community service program or project
  10-40  performed by the institutional division.
  10-41        SECTION 1.046.  Section 498.001(1), Government Code, is
  10-42  amended to read as follows:
  10-43              (1)  "Inmate" means a person imprisoned <confined> by
  10-44  order of a court <in the institutional division>, whether the
  10-45  person is actually imprisoned <confined> in a facility operated by
  10-46  or under contract with the institutional division <the institution>
  10-47  or is under the supervision or custody of the pardons and paroles
  10-48  division.
  10-49        SECTION 1.047.  Section 498.002, Government Code, is amended
  10-50  to read as follows:
  10-51        Sec. 498.002.  Classification and Reclassification.  The
  10-52  department <institutional division> shall classify each inmate as
  10-53  soon as practicable on the inmate's arrival at the institutional
  10-54  division or a transfer facility and, subject to the requirements of
  10-55  Section 498.005, shall reclassify the inmate as circumstances
  10-56  warrant.  Each inmate must be classified according to the inmate's
  10-57  conduct, obedience, industry, and criminal history.  The department
  10-58  <director of the institutional division> shall maintain a record on
  10-59  each inmate showing each classification and reclassification of the
  10-60  inmate with the date and reason for each classification or
  10-61  reclassification.  The department <institutional division> may
  10-62  classify each inmate on the inmate's arrival at the institutional
  10-63  division or a transfer facility in a time-earning category that
  10-64  does not allow the inmate to earn more than 30 days' good conduct
  10-65  time for each 30 days actually served.
  10-66        SECTION 1.048.  Section 498.003, Government Code, is amended
  10-67  to read as follows:
  10-68        Sec. 498.003.  Accrual of Good Conduct Time.  (a)  Good
  10-69  conduct time applies only to eligibility for parole or mandatory
  10-70  supervision as provided by Section 8, Article 42.18, Code of
   11-1  Criminal Procedure, and does not otherwise affect an inmate's term.
   11-2  Good conduct time is a privilege and not a right.  Regardless of
   11-3  the classification of an inmate, the department <director of the
   11-4  institutional division> may grant good conduct time to the inmate
   11-5  only if the department <director> finds that the inmate is actively
   11-6  engaged in an agricultural, vocational, or educational endeavor or
   11-7  in an industrial program or other work program, unless the
   11-8  department <director> finds that the inmate is not capable of
   11-9  participating in such an endeavor.
  11-10        (b)  An inmate accrues good conduct time according to the
  11-11  inmate's classification in amounts as follows:
  11-12              (1)  20 days for each 30 days actually served while the
  11-13  inmate is classified as a trusty, except that the department
  11-14  <director of the institutional division> may award the inmate not
  11-15  more than 10 extra days for each 30 days actually served;
  11-16              (2)  20 days for each 30 days actually served while the
  11-17  inmate is classified as a Class I inmate; and
  11-18              (3)  10 days for each 30 days actually served while the
  11-19  inmate is classified as a Class II inmate.
  11-20        (c)  An inmate may not accrue good conduct time during any
  11-21  period the inmate is classified as a Class III inmate or is on
  11-22  parole or under mandatory supervision.
  11-23        (d)  An inmate may accrue good conduct time, in an amount
  11-24  determined by the department <director of the institutional
  11-25  division> that does not exceed 15 days for each 30 days actually
  11-26  served, for diligent participation in an industrial program or
  11-27  other work program or for participation in an agricultural,
  11-28  educational, or vocational program provided to inmates by the
  11-29  department <institutional division>. For the purposes of this
  11-30  subsection, the term "participation in an educational program"
  11-31  includes the participation of the inmate as a tutor or a pupil in a
  11-32  literacy program authorized by Section 501.005.  The department
  11-33  <institutional division> may not award good conduct time under this
  11-34  subsection for participation in a literacy program unless the
  11-35  department <division> determines that the inmate participated in
  11-36  good faith and with diligence as a tutor or pupil.
  11-37        (e)  If a person is confined in a county jail <or a transfer
  11-38  facility operated by the institutional division is transferred to
  11-39  any other facility of the institutional division for confinement
  11-40  purposes>, the department <director of the institutional division>
  11-41  shall award good conduct time to the person up to an amount equal
  11-42  to the amount earned by an inmate in the entry level time earning
  11-43  class <that which the person could have accrued during the period
  11-44  of confinement in the county jail or transfer facility if instead
  11-45  the person had been imprisoned in the division during that period>.
  11-46  The department <director of the institutional division> shall award
  11-47  good conduct time to a defendant for diligent participation in a
  11-48  voluntary work program operated by a sheriff under Article 43.101,
  11-49  Code of Criminal Procedure, in the same manner as if the inmate had
  11-50  diligently participated in an industrial program or other work
  11-51  program provided to inmates by the department <institutional
  11-52  division>.  The sheriff of each county shall have attached a
  11-53  certification of the number of days each inmate diligently
  11-54  participated in the volunteer work program operated by the sheriff
  11-55  under Article 43.101, Code of Criminal Procedure.
  11-56        SECTION 1.049.  Section 498.004, Government Code, is amended
  11-57  to read as follows:
  11-58        Sec. 498.004.  Forfeiture and Restoration of Good Conduct
  11-59  Time.  (a)  If, during the actual term of imprisonment of an inmate
  11-60  in the institutional division or in a transfer facility, the inmate
  11-61  commits an offense or violates a rule of the division, the
  11-62  department <director of the institutional division> may forfeit all
  11-63  or any part of the inmate's accrued good conduct time.  The
  11-64  department <director of the institutional division> may restore
  11-65  good conduct time forfeited under this subsection subject to
  11-66  policies established <rules adopted> by the institutional division.
  11-67        (b)  On the revocation of parole or mandatory supervision of
  11-68  an inmate, the inmate forfeits all good conduct time previously
  11-69  accrued.  On return to the institutional division the inmate may
  11-70  accrue new good conduct time for subsequent time served in the
   12-1  division. The department <director of the institutional division>
   12-2  may restore good conduct time forfeited on a revocation that does
   12-3  not involve a new criminal conviction after the inmate has served
   12-4  at least three months of good behavior in the institutional
   12-5  division, subject to policies established <rules adopted> by the
   12-6  division. <Not later than the 60th day after the date an inmate is
   12-7  returned to the institutional division following a revocation of
   12-8  parole or mandatory supervision, the pardons and paroles division
   12-9  shall notify the director of the institutional division of the
  12-10  grounds for revocation.>
  12-11        SECTION 1.050.  Section 498.005, Government Code, is amended
  12-12  to read as follows:
  12-13        Sec. 498.005.  Annual Review of Classification; Restoration
  12-14  of Good Time; Retroactive Award of Good Time.  At least annually,
  12-15  the board shall review the institutional division's policies
  12-16  <rules> relating to restoration of good conduct time that has been
  12-17  forfeited, the manner in which inmates are classified and
  12-18  reclassified, and the manner in which additional good conduct time
  12-19  is awarded retroactively to inmates who have been reclassified.
  12-20  <The board shall consider in its review whether the inmate
  12-21  overcrowding in the institutional division has decreased and
  12-22  whether it is necessary for purposes of decreasing overcrowding to
  12-23  classify inmates according to Section 498.002 to restore good
  12-24  conduct time under Section 498.004, or to award additional good
  12-25  conduct time retroactively to inmates who have been reclassified.
  12-26  If the board determines that overcrowding has decreased and it is
  12-27  not necessary to restore good conduct time or award additional good
  12-28  conduct time, it shall direct the institutional division to
  12-29  discontinue those practices.>
  12-30        SECTION 1.051.  Sections 499.001(1) and (3), Government Code,
  12-31  are amended to read as follows:
  12-32              (1)  "Community residential facility" means a facility
  12-33  <halfway house certified by and> under contract with the department
  12-34  <pardons and paroles division> under Section 8(i), Article 42.18,
  12-35  Code of Criminal Procedure, or another facility or residence
  12-36  approved by the department <pardons and paroles division>.
  12-37              (3)  "Pre-parolee" means an eligible inmate of whom the
  12-38  pardons and paroles division has assumed custody.
  12-39        SECTION 1.052.  Sections 499.002(a) and (b), Government Code,
  12-40  are amended to read as follows:
  12-41        (a)  The pardons and paroles division may assume custody of
  12-42  an eligible inmate not more than one year <180 days> before the
  12-43  inmate's presumptive parole date or mandatory supervision release
  12-44  date.  The eligible inmate becomes a pre-parolee on the date the
  12-45  pardons and paroles division assumes custody, and the pardons and
  12-46  paroles division immediately shall transfer the pre-parolee to a
  12-47  community residential facility.  Except as otherwise provided by
  12-48  this subchapter, the pre-parolee may serve the remainder of the
  12-49  pre-parolee's sentence before release on parole in the facility
  12-50  designated by the pardons and paroles division.
  12-51        (b)  At the time of the transfer of the pre-parolee, the
  12-52  pardons and paroles division shall designate a community
  12-53  residential facility as the pre-parolee's assigned unit of
  12-54  confinement.
  12-55        SECTION 1.053.  Section 499.0021, Government Code, is amended
  12-56  to read as follows:
  12-57        Sec. 499.0021.  Transfer of revoked DEFENDANTS
  12-58  <PROBATIONERS>.  (a)  An inmate is eligible for transfer under this
  12-59  section if the inmate is confined in the institutional division or
  12-60  a county jail following revocation of community supervision
  12-61  <probation> on grounds other than the commission of a subsequent
  12-62  felony offense.
  12-63        (b)  The pardons and paroles division may assume custody of
  12-64  an inmate who is eligible for transfer under this section not
  12-65  earlier than one year before the inmate's presumptive parole date.
  12-66  The inmate becomes a pre-parolee on the date the pardons and
  12-67  paroles division assumes custody, and the pardons and paroles
  12-68  division immediately shall transfer the pre-parolee to a facility
  12-69  under contract with the department <division>, which may be a
  12-70  community residential facility, a community corrections facility
   13-1  listed in Section 1(b), Article 42.13, Code of Criminal Procedure,
   13-2  or a county correctional facility.  A pre-parolee transferred under
   13-3  this section is considered to be in the actual physical custody of
   13-4  the pardons and paroles division.
   13-5        (c)  A pre-parolee transferred by the pardons and paroles
   13-6  division to a facility under this section is subject to the
   13-7  provisions of Sections 499.002(c), 499.004, and 499.005 in the same
   13-8  manner as if the person were a pre-parolee who had been transferred
   13-9  to a community residential facility under Section 499.002.
  13-10        SECTION 1.054.  Section 499.003, Government Code, is amended
  13-11  to read as follows:
  13-12        Sec. 499.003.  Transfer From Jail or Other Correctional
  13-13  Facility.  (a)  A person is eligible for transfer under this
  13-14  section from a jail or correctional institution to a secure
  13-15  community residential facility if:
  13-16              (1)  the person has been sentenced to a term of
  13-17  confinement in the institutional division;
  13-18              (2)  the person has not been delivered to the custody
  13-19  of the institutional division, but rather is confined in a jail in
  13-20  this state, a federal correctional institution, or a jail or
  13-21  correctional institution in another state; and
  13-22              (3)  a presumptive parole date or mandatory supervision
  13-23  release date for the person has been established.
  13-24        (b)  The pardons and paroles division may authorize the
  13-25  transfer of an eligible person from a jail in this state, a federal
  13-26  correctional institution, or a jail or correctional institution in
  13-27  another state to a secure community residential facility designated
  13-28  by the pardons and paroles division not more than one year <180
  13-29  days> before the person's presumptive parole date or mandatory
  13-30  supervision release date.  A person transferred under this section
  13-31  is considered to be in the actual physical custody of the pardons
  13-32  and paroles division.
  13-33        (c)  A person transferred by the pardons and paroles division
  13-34  to a secure community residential facility is subject to the
  13-35  provisions of Sections 499.002(c), 499.004, and 499.005 in the same
  13-36  manner as if the person is a pre-parolee who had been transferred
  13-37  to a community residential facility under Section 499.002.
  13-38        (d)  The pardons and paroles division may request of a
  13-39  sheriff that the sheriff forward to the pardons and paroles
  13-40  division copies of any records possessed by the sheriff that are
  13-41  relevant to the pardons and paroles division in its determination
  13-42  as to whether to transfer a person from the county jail to a secure
  13-43  community residential facility, and the pardons and paroles
  13-44  division shall request the sheriff to forward to the institutional
  13-45  division and to the pardons and paroles division the information
  13-46  relating to the defendant the sheriff would be required under
  13-47  Section 8, Article 42.09, Code of Criminal Procedure, to deliver to
  13-48  the department <institutional division> had the defendant been
  13-49  transferred to the institutional division.  The pardons and paroles
  13-50  division shall determine whether the information forwarded by the
  13-51  sheriff contains a thumbprint taken from the person in the manner
  13-52  provided by Article 38.33, Code of Criminal Procedure, and, if not,
  13-53  the  pardons and paroles division shall obtain a thumbprint in the
  13-54  manner provided by that article, and shall forward the thumbprint
  13-55  to the institutional division for inclusion with the information
  13-56  sent by the sheriff.  The sheriff shall comply with a request from
  13-57  the pardons and paroles division made under this subsection.
  13-58        SECTION 1.055.  Section 499.004, Government Code, is amended
  13-59  to read as follows:
  13-60        Sec. 499.004.  Rules; Supervision of Pre-Parolees.  (a)  The
  13-61  department <Board of Pardons and Paroles> shall establish policies
  13-62  <adopt rules> for the conduct of pre-parolees transferred under
  13-63  this subchapter.
  13-64        (b)  On transfer, the pre-parolee is subject to supervision
  13-65  by the pardons and paroles division and shall obey the orders of
  13-66  the Board of Pardons and Paroles and the pardons and paroles
  13-67  division.
  13-68        (c)  A facility director or designee of a facility director
  13-69  <An officer assigned by the pardons and paroles division to
  13-70  supervise a pre-parolee transferred under this subchapter must make
   14-1  periodic written reports to the pardons and paroles division
   14-2  concerning the pre-parolee's adjustment.  The officer> shall
   14-3  immediately report to the pardons and paroles division in writing
   14-4  if the director or designee <officer> believes that a <the>
   14-5  pre-parolee has violated the terms of the pre-parolee's transfer
   14-6  agreement or the rules of the facility <and may include in the
   14-7  report the officer's recommendation as to the disciplinary action
   14-8  the pardons and paroles division should take in the case.  The
   14-9  officer may also recommend to a parole panel that it rescind or
  14-10  revise the pre-parolee's presumptive parole date>.  The  pardons
  14-11  and paroles division may require an agent of the pardons and
  14-12  paroles division or the community residential facility to conduct a
  14-13  hearing.
  14-14        (d)  If the pardons and paroles division has an
  14-15  administrative need to deliver the pre-parolee to the custody of
  14-16  the institutional division or if after a disciplinary hearing the
  14-17  pardons and paroles division concurs that a violation has occurred,
  14-18  the pardons and paroles division <with the approval of the
  14-19  institutional division> may deliver the pre-parolee to the actual
  14-20  custody of the institutional division and the institutional
  14-21  division may assign the pre-parolee to a regular unit of the
  14-22  institutional division. <If the officer reporting a violation
  14-23  recommends a disciplinary action, the pardons and paroles division
  14-24  shall follow the recommendation unless it determines that another
  14-25  disciplinary action is more appropriate.>  If the pardons and
  14-26  paroles division <officer> recommends rescission or revision of the
  14-27  pre-parolee's presumptive parole date, a parole panel shall rescind
  14-28  or revise the date unless it determines the action is
  14-29  inappropriate.
  14-30        (e)  Before <During the period after> a pre-parolee is
  14-31  transferred to a community residential facility under this section
  14-32  <article> and before the pre-parolee is released on parole, the
  14-33  department <pardons and paroles division> may award good conduct
  14-34  time to the pre-parolee <earned by the pre-parolee during that
  14-35  period> in the same amounts and in the same manner as the
  14-36  department <director of the institutional division> awards good
  14-37  conduct time to inmates <prisoners> in the institutional division
  14-38  <department> under Chapter 498 <Section 498.003>.
  14-39        SECTION 1.056.  Section 499.026(d), Government Code, is
  14-40  amended to read as follows:
  14-41        (d)  Not later than the 10th day before the date on which a
  14-42  parole panel proposes to release an inmate under this subchapter,
  14-43  the department <pardons and paroles division> shall give notice of
  14-44  the proposed release to the sheriff, the attorney representing the
  14-45  state, and the district judge of the county in which the defendant
  14-46  was convicted.  If there was a change of venue in the case, the
  14-47  department <pardons and paroles division> shall also notify the
  14-48  sheriff, the attorney representing the state, and the district
  14-49  judge of the county in which the prosecution was originated.
  14-50        SECTION 1.057.  Sections 499.027(b) and (c), Government Code,
  14-51  are amended to read as follows:
  14-52        (b)  An inmate is not eligible under this subchapter to be
  14-53  considered for release to intensive supervision parole if:
  14-54              (1)  the inmate is awaiting transfer to the
  14-55  institutional division, or serving a sentence, for an offense for
  14-56  which the judgment contains an affirmative finding under Section
  14-57  3g(a)(2), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure;
  14-58              (2)  the inmate is awaiting transfer to the
  14-59  institutional division, or serving a sentence, for an offense
  14-60  listed in one of the following sections of the Penal Code:
  14-61                    (A)  Section 19.02 (murder);
  14-62                    (B)  Section 19.03 (capital murder);
  14-63                    (C)  Section 19.04 (<voluntary> manslaughter);
  14-64                    (D)  Section 20.03 (kidnapping);
  14-65                    (E)  Section 20.04 (aggravated kidnapping);
  14-66                    (F)  Section 21.11 (indecency with a child);
  14-67                    (G)  Section 22.011 (sexual assault);
  14-68                    (H)  Section 22.02 <22.021> (aggravated <sexual>
  14-69  assault);
  14-70                    (I)  Section 22.021 (aggravated sexual assault)
   15-1  <22.03 (deadly assault on law enforcement or corrections officer or
   15-2  court participant)>;
   15-3                    (J)  Section 22.04 (injury to a child or an
   15-4  elderly individual);
   15-5                    (K)  Section 25.02 (prohibited sexual conduct
   15-6  <incest>);
   15-7                    (L)  <Section 25.06 (solicitation of a child);>
   15-8                    <(M)>  Section 25.08 <25.11> (sale or purchase of
   15-9  a child);
  15-10                    (M) <(N)>  Section 28.02 (arson);
  15-11                    (N) <(O)>  Section 29.02 (robbery);
  15-12                    (O) <(P)>  Section 29.03 (aggravated robbery);
  15-13                    (P) <(Q)>  Section 30.02 (burglary), if the
  15-14  offense is punished as a first-degree felony under that section;
  15-15                    (Q) <(R)>  Section 43.04 (aggravated promotion of
  15-16  prostitution);
  15-17                    (R) <(S)>  Section 43.05 (compelling
  15-18  prostitution);
  15-19                    (S) <(T)>  Section 43.24 (sale, distribution, or
  15-20  display of harmful material to minor);
  15-21                    (T) <(U)>  Section 43.25 (sexual performance by a
  15-22  child);
  15-23                    (U) <(V)>  Section 46.10 <46.11> (deadly weapon
  15-24  in penal institution);
  15-25                    (V) <(W)>  Section 15.01 (criminal attempt), if
  15-26  the offense attempted is listed in this subsection;
  15-27                    (W) <(X)>  Section 15.02 (criminal conspiracy),
  15-28  if the offense that is the subject of the conspiracy is listed in
  15-29  this subsection; or
  15-30                    (X) <(Y)>  Section 15.03 (criminal solicitation),
  15-31  if the offense solicited is listed in this subsection; or
  15-32              (3)  the inmate is awaiting transfer to the
  15-33  institutional division, or serving a sentence, for an offense under
  15-34  <listed in one of the following sections of> Chapter 481, Health
  15-35  and Safety Code, punishable by a minimum term of imprisonment or a
  15-36  maximum fine that is greater than the minimum term of imprisonment
  15-37  or the maximum fine for a first degree felony <:>
  15-38                    <(A)  Section 481.112(c), 481.113(c), or
  15-39  481.114(c) (aggravated manufacture or delivery of a controlled
  15-40  substance);>
  15-41                    <(B)  Section 481.115(c), 481.116(c), 481.117(c),
  15-42  or 481.118(c) (aggravated possession of a controlled substance);>
  15-43                    <(C)  Section 481.120 (delivery of marihuana) if
  15-44  the offense is punished under Subsection (b)(5) of that section;>
  15-45                    <(D)  Section 481.120(c) (aggravated delivery of
  15-46  marihuana); or>
  15-47                    <(E)  Section 481.121(c) (aggravated possession
  15-48  of marihuana)>.
  15-49        (c)  The department <institutional division> shall provide
  15-50  each county with necessary assistance to enable the county to
  15-51  identify inmates confined in the county jail who may be eligible
  15-52  under this subchapter to be considered for release.
  15-53        SECTION 1.058.  Section 499.028, Government Code, is amended
  15-54  to read as follows:
  15-56  The department <institutional division> shall submit a facilities
  15-57  expansion and improvement report to the governor and the
  15-58  Legislative Budget Board not less than once every 60 days.  The
  15-59  report must describe all construction projects that will result in
  15-60  the addition or removal of beds from department <the system>
  15-61  capacity, the projected completion dates for each project, and the
  15-62  number of beds that will be added to or removed from capacity on
  15-63  completion of the construction projects.
  15-64        SECTION 1.059.  Section 499.052(a), Government Code, is
  15-65  amended to read as follows:
  15-66        (a)  The institutional division shall establish a program to
  15-67  confine persons who are required to serve not more than 90 days in
  15-68  the institutional division as a condition of a sentence imposed
  15-69  under Section 8, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.  The
  15-70  <director of the> institutional division may limit the number of
   16-1  persons participating in the program.
   16-2        SECTION 1.060.  Section 499.071, Government Code, is amended
   16-3  to read as follows:
   16-5  FORMULA>.  <(a)>  The board shall adopt and enforce a scheduled
   16-6  admissions policy that permits the institutional division to accept
   16-7  inmates within 45 days of processing as required by Section
   16-8  499.121(c).  <an allocation formula that fairly and equitably
   16-9  allocates to each county the number of institutional division
  16-10  admissions allocated to the county until sufficient capacity is
  16-11  available in the institutional division.  In devising the formula,
  16-12  the board shall consider relevant factors for each county served by
  16-13  a department and shall assign weights to those factors as
  16-14  determined appropriate by the board.  The factors shall include but
  16-15  are not limited to:>
  16-16              <(1)  the percentage of prison admissions for the
  16-17  entire state that were used by the county in the preceding 12
  16-18  months;>
  16-19              <(2)  the percentage of the state's violent index crime
  16-20  that occurred in the county in the preceding 12 months;>
  16-21              <(3)  the percentage of the state's total index crime
  16-22  that occurred in the county in the preceding 12 months;>
  16-23              <(4)  the percentage of the state's total arrests under
  16-24  Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, that occurred in the county in
  16-25  the preceding 12 months;>
  16-26              <(5)  the percentage of the state's population residing
  16-27  in the county;>
  16-28              <(6)  the percentage of the state's total unemployment
  16-29  in the county; and>
  16-30              <(7)  the percentage of all defendants serving
  16-31  sentences for felonies who were paroled from the institutional
  16-32  division, a jail in this state, a federal correctional institution,
  16-33  or a jail or correctional institution in another state in the
  16-34  preceding 12 months and who were released to reside in the county.>
  16-35        <(b)  The board shall adopt and enforce an allocation formula
  16-36  that fairly and equitably allocates community corrections program
  16-37  funding to each community supervision and corrections department,
  16-38  in the manner provided by Section 10(a)(3), Article 42.13, Code of
  16-39  Criminal Procedure.  In devising the formula, the board shall use
  16-40  the factors listed in Subsection (a), but may assign different
  16-41  weights to those factors than those used in developing the
  16-42  admissions allocation formula.  The board also may use factors not
  16-43  listed in Subsection (a) in devising the formula under this
  16-44  subsection.>
  16-45        <(c)  If the board is unable to obtain for a factor listed in
  16-46  Subsection (a) information for the preceding 12-month period, the
  16-47  board shall consider the most recent information available for that
  16-48  factor.>
  16-49        <(d)  The board shall revise each formula annually.>
  16-50        SECTION 1.061.  Section 499.102(a), Government Code, is
  16-51  amended to read as follows:
  16-52        (a)  The staff of the institutional division, on its own
  16-53  initiative or as directed by the governor or the board, may
  16-54  recommend to the administration of the institutional division that
  16-55  the maximum capacity established under Section 499.101 for a unit
  16-56  be increased if the staff determines through written findings that
  16-57  the division can increase the maximum capacity and provide:
  16-58              (1)  proper inmate classification and housing within
  16-59  the unit that is consistent with the classification system;
  16-60              (2)  housing flexibility to allow necessary repairs and
  16-61  routine and preventive maintenance to be performed without
  16-62  compromising the classification system;
  16-63              (3)  adequate space in dayrooms;
  16-64              (4)  all meals within a reasonable time, allowing each
  16-65  inmate a reasonable time within which to eat;
  16-66              (5)  operable hygiene facilities that ensure the
  16-67  availability of a sufficient number of fixtures to serve the inmate
  16-68  population;
  16-69              (6)  adequate laundry services;
  16-70              (7)  sufficient staff to:
   17-1                    (A)  meet operational and security needs;
   17-2                    (B)  meet health care needs, including the needs
   17-3  of inmates requiring psychiatric care, mentally retarded inmates,
   17-4  and physically handicapped inmates;
   17-5                    (C)  provide a safe environment for inmates and
   17-6  staff; and
   17-7                    (D)  provide adequate internal affairs
   17-8  investigation and review;
   17-9              (8)  medical, dental, and psychiatric care adequate to
  17-10  ensure:
  17-11                    (A)  minimal delays in delivery of service from
  17-12  the time sick call requests are made until the service is
  17-13  performed;
  17-14                    (B)  access to regional medical facilities;
  17-15                    (C)  access to the institutional division
  17-16  hospital at Galveston or contract facilities performing the same
  17-17  services;
  17-18                    (D)  access to specialty clinics; and
  17-19                    (E)  a sufficient number of psychiatric inpatient
  17-20  beds and sheltered beds for mentally retarded inmates;
  17-21              (9)  a fair disciplinary system that ensures due
  17-22  process and is adequate to ensure safety and order in the unit;
  17-23              (10)  work, vocational, academic, and on-the-job
  17-24  training programs that afford all eligible inmates with an
  17-25  opportunity to learn job skills or work habits that can be applied
  17-26  on release, appropriately staffed and of sufficient quality;
  17-27              (11)  a sufficient number and quality of
  17-28  nonprogrammatic and recreational activities for all eligible
  17-29  inmates who choose to participate;
  17-30              (12)  adequate assistance from persons trained in the
  17-31  law or a law library with a collection containing necessary
  17-32  materials and space adequate for inmates to use the law library for
  17-33  study related to legal matters;
  17-34              (13)  adequate space and staffing to permit contact and
  17-35  noncontact visitation of all eligible inmates;
  17-36              (14)  adequate maintenance programs to repair and
  17-37  prevent breakdowns caused by increased use of facilities and
  17-38  fixtures; and
  17-39              (15)  space and staff sufficient to provide all the
  17-40  services and facilities required by this section.
  17-41        SECTION 1.062.  Section 499.110, Government Code, is amended
  17-42  to read as follows:
  17-43        Sec. 499.110.  <Applicability of> Administrative Procedure
  17-44  <and Texas Register> Act.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2001, <The
  17-45  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
  17-46  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)> applies to all reviews,
  17-47  recommendations, and decisions made under Sections 499.102-499.109.
  17-48        SECTION 1.063.  Section 499.154, Government Code, is amended
  17-49  to read as follows:
  17-50        Sec. 499.154.  Custody Status; Good Conduct Time.  An inmate
  17-51  described by Section 499.152 confined in a transfer facility
  17-52  authorized by this subchapter earns good conduct time in the same
  17-53  manner and subject to the same rules as if the inmate were confined
  17-54  in <a county jail awaiting transfer to> the institutional division.
  17-55        SECTION 1.064.  Section 499.155(a), Government Code, is
  17-56  amended to read as follows:
  17-57        (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), the institutional
  17-58  division may not confine an inmate described by Section 499.152 in
  17-59  a transfer facility authorized by this subchapter for a period that
  17-60  exceeds the maximum period for which a state jail felon may be
  17-61  confined in a state jail felony facility under Section 12.35, Penal
  17-62  Code <12 months>.
  17-63        SECTION 1.065.  Section 500.001, Government Code, is amended
  17-64  to read as follows:
  17-65        Sec. 500.001.  Supervisory or Disciplinary Authority of
  17-66  Inmates.  (a)  An inmate housed in a facility operated by the
  17-67  department or under contract with the department <the custody of
  17-68  the institutional division> may not act in a supervisory or
  17-69  administrative capacity over another inmate.
  17-70        (b)  An inmate housed in a facility operated by the
   18-1  department or under contract with the department <the custody of
   18-2  the institutional division> may not administer disciplinary action
   18-3  over another inmate.
   18-4        SECTION 1.066.  Section 500.002, Government Code, is amended
   18-5  to read as follows:
   18-6        Sec. 500.002.  Destruction of Property.  (a)  An inmate
   18-7  housed in a facility operated by the department or under contract
   18-8  with the department <of the institutional division> is liable for
   18-9  the inmate's intentional damage to property belonging to the state.
  18-10  If more than one inmate is involved in damage to property, each
  18-11  inmate involved in the damage is jointly and severally liable.
  18-12        (b)  The department <institutional division> shall establish
  18-13  a hearing procedure, giving consideration to the due process rights
  18-14  of inmates, for the adjudication of claims for property damage
  18-15  under this section <article>.  Damages may be awarded to the
  18-16  department <institutional division> only after a hearing and may
  18-17  not exceed the value of the property damaged.
  18-18        (c)  If at a hearing it is determined that an inmate is
  18-19  liable for property damage, the department <institutional division>
  18-20  may seize the contents of inmate trust funds established for the
  18-21  inmate under <Section 497.056 and> Section 501.014.
  18-22        (d)  An inmate, after exhausting all administrative remedies
  18-23  provided by the grievance system developed under Section 501.008,
  18-24  may appeal a final decision <ruling following a hearing> under this
  18-25  section by filing a petition for judicial review <an appeal> in a
  18-26  district court having jurisdiction in the county in which the
  18-27  alleged damages occurred.  On judicial review <appeal>, the
  18-28  district court shall follow the rules governing judicial review of
  18-29  contested cases under Subchapter G, Chapter 2001 <Section 19,
  18-30  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
  18-31  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.  Appeals may be taken from the
  18-32  district court as in other civil cases.
  18-33        (e)  If an inmate fails to file a petition seeking judicial
  18-34  review of <appeal> an adverse decision within 30 <60> days after
  18-35  exhausting all administrative remedies <the date of a hearing under
  18-36  Subsection (b)>, a district court may not review the final decision
  18-37  <the inmate is barred from appealing the decision>.
  18-38        SECTION 1.067.  Section 500.003, Government Code, is amended
  18-39  to read as follows:
  18-40        Sec. 500.003.  Gambling Prohibited.  Gambling is not
  18-41  permitted at any place in a facility operated by or under contract
  18-42  with the department <the institutional division> where inmates are
  18-43  housed or worked.  An employee of the department who engages in
  18-44  gambling or knowingly permits gambling at any place where inmates
  18-45  are housed or worked is subject to immediate dismissal.
  18-46        SECTION 1.068.  Section 500.005, Government Code, is amended
  18-47  to read as follows:
  18-48        Sec. 500.005.  Rewards on Escape.  The director of the
  18-49  institutional division, in compliance with <with the approval of
  18-50  the> board policy, may offer a reward for the apprehension of an
  18-51  escaped inmate.  The director may determine the amount of the
  18-52  reward and the manner in which the reward is to be paid.
  18-53        SECTION 1.069.  Section 500.006, Government Code, is amended
  18-54  to read as follows:
  18-55        Sec. 500.006.  Transportation of Inmates.  (a)  The
  18-56  department <director of the institutional division> shall establish
  18-57  policies <adopt rules> to provide for the safe transfer of inmates
  18-58  <from the counties in which inmates are sentenced to the
  18-59  institutional division>.  A sheriff may transport inmates to the
  18-60  institutional division if the sheriff is able to perform the
  18-61  service as economically as if the service were performed by the
  18-62  division.  The institutional division is responsible for the cost
  18-63  of transportation of inmates to the division.
  18-64        (b)  An inmate may not be transported directly from a county
  18-65  jail to an institutional division facility other than a designated
  18-66  diagnostic unit or a transfer facility <farm>.  <The institutional
  18-67  division shall designate units as receiving stations and all
  18-68  inmates must be initially transported to a receiving station.  At
  18-69  the receiving station:>
  18-70              <(1)  the institutional division shall determine what
   19-1  type of labor the inmate may reasonably perform; and>
   19-2              <(2)  the director of the institutional division shall
   19-3  require each inmate to make a statement containing:>
   19-4                    <(A)  a brief history of the inmate's life that
   19-5  states where the inmate has resided and other facts that describe
   19-6  the inmate's past habits and character; and>
   19-7                    <(B)  names and mailing addresses of the inmate's
   19-8  immediate relatives.>
   19-9        <(c)  The director of the institutional division shall
  19-10  attempt to verify or disprove the accuracy of the statement if
  19-11  practicable.>
  19-12        <(d)  The director of the institutional division shall retain
  19-13  the statement.>
  19-14        SECTION 1.070.  Section 501.002, Government Code, is amended
  19-15  to read as follows:
  19-16        Sec. 501.002.  Assault by Employee on Inmate.  If an employee
  19-17  of the department <institutional division> commits an assault on an
  19-18  inmate housed in a facility operated by or under contract with the
  19-19  department, the executive director <of the institutional division>
  19-20  shall file a complaint with the proper official of the county in
  19-21  which the offense occurred.  If an employee is charged with an
  19-22  assault described by this section, an inmate or person who was an
  19-23  inmate at the time of the alleged offense may testify in a
  19-24  prosecution of the offense.
  19-25        SECTION 1.071.  Section 501.003, Government Code, is amended
  19-26  to read as follows:
  19-27        Sec. 501.003.  Food.  The department <director of the
  19-28  institutional division> shall ensure that inmates housed in
  19-29  facilities operated by the department are fed good and wholesome
  19-30  food, prepared under sanitary conditions, and provided in
  19-31  sufficient quantity and reasonable variety.  The department
  19-32  <director of the institutional division> shall hold employees
  19-33  charged with preparing food for inmates strictly to account for a
  19-34  failure to carry out this section.  The department <director of the
  19-35  institutional division> shall provide for the training of inmates
  19-36  as cooks so that food for inmates may be properly prepared.
  19-37        SECTION 1.072.  Section 501.004, Government Code, is amended
  19-38  to read as follows:
  19-39        Sec. 501.004.  Clothing.  The department <institutional
  19-40  division> shall provide to inmates housed in facilities operated by
  19-41  the department suitable clothing that is of substantial material,
  19-42  uniform make, and reasonable fit and footwear that is substantial
  19-43  and comfortable.  The department <institutional division> may not
  19-44  allow an inmate to wear clothing that is not furnished by the
  19-45  department <division>, except as a reward for meritorious conduct.
  19-46  The department <director of the institutional division> may allow
  19-47  inmates to wear underwear not furnished by the department
  19-48  <institutional division>.
  19-49        SECTION 1.073.  Section 501.005, Government Code, is amended
  19-50  to read as follows:
  19-51        Sec. 501.005.  Literacy Programs.  (a)  The institutional
  19-52  division shall establish a program to teach reading to functionally
  19-53  illiterate inmates housed in facilities operated by the division.
  19-54  The institutional division shall allow an inmate who is capable of
  19-55  serving as a tutor to tutor functionally illiterate inmates and
  19-56  shall actively encourage volunteer organizations to aid in the
  19-57  tutoring of inmates.  The institutional division, the inmate to be
  19-58  tutored, and the person who tutors the inmate jointly shall
  19-59  establish reading goals for the inmate to be tutored.  A person who
  19-60  acts as a tutor may only function as a teacher and advisor to an
  19-61  inmate and may not exercise supervisory authority or control over
  19-62  the inmate.
  19-63        (b)  The institutional division shall require illiterate
  19-64  inmates housed in facilities operated by the division to receive
  19-65  not less than five or more than eight hours a week of reading
  19-66  instruction.
  19-67        (c)  The institutional division shall identify functionally
  19-68  illiterate inmates housed in facilities operated by the division
  19-69  and shall inform the parole <pardons and paroles> division if it
  19-70  determines that an inmate who is to be released to the supervision
   20-1  of the parole <pardons and paroles> division is in need of
   20-2  continuing education after release from the institutional division.
   20-3        SECTION 1.074.  Section 501.006, Government Code, is amended
   20-4  to read as follows:
   20-5        Sec. 501.006.  EMERGENCY ABSENCE <TEMPORARY FURLOUGHS>.
   20-6  (a)  The institutional division may grant an emergency absence
   20-7  under escort <a medical furlough> to an inmate so that the inmate
   20-8  may:
   20-9              (1)  obtain a medical diagnosis or medical treatment;
  20-10              (2)  obtain <.  The institutional division may impose
  20-11  security conditions determined by the board to be necessary and
  20-12  proper on an inmate during the inmate's furlough.>
  20-13        <(b)  The institutional division may grant a mental health or
  20-14  mental retardation furlough so that an inmate may be transferred to
  20-15  a Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation facility
  20-16  for> treatment and supervision at a Texas Department of Mental
  20-17  Health and Mental Retardation facility; or<.>
  20-18              (3)  <(c)  The institutional division may grant a
  20-19  temporary furlough of not more than seven days to an inmate
  20-20  determined to be an acceptable security risk by the division. The
  20-21  institutional division may grant a furlough under this subsection
  20-22  so that the inmate may> attend a funeral or<,> visit a critically
  20-23  ill relative<, or for any other reason determined appropriate by
  20-24  the division>.
  20-25        <(d)  The institutional division may extend a temporary
  20-26  furlough granted under Subsection (c) for not more than 10
  20-27  additional days, if the division determines that circumstances
  20-28  warrant the extension.  The board may not grant more than two
  20-29  furloughs to an inmate in one calendar year unless the Board of
  20-30  Pardons and Paroles and the governor approve an additional furlough
  20-31  for the inmate, in the same manner as the board and the governor
  20-32  approve emergency reprieves.>
  20-33        (b) <(e)>  The institutional division shall adopt policies
  20-34  <rules> for the administration of the emergency absence under
  20-35  escort <temporary furlough> program <and the legislature intends
  20-36  that furloughs be given.  The rules must state that furloughs are
  20-37  granted as the institutional division determines and are not given
  20-38  in consideration of the county, region, or state to which an inmate
  20-39  is to be furloughed.>
  20-40        <(f)  The institutional division shall notify the pardons and
  20-41  paroles division if the institutional division grants a temporary
  20-42  furlough under this section and shall notify the pardons and
  20-43  paroles division of the inmate's return to the institutional
  20-44  division>.
  20-45        (c) <(g)>  An inmate absent <furloughed> under this section
  20-46  <and an inmate granted an emergency reprieve by the Board of
  20-47  Pardons and Paroles and the governor> is considered to be in the
  20-48  custody of the institutional division, and <even if> the inmate
  20-49  must be <is not> under physical guard while absent <on furlough>.
  20-50  <If an inmate described by this subsection does not return to the
  20-51  institutional division at the time specified for the inmate's
  20-52  return, the inmate is an escapee for the purposes of Section 38.07,
  20-53  Penal Code.>
  20-54        <(h)  The state may not pay for the transportation of an
  20-55  inmate on temporary furlough unless the inmate is under physical
  20-56  guard during the furlough.>
  20-57        <(i)  The institutional division may not grant a furlough to
  20-58  an inmate convicted of an offense under Section 42.07(a)(7), Penal
  20-59  Code.>
  20-60        SECTION 1.075.  Section 501.007, Government Code, is amended
  20-61  to read as follows:
  20-62        Sec. 501.007.  Inmate Claims for Lost or Damaged Property.
  20-63  The department <institutional division> may pay from the
  20-64  miscellaneous funds appropriated to the division claims made by
  20-65  inmates housed in facilities operated by the department for
  20-66  property lost or damaged by the division.  The department
  20-67  <institutional division> shall maintain a record of all
  20-68  transactions made under this section and shall send a copy of that
  20-69  record to the state auditor at least annually.  The record must
  20-70  show the amount of each claim paid, the identity of each claimant,
   21-1  and the purpose for which each claim was made.  The department
   21-2  <institutional division> may not pay under this section more than
   21-3  $500 on a claim.
   21-4        SECTION 1.076.  Section 501.009, Government Code, is amended
   21-5  to read as follows:
   21-6        Sec. 501.009.  Volunteer Organizations.  The department
   21-7  <institutional division> shall actively encourage volunteer
   21-8  organizations to provide the following programs for inmates housed
   21-9  in facilities operated by <confined in> the department <division>:
  21-10              (1)  literacy and education programs;
  21-11              (2)  life skills programs;
  21-12              (3)  job skills programs;
  21-13              (4)  parent-training programs;
  21-14              (5)  drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs;
  21-15              (6)  support group programs;
  21-16              (7)  arts and crafts programs; and
  21-17              (8)  other programs determined by the department
  21-18  <division> to aid inmates in the transition between confinement and
  21-19  society and to reduce incidence of recidivism among inmates.
  21-20        SECTION 1.077.  Section 501.010, Government Code, is amended
  21-21  to read as follows:
  21-22        Sec. 501.010.  Visitors.  (a)  The institutional division
  21-23  shall allow the governor, members of the legislature, and members
  21-24  of the executive and judicial branches to enter at proper hours any
  21-25  part of a facility operated by the division where inmates are
  21-26  housed or worked, for the purpose of observing the operations of
  21-27  the division.  A visitor described by this subsection may talk with
  21-28  inmates away from institutional division employees.
  21-29        (b)  The institutional division shall have a uniform
  21-30  visitation policy that allows eligible inmates housed in facilities
  21-31  operated by <in> the division, other than state jails, to receive
  21-32  visitors.  The institutional division shall require each warden in
  21-33  the division to:
  21-34              (1)  apply the policy in the unit under the warden's
  21-35  control;
  21-36              (2)  prominently display copies of the policy in
  21-37  locations in the unit that are accessible to inmates or visitors;
  21-38  and
  21-39              (3)  if requested, provide visitors with copies of the
  21-40  policy.
  21-41        (c)  At the end of each biennium, each warden in the
  21-42  institutional division shall report to the director of the division
  21-43  on the manner in which the policy has affected visitation at the
  21-44  warden's unit during the preceding two years.
  21-45        SECTION 1.078.  Sections 501.011(a) and (h), Government Code,
  21-46  are amended to read as follows:
  21-47        (a)  The Role of the Family in Reducing Recidivism Advisory
  21-48  Committee to the institutional division of the Texas Department of
  21-49  Criminal Justice and the Texas Youth Commission consists of a
  21-50  representative of the institutional division, a representative of
  21-51  the state jail division, a representative of the Texas Youth
  21-52  Commission, a representative of the parole <pardons and paroles>
  21-53  division,  a representative of the attorney general's office, a
  21-54  representative of the Community Services Division of the Texas
  21-55  Youth Commission, two members appointed by the governor, two
  21-56  members appointed by the lieutenant governor, and two members
  21-57  appointed by the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.
  21-58  Each appointed member must be a citizen of the state and should
  21-59  have a knowledge of corrections or juvenile justice issues.  The
  21-60  officer appointing the member shall give preference to appointees
  21-61  who are or have been family members of inmates or juveniles
  21-62  detained in Texas Youth Commission facilities.
  21-63        (h)  The advisory committee shall make studies of and make
  21-64  recommendations to the department <institutional division> and to
  21-65  the legislature relating to:
  21-66              (1)  visitation policies in facilities operated by the
  21-67  department <institutional division>;
  21-68              (2)  the availability and effectiveness of
  21-69  rehabilitation programs in facilities operated by the department
  21-70  <institutional division>;
   22-1              (3)  the efficiency of educational and vocational
   22-2  programs in facilities operated by the department <institutional
   22-3  division>;
   22-4              (4)  special problems faced by inmates with children;
   22-5              (5)  the special needs of indigent inmates;
   22-6              (6)  policies and laws relating to the distribution of
   22-7  release money to inmates; and
   22-8              (7)  other issues of special interest to families with
   22-9  a relative housed in a facility operated by the department
  22-10  <institutional division>.
  22-11        SECTION 1.079.  Section 501.012, Government Code, is amended
  22-12  to read as follows:
  22-13        Sec. 501.012.  Family Liaison Officer.  The director of the
  22-14  institutional division shall designate one employee at each
  22-15  facility operated by <unit in> the institutional division to serve
  22-16  as family liaison officer for that facility <unit>.  The family
  22-17  liaison officer shall facilitate the maintenance of ties between
  22-18  inmates and their families for the purpose of reducing recidivism.
  22-19  Each family liaison officer shall:
  22-20              (1)  provide inmates' relatives with information about
  22-21  the classification status, location, and health of inmates in the
  22-22  facility <unit>;
  22-23              (2)  notify inmates about emergencies involving their
  22-24  families and provide inmates with other necessary information
  22-25  relating to their families; and
  22-26              (3)  assist inmates' relatives and other persons during
  22-27  visits with inmates and aid those persons in resolving problems
  22-28  that may affect permitted contact with inmates.
  22-29        SECTION 1.080.  Section 501.013, Government Code, is amended
  22-30  to read as follows:
  22-31        Sec. 501.013.  Materials Used for Arts and Crafts.  (a)  The
  22-32  institutional division may purchase materials to be used by inmates
  22-33  housed in facilities operated by the division to produce arts and
  22-34  crafts.
  22-35        (b)  The institutional division may allow an inmate housed in
  22-36  a facility operated by the division who produces arts and crafts in
  22-37  the division to sell those arts and crafts to the general public in
  22-38  a manner determined by the division.
  22-39        (c)  If an inmate housed in a facility operated by the
  22-40  division sells arts and crafts and the materials used in the
  22-41  production of the arts and crafts were provided by the
  22-42  <institutional> division, the proceeds of the sale go first to the
  22-43  division to pay for the cost of the materials, and the remainder,
  22-44  if any, goes to the inmate.  The institutional division may not
  22-45  purchase more than $30 of materials for any inmate unless the
  22-46  inmate has repaid the division in full for previous purchases of
  22-47  materials.
  22-48        SECTION 1.081.  Section 501.014, Government Code, is amended
  22-49  to read as follows:
  22-50        Sec. 501.014.  Inmate Money.  (a)  The <director of the>
  22-51  institutional division shall take possession of all money that an
  22-52  inmate has on the inmate's person when the inmate arrives at a
  22-53  facility operated by the institutional division and all money the
  22-54  inmate receives at the department after arriving at a facility
  22-55  operated by the division and shall credit the money to a trust fund
  22-56  created for the inmate.  The institutional division shall carefully
  22-57  search an inmate when the inmate arrives at a facility operated by
  22-58  the division.  The <director of the> institutional division may
  22-59  spend money from a trust fund on the written order of the inmate in
  22-60  whose name the fund is established subject to restrictions on the
  22-61  expenditure established by law or policy <rule>.  The department
  22-62  shall ensure that each facility operated by or under contract with
  22-63  the department shall operate a trust fund system that complies with
  22-64  this section, but the department is not required to operate a
  22-65  separate trust fund system for each facility.
  22-66        (b)  If an inmate with money in a trust fund established
  22-67  under Subsection (a) dies while confined in a facility operated by
  22-68  the institutional division or escapes or is discharged and does not
  22-69  claim the money, the <director of the> institutional division shall
  22-70  attempt to give notice of the fund to the discharged inmate or to
   23-1  the beneficiary or nearest known relative of a deceased, escaped,
   23-2  or discharged inmate.  On the presentation of a claim to the money
   23-3  by a person entitled to the notice, the <director of the>
   23-4  institutional division shall pay the money to the claimant.
   23-5        (c)  If money is unclaimed two years after the <director of
   23-6  the> institutional division gives or attempts to give notice under
   23-7  Subsection (b), or two years after the date of the death of an
   23-8  inmate whose beneficiary or nearest relative is unknown, the
   23-9  director of the institutional division shall make an affidavit
  23-10  stating that the money is unclaimed and send the affidavit and
  23-11  money to the state treasurer.
  23-12        (d)  Money forfeited to the state treasurer under Subsection
  23-13  (c) escheats to the state.
  23-14        (e)  On notification by a court, the <director of the>
  23-15  institutional division shall withdraw from an inmate's trust fund
  23-16  any amount the inmate is ordered to pay by order of the court for
  23-17  child support, restitution, fines, and court costs.  The
  23-18  institutional division <director> shall make a payment under this
  23-19  subsection as ordered by the court to either the court or the party
  23-20  specified in the court order.  The <director, the> institutional
  23-21  division<,> and the department are not liable for withdrawing or
  23-22  failing to withdraw money or making payments or failing to make
  23-23  payments under this subsection.  The institutional division
  23-24  <director> shall make withdrawals and payments from an inmate's
  23-25  trust fund under this subsection according to the following
  23-26  schedule of priorities:
  23-27              (1)  as payment in full for all orders for child
  23-28  support;
  23-29              (2)  as payment in full for all orders for restitution;
  23-30              (3)  as payment in full for all orders for fines; and
  23-31              (4)  as payment in full for all orders for court costs.
  23-32        (f)  The institutional division may place a hold on funds in
  23-33  an inmate trust fund:
  23-34              (1)  to restore amounts withdrawn by the inmate against
  23-35  uncollected funds;
  23-36              (2)  to correct accounting errors;
  23-37              (3)  to make restitution for wrongful withdrawals made
  23-38  by an inmate from the trust fund of another inmate;
  23-39              (4)  to cover deposits until cleared;
  23-40              (5)  as directed by court order; or
  23-41              (6)  as part of an investigation by the department of
  23-42  inmate conduct involving the use of trust funds or an investigation
  23-43  in which activity in the trust fund is evidence.
  23-44        SECTION 1.082.  Section 501.015(c), Government Code, is
  23-45  amended to read as follows:
  23-46        (c)  The department <director of the institutional division>
  23-47  may spend not more than $200 to defray the costs of transportation
  23-48  or other expenses related to the burial of an inmate who dies while
  23-49  confined in a facility operated by the institutional division.
  23-50        SECTION 1.083.  Section 501.016, Government Code, is amended
  23-51  to read as follows:
  23-52        Sec. 501.016.  Discharge or Release Papers; Release Date.
  23-53  (a)  The department <director of the institutional division or the
  23-54  director's executive assistant> shall prepare and provide an inmate
  23-55  with the inmate's discharge or release papers when the inmate is
  23-56  entitled to be discharged or to be released on parole, mandatory
  23-57  supervision, or conditional pardon.  The papers must be dated and
  23-58  signed by the officer preparing the papers and bear the seal of the
  23-59  department <board>.  The papers must contain:
  23-60              (1)  the inmate's name;
  23-61              (2)  a statement of the offense or offenses for which
  23-62  the inmate was sentenced;
  23-63              (3)  the date on which the defendant was sentenced and
  23-64  the length of the sentence;
  23-65              (4)  the name of the county in which the inmate was
  23-66  sentenced;
  23-67              (5)  the amount of calendar time the inmate actually
  23-68  served;
  23-69              (6)  a statement of any trade learned by the inmate and
  23-70  the inmate's proficiency at that trade; and
   24-1              (7)  the physical description of the inmate, as far as
   24-2  practicable.
   24-3        (b)  If the release date of an inmate occurs on a Saturday,
   24-4  Sunday, or legal holiday, the department <director of the
   24-5  institutional division> may release the inmate on the preceding
   24-6  workday.
   24-7        SECTION 1.084.  Section 501.017, Government Code, is amended
   24-8  to read as follows:
   24-9        Sec. 501.017.  Cost of Confinement as Claim.  (a)  The
  24-10  department <institutional division> may establish a claim and lien
  24-11  against the estate of an inmate who dies while confined in a
  24-12  facility operated by or under contract with the department
  24-13  <division> for the cost to the department <division> of the
  24-14  inmate's confinement.
  24-15        (b)  The department <institutional division> may not enforce
  24-16  a claim or lien established under this section if the inmate has a
  24-17  surviving spouse or a surviving dependent or disabled child.
  24-18        (c)  The department <institutional division> shall adopt
  24-19  policies <rules> regarding recovery of the cost of confinement
  24-20  through enforcement of claims or liens established under this
  24-21  section.  <The Criminal Justice Policy Council shall monitor the
  24-22  activity of the institutional division in establishing and
  24-23  enforcing claims or liens under this section.  If the council
  24-24  determines that the benefits obtained by the institutional division
  24-25  do not exceed the costs to the division of establishing and
  24-26  enforcing claims or liens, the council shall direct the division to
  24-27  discontinue establishing claims and liens under this section.>
  24-28        SECTION 1.085.  Subchapter A, Chapter 501, Government Code,
  24-29  is amended by adding Section 501.021 to read as follows:
  24-30        Sec. 501.021.  USE OF INMATES IN TRAINING PROHIBITED.  The
  24-31  department may not use an inmate in a program that trains dogs to
  24-32  attack individuals without the inmate's permission.
  24-33        SECTION 1.086.  Section 501.051, Government Code, is amended
  24-34  to read as follows:
  24-35        Sec. 501.051.  Medical Facilities at University of Texas
  24-36  Medical Branch.  (a)  The medical facility constructed by the
  24-37  institutional division at The University of Texas Medical Branch at
  24-38  Galveston shall be used as a teaching facility and be limited to
  24-39  patients who are teaching patients, as long as the medical facility
  24-40  is used for the treatment of department <division> patients.  The
  24-41  Board of Regents of The University of Texas System shall maintain
  24-42  and operate the facility and provide professional staff services
  24-43  necessary for the care of patients in the facility, except that the
  24-44  department <institutional division> shall provide security at the
  24-45  facility.  The facility shall provide the same level of care as is
  24-46  provided for patients in other facilities of The University of
  24-47  Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
  24-48        (b)  If the medical facility ceases to be used for department
  24-49  <institutional division> patients, the facility shall revert to the
  24-50  medical branch for its use and be operated under the exclusive
  24-51  management and control of the Board of Regents of The University of
  24-52  Texas System.
  24-53        (c)  The medical facility shall be operated with funds
  24-54  appropriated for that purpose.
  24-55        (d)  The department <institutional division> shall establish
  24-56  and maintain an overnight holding facility for inmate outpatients
  24-57  at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
  24-58        (e)  The department <institutional division> and The
  24-59  University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston shall by rule adopt
  24-60  a memorandum of understanding that establishes the responsibilities
  24-61  of the department <division> and the medical branch in maintaining
  24-62  the department's <division's> medical facility, providing security,
  24-63  and providing medical care.  The memorandum must also establish a
  24-64  joint peer review committee and a joint utilization review
  24-65  committee.  Each committee shall be composed of medical personnel
  24-66  employed by the department <institutional division> and by the
  24-67  medical branch.  The joint peer review committee shall review all
  24-68  case files to determine whether the quality of medical care
  24-69  provided is adequate, according to accepted medical standards.  The
  24-70  joint utilization review committee shall review all case files to
   25-1  determine whether treatment given is medically necessary under the
   25-2  circumstances of each case, taking into account accepted medical
   25-3  standards.  The department <institutional division> shall
   25-4  coordinate the development of the memorandum of understanding.
   25-5        SECTION 1.087.  Section 501.052, Government Code, is amended
   25-6  to read as follows:
   25-7        Sec. 501.052.  Medical Residencies.  The department
   25-8  <institutional division> may establish a residency program or a
   25-9  rotation program to employ or train physicians to treat inmates in
  25-10  the department <division>.
  25-11        SECTION 1.088.  Section 501.053, Government Code, is amended
  25-12  to read as follows:
  25-13        Sec. 501.053.  Reports of Physician Misconduct.  (a)  If the
  25-14  department <institutional division> receives an allegation that a
  25-15  physician employed or under contract with the department <division>
  25-16  has committed an action that constitutes a ground for the denial or
  25-17  revocation of the physician's license under Section 3.08, Medical
  25-18  Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), the
  25-19  department <division> shall report the information to the Texas
  25-20  State Board of Medical Examiners in the manner provided by Section
  25-21  4.02 of that Act.
  25-22        (b)  The department <institutional division> shall provide
  25-23  the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners with a copy of any
  25-24  report or finding relating to an investigation of an allegation
  25-25  reported to the board.
  25-26        SECTION 1.089.  Section 501.054, Government Code, is amended
  25-27  to read as follows:
  25-28        Sec. 501.054.  AIDS and HIV Education; Testing.  (a)  In this
  25-29  section, "AIDS," "HIV," and "test result" have the meanings
  25-30  assigned by Section 81.101, Health and Safety Code.
  25-31        (b)  The department <institutional division>, in consultation
  25-32  with the Texas Department of Health, shall establish education
  25-33  programs to educate inmates and employees of the department
  25-34  <division> about AIDS and HIV.  In establishing the programs for
  25-35  inmates, the department <institutional division> shall design a
  25-36  program that deals with issues related to AIDS and HIV that are
  25-37  relevant to inmates while confined and a program that deals with
  25-38  issues related to AIDS and HIV that will be relevant to inmates
  25-39  after the inmates are released <from the division>.  The department
  25-40  <institutional division> shall design the programs to take into
  25-41  account relevant cultural and other differences among inmates.  The
  25-42  department <institutional division> shall require each inmate in a
  25-43  facility operated by the department <division> to participate in
  25-44  education programs established under this subsection.
  25-45        (c)  The department <director of the institutional division>
  25-46  shall require each employee of the department <division> to
  25-47  participate in programs established under this section at least
  25-48  once during each calendar year.
  25-49        (d)  The department <director of the institutional division>
  25-50  shall ensure that education programs for employees include
  25-51  information and training relating to infection control procedures.
  25-52  The department <director> shall also ensure that employees have
  25-53  infection control supplies and equipment readily available.
  25-54        (e)  The department <institutional division>, in consultation
  25-55  with the Texas Department of Health, shall periodically revise
  25-56  education programs established under this section so that the
  25-57  programs reflect the latest medical information available on AIDS
  25-58  and HIV.
  25-59        (f)  The department <institutional division> shall adopt a
  25-60  policy for handling persons with AIDS or HIV infection who are in
  25-61  the <division's> custody of the department or under the
  25-62  department's supervision.  The policy must be substantially similar
  25-63  to a model policy developed by the Texas Department of Health under
  25-64  Subchapter G, Chapter 85, Health and Safety Code <Article 4419b-3,
  25-65  Revised Statutes>.
  25-66        (g)  The department <institutional division> shall maintain
  25-67  the confidentiality of test results of an inmate indicating HIV
  25-68  infection after the inmate's discharge, release from a state jail,
  25-69  or release on parole or mandatory supervision and may not honor the
  25-70  request of an agency of the state or any person who requests a test
   26-1  result as a condition of housing or supervising the inmate while
   26-2  the inmate is on community supervision or parole or mandatory
   26-3  supervision, unless honoring the request would improve the ability
   26-4  of the inmate to obtain essential health and social services.
   26-5        (h)  The department <institutional division> shall report to
   26-6  the legislature not later than January 15 of each odd-numbered year
   26-7  concerning the implementation of this section and the participation
   26-8  of inmates and employees of the department <division> in education
   26-9  programs established under this section.
  26-10        (i)  The institutional division may test an inmate confined
  26-11  in a facility operated by the division for human immunodeficiency
  26-12  virus.  If the institutional division determines that an inmate has
  26-13  a positive test result, the division may segregate the inmate from
  26-14  other inmates.
  26-15        SECTION 1.090.  Section 501.055, Government Code, is amended
  26-16  to read as follows:
  26-17        Sec. 501.055.  REPORT OF INMATE DEATH<; CRIMINAL PENALTY>.
  26-18  (a)  If an inmate dies while confined in a facility operated by or
  26-19  under contract with the department <the custody of the
  26-20  institutional division>, <the director of the institutional
  26-21  division, or> an employee of the facility who is <division> in
  26-22  charge of the inmate shall immediately notify the nearest justice
  26-23  of the peace serving in the county in which the inmate died and the
  26-24  office of internal affairs for the department.  The justice shall
  26-25  personally inspect the body and make an inquiry as to the cause of
  26-26  death.  The justice shall make written copies of evidence taken
  26-27  during the inquest, and give one copy to the director and one copy
  26-28  to a district judge serving in the county in which the inmate died.
  26-29  The judge  shall provide the copy to the grand jury and, if the
  26-30  judge determines the evidence indicates wrongdoing, instruct the
  26-31  grand jury to thoroughly investigate the cause of death.
  26-32        (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply if the inmate:
  26-33              (1)  dies of natural causes while attended by a
  26-34  physician and an autopsy is scheduled to be performed; or
  26-35              (2)  is lawfully executed <An employee of the
  26-36  institutional division commits an offense if the employee is in
  26-37  charge of an inmate who dies and the employee fails to immediately
  26-38  notify a justice of the peace of the death in the manner required
  26-39  by Subsection (a).>
  26-40        <(c)  An offense under Subsection (b) is a misdemeanor
  26-41  punishable by:>
  26-42              <(1)  a fine of not less than $100 or more than $500;
  26-43  and>
  26-44              <(2)  confinement in jail for not less than 60 days or
  26-45  more than one year>.
  26-46        SECTION 1.091.  Section 501.056, Government Code, is amended
  26-47  to read as follows:
  26-48        Sec. 501.056.  Contract for Care of Mentally Ill and Mentally
  26-49  Retarded Inmates.  The department <institutional division> shall
  26-50  contract with the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
  26-51  Retardation for provision of Texas Department of Mental Health and
  26-52  Mental Retardation facilities, treatment, and habilitation for
  26-53  mentally ill and mentally retarded inmates in the custody of the
  26-54  department <division>.  The contract must provide:
  26-55              (1)  detailed characteristics of the mentally ill
  26-56  inmate population and the mentally retarded inmate population to be
  26-57  affected under the contract;
  26-58              (2)  for the respective responsibilities of the Texas
  26-59  Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and the
  26-60  department <institutional division> with regard to the care and
  26-61  supervision of the affected inmates; and
  26-62              (3)  that the department <division> remains responsible
  26-63  for security.
  26-64        SECTION 1.092.  Section 501.057, Government Code, is amended
  26-65  to read as follows:
  26-66        Sec. 501.057.  Civil Commitment Before Parole.  (a)  The
  26-67  department <institutional division and the pardons and paroles
  26-68  division> shall establish a system to identify mentally ill inmates
  26-69  who are nearing eligibility for release on parole.
  26-70        (b)  <The institutional division shall provide the pardons
   27-1  and paroles division with the names of inmates determined by the
   27-2  institutional division to be mentally ill.>  Not later than the
   27-3  30th day before the initial parole eligibility date of an inmate
   27-4  identified as mentally ill, <the pardons and paroles division shall
   27-5  notify the institutional division that the inmate is about to reach
   27-6  the inmate's initial parole eligibility date.  After receiving
   27-7  notice under this subsection,> an institutional division
   27-8  psychiatrist shall examine the inmate.  The psychiatrist shall file
   27-9  a sworn application for court-ordered temporary mental health
  27-10  services under Chapter 574 <3>, <Texas Mental> Health and Safety
  27-11  Code <(Article 5547-26 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>, if
  27-12  the psychiatrist determines that the inmate is mentally ill and as
  27-13  a result of the illness the inmate meets at least one of the
  27-14  criteria listed in Section 574.034 <50>, <Texas Mental> Health and
  27-15  Safety Code <(Article 5547-50, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
  27-16        (c)  The psychiatrist shall include with the application a
  27-17  sworn certificate of medical examination for mental illness in the
  27-18  form prescribed by Section 574.011 <33>, <Texas Mental> Health and
  27-19  Safety Code <(Article 5547-33, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
  27-20        (d)  The institutional division is liable for costs incurred
  27-21  for a hearing under Chapter 574 <3>, <Texas Mental> Health and
  27-22  Safety Code <(Article 5547-26 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil
  27-23  Statutes)>, that follows an application filed by a division
  27-24  psychiatrist under this section.
  27-25        SECTION 1.093.  Section 501.093(a), Government Code, is
  27-26  amended to read as follows:
  27-27        (a)  The department <institutional division, the pardons and
  27-28  paroles division>, the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
  27-29  Retardation, and the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
  27-30  shall by rule adopt a memorandum of understanding that establishes
  27-31  their respective responsibilities to establish a continuity of care
  27-32  program for inmates with a history of drug or alcohol abuse.
  27-33        SECTION 1.094.  Sections 501.0931(f) and (i), Government
  27-34  Code, are amended to read as follows:
  27-35        (f)  The institutional division shall employ or contract with
  27-36  <through the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse to provide>
  27-37  qualified professionals to implement the program.  For purposes of
  27-38  this subsection, a "qualified professional" is a person who:
  27-39              (1)  is a certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor;
  27-40              (2)  is a certified social worker or advanced clinical
  27-41  practitioner and who has at least two years of experience in
  27-42  chemical dependency counseling; or
  27-43              (3)  is a licensed professional counselor, physician,
  27-44  or psychologist and who has at least two years of experience in
  27-45  chemical dependency counseling.
  27-46        (i)  The institutional division shall provide at least 800
  27-47  beds for housing participants in the program<;>
  27-48              <(1)  at least 450 beds for male inmates and 50 beds
  27-49  for female inmates in fiscal year 1992;>
  27-50              <(2)  at least 900 beds for male inmates and 100 beds
  27-51  for female inmates in fiscal year 1993;>
  27-52              <(3)  at least 1,300 beds for male inmates and 200 beds
  27-53  for female inmates in fiscal year 1994; and>
  27-54              <(4)  at least 1,700 beds for male inmates and 300 beds
  27-55  for female inmates in fiscal year 1995 and each fiscal year after
  27-56  that year>.  The institutional division not less often than every
  27-57  two years shall determine whether the division should increase the
  27-58  number of beds provided by the division for the program.
  27-59        SECTION 1.095.  Section 501.095(a), Government Code, is
  27-60  amended to read as follows:
  27-61        (a)  The department <institutional division, the pardons and
  27-62  paroles division,> and the Texas Employment Commission shall by
  27-63  rule adopt a memorandum of understanding that establishes their
  27-64  respective responsibilities to establish a continuity of care
  27-65  program for inmates with a history of chronic unemployment.
  27-66        SECTION 1.096.  Section 501.096(d), Government Code, is
  27-67  amended to read as follows:
  27-68        (d)  The department <institutional division and the pardons
  27-69  and paroles division> shall determine <cooperate in determining>
  27-70  the special needs of inmates who have served long terms of
   28-1  confinement in the institutional division and shall identify and
   28-2  develop community resources to meet those needs.
   28-3        SECTION 1.097.  Section 507.001, Government Code, is amended
   28-4  to read as follows:
   28-5        Sec. 507.001.  Authority to Operate or Contract for State
   28-6  Jail Felony Facilities.  (a)  The state jail division may operate,
   28-7  maintain, and manage state jail felony facilities to confine
   28-8  inmates described by Section 507.002, and the department <board>
   28-9  may finance and construct those facilities.  The state jail
  28-10  division, with the approval of the board, may contract with the
  28-11  institutional division, a private vendor, a community supervision
  28-12  and corrections department, or the commissioners court of a county
  28-13  for the construction, operation, maintenance, or management of a
  28-14  state jail felony facility.  The community justice assistance
  28-15  division shall assist the state jail division to<, with the
  28-16  approval of the board, may> contract with <or make a grant to> a
  28-17  community supervision and corrections department for the
  28-18  construction, operation, maintenance, or management of a state jail
  28-19  felony facility.  The state jail division shall consult with the
  28-20  community justice assistance division before contracting with a
  28-21  community supervision and corrections department under this
  28-22  section.  A community supervision and corrections department or the
  28-23  commissioners court of a county that contracts <or receives a
  28-24  grant> under this section may subcontract with a private vendor for
  28-25  the provision of any or all services described by this subsection.
  28-26  A community supervision and corrections department that contracts
  28-27  <or receives a grant> under this section may subcontract with the
  28-28  commissioners court of a county for the provision of any or all
  28-29  services described by this subsection.  The board may contract with
  28-30  a private vendor or the commissioners court of a county for the
  28-31  financing or construction of a state jail felony facility.
  28-32        (b)  The community justice assistance division and the state
  28-33  jail division shall develop and implement<, after consultation with
  28-34  the advisory committee on community supervision and corrections
  28-35  department management to the judicial advisory council to the
  28-36  community justice assistance division, shall adopt reasonable rules
  28-37  and procedures establishing minimum requirements for> work programs
  28-38  and programs of rehabilitation, education, and recreation in state
  28-39  jail felony facilities <operated under contracts with or grants
  28-40  from the community justice assistance division>.  For each state
  28-41  jail felony facility <operated by or for the state jail division>,
  28-42  the community justice assistance division and the state jail
  28-43  division shall consult with <request the assistance of> the
  28-44  community supervision and corrections departments and the community
  28-45  justice councils served by the facility in developing <work>
  28-46  programs <and programs of rehabilitation, education, and recreation
  28-47  for defendants confined> in that <the> facility, and shall develop
  28-48  the programs in a manner that makes appropriate use of facilities
  28-49  and personnel of the community supervision and corrections
  28-50  departments.  In developing the programs, the state jail division
  28-51  and the community justice assistance division shall attempt to
  28-52  structure programs so that they are operated on a 90-day cycle,
  28-53  although the divisions should deviate from a 90-day schedule as
  28-54  necessary to meet the requirements of a particular program.
  28-55        (c)  Services <The board shall ensure that a service>
  28-56  described by Subsection (a) must be <is> provided in compliance
  28-57  with standards established by the board<, whether the board, the
  28-58  state jail division, or the community justice assistance division
  28-59  provides the service or contracts with or makes a grant to an
  28-60  entity listed in Subsection (a) for the provision of the service>.
  28-61  Programs <The board shall ensure that a program> described by
  28-62  Subsection (b) must be <is> provided in compliance with minimum
  28-63  requirements established under Subsection (b)<, whether the state
  28-64  jail division or the community justice assistance division provides
  28-65  the service or contracts with or makes a grant to an entity listed
  28-66  in Subsection (a) for the provision of the service>.
  28-67        (d)  A state jail felony facility authorized by this
  28-68  subchapter may be located on private land or on land owned by the
  28-69  federal government, the state, a community supervision and
  28-70  corrections department, or a political subdivision of the state.
   29-1  The board may accept land donated for that purpose.
   29-2        (e)  A commissioners court of a county or a community
   29-3  supervision and corrections department may not enter into a
   29-4  contract <or receive a grant> under this section unless:
   29-5              (1)  the commissioners court or department first
   29-6  consults with the community justice council serving the county or
   29-7  serving the department; and
   29-8              (2)  the most recent community justice plan for the
   29-9  county or department served by the community justice council that
  29-10  has been approved by the community justice assistance division
  29-11  describes the contract <or grant>.
  29-12        SECTION 1.098.  Section 507.006(a), Government Code, is
  29-13  amended to read as follows:
  29-14        (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  29-15  the state jail division, with the approval of the board, may
  29-16  designate one or more state jail felony facilities to house inmates
  29-17  who are eligible for confinement in a transfer facility under
  29-18  Section 499.152, but only if the designation does not deny
  29-19  placement in a state jail felony facility of defendants required to
  29-20  serve terms of confinement in a facility following conviction of
  29-21  state jail felonies.  The division may not house in a state jail
  29-22  felony facility an inmate who:
  29-23              (1)  has a history of or has shown a pattern of violent
  29-24  or assaultive behavior in county jail or a facility operated by the
  29-25  department; or
  29-26              (2)  will increase the likelihood of harm to the public
  29-27  if housed in the facility.
  29-28        SECTION 1.099.  Subchapter B, Chapter 507, Government Code,
  29-29  is amended by adding Section 507.028 to read as follows:
  29-30        Sec. 507.028.  FURLOUGH PROGRAM.  (a)  The director of a
  29-31  state jail felony facility may grant a furlough to a defendant so
  29-32  that the defendant may:
  29-33              (1)  obtain a medical diagnosis or medical treatment;
  29-34              (2)  obtain treatment and supervision at a Texas
  29-35  Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation facility;
  29-36              (3)  attend a funeral or visit a critically ill
  29-37  relative; or
  29-38              (4)  participate in a programmatic activity sanctioned
  29-39  by the state jail division.
  29-40        (b)  The state jail division shall adopt policies for the
  29-41  administration of the furlough program.
  29-42        (c)  A defendant furloughed under this section is considered
  29-43  to be in the custody of the state jail division, even if the
  29-44  defendant is not under physical guard while furloughed.
  29-45        SECTION 1.100.  Subchapter B, Chapter 507, Government Code,
  29-46  is amended by adding Section 507.029 to read as follows:
  29-47        Sec. 507.029.  USE OF INMATE LABOR.  The department may use
  29-48  the labor of inmates of the institutional division in any work or
  29-49  community service program or project performed by the state jail
  29-50  division.
  29-51        SECTION 1.101.  Subchapter B, Chapter 507, Government Code,
  29-52  is amended by adding Section 507.030 to read as follows:
  29-53        Sec. 507.030.  VISITATION.  (a)  The state jail division
  29-54  shall allow the governor, members of the legislature, and officials
  29-55  of the executive and judicial branches to enter during business
  29-56  hours any part of a facility operated by the division, for the
  29-57  purpose of observing the operations of the division.  A visitor
  29-58  described by this subsection may talk with defendants away from
  29-59  division employees.
  29-60        (b)  The state jail division shall establish a visitation
  29-61  policy for persons confined in state jail felony facilities.
  29-62        SECTION 1.102.  (a)  The chapter heading of Chapter 495,
  29-63  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  29-66        (b)  The chapter heading of Chapter 496, Government Code, is
  29-67  amended to read as follows:
  29-69        (c)  The subchapter heading of Subchapter A, Chapter 496,
  29-70  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   30-2        (d)  The chapter heading of Chapter 497, Government Code, is
   30-3  amended to read as follows:
   30-5                   AND AGRICULTURE; LABOR OF INMATES
   30-6        (e)  The chapter heading of Chapter 499, Government Code, is
   30-7  amended to read as follows:
   30-9                     MANAGEMENT; SPECIAL PROGRAMS
  30-10        (f)  The chapter heading of Chapter 500, Government Code, is
  30-11  amended to read as follows:
  30-13                         DISCIPLINARY MATTERS
  30-14        (g)  The chapter heading of Chapter 501, Government Code, is
  30-15  amended to read as follows:
  30-17        SECTION 1.103.  Section 38.01(2), Penal Code, is amended to
  30-18  read as follows:
  30-19              (2)  "Escape" means unauthorized departure from custody
  30-20  or failure to return to custody following temporary leave for a
  30-21  specific purpose or limited period or leave that is part of an
  30-22  intermittent sentence, but does not include a violation of
  30-23  conditions of community supervision or parole other than conditions
  30-24  that impose a period of confinement in a secure correctional
  30-25  facility.
  30-26        SECTION 1.104.  Section 39.05, Penal Code, is amended to read
  30-27  as follows:
  30-28        Sec. 39.05.  FAILURE TO REPORT DEATH OF PRISONER.  (a)  A
  30-29  person commits an offense if the person is required to conduct an
  30-30  investigation and file a report by Article 49.18, Code of Criminal
  30-31  Procedure, and the person fails to investigate the death, fails to
  30-32  file the report as required, or fails to include in a filed report
  30-33  facts known or discovered in the investigation.
  30-34        (b)  A person commits an offense if the person is required by
  30-35  Section 501.055, Government Code, to:
  30-36              (1)  give notice of the death of an inmate and the
  30-37  person fails to give the notice; or
  30-38              (2)  conduct an investigation and file a report and the
  30-39  person:
  30-40                    (A)  fails to conduct the investigation or file
  30-41  the report; or
  30-42                    (B)  fails to include in the report facts known
  30-43  to the person or discovered by the person in the investigation.
  30-44        (c)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
  30-45        SECTION 1.105.  Article 49.04(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,
  30-46  is amended to read as follows:
  30-47        (a)  A justice of the peace shall conduct an inquest into the
  30-48  death of a person who dies in the county served by the justice if:
  30-49              (1)  the person dies in prison under circumstances
  30-50  other than those described by Section 501.055(b), Government Code,
  30-51  or in jail;
  30-52              (2)  the person dies an unnatural death from a cause
  30-53  other than a legal execution;
  30-54              (3)  the body of the person is found and the cause or
  30-55  circumstances of death are unknown;
  30-56              (4)  the circumstances of the death indicate that the
  30-57  death may have been caused by unlawful means;
  30-58              (5)  the person commits suicide or the circumstances of
  30-59  the death indicate that the death may have been caused by suicide;
  30-60              (6)  the person dies without having been attended by a
  30-61  physician;
  30-62              (7)  the person dies while attended by a physician who
  30-63  is unable to certify the cause of death and who requests the
  30-64  justice of the peace to conduct an inquest; or
  30-65              (8)  the person is a child who is younger than 18
  30-66  months of age and the suspected cause of death is sudden infant
  30-67  death syndrome.
  30-68        SECTION 1.106.  Article 49.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  30-69  amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
  30-70        (c)  This article does not apply to a death that occurs in a
   31-1  facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of
   31-2  Criminal Justice.
   31-3        SECTION 1.107.  Chapter 614, Health and Safety Code, is
   31-4  amended by adding Section 614.017 to read as follows:
   31-5        Sec. 614.017.  EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION.  (a)  An agency
   31-6  authorized by this chapter to provide continuity of care for a
   31-7  special needs offender may:
   31-8              (1)  receive information relating to a convicted felon
   31-9  regardless of whether other state law makes that information
  31-10  confidential, if the agency receives the information to further the
  31-11  purposes of this chapter; or
  31-12              (2)  disclose information relating to a convicted
  31-13  felon, including information about the felon's identity, needs,
  31-14  treatment, social, criminal, and vocational history, and medical
  31-15  and mental health history, if the agency discloses the information
  31-16  to further the purposes of this chapter.
  31-17        (b)  This section is not intended to conflict with a federal
  31-18  law that restricts the disclosure of information described by
  31-19  Subsection (a).
  31-20        SECTION 1.108.  Subchapter B, Chapter 101, Civil Practice and
  31-21  Remedies Code, is amended by adding Section 101.029 to read as
  31-22  follows:
  31-24  INMATES.  (a)  The Department of Criminal Justice is liable for
  31-25  property damage, personal injury, and death proximately caused by
  31-26  the wrongful act or omission or the negligence of an inmate or
  31-27  state jail defendant housed in a facility operated by the
  31-28  department if:
  31-29              (1)  the property damage, personal injury, or death
  31-30  arises from the operation or use of a motor-driven vehicle or
  31-31  motor-driven equipment;
  31-32              (2)  the inmate or defendant would be personally liable
  31-33  to the claimant according to Texas law; and
  31-34              (3)  the act, omission, or negligence was committed by
  31-35  the inmate or defendant acting in the course and scope of a task or
  31-36  activity that:
  31-37                    (A)  the inmate or defendant performed at the
  31-38  request of an employee of the department; and
  31-39                    (B)  the inmate or defendant performed under the
  31-40  control or supervision of the department.
  31-41        (b)  This section does not apply to property damage, personal
  31-42  injury, or death sustained by an inmate or state jail defendant.
  31-43        SECTION 1.109.  Section 171.651, Tax Code, is amended to read
  31-44  as follows:
  31-45        Sec. 171.651.  Definitions.  In this subchapter:
  31-46              (1)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  31-47  Criminal Justice.
  31-48              (2)  "Inmate" means an inmate in a prison industries
  31-49  program operated by the prison industries office of the department
  31-50  <institutional division> under Subchapter A, Chapter 497,
  31-51  Government Code.
  31-52              <(2)  "Institutional division" means the institutional
  31-53  division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.>
  31-54        SECTION 1.110.  Sections 171.653(a) and (b), Tax Code, are
  31-55  amended to read as follows:
  31-56        (a)  The amount of the credit for wages paid by a corporation
  31-57  to an inmate is equal to 10 percent of that portion of the wages
  31-58  paid that the department <institutional division> apportions to the
  31-59  state under Section 497.004(b)(3), Government Code, as
  31-60  reimbursement for the cost of the inmate's confinement.
  31-61        (b)  A corporation is eligible for the credit under this
  31-62  section only if it receives before the due date of its franchise
  31-63  tax report for the privilege period for which the credit is claimed
  31-64  a written certification from the department <institutional
  31-65  division> stating the amount of the wages that the corporation paid
  31-66  to an inmate during the privilege period and the amount of those
  31-67  wages that the department <institutional division> apportioned to
  31-68  the state as reimbursement for the cost of the inmate's
  31-69  confinement.
  31-70        SECTION 1.111.  Sections 171.654(a) and (b), Tax Code, are
   32-1  amended to read as follows:
   32-2        (a)  The amount of the credit for wages paid by a corporation
   32-3  to an employee who was employed by the corporation when the
   32-4  employee was an inmate is equal to 10 percent of that portion of
   32-5  the wages paid that, were the employee still an inmate, the
   32-6  department <institutional division> would apportion to the state
   32-7  under Section 497.004(b)(3), Government Code, as reimbursement for
   32-8  the cost of the inmate's confinement.
   32-9        (b)  A corporation is eligible for the credit under this
  32-10  section only if:
  32-11              (1)  the employee who was formerly an inmate was
  32-12  continuously employed for not less than six months while an inmate
  32-13  and has been continuously employed by the corporation for at least
  32-14  one year after the date that the employee was released from prison;
  32-15              (2)  the nature of the employment is substantially
  32-16  similar to the employment the employee had with the corporation
  32-17  when the employee was an inmate or the employment requires more
  32-18  skills or provides greater opportunities for the employee;
  32-19              (3)  the corporation has provided the department
  32-20  <institutional division> a statement of the amount of wages paid
  32-21  the employee during the accounting period on which the credit is
  32-22  computed; and
  32-23              (4)  the corporation receives before the due date of
  32-24  its franchise tax report for the privilege period for which the
  32-25  credit is claimed a written certification from the department
  32-26  <institutional division> stating the amount of the wages that, were
  32-27  the employee still an inmate, the department <institutional
  32-28  division> would have apportioned to the state as reimbursement for
  32-29  the cost of the inmate's confinement.
  32-30        SECTION 1.112.  Section 492.012, Government Code, is amended
  32-31  to read as follows:
  32-32        Sec. 492.012.  SUNSET PROVISION.  The Texas Board of Criminal
  32-33  Justice and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice are subject to
  32-34  Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence as
  32-35  provided by that chapter, the board and the department are
  32-36  abolished September 1, 1999 <1997>.
  32-37        SECTION 1.113.  Sections 493.009(o), 494.005, 494.009,
  32-38  494.010, 494.011 (as added by Chapter 988, Acts of the 73rd
  32-39  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993), 499.006, 499.051, 499.054,
  32-40  499.072, and 507.006(c), Government Code, are repealed.
  32-41        SECTION 1.114.  (a)  The amendment made by this article to
  32-42  Section 501.055, Government Code, does not apply to an offense
  32-43  committed under Subsection (c) of that section before the effective
  32-44  date of this article.  An offense under Subsection (c) of that
  32-45  section committed before the effective date of this article is
  32-46  covered by Section 501.055 as it existed on the date on which the
  32-47  offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect
  32-48  for that purpose.
  32-49        (b)  The amendments made by this article to Sections 38.01
  32-50  and 39.05, Penal Code, apply only to offenses committed on or after
  32-51  the effective date of this article.  An offense committed before
  32-52  the effective date of this article is covered by the law in effect
  32-53  when the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in
  32-54  effect for that purpose.
  32-55        (c)  For purposes of this section, an offense is committed
  32-56  before the effective date of this article if any element of the
  32-57  offense occurs before that date.
  32-58        SECTION 1.115.  The change in law made by this article to
  32-59  Chapter 101, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, applies only to a
  32-60  cause of action that accrues on or after the effective date of this
  32-61  article.  An action that accrued before the effective date of this
  32-62  article is governed by the law applicable to the action as it
  32-63  existed immediately before the effective date of this article, and
  32-64  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
  32-65        SECTION 1.116.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b),
  32-66  this article takes effect September 1, 1995.
  32-67        (b)  Sections 1.020 and 1.060 take effect immediately.
  32-68                               ARTICLE 2
  32-69        SECTION 2.001. Section 2, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  32-70  Procedure, is amended by amending Subdivisions (1), (2), (5), and
   33-1  (8) and by adding Subdivision (9) to read as follows:
   33-2              (1)  "Parole" means the discretionary and conditional
   33-3  release of an eligible prisoner sentenced to <from the physical
   33-4  custody of> the institutional division so that the prisoner may <of
   33-5  the Texas Department of Criminal Justice if the prisoner
   33-6  contractually agrees to> serve the remainder of his sentence under
   33-7  the supervision and control of the pardons and paroles division.
   33-8  Parole shall not be construed to mean a commutation of sentence or
   33-9  any other form of executive clemency.
  33-10              (2)  "Mandatory supervision" means the release of an
  33-11  eligible prisoner sentenced to <from the physical custody of> the
  33-12  institutional division so that the prisoner may <but not on parole,
  33-13  to> serve the remainder of his sentence not on parole but under the
  33-14  supervision and control of the pardons and paroles division.
  33-15  Mandatory supervision may not be construed as a commutation of
  33-16  sentence or any other form of executive clemency.
  33-17              (5)  "Director" means the director of the pardons and
  33-18  paroles division.
  33-19              (8)  "Division <Pardons and paroles division>" means
  33-20  the pardons and paroles division of the Texas Department of
  33-21  Criminal Justice.
  33-22              (9)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  33-23  Criminal Justice.
  33-24        SECTION 2.002.  Sections 4(a), (b), (c), (g), and (h),
  33-25  Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, are amended to read as
  33-26  follows:
  33-27        (a)  Board members must be representative of the general
  33-28  public.  A member must be a resident citizen of this state and must
  33-29  have resided in this state for the two years preceding appointment.
  33-30  A person is not eligible for appointment as a public member if the
  33-31  person or the person's spouse:
  33-32              (1)  is employed by or participates in the management
  33-33  of a business entity or other organization receiving funds from the
  33-34  department or the board <Texas Department of Criminal Justice>;
  33-35              (2)  owns or controls directly or indirectly more than
  33-36  a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other organization
  33-37  regulated by the department <Texas Department of Criminal Justice>
  33-38  or receiving funds from the department or the board; or
  33-39              (3)  uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible
  33-40  goods, services, or funds from the department or the board <Texas
  33-41  Department of Criminal Justice>, other than compensation or
  33-42  reimbursement authorized by law for board membership, attendance,
  33-43  or expenses.
  33-44        (b)  An employee or paid officer or consultant of a trade
  33-45  association in the field of criminal justice may not be a member of
  33-46  the board or an employee of the <pardons and paroles> division or
  33-47  the board.  A person who is the spouse of any manager or paid
  33-48  consultant of a trade association in the field of criminal justice
  33-49  may not be a member of the board and may not be an employee of the
  33-50  <pardons and paroles> division or the board, including an employee
  33-51  exempt from the state's classification plan, who is compensated at
  33-52  or above the amount prescribed by the General Appropriations Act
  33-53  for step 1, salary group 17, of the position classification salary
  33-54  schedule. For the purposes of this section, a trade association is
  33-55  a nonprofit, cooperative, and voluntarily joined association of
  33-56  business or professional competitors designed to assist its members
  33-57  and its industry or profession in dealing with mutual business or
  33-58  professional problems and in promoting their common interests.
  33-59        (c)  A person who is required to register as a lobbyist under
  33-60  Chapter 305, Government Code, by virtue of the person's activities
  33-61  for compensation in or on behalf of a profession related to the
  33-62  operation of the board, may not serve as a member of the board or
  33-63  act as the general counsel to the <pardons and paroles> division.
  33-64        (g)  If the director has knowledge that a potential ground
  33-65  for removal exists, the director shall notify the chairman of the
  33-66  board <Texas Board of Criminal Justice> of the ground.  The
  33-67  chairman of the board <Texas Board of Criminal Justice> shall then
  33-68  notify the governor that a potential ground for removal exists.
  33-69        (h)  The financial transactions of the <pardons and paroles>
  33-70  division and the board are subject to audit by the state auditor in
   34-1  accordance with Chapter 321, Government Code.
   34-2        SECTION 2.003.  Section 6(b), Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
   34-3  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
   34-4        (b)  The executive director of the department <Texas
   34-5  Department of Criminal Justice> shall hire the director.  The
   34-6  director is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the
   34-7  <pardons and paroles> division.
   34-8        SECTION 2.004.  Section 6, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
   34-9  Procedure, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
  34-10        (d)  The board, after consultation with the governor and the
  34-11  Texas Board of Criminal Justice, shall adopt a mission statement
  34-12  that reflects those responsibilities for the operation of the
  34-13  parole process that are assigned to the board and those
  34-14  responsibilities for the operation of the parole process that are
  34-15  assigned to the division, the department, or the Texas Board of
  34-16  Criminal Justice.  The board shall include in the mission statement
  34-17  a description of specific locations at which the board intends to
  34-18  conduct business related to the operation of the parole process.
  34-19        SECTION 2.005.  (a)  Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  34-20  Procedure, is amended by adding Section 8B to read as follows:
  34-21        Sec. 8B.  PAROLEE RESTITUTION FUND.  (a)  The parolee
  34-22  restitution fund is a fund outside the treasury and consists of
  34-23  restitution payments made by persons released on parole or
  34-24  mandatory supervision.  Money in the fund may be used only to pay
  34-25  restitution as required by a condition of parole or release to
  34-26  mandatory supervision to victims of criminal offenses.
  34-27        (b)  The state treasurer shall be the trustee of the parolee
  34-28  restitution fund as provided by Section 404.073, Government Code.
  34-29        (c)  When the board orders the payment of restitution in the
  34-30  manner prescribed by Article 42.037(h) from a person released on
  34-31  parole or mandatory supervision, the department shall:
  34-32              (1)  collect the payment for disbursement to the
  34-33  victim;
  34-34              (2)  deposit the payment in the parolee restitution
  34-35  fund; and
  34-36              (3)  transmit the payment to the victim as soon as
  34-37  practicable.
  34-38        (d)  If a victim who is entitled to restitution cannot be
  34-39  located, immediately after receiving a final payment in
  34-40  satisfaction of an order of restitution for the victim, the
  34-41  department shall attempt to notify the victim of that fact by
  34-42  certified mail, mailed to the last known address of the victim.  If
  34-43  a victim then makes a claim for payment, the department promptly
  34-44  shall remit the payment to the victim.  Money that remains
  34-45  unclaimed shall be transferred to the general revenue fund of the
  34-46  state treasury on the fifth anniversary of the date on which the
  34-47  money was deposited to the credit of the compensation to victims of
  34-48  crime auxiliary fund.
  34-49        (b)  The parole division of the Texas Department of Criminal
  34-50  Justice not later than the 30th day after the effective date of
  34-51  this article shall deposit any restitution money received before
  34-52  the effective date of this article but not paid to a victim in the
  34-53  parolee restitution fund in the manner provided by Section 8B,
  34-54  Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this
  34-55  article.
  34-56        SECTION 2.006.  Section 9, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  34-57  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  34-58        Sec. 9.  Duty to Provide Information, Computers, and Offices.
  34-59  (a)  It shall be the duty of any judge, district attorney, county
  34-60  attorney, police officer, or other public official of the state
  34-61  having information with reference to any prisoner eligible for
  34-62  parole to send in writing such information as may be in his
  34-63  possession or under his control to the department <pardons and
  34-64  paroles division>, upon request of any member of the Board of
  34-65  Pardons and Paroles or employee of the board or the department
  34-66  <pardons and paroles division>.
  34-67        (b)  The department <Texas Department of Criminal Justice>
  34-68  may, by interagency contract, provide to the board necessary
  34-69  computer equipment and computer access to all computerized records
  34-70  and physical access to all hard copy records in the custody of the
   35-1  department that are related to the duties and functions of the
   35-2  board.
   35-3        (c)  The department <Texas Department of Criminal Justice>
   35-4  may, by interagency contract, provide to the board necessary and
   35-5  appropriate office space in the locations designated by the
   35-6  chairman of the board and utilities and communication equipment.
   35-7        SECTION 2.007.  Section 10, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
   35-8  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
   35-9        Sec. 10.  Access to Prisoners.  It shall be the duty of the
  35-10  department <institutional division> to grant to the members and
  35-11  employees of the board <and employees of the board and the pardons
  35-12  and paroles division> access at all reasonable times to any
  35-13  prisoner, to provide for the members and employees or such
  35-14  representatives facilities for communicating with and observing
  35-15  such prisoner, and to furnish to the members and employees such
  35-16  reports as the members and employees shall require concerning the
  35-17  conduct and character of any prisoner in their custody and any
  35-18  other facts deemed by a parole panel pertinent in determining
  35-19  whether such prisoner shall be paroled.
  35-20        SECTION 2.008.  Sections 11(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (i),
  35-21  and (m), Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, are amended to
  35-22  read as follows:
  35-23        (a)  The board shall adopt rules as to:
  35-24              (1)  the submission and presentation of information and
  35-25  arguments to the board, parole panels, and the department <pardons
  35-26  and paroles division> for and in behalf of an inmate; and
  35-27              (2)  the time, place, and manner of contact between a
  35-28  person representing an inmate and a member of the board, an
  35-29  employee of the board, or an employee of the department <pardons
  35-30  and paroles division>.
  35-31        (c)  A person required to register under this section shall
  35-32  file a fee affidavit with the department <pardons and paroles
  35-33  division> in a form prescribed by the department <division> for
  35-34  each inmate the person represents for compensation before the
  35-35  person first contacts a member of the board, an employee of the
  35-36  board, or an employee of the department <pardons and paroles
  35-37  division> on behalf of the inmate.
  35-38        (d)  The fee affidavit must be written and verified and
  35-39  contain:
  35-40              (1)  the registrant's full name and address;
  35-41              (2)  the registrant's normal business, business phone
  35-42  number, and business address;
  35-43              (3)  the full name of any former member or employee of
  35-44  the Board of Pardons and Paroles or the Texas Board of Criminal
  35-45  Justice or any former employee of the department <Texas Department
  35-46  of Criminal Justice> with whom the person:
  35-47                    (A)  is associated;
  35-48                    (B)  has a relationship as an employer or
  35-49  employee; or
  35-50                    (C)  maintains a contractual relationship to
  35-51  provide services;
  35-52              (4)  the full name and institutional identification
  35-53  number of the inmate the registrant represents;
  35-54              (5)  the amount of compensation the person has received
  35-55  or expects to receive in exchange for the representation; and
  35-56              (6)  the name of the person making the compensation.
  35-57        (e)  The department <division> shall, not later than the
  35-58  third day after the date the fee affidavit is filed, place a copy
  35-59  of the affidavit in the file of an inmate that a parole panel or
  35-60  the board reviews.  The department <division> shall also keep a
  35-61  copy of each fee affidavit in a central location.
  35-62        (f)  If a person who has registered under this section
  35-63  receives compensation in excess of the amount reported on the fee
  35-64  affidavit, the person must file with the department <pardons and
  35-65  paroles division>, not later than the fifth day after the date the
  35-66  person receives the additional compensation, a supplemental fee
  35-67  affidavit in a form prescribed by the department <division>
  35-68  indicating the total amount of compensation received for
  35-69  representing that inmate.  The department <division> shall follow
  35-70  the procedures in Subsection (e) <of this section> to process the
   36-1  supplemental affidavit.
   36-2        (g)  A person required to register under this section shall,
   36-3  for each calendar year the person represents an inmate, file a
   36-4  representation summary form with the Texas Ethics Commission on a
   36-5  form prescribed by the commission.  The form must be filed not
   36-6  later than the last day of January in the first year following the
   36-7  reporting period and include:
   36-8              (1)  the registrant's full name and address;
   36-9              (2)  the registrant's normal business, business phone
  36-10  number, and business address;
  36-11              (3)  the full name of any former member or employee of
  36-12  the Board of Pardons and Paroles or the Texas Board of Criminal
  36-13  Justice or any former employee of the department <Texas Department
  36-14  of Criminal Justice> with whom the person:
  36-15                    (A)  is associated;
  36-16                    (B)  has a relationship as an employer or
  36-17  employee; or
  36-18                    (C)  maintains a contractual relationship to
  36-19  provide services;
  36-20              (4)  the full name and institutional identification
  36-21  number of each inmate the registrant represented in the previous
  36-22  calendar year; and
  36-23              (5)  the amount of compensation the person has received
  36-24  for representing each inmate in the previous calendar year.
  36-25        (i)  The Texas Ethics Commission shall submit to the
  36-26  department <pardons and paroles division> a copy of each
  36-27  representation summary form that is filed.
  36-28        (m)  In this section:
  36-29              (1)  "Compensation" has the meaning assigned by Section
  36-30  305.002, Government Code.
  36-31              (2)  "Inmate" includes an administrative releasee, a
  36-32  person imprisoned in the institutional division, and a person
  36-33  confined in a transfer facility or county jail awaiting transfer to
  36-34  the institutional division or awaiting a revocation hearing.
  36-35              (3)  "Represent" means to directly or indirectly
  36-36  contact in person or by telephone, facsimile transmission, or
  36-37  correspondence a member or employee of the board or an employee of
  36-38  the department <pardons and paroles division> on behalf of an
  36-39  inmate.
  36-40        SECTION 2.009.  Section 13(a), Article 42.18, Code of
  36-41  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  36-42        (a)  A warrant for the return of a paroled prisoner, a
  36-43  prisoner released to mandatory supervision, a prisoner released
  36-44  although not eligible for release, a resident released to a
  36-45  preparole or work program, a prisoner released on emergency
  36-46  reprieve or on furlough, or a person released on a conditional
  36-47  pardon to the institution from which the person was paroled,
  36-48  released, or pardoned may be issued by the director or a designated
  36-49  agent of the director in cases of parole or mandatory supervision,
  36-50  or by the board on order by the governor in other cases, if there
  36-51  is reason to believe that the person has been released although not
  36-52  eligible for release, if the person has been arrested for an
  36-53  offense, if there is a verified complaint stating that the person
  36-54  violated a rule or condition of release, or if there is reliable
  36-55  evidence that the person has exhibited behavior during the person's
  36-56  release that indicates to a reasonable person that the person poses
  36-57  a danger to society that warrants the person's immediate return to
  36-58  custody.  The person may be held in custody pending a determination
  36-59  of all facts surrounding the alleged offense, violation of a rule
  36-60  or condition of release, or dangerous behavior.  A designated agent
  36-61  of the director acts independently from a parole officer and must
  36-62  receive specialized training as determined by the director. Such
  36-63  warrant shall authorize all officers named therein to take actual
  36-64  custody of the prisoner and detain and house the prisoner until a
  36-65  parole panel orders the return of the prisoner to the institution
  36-66  from which he was released.  Pending hearing, as hereinafter
  36-67  provided, upon any charge of parole violation, ineligible release,
  36-68  or violation of the conditions of mandatory supervision, a prisoner
  36-69  returned to custody shall remain incarcerated.  If the director, a
  36-70  board member, or a designated agent of the director or the board is
   37-1  otherwise authorized to issue a warrant under this subsection, the
   37-2  <pardons and paroles> division may instead issue to a prisoner a
   37-3  summons requiring the prisoner to appear for a hearing under
   37-4  Section 14 of this article.  The summons must state the time,
   37-5  place, date, and purpose of the hearing.
   37-6        SECTION 2.010.  Section 14, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
   37-7  Procedure, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and by adding
   37-8  Subsection (c) to read as follows:
   37-9        (a)  Whenever a prisoner or a person granted a conditional
  37-10  pardon is accused of a violation of his parole, mandatory
  37-11  supervision, or conditional pardon, on information and complaint by
  37-12  a law enforcement officer or parole officer, or is arrested after
  37-13  an ineligible release, he shall be entitled to be heard on such
  37-14  charges before a parole panel or a designee of the board under such
  37-15  rules as the board may adopt; provided, however, said hearing shall
  37-16  be held within 70 days of the date of arrest under a warrant issued
  37-17  by the director or a designated agent of the director or by the
  37-18  board on order by the governor and at a time and place set by that
  37-19  parole panel or designee.  The panel or designee may hold the
  37-20  hearing at a date later than the date otherwise required by this
  37-21  section if it determines a delay is necessary to assure due process
  37-22  for the person, except that the authority issuing the warrant shall
  37-23  immediately withdraw the warrant if the hearing is not held before
  37-24  the 121st day after the date of arrest<, regardless of whether the
  37-25  person agrees to delay the hearing until after that date>.  If a
  37-26  parole panel or designee determines that a parolee, mandatory
  37-27  supervisee, or person granted a conditional pardon has been
  37-28  convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony offense
  37-29  committed while an administrative releasee and has been sentenced
  37-30  by the court to a term of incarceration in a penal institution, the
  37-31  determination is to be considered a sufficient hearing to revoke
  37-32  the parole or mandatory supervision or recommend to the governor
  37-33  revocation of a conditional pardon without further hearing, except
  37-34  that the parole panel or designee shall conduct a hearing to
  37-35  consider mitigating circumstances if requested by the parolee,
  37-36  mandatory supervisee, or person granted a conditional pardon.  When
  37-37  the parole panel or designee has heard the facts, the board may
  37-38  recommend to the governor that the conditional pardon be continued,
  37-39  revoked, or modified, or it may continue, revoke, or modify the
  37-40  parole or mandatory supervision, in any manner warranted by the
  37-41  evidence.  The parole panel or designee must make its
  37-42  recommendation or decision no later than the 30th day after the
  37-43  date the hearing is concluded.   When a person's parole, mandatory
  37-44  supervision, or conditional pardon is revoked, that person may be
  37-45  required to serve the portion remaining of the sentence on which he
  37-46  was released, such portion remaining to be calculated without
  37-47  credit for the time from the date of his release to the date of
  37-48  revocation.  When a warrant is issued charging a violation of
  37-49  release conditions, the sentence time credit may be suspended until
  37-50  a determination is made in such case and such suspended time credit
  37-51  may be reinstated should such parole, mandatory supervision, or
  37-52  conditional pardon be continued.
  37-53        (c)  The requirement in Subsection (a) that a warrant be
  37-54  withdrawn does not apply if the person:
  37-55              (1)  has been removed from the custody of a county
  37-56  sheriff by the department and placed in a community residential
  37-57  facility;
  37-58              (2)  is in custody in another state or in a federal
  37-59  correctional facility;
  37-60              (3)  is granted a continuance, not to exceed the 181st
  37-61  day after the arrest, or the attorney representing the person or
  37-62  the attorney representing the state is granted a continuance, not
  37-63  to exceed the 181st day after the arrest; or
  37-64              (4)  is subject to pending criminal charges that have
  37-65  not been adjudicated.
  37-66        SECTION 2.011.  Section 18, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  37-67  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  37-68        Sec. 18.  Confidential Information.  (a)  Except as provided
  37-69  by Subsection (b), all <All> information, including victim protest
  37-70  letters or other correspondence, victim impact statements, lists of
   38-1  inmates eligible for release on parole, and arrest records of
   38-2  inmates,  obtained and maintained in connection with inmates of the
   38-3  institutional division subject to parole, release to mandatory
   38-4  supervision, or executive clemency, or individuals who may be on
   38-5  mandatory supervision or parole and under the supervision of the
   38-6  pardons and paroles division, or persons directly identified in any
   38-7  proposed plan of release for a prisoner, is <including victim
   38-8  impact statements, lists of inmates eligible for parole, and
   38-9  inmates' arrest records, shall be> confidential and privileged
  38-10  <information and shall not be subject to public inspection;
  38-11  provided, however, that all such information shall be available to
  38-12  the governor, the members of the board, and the Criminal Justice
  38-13  Policy Council to perform its duties under Section 413.021,
  38-14  Government Code, upon request>.
  38-15        (b)  Statistical  <It is further provided that statistical>
  38-16  and general information respecting the parole and mandatory
  38-17  supervision program and system, including the names of paroled
  38-18  prisoners, prisoners released to mandatory supervision, and data
  38-19  recorded in connection with parole and mandatory supervision
  38-20  services, is not confidential  or privileged and must <shall> be
  38-21  made available for <subject to> public inspection at any reasonable
  38-22  time.
  38-23        (c)  On request of the governor, a member of the board, the
  38-24  Criminal Justice Policy Council in performing duties of the council
  38-25  under Section 413.021, Government Code, or an eligible entity
  38-26  requesting information for a law enforcement, prosecutorial,
  38-27  correctional, clemency, or treatment purpose, the department may
  38-28  provide to the person or entity for that purpose information made
  38-29  confidential and privileged by this section.
  38-30        (d)  In this section, "eligible entity" means:
  38-31              (1)  a government agency, including the office of a
  38-32  prosecuting attorney;
  38-33              (2)  an organization with which the Texas Department of
  38-34  Criminal Justice contracts or an organization to which the
  38-35  department provides a grant; or
  38-36              (3)  an organization to which inmates are referred for
  38-37  services by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
  38-38        SECTION 2.012.  Section 22, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  38-39  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  38-40        Sec. 22.  Electronic Monitoring.  In order to establish and
  38-41  maintain electronic monitoring programs as authorized by this
  38-42  article, the department <pardons and paroles division> may fund
  38-43  electronic monitoring programs in parole offices, develop standards
  38-44  for the operation of electronic monitoring programs in parole
  38-45  offices, and provide funds for the purchase, lease, or maintenance
  38-46  of electronic monitoring equipment.  In determining whether
  38-47  electronic monitoring equipment should be leased or purchased, the
  38-48  department <pardons and paroles division> shall take into
  38-49  consideration the rate at which technological change makes
  38-50  electronic monitoring equipment obsolete.
  38-51        SECTION 2.013.  Section 23, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  38-52  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  38-53        Sec. 23.  Special Programs.  (a)  The department <pardons and
  38-54  paroles division>, if funds are appropriated to the department
  38-55  <division> for that purpose, may enter into contracts for the
  38-56  provision of certain services to be provided to releasees under the
  38-57  supervision of the division, including the following:
  38-58              (1)  services to releasees who have a history of mental
  38-59  impairment or mental retardation;
  38-60              (2)  services to releasees who have a history of
  38-61  substance abuse; or
  38-62              (3)  services to releasees who have a history of sexual
  38-63  offenses.
  38-64        (b)  The department <pardons and paroles division> shall seek
  38-65  funding for the contracts as a priority item.
  38-66        SECTION 2.014.  Section 24, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  38-67  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  38-68        Sec. 24.  Intensive Supervision.  The department <pardons and
  38-69  paroles division> shall establish a program to provide intensive
  38-70  supervision to inmates released under the provisions of Subchapter
   39-1  B, Chapter 499 <498>, Government Code, and other inmates determined
   39-2  by parole panels or the department <pardons and paroles division>
   39-3  to require intensive supervision.  The Texas Board of Criminal
   39-4  Justice shall adopt rules that establish standards for determining
   39-5  which inmates require intensive supervision.  The program must
   39-6  provide the highest level of supervision provided by the department
   39-7  <pardons and paroles division>.
   39-8        SECTION 2.015.  Section 25, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
   39-9  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  39-11  (a)  The <pardons and paroles> division may establish and operate
  39-12  or contract for the operation of community residential
  39-13  <community-based intermediate sanction> facilities to house,
  39-14  maintain, and provide services for:
  39-15              (1)  persons required by a parole panel as a condition
  39-16  of parole or mandatory supervision under <Section 8(g) of> this
  39-17  article to serve a period in a community-based facility; and
  39-18              (2)  persons whose release on parole or mandatory
  39-19  supervision has been continued or modified under Section 14(a) of
  39-20  this article, and on whom sanctions have been imposed under that
  39-21  section.
  39-22        (b)  The purpose of a facility authorized by this section is
  39-23  to provide housing, supervision, counseling, personal, social, and
  39-24  work adjustment training, and other programs for persons described
  39-25  by Subsection (a) of this section.
  39-26        (c)  The <pardons and paroles> division may not establish a
  39-27  community residential facility, enter into a contract for a
  39-28  community residential <community-based> facility, change the use of
  39-29  a community residential <community-based> facility, significantly
  39-30  increase the capacity of a community residential <community-based>
  39-31  facility, or increase the capacity of a community residential
  39-32  <community-based> facility to more than 500 residents, regardless
  39-33  of whether that increase is significant, unless the division or a
  39-34  vendor proposing to operate the facility <pardons and paroles
  39-35  division> provides notice of the proposed action and a hearing on
  39-36  the issues in the same manner as notice and hearing are provided
  39-37  <required of the community justice assistance division> under
  39-38  Section 9 <10>, Article 42.13<, of this code before the division
  39-39  takes an action under Section 5 of that article>.  This subsection
  39-40  applies to any residential facility that the <pardons and paroles>
  39-41  division establishes or contracts for under this article, under
  39-42  Subchapter C, Chapter 497, Government Code, or under Subchapter A,
  39-43  Chapter 499, Government Code.
  39-44        (d)  The Texas Board of Criminal Justice shall adopt rules
  39-45  necessary for the management of community residential
  39-46  <community-based> facilities authorized by this section.
  39-47        (e)  The <pardons and paroles> division may charge a
  39-48  reasonable fee to a person housed in a facility authorized by this
  39-49  section for the cost of housing, board, and that part of the
  39-50  administrative costs of the facility that may be properly allocable
  39-51  to the person.  A fee imposed under this subsection may not exceed
  39-52  the actual costs to the  <pardons and paroles> division for
  39-53  services to the person charged for the services.  The <pardons and
  39-54  paroles> division may not deny placement in a community residential
  39-55  <community-based> facility to a person because that person is
  39-56  unable to pay a fee authorized by this section.
  39-57        (f)  A parole panel or a designee of the <pardons and
  39-58  paroles> division may grant a limited release to a person placed in
  39-59  a community residential <community-based> facility so that the
  39-60  person may maintain or seek employment, education or training
  39-61  courses, or housing after release from the facility.
  39-62        (g)  The <pardons and paroles> division may enter into a
  39-63  contract with a public or private vendor for the financing,
  39-64  construction, operation, or management of community residential
  39-65  <community-based> facilities using lease-purchase or installment
  39-66  sale contracts to provide or supplement housing, board, or
  39-67  supervision for persons placed in community residential
  39-68  <community-based> facilities.  A person housed or supervised in a
  39-69  facility operated by a vendor under a contract is subject to the
  39-70  same provisions of law as if the housing or supervision were
   40-1  provided directly by the <pardons and paroles> division.
   40-2        SECTION 2.016.  Section 26, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
   40-3  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
   40-4        Sec. 26.  Contracts for Lease of Federal Facilities.
   40-5  (a)  The department <pardons and paroles division> may contract
   40-6  with the federal government for the lease of any military base or
   40-7  other federal facility that is not being used by the federal
   40-8  government.
   40-9        (b)  A facility leased under this section may be used by the
  40-10  department <pardons and paroles division> for the purpose of
  40-11  housing releasees in the custody of the <pardons and paroles>
  40-12  division.
  40-13        (c)  The department <pardons and paroles division> may not
  40-14  enter into a contract under this section unless funds have been
  40-15  appropriated specifically for the purpose of making payments on
  40-16  contracts authorized under this section.
  40-17        (d)  The department <pardons and paroles division> shall
  40-18  attempt to enter into contracts authorized by this section that
  40-19  will provide the department <pardons and paroles division> with
  40-20  facilities located in the various parts of the state.
  40-21        SECTION 2.017.  Section 27, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  40-22  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  40-23        Sec. 27.  Program to Assess and Enhance Educational and
  40-24  Vocational Skills.  (a)  The department <pardons and paroles
  40-25  division>, with the assistance of public school districts,
  40-26  community and public junior colleges, public and private
  40-27  institutions of higher education, and other appropriate public and
  40-28  private entities, may establish a developmental program on the
  40-29  basis of information developed under Subsection (b)(4), Section 8B,
  40-30  <8(k) of this article> for an inmate to be released to the
  40-31  supervision of the division.
  40-32        (b)  The developmental program may provide the inmate with
  40-33  the educational and vocational training necessary to:
  40-34              (1)  meet the average skill level required under
  40-35  Section 8B <8(k) of this article>; and
  40-36              (2)  acquire employment while in the custody <under the
  40-37  supervision> of the <pardons and paroles> division, to lessen the
  40-38  likelihood that the inmate will return to the institutional
  40-39  division.
  40-40        (c)  To decrease state expenditures for the educational and
  40-41  vocational skills assessment and enhancement program established
  40-42  under this section, the Texas Department of Commerce shall provide
  40-43  information to the department <pardons and paroles division>,
  40-44  public school districts, community and public junior colleges,
  40-45  public and private institutions of higher education, and other
  40-46  appropriate public and private entities for obtaining financial
  40-47  assistance through Chapter 301, Labor Code, <the Texas Job-Training
  40-48  Partnership Act (Article 4413(52), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>
  40-49  and other applicable programs of public or private entities.
  40-50        (d)  The department <pardons and paroles division> may
  40-51  establish a developmental program similar to the program described
  40-52  by Subsection (a) of this section for inmates released from the
  40-53  institutional division who are not to be supervised by the
  40-54  department <division>.
  40-55        SECTION 2.018.  Section 28, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  40-56  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  40-57        Sec. 28.  Reporting and Management Services.  The department
  40-58  <pardons and paroles division>, with the approval of the Texas
  40-59  Board of Criminal Justice, may enter into a contract with a public
  40-60  or private vendor for the provision of telephone reporting,
  40-61  automated caseload management, and collection services for fines,
  40-62  fees, restitution, and other costs ordered to be paid by a court or
  40-63  fees collected <imposed> by the division.
  40-64        SECTION 2.019.  Article 48.01, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  40-65  amended to read as follows:
  40-66        Art. 48.01.  Governor may pardon.  In all criminal cases,
  40-67  except treason and impeachment, the Governor shall have power,
  40-68  after conviction, on the written signed recommendation and advice
  40-69  of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, or a majority thereof, to
  40-70  grant reprieves and commutations of punishments and pardons; and
   41-1  upon the written recommendation and advice of a majority of the
   41-2  Board of Pardons and Paroles, he shall have the power to remit
   41-3  fines and forfeitures.  The Governor shall have the power to grant
   41-4  one reprieve in any capital case for a period not to exceed 30
   41-5  days; and he shall have power to revoke <paroles and> conditional
   41-6  pardons.  With the advice and consent of the Legislature, the
   41-7  Governor may grant reprieves, commutations of punishment and
   41-8  pardons in cases of treason.
   41-9        SECTION 2.020.  Section 614.002(c), Health and Safety Code,
  41-10  is amended to read as follows:
  41-11        (c)  The executive head of each of the following agencies,
  41-12  divisions of agencies, or associations, or that person's designated
  41-13  representative, shall serve as a member of the council:
  41-14              (1)  the institutional division of the Texas Department
  41-15  of Criminal Justice;
  41-16              (2)  the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
  41-17  Retardation;
  41-18              (3)  the pardons and paroles division of the Texas
  41-19  Department of Criminal Justice;
  41-20              (4)  the community justice assistance division of the
  41-21  Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
  41-22              (5)  the state jail division of the Texas Department of
  41-23  Criminal Justice;
  41-24              (6)  the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission;
  41-25              (7) <(6)>  the Texas Youth Commission;
  41-26              (8) <(7)>  the Texas Rehabilitation Commission;
  41-27              (9) <(8)>  the Central Education Agency;
  41-28              (10) <(9)>  the Criminal Justice Policy Council;
  41-29              (11) <(10)>  the Mental Health Association in Texas;
  41-30              (12) <(11)>  the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
  41-31  Abuse;
  41-32              (13) <(12)>  the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer
  41-33  Standards and Education;
  41-34              (14) <(13)>  the Texas Council of Community Mental
  41-35  Health and Mental Retardation Centers;
  41-36              (15) <(14)>  the Commission on Jail Standards;
  41-37              (16) <(15)>  the Texas Planning Council for
  41-38  Developmental Disabilities;
  41-39              (17) <(16)>  the Texas Association for Retarded
  41-40  Citizens;
  41-41              (18) <(17)>  the Texas Alliance for the Mentally Ill;
  41-42              (19) <(18)>  the Parent Association for the Retarded of
  41-43  Texas, Inc.;
  41-44              (20) <(19)>  the Texas Department of Human Services;
  41-45  and
  41-46              (21) <(20)>  the Texas Department on Aging.
  41-47        SECTION 2.021.  Section 3(b), Chapter 462, Acts of the 68th
  41-48  Legislature, Regular Session, 1983 (Article 4413(51), Vernon's
  41-49  Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  41-50        (b)  An interagency advisory committee may advise the council
  41-51  on administering its duties under this Act.  The interagency
  41-52  advisory committee is composed of 11 members.  The executive head
  41-53  of each of the following agencies or the designated representative
  41-54  of the executive head shall serve as a member of the interagency
  41-55  advisory committee:  the <institutional division of the> Texas
  41-56  Department of Criminal Justice, <pardons and paroles division of
  41-57  the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, community justice
  41-58  assistance division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice,>
  41-59  Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, Texas Department of Mental
  41-60  Health and Mental Retardation, Texas Youth Commission, Sam Houston
  41-61  State University, Department of Protective and Regulatory Services,
  41-62  Texas Council of Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation
  41-63  Centers, and Texas Department of Health.  The director of the
  41-64  Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office or the
  41-65  designated representative of the director shall serve as a member
  41-66  of the interagency advisory committee.
  41-67        SECTION 2.022.  Section 5, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
  41-68  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  41-69        Sec. 5.  SUNSET PROVISIONS.  The Board of Pardons and Paroles
  41-70  is subject to review under Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas
   42-1  Sunset Act), but is not abolished under that chapter.  The board
   42-2  shall be reviewed in a timely manner to permit recommendations for
   42-3  necessary legislation to be made to the 75th Legislature, Regular
   42-4  Session, 1997 <during the period in which the Texas Department of
   42-5  Criminal Justice is reviewed>.
   42-6        SECTION 2.023.  This article takes effect September 1, 1995.
   42-7                               ARTICLE 3
   42-8        SECTION 3.001. Sections 8(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (h), and
   42-9  (i), Article 42.09, Code of Criminal Procedure, are amended to read
  42-10  as follows:
  42-11        (a)  A county that transfers a defendant to the
  42-12  <institutional division of the> Texas Department of Criminal
  42-13  Justice under this article shall deliver to an officer designated
  42-14  by the department <the director of the division>:
  42-15              (1)  a copy of the judgment entered pursuant to Article
  42-16  42.01 of this code, completed on a standardized felony judgment
  42-17  form described by Section 4 of that article;
  42-18              (2)  a copy of any order revoking community supervision
  42-19  <probation> and imposing sentence pursuant to Section 23, Article
  42-20  42.12, of this code, including:
  42-21                    (A)  any amounts owed for restitution, fines, and
  42-22  court costs, completed on a standardized felony judgment form
  42-23  described by Section 4, Article 42.01, of this code; and
  42-24                    (B)  a copy of the client supervision plan
  42-25  prepared for the defendant by the community supervision and
  42-26  corrections department supervising the defendant, if such a plan
  42-27  was prepared;
  42-28              (3)  a written report that states the nature and the
  42-29  seriousness of each offense and that states the citation to the
  42-30  provision or provisions of the Penal Code or other law under which
  42-31  the defendant was convicted;
  42-32              (4)  a copy of the victim impact statement, if one has
  42-33  been prepared in the case under Article 56.03 of this code;
  42-34              (5)  a statement as to whether there was a change in
  42-35  venue in the case and, if so, the names of the county prosecuting
  42-36  the offense and the county in which the case was tried;
  42-37              (6)  a copy of the record of arrest for each offense;
  42-38              (7)  if requested, information regarding the criminal
  42-39  history of the defendant, including the defendant's state
  42-40  identification number if the number has been issued;
  42-41              (8)  a copy of the indictment or information for each
  42-42  offense;
  42-43              (9)  a checklist sent by the department to the county
  42-44  and completed by the county in a manner indicating that the
  42-45  documents required by this subsection and Subsection (c) of this
  42-46  section accompany the defendant; and
  42-47              (10)  a copy of a presentence or postsentence
  42-48  investigation report prepared under Section 9, Article 42.12 of
  42-49  this code.
  42-50        (b)  The <institutional division of the> Texas Department of
  42-51  Criminal Justice shall not take a defendant into custody under this
  42-52  article until the designated officer <director> receives the
  42-53  documents required by Subsections (a) and (c) of this section.  The
  42-54  designated officer <director> shall certify under the seal of the
  42-55  department <institutional division> the documents received under
  42-56  Subsections (a) and (c) of this section.  A document certified
  42-57  under this subsection is self-authenticated for the purposes of
  42-58  Rules 901 and 902, Texas Rules of Criminal Evidence.
  42-59        (c)  A county that transfers a defendant to the
  42-60  <institutional division of the> Texas Department of Criminal
  42-61  Justice under this article shall also deliver to the designated
  42-62  officer <director of the division> any presentence or postsentence
  42-63  investigation report, revocation report, psychological or
  42-64  psychiatric evaluation of the defendant, and available social or
  42-65  psychological background information relating to the defendant and
  42-66  may deliver to the designated officer <director> any additional
  42-67  information upon which the judge or jury bases the punishment
  42-68  decision.
  42-69        (d)  The institutional division of the Texas Department of
  42-70  Criminal Justice shall make documents received under Subsections
   43-1  (a) and (c) of this section available to the pardons and paroles
   43-2  division on the request of the pardons and paroles division.
   43-3        (f)  Except as provided by Subsection (g) of this section,
   43-4  the county sheriff is responsible for ensuring that documents and
   43-5  information required by this section accompany defendants sentenced
   43-6  by district courts in the county to <terms of imprisonment in the
   43-7  institutional division of> the Texas Department of Criminal
   43-8  Justice.
   43-9        (h)  If a parole panel releases on parole a person who is
  43-10  confined in a jail in this state, a federal correctional
  43-11  institution, or a correctional institution in another state, the
  43-12  <pardons and paroles division of the> Texas Department of Criminal
  43-13  Justice shall request the sheriff who would otherwise be required
  43-14  to transfer the person to the department <institutional division>
  43-15  to forward to the department <both divisions> the information
  43-16  described by Subsections (a) and (c) of this section.  The sheriff
  43-17  shall comply with the request of the department <pardons and
  43-18  paroles division>. The department <pardons and paroles division>
  43-19  shall determine whether the information forwarded by the sheriff
  43-20  under this subsection contains a thumbprint taken from the person
  43-21  in the manner provided by Article 38.33 of this code and, if not,
  43-22  the department <division> shall obtain a thumbprint taken in the
  43-23  manner provided by that article and shall forward the thumbprint to
  43-24  the department <institutional division> for inclusion with the
  43-25  information sent by the sheriff.
  43-26        (i)  A county may deliver the documents required under
  43-27  Subsections (a) and (c) of this section to the <institutional
  43-28  division of the> Texas Department of Criminal Justice by electronic
  43-29  means.  For purposes of this subsection, "electronic means" means
  43-30  the transmission of data between word processors, data processors,
  43-31  or similar automated information equipment over dedicated cables,
  43-32  commercial lines, or other similar methods of transmission.
  43-33        SECTION 3.002.  (a)  Section 1, Article 42.11, Code of
  43-34  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  43-35        Sec. 1.  This Act may be cited as the Uniform Act for
  43-36  out-of-State probationer and parolee supervision.
  43-37        (b)  The article heading of Article 42.11, Code of Criminal
  43-38  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  43-41        SECTION 3.003.  Sections 9(e), (j), and (k), Article 42.12,
  43-42  Code of Criminal Procedure, are amended to read as follows:
  43-43        (e)  The judge shall allow the defendant or his attorney to
  43-44  comment on a presentence investigation or a postsentence <the>
  43-45  report and, with the approval of the judge, introduce testimony or
  43-46  other information alleging a factual inaccuracy in the
  43-47  investigation or report.
  43-48        (j)  The judge by order may direct that any information and
  43-49  records that are not privileged and that are relevant to a <the>
  43-50  report required by Subsection (a) or Subsection (k) of this section
  43-51  be released to an <the> officer conducting a <the> presentence
  43-52  investigation under Subsection (i) of this section or a
  43-53  postsentence report under Subsection (k) of this section.  The
  43-54  judge may also issue a subpoena to obtain that information.  A
  43-55  <The> report and all information obtained in connection with a
  43-56  <the> presentence investigation or postsentence report are
  43-57  confidential and may be released only to those persons and under
  43-58  those circumstances authorized under Subsections (d), (e), (f),
  43-59  (h), and (k) <and (g)> of this section and as directed by the judge
  43-60  for the effective supervision of the defendant.  Medical and
  43-61  psychiatric records obtained by court order shall be kept separate
  43-62  from the defendant's community supervision file and may be released
  43-63  only by order of the judge.
  43-64        (k)  If a presentence report in a felony case is not required
  43-65  under this section, the judge shall direct the officer to prepare a
  43-66  postsentence report containing the same information that would have
  43-67  been required for the presentence report, other than a proposed
  43-68  client supervision plan and any information that is reflected in
  43-69  the judgment.  The officer shall send the postsentence report to
  43-70  the clerk of the court not later than the 30th day after the date
   44-1  on which sentence is pronounced or deferred adjudication is
   44-2  granted, and the clerk shall deliver <file> the postsentence report
   44-3  with the papers in the case to a designated officer of the Texas
   44-4  Department of Criminal Justice, as required by Section 8(a),
   44-5  Article 42.09.
   44-6        SECTION 3.004.  Section 14(a), Article 42.12, Code of
   44-7  Criminal Procedure, as amended by Chapter 900, Acts of the 73rd
   44-8  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
   44-9        (a)  If a court places a defendant on community supervision
  44-10  under any provision of this article as an alternative to
  44-11  imprisonment, the judge may require as a condition of community
  44-12  supervision that the defendant serve a term of confinement and
  44-13  treatment in a substance abuse treatment facility operated by the
  44-14  Texas Department of Criminal Justice under Section 493.009,
  44-15  Government Code.  A term of confinement and treatment imposed under
  44-16  this section must be an indeterminate term of not more than one
  44-17  year or less than 90 days <six months>.
  44-18        SECTION 3.005.  Section 14(b), Article 42.12, Code of
  44-19  Criminal Procedure, as amended by Chapter 900, Acts of the 73rd
  44-20  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
  44-21        (b)  A judge may impose the condition of community
  44-22  supervision created under this section if:
  44-23              (1)  the judge places the defendant on community
  44-24  supervision under this article;
  44-25              (2)  the defendant is charged with or convicted of a
  44-26  felony other than:
  44-27                    (A)  a felony under Section 21.11, 22.011, or
  44-28  22.021, <or 25.06,> Penal Code; or
  44-29                    (B)  criminal attempt of a felony under Section
  44-30  21.11, 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code; and
  44-31              (3)  the judge makes an affirmative finding that:
  44-32                    (A)  drug or alcohol abuse significantly
  44-33  contributed to the commission of the crime or violation of
  44-34  community supervision; and
  44-35                    (B)  the defendant is a suitable candidate for
  44-36  treatment, as determined by the suitability criteria established by
  44-37  the Texas Board of Criminal Justice under Section 493.009(b),
  44-38  Government Code.
  44-39        SECTION 3.006.  Section 15(h), Article 42.12, Code of
  44-40  Criminal Procedure, as amended by Chapter 900, Acts of the 73rd
  44-41  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
  44-42        (h)(1)  A defendant confined in a state jail felony facility
  44-43  after revocation of community supervision does not earn good
  44-44  conduct time for time served in the facility.
  44-45              (2)  A judge may credit against any time a defendant is
  44-46  subsequently required to serve in a state jail felony facility
  44-47  after revocation of community supervision time served by the
  44-48  defendant in county jail:
  44-49                    (A)  from the time of the defendant's arrest and
  44-50  confinement until sentencing by the trial court; and
  44-51                    (B)  as a condition of community supervision
  44-52  under Subsection (d) of this section<; and>
  44-53                    <(C)  after modification of community
  44-54  supervision>.
  44-55              (3)  A judge shall credit against any time a defendant
  44-56  is subsequently required to serve in a state jail felony facility
  44-57  after revocation of community supervision any time served by the
  44-58  defendant in a state jail felony facility after sentencing.
  44-59        SECTION 3.007.  Section 16, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
  44-60  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  44-61        Sec. 16.  Community Service.  (a)  A judge shall require as a
  44-62  condition of community supervision, that the defendant work a
  44-63  specified number of hours at a community service project or
  44-64  projects for an organization or organizations approved by the judge
  44-65  and designated by the department, unless the judge determines and
  44-66  notes on the order placing the defendant on community supervision
  44-67  that:
  44-68              (1)  the defendant is physically or mentally incapable
  44-69  of participating in the project;
  44-70              (2)  participating in the project will work a hardship
   45-1  on the defendant or the defendant's dependents;
   45-2              (3)  the defendant is to be confined in a substance
   45-3  abuse punishment facility as a condition of community supervision;
   45-4  or
   45-5              (4)  there is other good cause shown.
   45-6        (b)  The amount of community service work ordered by the
   45-7  judge:
   45-8              (1)  may not exceed 1,000 hours and may not be less
   45-9  than 320 hours for an offense classified as a first degree felony;
  45-10              (2)  may not exceed 800 hours and may not be less than
  45-11  240 hours for an offense classified as a second degree felony;
  45-12              (3)  may not exceed 600 hours and may not be less than
  45-13  160 hours for an offense classified as a third degree felony;
  45-14              (4)  may not exceed 400 hours and may not be less than
  45-15  120 hours for an offense classified as a state jail felony;
  45-16              (5)  may not exceed 200 hours and may not be less than
  45-17  80 hours for an offense classified as a Class A misdemeanor or for
  45-18  any other misdemeanor for which the maximum permissible
  45-19  confinement, if any, exceeds six months or the maximum permissible
  45-20  fine, if any, exceeds $4,000; and
  45-21              (6)  may not exceed 100 hours and may not be less than
  45-22  24 hours for an offense classified as a Class B misdemeanor or for
  45-23  any other misdemeanor for which the maximum permissible
  45-24  confinement, if any, does not exceed six months and the maximum
  45-25  permissible fine, if any, does not exceed $4,000.
  45-26        (c)  <If the judge modifies the defendant's terms of
  45-27  community supervision to include confinement in a state jail felony
  45-28  facility, the judge shall order the defendant to continue to work
  45-29  towards fulfillment of his work requirement during his period of
  45-30  confinement.>
  45-31        <(d)>  A defendant required to perform community service
  45-32  under this section is not a state employee for the purposes of
  45-33  Article 8309g or 8309h, Revised Statutes.
  45-34        <(e)  An employee of the Texas Department of Criminal
  45-35  Justice, sheriff, employee of a sheriff's department, county
  45-36  commissioner, county employee, county judge, employee of a
  45-37  community corrections and supervision department, restitution
  45-38  center, or officer or employee of a political subdivision other
  45-39  than a county is not liable for damages arising from an act or
  45-40  failure to act in connection with community service performed by an
  45-41  inmate pursuant to court order under this article or in connection
  45-42  with an inmate or offender programmatic or nonprogrammatic
  45-43  activity, including work, educational, and treatment activities, if
  45-44  the act or failure to act was not intentional, wilfully or wantonly
  45-45  negligent, or performed with conscious indifference or reckless
  45-46  disregard for the safety of others.>
  45-47        (d) <(e)>  If the court makes an affirmative finding under
  45-48  Article 42.014, Code of Criminal Procedure, the court may order the
  45-49  defendant to perform community service under this section at a
  45-50  project designated by the court that primarily serves the person or
  45-51  group who was the target of the defendant.  If the court orders
  45-52  community service under this subsection the court shall order the
  45-53  defendant to perform not less than:
  45-54              (1)  100 hours of service if the offense is a
  45-55  misdemeanor; or
  45-56              (2)  300 hours of service if the offense is a felony.
  45-57        SECTION 3.008.  Section 22(a), Article 42.12, Code of
  45-58  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  45-59        (a)  If after a hearing under Section 21 of this article a
  45-60  judge continues or modifies community supervision after determining
  45-61  that the defendant violated a condition of community supervision,
  45-62  the judge may impose any other conditions the judge determines are
  45-63  appropriate, including:
  45-64              (1)  a requirement that the defendant perform community
  45-65  service for a number of hours specified by the court under Section
  45-66  16 of this article, or an increase in the number of hours that the
  45-67  defendant has previously been required to perform under those
  45-68  sections in an amount not to exceed double the number of hours
  45-69  permitted by Section 16;
  45-70              (2)  an increase in the period of community
   46-1  supervision, in the manner described by Subsection (b) of this
   46-2  section;
   46-3              (3)  an increase in the defendant's fine, in the manner
   46-4  described by Subsection (d) of this section; or
   46-5              (4)  the placement of the defendant in a substance
   46-6  abuse felony punishment program operated under Section 493.009,
   46-7  Government Code, if:
   46-8                    (A)  the defendant is convicted of a felony other
   46-9  than:
  46-10                          (i)  a felony under Section 21.11, 22.011,
  46-11  or 22.021, <or 25.06,> Penal Code; or
  46-12                          (ii)  criminal attempt of a felony under
  46-13  Section 21.11, 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code; and
  46-14                    (B)  the judge makes an affirmative finding that:
  46-15                          (i)  drug or alcohol abuse significantly
  46-16  contributed to the commission of the crime or violation of
  46-17  community supervision; and
  46-18                          (ii)  the defendant is a suitable candidate
  46-19  for treatment, as determined by the suitability criteria
  46-20  established by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice under Section
  46-21  493.009(b), Government Code.
  46-22        SECTION 3.009.  Section 1(b)(2), Article 42.13, Code of
  46-23  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  46-24              (2)  "Community corrections facility" means a physical
  46-25  structure, established by a judicial district after authorization
  46-26  of the establishment of the structure has been included in the
  46-27  local community justice plan, that is operated by a department or
  46-28  operated for a department by an entity under contract with the
  46-29  department, for the purpose of confining persons placed on
  46-30  community supervision and providing services and programs to modify
  46-31  criminal behavior, deter criminal activity, protect the public, and
  46-32  restore victims of crime.  The term includes:
  46-33                    (A)  a restitution center;
  46-34                    (B)  a court residential treatment facility;
  46-35                    (C)  a substance abuse treatment facility;
  46-36                    (D)  a custody facility or boot camp;
  46-37                    (E)  a facility for an offender with a mental
  46-38  impairment, as defined by Section 614.001, Health and Safety Code;
  46-39  and
  46-40                    (F)  an intermediate sanction facility<; and>
  46-41                    <(G)  a state jail felony facility>.
  46-42        SECTION 3.0091.  Section 2, Article 42.13, Code of Criminal
  46-43  Procedure, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and by
  46-44  adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
  46-45        (a)  The division shall propose and the board shall adopt
  46-46  reasonable rules establishing:
  46-47              (1)  minimum standards for programs, community
  46-48  corrections facilities and other facilities, equipment, and other
  46-49  aspects of the operation of departments;
  46-50              (2)  a list and description of core services that
  46-51  should be provided by each department;
  46-52              (3)  methods for measuring the success of community
  46-53  supervision and corrections programs, including methods for
  46-54  measuring rates of diversion, program completion, and recidivism;
  46-55  <and>
  46-56              (4)  a format for community justice plans; and
  46-57              (5)  minimum standards for the operation of substance
  46-58  abuse facilities and programs funded through the division.
  46-59        (c)  <After consultation with the Texas Commission on Alcohol
  46-60  and Drug Abuse, the division by rule shall establish standards for
  46-61  the operation of substance abuse facilities and programs by the
  46-62  division and by departments.>  A substance abuse facility or
  46-63  program operating under the standards is not required to be
  46-64  licensed or otherwise approved by any other state or local agency.
  46-65        (d)  The division shall develop a screening and assessment
  46-66  procedure for use in accordance with Section 14, Article 42.131 of
  46-67  this code.  The division shall determine if a single screening and
  46-68  assessment procedure may be used in each program.  If the division
  46-69  determines that a single procedure is not feasible, the division
  46-70  shall identify and approve procedures that may be used.
   47-1        SECTION 3.010.  Section 4, Article 42.13, Code of Criminal
   47-2  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
   47-3        Sec. 4.  Inspections; Audits; Evaluations.  <(a)>  The
   47-4  division may inspect and evaluate a department or conduct audits of
   47-5  case management records, financial records, and officer
   47-6  certification and training records of a department at any
   47-7  reasonable time to determine compliance with the division's rules
   47-8  and standards.
   47-9        <(b)  The division shall authorize payments under Section
  47-10  10(a)(1) of this article only if the division determines that the
  47-11  department has made a reasonable effort to maintain workloads
  47-12  established by the division for supervising officers that do not
  47-13  exceed the following ratios:>
  47-14              <(1)  one officer or full-time equivalent per 25 cases,
  47-15  with a workload unit value of 4 per case;>
  47-16              <(2)  one officer or full-time equivalent per 40 cases,
  47-17  with a workload unit value of 2.5 per case;>
  47-18              <(3)  one officer or full-time equivalent per 75 cases,
  47-19  with a workload unit value of 1.33 per case; and>
  47-20              <(4)  one officer or full-time equivalent per 100
  47-21  cases, with a workload unit value of 1 per case.>
  47-22        SECTION 3.011.  Section 7(g), Article 42.13, Code of Criminal
  47-23  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  47-24        (g)  The division may deny, revoke, or suspend a
  47-25  certification or may reprimand an officer for a violation of a
  47-26  standard adopted under this article <or a rule of the Texas Board
  47-27  of Criminal Justice>.
  47-28        SECTION 3.012.  Section 10, Article 42.13, Code of Criminal
  47-29  Procedure, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and by
  47-30  adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
  47-31        (a)  If the division determines that a department complies
  47-32  with division standards and if the department or judges managing
  47-33  the department have submitted a community justice plan under
  47-34  Section 3, Article 42.131 of this code and the supporting
  47-35  information required by the division and the division determines
  47-36  the plan and supporting information are acceptable, the division
  47-37  shall prepare and submit to the comptroller of public accounts
  47-38  vouchers for payment to the department as follows:
  47-39              (1)  for per capita funding, a per diem amount for each
  47-40  felony defendant directly supervised by the department pursuant to
  47-41  lawful authority;
  47-42              (2)  for per capita funding, a per diem amount for a
  47-43  period not to exceed 182 days for each defendant supervised by the
  47-44  department pursuant to lawful authority, other than a felony
  47-45  defendant; and
  47-46              (3)  for formula funding, an annual amount as computed
  47-47  by multiplying a percentage determined by the allocation formula
  47-48  established under Subsection (f) <Section 499.071(b), Government
  47-49  Code>, times the total amount provided in the General
  47-50  Appropriations Act for payments under this subdivision.
  47-51        (b)  The division may use discretionary grant funds to
  47-52  further the purposes of this chapter by contracting for services
  47-53  with state agencies or nonprofit organizations.  The division may
  47-54  also make discretionary grants to departments, municipalities, or
  47-55  counties for the following purposes:
  47-56              (1)  development and operation of pretrial and
  47-57  presentencing services;
  47-58              (2)  electronic monitoring services, surveillance
  47-59  supervision programs, and controlled substances testing services;
  47-60              (3)  research projects to evaluate the effectiveness of
  47-61  community corrections programs, if the research is conducted in
  47-62  cooperation with the Criminal Justice Policy Council;
  47-63              (4)  contract services for felony defendants;
  47-64              (5)  residential services for misdemeanor defendants
  47-65  who exhibit levels of risk or needs indicating a need for
  47-66  confinement and treatment, as described by Section 4(b) of this
  47-67  article;
  47-68              (6)  establishment or operation of county correctional
  47-69  centers under Subchapter H, Chapter 351, Local Government Code, or
  47-70  community corrections facilities for which the division has
   48-1  established standards under Section 5 of this article; <and>
   48-2              (7)  development and operation of treatment alternative
   48-3  to incarceration programs under Section 14, Article 42.131 of this
   48-4  code; and
   48-5              (8)  other purposes determined appropriate by the
   48-6  division and approved by the board.
   48-7        (f)  The division annually shall compute for each department
   48-8  for community corrections program formula funding a percentage
   48-9  determined by assigning equal weights to the percentage of the
  48-10  state's population residing in the counties served by the
  48-11  department and the department's percentage of all felony defendants
  48-12  in the state under direct community supervision.  The division
  48-13  shall use the most recent information available in making
  48-14  computations under this subsection.  The board by rule may adopt a
  48-15  policy limiting for all departments the percentage of benefit or
  48-16  loss that may be realized as a result of the operation of the
  48-17  formula.
  48-18        SECTION 3.013.  Section 11(b), Article 42.13, Code of
  48-19  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
  48-20        (b)  The board shall provide for notice and a hearing in
  48-21  cases in which the division proposes to take an action authorized
  48-22  by this section, other than a refusal by the division to provide
  48-23  discretionary grant funding or a reduction by the division of
  48-24  discretionary grant funding during a funding cycle.  The division
  48-25  shall define with specificity the conduct that constitutes
  48-26  substantial noncompliance with division standards and shall
  48-27  establish the procedures to be used in imposing or waiving a
  48-28  sanction authorized by this section, subject to approval of the
  48-29  definition and the procedures by adoption by the board.
  48-30        SECTION 3.014.  Section 12, Article 42.131, Code of Criminal
  48-31  Procedure, as amended by Chapter 988, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,
  48-32  Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
  48-33        Sec. 12.  Restitution.  (a)  If a judge requires a defendant
  48-34  to make restitution to a victim of the defendant's offense, and a
  48-35  payment is received under this article from the defendant for
  48-36  transmittal to a victim of the offense, the community supervision
  48-37  and corrections department that receives the payment for
  48-38  disbursement to the victim shall immediately deposit the payment in
  48-39  an interest-bearing account in the county treasury as required by
  48-40  Section 140.003(f), Local Government Code <department having
  48-41  original jurisdiction>.  The department shall transmit the payment
  48-42  to the victim as soon as practicable.
  48-43        (b)  If a victim cannot be located for receipt of<,
  48-44  immediately after receiving> a <final> payment in satisfaction of
  48-45  an order of restitution, <for the victim> the department shall
  48-46  attempt to notify the victim of that fact by certified mail, mailed
  48-47  to the last known address of the victim.  If a victim then makes a
  48-48  claim for payment, the department promptly shall remit the payment
  48-49  to the victim.  A department is obligated to make a good faith
  48-50  effort to locate and notify a victim that an unclaimed payment
  48-51  exists.  The department satisfies the good faith requirement under
  48-52  this subsection by sending to the victim by certified mail on any
  48-53  one occasion during the period the defendant is required to make
  48-54  payments a notice that the victim is entitled to an unclaimed
  48-55  payment.  Not earlier than the fifth anniversary of the date on
  48-56  which the department mails notice under this subsection, if the
  48-57  victim has not made a claim for payment, the department shall
  48-58  transfer the payment from the interest-bearing account to the
  48-59  comptroller of public accounts, after deducting five percent of the
  48-60  payment as a collection fee and deducting any interest accrued on
  48-61  the payment.  The comptroller shall deposit the payment in the
  48-62  state treasury to the credit of the compensation to victims of
  48-63  crime auxiliary fund.
  48-64        (c)  The collection fee under Subsection (b) of this section
  48-65  and the accrued interest under Subsections (a) and (b) of this
  48-66  section shall be deposited in the special fund of the county
  48-67  treasury provided by Section 10, Article 42.13, of this code to be
  48-68  used for the same purposes for which state aid may be used under
  48-69  that section.  The department has a maximum of 121 days after the
  48-70  five-year <four-year> expiration date to transfer the funds to the
   49-1  comptroller's office.  Failure to comply with the 121-day deadline
   49-2  will result in a five percent collection fee penalty calculated
   49-3  from the total deposit and all interest attributable to the
   49-4  unclaimed funds.
   49-5        (d)  If the victim of the offense claims the payment during
   49-6  the five-year <four-year> period in which the payment is held in
   49-7  the interest-bearing account, the department shall pay the victim
   49-8  the amount of the original payment, less any interest earned while
   49-9  holding the payment.  After the payment has been transferred to the
  49-10  comptroller, the department has no liability in regard to the
  49-11  payment, and any claim for the payment must be made to the
  49-12  comptroller.  If the victim makes a claim to the comptroller, the
  49-13  comptroller shall pay the victim the amount of the original
  49-14  payment, less the collection fee, from the compensation to victims
  49-15  of crime auxiliary fund.
  49-16        SECTION 3.015.  Article 43.10, Code of Criminal Procedure, as
  49-17  amended by Section 3, Chapter 578, and Section 5.04, Chapter 900,
  49-18  Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended and
  49-19  reenacted to read as follows:
  49-20        Art. 43.10.  Manual labor.  <(a)>  Where the punishment
  49-21  assessed in a conviction for misdemeanor is confinement in jail for
  49-22  more than one day, or where in such conviction the punishment is
  49-23  assessed only at a pecuniary fine and the party so convicted is
  49-24  unable to pay the fine and costs adjudged against him, <or where
  49-25  the party convicted is required to serve a period of confinement as
  49-26  a condition of community supervision,> or where the party is
  49-27  sentenced to jail for a felony or is confined in jail after
  49-28  conviction of a felony, the party convicted <or required to serve
  49-29  the period of confinement> shall be required to work in the county
  49-30  jail industries program or shall be required to do manual labor in
  49-31  accordance with the provisions of this article under the following
  49-32  rules and regulations:
  49-33              1.  Each commissioners court may provide for the
  49-34  erection of a workhouse and the establishment of a county farm in
  49-35  connection therewith for the purpose of utilizing the labor of said
  49-36  parties so convicted <or required to serve a period of
  49-37  confinement>;
  49-38              2.  Such farms and workhouses shall be under the
  49-39  control and management of the sheriff, and the sheriff may adopt
  49-40  such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the rules and
  49-41  regulations of the Commission on Jail Standards and with the laws
  49-42  as the sheriff deems necessary;
  49-43              3.  Such overseers and guards may be employed by the
  49-44  sheriff under the authority of the commissioners court as may be
  49-45  necessary to prevent escapes and to enforce such labor, and they
  49-46  shall be paid out of the county treasury such compensation as the
  49-47  commissioners court may prescribe;
  49-48              4.  They shall be put to labor upon public works and
  49-49  maintenance projects, including public works and maintenance
  49-50  projects for a political subdivision located in whole or in part in
  49-51  the county;
  49-52              5.  One who from age, disease, or other physical or
  49-53  mental disability is unable to do manual labor shall not be
  49-54  required to work.  His inability to do manual labor may be
  49-55  determined by a physician appointed for that purpose by the county
  49-56  judge or the commissioners court, who shall be paid for such
  49-57  service such compensation as said court may allow; and
  49-58              6.  For each day of manual labor, in addition to any
  49-59  other credits allowed by law, a defendant is entitled to have one
  49-60  day deducted from each sentence <or period of confinement> he is
  49-61  serving.  The deduction authorized by this article, when combined
  49-62  with the deduction required by Article 42.10 of this code, may not
  49-63  exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the sentence <or period of confinement>.
  49-64        <(b)  A sheriff, employee of a sheriff's department, county
  49-65  commissioner, county employee, county judge, and employee of a
  49-66  community corrections and supervision department, restitution
  49-67  center, or officer or employee of a political subdivision other
  49-68  than a county is not liable for damages arising from an act or
  49-69  failure to act in connection with manual labor performed by an
  49-70  inmate pursuant to this article if the act or failure to act:>
   50-1              <(1)  was performed pursuant to court-ordered
   50-2  confinement; and>
   50-3              <(2)  was not intentional, wilfully or wantonly
   50-4  negligent, or performed with conscious indifference or reckless
   50-5  disregard for the safety of others.>
   50-6        SECTION 3.0151.  Article 42.131, Code of Criminal Procedure,
   50-7  is amended by adding Section 14 to read as follows:
   50-9  (a)  A department may establish a treatment alternative to
  50-10  incarceration program in each county served by the department
  50-11  according to standards adopted by the division.  A department may
  50-12  enter into an interlocal cooperation agreement with one or more
  50-13  other departments in order to establish this program on a regional
  50-14  basis.
  50-15        (b)  The program must:
  50-16              (1)  include automatic screening and assessment of a
  50-17  person arrested for an offense, other than a Class C misdemeanor,
  50-18  in which an element of the offense is the use or possession of
  50-19  alcohol or the use, possession, or sale of a controlled substance
  50-20  or marijuana;
  50-21              (2)  include automatic screening and assessment of a
  50-22  person arrested for an offense, other than a Class C misdemeanor,
  50-23  in which the use of alcohol or drugs is suspected to have
  50-24  significantly contributed to the offense for which the individual
  50-25  has been arrested;
  50-26              (3)  coordinate the screening, assessment, and referral
  50-27  to treatment services; and
  50-28              (4)  make referrals for the appropriate treatment of a
  50-29  person determined to be in need of treatment.
  50-30        (c)  A program administered under this section must use a
  50-31  screening and assessment procedure developed or approved by the
  50-32  division.
  50-33        (d)  After a person is screened and assessed, a
  50-34  representative of the department shall meet with the participating
  50-35  criminal justice and treatment agencies to review the person's
  50-36  case and to determine if the person should be referred for
  50-37  treatment.  If a person is considered appropriate for referral, the
  50-38  person may be referred to community-based treatment in accordance
  50-39  with applicable law or any other treatment program deemed
  50-40  appropriate.  A magistrate may order a person to participate in a
  50-41  treatment program recommended under this section as a condition of
  50-42  bond or condition of pretrial release.
  50-43        (e)  A department may contract for the provision of treatment
  50-44  services.  The department may pay for services only if other
  50-45  adequate public or private sources of payment are not available.  A
  50-46  person shall be responsible for the payment of any treatment
  50-47  programs recommended under this section if it is determined that a
  50-48  person referred for treatment is able to pay for the costs of
  50-49  treatment or if the person has insurance that will pay for the
  50-50  treatment.  If a person is able to pay for treatment or if the
  50-51  person has insurance that will pay for the treatment, the payment
  50-52  may be made a condition for receiving treatment.
  50-53        (f)  An employee of a department or treatment provider either
  50-54  administering this program or providing services under this section
  50-55  may exchange or otherwise disclose information regarding the
  50-56  assessment, evaluation or treatment of a person participating in
  50-57  this program to:
  50-58              (1)  another employee of the department;
  50-59              (2)  an officer in the court that has jurisdiction over
  50-60  the person's case;
  50-61              (3)  a county sheriff or jail administrator;
  50-62              (4)  an employee of the Texas Department of Criminal
  50-63  Justice; or
  50-64              (5)  any employee in a facility, institution, or
  50-65  half-way house in which a person may be confined in accordance with
  50-66  a disposition of the criminal charges in the case.
  50-67        SECTION 3.016.  Section 217.001, Labor Code, is amended by
  50-68  adding Subdivision (4) to read as follows:
  50-69              (4)  "State jail division" means the state jail
  50-70  division of the department.
   51-1        SECTION 3.017.  Section 217.002, Labor Code, is amended to
   51-2  read as follows:
   51-3        Sec. 217.002.  Project Rio.  The project for reintegration of
   51-4  offenders is a statewide employment referral program designed to
   51-5  reintegrate into the labor force persons sentenced to a state jail
   51-6  felony facility or <formerly confined in> the institutional
   51-7  division.
   51-8        SECTION 3.018.  Section 217.005(a), Labor Code, is amended to
   51-9  read as follows:
  51-10        (a)  The memorandum of understanding must establish the role
  51-11  of:
  51-12              (1)  the institutional division and the state jail
  51-13  division in ascertaining and encouraging an inmate's chances for
  51-14  employment by:
  51-15                    (A)  providing vocational and educational
  51-16  assessment for the person while incarcerated <in the division>;
  51-17                    (B)  developing a skills enhancement program for
  51-18  the person while incarcerated, in cooperation with other
  51-19  governmental, educational, and private entities, using available
  51-20  public or private financial resources authorized by statute; and
  51-21                    (C)  referring the person on release to the
  51-22  project through the person's parole officer or supervision officer;
  51-23              (2)  the community justice assistance division and the
  51-24  pardons and paroles division of the department in:
  51-25                    (A)  encouraging and referring persons to the
  51-26  project; and
  51-27                    (B)  ensuring that those persons participate in
  51-28  the project and avail themselves of its services; and
  51-29              (3)  the commission in developing and maintaining a
  51-30  statewide network for finding positions of employment that require
  51-31  the skills possessed by project participants and in helping those
  51-32  participants to secure employment.
  51-33        SECTION 3.019.  Section 414.010, Government Code, is amended
  51-34  to read as follows:
  51-35        Sec. 414.010.  PAYMENT FROM DEFENDANT ON COMMUNITY
  51-36  SUPERVISION.  A local crime stoppers program that receives a
  51-37  payment from a defendant <probationer> under Section 11(a) <6(h)>,
  51-38  Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, may not use the payment
  51-39  for any purpose other than the payment of a reward to a person who
  51-40  reports information concerning criminal activity.  Not later than
  51-41  January 15 of each year, a local crime stoppers program that
  51-42  receives or expends money under this section shall file a detailed
  51-43  report with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice <Adult
  51-44  Probation Commission> that accounts for all money received and
  51-45  expended under this section during the preceding year.
  51-46        SECTION 3.020.  (a)  Section 13(e), Article 42.12, Code of
  51-47  Criminal Procedure, is repealed.
  51-48        (b)  Section 2.09(c), Article 42.121, Code of Criminal
  51-49  Procedure, is repealed.
  51-50        (c)  Section 3.111, Article 42.121, Code of Criminal
  51-51  Procedure, is repealed.
  51-52        (d)  Section 461.017, Health and Safety Code, is repealed.
  51-53        SECTION 3.021.  This article takes effect September 1, 1995.
  51-54                               ARTICLE 4
  51-55        SECTION 4.001. The importance of this legislation and the
  51-56  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  51-57  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  51-58  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  51-59  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
  51-60  and that this Act take effect and be in force according to its
  51-61  terms, and it is so enacted.
  51-62                               * * * * *