By Uher                                               H.B. No. 2575
       74R7760 DAK-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the disposition of revenue from the motor vehicle sales
    1-3  tax.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 152.121, Tax Code, is amended to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7        Sec. 152.121.  AMOUNT OF Tax Sent to Comptroller; FREQUENCY
    1-8  OF REMITTANCE.  (a)  The county tax assessor-collector shall send
    1-9  95 percent of the money collected from taxes and penalties imposed
   1-10  by this chapter to the comptroller and shall retain five percent of
   1-11  the taxes and penalties collected under this chapter as fees of
   1-12  office or to be paid into the officers' salary fund of the county
   1-13  as provided by general law.
   1-14        (b)  The state portion of the taxes collected under this
   1-15  chapter by a county tax assessor-collector shall be sent to the
   1-16  comptroller as follows:
   1-17              (1)  on the 10th day of each month if during the last
   1-18  preceding state fiscal year less than $2 million of the taxes and
   1-19  penalties imposed by this chapter was collected by the office of
   1-20  the county tax assessor-collector;
   1-21              (2)  once each week if during the last preceding state
   1-22  fiscal year $2 million or more, but less than $10 million, of the
   1-23  taxes and penalties imposed by this chapter was collected by the
   1-24  office of the county tax assessor-collector; or
    2-1              (3)  daily (as collected) if during the last preceding
    2-2  state fiscal year $10 million or more of the taxes and penalties
    2-3  imposed by this chapter was collected by the office of the county
    2-4  tax assessor-collector.
    2-5        (c) <(b)>  Taxes on metal dealer plates collected by the
    2-6  Texas <State> Department of <Highways and> Public Transportation
    2-7  shall be deposited by the department in the state treasury in the
    2-8  same manner as are other taxes collected under this chapter.
    2-9        <(c)  If the amount of net collections under Chapter 88,
   2-10  General Laws, Acts of the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session,
   2-11  1929 (Article 6675a-1 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
   2-12  insufficient to cover the amount of those net collections
   2-13  authorized to be retained by a county as a percentage of the tax
   2-14  and penalties collected under this chapter, the comptroller shall
   2-15  on request of the county tax assessor-collector authorize the
   2-16  county to retain a portion of the tax and penalties collected under
   2-17  this chapter to cover the deficiency.>
   2-18        SECTION 2.  Section 10(a), Chapter 88, General Laws, Acts of
   2-19  the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6675a-10,
   2-20  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   2-21        (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (c-1), (c-2), (c-3),
   2-22  and (c-4) of this section, on Monday of each week each County Tax
   2-23  Collector shall deposit in the County Depository of his County to
   2-24  the credit of the County Road and Bridge Fund an amount equal to
   2-25  one hundred per cent (100%) of the net collections made hereunder
   2-26  during the preceding week until the amount so deposited for the
   2-27  current calendar year shall have reached a total sum of Sixty
    3-1  Thousand Dollars ($60,000), plus Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars
    3-2  ($350) for each mile of county road, not to exceed five hundred
    3-3  (500) miles, maintained by the County according to the latest data
    3-4  available from the Texas <State> Department of <Highways and
    3-5  Public> Transportation<, plus an amount equal to five per cent (5%)
    3-6  of the tax and penalties collected by the County Tax Collector
    3-7  under Chapter 152, Tax Code, in the preceding calendar year, plus
    3-8  an amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the tax and penalties
    3-9  collected by the Comptroller of Public Accounts under Section
   3-10  152.047, Tax Code, in the preceding calendar year.  All of the
   3-11  amount of the tax and penalties collected under Chapter 152, Tax
   3-12  Code, in the preceding calendar year that is retained by a county
   3-13  under this subsection shall be used for county road construction,
   3-14  maintenance, and rehabilitation, for bridge construction,
   3-15  maintenance, and rehabilitation, for purchase of right-of-way for
   3-16  road or highway purposes, or for relocation of utilities for road
   3-17  or highway purposes.  On or before January 30 of each year, each
   3-18  county shall file a report, in a form promulgated by the State
   3-19  Department of Highways and Public Transportation, with the State
   3-20  Engineer-Director for the State Department of Highways and Public
   3-21  Transportation that accurately sets forth the amounts and purposes
   3-22  of all expenditures of the tax and penalties collected under
   3-23  Chapter 152, Tax Code, and retained by the county under this
   3-24  subsection>.
   3-25        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 1996.
   3-26        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-27  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    4-1  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    4-2  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    4-3  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.