By Cuellar of Webb H.C.R. No. 238 74R14306 DRH-D HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, House Bill 1001 has been adopted by the house of 1-2 representatives and the senate; and 1-3 WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that need 1-4 correction; now, therefore, be it 1-5 RESOLVED, That the enrolling clerk of the house of 1-6 representatives be hereby instructed to make the following 1-7 corrections: 1-8 (1) In Section 4 of the bill, in added Section 232.030(d), 1-9 Local Government Code, strike "if the commercial provider is more 1-10 efficient or is a more cost-effective alternative to county 1-11 provision of the service". 1-12 (2) Strike Section 32 of the bill and substitute the 1-13 following: 1-14 SECTION 32. Counties must comply with the requirements of 1-15 this Act by July 1, 1995. Section 232.033, Local Government Code, 1-16 as added by this Act, relating to advertising standards, is 1-17 effective on July 1, 1995. 1-18 (3) In Section 4 of the bill, in added Section 232.035(b), 1-19 strike "a right if ingress and egress" and substitute "a right of 1-20 ingress and egress". 1-21 (4) In Section 25 of the bill, in the added subsection to 1-22 Section 26.123, Water Code, change the references from Subsection 1-23 (e) to Subsection (f).