By Siebert                                            H.C.R. No. 15
       74R1866 PAN-D
                                 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, Words cannot adequately convey the deep shock and
    1-2  sorrow felt by citizens throughout Texas at the news of the tragic
    1-3  passing of Navy Lieutenant Kara S. Hultgreen on October 25, 1994,
    1-4  at the age of 29; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, An alumna of Alamo Heights High School in San
    1-6  Antonio, Lieutenant Hultgreen pursued her higher education at The
    1-7  University of Texas at Austin, graduating with a bachelor's degree
    1-8  in aerospace engineering in 1987; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Armed with a passion for flying and a dream, she was
   1-10  soon commissioned as an officer in the Navy and began her training
   1-11  on the venerable A-6 bomber, logging more than 1,000 hours piloting
   1-12  that aircraft and its radar-jamming counterpart, the EA-6B; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, While serving as an A-6 pilot, Lieutenant Hultgreen
   1-14  fought hard for the right to train in combat aircraft and was
   1-15  assigned to F-14 training in May 1993, one month after restrictions
   1-16  were lifted on female pilots flying combat missions; shortly
   1-17  thereafter, she became the first Navy female pilot to qualify in
   1-18  the F-14 after a successful night landing on the USS Constellation
   1-19  in July; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, Lieutenant Hultgreen logged 217 hours in the pilot
   1-21  seat of the F-14 and had made more than 50 day and night landings
   1-22  on aircraft carriers, successfully completing a maneuver that
   1-23  requires such precision that it remains a harrowing challenge for
   1-24  even the most experienced of pilots; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, The achievements of this courageous young woman have
    2-2  made a lasting impression on all who have heard her story; though
    2-3  her intelligence, enthusiasm, and affection will be greatly missed
    2-4  by all who have been privileged to share her love throughout the
    2-5  years, her memory will long endure in the hearts of the many people
    2-6  whose lives she touched during her years on this earth; now,
    2-7  therefore, be it
    2-8        RESOLVED, That the 74th Legislature of the State of Texas
    2-9  hereby pay tribute to the life of Lieutenant Kara Hultgreen and
   2-10  extend deepest sympathy to the members of her family:  to her
   2-11  mother, Sally Spears; to her father, Tor Hultgreen; to her sisters,
   2-12  Kirsten Hultgreen and Dagny Hultgreen Dubelko; to her grandmother,
   2-13  Elizabeth Spears; to her aunt, Carol Spears; to her uncle, Jim
   2-14  Spears; and to many other friends and relatives of this beloved
   2-15  young woman; and, be it further
   2-16        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-17  prepared for the members of her family and that when the Texas
   2-18  House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in
   2-19  memory of Lieutenant Kara Hultgreen.