1-1 By: Junell (Senate Sponsor - Montford) H.B. No. 2376 1-2 (In the Senate - Received from the House May 1, 1995; 1-3 May 3, 1995, read first time and referred to Committee on Natural 1-4 Resources; May 12, 1995, reported favorably by the following vote: 1-5 Yeas 9, Nays 0; May 12, 1995, sent to printer.) 1-6 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-7 AN ACT 1-8 relating to the transfer of certain property from the Texas 1-9 Department of Public Safety to the City of San Angelo. 1-10 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-11 SECTION 1. (a) The Texas Department of Public Safety may 1-12 enter into an agreement with the City of San Angelo to transfer to 1-13 the City of San Angelo: 1-14 (1) the department's right, title, and interest in and 1-15 to the real property described in Section 2 of this Act; and 1-16 (2) any improvements, appurtenances, or other property 1-17 attached to or remaining on the real property on or after August 1-18 11, 1994, including the storage building, fence, generator, 1-19 furniture, and radio tower and equipment. 1-20 (b) The City of San Angelo shall: 1-21 (1) keep, maintain, and preserve the property 1-22 transferred under Subsection (a); and 1-23 (2) assume liability arising out of the use of the 1-24 property on and after the date the property is transferred. 1-25 SECTION 2. The real property referred to in Section 1 of 1-26 this Act includes only the territory contained in the following 1-27 areas: 1-28 PROPERTY A 1-29 All of lot numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, in Block 1-30 69, of the Fort Concho Addition to the City of San Angelo, Tom 1-31 Green County, Texas, according to the map or plat of said addition 1-32 of record in the office of the County Clerk, Tom Green County, 1-33 Texas. 1-34 PROPERTY B 1-35 The following tracts and parcels of land out of and part of 1-36 Block No. 69, Fort Concho Addition to the City of San Angelo, in 1-37 Tom Green County, Texas, according to the map or plat of said 1-38 addition filed of record in the office of the County clerk of said 1-39 County, and being: 1-40 FIRST TRACT: All of lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in said 1-41 block number 69; 1-42 SECOND TRACT: A ten foot strip of land, being the north ten 1-43 feet of a former alley adjoining said lots numbers eleven (11) and 1-44 twelve (12) in block number 69, on the south side thereof, 1-45 heretofore abandoned by action and ordinance of the City of San 1-46 Angelo, Texas. 1-47 THIRD TRACT: The entirety of that former alley, twenty feet 1-48 in width, lying east of lots numbers one (1) through five (5), both 1-49 inclusive, of said block 60 and west of lot number eleven (11) of 1-50 said block 60 and west of the norther ten feet of the former alley 1-51 lying south of lot eleven (11) of said block 69, heretofore 1-52 abandoned to adjoining property owners by action and ordinance of 1-53 the City of San Angelo, Texas, the west portion of such former 1-54 alley being the same tract as conveyed to J. W. West by Lena 1-55 Mahaffey, and others, by deed dated February 7, 1962, recorded in 1-56 volume 434, Page 355, Deed Records of Tom Green County, Texas; the 1-57 entirety of said tract described by metes and bounds as follows: 1-58 BEGINNING at the northeast or most northeasterly corner of 1-59 said Lot 12, Block 69 of Fort Concho Addition: 1-60 THENCE westerly, along the north line of said Lots 12 and 11, 1-61 and with said north line extending across the former alley lying to 1-62 the west of said Lot 11, to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1-63 69, of said addition; 1-64 THENCE southerly, along the east line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1-65 5, of said block 69, to the southeast corner of said Lot 5; 1-66 THENCE easterly, perpendicular to the east line of said Lot 1-67 5, Block 69, extending across the former alley lying to the east of 1-68 Lots numbers 1 through 5, and further extending along the center 2-1 line of the former alley lying south of said Lots numbers 11 and 2-2 12, said Block 69, to a point in said former alley lying south of 2-3 said Lots numbers 11 and 12 which is situated at a point ten feet 2-4 south of the east line extended of sid Lot 12; 2-5 THENCE northerly, at ten feet crossing the southeast corner 2-6 of said Lot 12, and thence with and along the east line of said Lot 2-7 12, to the place of beginning, and having dimensions of 100 feet 2-8 (east and west) by 130 feet (north and south). 2-9 SECTION 3. The importance of this legislation and the 2-10 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 2-11 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 2-12 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 2-13 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended, 2-14 and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its 2-15 passage, and it is so enacted. 2-16 * * * * *