By Thompson                                           H.B. No. 2398
       74R7806 T
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to duties of the district clerk.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Sections 51.303(d) and (e), Government Code are
    1-5  amended to read as follows:
    1-6        (d)  <On the last day of each term of the court, the district
    1-7  clerk shall make a written statement of fines and jury fees
    1-8  received, the name of each juror who served during the term, the
    1-9  number of days, and the amount due the juror for the services.  The
   1-10  statement shall be recorded in the minutes of the court after it is
   1-11  approved and signed by the presiding judge.>
   1-12        <(e)>  The clerk of a district court may:
   1-13              (1)  take the depositions of witnesses, and
   1-14              (2)  perform other duties imposed on the clerk by law.
   1-15        SECTION 2.  Section 51.317(b)(1), (2), (5), and (6),
   1-16  Government Code are amended to read as follows:
   1-17        (b)  The fees are:
   1-18              (1)  for filing a suit, including an appeal from an
   1-19  inferior court and a petition for pre-indictment writ of habeas
   1-20  corpus........................................................$  45
   1-21              (2)  for filing a cross-action, intervention, contempt
   1-22  action, motion for new trial or third party petition..........$  15
   1-23              <(5)  for issuing an additional copy of a process not
   1-24  otherwise provided for, when requested at the time a suit or motion
    2-1  is filed......................................................$  4>
    2-2              (6) <(5)>  for the records management and preservation
    2-3  fund...........................................................$  5
    2-4        SECTION 3.  Section 51.318(b), Government Code is amended to
    2-5  read as follows:
    2-6        (b)  The fees are:
    2-7              (1)  for issuing a subpoena not provided for Section
    2-8  51.317, including one copy.....................................$  8
    2-9              <(3)  for an additional copy of a writ or process not
   2-10  otherwise provided for........................................$  4>
   2-11              (3) <(4)>  for searching files and records to locate a
   2-12  cause when the docket number is not provided...................$  5
   2-13              (4) <(5)>  for searching files or records to ascertain
   2-14  the existence of an instrument or record in the district clerk's
   2-15  office.........................................................$  5
   2-16              <(6)  for certifying a fact contained in a record in
   2-17  the district clerk's office....................................$  2>
   2-18              <(7)  for issuing a deposition, for each 100
   2-19  words......................................................20 cents>
   2-20              <(8)  for issuing interrogatories with certificate and
   2-21  seal for each page or part of a page..........................$  1>
   2-22              (5) <(9)>  for abstracting a judgment..............$  8
   2-23              (6) <(10)>  for approving a bond...................$  4
   2-24              (7) <(11)>  for a certified copy of a record, judgment,
   2-25  order, pleading, or paper on file or of record in the district
   2-26  clerk's office, including certificate and seal, for each page or
   2-27  part of a page.................................................$  1
    3-1              (8)  for a non-certified copy for each page or part of
    3-2  a page.............................not to exceed...............$  1
    3-3        SECTION 4.  Section 51.319, Government Code is amended to
    3-4  read as follows:
    3-5        Sec. 51.319.  Other Fees.  The District clerk shall collect
    3-6  the following fees for services performed by the clerk:
    3-7              <(1)  for comparing to the original a copy of a
    3-8  petition, judgment, order, or other instrument necessary in the
    3-9  district court, submitted by the plaintiff or defendant, a fee of
   3-10  10 cents a page;>
   3-11              <(2)  for certifying an instrument described in
   3-12  Subdivision (1) by attaching a certificate of true copy and
   3-13  sealing, a fee of $1;>
   3-14              (1) <(3)>  for performing services related to the
   3-15  matter of the estate of a deceased person or a minor transacted in
   3-16  the district court, the same fees allowed the county clerk for
   3-17  those services;
   3-18              (2) <(4)>  for serving process by certified mail or
   3-19  registered mail, the same fees that sheriffs and constables are
   3-20  authorized to charge for the service under Section 1, Chapter 696,
   3-21  Acts of the 59th Legislature, Regular Session, 1965 (Article 3933a,
   3-22  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), to charge for the service; and
   3-23              (3) <(5)>  for performing any other service prescribed
   3-24  or authorized by law for which no fee is set by law, a reasonable
   3-25  fee.
   3-26        SECTION 5.  Section 51.321, Government Code is repealed.
   3-27        SECTION 6.  Section 51.604, Government Code is amended to
    4-1  read as follows:
    4-2        Sec. 51.604.  Jury Fee <in Certain Counties>.  <(a)  This
    4-3  section applies only to counties with a population of two million
    4-4  or more.>
    4-5        (a) <(b)>  The district clerk shall collect a $20 jury fee
    4-6  for each civil case in district court in which a person applies for
    4-7  a jury trial.  The clerk of a county court or statutory county
    4-8  court shall collect a $17 jury fee for each civil case in those
    4-9  courts in which a person applies for a jury trial.  The Clerk shall
   4-10  note the payment of the fee on the court's docket sheet.
   4-11        (b) <(c)>  The fee required by this section must be paid by
   4-12  person applying for a jury trial not later than the 10th day before
   4-13  the jury trial is scheduled to begin.
   4-14        (c) <(d)>  The fee required by this section is in addition to
   4-15  the jury fee required by Rule 216, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure,
   4-16  an any other fee allowed by law or rule.
   4-17        SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   4-18        SECTION 8.  The importance of this legislation and the
   4-19  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-20  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-21  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-22  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.