H.C.R. No. 68
                              HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce recently inducted
    1-2  Will Bond into the chamber's Hall of Fame and, with his receipt of
    1-3  this distinctive accolade, Mr. Bond has become the first area
    1-4  resident to be so honored since 1987; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, This prestigious honor is awarded each year to an
    1-6  individual whose life has been marked with significant
    1-7  accomplishments and this standard is certainly met and exemplified
    1-8  in the life of this dedicated civic leader; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Many earlier recipients of this award have been
   1-10  former residents whose careers have taken them away from Hillsboro,
   1-11  however, Mr. Bond has remained a lifelong resident of the community
   1-12  where he was born and has always made time in a schedule that would
   1-13  daunt a lesser man to lend a hand where needed; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, A graduate of Hillsboro Junior College, Mr. Bond is
   1-15  a successful businessman whose extensive career has involved
   1-16  participation in a number of different ventures through the years,
   1-17  including management of the T. B. Bond Drug Store, the Bond
   1-18  Hardware and Furniture Company, and the Central Texas Real Estate
   1-19  Company; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, Along the way, this fine gentleman has provided
   1-21  outstanding leadership for the Hillsboro Junior Chamber of
   1-22  Commerce, the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce, the Hill County School
   1-23  Board, the East Texas Chamber of Commerce, the Hillsboro March of
   1-24  Dimes, the Hill County Red Cross, the heart association, and the
    2-1  Hill County Cell Block Museum; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, At the state level, Mr. Bond was appointed by
    2-3  Governor Price Daniel to serve on the Texas Public Welfare Board,
    2-4  and his presence proved so vital to the work of the board that he
    2-5  was reappointed by Governors John Connally and Preston Smith; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, A devoted family man as well, he enjoyed a rewarding
    2-7  marriage with his beloved wife of many years, the late Louise
    2-8  Bullock Bond, and his love for his children, Bill Bond and Susan
    2-9  Bond Ramsey, his six grandchildren, and his great-grandchild is
   2-10  legendary; he also has served as a second father to his
   2-11  brother-in-law, Lieutenant Governor Bob Bullock, who has said that
   2-12  he owes Mr. Bond everything he is and will ever be; and
   2-13        WHEREAS, Will Bond is a rare individual who gives back to the
   2-14  world much more than he asks of it and his legacy of achievement in
   2-15  behalf of his community truly merits our highest praise and
   2-16  recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-17        RESOLVED, That the 74th Legislature of the State of Texas
   2-18  hereby congratulate Will Bond on his induction into the Hillsboro
   2-19  Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame and commend this extraordinary
   2-20  gentleman for a lifetime of service to his family, community, and
   2-21  state; and, be it further
   2-22        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-23  prepared for Mr. Bond as an expression of high regard by the
   2-24  Legislature of the State of Texas.