By Stiles, Price                                       H.C.R. No. 7
       74R4834 SRD-F
                                 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, The city of Port Arthur enjoys a well-deserved
    1-2  reputation as the center of one of the most dynamic regions in the
    1-3  State of Texas; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Located on the northwest shore of Sabine Lake in
    1-5  Jefferson County, nine miles from the Gulf of Mexico, the modern
    1-6  city of Port Arthur has fulfilled the dream of its founder, Arthur
    1-7  E. Stilwell, who envisioned a thriving hub for land and sea
    1-8  transportation in one of the state's richest areas; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Long identified with the oil and petrochemical
   1-10  industries that formed one of the bases of the state's economy,
   1-11  Port Arthur is currently reaping the benefits of diversified and
   1-12  broadened economic development; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Thanks to its strategic location, Greater Port
   1-14  Arthur has emerged as one of Texas' leading transportation centers
   1-15  for national and international commerce, providing superb
   1-16  facilities for water, rail, truck, and air commercial traffic; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, Its international ocean port uniquely located on the
   1-18  Gulf Intracoastal Waterway connects the city of Port Arthur with
   1-19  shipping commerce throughout the South and abroad, while the
   1-20  Jefferson County Airport, the Kansas City Southern Railway, and the
   1-21  Southern Pacific railroad provide vital links to national and
   1-22  international markets via air and land; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, Blessed with many natural resources, a moderate
   1-24  climate, superb recreational opportunities, and outstanding
    2-1  educational and medical institutions, the city of Port Arthur is
    2-2  also attracting new industries to Southeast Texas by providing an
    2-3  increasingly attractive quality of life for its residents; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, Port Arthur is proud of its longstanding commitment
    2-5  to excellence in education; it was the first city in Texas to adopt
    2-6  the 12-grade public school system, and the Greater Port Arthur area
    2-7  today boasts some of the state's highest-ranking school districts
    2-8  in the Port Arthur, Port Neches, Nederland, and Sabine Pass
    2-9  communities; and
   2-10        WHEREAS, Port Arthur is also a respected center for higher
   2-11  education; Lamar University at Port Arthur has served the higher
   2-12  education needs of Southeast Texas since 1909, when it was founded
   2-13  as Port Arthur College; and
   2-14        WHEREAS, At the heart of the city's cultural life is the Port
   2-15  Arthur Civic Center, which hosts popular musical entertainers,
   2-16  ballet troupes, art exhibits, and other events for many of
   2-17  Jefferson County's 273,300 residents; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Festivals, tournaments, parades, concerts, and other
   2-19  gala celebrations of the community's colorful history and cultural
   2-20  heritage abound throughout the area year-round; and
   2-21        WHEREAS, For others, Port Arthur is a sportsman's paradise,
   2-22  beckoning Texans from across the state with its wide-open spaces
   2-23  and plentiful opportunities for water sports, hunting, and fishing;
   2-24  and
   2-25        WHEREAS, To share some of their region's entertainment and
   2-26  festivities, the Port Arthur Day delegates are sponsoring an
   2-27  evening that will highlight their great Cajun music and cuisine,
    3-1  accented with a special taste of Port Arthur's upcoming Third
    3-2  Annual Mardi Gras celebration; and
    3-3        WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature shares with Port Arthur
    3-4  residents an appreciation of the special magic in their city and
    3-5  recognizes this proud community for its significant contributions
    3-6  in the continuing development of this state; now, therefore, be it
    3-7        RESOLVED, That the 74th Texas Legislature hereby declare
    3-8  February 6, 1995, as Port Arthur Day at the Texas Capitol and take
    3-9  the opportunity to commend all of its citizens for their efforts in
   3-10  making this city one of the most vibrant and progressive
   3-11  communities in the state.