By Stiles                                             H.J.R. No. 25
       74R2247 JRD-D
                                  A JOINT RESOLUTION
    1-1  proposing a constitutional amendment abolishing the office of state
    1-2  treasurer.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Article IV of the Texas Constitution is amended
    1-5  by adding Section 27 to read as follows:
    1-6        Sec. 27.  (a)  The constitutional office of state treasurer
    1-7  is abolished as provided by this section.  The office and the
    1-8  statutory powers and duties of the office are continued in effect
    1-9  until the earlier of January 1, 1999, or a date the legislature
   1-10  provides by law.  The transfer of specific constitutional powers
   1-11  and duties to the comptroller of public accounts under this
   1-12  amendment takes effect on the date this amendment takes effect.
   1-13        (b)  The 75th Legislature by law shall provide for the
   1-14  orderly transfer of the statutory powers and duties and the
   1-15  property and obligations of the state treasurer to the comptroller
   1-16  of public accounts and to other appropriate officers and agencies.
   1-17  The law shall provide for the date on which a transfer under this
   1-18  subsection is made and the date on which the constitutional office
   1-19  of state treasurer is finally abolished.  The dates for transfer
   1-20  and abolishment under this subsection must be on or before January
   1-21  1, 1999.  The comptroller of public accounts and the state
   1-22  treasurer shall jointly prepare and present to the presiding
   1-23  officer of each house of the legislature not later than November 1,
   1-24  1996, a plan to assist the 75th Legislature to provide for the
    2-1  orderly transfer of the powers, duties, property, and obligations
    2-2  of the state treasurer.  If the 75th Legislature does not enact a
    2-3  bill that becomes law that provides for the transfer under this
    2-4  subsection, the comptroller of public accounts shall assume on
    2-5  January 1, 1999, all the statutory powers and duties and the
    2-6  property and obligations of the state treasurer, subject to
    2-7  subsequent modification by the legislature by law.
    2-8        (c)  The abolishment of the constitutional office of state
    2-9  treasurer does not affect the validity of a right, privilege, or
   2-10  obligation accrued, any liability incurred, a permit or license
   2-11  issued, a penalty, forfeiture, or punishment assessed, a rule
   2-12  adopted, a proceeding, investigation, or remedy begun, or other
   2-13  action taken by or in connection with the state treasurer.
   2-14        (d)  This section expires January 1, 1999, unless the 75th
   2-15  Legislature does not enact a bill that becomes law that transfers
   2-16  all statutory powers and duties and all property and obligations of
   2-17  the state treasurer.
   2-18        SECTION 2.  Article III, Section 49-e, of the Texas
   2-19  Constitution is amended to read as follows:
   2-20        Sec. 49-e.  The Parks and Wildlife Department, or its
   2-21  successor vested with the powers, duties, and authority which deals
   2-22  with the operation, maintenance, and improvement of State Parks,
   2-23  shall have the authority to provide for, issue and sell general
   2-24  obligation bonds of the State of Texas in an amount not to exceed
   2-25  Seventy-Five Million Dollars ($75,000,000).  The bonds authorized
   2-26  herein shall be called "Texas Park Development Bonds," shall be
   2-27  executed in such form, denominations, and upon such terms as may be
    3-1  prescribed by law, provided, however, that the bonds shall bear a
    3-2  rate or rates of interest as may be fixed by the Parks and Wildlife
    3-3  Department or its successor, but the weighted average annual
    3-4  interest rate, as that phrase is commonly and ordinarily used and
    3-5  understood in the municipal bond market, of all the bonds issued
    3-6  and sold in any installment of any bonds, shall not exceed four and
    3-7  one-half percent (4 1/2 %) interest per annum; they may be issued
    3-8  in such installments as said Parks and Wildlife Department, or its
    3-9  said successor, finds feasible and practical in accomplishing the
   3-10  purpose set forth herein.
   3-11        All moneys received from the sale of said bonds shall be
   3-12  deposited in a fund hereby created with the Comptroller of Public
   3-13  Accounts of the State of Texas <State Treasurer> to be known as the
   3-14  Texas Park Development Fund to be administered (without further
   3-15  appropriation) by the said Parks and Wildlife Department, or its
   3-16  said successor, in such manner as prescribed by law.
   3-17        Such fund shall be used by said Parks and Wildlife
   3-18  Department, or its said successor, under such provisions as the
   3-19  Legislature may prescribe by general law, for the purposes of
   3-20  acquiring lands from the United States, or any governmental agency
   3-21  thereof, from any governmental agency of the State of Texas, or
   3-22  from any person, firm, or corporation, for State Park Sites and for
   3-23  developing said sites as State Parks.
   3-24        While any of the bonds authorized by this provision, or any
   3-25  interest on any such bonds, is outstanding and unpaid, there is
   3-26  hereby appropriated out of the first moneys coming into the
   3-27  Treasury in each fiscal year, not otherwise appropriated by this
    4-1  Constitution, an amount which is sufficient to pay the principal
    4-2  and interest on such bonds that mature or become due during such
    4-3  fiscal year, less the amount in the interest and sinking fund at
    4-4  the close of the prior fiscal year, which includes any receipts
    4-5  derived during the prior fiscal year by said Parks and Wildlife
    4-6  Department, or its said successor, from admission charges to State
    4-7  Parks, as the Legislature may prescribe by general law.
    4-8        The Legislature may provide for the investment of moneys
    4-9  available in the Texas Park Development Fund and the interest and
   4-10  sinking fund established for the payment of bonds issued by said
   4-11  Parks and Wildlife Department, or its said successor.  Income from
   4-12  such investment shall be used for the purposes prescribed by the
   4-13  Legislature.
   4-14        From the moneys received by said Parks and Wildlife
   4-15  Department, or its said successor, from the sale of the bonds
   4-16  issued hereunder, there shall be deposited in the interest and
   4-17  sinking fund for the bonds authorized by this section sufficient
   4-18  moneys to pay the interest to become due during the State fiscal
   4-19  year in which the bonds were issued.  After all bonds have been
   4-20  fully paid with interest, or after there are on deposit in the
   4-21  interest and sinking fund sufficient moneys to pay all future
   4-22  maturities of principal and interest, additional moneys received
   4-23  from admission charges to State Parks shall be deposited to the
   4-24  State Parks Fund, or any successor fund which may be established by
   4-25  the Legislature as a depository for Park revenue earned by said
   4-26  Parks and Wildlife Department, or its said successor.
   4-27        All bonds issued hereunder shall after approval by the
    5-1  Attorney General, registration by the Comptroller of Public
    5-2  Accounts of the State of Texas, and delivery to the purchasers, be
    5-3  incontestable and shall constitute general obligations of the State
    5-4  of Texas under the Constitution of Texas.
    5-5        Should the Legislature enact enabling laws in anticipation of
    5-6  the adoption of this amendment, such Acts shall not be void by
    5-7  reason of their anticipatory nature.
    5-8        SECTION 3.  Article III, Section 49-f, Subsection (b), of the
    5-9  Texas Constitution is amended to read as follows:
   5-10        (b)  All money received from the sale of the bonds shall be
   5-11  deposited in a fund created with the comptroller of public accounts
   5-12  <state treasurer> to be known as the farm and ranch finance program
   5-13  fund.  This fund shall be administered by the Veterans' Land Board
   5-14  in the manner prescribed by law.
   5-15        SECTION 4.  Article III, Section 49-g, Subsections (i) and
   5-16  (j), of the Texas Constitution, as proposed by H.J.R. No. 2, 70th
   5-17  Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, are amended to read as follows:
   5-18        (i)  The comptroller <state treasurer> shall credit to
   5-19  general revenue interest due to the economic stabilization fund
   5-20  that would result in an amount in the economic stabilization fund
   5-21  that exceeds the limit in effect under Subsection (g) of this
   5-22  section.
   5-23        (j)  The comptroller<, with the consent of the state
   5-24  treasurer,> may transfer money from the economic stabilization fund
   5-25  to general revenue to prevent or eliminate a temporary cash
   5-26  deficiency in general revenue.  The comptroller shall return the
   5-27  amount transferred to the economic stabilization fund as soon as
    6-1  practicable, but not later than August 31 of each odd-numbered
    6-2  year.  The comptroller <state treasurer> shall allocate the
    6-3  depository interest as if the transfers had not been made.  If the
    6-4  comptroller submits a statement to the governor and the legislature
    6-5  under Article III, Section 49a, of this constitution when money
    6-6  from the economic stabilization fund is in general revenue, the
    6-7  comptroller shall state that the transferred money is not available
    6-8  for appropriation from general revenue.
    6-9        SECTION 5.  Article III, Section 50c, Subsection (b), of the
   6-10  Texas Constitution is amended to read as follows:
   6-11        (b)  All money received from the sale of Farm and Ranch Loan
   6-12  Security Bonds shall be deposited in a fund hereby created with the
   6-13  comptroller of public accounts <State Treasurer> to be known as the
   6-14  "Farm and Ranch Loan Security Fund."  This fund shall be
   6-15  administered without further appropriation by the commissioner of
   6-16  agriculture in the manner prescribed by law.
   6-17        SECTION 6.  Article III, Section 61, of the Texas
   6-18  Constitution, as proposed by S.J.R. No.  5, 53rd Legislature,
   6-19  Regular Session, 1953, is amended to read as follows:
   6-20        Sec. 61.  The Legislature shall not fix the salary of the
   6-21  Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller of Public Accounts, <the
   6-22  Treasurer,> Commissioner of the General Land Office or Secretary of
   6-23  State at a sum less than that fixed for such officials in the
   6-24  Constitution on January 1, 1953.
   6-25        SECTION 7.  Article IV, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution
   6-26  is amended to read as follows:
   6-27        Sec. 1.  The Executive Department of the State shall consist
    7-1  of a Governor, who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the
    7-2  State, a Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller of
    7-3  Public Accounts, <Treasurer,> Commissioner of the General Land
    7-4  Office, and Attorney General.
    7-5        SECTION 8.  Article IV, Section 23, of the Texas Constitution
    7-6  is amended to read as follows:
    7-7        Sec. 23.  The Comptroller of Public Accounts, <the
    7-8  Treasurer,> the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and any
    7-9  statutory State officer who is elected by the electorate of Texas
   7-10  at large, unless a term of office is otherwise specifically
   7-11  provided in this Constitution, shall each hold office for the term
   7-12  of four years and until his successor is qualified.  The four-year
   7-13  term applies to these officers who are elected at the general
   7-14  election in 1974 or thereafter.  Each shall receive an annual
   7-15  salary in an amount to be fixed by the Legislature; reside at the
   7-16  Capital of the State during his continuance in office, and perform
   7-17  such duties as are or may be required by law.  They and the
   7-18  Secretary of State shall not receive to their own use any fees,
   7-19  costs or perquisites of office.  All fees that may be payable by
   7-20  law for any service performed by any officer specified in this
   7-21  section or in his office, shall be paid, when received, into the
   7-22  State Treasury.
   7-23        SECTION 9.  Article VII, Section 4, of the Texas Constitution
   7-24  is amended to read as follows:
   7-25        Sec. 4.  The lands herein set apart to the Public Free School
   7-26  fund, shall be sold under such regulations, at such times, and on
   7-27  such terms as may be prescribed by law; and the Legislature shall
    8-1  not have power to grant any relief to purchasers thereof.  The
    8-2  proceeds of such sales must be used to acquire other land for the
    8-3  Public Free School fund as provided by law or the proceeds shall be
    8-4  invested by the comptroller of public accounts <treasurer>, as may
    8-5  be directed by the Board of Education herein provided for, in the
    8-6  bonds of the United States, the State of Texas, or counties in said
    8-7  State, or in such other securities, and under such restrictions as
    8-8  may be prescribed by law; and the State shall be responsible for
    8-9  all investments.
   8-10        SECTION 10.  Article VII, Section 11b, of the Texas
   8-11  Constitution is amended to read as follows:
   8-12        Sec. 11b.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
   8-13  constitution, in managing the assets of the permanent university
   8-14  fund, the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System may
   8-15  acquire, exchange, sell, supervise, manage, or retain, through
   8-16  procedures and subject to restrictions it establishes and in
   8-17  amounts it considers appropriate, any kind of investment, including
   8-18  investments in the Texas growth fund created by Article XVI,
   8-19  Section 70, of this constitution, that persons of ordinary
   8-20  prudence, discretion, and intelligence, exercising the judgment and
   8-21  care under the circumstances then prevailing, acquire or retain for
   8-22  their own account in the management of their affairs, not in regard
   8-23  to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of their
   8-24  funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable
   8-25  safety of their capital.  This section does not affect the <state
   8-26  treasurer's> custodial responsibilities of the comptroller of
   8-27  public accounts for public funds, securities, and other evidences
    9-1  of investment.
    9-2        SECTION 11.  Article VII, Section 17, Subsection (l), of the
    9-3  Texas Constitution is amended to read as follows:
    9-4        (l)  This section is self-enacting upon the issuance of the
    9-5  governor's proclamation declaring the adoption of the amendment,
    9-6  and the state comptroller of public accounts <and the state
    9-7  treasurer> shall do all things necessary to effectuate this
    9-8  section.  This section does not impair any obligation created by
    9-9  the issuance of any bonds and notes in accordance with prior law,
   9-10  and all outstanding bonds and notes shall be paid in full, both
   9-11  principal and interest, in accordance with their terms.  If the
   9-12  provisions of this section conflict with any other provisions of
   9-13  this constitution, then the provisions of this section shall
   9-14  prevail, notwithstanding all such conflicting provisions.
   9-15        SECTION 12.  Article VII, Section 18, Subsection (j), of the
   9-16  Texas Constitution is amended to read as follows:
   9-17        (j)  This section is self-enacting on the issuance of the
   9-18  governor's proclamation declaring the adoption of this amendment,
   9-19  and the state comptroller of public accounts <and the state
   9-20  treasurer> shall do all things necessary to effectuate this
   9-21  section.  This section does not impair any obligation created by
   9-22  the issuance of bonds or notes in accordance with prior law, and
   9-23  all outstanding bonds and notes shall be paid in full, both
   9-24  principal and interest, in accordance with their terms, and the
   9-25  changes herein made in the allocation of the available university
   9-26  fund shall not affect the pledges thereof made in connection with
   9-27  such bonds or notes heretofore issued.  If the provisions of this
   10-1  section conflict with any other provision of this constitution,
   10-2  then the provisions of this section shall prevail, notwithstanding
   10-3  any such conflicting provisions.
   10-4        SECTION 13.  Article XV, Section 2, of the Texas Constitution
   10-5  is amended to read as follows:
   10-6        Sec. 2.  Impeachment of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor,
   10-7  Attorney General, <Treasurer,> Commissioner of the General Land
   10-8  Office, Comptroller and the Judges of the Supreme Court, Court of
   10-9  Appeals and District Court shall be tried by the Senate.
  10-10        SECTION 14.  Article XVI, Section 70, Subsections (h) and
  10-11  (q), of the Texas Constitution are amended to read as follows:
  10-12        (h)  The board of trustees shall establish and operate the
  10-13  fund to the extent practical under the generally accepted business
  10-14  procedures relating to a mutual fund and shall value the
  10-15  investments for determining the purchase or sales price of
  10-16  participating shares of investing funds or systems participating in
  10-17  the fund consistent with investment contracts.  Evidences of
  10-18  participation in the fund shall be held by the comptroller of
  10-19  public accounts <state treasurer> in keeping with the custodial
  10-20  responsibilities of that office.
  10-21        (q)  This section is self-executing and takes effect on its
  10-22  adoption by the voters.  All state officials named in this
  10-23  section<, the state treasurer,> and the comptroller of public
  10-24  accounts shall take all necessary actions for the implementation of
  10-25  this section.  The legislature shall provide by law for full
  10-26  disclosure of all details concerning investments authorized by this
  10-27  section.
   11-1        SECTION 15.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
   11-2  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 1995.
   11-3  The ballot shall be printed to provide for voting for or against
   11-4  the proposition:  "The constitutional amendment abolishing the
   11-5  elective office of state treasurer and requiring the legislature to
   11-6  provide by law for the orderly transfer of the treasurer's powers,
   11-7  duties, property, and obligations to the comptroller of public
   11-8  accounts and other appropriate officers and agencies."