By Alonzo H.B. No. 2440 74R6625 SMH-D A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the establishment of a trust fund to provide 1-3 scholarships to minority students studying abroad. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding 1-6 Subchapter Q to read as follows: 1-7 SUBCHAPTER Q. TRUST FUND FOR MINORITY STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD 1-8 Sec. 61.791. ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND. (a) The trust fund for 1-9 minority students studying abroad is outside the state treasury. 1-10 The fund consists of: 1-11 (1) money acquired from private sources on behalf of 1-12 specified students; 1-13 (2) state appropriations for purposes of the fund; 1-14 (3) gifts and grants made to the fund; and 1-15 (4) the income from money deposited in the fund. 1-16 (b) The board shall administer the assets of the fund. The 1-17 board is the trustee of the fund's assets. 1-18 (c) The board shall deposit in a separate account in the 1-19 fund contributions from private sources on behalf of a specified 1-20 student. The income from the money in the account shall be 1-21 credited to the account. 1-22 (d) The legislature shall appropriate an amount of general 1-23 revenue to the fund, not to the credit of any student account, for 1-24 each biennium equal to the contributions made under Subsection (c) 2-1 for the preceding biennium. 2-2 Sec. 61.792. STATE TREASURER. (a) Except as provided by 2-3 Subsection (d), the state treasurer is the custodian of the assets 2-4 of the fund. 2-5 (b) The state treasurer shall pay money from the fund on a 2-6 warrant drawn by the comptroller supported only on a voucher signed 2-7 by the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner's 2-8 authorized representative. 2-9 (c) The state treasurer annually shall furnish to the board 2-10 a sworn statement of the amount of the fund's assets in the 2-11 treasurer's custody. 2-12 (d) The board may select one or more commercial banks, 2-13 depository trust companies, or other entities to serve as custodian 2-14 of all or part of the assets of the fund. 2-15 Sec. 61.793. INVESTMENT OF FUND ASSETS. (a) The board 2-16 shall invest the assets of the fund. 2-17 (b) The board may contract with private professional 2-18 investment managers to assist the board in investing the assets of 2-19 the fund. 2-20 (c) The board shall develop written investment objectives 2-21 concerning the investment of the assets of the fund. The 2-22 objectives may address desired rates of return, risks involved, 2-23 investment time frames, and any other relevant considerations. 2-24 (d) In investing the assets of the fund, the board shall 2-25 exercise the judgment and care, under the circumstances prevailing 2-26 at the time of the investment, that persons of ordinary prudence, 2-27 discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their 3-1 own affairs, not in speculation but when making a permanent 3-2 disposition of their money, considering the probable income from 3-3 the disposition and the probable safety of their capital. 3-4 Sec. 61.794. USE OF FUND. (a) The board shall use the 3-5 money in the fund to provide a scholarship to a student: 3-6 (1) who is a member of a group that is significantly 3-7 underrepresented among Texas students studying abroad; 3-8 (2) who is enrolled in an internship for credit at an 3-9 institution of higher education under which the student is required 3-10 to study abroad; and 3-11 (3) for whom an account in the fund has been 3-12 established under Section 61.791(c). 3-13 (b) The amount of the scholarship is the sum of: 3-14 (1) the amount in the account; and 3-15 (2) an additional amount from the portion of the fund 3-16 not credited to student accounts, equal to the lesser of: 3-17 (A) the amount in the account; or 3-18 (B) $5,000. 3-19 (c) If the portion of the fund not credited to student 3-20 accounts is insufficient to cover the portion of scholarships 3-21 computed under Subsection (b)(2) for an academic year, the board 3-22 shall allocate the available amount proportionally to the 3-23 scholarships awarded for that academic year. 3-24 (d) If the student does not qualify for a scholarship, the 3-25 board shall refund the money in the account to the source who 3-26 contributed it. 3-27 Sec. 61.795. RULES. The board shall adopt rules to 4-1 implement this subchapter. 4-2 SECTION 2. The importance of this legislation and the 4-3 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 4-4 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 4-5 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 4-6 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended, 4-7 and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its 4-8 passage, and it is so enacted.