H.B. No. 2642
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the administration, powers, duties, operation, and
    1-3  financing of the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 13(t), Chapter 243, Acts of the 53rd
    1-6  Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 8280-154, Vernon's
    1-7  Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    1-8        (t)  To cooperate and to enter into contracts with cities,
    1-9  persons, firms, corporations and public agencies for the purpose of
   1-10  supplying and selling them surface, storm, flood, underground, and
   1-11  other water for municipal, domestic, industrial, and other useful
   1-12  purposes permitted by law, provided that cities and areas
   1-13  constituting the District shall be accorded priority in the
   1-14  allocation of the District's available surface, storm, flood,
   1-15  underground, and other water, and the Board of Directors shall
   1-16  prescribe rules to effectuate this provision.  Any such contract
   1-17  may be upon such terms and for such time as the parties may agree,
   1-18  and it may provide that it shall continue in effect until the
   1-19  District's bonds specified therein and refunding bonds issued in
   1-20  lieu of such bonds are fully paid.    The authority of each member
   1-21  or other city to enter into any contract with the District for the
   1-22  sale of water or other services or for any other purpose within the
   1-23  powers, rights, privileges, and functions of the District is vested
    2-1  exclusively in the governing body of each member or other city
    2-2  notwithstanding any provision of any home rule charter or any local
    2-3  ordinance of such member or other city, or of any other provision
    2-4  of any other law placing any restriction, limitation, or
    2-5  requirement on the authority of the governing body of any member or
    2-6  other city to enter into any such contract.  No provision of the
    2-7  home rule charter or of any other ordinance of any member or other
    2-8  city, and no provision of any other law in conflict herewith will
    2-9  invalidate or impair, in whole or in part, the enforceability and
   2-10  validity of any contract entered into by the District with any
   2-11  member or other city pursuant to the powers, rights, and privileges
   2-12  or functions of the district.  In the event the District shall have
   2-13  contracted with the United States Government or any of its agencies
   2-14  for a source of water supply or for the furnishing of any
   2-15  facilities necessary or useful to the District in carrying out its
   2-16  purposes, any such contract entered into under authority hereof may
   2-17  provide that it shall continue until the District has fully
   2-18  discharged all obligations incurred by it under the terms of its
   2-19  contract with the United States Government or its agencies.  The
   2-20  District is also authorized to purchase surface, storm, flood,
   2-21  underground, and other water supply from any person, firm,
   2-22  corporation or public agency, or from the United States Government
   2-23  or any of its agencies.
   2-24        SECTION 2.  If any section, clause, or part of this Act
   2-25  shall, for any reason, be held invalid, such invalidity shall not
    3-1  affect the remaining portions of this Act, and it is hereby
    3-2  declared to be the intention of this legislature to have passed
    3-3  each section, sentence, clause, or part irrespective of the fact
    3-4  that any other section, sentence, clause, or part may be declared
    3-5  invalid.
    3-6        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
    3-7  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    3-8  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    3-9  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-10  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   3-11  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   3-12  passage, and it is so enacted.