H.B. No. 2925
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the sale or transfer of Water Supply or Sewer Service
    1-3  Corporation stock, membership, or other right of participation of
    1-4  the person or entity to whom the membership is transferred.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Section 9A, Chapter 76, Acts of the 43rd
    1-7  Legislature, 1st Called Session, 1933 (Article 1434a, Vernon's
    1-8  Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    1-9        Sec. 9A.  (a)  A person or entity that owns any stock of, is
   1-10  a member of, or has some other right of participation in a
   1-11  corporation may not sell or transfer that stock, membership, or
   1-12  other right of participation to another person or entity except:
   1-13              (1)  by will to a transferee who is a person related to
   1-14  the testator within the second degree by consanguinity;
   1-15              (2)  by transfer without compensation to a transferee
   1-16  who is a person related to the owner of the stock or other interest
   1-17  within the second degree by consanguinity; or
   1-18              (3)  by transfer without compensation or by sale to the
   1-19  corporation.
   1-20        (b)  Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a
   1-21  person or entity that transfers the membership or other right of
   1-22  participation to another person or entity as part of the conveyance
   1-23  of real estate from which the membership or other right of
    2-1  participation arose.
    2-2        (c)  The transfer of stock, a membership, or another right of
    2-3  participation under this section does not entitle the transferee to
    2-4  water or sewer service unless each condition for water or sewer
    2-5  service is met as provided in the corporation's published rates,
    2-6  charges, and conditions of service.  All transfer and service
    2-7  applications shall be completed on the corporation's standardized
    2-8  forms, and filed with the corporation's office in a timely manner.
    2-9  However, the conditions of service may not require a personal
   2-10  appearance in the office of the corporation if the transferee
   2-11  certifies in writing to the corporation that the transferee accepts
   2-12  and agrees to abide by such rates, charges, and conditions of
   2-13  service.  Water or sewer service provided by the corporation as a
   2-14  result of stock, membership, or other right of participation may be
   2-15  conditioned on ownership of the real estate designated to receive
   2-16  service and from which the membership or other right of
   2-17  participation arose.
   2-18        (d)  The corporation may cancel a person's or other entity's
   2-19  stock, membership, or other right of participation if the person or
   2-20  other entity fails to meet the conditions for water or sewer
   2-21  service prescribed by the corporation's published rates, charges,
   2-22  and conditions of service, or fails to comply with any other
   2-23  condition placed on the receipt of water or sewer service under the
   2-24  stock, membership, or other right of participation authorized under
   2-25  Subsection (c) of this section.  The corporation may, consistent
    3-1  with the limitations prescribed by Subsection (a) of this section,
    3-2  reassign canceled stock, or a canceled membership, or other right
    3-3  of participation to any person or entity that has legal title to
    3-4  the real estate from which the canceled membership or other right
    3-5  of participation arose and for which water or sewer service is
    3-6  requested, subject to compliance with the conditions for water or
    3-7  sewer service prescribed by the corporation's published rates,
    3-8  charges, and conditions of service.
    3-9        (e)  The corporation shall reassign, without limitation under
   3-10  Subsection (a), canceled stock, or a canceled membership or other
   3-11  right of participation to a person or entity that acquires the real
   3-12  estate from which the membership or other right of participation
   3-13  arose through judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure, subject to
   3-14  compliance with the conditions for water or sewer service
   3-15  prescribed by the corporation's published rates, charges, and
   3-16  conditions of service.  The corporation may require proof of
   3-17  ownership resulting from such foreclosure.
   3-18        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-19  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-20  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-21  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-22  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   3-23  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   3-24  passage, and it is so enacted.